0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMITELB, FA, APRIL 10, 1877. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Produeti from the Hog. In addition to the hams and eldes of wine, which are a distinct branch of the pork trade, and the united pork, we have" various manufactured articles. The cheeks are imioked and sold as "jowls," the feet pickled and sold as "trotters," or "souse," or more gen erally as "pigs feet." Then sausage ment entered the market, and Is now a large trade. The bristles of the bog are used for brushes, the fine hair or wool, washed, dried, and combed, Is used for the stuffing of mattresses ; the blood Is utilized for the making of prusslnte of potash. The trade In sausnge skins is large, and the entrails and bladders fetch a good price. The congealed grease forms the lard of commerce ; the oil ex pressed from lard is In constantdemand, while the stearin which is left Is utilized for candles. Of late years, tlie stomach lias been used for the preparation of jwpsln for medicinal use. Hog skins are used for saddle seats ; In China they are made Into shoes. Pigs' tongues are sometimes shipped. What Is left of the pig finds use as manure. We thus find the meat and fat used for and in the preparation of food, as well as the heart, liver, and tongue ; the hoofs for glue ; the hair, skin, entrails, ( in part, ) and blood for manufacturing purposes, and the refuse for manure. What wonder, then, that the pig is such a standard article of farm productions. Bread Recipe. A lady sent an exchange a recipe for bread making, which reads as follows: 1 In the evening boil five or six good sized potatoes, pour water and all over a saucerful of flour, stir with a spoon un til I can bear my hand In ; pour cold water enough to make it milkwarm. I then put In a teacupful of liquid yeast, put my hand in and stir and work It for twenty or thirty minutes ; cover up and set by the stove or some place to keep warm all night. In the morning it looks like Boapsuds; take out a tumblerful for next baking. You understand that this is thin, and as much as I want to make I thicken as thick ns batter and let it raise again. I woi k it down twice, the third time use no Hour after mixing, but grease my fingers and work it and put it in the pans to rise for baking. When I want to make extra white bread I burn alum and mash up a tablespoonful and sprinkle on the board with a little flour and work the dough in before putting in the pans, but don't think It good for the health. Veal Soup. To a knuckle of veal of 0 pounds, put 7 or 0 quarts of water ; boil down one half ; skim it-well. This is better to do the day before you prepare the soup for the table. Thicken it by rubbing flour, butter, and water together. Season with alt and mace. When done add 1 pint new milk ; let it just come to a boil; then pour into a soup dish, lined with macaroni well cooked. New Rice Pudding. Mix four large teaspoonfuls of rice flour with half a pint cold milk, and. stir It Into a quart of boiling milk until it boils again ; then remove, stir in butter the size of an egg and add a little salt; let it cool and add four eggs well beaten, two-thirds cup of white sugar, grated nutmeg, half wineglass of brandy or other flavoring ; bake in a buttered dish twenty minutes. To be eaten hot with sauce. CaT To clean lace curtains without washing them, shake the lace gently to remove the loose dust ; then spread a dean sheet on a table and lay the cur tains one above the other, M-ith a plenti ful sprinkling or unsifted corn-meal or bran between them. Then roll them up snugly, and put away in a safe, dry place for a week or ten days ; then shake the bran out, and with a moderately hot iron press out the wrinkles, and your curtains are as nice as new. gir White-rose blankets can be washed well by first making a good warm suds with common brown soap, and after rubbing and working the blankets well in the suds, rinse well in quite hot ( water. Rub no soap on the blankets. If left to soak some hours in the warm uds, then add more hot water when ready to wash or rub them, they will wash better and easier for it. Hasty Lemon Pie. Make and bake an undercrust. Mean while, put in a nice stewpan, juice and a little grated peel of one leroon, one cup of sugar, one teaspoon corn starch, yolks of two efrgs, and a small piece of butter. Htir this till it boils, then pour into the crust. Heat whites of the two ggs to a foam, sweeten und flavor a little: pour it over the pie, and brown Jightly in the oven. B LATCH LET'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable. Kf. tloleiit and Cheap. The best Fiimn for tlm lpust monev. At tention Is especially Invited to Blatohley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the Hut. A I ho, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will nut last any ot her. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Bend (or Catalogue and mce-usc. CHAS. O. IU.ATCHLEY, Manufacturer. 6 37 ly 606 Commerce t, Fnilapelphta, Pa. BOOTS Do yon want BOOTS ol any kind? It so, call and see the LAHGK STOCK NOW OFFERED BY F . MOHIIMEH, Neiv Pension Laiv, UNDEll an act ol Congress approved March 3, 1H73, widows otollicers who were killed, or 1 ltd of ;iKiiw contracted In the service, lire how entitled to t2.uo per month for each of their chil dren. The guardian of a minor child of a soldier who heretolore only received ts.tKi per mouth pension Is now entitled to III), per moth. Holdlers who receive Invalid pension" can now have tlielr pensions Increased to any sum or rate between 8. and SIS. per month. Soldiers who have lost their discharges can now obtain duplicates. Fathers and mothers who lost sons In the serv ice upon whom , ley were dependent for support, can also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience in the Claim agency business will attend promptly te claims under the above act. Call on or address LEWIS POTTER, Attorney for Claimants, New Bloomtleld, 2tf. Perry Co., Pa .LIPFINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Science. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 The tiumbPT for January ti'1n the nluot-enth vol nine of tbiH MiiKiizine, ami while it pat record Will, It Ih Iioi(h1( IwilM'int'd a fiiindent irimrauten of future excellence, no eltnrtj will be uparrrt to diverfliiy its attractions uud to Jtovitle alt increased; fiipply of Popular Readinp in the BphI and Moat Emphatic Mnne Th ftw&t nbVct and ronnlant arm of Hip conductors will be to fiirniHli thr public with literature Entertain mentof a Kenned mid Varied t'hitracter, aa well as to prettent in a rapliic and etrlkiiiK manner the most re cent information and ionndeut views on Kuhjecto of (General Intercut, in a word, to render Lippinuott'B Mnirnzfne Mtriktnurly distinctive in Thane feature that are Mont Attractive in Mag azine Literature. tn Addition to the ttenr:d Attraction of Upnln rott'n MHirHzluctlte Publisher would invite attention toft uew aerial at try, VTlie Marquis of Losalc," livOeorL-e McDonald author of Malcoln." "Alice Korlwa" ItolKrt Falconer, "etc. TERMS. Yearly Snlmtrlptiou, H t Rlule number, :t5 cent. NOTIt'E. The November and December Numbers, containlnw the earlier chnptern of " The Marquis of (virile." will be presented to all new annual aulmeritierH Tor 177. KPIXIIMEN XnMHEH mulled postage paid, to nny address, on receipt til' 2U cents. J. n. LIPHNCOTT & CO., rnbllsliitr, 715(iiirf 717 Market (., Pliilndcliililu. jEDUCT K)n7n PRICE J Cheapest and Best ! THE HARRISBTJItG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. To aM new subscribers and to all present subscribers renew in their autmcriptiouH THE DAILY PATRIOT Wiil be sent at the folio wMir rites : I fopy, I year, ptuue prepaid ,...7.Wt i copies, (iu el ii I)), " " lj.ui U " " " " 27.M 10 " " Mum I copy dnrlnv the session of the Ielatuie tt.oo 1 eopv, I year, and I copy, 1 year, of either Hau pkh'h Monthly Or Hahpkh'h ISazah, ptwt.we lu i U on both fti3 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will w mut lit the fnllowluif riiti-s i 1 C'lpy, I L'r, iHWtuire im-phid 2,ll0 4 cot)t'H, " '" u.wi til " " " lll.M) 15 " " suit 1 copy totretter-upof lub 16.00 itfi'opltH, 1 year pttttye prepaid, aim 1 copy tojretU'r.up of club 25.00 1 coi'.v, uiitf year, hih! on copy, nue yttr, nf either Haiii'kb's Monthly nr Uaiu'er'h Ba- zau, IHMitiure pr-flwtit oil ImiMi 4.1.0 Tue HiniMrriptliill price of iluriwr'N Monthly mid HHrirV Hiieur ii 44. (W rnrh. tiiiin HecuriiiK iiitacri. Ivr u copy of the Wkkkly I'atkiot fr M rent in ml dirtnii to vht li. would have to pay for uilhtir of Hai' pi'l'V piihlicattiniK. All ortlem iimct tfl aeconipouied tty the caiili. either hy rht'ck or poKt.otttcH irlcr. Now ia tlie tliiie to aultwcrilie. Oct nil the newaand the hent reading matt4-rat leaaeoat than anywhere elne h ai'ieiiiiir your aulwjriptioua to thu Daiuy and Wi:kki.y I'Atkiot. Adilivh.. PA TRIO T P UHLIftHING CO. . I 3t . I'AHIiltiBl ItO, I'A. Daily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN PLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! rpHEsnbacTlberwIdliM to notify the oltlzennof .L-.,Bl0,omflel,Bn, Newport that lie la running a Pally Line between these two places, and will haul Freightof any kind, or promptlvdeliverpackaKea or niessattesBiitniMed to hincare. .OrderiiiRybelelt forklm at thetore of F. Mortimer i Co., New BlooiuUeld.or MilliKantt Husser, Newport, r a. , , . . ' 8. W 3ITMORK. BloomTield.Jaauary2S,l870. "yy I L LI A Mm78UTC IT " Justice or the leae, AND GENERAL COLLECTOIl, . New Bloomtleld, Perry County, Peon's l,.?8I??el2,a,.!ent.lo"PRl, to Collectlonii of all Hindu. Deedj. Bonds, Mort(?aReand Agreements neatly executed. Tliitf STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT FATIGUE OR INJURY. The most complete method of propellitiK the sewing machihe. It saves four-fifths tlie labor and entirely avoids the cause of physical Injury t en dorsed by the medical fraternity. It van lx at tached fo any ordinary ewlii 'inaelilno without I'einov'nv the machine from I lie lioow. No sew. Intr machine ahould be used without tills Im portant attachment. Send for our circulars, wlilet- exiiiRiiia tlie principles. Adilrets, NEW T0BK TKEADI.E MFU. (U lyr. (A Voi-tlitndt (Street, IV. Y. ' t Philadelphia Advertisements. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch 8treot, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to HOAR McCONKETf CO., WROLBSALI BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, ia MARKET 8THEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM.GLEIM &. C0., Wbolrsalb Dialers in TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4, NttHTH FIFTH 8TKEET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealersln Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Hatting, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of WOOD ami WILLOW WA11K, No. (2il Market street, abeve 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. ROLE AND ONLY MANUKACTURHHS OF T11K IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White Lead and Coler MANUFA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On HtQH Street, East or Carl'bls St., New Bloomfleld, Penn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commo dious Shop on High Ht., East of Carlisle Htreet New Hloomtleld. Pa., where he Is prepared to maa ufaotureto order Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, bullttnorder, and finished In the mostartlstlcand durable manner. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best city Work, and much more durable, and atmuchuore reasonable rates. y-KEPAIKlNOof allklndsneatlyandpromp lydnne Aoallissollclted. f DMITRI, 8MfTH ltf TOB PniXTINO of every description nontlv Philadelphia Adrertlsements. JJ D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers and Stationers, . And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS WALL. PAPElt, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Ta. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' - . Successors to 8HAFFNER, ZIEGLER ft CO., Importers and Dealers IB Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and ever; variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 86, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA , PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs. gOWER, POTTS' & CO., E00ESZLLEHS. STATIONERS, And Dealers la CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK BOOHN Always ob hand, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . Publishers of 8anders'New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's Historyof the United States, Felton'sOutline Maps.&e. gARCROFT & CO., Importer and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeies, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. MOUL, REPRESENTING Weimer, Wright & Watkin, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers v. IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, I'll IL.A1) 1 1 1 . K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Importers ahd Jobbers or Cliiiin, Glass AND QUEENSWAHE, 923 Market Street, PIIIIA-DELPIIIA. ' w. H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, ERITTON ft Co., . WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET STREET,' PHILADELPHIA. T 10 Philadelphia Advertisements. JLOYD, SUPPLEE LwImT WR0LB9ALM HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street. Philadelphia, Penn'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEHER, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. -HIS HOTEL being centrally located, aad hav X Ing been entirely bbtitted, It will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired' JJNDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED 1! Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Everybody who sees them are delighted. The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER,. W EST STREET HOTEL,. Nos. 41, 43, 43 & 44 West St., NEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 5ft and 75 cents per day. Charges very MODKBATE. The best meats and vegetables in the market. BEST BEDS In the City. ; 17 lyH B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN, Attorney at-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry co.. Pa. Mr Office Next door to the residence of Judge Juukln. 45tf AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld, Perry county. Pa. fctf" Office directly opposite the Poet-Ofiioe, and adjoining the Mansion House. TETV18 POTTER, ATTORNEY AT A, AW. NEWBLOOMFIELD, PERRX CO..PA. Claims promptly secured and collected Writings aud ail legal business carefully attend ed to. 82 yl JAMES H. FERGTjSON, Attorney at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. WOfBce Market Street, near the Square. 85 f HARLES U. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomheld.s Perry Co. Pa. . Office with 0. A. Barnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte riaa Church. August 20, 1872. JBA1LY, Attorney at Law, New Bloomlield, PerryCo.,Fa- Office opposi te the Mansion House and nex door to the Post-OfHce. Refers to B.McIntlre, Esq. June27,1871. "TTM. A. BPONBLER, Attorney at-Law, ' TV Office adjoining his residence, on East. Main street, New Bloomlield, Perry co.. Pa. 82 ly JOHN G. 8HATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomlield, Perry co.. Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. OI!lce at his residence one door Eastoftha Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Sponsler's Law office. 8 21y "VITM. N. SEIBERT, Attorney-at-Law, VY New BloomOeld, Perry co., Ta. Bloomfleld, 3331V. "ITTM. M. HUTCH, VY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bloomlield, Perry co.. Pa. -Offlee Two door West of if. Mortimer Store 37 ly LEWIS POTTER, notary pdblio. Hew Bloom -Meld, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages and Leases earefully Prepared and acknowledgements taken. All Inds of Pension and Bouuty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be rer.d in anv court In the United States. 7 10 ly CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-LaV New Bloomtleld, Perry co.. Pa. 9-AUprofe?sionalbusinesapromptlyandfaltb' fully attended to. 3 2 1 v. ITTM. A. MOKTtlSOW, VY JUSTICE OK THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLKCTOH, NEwGEHMiNTOWif, Perry co.. Pa. r Remittanceswill be made promptly teralf Collections made. 7 (1 CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, " New Bloomfleld. Perry to.. Pa. VOftlce on high street, North side, nearly op poite the Presbyterian Church. 3 2 ly RICHARD L. MAGEE; JTSTICE OF THE PEACE, 9-Office at his residence, in CENTRE TOWN SHIP. Perry County, Peua'a., one mile Souther New Bloomtleld. 10 3