The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 17, 1877, Page 6, Image 6
4 THK TlMliNKW; I3L00MFIKLD, PA.,! AiTJL ,17, 1877. HOUSE, "FARM AND GARDEN. W Invite eommnnttuitlnns from sll peroti whnsrs intereatedtll liu.Uor. properly llonsiii to this de partment. Old Rye's Speech. T-wa mud to be estcn, ' And Wot to be drank t To be threshed In a bam, Not soaked In tank, il come a bleeeluK, Wheo put through a mill , Wt a blight and a cures When run through a (till. ' Make me up Into loaves, And your children are fed But If Into driuk, I wilt starve them Instead. In bread I'm a servant, The eater shall rule In drink I ntn master, . Tlietdrlnker a fool. Then remember the warning : My strength I'll employ, i( etiten, to strengthen j If drank, to destroy. Sowing Seeds. . The Hpring ia about on us, and seeil sowing In the garden and on the farm will soon be here. As myriads of seeds are wasted every year, a few hints may be seasonable and serviceable. The most successful sower we ever knew lets his garden ground get a little dry before sowing. Then he stretches the line along where the seeds are to go, sows the seeds on the surface, and then walks sideways along the line, pressing the seeds with his "flat foot." He says he never has a seed to miss, and so sows thflm thinly just where every plant Is to grow. Thereiis not only no waste of seed but no waste in thinning. There is no raking in of the seed and the whole is as simple as possible. His wife Is a good flower gardener. Her mignioneUe and phloxes always grow, and a ten oent paper is enough for the whole garden. She sows on the surface "pats" down, as she says, the earth with the back of her cast-steel trowel, puts the stick with the name in the centre of the little patch, and they sprout at, once. Now this ia Mil reasonable enough when we thiak of it. There are lots of peeple who believe that rag-weed and other rubbish will keep seed fresh for years wiien btt plowed down a few inches. Whether this lis so or not, ilwp sowing is known to be unfavorable to germination. Aeed like to be near the air, but near the moisture tcX), and all that is necoessary to this is that they be pressed firmly in the ground. Of course the seed need not be "tramped" in. There are ways enough of covering seed prerly with implements. We only refer to our friend's experience for the Ichsou it k-aehes.I A Small Flower Garden. A writer In the Wenlmi Farm Jour nal rccomiiM'nds for a small flower garden the following lit, as they do not require treatment, are good sturdy varieties, will staud neglect, yet do well: Asters,, balsamx. dianthus, petunias, phlox, calllophis, vwbenas, sweet peas, miginouette, cinnias, marigolds, and portulacas. The same writer again says : "The plants I have named will afl'ord a profusion of flowers from June to October. , Phlox will be the fint to blos som, -and then petunias will come on, and both of tliie flowers ewntinue to increase in beauty until hard frosts come. Asters will be in perfection- in August and .SeptemUr. Calliopsis be gins to blossom in July, and nearly all the others come on early in that month. If old flowers are removed and not allowed to go to seed, you will have a much greater profusion of bloom. 1 f you do not remove faded flowers, but allow them to perfect seed, you will soon see that your plants are losing a larje share of their former glory. You can't expect a plant to ripen seed and blossom profusely at the same time." Fruit Law. A bill has been presented to the Ver mont legislature, on petition of S W. Jewettand others, to protect fruit growers by compelling people to take proper care of their trees, on penalty of fine if found guilty of wanton neglect. We know of many cases where such a law, if enforced, would be of great benefit to rxmimuuitles. A single tree sometime becomes the pest distributor of a large neighborhood, which if attended to in season might be wholly prevented. - 3T ISetfsteuk may I covered w hile broiling, but should never be hacked while cooking, nor tided before cook ing; xiinply lay it upon the gridiron, and turn it but ouce, us ut every turn ing you lose thejulceof the meat ; wtVn done, lay upon the dish It Is to lie served in, sprinkle over It a little suit, and spread over it some good sweet butter, jud let Mttmd live minutes In the oven. II LiATCtl L Mf'S Improved CUCUMBKit WOOD PUMP, Taxteless, Durable, M. Itmeiit and Clienp. The best Pump for the It-ant Mousy. At tention it especially tnvftmd to . Hiiiieniey-s raiem iinprwea m-acaev anq rtew nrnp iihci Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the 1'ump er disturbing the Joints, Also, tfce Copjier Chamber, which never orae.ksor seals, and will outlast any other. For sal by Dealers ever where. Send for Catalogue ana PrloeList. . CHAK. i. BLATCIU.EY, Manufacturer. 8 37 ly 600 Commerce Ut, Pnllapelphla, fa. BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any klad t K so, call and see the LA1K1K STOCK ' MOW OtTBRRD BY IT . MOltXIMKlt. New Pension Law. UNDER an ant ot Congress approved March 3, 173, widows of olllcers who were killed, or dlcil ot riismisH contracted In the service, are how entitled to ti.iK) per mouth for each ot their chil dren. Tlieguardlauof a minor child of a soldier who heretofore only received SB.Ou per month pension Is now entitled to (10. per mot h. Hold I sis who receive Invalid penslonscan now have their pensions increased to any sum or rate between JH. and IIS. per month. Soldiers who have lost their discharges can now Obtain duplicates. Fathers and mothers who lost sons In the serv ice upon whom ey were dependent for support, can also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience lu the Claim agency business will attend promptly to -claims under the above act. Call on or address LEWIS POTTEIt, Attorney for Claimants, New Blvomfleld, 20tf. Perry Co., Pa LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AH ILLl'HTRATED MONTHLY OP Popular Literulure and Scienw. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1377 The nnmlxT fi.r .Tr.mmry hrirlns the nineteenth l umoi this Mnirii?.1nJ, huiI while its past renord will, it is honed, bedt'em,1 a sutttoitmt Kuarantee of future excHi.cnpe, no i tforts will bo sired to diversify its attwtioriH and to pinrhlean incrvsned supply of Popular Heading in thx Best and Mmt Emphatic tieme The rreat ohleot and cnnstnnt aim of the conductors will be to lnruleh tin-public with Leteralnre Kntertiiiti ineutnf alUAiied and Varied Character, an well as to present il a Kranhic uud striking mauuer the most re cent information aud soundest views ou subjects of General Interest, in a word, to render Liypiuoott's Miwssiiieatrtktnirly distinctive in ThOf Matures thai am Most Attractive in May aline Literature. In addition to the iteneral Attractions of I.lppln eott's Msratiue tin-I'ublishers would invite atteuliou to a new serial st iry, "The Msrqnis f Lossie," In-flrtor-rt1 Mcpone 1 author of "Molcoln," "Alice jT'oriMts.-' " ltobel-1 Ju-oDer, "etc. TKUMS.- yearly H ascription, 4 i HIiikIc numbbT, 3J1 cenr. .'rK'r;.-'"ie m-mtsTSnd rut-ember Numbers, cjutainiuir the earii.M- rlmpters of "The Mimiiis of r.tdt'," r.-ill b- preseot.,.i to all new- annual suljeeribors l.ris:7. seK'-IMES NTtMllKK mailed po--tire puid, to any address, 0:1 receipt of 20 emits, J. IJ. LIPI'IMOTT & ('., rnbllshtr, TlSanTl" Market (., Philarielptiia. REDUCTION IN PRICE! Cheapest and Beet ! THE HAltm.SIlUKO Daily 'and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. T" li nw !iilvr.liT unci to alt prmt-M fulworlNirs rer)fw:Ht!htMi- sulitcrii'ti'ma 27; DAILY PATRIOT if,.m l.tin , 57. &U 10 " " 1 ropy iliirinir t)ip Kfi-rti'U o? tiif I,flhiittirf y.tMi I .vpi-, l yeut. ud 1 1 M'y. 1 ynr. f either Hah- l-RH1 MONTUI.V Or IlAHtKK'H ItVZAH, )MCaK p:a uii both TUK WEEKLY PAT It I OT til be Rnt at th follnwinir intK ; I t'opy, 1 frr, ptinir.i'iiii 4 cmnow, " 10 M lu.oo nl 1 corv tn in IW npof Hub l(i.oo uitti 1 ipy of 'nh E2.IM) fipy, nut tnr. Hurt one t-j'.v. yenr. ut t iltle'i R vltl I'K'l MONJHl.Yi.V HAiiPEJl'a IU- ?mi, THLurn $4.0 Tiin 'jli-tcnptifni pi'jc.o ui Hanvi'i Monthly uaii rtariifi-V Utiur in 1.(14 .mih, thud scfurinif miKicri hr h CLtpy tit tlu Wkfki.v l'TUHr fur T rinte in ad ihtHii, u.hat l.e would huo t jmy for ntliorof liar Jinrrt rnilthcuUtilif. 'trJiiv itiuini hi H-v.uinpaiuiNt b the a-b, fithor Dy rb-vk or fw rtt.ttrtli-o f.ili r. Nmw 1 tli lituf u sulMt-ntic. iH-t ail tln r.w and x-Ht TfudlMtf t natter at ! ks than mivwli.iv i v Hndii jour ulx)jript1ia to the Jail and Wt.KKLV VAlMIOT. AJiTriK, , PATH IO T PVHLTSHf.XG CO.. I . UAKJtlhBl'lUi, FA. Dally Kxpress and Freight Line BETWKEV t?LOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! f piIKsur.scrlbe.rwis.bos to notify the ottlieisot 1. Bloomdeldand Newport that he Is running a Pally l.lne between these two places. and will haul Kreiglitof any kind, or promptly deliverpackages or messseesentrusted lo his care. rOntrsmRybe,lit. for him at the stores of F. Mortimer o.. New Blonralteld.or MltllKanA Uusser. Newport, a. r. R. WH1TMOKE. R)aomneld..laHuar 5.1870. -yn.MAM s'iTtch, JitHlis'e of lh' leaT. ANI GENERAL rOLKKCTOR. Nt.w Bioomfleld, Perry County, Peun'a t,rt?,,,'!,i,T.,"u,,",t,, Owlleetlons of all Kinds, lioeds. Hands.MortcaKesaud Aureements neatly execute. " 7 itf STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOB OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT PATIUl'K Oil INJURY. Ttirt must f iiiipletK Biethnd of prnpelllne the : seviii.if inschiiie. It sves four rlftas the kttiorand - u-tit--1-,!;-: ii ovtci in 1 ut y : en-il,i-s.-it I,? the me.licnl ftniern'tv Ir e.-in f.e at Untied (4 any orulimi-y sewing matthlne without reni.n n Hi tuschlne from Itir house. No sew. Ill K liiilcliine ehould tie nsed without this m iwirlinu anaehnent. rietnl for our elrcHtuii, winch explains ifje nr1neriea. Addr.ssx KW V0BK TREADLE MFU. CO.. C-lyr. 4 LVrtlan'lt htrci t, .V. Y, rhtladelplila AdTertlsonienls. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGUT & CO. ' WHOLESALE GROCERS AMI tea dealer's, North East Corner of 2ltd and Arrhstrest. Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WKOLEHA I B DEALER lit Fish, Cheese and Pi-ovisions, ilfl NOHTIl WHAUVEK, . Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to IIOAH Mi OONKEY A CO.. WHOI.BSAI.J B O OT ANDSJIO E W A K II 0 u si;, l M A ItKKT tTKKKT. Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNN1NGHAM.GLEIM&C0., Wbolisalb Ubalbhs 11 TOBACCO, CiaAHS &c NO. 4, MIKTU K1KTH MTUKKT. PIIIIAIJKIIIIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., WholesHle lieulersii Oil Cloths. Carpets, Shadea. Brooms, CaiVot Chain, Wadding, Bulling, Twines, &, Ami a tine assortment of WtiODiirul WILLOW WAIIK. No. ti'. Market siieet, above n h. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS &. CO. Mll,k AMI 1 ONLY MANUI AO'll'in US I1IPEEIAL FEEKCH, PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pur White Lead and Color 1 MANUFACTURERS, fins, 141 aud 113 North fourth St.. Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On High Stkukt. Kat o CARi.rsi.t St., w Rloonineld, Penn'a. THK siibscriherhashulltalitrce and eomnm. dlous Min on High Ht.. Kast of Carlisle Stieel New Hloomlield, I'a., where be Is prepared to mn rifaoturetnonler Of every description, onto! the best material. SIcIshs or every SIjIp, hullt to order, and finished In the iiinstartlstleaud durable manner. Having superior workmen, he is prepared to furnish work that will compare fiiVoraWy with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasosalile rates. V RKPA IIUNH nf allklndsnerttlyiind proinp lydone A eallia solicited. S A Mt'KL SMITH HI TOH PHfVTIXG of every description neatlv a eseen'ed on short notice and at reaaouuMe rates at tula Philadelphia AdTertlsomenld. D. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTCHEHS Booksellers and Btntlonem, And Dealer In WINDOW CURTAINS ', MALI. PAPKU, ETC, No. 430 Market Btreet, PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLEP. & SWEARINGEM' SucccBBors to , BBAFFNER, ZIEOLER A CofT Importers and Dealers la Ifonlery. Olovciv, lltbbous, Niinpeinlern. THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, Mo. 36, North Fourth Street. 1'lIlLADELPilIA, PENN'A. '. Agent for Lancaster Comb, gowER, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, - r And Dealer in CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. , BLAKIC BOOJKM Always ob hand, and made to Order. No. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALBO a. Publishers ot Sanders' New Readers, aud Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Kobert's History o! the United States, Felton'sOutliue Maps.&o. jgARCROFT & CO., aal Jobbtrs Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS. Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linomi, White Goodn, Ac, Nos. 405 and 407 MAKKET STREET. (Above Fourth.North Bide,) PIII3L.ADEX.FHIA. JEW. T. MOUL, KEPRKSKNTlNti , Weinicr, & Valkln, Mauuructurer k Wholesale Vealern IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, ' iiiiivriiai,iiiiA. JAUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Imports as aud Jobiios cr Oliiiiti. GlaNM AND QUEENSWAllE, t)2S Market Street, IIIIIJAll!lL.lIIXA. w. H. KENNEDY, TELilBI.K, BRIT TON ti Co.. 1 WHOLESALE GROCERS, t No. 60S MAEKKT BTREKT, ' PHILADELPHIA. 710 Phllndelphla Adrertlscinents. JLOYD.SUPPLEE L WALTON WnOLRSALB HARDWARE HOUSE Ne. 625 Market Btreet. Philadelphia, Fenii'ft. gT. ELMO HOTEL, " (FORMERLY "TUB ONION,") JOS. M. FEWFlt, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH BTREKT, riIIL.DELPHIA. Terms, . . $3.60 Per Day. nw HOTEL helnncentrslly loeated and hav 1 Ing been entirely kevittbd, It will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired JJNDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED f Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Everybody who sees them are delighted. gThe Trade supplied aft a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, W EST STREET HOTEL, No. 41, 42, 43 A 44 West ftt., YORK, TEMPERANCE noUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. KOOM8 50 and 75 cents per day, Charge very MODKBATE. The best meats and vegetable In the market. BEST BEDS in the Oity. 17 lyH . B. T. BABBITT .Proprietor. Professional Cnrda. JE. JUNKIN, Attomey-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry eo.. Pa. -Office Next door to the residence ol Judge Juukln. 4f)tf - AM. MAKKEL. Attorney-at-Law, "- - " New Hloomlield, Ferry county, Pa. Office directly opposite the Post-Ofllce, and adjoining the Mansion House. JBV19 1'OTTEH, ATTORN KY AT LAW, NEWBLOOMF1ELD, PERRY CO., PA. Clalms promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed to. . 82 yl JAMES H. FERGtiSON, Attorney-at-l4tw. NKWFORT, PA. 4BTOfflee Market Street, near the Square. 5 CHARLES U. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomtleld, Perry Co. Pa. viui'v niiu vi.'A. olllclb, iru nijn Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presby te.- iiaavuuivu. r ' - .' ' Auguv ftu, leiz. , : 1 ! ! , . f JBAILY, Attorney at Law, ' New Bloomtleld. PerryCo., Pa -Office opposite the Mansion House and net door to the Fost-Otliee, ...... ....... Before to B.McIutlre, Esq. , t June27,1871. TTM. A. 8PON8LBK, Attorney-at-Law, f? Office adjolnnig his residence, on East Main street. New Bloouineid, Perry co Pa. 2 1 j " 1 1-1 I n 11' 1 ' JOHN G. SHATTO, Burgeon Dentist. - - 1 New Bloomtleld, Perry CO., Pa." All kinds of Mechanical aud Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. . . J. . . . M.OIBce at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Bpousler's LawolUce. : . 8tly "VlTM. N- 8E1BEKT. Attorneyt-Law, c 1 Y NewBloomlleid,Perryee.,ra. Bloomtleld, 3331v. M. M. 8PTCH,' '- '-.'! ' " ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, v ;vtv;i New Bloomtleld, Perry co.. Pa. -Offlco Two doors West of F. Mortimer Btore 71y . ( , .t . ; ' I '. ' . T EWI8POTTKR. SOTabt PCBHC, New Bloom XJ Held. Perry Co., Pa. , Deeds, Bonds, Mortgagee and Leases carefully Prepared and acknowledgemenis taken. Aft Inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn aud certified, will also take depositions to be reidlr. auv court in the United States..: . . , . 7101y imiAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law. J New BlooniUeld, Perry eo.. Pa. ' WAU professional business promptly andfalth fully attended to. 3 1 1 y. "TTTM A. MORRISON, y JITSTICK OF THE PEACE and GENERA t COLLECTOR. Nw Okkmantown, Perrveo.. Pa. -Itemlttinoewlll be wade promptly terair Collections made. . 7 44 IIAS. A. BAKNETT, Attorney-at Law, " ' , New Bloonirleld. Perry 00.. P, a-Olflce en high street. North side, nearlv ne. poslte the Presbyterian Church. 3 fly , RICHARD L. MAGEE, '7'': .JUSTICE OF TIIK PEA( ,. u .me Bt nis 'esl.lenee. In CENT B E TOWN : SHIP. Perry Ce-uuty, Peim ... oite Bil e South of New BlooniUeld. hiu