THE TIMES, NEW KLOOMFIELD, PA;, AHUL IT, 1877. Tho Bloomflcld Times STJ3A.M job office; IS THE PLACE TO GET i Plain ami Fancy SALE BILLS, TAMPULETS, LETTE1UIEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS,, TICKETS, BILLHEADS, &C, &C, &C., &c. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. ALL SCALES. D LB. MAKYANRKTII, 1). V. DKRH and JAMBS H. GKIJK known as "The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large simply ot Buoy's Patent COUNTER 8CALK, tlw Simplest, Cheap estand best Counter Kcaleln Hie market. For Scales, or Agencies tn Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Ball Scale Company," l'ottsvllle, Schuylkillcoiinty. Fa. t9m for Scales or Agencies In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be seen and examined any time. J LKIHY & BRO., Newport, 1'erry CO., Pa. FltANK MORTIMER, Otf New Bloomheld. lerryoo..ra. A CAKD. To all who are suirerlng from the errors and Indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FKER OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary tn South America. Send a self ad dressed envelope to the Kev. Jose T. Inman, Ktation D, Bible House, New York City. 16b ly Late Immene Discoveries by STANLEY and oth ers are Just added to the only complete Life and Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks anions the most heroic figures of the Century, and this bonk Is one of the most attractive, fascinating, richly Illus trate! and instructive volumes ever Issued. Ileing the only entire and authentic life, the mil lions are eager for it. and wide awake agents are wanted quicklv. For proof and terms address HUBBARD BROS.. Fublisheia, 733 Sansom Street, i'hiladelphla. 60 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that James Irvine and wife of Seville township, 1'erry county. Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment nave assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said James Irvine to Thos. H. Milllgau, of the borough of Newport, county and state aforesaid, In trust for the benefit of the creditors of the said James Irvine. All persons therefore Indebted to slid said James Irvine, will make payment to the will assignee, and those having claims or demands the nuke fciowa the sa il tins del iv. THOS. II. MILLIGAN, January SO, 1ST". Assignee. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby gives no tice to all persons indebted to him. that their accounts must be settled on or IWore the first of March. After that no further Indulgence will be granted. CHRISTIAN STOUFFEK. fcaertnansdale, Jan, 9, 1877. pd GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Sterling Remedy Foit Diseases and Ikjuribs of the Skin; 'AHealthkui. Ekactifieu op tiw Complexion; A Re lubxe Means of Pint venting and RE LIEVING RHEUMATISM AND GOUT, AND AN TJHKO.UAI.ED DfSlNKECTAKT, DiSODGIUEKR ASD CoDSTlin lnitlTANT. f. J' -n Glenn's Sulphur Soap, besides cmdl eating loral (lipases of tliu akin, batiMies detecm of the complexion and imparts to it gratifying clearncai and amootlinami. Sulphur Batis aro ccleliralert fur cu ring eruptions huJ other diseases of (lie kkiu, as well us RUi uinnti-in anil Gout, (Henri1 a Sulphur Soap produces the same it'llcets at a moil trifling expense. Tliis admirable specific also siweilily limb tore. bruLtt. lealdi, lurnt, terrain unti cuts. It-renive dandruff and prevents the liair from fulling out ana turning gray. Clolhins and linrn uwl !n tlio sick room is disinfected, and diseases communicable Iy contact with tbo person, prevented Ly it. The Medical Fraternity sanction ltd use Pbick, 25 and BO Okntu peb Cakb, ra , liox, (3 Cares,) 00c and f l.w. R. S. Bay Um Urji cVm and thorehy eeoaoralw. gold . vy an trttc(iu. "Hill's Hair and WuUkerIye,M Mack r Browa, Wc. . . . CLR.CLITIEMOS. PropV. 7 6iitb At. K.T. IT r0r$ VR''M WEED K O Ik M; bo .9 CD CO op " CENTENNIAL' jj "GENERAL FAVORITE" for Manufacturing . SUPEltlOll TO ALL IN ,'''' Simplicity,' Efficiency, Durability, Strength and Lightness. HOOD AGENTS WASTED." SEND WEED SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 1S107 Clioeitnut Htro, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 11 7 18t Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. VK would resoeetfnllv Invite the patronsce ot the farmers, and the public nonerally, as the HIUHKbT IMilCKH the market will afford. will be paid lor all Kinus 01 GRAIK, FI.OUK, PUODUCE. HEEDS AND ' ItAIEliOAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FI8II, . 8AI.T, TLASTER, CEMENT, COAL, IKON, STEEL, HOUSE SHOES, &0., &o. .FOB BALK AT THE LOWEST RATES. 43U Orders promptly tilled, Newport, July SO, 1875 tf JEWPORT DRUG STORE. Ilavliigr on hand a complete annortment of the fol lowing articles, tho aubacriber anka a Bharo of four palronasro. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Ale a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Perramery HAIR OIL,, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand,. PUKE WINES & LIQUOR FOE MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PUYS1CIANS ORDERS Van-fully ami Promptly Filial D . M . ED Y, Newport, fenn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, XI31VFOEKT, 1A. Sole Anent for Lorllard'a Superior Tobaccos. -Country Merohauta auuulied with Goods at I'hilaclelphla prices. sr lour oraera are aoncitea. It. S. COOK & CO., Auree to sell all klndi of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. WewlllalHO take vjmhX Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Luinber, &e. We use Cloarneld l'ina and Hem lock only. W. B. B. COOK & CO., ' Jiewport, Perry Co., Ta October 10, 187. IMPORTANT NOT1CK. - The aubserlber late of the firm of Khoades Smith, would rexpeetfully inform the citizens of BLAIN and vicinity, that ha has opened ft WAGON MAKER SHOP, and Is prepared to make new waifona and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TKN to TWENTY per cent cheaper tnau l urn uiu urm. A-G!v met call. Satisfaction Kuaranteed. Blalrt, August 1, 1807, - for Family Work. FOIi CIRCULARS AKI) PRICES Aiiiericnn nnd Foreign Patents. 01ILMO1IK ti (Ji., Buoresmirs to C111PMAN, T lit )SM Kit & CO., Solicitors. Patents pro cured mall countries. No FEES IN ADVANCE. No cliarue unless thepatent Is Kiahted. No lees 'or making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining; and conducting a re hearing. Hv a recent decision of the Commls- Hioner, A 1,1, rejecied applications may be revived. rpeciai imemion given 10 luiei iereiice imses ne fore the Patent Ollice, Exienslons before Con gress, Infringement Suits In dltlei eiit Slates mid all litigation aiieitiiiilng to Inventions orPut- euts. Send Stamp to (iilinnre 81 Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. 1jil UAniin, labii ri AiiiiANin c. n.ihi-. Contested Land fuses piMseculed before the U. 8. (ieneral Land Ollice and Department ef the Interior. 1'rlv.ito Land Claims, MINING and PltE EMPTION (Maims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Lund Scrip In 411, In, any Jill) acre nieces for sale. Tills Sci i) is assignable, and can bo located In the 11 line nfilie niirchaser umiii auv Coverniiient laud sulil-ct to nrivate entrv. at JI.2S per acre. Ills of equal value with Bounty 1,1111a warrants, nemi niamp 10 tillluore & vo., for panilihlet, of Instruction. A HUE AltS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS. SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or ihelr heirs, are in Mauy cases entitled to money from the Government or which tliey have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state niihiuiit of tmv and bounty received. Enclose slump lo GILMoRK U CO.. and a lull re- ply.altcrexanilnailoii.will be given you free. I'ISNSIl) is . All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured In the lute war, however slight, oan obtain a penson by addressing UILMOKK&CO Cases prosecuted by OILMOREffc CO, before the Supreme Court of the United States, tho Court of Claims and the Southern Cairns Commission. Each dt-part meiit ol our business Is conducted In asenarate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, oniblnyed by the old llrm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to i,ii,iuiin no., is inns seeureu. wo uesire to win success ry deserving It. Address: , G1LMORK &CO 6:9 F. street, Washington, D. C. MANHOOD: HOW LOST ITIMOW RESTORED; Just published, a new edition of Dr. .Gulver- well's Celebrated Kssiiy on the radical cure (with out lneniciiiei 01 m'kkmatokkikka or seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Uisses. Iniiioien- ey, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc. : also, Consumption. Kpllepsy and Ills, induced by self-Indulgence or sexual ex- iravnganoe. ko. - v rice, in a sealed envelope, onlv six cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable Kssay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success fui uractieu. that the alarming eonseMiienees of self-abuse may be radically cured without , the uuiikiiiuub uncui mint urn iiicui,,iiiv 1,1 Ilia Ulijlll- cation of thekulfei pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and elfectual. by means of which every Hiiueiei', no iiLiner wnat Ills eondl tlon may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Sent under seal. In a Plain envelobe. to nnv ad dress, post-paid, 011 receipt of alx rents or two post stamps. Address the publishers. xlf ply l I1C -J 1, I'.l.l. Itll.L'IAI, uo. 41 Ami St., New York t Post Ollice Ilox.4rM. HE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine! GREAT REDUCTION TO CLUBS POSTAGE riiKi-AlU tO MAIL SU11SCR I hH.HH. PETKRSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Orlgl nal Stories of any of the ladv's books, the best Coloird Fashion Plates.the best Receipts, the best Steel Kngravlngs. Ac, &e. Every family ought to nave it. 11 gives more ior me money man any 111 the world. It will contain, next year, in its twelve iruui pers ons Tliouxand Paget fourteen Splemtid Steel j'UitoTwnire amtren jtarun ramms Twelve Mammoth Colored tXinMim Xtne Hundred Wood VutsTiven fj.bur Paites 0 Music I It will also give Five Original Copyright Novel ettes, hv Mrs. Ann S. Stenliens. Frank Lee Bene dict, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Marietta Hollev. and Lucv II. llooner. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Original, by the best auimirs wi America, us nuiihi u Maninioth Colored Fashion Plates are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved on steel, twice tne usual size. TERMS f AlwnTH In Advance) $2 A TEAR Two Copies for M0 3 Copies for J4.80, wllh a copy 01 the premium picture. (Zixzui uornwailis Surrender,'' a Five Dollar Engraving, to the per son irett.lnflr on the fMnh. Four Copies for $6.80 fi Copies for t8.00, with an extra copy 01 tne Magazine loriou. as 9 premi um, to the nerson i?etlii)Gr uo the Club. Six Copies for J'.i.OO 7 poples for $11.009 Copies for $13.5i). with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1877, and the premium picture, a Five Dollar engraving, to the person getting up the lauu. Address, post-paM, . im A lil.KS J. PKTERSON. 3( 0 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Specimens sent gratis, it writ ten for. 44 I MP0RTANT TO HUCKSTERS. The undersigned, deslrlneto return to thecltv, offersfor sale, the uooi) wil t, to a good marketing rouie In Perry Co.. wllh two house tkam and flxlures all eomiileteith all nocesary nstnio ti.nis to uurchiiser. This Is an old established route and a rare chuiiua. For particulars, call on or aaores. , . J. M. I.KSSET. Mechanlesbnrg, $1 3m. Cumberland Co., Pa. Illiistrated I'rlcttil Catalogue fifty pages .Sou Illustrations, with Descriptions of the thousands of the best Flowers and Veil- etables In the world, and the way to grow, (hum an ior a j wo i.KN r postage stump, runiea in yeruian ana r.iigitsn. Vlok's Floral Guide. Quarterly. 25 cents a vear. Vlok's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 40 cents id p&nert in memtni can 11 eovers. 11. uo. AdurttM, J AMI-;: Vit'K, lioohrnter.N. Y, AUCTIONEERS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer. Offers his services to the eltlrena nf Prr aA Cumberland-uounMes. Post ollice address, nnermansnaie, rerryco., rm. W. D. HENRY, AUCTIONEER. Blaln, Perry county Pa. MTtrins Moderate and everv exertion miui o render satisfaction. 6tl Anrtlnwr. The tinderalcned fives notice that he will cry sales at any point In perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptatMiitluu will be given. , B. i. w Kl.l.P. New Perrveo..Pa. D AVID M'COY, . Charges rerv low. Post Ofllre address tokesbnrg t'enn'a- t B. HARNISH, A-UC-riOINlSlCM, llelvllle. Perry Co.. Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfactieii guaianUwd. N EW SHOE SHOP! The undersigned respectfully Informs lliei-ltl. zona of Blooinlleld and vicinity, that they have opened a shoe sliop In the room of F B. Clouser, recently occupied nsa Law ofllce, by Calvin Nell, son, F.sq., where they will do work at panlo pric es, (repairing made a specialty at prices to suit the times) from in tn 20 per cehtsaved by patron iziugour snop. our motto is "quica sines aim short prollts). Terms cash, or cuuutry produce, but positively no credit. LtVl H. SIVMdS SFII., New Blooinlleld, Pa. ,Ianuarjl8, 1R7I5 tf Fr Sule bv F. Moiitimeu. New Bltximtteld Perry counl y. Pa. IiADY SHOULD HAVE ONE OK OUR IM PROVED P LA ITERS, adapted to all kinds of good, nnd to all the dif ferent and fashionable styles of flatting. Simple and easily managed, It Is Just the article every laoy needs. Sent br mail, nnstage naid. on recelut of price. neua ior uircuiar. AUuiess N. Y'.i TRFADLK M'F'O CO.. (A OirUandt Street Art 1'or. pHE PERRY HOUSE, New Blooniilelii, Terry Co., .Pa., TUOS. SUTCH, Propiietur. fENTENNIAL HOTEL, j (Formerly the Bweger House,) MAIN STREET, NEW BLOOMFIELD, TERRY CO.. PA. JOS. S. 8.MITII, - - Proprietor. Having good acooinmodations for regular or transient boarders, a ahare of public- patronage is solicited. to i JHE MANSION HOUSE, New Blooinlleld, Pejin'a., D. M. R1NESMITH, , . Proprietor. This well-known hotel has lately heenenlarped re-paluted and re lilted. Best accommodation! allorded. ' Careful hostlers always in attend auce. V66 11 CJTOUK STAND AND FA KM FOR IT MALK. A F rat-rale Farm In Juniata eo, Pa., also a Store Stand and Stouk of Goons. For further particulars address SAMUEL BUCK, Port Rot al. Juulnla Co., Pa. 36 3m JJOME MANUFACTURE. ; LOOK OUT ! I would respectively Inform myfrlendsthat I In tend calling upon them v. It ha supply ol good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of OA83IMER8, OASSINET8. FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar d CAUPETS, &C, toexchange for woo or sell for cash. .1. U.BIXLEK CentueWoolkn Factort. 6,17,4m pEABODY HOUSE, CORNER OF LOCUST AND NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and en lines In the oily. No changes to and from the Centennial grnunus. Col. Watson, proprietor of the Hbnut Housb, Ciocinnati for the uast twentv vears. and uresenl proprietor, has leased the house for a term of vears, and has newly furnished and tilted It throughout. He will keep a atrletlv tlrst-class house, and lias accommodation for 300 guests. Ttti-ms l nor dav. - No Bar has ever been kept In the H ENItY IIOUSK, nor win any ne Kept at tne i t BOUX. tv Notice to Trespassers. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons not te trespass on my grounds by picking berries, tlslilnti. hunting, or otherwlsctrespasslug, as they w 11 be dealt Willi aoooruing ro law. W. II HERMAN. Greenwood twp., Aug. 10, 1875. tl mitKSPANS NOTICE. All persons are X forbid to ttespas on my land In SavIHe t.,urnkhin Imi nnv numnsft whatever, and a reward of $5 will be paid for testimony that will coavlct any person ot sucu trespass. Iday , 1876-tf ' " e; ILANNKLK A splendid. ssortnent nf : Finn Dels, just opened by F. MORTIMER T ADIRS ASD CHILDREN -skIII find J j splendid assortment nf sboel af the one one prioe no re of r. jaortiiner. fJ'JVj ! ' irni't' t'-frp-tiVt.iln'rV-'frisiV (APt-'i '"it'vsH'iii.iii.r 1 11,4 1 t Tti.virffA ff v ramKli r,; m:-" " '"' C'limimp.yf -n j .W-a b"i. tm. Urtuii hill-. A- all Mrrolulou lr ' 1 1 J tisersp. (l 1 nBrdruii OiBiiin's c?T XJtVOk """"""IP'tlt. Isill.onmeiptifiJw How He 6erved Him. (lencral Mattoon.of Aruhemtr Maw., formerly Sherin'of Hampton county, on etartirifr one snowy winter, niatiy yearg- Rgo to drlVH to Northampton to .open court, met a team and nuoutetl toth driver, "Turn out ! I am High KJurifT of the county." Then the man plledi hlfl coat collar up around - liia ears and replied, " I don't care win. you are; 1 am In no great hurry." " Tho result was that the Oencrul had to uuhltch- and lead hlahorxe dy. while the etraugnD went his way. Meetltii- another : tean before reaching Hadlcy the Blteriff .tried the eame gume with hotter wwcetis, saying, "Turn out ! I am High BlieriU of the county, If you. doik't I'lLi wv you as I did a fellow I met bnckxbere ft ileee." The man unhitched hi a Jiffy,' put his xlclgh up on the hauki. and let the&herilt' pans, and, an-he did tf&, called out to him. " What did 1 you d with that fellow back there ?" "Oh," said the Oenernl, "he wouldn't turn out. so I turned out." 1 A Woman's Consolation. " Mary," said nn- elderly lady last evening to her daughter, who . bad just returned from a praycr-meetingi "were there many at thechurch i"' "Yes, nm." "Were the Wrights there ?'" "Yes." "And did cither of her gawlcy girls have on anything new " "No, ma; but Mrs. Wright-bad on a new silk dress." A new f.ilk dress!"' gasped' the mother. . " " Yes, antl a new ostriohv feather In her bonnet," persisted, Mary. Well, well ; I declare. Us too- bad," blurted out her mother. "That' nasty old can have every thing she wants, and I can't even get a new get'of false teeth. Itsasinnnda shame, and if It wasn't for the grace ot God' I don't know ltow I would stand It." Sweet Is the eotisolatfon of religion. ' CT"Mr4. Page, Iislwmld like to know whose ferry-bouts fchese are that I tumbled over In the hull f"' " Ferry-boats Indeed, Mr! Those are my shoes. Very polite of youi to call them ferry-boats!" " I didn't say ferry-boats, Mrs. Page ; you misunderstood my fairy boots, I said, my dear friend. " ..... CT A few day ago two persons were heard disputing as to the meaning of the word " lampoon." The one accused the other of never having heard tho word before. And the reply was ; "What! Do.yoti think I have never heard of lampooning whales V" U3T An Prish hod-carrier at work on a building was complaining of his hard lot; said he: "If I thought I'd have to carry a hod In heaven.IM tie-a big stone round ray neck and jump- into the mid dle of the say, and stay there as, long as ' Hived." O" It Is said that a blue glass chimney on the parlor lamp wiH bring a young man up to the point of proposing to a cross-eyed maiden with store teeth, in three Sunday eveniDgs. - - ..... '63" A Milesian astonished a grocer by . entering his store with this request : "Mr. McGrny, would ye lind me au , ecapty barrel of flour to make a lien coop for my dog V" " lTi afraid, dear wife, that while I am gonc,obsence will contpuer love." "Oh, never fear, dear husband; the longer you stay away the better I shall like you." . . - - -e- - --- A New York ofilee-holder attended church the other Sunday, and dodged behind a scat when the milliliter gave out the by tmv ; "Strike the rebounding lyre." 3T A Detroit restaurant keeper hangs out a sign of "free chops," and when the old loafers come around he shows them au axe aud woodpile. 0"A clergyman, after marrying a couple, made 'a prayer over them, con cluding: "Forgive tbein, Lord, they know not what they do." JFA young nlan on the hill came uear creating a riot lust Tuesday by asking a red-headed woman if she 'carried a thermometer In her lionnet. r- - - - sefr - 3T An Irish lover remarks, "It's a very great pleasure to be alone, especial ly when yer sweatheart is wld ye." tfA Connecticut doluitlng society is , iwkiug, "Is it wrong to cl eat a lawyer y" Perhaps not, hut it isn't nistoinary.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers