THE TIMES, NEW HLOOMFIELD, PA., APML 21,1877. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. November2StIi 1870. TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBUItG AS F0LL0W8 1 For New York. at 6.S0, l.lfl . m. S.00 and For Philadelphia, t 5.20, 8.10, tf.4fl a.m.t.OO '"KorRVdlng. at 6.20, 1.10, M5 a. m. 2.00 J. 67 and T.M p. m. . . For Pottsvlfie at S.20. 8.10 a.m.. and H.STp. m.. and via BcUuylklll andHusqueliannaBranob at 2.40 B. m. For Auburn at 5.10 a. m. For Allentown, at .2. 2.10 a. in., 1.00, ''ThVlWlol: m.2.00 p.m. and T.Mp.m. .trains hare through car; for New York. The 8.20, 8.10 a. in., and 100 p. m. trains have through oars for Philadelphia. 8UNDAYS ! For New York, at ft.20 a. m. For Allentown and Way Station at 5.20a.m. For Heading, Philadelphia aud Way Stations at 1.45p. in. TRAINS FOR IIARRISBT'liG, LEAVE A8 FOL LOWS s Leave Mew York, at 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 8.80 and 7.4!n. iu. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. m. 5.40, and 7.2c p. ni. Leave Reading, at 4.40,7.40, 11.20a. m. 1.30,6.15 and 10.8S p. m. Leave Pottsvllle, at 8.15, 9.15 a. m. and 4.35 p. m. And" via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 1.05 a.m. , . Leave Aulmrn at 12 noon. lave Allentown, at ISO, 5,80,1.65 a. m., 12.16 4.31 and B.00 p. m. , m . The 2. 80 a.m. train from Allentown and the 4.40 a. ni. train from Reading do not run on Mou- " BCNDAY8 i ' Leave New York. at3.H0 p. ra. Leave Philadelphia, at T.'20 p. m. .... Leave Reading, at 4.40, 7.40a. m. and 10.88 a. m. Leave Allentown, 2.80 a. in. and 9.00 p. m. Via Morrie and Essex Rail Road. J. E. WOOTRN, Men. Manager. C. G. IUhcock, General Ticket Agent. Pennsylvania K. It. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On and after Monday, Not. 27th, 1876, Fas senjer trainswlll run as follows: EAST. 1 Mlffllntown Ace. 7.19 a. m., dally except Sunday. Johnstown Express 12.22 P. M., dally " Sunday Mail, 6.f4 p. m., daily exeeptsunday Atlantic Express, 10.02 p.m., flag, daily. WEST. Way Pass. 9.08 A. v., daily. Mail 2.88 p. m. dally exeeptsunday. Mlllllntown Ace. 6.55 P. M. daily except Sunday. Pittsburgh Express, 11.67P. M., (Flag) dally, ex- cept Sunday. Paclllo Express, 5.10 a. m.. dally (flag) Trains are now run by Philadelphia time, which la 13 minutes faster than Altoona time, and 4 min utes slower than New York time. J.J.BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. ' On and after Monday, Nov. 27th, 1876, trains will leave Duncaunon. as follows i EASTWARD. Mlffllntown Aco. daily except Sunday at 7.53 a. m. Johnstown Express 12.53P. M.,daly exeeptsunday. Mail 7.30 P. M " Atlantic Express io.29 P. if.',' dally (flag) WESTWARD. Way Passenger, 8.J8 a.m., daily Mall. 2.04 p. M, dalfyexeeptSunday. Miltlintown Aco. daily exoept Sunday at 6.1AP.M. Pittsburg Ex. daily except Sunday (flag) ll.gfr. M. I WM. O. KINO Agent. F. QUIGLEY & CO" Would respectfully Inform the publlo that they have opened a new - - Saddlery Shop in Btoomfleld. on Carlisle Street, two doors North of the Foundry, where they will manufacture HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, ; Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and every thing usually kept In a tint class es tablishment. Give us a call before going else where. 3. FINE HARK EtiS a speciality. REPAIRING done on short notice and at rea sonable prices. . . tor HIDES taken In exchange for work. D. F. QUIGLEY CO. Bloomfteld, January 9, 1877. VIOK'S Flower and Vegetable Warden is the most beautiful work la the world. It contains nearly ISO pages, hundreds of line I lustrations, and six Chromo Plates of Flower beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 60 cents In paper eovers ; 81.00 In elegaa cloth. Printed In German and English. Vick Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a yea Vlck's Catalogue 800 Illustrations, only 2 cent Address, JAMES VIOK, Rochester, N. Y. VICE'S Flower and Vegetable Seeds t ABB PLANTED BY A MTUJOK OP PKOPI.B ID AMERICA, See Vlck's Catalogue K) Illustrations.only I cents. Vlck's Floral Guide. Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vlck's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents i with elegant cloth cover 11.00. All my publications are printed in English and German. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Cnn AGENTS WANTED to canvass for a wvV GH4ND fictuhs, 22x28 inches, entitled "THB IlXUSTKATCU LORD'S PBATBH." AgSUtS are meeting with great success. For particulars, address ' H. M . CR1DEK, Publl sher, 48 ly York, Fa. REMOVAL, ' The undersigned has removed his Leather and Harness Store from Front to Hlirh street, near the Penn'a,, Freight Depot, where he will have on hand, and will sell at REDUCED PRICES, Leather and Harness at all kinds. Having good workmen, and by buying at the lowest cujA prices, I fear no competition. Market prices paid In cash for Bark. Hides and Skins. Thankful for past favors, 1 solicit a con tinuance of the same. P. a Blankets, Bobes, and Shoe- findings made a speciality, JOS. M. HAWLEY. Duncanaon. Jlyl9. 1876.-tf VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely Illustrated, and I containing an elegant colored Flower Plat ' with the tint number. Price only 26 cents for year. The nrst Ho. tot 1871 iuat Issued la Uer man and English. ' Vlck's Flower and VeireUble Garden. In paper SO cents: with eleuant olotli ivn ii.wi. Vlck's Catalogue 3(i0 llliwtratlons, only 2entS Enigma Department. JTi nnswr mtist nrcomponv oil articlri sent or imbticationin thit department. D7 Answer to Cross-Word Enigma In last week's Timbs i "Mississippi River." WRITING FOR A PASS. THE following correspondence be tween the superintendent of an asylum for the feeble minded In Illinois and a Well-known railroad superintend ent touches up the pass question : Dear Sir : You sent me a few days since a half-fare permit, which please full j permit me to thank you for. Half fare permits are usually sent to preachers and perhapB you have mistaken my calling. At all events as you have classified me with preachers (though I am not one) I will take the liberty of quoting Scripture to you and of drawing such conclusions from said Scripture as seem applicable to our relation to each other. If my authorities are Inapplicable and imy conclusions unsound, please remem ber that the principal of an asylum for feeble-minded children is trying to preach, because an individual labelled Strong, very early In life by his parental or maternal ancestor, has insinuated that he is a preacher. I respectfully call your attention to the following passages of Scripture : Exodus, 6, 10" With a strong hand shall let them go. . Judges, 14, 4 Out of the strong came forth sweetness. II. Chronicles, IS, 9 Strong in behalf of them. (Half in this case means, not the half I now have, but the other half of the permit, so that I shall have a full free pass for the year.) Psalms, 81, 28 He bath shewed me his kindness in a strong 1. Kings, 2, 2 Be strong and show thyself a man. I. Sam., 4, 10 (Wm,) B(e) Strong and quit yourself like a man. I. Cor., 4, 10 We are weak, but you are strong. Jere.j 15,14 I' will make thee to pass. Ezeklel, 37, 2 And caused me to pass. Joshua, 22, 19 Then pass over. Special comment is unnecessary. If the above passages do not find or reach some responsive chord in your bosom, other language will of course utterly fall to impress you. A few practical applications, and I am done. First What I want, and I think you might send me, is an annual pass over the Michigan Central Railroad and Great Western (if In your power), be cause Samuel, Jeremiah, Ezeklel, Joshua and Judges plainly instruct you to do so (as I construe them). Secondly. The aforesaid roads will not lose anything by it, but probably gain, for if I have this pass It is more than likely that I shall go East once or twice this year and take parties with me, who will otherwise go by the Tole do, Wabash and Western, and the Lake Shore, If they are deviated from that course to accompany me. Thirdly and lastly (in order that I may, as Mr. Moody recommended to the preachers of Philadelphia, not exceed thirty minutes in my discourse and lose something of its power by excessive length), I would suggest that I desire to operate upon Michigan, to see If I can not stimulate them to build an asylum for idiots. I have succeeded in getting the Legislature of Illinois to give $165,. 000 for a new building for its asylum ; and as this is the process of construc tion, I would like to visit the charitable institutions in Michigan, Canada, and the East, to see what should be done to make ours what it ought to be. I can not go unless I get passes. You probably can, if you will, get me the aforesaid, but if you do not, in the hereafter when you are seeking a free pass to the better world, look out that somebody don't send you a half-way permit and. land you considerably short of your desire.. (Pardon me." THE REPLY. Dear Sir : My absence from the city last week prevented a prompt answer to yours of the 2nd inst. . It Is an old experience that the Scripture can be made to sustain any doctrine or dog ma if it be ingeniously applied, but I confess that I was astonished at such an array of texts upon which to base a claim for travel over our road, and the more so because in sending you the half fare permit I thought I was complying strictly with the most liberal offers of transportation to be found in the Bible. Early In the history of the Jews we find the account of their emigration from Egypt, aud certainly going In such numbers they would be entitled to as low a rate of fare as could be consistent ly asked by or granted to any one ; yet In the 13th'verae of the 20th chapter of Exodus I find the -following : " This they shall give every one that passes a half." If this does not cover the case, I know where to look for authorities. In one of your citations you refer to w'mt vnii am nlpftBed to fall "the other half " of the permit which I sent you. I fear that it would be of little service, since our conductors,belrig betfer versed in mathematics than theology, would be sure to collect full fare from any one traveling on two half-fare permits. But to convince you that I looked to Holy Writ as an authority for declining free passes, permit me to quote a few precepts on the subject of passenger transportation which I find in its pages, beginning with such as seem especially addressed to the passenger : I. Kings, 20, 89 Thou, shalt pay. II. Kings, 4, 7, 8 : Sahiuel 1, 6, 7-Go and pay. Eccleslasles, 6, 4 Defer not to pay. Exodus, 21, 18 He shall pay. Kings, 14, 80 He that does not pay shall not pass. Exodus 21, 80 He shall surely pay. Numbers, 20, 18 Thou shalt not pass. With the follewing from the third verse of the first chapter of Jonah, showing that passes were no easier to procure then than now : " But he paid the fare and went," set ting an example still worthy of im itation, In addition to the precepts to the pas senger, I find the following injunctions to the railroad manager : Judges, 8, 28 Suffer not a man to pass. Nahum, 1, 15 The wicked no more pass. Isaiah, 84, 10 None shall ever pass. Matthew, 24, 84. 8: Mark 18, 20 This generation shall not pass. The following from the prophet Jere miah, 51, 42 "Although they roar yet shall they not pass. Perhaps after this array of Scripture authority I shall not be justified in sending the annual pass desired,' yet I find my sympathies stronger than my theology, and so having overwhelmed you with my citations, and convinced you that a concordance Is an article as well-known In Chicago as In Jackson ville, I take pleasure in sending you the pass requested. ANECDOTES OF JUDGE MACKEY. IN COURSE of a recent conversation Judge Mackey oC South Carolina re lated the following incident, as having come under his judiclul observation in his administration of justice, which, owing to the peculiar condition of socie ty In his circuit, Is partly statutory and partly patriarchal in its nature. The Judge said that some two or three years ago, while holding court at Wlnnsboro, he noticed a girl of wonderful beauty at the country tavern where he put up, and, upon inquiry con cernlng herdearn ed that she belonged to a family living there, related to the tavern keeper and of the class usually termed in South Carolina " poor whites." He learned that she was soon to be married to a young man of her own class, and he took so much Interest in her fortunes that he Bent her a wedding present. About six months afterward the judge was Journeying by rail from one court to another in his circuit, and met this girl on the cars. She was dressed In deep mourning and seemed in great af fliction. The judge approached and Inquired what had happened. She said she was going to her husband's birthplace to bury him and that the corpse was in the baggage-car. In reply to a remark that the death seemed to have been very sud den the girl began to cry and told the judge that she had killed her husband by accident. She said they had lived quite happily together for about four months, when she discovered that be was surreptitiously visiting and corres ponding with a young woman who lived several miles away. She had ascertain ed these facts by intercepting some of the correspondence. As soon rb the husband found out that his amour had come to the knowledge of bis wife he re solved to murder her. So one mornlug be ordered his breakfast early, announc ing his Intention to drive to a town sev eral miles distant from York, where they lived. Just as they were sitting down to breakfast he sent his wife for some bread and in her absence emptied into her coffee-cup arsenic enough to kill half a dozen people. But as she was return lng to the table his horses, which were hitched at the door, became restive and began to pull at their halters. He rush ed from the table and went out to attend to them. While he was gone the wife noticed some coffee grounds or other Impurities floating in her husband's eup ; and, woman like, took it herself, setting her own cup, which was clear, by his plate He then came in and ate his own break fast. As he rose from the table and be gan to put on his overcoat, he was seized with a oamp in the stomach, succeeded by violent pains, dlezluess and utter prostration. The wife, alarmed, as sisted him to a lounge and sent a negro boy for the doctor ,who lived a few doors away. The doctor came In a few min utes, and pronounced it a case of poison ing as soon as lie saw the symptoms. After a few moments of examination of the patient, the doctor said the case was hopeless, owing to the corrosion of the walls of the stomach, which had al ready taken place, that he could allay the pain while the sufTerer lived, but that was all. ' Upon the ministration of the anodyne the patient recovered his speech and lived several minutes in a conscious state, during which he made ft confes sion, and Called the doctor and other neighbors who had come in to witness the facts as above stated. A pot mortem was held, and a Verdict rendered by the coroner's Jury in accordance with the confession of the dying man and the testimony of the- physician and other Witnesses. The facts are of Judicial record in Judge Mackey's court. If they had been put in the form of a plot in a romance, critics would have declared them too incredible to be made the basis of a fiction professing to represent the possibilities of poetlo Justice in real life. Another incident was even more re markable. One morning, said the judge, as I was opening court, Colonel In graham, a planter whom I had known for many years, stepped up to the barj accompanied by his nephew, a boy of thirteen. This boy was the son of Ma jor Crawford of the Confederate army, who fell at Qettysburg. He was a pale, slender little fellow,qulte effeminate and unusually bashful. Indeed, said the judge, he acted more like a girl than a boy. Colonel Ingraham addressed the court and said : " I am here for the pur pose of surrendering this boy Into the custody of the officers of the law. He shot and killed his stepfather last night." The judge then proceeded to state the circumstances as follows: Some time after the close of the war Mrs. Craw ford, the boy's mother, married for her second husband a man named Legge. She had a daughter two or three years older than the boy who was before the court. They lived pleasantly enough on the plantation owned by Mrs. Crawford until the girl became about fourteen, when Legge effected her ruin. . After the intimacy had continued some time Mrs. Legge discovered that her husband had seduced her daughter, but, to prevent scandal, the affair was hushed up on condition that Legge should leave the State and never return. He left, and after he had been gone some time Judge Mackey granted a divorce upon petition of the lady, who resumed her widowed name of Crawford. About a year and a half after these events Legge returned suddenly and presented himself at Mrs. Crawford's residence just after dark. The house stood at some distance from any other dwelling,' and on the occasion of Legge's return Mrs. Crawford had no one with her except this boy, the unfortunate girl and an old negress Legge entered the house, and said he had come to get the girl and take her away with him. He displayed a re volver, and commanded the negro ser vant to pack up the girl's trunk imme diately, as he intended to take her away with him that night, he having brought ,a carriage for that purpose. Legge paid no attention to the boy, who, while his mother was expostula ting with the wretch, quietly went into his mother's room. On a shelf in an old secretary in that room were several mementoes of MaJorCrawford. Among them was his old revolver, which had been preserved just as it was unbuckled from the body of the dead officer upon the field where he fell. Three barrels had been discharged at Gettysburg, and the other three remained loaded with the same charges and capped with the same caps that had been put there by Crawford before be went into battle. In this condition the revolver had lain thir teen years, and now it was in the hands of the dead soldier's son who,I believe, Judge Mackey said, had been born after Crawford left his home for the last time to avenge the wrong that had been done to his little girl. The boy crept out of his mother's room, and, as soon as he saw Legge, shot him through the head, killing him Instantly. Judge Mackey heard the boy's state ment and then said : You may go back to your mother,who needs your protection. You will be in dicted by the Grand Jury, and when your trial occurs I will let you know, because it is necessary that a prisoner on trial for homicide should be present dur ing his trial." The Judge then directed the district attorney to present the, indictment in the usual forru. upon information, and the day was set for trial. The boy ap pered .accompanied by Colonel Ingraham and his mother. After the usual formali ties of arraignment the judge said to the boy: "Please write upon a piece of paper the words 'not guilty.'" The boy did as directed, aud the piece of paper was handed to the judge. The district attorney then asked the mother of the boy a few questions relative to the circumstance of the shooting, and an nounced that the case on the part of the State was closed. The revolver which had done the work was then pro duced by Colonel Ingraham, and Mrs. Crawford said it bad not tieen reloaded in thirteen years. The trial thus consumed, perlisps,half an hour, when Judge Mackey rose to charge the Jury. This charge was an argument in behalf of the boy, the force and pathos of which could not be im agined by any one who has never heard the judge speak. At its conclusion he handed to the foreman of the jury the piece of paper on which the boy had written the words, " not guilty," and said, " You will now render a verdict in accordance herewith." The Jury, without leaving their seats, returned a verdict "in accordance there with." Such is the semlBtatutory,seml- palrlarchal dispensation of Justice by Judge Mackey in the ' Mountain clr cult of South Carolina." BAMBOO. BAMBOO is found in Asia and in the West Indies, but is more extensively cultivated and used in China than in any other country. The Chinese reckon endless varieties of it, one native botanist enumerating no less than 63. . The bam boo occupies an intermediate place be tween grasses proper and trees. Like all grasses it is nourished from the pith. It usually grows to a height of 40 to 60 feet ; beyond that length it is regarded as extraordinary. In diameter It varies from 1 to 8 inches, and in the distances between the Joints from 4 to 0 inches in some varieties, and in others, highly prized, from 4 to 6 feet. The leaves are small and oval. It is always propagated by suckers, for it requires thirty . years or more to reach the blossoming period, when the plant produces a vast quantity of seed and dies. Planting is generally done in the spring and fall, and requires very slight cafe, but four or five years elapse before a plantation is considered fit to cut. The bamboo may indeed be styled , the national plant of China, and the uses to which it is put by the natives are almost innumerable. The young and tender sheets are boiled and eaten, or preserved by confectioners, and as sweetmeats are delicious. The roots serve many curious purposes, and the tubes are in constant use in many departments of human Industry. They furnish material for the constructions of aqueducts, fences, water wheels, masts, boxes, furniture, 'fans, umbrellas, hats, cups, measures, spear-handles, paper and many other articles, and the pith is used instead of lampwick. y The natives of Sumatra write on small polished joints of bamboo, about an inch in diameter, beginning at the top and descending spirally to the bottom, and in Burmah the bamboo is so extensively used in the construction of houses that large cities, such as Ransoom and Prome are built almof t entirely of bamboo. And the houses, being lashed together, not nailed, are easily taken apart and removed if necessary. But one species of bamboo is found in America, north of Mexico ; none in Europe, and but one is native of Africa. nuiuer numanuo. Ten years ago a handsome young man -passed through Monticello, Kentucky, and was noticed by a young girl sitting at the window of the most aristocratic house of the town. She fell In love with him at first sight. She had wealth, cul ture and beauty. He was poor, and was then on his way to seek fortune as a cat tle herder in .Texas. After many ups and downs he found himself the owner of a silver mine in New Mexico. The girl bloomed Into a ' rarely beautiful woman, with literary ability, and be came a contributor to the Apostolic Timet. She learned who the uncon scious object of her fancy was, and they corresponded throughout the ten years. She never wrote a -word of her personal attractions or family, nor did he speak of bis good fortune. A few weeks ago he wrote her prosposlng marriage, and soon followed bis letter to her Ken tucky home, where he saw her for the first time. Recently they were married and Miss Annie Berry ,that was, learned on reaching Silver City that her bus band, II. 1$. Met calf, was the greatest capitalist in New Mexico. 3 A portion of the great meteor which passed over nothern Vermont a few weeks ago is reported found near the town of Jay, embedded about four feet in the earth. It is said to have the ap pearance of iron ore Java and soapstone, and to weigh about two tons. Report says this is the largest a;rolite ever dis covered in this country. , , ., T Who would believe that the fash ion of a lady's dress, 850 B. C, was very much the same as it is now, A. D., 1S77 "t But here is the evidence from Ilesiod, (Works andDays.partl.) In bis counsels on marriage he says : " Let do fair woman tempt thy sliding mind With garments garnered In a knot behind." n 1 1 r. . i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers