The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 10, 1877, Page 3, Image 3
THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., AVltlL 10, 1877. RAILROADS PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PAftfiHNGEll TRAINS. Xoveiiiberlsstli, 1870. THAIN8 LEAVE H AREIHBUItO AB FOLLOWS I For New York, at 6.80, B.10 a. m. 1.00 and 7.M p. in. For Philadelphia, at 6.20, .10, 9.4ft a.m.l.OO and 8.57 p. in. . For Heading, at 6.20, 1.10, 9.48 a. m. 100 3.57 and 7.B6p. m. . ..... For Fottsvlfie at 6.20. 6.10 a.m.. and 8,B7p. inland via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branub. Vor Vlentown, at t.2s 6.10 a. in., 8.00, S.67 and 7. 66 m. ..... The 6.20,8.10 a. m.3.00 p.m. and 7.6o p. m. train hate through oars tor New York. TheHiJ, S.10 a.m.. and 2.00 p. m. train hava through oar (or Philadelphia. . SUNDAYS t For New York, at 6.2" a. nt. For Allentown and Way stations at 6.20 a.m. For Heading, Philadelphia and Way Stations at 1.45p. ni. i TBA1NB FOll H Alt KIHnriiO, LEAVE AB FOL LOWS i Leave New York, at 8.41 a. m., 1.00, 6.30 and 7.4fp. in. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.16 a. m. 8.48, and 7.20 p. ni. Leave Heading, at 4.40,7.40, 11.20a. m. 1.80,6.16 and 10.3A p. ni. Leave Pottsvllle, at (.16, 9.15 a. in. and 4.35 p. m. And via Schuylkill aadSusquehanna Branch at 8.05 a. in. Leave Allentown, at 2.30, 6,50,8.66 a.m., 12.15 4.SH and 9.00 p. in. The a. 30 a. in. trala from Allentown and the 4.40 a. in. train from Heading do not ruu on Mon day BffN'PlAYS l Leave New York, at 3.30 n. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 7.20 p. m. Leave Heading, at 4.40. 7.40a. m. and 10.85 p. n. Leave AUentowii. 2.30 a. ni. and 9.00 p. n. Via Morris and Ewsex Hall Koad. J. E. WOOTKN, Oen. Manager. C. O. Hancock, General Ticket Agent. Pennsylvania R. It. Time Tab. NEWPORT STATION. On and after Monday, Nov. 27th, 1876, Pas senger tralnswlll run as follows: EAST. Minilntown Ace. 7.19 a. m., dallvexeeptBunday. Johnstown Express 12.22 F. M., dally '' Hunday Mall, 6.54 p. m., dally exceptSunday Atlantic Express, 10.O2 p.m., flag, dally. West. Way Pass. 9.08 A. m., dally! Mull, 3.38 p. m. dally exoeptSunday. Minilntown Aoo. 6.65 P. M. dallyexcept Bunday. Pittsburgh Kxpress, 11.67P. M (Flag) dally, ex- omit Bunday. ranilio Express, 6.10 a. m., dally (flag) Trains are now run by Philadelphia time, which Is 13 minutes faster than Altoona time, and 1 min utes slower than New York time. J.J. BAKCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON BTATION. On and after Monday, Nov. 27th, 1876,tralus will leave Duncannon, as follows i KA8TWAKD. Mlffllntown Aoo. dallyexcept Bunday at 7. 68 A. M. .Tohnstown Express 12.63p.M.,dalyexceptBunday. Mall 7.30 P. H f " AUautlo Express 10.29 p. m., dally (flag) WESTWARD. Way Passenger, 8.38 a. x., daily Mail, 2.04 p. m, dallyeiceptSunday. Minilntown Ace. dally except Sunday at 6.16 p.m. Pittsburg Ex, daily exoept Bunday (flag) 11.33P. II, WM. O. KINO Agent. D. RWIGLEY &OO., Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a new Saddlery Shop in Bloomtleld, on Carlisle Btreet, two doors North of the Foundry, where they will manufacture HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and every thing usually kept In a first-class es tablishment. Oive us a call before going else where. a. FINE HARNESS a speciality. REPAIRING done on short notice and at rea sonable prices. W HIDES taken in exchange for work. D. F. QUIQLEY & CO. Bloom Held, January 9, 1877. VICK'S Flower and Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work In the world. j It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of line I lustrations, and six (Jliromo Plates of Flower beautifully drawn and colored from suture. . Price 50 cents in paper covers : 81.00 in elegan loth. Printed in German and English. Vlck' Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a yea Vlek's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cent Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S Flower and Yegetattlo Seeds A HE PLANTED BT A MILLION OP PEOPLE IN AMERICA. See Vlck's Catalogue 300 Illustratlons.only 2 .cents. Vlck's Floral Guide. Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vlck's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents i with elegant cloth cover 81.00. All my publications are printed iu English and German. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. nfl AGENTS WANTED to caavass for a WU gkand pictuhh, 22x28 inches, entitled "Tim Illustrated 1okd's PKATna. Agents Are meeting with great success. For particulars, address H. M. CRIDER, Publisher, IT York, Pa. REMOVAL. The undersigned has removed hi . Leather and Harness Store from Front to High Btreet, near the Penti'a., Freight Depot, where he will have on hand, and will sell at . REDUCED PRICES, Leather and Harness of all kinds. Having good workmen, and by buying at the lowest Ctuift price. I fear no competition. Market prices paid in cash for Bark. Hides and Skins. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuance of the same. P. 8. Blankets, Robes, and Shoe findings made a speciality, JOS. M. HAWLEY. Duncannon, Julyl9, 1876. tf VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely Illustrated, and containing an elegant colored Flower Plat with the Hint number. Price only 25 cents for year. The tlrst No. for 1877 just Issued In Ger man and English. Vlck's Flower and Vegetable Garden, In paper SO cent: with elegant dot h covers 81.00. Vis Catalogue 300 Illustrations, only Scents Address, J Ail lib VICK, Rochester, N. Y. JOHN TWIST'S PURCHASE. "rviIYKH, BARTIN! Yes, yes-I J believe In dreams," said old Bilas Tafton. He took another whiff at his pipe, and then added: "One of the greatest speculations 1 ever went Into come of a dream--a wonderful dream. I'll tell you about It." And we listened to the old man'sstory as follows : "You remember, some of you, about the great land speculations here in Maine thirty years ago. Poor men a very few of them were made suddenly rich ; and rich men were made suddenly poor ; I was living then In Orey. ,One day old Bam Whitney, of Oxford,stopped at our place, and showed us a map of a new town which had been laid out In Bnga dhoc. On the map It looked beautiful. There were brooks, and lakes, and broad plaliiB of pine and oak, with streets all laid out, and spots for churches and school-houses marked In proper array. I had a cousin living down that way ,and I concluded to go down and take a look. I found the town of Ellenville, which old Whitney had shown me on the map to be a wild, worthless tract, all rocks and swamps; but on the edge of this tract, in another township, my cousin owned a piece of good land,and I bought a hundred and fifty acres of It, and made me an excellent farm ; and for that pur chase I was never sorry. Meantime Ellenville was nearly all sold In ten-acre lots. The excite ment was at fever heat, and people bought without once thinking of coming to look at the land they were purchas ing. But by and by the new owners be gan to look up their property, and you can rest assured that they were a blue set when they were assembled on that territory. Within all the limits of the mapped-out township there was not an acre that could be cultivated. On the side that bordered my farm it was a craggy ledge of rocks: and beyond that to the eastward the land settled away under the mud and water of a sunken slough. Some of these lots had been sold as high as one pound an acre, and a few of them even higher than that. One poor fellow, named John Twist, from Vermont, had paid one pound au acre for a lot that bordered on my farm. On the map it had been set down as a mag nificent pine forest, with a beautiful river upon its border, on which was a superb water-power. John Twist bought it, and paid for it, and when he came to look at it he found it to be a mass of barren rock, with here and there a mass of clump or scrub oak and a few Nor way pines, and for a river he found a water-course which tumbled melted snow over the crags in the spring, but which was dry most of the year. I did not see the poor fellow when he came to survey his property, but I can imagine how he felt. After a while, however, the excite ment passed off, and the sufferers of El lenville turned their backs upon the grave qf their speculative hopes. On my farm I prospered. My land was of the very best quality ; my wife was a true helpmate, my crops were abundant: my stock thrived, and I found myself at length with a goodly pile of money tied up in my stocking. One evening In early autumn, after our crops had all been garnered, a man, riding a sorry-looking nag, pulled up be fore our door. He was a well-looking man , with a sedate and solemn face, and dressed in black. It was safe enough to conclude that he was a minister, and so he announced himself. He said he was the Rev. Paul Meekmore ; he was a mis sionary, on a home circuit, and asked shelter, for himself and his beast for the night. Of course we welcomed him cheerfully, and we were pleased with him. He had traveled extensively, and his conversation was entertaining and Instructive. Before he went to bed he read a chapter in the bible and made a prayer ; and Betsey said to me, after he had retired, that she never heard such a beautiful prayer in her life. The next morning, at the breakfast table, Mr. Meekmore was very sedate. He asked a blessing, and then only an swered such questions as were asked him. Finally Betsey told him she was afraid he had not slept well. He smiled and said he bad slept well, saving the spell of a curious dream which had visited him three seperate times during the night. Betsey asked him if he would tell what it was about. , ' "It was the old dream of hidden wealth," he said, with a solemn look. " I haven't dreamed such a dream before, since by a wonderful dream in Bouth Africa I led to the discovery of a dia mond mine worth millions of dollars ; and It never profited me a penny. But such wealth is not for me. I need It not. My calling hath higher and holier aims. And yet this poor flesh Is sometimes weak enough to Just after the dross of gold and silver!" By degrees we got from him that ho had dreamed of a silver mine among the crags of our hills. The mine seemed to his vision utterly exbaustlees in the pre cious metal ; but he could not locate it. Betsey whose curiosity was aroused, Would have pushed the matter, but Mr. Meekmore Anally shook his head more solemnly than ever, said that he would rather forget the dream If he could. When the missionary's horse was at the door, and the owner was prepared to start off, he Informed us that he was bound toward the Cahada line, and that he might return that way. Of course we told him that our door would always be open to him: and he promised that he would abide with us again If he had the opportunity. In two weeks Mr. Meekmore came back. He had received a summons, he said, from the home board, to return to Boston and make Immediate prepara tions for a winter's campaign In the West. The second evening In the society of the reverend gentleman we enjoyed more than we had enjoyed the first. Ills fund of anecdote and adventure was literally exhaustless, and yet an odor of sanctity and delicacy pervaded all his speech. We urged that ho should spend a few do ys with ub, but he could not. He said it would give him groat pleasure so to do but his call to a new field of labor in the West was pressing and Imperative. On the next morning, at the breakfast table, our guest was even more sedate and thoughtful than on the previous oc casion ; and when questioned on the matter he told us that he had been visit ed by the same strange dream again. " This time," he said, " the vision came with wonderful distinctness, I not only beheld the vast chambers of virgin sliver, but I saw an exact profile of the overlying territory. It was a wild, des olate spot, by a deep ravine, through which the snow of winter seem to find release in spring, rushing down a craggy hillside to a dark and wide-stretching, swamp below. This would not Impress mo so seriously were it not that once be fore a dream of the same import proved a startling reality." We conversed further on the subject, and after breakfast Mr. Meekmore took a pencil, and upon the blank leaf of an old atlas he drew a picture of the spot he had seen In his dream ; and he point ed out where, beneath the roots of an old, stumpy pine tree, he had seen an out-cropping of the precious metal. He had drawn the picture, he told us to show us how vivid his dream had been ; but he advised us to think no more of it. Even if it were possible that the dream had substance, the body of the mine was fur below the surface ; and, moreover, the Lord only knew where the spot was located, even allow ing that such a spot existed. For orice in my life I had allowed my cupidity to get the betterof tny outspok en honesty. I allowed the reverend guest to depart, and did not tell him that I knew where there was a spot exactly the original of that which he had pic tured, even to every rock, shrub, tree and ravine. And that spot was upon the wild lot which had been purchased by John Twist, and which John Twist owned still. That very afternoon, armed with an old ax and a pick, I sailed forth to the rough outside of the Twist lot. I knew exactly where the pictured lot was to be found, and when I had reached it I was more than ever struck by the faithful ness of Mr. Meekmore 's draft. The ac curacy in detail was wonderful. And when I reflected that this draft had been made by one who was an utterand abso lute stranger to the place, made from the simple impressions of a dream, is it a marvel that I was strongly and strangely influenced. I found the old tree which the reverend old dreamer had particularly designated, and went to work at its roots. And ere long my labors were rewarded. Beneath one of the main roots I found a lump of pure metal as large as a hen's egg; and upon further chopping and digging I found several more smaller pieces. They had evidently been broken from a molten mass, and upon rubbing off the dirt I found them all pure and bright. That night I slept but little. I could only lie awake and think of the vast wealth that lay buried in that bleak hill side. But what could I do? The lot was not mine, and I should run great risk if I troubled another man's proper ty. And, moreover, if I made further exploration while the land was not mine the secreet might be divulged and the vast wealth snatched from me. I must purchase the Twist lot, and I had no doubt that I could buy it for a mere song. On the next day I rode over to see my cousin, and when I had spoken of the Twist lot he informed me that not only that lot but a number of others, were for sale. They had been advertised and would be sold at auction in two weeks. He called me a fool when I told him I should bid on the Twist lot; but I told him I had looked it over and made up my mind that my sheep could find plen ty of grazing there throughout the sum mer months. He asked me if I hadn't nlreudy got all the sheep pasture I need ed ; but I told him he need not trouble himself. During the next two weeks I kept quiet and held my tongue, giving no op portunity for my secret to become known. On the appointed day I went over to the settlement where the land was to be sold. It was to be put up In hundred-acre lots, and sold by the original plans of Whit, ney purchase. Lot number one was put up first, and sold for one quarter of a cent an acre. The next lot was the " Twist lot," so called, and I heard It whispered that Iron and copper ore had been discovered upon it. A stranger, in Jockey clothes, start ed it at fifty cents an acre. Another stranger who wore a blue frock and top boots bid Beventy-flve. 1 Then there waB more talk about iron and copper. The man In the Jockey suit said that he had positive assurance that pure iron ore had been found in some of the gulches, and he bid one dollar an acre. At tills point I entered the con test, and bid one dollar and twenty-five cents. Up up up twenty-five cents at ft time, until at length I had bid ten dollars an acre. People called my1 crazy. Ten dollars an acre was more than the very best land In the whole country was worth. But I held my bid, and kept my own counsel. And the Twist lot was knocked down to me for just one thousand dollars. The terms were cash. I told them to make out the deed while I went home after the money. And away I rode. I emptied my old stocking of gold and silver, and found nine hundred and fifty dollars. I borrowed the other fifty without trouble at the settlement, and straightway proceeded to the office of 'Squire Blmpkins, where the deed had been made. The instrument was duly signed and sealed, and when the 'squire had assured me that the payment of the money would make all fust and safe, I handed over the gold and sil ver. I observed that the name of John Twist had been recently signed, and I asked Blmpkins if Mr. Twist was pres ent. " He was here a few minutes ago," said Blmpkins, " and will be back again after his money. He's feeling pretty good, I should judge, since he has got rid of his hundred aero lot for twice as much as it cost him, and for a thousand times more than any sane man would think it was worth." Half an hour afterward I called at the 'squire's again. Mr. Twist had just gone out with his money. " There he is now," said Blmpkins, "Just bound off." I looked at the window, and saw, at the door of the inn, on the opposite side of the way, a tall man, In a bottle green coat, with bright, glaring buttons, just mounting a horse. I recognized the horse, and I recognized the man. "Who is that man," I asked, "he with the green coat and glaring but tons V" " That," said Blmpkins," Is Mr. John Twist." In a moment more the man in the bottle green coat had ridden away, with his heavy saddle bags behind him, and buttoned up within that coat I beheld my reverend guest 1 It flashed upon me that the Rev. Paul Meekmore and Mr. John Twist were one and the same per son I And this was not all that flashed upon me. A few days afterward I took my lumps of white metal to a man who was versed in such matters, and asked him what they were. He took the largest lump and tested it, and said : "Pewter!" I asked him if pewter was ever dug out of the earth in that shape. " Well," said he, " seeing that pewter is an alloy of tin and lead, it couldn't be very well dug up, unless somebody had gone and buried it beforehand." Touching further explanations on my " Twist lot" I will not speak. I will only add that I have at home an old stocking with half a dozen lumps of pewter in it ; and I never look unon It but I am forced to acknowledge that dreams are sometimes very strange and wonderful things. SELECTING A PREACHER. NOAH CADWOLLOPPEIt was a man a little past the middle age perhaps five and fifty short and dumpy; with a very red face, and with a little round head, utterly bald from the crown to the ear tips, and the sparse, crisp semi-circlet of hair was of the color of a boiled carrot. Noah Cadwollopper went in for saving the country. It was his especial mission to sacrifice all else to that end. In the village bar-room, and at the fireside of the village store, and at the post-oftice he was an oracle. He knew everything that was going on in the political world and could point out just how the whole body politic was go ing to rack and ruin. He had been one year a representative to the great and general court, and in his computation of time he reckoned, not from the birth at Bethlehem, but from " theyear I was in the leglslnfr7rre."t Noah Cadwollopper had his likes and dislikes; and of all things he disliked his chief abomination was a minister who preached politics. He would not have It If he could help It. At all events not a penny of his money should ever go towards the support of such a min ister. In the course of time It came to pass, that Wallowdale was without a settled minister, and the chief men of the par ish looked around for a man to fill the pulpit. After one or two Ineffectual trials, the Itev. Absalom Ablwt was rec ommended to them as a man who would be sure to suit. He was without a set tlement at that time, and being without a family the matter of salary would not be hard to arrange, provided that the sum agreed upon was promptly paid, He could not put up with slackness in the payment of the minister. " Mr. Cadwollopper did not exactly like that. It sounded to him as though the man was a little too much stuck up. They didn't want a preacher to come to Wallowdale to tell them how to do their business. "You'll find him alive man,' said the sponsors "a man who is not afraid to preach the truth, let It hit where it will. He don't waste breath over the sins and iniquities of those whom the flood swept from the face of the earth, while sin and misery and wretchedness are to be found on all hands at the presr ent day." Noah Cadwollopper shook his head very doubtfully. He did not like that at all. He feared the man would create dissentlon8 in the parish, "Just the kind of a man to preach politics," be declared. Well, by and by, Rev. Mr. Abbot came to Wallowdale to preach. Said Cadwailopper : " I'm a goin' to watch him I'm goin' to weigh every word, and If he's one of yer politician preachers, I shall know it." Mr. Abbot preached such a sermon as the people of Wallowdale had not heard for a long time, If ever before. It shook the dry bones, and beat the dust from the backs of the lazy ones. It was, in short, a practical, earnest christian plea for right living; and while the reward of the well-doer was pictured in pleasant colors, the portion of the workers of iniquity was presented In a manner to make even a hard man shudder. At the close of the service a number of the faithful sojourned to a neighbor's, among them Noah Cadwollopper. Noah was asked what he thought of it. " Think of it!" repeated the bobtailed conservator of the public weal, smiting his hand upon his thigh. "Think of It 1 I'll tell you: "I think It would take that ere preach- ety all to pieces. What does he think? Does he think we're all fools, and he's the special agent to make men of us ? And then agin, we don't want none of f his politics In the pulpit. We won't i have it?" At this point Beth Doolittle ventured i to inquire how the minister had preach- I ed anything about politics. " How ?" shouted Noah, spinning around and facing the presumptuous: Doolittle. " Goodness gracious 1 the minute he give us his text I knew what wascomin'. Clean politics, of his nar row, jself-concelted school, right out an' out. You remember the text ?" " Yes," responded Beth. "It was in Proverbs : Righteousness exalteth a nation ; but sin is Na, reproach to any people.' " " Aye," cried Noah "that's it. That is the way them chaps always h'ist in their politics. I know 'em. And did yon notice how he scowled when he quoted more scriptur' ? D'ye mind when he said 'though hand jiue in hand, the wicked shall not go unpun ished?' And did you notice where he looked when he was a spoutin' about the ungodly, and the, self-righteous, and the sinners, and the doers of iniquity ? Aye and what did he mean by 'Ephra iui is J'ined to his idols, let him alone ?' I tell you, he meant the political party that opposed him ! I can see. No sirs! He ain't the the man for the place ! Not a political preacher for me, if I know myself." And Noah Cadwollopper carried the day. There were dry bones enough in the parish that would not be willingly shaken up to give him the balance of power. ( A young man, fresh from college anxious to display his learning, tbrew the following string of high-sounding words at his amazed grandmother : " You see grandmother we perforate au aperture in the apex, and a corres ponding aperture in the base, and by ap plying the egg to the lips, and forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of the contents." " Bless my soul !" cried the old lady, " What wonderful improvements they do make. Now, in my younger days we just made a hole in each end, and sucked!"