TTtE TIMES,- NEW,BM)pMFIELD, J?A. MAY 8, 1877, THE TIMES. Ioiiil (l)cph,i(tlrcit. ' On and after Non-tube tfth, Trains run M follow! i EASTWARD. l'ntitnrrAt. Stations. J'tn Kx. MalllAtl Mm. Aoo, Tr'n Ja. IhrrlubntWi Kockvllle, Maryavllle, buncaituou, lially'K Newport, Mlllprstown, Tnoinpaout'n. Mexti'o,.. ...... l'ort 11 '!.... Mifflin Lewistown J., Anderson's,... Ml'Vpytowu... N. Hamilton, . Hmitinirilou,.. Tvroue Altnouu, r.m. 1.80 I IT Inn lit) It 13 law tt.m 8.1M1.06 8.85 8.20 ill 1.M 7. Its J.llt 7.07 M 0.87 9.S3 T.M TM1 f .Wl 10.99 D.4il 6. HO 8. Ill 8 III 11.117 11.41 ii .ne 11. m S (V S.18 tl.04i .4o, s.ei 10. (Ml l.0i' 1.97 ill. 10 4 47 .H7 4.1ft 1M I.M1 8. Si) S.IWl 8.15 iM 16 A.M. P.M. P.M nr"Plttbiir Kinriws leave, llarrtsbtirtr at 11.01 p.m. Puncamion 11.8a (flaf); Mwort 11,67 (Hair) Hid ar. rive at I'itlBburK at 8.16 A. M. Phllarlolpliln Express leavea Altoona at 10.00 r. m., Tj'roueat lo.:i:i p. m., llmirinvinu 11.18 p. m., Lnwia town .1., 12. HO a. ill.. Mifflin UMa.m., Harrlsum tWilotnif W.'Ht. Hip Wuy I'lisaenk'er leaves Harrta bnrir Dailv the other trains Iially event Sunday. I f41'tllir i:iit, tile Atliilltle Exi'ri'SsleaveB Altoolia Dully, tlie other trulua l)ally except Sunday. Itriei'ItcmK. Cumberlanil county has tlilrty-one criminals In the .Eastern l'enitentlary. An Exchange says : Young men at York while away the quiet hours or Hunilay pluying cards in the cemetery. V- The citizens of Little Germany, In Bp'ring township, are petitioning for the establishment of a post olHco at that locality. Rye twp., will send two thousand tons of bark to market this spring, and the farmers In that township complain of scarcity of help. Captain JameB Kacy a former resident of Klliottsburg has been appointed sta tion agent at the Bird-in-hand Btation of the P. It. It. A few days ago a stallion owned by Francis Milllken, of Yengcrtown, jump ed out of a barn through a door in the overshot, killing himself by the fall. " Our Band Is now improving rapidly. 'On Saturday evening it discoursed some most excellent new music, which was listened to with much satisfaction. Mr. Jonas Long, of Turkey Valley, Juniata county, had a stroke of par alysis last Saturday, which it was feared would terminate fatally, but at last ac counts he was improving. Itev. George Robinson has accepted the position of Post Chaplain in the U. H. Army, and has been released from the charge of the Presbyterian church at Duncannon. The new summer schedule for the running of freight and passenger trains, on the Penn'altailroad, has been arrang ed and will go into effect on the 13th Inst. . ' VWe sometimes run our job press by foot, ' instead of steam power, much to the disgust of one of our " devils," who in sists upon it that it makes him bow leged., So if the girls notice that defect in either of our boys they will know what causes it. ; . A horse belonging to Wm. Comery, of Bloserville, last Wednesday laid down in bis stable when one foot got through a hole in the weather-boarding, and in his effort to extricate his leg it broke, the accident compelling his owner to kill him. Carlisle Mirror. . On Saturday a week as' Mr. Josiah Kreider, a farmer of South Annville township, Lebanon county, was driving a large boar into a pen, the beast turned on him, and tore a large piece of flesh from his thigh. Several doctors were called, but Mr. Kreider steadily sank, and died the next morning. A safety envelope to prevent" tam pering" with letters has been invented. On the flap the words "attempt to open" are printed with a double set of chemicals, the first impression con- taining nut galls and the second green vitrol. If the flap be steamed or moist ened in any way the magio printing will appear. V Jos. Shuler, Esq., of Liverpool had a singular attack while walking up to this place, from Newport on Tuesday last. He was near to town when his legs gave out entirely. Me met Sheriff William son who brought him to town and when he arrived he was unable even to walk into the house without help. Next day, however, he was all right. "District Attorney McAllister and Wm. Weaver, went to Newport on Saturday night to a show, and had more show! Uian was bargained lor. vvune on me way down the perch of the buggy broke and let the vehicle spread over entirely too much ground. A stick of cord wood, some ropes and a few hard words fixed up things so that they were enabled to reach home In safety. Fisherman's Luck has its changes and variations too. On Saturday last Hon. J. A. Magoe and a friend went fishing to the Millerstown dam, and hod unusu al luck ; not In what they caught but in what they lost. They had tied their horse to a tree In' the woods, after taking him from the carriage. When they were ready to start home, the vehicle and part of the halter was there, but no horse. After a vain search for the animal they walked to Newport and hired a convey ance for home. The horse was found the next day at a farm bouse about a quarter of a mile from where he had been left. i Cheap Curds. In refering to the adver tisements promising cards at a very low price, the American Agriculturist says it has been discovered that . the object Is to secure list of names to U used In WE8TWAKD. WaylMnil Aoo.) 1'uny J'r'u Tr'n A.M. P.mJp.M.1 I. 110 1.3&! I.HU 11 i.W IM '21 1 47 I.U 884 S.M tl.lH DM t.SM' ). 40 004 8 B8j t.M S.20 t.lUI 7.1(1 S.II3 S.ltSI 7.2H 041 S.lsl 7.4(1 S.M 33, 7.H8 inn i. mi; (, no l.MI I II. 14 4.39' 11.411 4.47. 1 13.20 (.31 I. IS 6.5' Ji l.ftK 7.10 P.M. P.M.! 11 mailing circulars for obscene books, lot teries, &o. Parents who have allowed their children to send for the cards, should keep a supervision over the mall matter received by them, and If they must have cards, patronize your home office, where a good Job will be done at as low prices as can be offered. "; A Woman Inoendlary. The Bedford County Press says : On Tuesday night of last week, a double log barn with shed attached, the property of William lams, was destroyed by fire, together with two head of horseB and a lot of grain, hay and harness. It Is stated that for some time a bitter feud existed between Williams lams and his brother Hiram who resides near him. Suspi cion fell upon Hiram, but Investigating the matter It was ascertained that he was not at home on the night of the fire. Later In the day a foot print v was discovered in the immediate neighbor hood where the barn stood and shortly afterward, other tracks were discovered which it Is claimed led to and from Hiram's house. The tracks showed that the boots or shoes had no heels or half soles. Hiram's wife was next sus pected. Her house was examined and it is claimed that her shoes looked as though the heels and soles were freshly torn off. It is also said that the heels and half soles were found in her garden. Upon this circumstantial evidence she was arrested and committed to the Bed ford jail. Her husband and a child about one year of age accompanied her to the County Seat. She as a matter of course, denies the charge and gave bail in $500 for her appearance at the Quar ter Sessions. Singular but Correct. A setting hen, belonging to a lady of tfiis place, having left her nest of fourteen eggs at the end of two weeks, and for some cause or other not returning for a day or so, the owner concluded to try an experiment. Taking the eggs which, after dipping in warm water and carefully wrapping In woolen clothH, were placed under a warm stove, she awaited results. At the ex piration of five days, the experiment proved successful; fourteen young chicks making their appearance from under neath that Btove, looking for their mother. They are in a healthy condi tion, and do not seem to be In the least concerned by what meanB they were saved from destruction. Franklin He poMory. Death from a Kick. Benton Mowah, a young man aged seventeen, died on the 80th u!t.,from the effect of a kick receiv ed, in the pit of the stomach, by a colt. The young man was visiting his brother, who resides at Mr. Sollenberger's near Chambersburg, and was putting the saddle on the animal to go away when the injury was inflicted. roaTbs Times. Items from Blaln. ' be Mr. Editor i Mr. O. W. Oarberof this place has a ball which weighed 875 pounds on the day he was one year old. We do not think that this can be beaten in the connty. Mr. Jacob Miller intends putting up a Cabinet maker shop In town. A Mr. Evans of Chester county is erecting a steam saw mill in town. The wheat crop looks promising in this part of the connty. The Farmers have their oats all sowed, which is growing finely. The Temperance movement has reached our town. Mies Jane Weeden of Medina connty, Ohio, lectured here on last Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings. A great many signed tbo "Murphy Pledge." We have a great reformed whiskey drinker In this township. We think he was the cham pion drinker. He stated on a debate at the " Blaln Excelsior Literary Boclety," on last Wednesday evening, that he drank whiskey for IS years, and he drank a half gallon every day during that time. We made a calculation and allowing 31 gallons to the barrel, we find that John drank a lettle over 88 barrels dur ing that time, and he still lives. We think that John should have the barlow. Axon. Ridpath's History brought down to dute is just the book every American citizen should have who Is not already supplied with a reliable History of the United States. We know of no work that com pares with it in price, and for a one volumed History it is decidedly the best. It is published by Jones Bro'sA Co., of Philadelphia. J. H. Young, is their regularly authorized Agent for this County, and he is now soliciting orders, for their valuable work. it . Notlee to Ladies. Having now opened my Stock of goods for SPUING ' and SUMMER WEAK, I am prepared to ex ecute orders for MILLINERY GOOBS, of all kinds promptly and to guarantee satisfaction. Please call and examine my stock, and see styles and prices. DRESS-MAKING in all its branches done in the best manner, and at short notice. I have all the latest fashions and can suit all who will give me their patronage. HAIR SWITCHES, also made to order. I ask your patronage and promise to use my best endeavors to please my customers. - 1 19 It, L. FERGUSON, Notlee. The subscriber would like to get a job at Blocksmithing. He would rent a shop, or work as a journeyman. Call on or address, Tiios. Kitnkr, May 7, 1877. New Bloomfleld, Pa. Bones Wanted. The undersigned will pay 80 cents per 100 pounds for Clean and Fresh Bones delivered at the Sher mansdale Mills. Ramukl Hubert. Shermansdale, May 8, 1877 It , New Coach and PaintShop. ., tJuncannon lios a New Wagon Shop, Mr. Enoch Baker having opened a Shop where building and repairing of all kinds of vehicles will be promptly at tended to. His prices he guarantees rea sonable, and his work satisfactory. Signs painted, and Ite-polntlng of all kinds, executed In workman-like style Give him a call. He Is located in MayaH'B building, between Main Street and the river. 2t Removal. J. T. Messlmer lias remov ed his Shoe Shop to the room adjoining F. B. Clouser's ohlce, 4 doors west of the PostrOiTlce, where he will make to order Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Repair ing promptly and neatly executed. He will also keep on hand a good assort ment of Boots and Shoes, which he will sell at low prices. Give him a call. 17 New Tailor Shop. The undersigned gives notice to the public that he has opened a shop opposite Rlnesmlth's hotel New Bloomfleld, Pa., in the room formerly used as a confectionary, where he Is prepared to do work in his line promptly, and at reasonable prices. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Give me a call. SAMt'icn Bf.ntzki,. Bloomfleld, May 1, '77 tf. Do You Want One? I have yet several sewing machines which will be sold at half price for rash. If you want a bnr galn, now is your time to get It. F. MortTiMRn. Home ome made ling Carpet only 85 cents yard, at I. Schwartz's per Special Notice. Having added a room for the express purpose of showing car pets oil cloth and wall paper, we ask' persons wanting any of these articles to look at our assortment, tf. F. Mortimer. Snow-Flake Potatoes. The subscriber will sell Snow-Flake Potatoes at one dol lar per peck. Address Mervin A. Cook, 10 3t Centre P.O., Perry co., Pa. Wall Papers. Over 300 designs for IIuIIb, Parlors, Dining-rooms, &c, low as 8 cents up to beautiful tints and Deco rations, at the Carpet Store, 21, East Main St., Carlisle. "TV Above All," Is anew brand of chewing tobacco, and is without a peer for excellence and sweetness. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. B. Hartzell in Gantt's Building. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Window Shades, Matts, Rugs, Hassocks, &c, at the Carpet Store in Carlisle. Ask your merchants for "Above All" Chewing Tobacco. Handsome Parlor Carpet new designs Just received only 85 cents per yard at 1. Schwartz's. Purchasers of Carpets, Wall Papers, Shades, Oil ClotliB and general house furnishing goods of this kind should see the large spring stock at the Carlisle Carpet House, 21, East Main Street. Carpets, Carpets. Beautiful Brussels. 8 ply s and Ingrain, with 30 patterns in Homemade Carpets, Hemps, Halls and Stairs at the Carlisle Carpet House, 21, East Main St., Carlisle. Church Notices. Preaching in the M. E. Church next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching in the Reformed Church od Sunday next at 10 o'clock P. M. Preaching in the Lutheran church next Sabbath at "i o'clock A. M. Presbyterian Church. Preaching next Sabbath at 11 a. m., and 71 p.m. Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock on Wednes day evening. The Christian at Work exchanges Its old office for a much larger and more commodious ofilco In the National Park Bank Building, 214 and 810 Broadway. Since Dr. Wm. M.Taylor has taken the helm as editor-in-chief, the paper has gone on steadily in prosperity, till It Is now obliged to exchange Its offices for those more befitting Its Increasing business. These accommodations It finds at Nos. 214 and 216, in one of the handsomest and best bnlldlngs on Broadway, where, here after, ail exchanges or correspondence for the Christian at Wobx should be addressed. TO CONSUMTIYES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot that dread diseaHe, Consumption, by a simple remedy. Is anxious to make known to Ills fellow sullernrs the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Hure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, HronrhltiH, Uto. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. K. A. WILSON, 2a6mos 194 Penn St., Wtlllumsburgh.New York t3J Iet us be clean, In order that we may be healthy. To be thoroughly so, and to counteract ernptlve tendencies and render the skin white and smoootb, let us use Ulenn's Sulphur Boap. No eruption can withstand It. Depot, Crittenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60 cts 1 8 4 w PIMPLES. I will mall the recipe for " preparing a simple Veoktabi.k Bai.m that will lemove Tan, KRKCKLKH, PIMPLES and Hl-OTCHEa, leaving the skin soft, elrar and beautilult also Instruc tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, en-clos-nx 10 wiiiu, BEN. VANRfcXF & CO., Box 61i!l, ho. 6Woo3ter St., New York. 10a52 6mos. ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOKNT1.EMAN who suffered for years from Nervous lability. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion will, for the Rake of suffering hxmanily, send free to all who need It, the reoipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured, biitferers wishing to prohf by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing In perfect eonndence. JOHN B. OUDKN, 42 Cedar bt. New York. 10aTi26meH. Philadelphia Produoe and Stock Report., May (.The week has been one of dull trade. 1" rices of grain and flour have fallen somewhat, and there Is an evident feeling that the advance has nen mostly speculative. We quote ftourdull7Niti.'s0;Whiat. unsettled with little demand, 21kZ17i Uorn. 65067: Kye, luoeioftj Oats In better demand 61;6; Cioverseed, l; 516. Present Ktock quotations are s Fenn'a. K. It.. SljKeading, 1 ; Lehiuh Valley, 1'Uil'a. & Crie. 1JH; Nor. Ciutral, ; Gold. 107. E. F. Hankie's Blltor Wine of Iron. , Has never been known to fall la the enre of weakness, attended with symptoms. Indisposi tion to exertion loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weakness, horror of dis ease, weak, nervous trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, weakness dimness of vision, languor universal lassltnde of the muscular system, enormons appetite, with dyspepllo system, hot hands, flushing or the body, dryness of the skin, pallid coun tenance and ernntlnns on the face, purifying the blood, pain In the back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequent black spots flying before the eyes with temporary suffusion and loss of sight j want of attention, etc. These symptoms all arise from a weakness, and to remedy that use K. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. It never falls. Thousands are now enjoying health who have used It. Get the genuine. Sold only in 91 bottles. Take ouly K. F. Kunkel's. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. This truly valnable tonic has been so thorough ly tested by all classes of tho community that It Is now deemed Indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purifies the blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable tonic. Price ft per bottle. E. F. KUNKEL, Bole Proprietor, No. 2.19 North Ninth St., below Vino, Philadelphia, Pa. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. A photograph of the proprietor on each wrapper, all others are counterfeit. Beware of counterfeits. Do not let your druggists sell you any but Kunkel's, which is put up only as above represented. You can get six bottles for ?5. All I ask is one simple trial. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Head and all complete In two hours. No fee till bead passes. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel's, 259 North Ninth St. Advice free. No Fee natil head and all passes in one, and alive. Dr. Kunkel Is the only successful physician in this country for the removal cf Worms, and his Worm Syrup Is pleasant and safe for children or grown persons. Send for circular or ask for a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrup. Price 91 a bottle. Gut it of your druggists. It never fails. 18 4 w. The celebrated "Capital Lead, which is unequalled for whiteness and durabil ity always on hand and for sale by tf. F. Mortimer. County Price Current. Bloomfibld. May 7, 1877. Kl ax-Seed 1 tt Potatoes fl20 Butter V pound, (fresh roll) 18 Packed Butter V pound, " 10 Eggs V dozen 10 " Dried Apples V pound 2'A cts" Dried Peaches 8 012 cts. Cherries .'. 0 60 cts. " " Pittell, 00 00 cts. ' Blackberries, 0 0 cts. " JNEWPOBT MARKETS, t Corrected: Weekly bv Kougb Brother.) DIALERS IN GKAIN Ac PIIODUCK Nswpobt, May 5, 1 77. Flour, Extra t8 75 " Super 00 White Wheat V bu 190 a I'M Bed Wheat, IKOl K Kye SSffiM Corn 48 O50 Oats V 82 pounds, 40!0 Clover Seed. 0O8 SO Timothy Heed 1 50 Flax Seed 1 00 Potatoes, 13091SO Bacon 8 O 13 Dressed Hogs, Ground Alumn 8alt 1 401 40 Llmeburner's Coal 1 15 Stove Coal 4 00 O 450 Pea Coal 3 60 Gordon's Food per Back 12 00 FISH, SALT, L1MK AND COAL, Of all kinds always on hand and tor sale at the uowest Mamei nates. 4V Five per cent off tor Cash. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET.' OORRICTBD weekly. WOODWARD & BOBB, Carlisle, May 5. 177. Family Flour - 18.75 Superfine Rye Flour 8.50 White Wheat, new 2 00 Red 2.00 Rye 85 Corn, (new) 8 Oats t 43 Cioverseed 8.00 a 8.00 Tlmothyseed, .... TVt A.TUUAOEH. Bhkninoer Droi.ijbauoh On the 1st Inst., by the Rev. Isaac Eby at his residence, Mr. (ieo. Brenlngerof Juniata county, Pa,, to Mrs. Mary Drollsbaugh. of Perry county. Pa. Arnold Miluken At the Upper Tuscarora Parsonage, on the 26th ult., by Rev. J. E. Keiirns, tiaines n. Arnuiu, ui vvaieriuo w Alice Ji. Milll ken, ot McCeysvllle. T rn Anvil ')!.. U n rn-rti. Van,- ... I ... A. John K. Lantz, near Thompsontown, aged 50 years, s momn ana i aay. Rows On the27thnf April, at Oakland Mills. Juniata county, Mr. David Kowe, aged 37 years ana o u-ys. jie was loriueny 01 Liverpool, IU19 county. Fbbeman On the 23d nit. In Savllle township, Mr. Peter Freeman, aged 79 years and 14 days. Harmon On the 26th ult.. In Greenwood township. Mrs. Hannah ilarman, aged 64 years auu it uaja. flAUTION. The subscriber hereby gives no- V- uce mat hih wue naa mic nis oeo and Doara without lust provocation, aud cautions the nubllo not to trust her on his account as he will pay no aeuiiiui jier cuuiraciiuu. , ADAM W1THEROW. Penn township, May 1, 1877. "VTOTICBIs herebv etven that tis board of JX Pardons for the State of Pennsylvania nave grantea a re-neariug in tue case oi Jonn v. Baker, of Perry county, which will bo bad on Tuesaay me oiu aay oi dune. xn at narrisnurg. JUay B, 1BI I . VY U.AJA M ttAHlLK. ESTATE NOTICE Notice It herebyglven, that letters of administration on the estate of Nicholas Reislnger, late of Savllle two., Perry county, Pa., dee d., have been granted to the un dersigned residing in Tuscarora and Savllle twps.. All persons indemed to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated lor set tlement. A. H. KERR, Tuscarora two. DAVID RE1SINUKR. rlaville twp. May 1st, 1877. Administrators. QE0RGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. BLAIN. PEltltY COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection ot claims, and any other business entrusted to hi m will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April, llHh. 1877. UNI oomie oil chmmn. Tall, mounted, worth Mr. 1 la n pk love oaruji, 1 pack comic euv.oi&, 1 ik oomie cants, 1 nk atiroll, I S4ii book Fuu, au arnt for ouly too, ai'pa. Morally Co., MMiLVooro, llaaa. UMw BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY -.of): -J ( . ; AT Engle's. Temple , of Fashion, NEWPORT, PA. bomf, of my rmcKB. Corsets 40 cents. 2 Button Kid Oloves ( " 8 Turkish Towels, .2.1 " Large Counterpanes fO " Clark's Cotton 6 " Ladles' Silk Tie ,.,.15 " 3palr Splendid Hose, .....15 " My Millinery Eepartmant i3 Complete. All the Latest Styles of HATS and BONNETS. . Bleaehlnu and Pressliur done I'romntlvnt tnaitlUHX I'KICK. Miss Bell's Old Stand, 19 It TJKwroirr, v. $200,000 Worth of Gold l'lated Jewelry. For 11 we will send, as below, all WARRAN TS) GOLD PLATED. 1 Pair (iold Stone Sleeve Buttons i 1 pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons; 1 set roiniea minis; i set Aineinysc tunas; i weeding ring, 1 Engraved Band Finger ring. 1 Amethyst Stone Ring. Inlaid with gold. 1 Klegant Ring, ninrlteil l'Pripii,lshln 11 Amettivaf HtmiA kiart Ring, inlaid with gold;l splendid Slivered Hat Pin, 1 set Lndias' Jet and Gold Pin and Drops, 1 Misses' set Jet and Dold.l Ladles' Bet. Ornamen ted, 1 set Handsome Rose buds Eardrops,! (Jent' Elegant Lake George Diamond Stud, 1 Cardinal Red Bead Necklace, 1 Pair Ladies Amethyst Stone Ear Drops. Inlaid with Gold, 1 Ladies' Or namented Jet Brooch, 1 Fancy Kcarf Ring and; Elegant Watch Chain. Take your choice the en tire lot of 2u pieces, sent post paid for 81, or any 8 pieces you choose for 50 cents. Now Is the time to make money. These goods can easily be Re tailed (or fill. F. STOCKMAN, 85 Bond fit, N. Y.. His reputation fur honesty, fair dealing, and liberality Is uiineqiialed by any advertiser in this city, N. . Day Book, Deo. 10, 1876. ISJ-lin- PATENTS. . Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55. Patent Office Fee 185 In advance, balance 120 within 6 months after patent allowed. Advice aud examination n ee. Patents Sold. J. VANCB LKWIH&CO., 10-3m Washington, D. (1 ANNUAL STATEMENT of Supervisors' Account with Tuscarora township, Perry eouuty, Pa., for the year 1476. DR. SAMUEL FRY, Supervisor. To amount of Duplicate assess ed for 1876, $1,096 41 By amount brought from settle ment due township, 1875, 65 02 f 1,151 43 CR. Total amount of work done, fftl G7 Bspervisors' time, 118 5o Incidental Expenses. V) Percentage on outstanding money, 12 06 Exonerations, 29 91) Voucher Issued to A. Fry, sen, 14 89 do do to J. Campbell, 29 M 11,096 41 Amount due township from 8. Fry, GEORGE BICE. Supervisor. ' DR. i5 02 Amount of Dapllcate for 1876, tgsi 79 Balance per on outstanaing money, 17 855 11 CR. Total amount of work done, tfcM 28 Supervisor's time, 1U3 50 Exoneiatlnns, 4 (8 By amount work done by team and hands. 83 61 . 11(172 97 855 11 Amount due Geo. Rice from tp.1217 86 A. II. KERR, Supervisor. DR. ( Amount of Duplicate for 1875, f in 4'. CR. Amount of work done not Inclu ding Supervisor's time, 8225 80 Supervisor's own account 6150 Three days' auditing and Per centage, 7 80 Amount work done In 1675 and - auditing accounts 24 48 $119 f Amount due township from A.H. Kerr, tiS 87 DR. i J. R BLACK, Supervisor. Amount of Duplicate for I7 j, tTOl 28 CR. Amount of work done, 425 49 Supervisor's time, 31 5o Paid for Wedges, &c. S 15 - Error on Duplicate, 14) Exonerations, II ul Work done since day cf last set tlement, 15 60 Three days' time meeting audi tors, 4 50 Percentage on individual time, 1 93 Balance Percentage on moury to collect for 1874. 1195 Paid to A. Fry, sen., 25 IK) do do J arues Campbell, 5u 00 1594 to Amount due township from J. R. Black, 1100 W WE. the underlined Auditors of Tuscarora township, Perry county, Pa., met at School Housn No. 5, anadld audit and adjust the foregoing ac counts of said township, being dHly sworn ac cording to law, do certify that the above accounts are correct. WM. H. 8WARTZ, GEO. 8. BUCHEK, ROWS HKNCH, Henry Baiter, Township Clerk. I Auditors. May 1, 1877. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue ot an alias order Issued out of th Court of Common l leasof Perry county, to the uuderslgned assignee of Andrew J. Burd and wife for the benent of creditors, be will expose to pub lic Sale on the premises ON SATURDAY. THE th DAY OF MAY, 1877. at one o'clock P. M., a certain kit ol ground loca ted In Penn township, Perry couoty. Pa., adjoin ing Duncannon Borough, lot of J. W. Young, Lincoln street, and an alley said lot being u feet wide, and 176 feet deep havtn thereon erected A LARGE. NEW, TWO-STORY J-s-a FRAME HOUSE. &c This property ad- f Joins the nourishing borough of Duncan- I i"3 non. and wii I make a plea.saat and denira- -"-. ble home, for any one desiring to purchase. TERMS OF SALE: Ten percent, to be paid when the property Is strlrken on. one thiid of tha balance on the 1st ot April, 187s, at which llm a deed will be delivered and possession given. Th balance In two ual annwal payments, with in terest to be secured by Judgment bonds. . .SOLOAIOX B1UHAM. May 1,187.. Aasicuec