The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 10, 1877, Page 8, Image 8
THE TIMES ' NEW BLOOM 1111), VAl, Al'KIL 'l6,' ifctt! 8 A Perfect fiend. i Frntiz Pclinrnagel, of Newark, had ft grudge against a fellow-workman ins brew ery and tbe other night while bis victim was asleep, he poured coal oil over bitn, and then set the saturated clothing on fire. Tho result was death, poor Btahl being horribly burned, while his flmitlinh tor inoutor looked on and thought It a good joke, and was so inclined to consider It when put on the witness stand before the coroner. A more revolting and cruel case of murder has not ootno under our notice for a long time, and it shows to what a depth of villainy nmnn may be capable of descending. Rohariiagei seems to have had a penchant for exercising his cruel and barbarous proclivities upon his fellow workmen, and in one Instance dropped the elevator with a rush from the fifth story to the basement when two or three persons were on it; juet for "the fun of the thing," when the piobability was that they would either be killed or maimed for life. The A Sudden Wreck. In tho last issue of the London Court Circular is narrated a queer social tragedy. Among the guests who were assembled at a dinner party was a lady of exquisite form, whose delicate plumpness was the theme of unusual admiration. To her was pre sented a small bunch of llowers by an ad mirer whose duty it was to escort her to dinner. She gracefully accepted tho gift, and in a thoughtless moment fastened it to her bosom with a pin searching, and far-reaching. Uy the time Bho reached the dinner table she was a mere wreck. The pin bad perforated her bosom, not wisely, but too well, and that bosom was merely a part of the outer Iudia-rubber woman which con cealed the real residue from the gaze of deceived sociely. , Of course, thore was nothing left for her to do but to faint, and she promptly did so. ller friends gatheied her once exuberant charms into a narrow but compact bundle, and removed her to her carriage. And this, we are left to infer, is the way ill which the beauty and fashion or Englaud is con structed. Singular Burial. Tho Smyrna (Del.tware) Times has some t emaiks on the death of a Mrs. Morris, who died at Smyrna Landing a short time since, and amongst other peculiar notions she gave directions concerning bcr burial. No screws were allowed to go Into the coflin ; the lid was merely held in place thy smalliails stuck In holes bored for the purpose, to keep it from slipping oft' whilst being carried to the grave. Aud the grave, just deep enough to set the coflin cleverly beneath the surface of the ground, is on the premises, within twenty yards of tbe house, along the fence-row on the road to 'Rothwell'H Landing, where it may soon be hid from sight by the tall weeds of the roadside, unless they be kept down by the - hoe of the husband in his tillage of garden vegetables. A Wooden Watch. We were shown, by Enginer Matt Franklin, a wooden watch made by Victor Doriot, of Bristol. The case is made of Brier root, and the inside works, all except three of the wheels and the springs (which are metal), are of box-wood, while the face is made from a piece of the shoulder blade of a cow which was run over and killed some time ago. It is an open-faced watch with a glass crystal, aud is an elegant piece of workmanship, displaying great talent in tbe maker. It does not weigh more thau an ounce. Matt says he has carried the watch a day or two, and it keeps as good time as any watch he ever carried. Knoxville Chronicle. Thousands of Affidavits. Many havinc used "patent" and meiar- ed medicines and failed in finding the relief promised, are thereby prejudiced against all medicines. Is this right? Would you condemn all physicians because one failed in giving the relief promised ? Some go to California in search of gold, aud after working hard for months and finding none, return home and say there is no gold there. Does that prove it V Many suffering with Catarrh and pulmonary affections have used the worthless nienarations that crowd tbe market, and in their disappointment say there is no cure for Catarrh. Does that prove it? Does it not rather prove that they have failed to employ the proper remedy ? There are thousands of people in the United States who can make an affidavit that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery uttva cucuvcu bueir enure cure. jiauy oau lost all sense of smell for months, and pieces of bone had repeatedly been removed Horn trie nasal cavities. tSAbout half-past one o'clock Tuesday morning, a widow in tbe rear of Charles Brook's residence, in Christian street, Philada. was jimmied open, and one of the burglars, candle in band, proceeded up stairs. A daughter of Mr. Brooks was awaken ed, and seeing the light made an outcry, whereupon the burglar seined her by tho throat. A "pal" down Stairs then gave a whistle and they both escaped. Mr. Brooks sprang a rattle, and live or six policemen responded, but the burglars were out of Sight. 1877 SPRING 1877. 1877 SPRING 1877. 1877 SPRING 1877. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. HAVING .tUST PURCHASED for CASH, at LOW fRIUKS. lots nt NEW HOODS, we are enabled to oiler our friends and customers a HEAT BARGAINS. Now is the time to buy as there is no doubt but what DRf-GOnns WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOOD8 WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. NOW IS TIIK TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. To Make Your To Make Your To Make Your To Make Your To Make Your To Make Your Spring Purchases. Spring Purchases. Spring Purchases. Spring Purchases. Spring Purcnases. Spring Purchases. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. COM E AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SHE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. llre Have Lots of Prints, j ire Have Lots of Alpaccas, We Have Lola of Fancy Dry Goods, We Have Lots of Cotlonades, We Have Lois of White Goods, . We Have Lots of Other Articles, That Are That Are That Are That Are That Are That Are Very Very Very Very Very Very Cheap, Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. WE ALSO HAVE New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. The Prettiest You Ever Saw. Come and See Them. Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND CAHPETS ! Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND CARPETS. Floor tad Table Oil Cloths AND CARPETS ! In the handsomest patterns and best qualities. It w ill not eost you anything to look at them. SHOES FOR MEN. SHOES FOR BOYS. SHOES FOR WOMEN. -All Good Styles and atPopu lar Prices ! , In tact we have a COMPLETE STOCK of all kinds of goods, to which we ask the attention of all who can appreciate fine goods AND GREAT BARGAINS. F. MORTIMER, . NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. DON'TEEILAY! But come to our STORE and take a look through our AiVGisrijric:ijSrrr NEW SPUING AND SUMMER STOCK! DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T H you want a POLL SUIT nf Hundaygoto-mcet-lug CLOTHES, If you wanta ROUUH-AND READT day work ing SUIT, If you want a separate COAT, VEST or PANTS. 1 If you wont a HAT or CAP, If you want a TRUNK, VALISE, or SATCHEL, If you want CARPETS or OILCLOTHS, If you want SHIRTS or OVERALLS, If you want COLLARS, CUFFS or NECK TIES, '. If you want GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS or JEWELRY, if you want an UMBRELLA' or PARASOL, If you want LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, If you want GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, If you want TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, TOW- ELS, or If you waut them ALL, you can llnd just what will suit you In PRICE, QUALITY, QUANTI TY and STYLE, AT . . ISIDOR SCHWARTZ'S CLOTHING IIOUS Wright's Building, NEWPORT, FISNN'Ji.. DELAY ! DELAY DELAY J DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY j DELAY j DELAY i DELAY j DELAY j E TO THE PEOPLE OF PEIUIY COUNTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. 1877. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. EngllHli and Amer ican BRUSSELS in all the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Plv CARPETS. In Brussels Designs. EXTRA ENGLISH ! 1MORA1N AND j Extra Super CAJPJJTS CUKAV I Reautles In Hall anil Stair CARPETS with rich matcli . BORDERS ! ALL NEW FOR SPRING. NOW OJPElSr ! AND HEADY FOR SALE. THE MOST ATTRACTIVE SPRING STOCK Or Carpets Carpels! AND OILCLOTHS! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, Looking Glasses, MATS, HUGS, HASSOCKS, AND "VVrall Papers, ever before offered to the trade. STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN STREET. CARLISLE. ' CARPET CHAINS, AND FILLINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WALL, J'APJSUS AND DECOHATIOXS, FOR Halls, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamber and Dining Rooms, OIL CLOTHS! For Stairs. Tables, Floors and Halls. Cut to lit In a solid piece. LOOKING GLASSES! FROM PARLOR TO KITCHEN SIZES. 30 Fatterns In Home Made CAltPETS, our own manufacture. The best Wool, Cotton and Linen CAlirJST CHAIN always on hand. AND SOLD AT Jiottom Jfrices. THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. ...... J M i,t .xgis- iJ : 1 Mm v:.Y T,.'- . ...... ... - - IT RETAINS all the virtues of the Light-Running " DOMESTIC," Including the Autonutio Tension, which was and Is the best In use. . . , M. l'lease notice our PATENT HARDENED CONICAL BEARINGS on both the Marine and Stand. . i , .... , , - . Our new and old ideas, worked out with brand now Machinery and Tools at our own new works. In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey hav given us a standard of MECHANICAL EX. CKLLKNCK. Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, aud range of work, never heretofore reached In the Sewing Machine world. ,,,,-.,, TO THItf STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF C3" We invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical skill or observation. N. B. All Machines fully warranted. DOMESTIC SKWINU MAtlUNKCO., New York nd ChlOSfO, LADIES, VSE UDOnCSTIOn PAPEU f'ASHIONS : ' ''The Best T'hintr In tho West."' ' ' Atchison, Topska & Santa Fe R. R. LANDS' IN KANSAS. ,500,000 ACIIKH of the i best Farralngand Agricultural Lands In America, situated in and near the beautlttil Oot. tonwood and Upper Arkansas V alius, the ear. den of the West, onll Years' (jrolf, with 7 ler cent. Interest. ' , TFARE REFUNDED To purchasers of land. Circulars, wlt.h man. olvlniy tli it4rnmB tlon, sent free. Address A. 8. JOHNSON. Acting Land Commissioner, Toueka, Kansas. fir ' U HisifjijiutfcJ . . f. .. ,. R. R-, No. 20 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Fa. 4 Sin ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE?' : ' ' ' Notice Is hereby given that John Yohrt of Car roll township. Ferry county, Penn'a., by deed of VOluntarv deed of as! I i.n.H on h. estate, real and personal of the said John iohn to A. M. Fleck, of Shermansdale, county and state aforesaid. In trust for the benefit of the creditors of the said John Yohn. AH persons therefore indebted to the said John Volui, will iiiuku iiaymeni 10 me saia assignee, and those having claims or demands win maka same without delay. , . FLECK, January 30,1877. Assignee. ASSIGNEE'S NpTICE..; . Ii.TrEJs hprer Rjn that George Matchett and Leah M. Matchett. his wife, of Miller town ship, Perry county, have assigned their property and etlects to the undersigned, of Whealtleld township, Ferrycounty, for the benefit of cred itors. All persons therefore Indebted to said as signers are requested to make payment and those having claims, will please present them duly authenticated lotbe undersigned (or settle ment without delay. SOLOMON BIGHAM, Assignee. LEWLS POTTER, Atty. , V . ' feb. 20 ESTATE NOTICB.-Notlce Is hereby glv en, that Letters of Administration on the es- tate of Jacob Rice, late of Savllle township. Perry county, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers residing in the same township. ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to CHARLOTTE N. RICE, , A. M. Markel, Attorney. Administrators. reuruary m, rai i stptt J7I3TATE NOTICE. -Notice Is hereby glv lien that Letters of Administration onlhe estate of John 8. Mclilvy, late ef New Buffalo borough, Perry Va., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same borough. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present thera duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN RASKIN. Februarys, 1877-Jpd Administrator. INCORPORATION NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that application will be made at the April term of the Court of Quarter Sesslons.for a decree incorporal Ing the town of Blalo and vicinity lntoa Borough, under the general borough laws of this State. t. w- D- MESSERMAN, See. March 6th, 187". jypSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the public A RARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALAPCCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINB, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ENDLESS 8ELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the bead of GROCERIES! Maehine needles and oil for all makes of Maohines. ' , To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, 13 TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. Ne trouble to show goods. , i . ,, ... Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. 5T Wfg.. - V" LiMxL IS TAKEN INIERNAUY, NQ POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA. AND IVMBAGO. OLD Dl UHUIjlilSU tVtttlWHLHfc. StNU fUrt LtH- SOLD tUlA IABT0 HE. I. PHENSTINE A BSNTLEY. 2' UHUkUISIS, WAdraNbiuN, U. 6. Surg and Philadelpbia, 36 lj