The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 17, 1877, Image 1
ssifc 4 ,6) liiiyt'r 1 VOL. XI. THE TIMES. k Independent Family Newspaper, IB PtTBUSHin SVEHT TVMOAT Br F. MORTIMER & CO. Subscription Price. Within the Comity, f 1 23 ' 8lx months, 75 Puts! the County, Including postage, U0 " " " si months ,l 5 Invariably la Advance I Advertising rates furnished upon appll- tatlon. THE BUCKWHEAT CAKE. Am " Amtriea." My flap-jack, 'tis of tbee, Thou that agrecst with me, Of thee I sing, Thou that with pork art fried, Then buttered ou one side. With maple syrup thick applied- Thou luscious thing ! 0 savory morsel mine I What taste Is like to thine, Well-buttered one J 1 love to watch thee fry, To see cook toss thee high, And stick thee with a fork to try If thou art done. Before the break of dawn i The cook, with many a yawn, The batter makes ; Then, at the breakfast bell, Down rush the boys pell-mell, And all delighted yell, O, bnckwheat cakes I" O red-faced cook, to thee Bhall loud enconiums be Forever more ; Soon, when our stomachs feel Oppressed by such a meal, We promise yon that we'll Eat somewhat slower. And, when our spirits rise To dwell In Paradise, Our hope Is this : A gorgeous throne onr scat, Fair Houris at our feet, Eternal buckwheat cakos to cat What greater bliss 1 For The Times. AN UNEXPECTED VISITOR. u AfOU AUK, my dear brother Fred ' I erlck, a most extraordinary crea ture," exclaimed Miss Emily Brookes to her brother ; " you are a 6tock-broker ; that is to say, in other words, you are very rich ; you are young, you are well looking, you are good-tempered and good-natured ; you are liked by all who know you ; you are in love with a most admirable woman, and you are beloved by her in, return ; and yet you do not marry her ! I do not comprehend why the marriage ia delayed. ' If you delay it much longer,' I should not be : surprised if she became disgusted with' you." . Frederick started from the sofa on v. which he had been sitting, and without making any answer to bis sister, he pac. ed up and down the room. " I see how it is," continued Miss Brookes; 44 you are thinking of the past. You remember that for six years Cecilia was the object of your adoration ; that her father refused her to you, and gave her to another ; that is the bitter drop in your cup of happiness. But then re member tier father Is dead ; that his son in-law, Mr. Chantry the husband, I may say, for a day has followed him to the tomb ; and as it would appear, had -only married that be might bequeath to his widow, his entire fortune. And now the widow Chantry is as rich as your self; and for a stock-broker, he who lives and deals in money, that is, I hn agine, r.o trifling consideration. What then is the rcuson that you do not, by means of a happy marriage, take tho surest mode of driving away tho grief that has overwhelmed you for some time back i "I! and overwhelmed with grief! I have had nothing to trouble me," was the answer of the brother with a forced smile. 44 What van be the matter with you Are you Jealous of the dead? or is It possible that you have ceased to love OclllaV" 4 Oh I I love her more than ever !" ex claimed Frederick. ' 44 Then marry her at once, and put an 3ST333AV BLOOMFIELD, TUESDAY, APRIL 17 1877. end to your mutual martyrdom ; for your proceedings at present are exceed ingly ridiculous, and now, instead of your courting the lady, she seems to court you." As if to prove the truth of her asser tion, a carriage was heard to drive up the lawn of a handsome villa at Htam ford Hill, where this conversation took place, and the young lady continued " I am sure it is Cecilia and now, un der the pretence of visiting the sister, she comes to see the brother. Take my word for it, Fred, I shall never be so at tentive to my future husband." The gate opened, and Mrs. Chantry entered the room. Hhe was accompan ied by Mr. Williams, the companion from boyhood of Frederick Brookes.and a very wealthy India merchant. Mrs. Chantry, a very handsome widow, twenty-two years of age, made no disguise of her affection for Frederick. It was a matter settled between them, that both were in love. Their marriage had been determined upon ; it had even been publicly announced to the friends of both parties ; and now all that was waited for, was the completion of the mere formalities of the marriage settle ment, which Frederick could have,when he pleased, completely arranged in a few days. Under the circumstances, why then should the handsome young wid ow be guilty of any affectation V She would not be so. All breathed happiness around her. Mr. Williams wished the young couple joy, and Emily, seeing her brother smile at ftie idea of the coming marriage, pressed upon him to fix a day for It. " It shall be whenever Cecilia wishes it," was the reply of the intended bride groom. " But then the lawyers are they ready with this odious settlement," ask ed the widow. The reply of the young broker was, that all the difficulties on that point had been put an end to, and that the license might be procured in a few hours. " Thank Heaven !" exclaimed Emily, my brother at last consents to be happy 1" From that moment all semblance of restraint had vanished from the faces of those in the drawing room of Mr. Brookes. He himself appeared to have forgotten all his cares, and the happiness of the company was so complete, that the clock struck twelve before he or they seemed to know that an hour had passed away. At that moment isrookes rose and said : 4 To-morrow is settling day on 'change; I have still several - matters to arrange before I can retire to rest." 44 And so it is," remarked Mr. Will iams ; " but to you settling duy can bring no sorrow." . : . . Mrs. Chantry would have wished to have retired also, but as Mr. Williams found the society of Miss Emily Brookes particularly agreeable to him, he begged she might remain some time longer; and the good natured widow, knowing the motive for . his , request, willingly consented to do so. , Frederick Brookes kissed his sister ; he pressed with his lips the blushing cheek of the pretty widow; he shook hands cordially with his old school-fellow, Williams, and then parted with the words, " he was leaving all in this world that he loved.'.' ( The rooms peculiarly devoted to the use of Frederick, at his villa on Stam ford Hill, were on the ground floor, and might be divided into a library, and an adjoining chamber fitted up something like an office, although there were in troduced into it many of the convenien ces of a parlor. It waa into this room that Brookes now ' entered. He took from the case iu. which' they hud been secured .two srnall pocket pistols, and placed them on a table beside hi in. ; He flung himself ou a sofa, and there, with his bead resting on a pillow, and stretch ed at full length, be seemed to be lost in thought. His mind bceaine distracted by the intensity of his contemplations his brain whirled rouud amid conflicting suggestions the outer world became ob scured to his vision when his medita tions were disturbed in the most extra ordinary manner. A bandkcVchlcf was stuffed into his mouth, and Ink moment afterwards be felt himself strapped down to the sofa, so tightly and secutely, that he could cot stir a llmu. How this was done was Incomprehensible tokiw.untll he saw a tall, very powerful, and very fair haired young man come forward, and take possession of the two pistols. Hie first impression was, that a Joke was being played upon him by his friend Williams ; but when he saw the stran ger, he comprehended the matter at once, and that he had now to do with a burglar. The tall, very powerful, and very fair young man he paw put one of the pistols into his pocket, cock the other, and hold It in his right hand, while with the left he untied the hand kerchief that covered the mouth of his host. ; " If you utter a single cry," said he, "I shall that Instant blow out your brains." This, for a person who was contem plating suicide, was an excellent oppor tunity for quitting life ; but the broker preferred doing the deed himself, rather than confide to the awkward hands of another, it must be owned, that he was tired of dissembling the agony that had so long preyed upon his heart. He yielded to the desire of "telling his mind;" of having one in whom he might confide his secrets, even though the confidant was a stranger and a robber. " Who are you 'f" said he to the stran ger, in a low whisper, which at once in timated to him that he bad no intention to call for assistance. 44 You have the advantage," replied the young man, with impudence, 14of having to do with Ikcy Bamuels ; but you don't seem to know a name that the Police Commissioners are familiar with, and the magistrates of every police office in London have frequently heard of." 11 1 do not indeed know you," was the answer of Frederick ; and your mode of proceeding " " Must prove to you both what I am, and with what object I came. I have been concealed in your library for the last two hours. I certainly did not cal culate on seeing you here ; but as you did come, a moment's reflection showed me it might be useful ; for I should have had to break open your iron safe, where I know you keep all your money, with Instruments that after all might not have effected my purpose; but now, as you are here, please to give me the key of your money drawer." " My money drawer 1" replied Brookes with a bitter smile. " Where is the key of your money drawer? I suppose in your waistcoat pocket. Come, come, sir, don't put one to the trouble of looking for it." . "You will, in truth, find it in my waistcoat pocket." The robber easily discovered the key. He then opened the great iron chfrst. He rummaged through it, and could discov ernothing ! There was not even a sin gle sovereign there notasolitary crown " This is a scurvy joke," said he, after having carefully examined all the draw crs, " and it is one of which I am deter mined not to be the dupe. You will therefore at once show me the secret drawer where you have concealed your bills and bank notes. To-morrow, I am aware, you have large payments to make on 'change." " It is perfectly true that I have," said Brookes. " Then you must have the money to meet them." ... " I have not." was the answer of KreH erick 44 I have a sister who believes herself rich, because she thinks I am so too.. She is now talkinar with a frlt-nri who believes me to be worth a million with a young lady also who loves me and that I adore, and that supposes w shall soon be married. I couhl.iri liked, easily deceive her, aiid involve ner in my embarrassments ; but this will not do." , - " And this young lady is rich " ask ed the robber. i , " Yes, very rich ; but I love her too much to bring her to ruin." .1 'I H. L 1. li. . iiiuv is very siuy. . Ana your friend 1" . . , .' . " My friend is worth very near a mil lion of money. But now, sir," contin. ued Brookes, " you have made a foolish attempt ou my purse, and the sooner you leave the better. Unloose nie, and go-" ' . ; ! 44 But how," said the robber; "did you mean to get out of all your cmbarrassr mentsr" i , . .; . . . ; 44 Can you not guess, when you see that these pistols were lying so near to my handV" " How is this V" Wheu 1 surprised you on the sofa, where you appeared to me, to le asleep, were you then meditating suicide 5"' "Yes; and I was just thinking whether I should llnish the matter at once, while there was company in the house, or wait until they had retired. I believe I should have done It at once, in order that my poor Sister, surrounded aH she Is by friends at the moment, might be saved from contemplating tho horrid spectacle that I was preparing for her. to, then, and give me back iny pistols." The tall, strong, and very fulr young man put into his pocket the pistol that up to this time he had held In his hand. ' They are of little worth," remarked Frederick, "audi trust you will not take from me the only means that I possess of escaping from dlsgraco and despair." " You are a good-natured fool," said the stranger, putting his hand Into the pocket of the helpless Brookes. He was looking for his gloves, which were pure, spotless, and of the latest fashion. It must be said of Mr. I key Samuels, that he had a very handsome face, a remark ably fine figure, and that he was very neatly dressed, with two exceptions his shirt was not of the whitest, and he had no gloves. He remedial the first defect by buttoning his well made coat up to the chin ; and, for the second, he availed himself of the gloves of Freder ick, which fitted him precisely. He also, it must be owned, took with him the gentleman's hat, and then arranging his fair silky hair on his white forehead, he left the room with the appearancs.the bow, and tho manner of an exquisite. " Where are you going 1"' exclaimed Frederick. " My pistols, in the name of Heaven I or,' at least, unloose me." " You shall see me almost immediate ly," was the answer of Ikey Samuels, as he closed the doors carefully behind him. It would appear that, under his present circumstances, all that Mr. Ikcy Sam uels had to do, was to go out of the house as he had entered it, and regret ting that he had tried to despoil his neighbor of his goods, and failed in do ing so. This would have beeu the pro ceedihg of a common ordinary and Vul gar thief; but Samuels was no such thing ; for he was one of those extraor dinary beings, who thought as little of doing a bad action as a' good one. He had not taken a pair of French gloves to exhibit them at the Itegent's Circus at one o'clock in the morning. He went straight to the drawing room ; he rapped gently with his gloved hand on the door and then entered the apartment. As he did so, he perceived Miss Brookes stand, Ing up, Mrs. Chantry about to place a shawl upon her shoulders, and Mr. Wil liams about to offer her his arm. "I beg your pardon, ladies," said Samuels, perfectly unembarrassed ; "but I presume I have the honor of address ing Miss Brookes." " Yes," replied the lady; "but I sup pose, sir, your business is .with my brother." i "Yes, yes; with Mr. Frederick Brookes I have most important business to transact." " But then, sir, it is so very late." 44 Yes, Miss Brookes ; but it Is so very pressing, and It concerns him as much as you, and this gentleman as well as this lady, for you are all the friends of Mr. Brookes." This commencement nf the conversa tion certainly surprised and agitated them all ensuing, as it did, at such a time of night, and from an entire strati ger, whose name they did not know, since he had not been announced. They seated themselves again, ' and Mr. Wll Hams continued the conversation by saying: " You have had, sir, buslines t do with Mr. Brookes V" " Oh, yes, a very trifling matter, and 1 never saw him in all my life, but once.' " To whom have I the honor of ad dressing myself V" 44 To Ikey Samuels, who has just done a great service to every one present." 44 What to me too, slrV" said Mrs. Chantry, with the eontidenee of a pretty young widow, ' 44 Yes, madam, to you also, if, as I (suppose, it is you that Mr, Brookes was NO. 10, about to have the happiness of being married." " What can it Ik-, then ? what has happened V" asked Emiry, greatly frightened. 41 Oh, a merelrlfle, Miss Brookes. It only comes to this ; that yonr brother is ruined, smashed, used up cleaned outl" 41 Oh, Heaven 1" returned Emily. 44 It Is Impossible," remarked Mr. Williams. 44 And Is that all V" observed (.'ecllla, with an air of perfect Indifference. 44 No, madam, it is not all," coldly re plied Ikey; 44 there Is something more to bo said ; it is, that if ever there was an honest man living, Frederick Brookes is the individual." 44 We know It, we know it but con tinue." 44 1 came by the merest chance to his house this evening," continued Ikey; 4 1 came to pay a visit a a friend, and I found him in his cabinet. I may indeed own that I mtrprised him there. He was lying on a sofa, and on the table beside him, I found, instead of pens and papers tAesc" And as be thus sfike-,the intruder took from his pocket the pistols. 41 Why, these are mybrother's pistols!" exclaimed Emily. 44 1 know them well," said Mr. Wil liams ; 44 fo many is the time, as a boy, I have fired out of them, at sparrows." 44 Mr. Brookes," replied Ikey, with very solemn dignity, "prepared them this day to shoot at something else. Look here, how strongly charged they are, and such big balls I" , 44 Where, oh, where is he VNexclaimed the two ladies, jumping up. 44 Be calm, be ca4m," continued the ' robber; 44 1 am rcsponslblo for his per fect safety. He is in his study, tied down to the sofa ; you may be sure he can do himself no Injury. It was I who tied the knots, and I can tell you I know something of the matter. But you understand me; you must console and comfort him; you must treat him with kindness, tenderness, forbearance, gentleness; you must pay his " Ikey Samuels could have talked on ft very long time without being contra dicted ; for he was nqw speaking but to the table and chairs in the drawing room. He stopped, looked at himself in the glass, ran his fingers through his hair, and said to himself 44 Well done, Ikey! you can appear the gentleman, when you do choose to do so. Here are t wo pretty women who have mistaken you for a full quarter of an hour for a highly respectable stock, broker." Mean while Miss Brookes, Mrs. Chant ry, and Williams, had precipitated them selves into the study. They found the unhappy Frederick tied In the precise position In which Samuels had secured him ; they saw that he could not raise a finger to do himself violence, lhe two ladies wept as they cast their arms around hltn. 44 Ah, Frederick, Frederick," said the one 41 you do not love your sister."' 44 Cruel man !" cried the othar, 44 do you not know that when a woman gives away her heart, she gives away all, her fortune at the same time, and that the bargaining for pin-money is an Insult to love V" " What a villain you are," exclaimed WiMinnas, 44 not to say a single, word to me, when you know that all my fortune is at your command." Th widow Chantry wished to be mar ried that very instant. Frederick re quested they would unlove, him. He consented Jo accept assistance from Wil liamshe promised to accept the for tune and the hand of the lovely Cecila. It was not until he had sworn a hundred oaths, and given a thousand solemn promises that he was released. When they hail at length recovered from thtir emotion, Emily said, 41 Let a go to tho drawing-room ; I oust certainly kka that dear, handsale, tall, flne-looklog Mr. Samuels, who has performed such an essential service to, us all." 44 That is true, said Williams. 44 Who is that Mr. Sutuujels ? I did not know you had such, a friend" . 44 He is not my frioud," replied Fred erick, castiug his eyes to the ground. 44 Then be must become a frieud," re marked Emily. , "lie is a robber,',' answered Freilorlok, who recounted the scene that had parsed, between them. They detvrmlnvd fit lviigb t gQ Vo tha