TUB TIMES1 NEW'l)lX)OMi?lLB; TA;V Al'ttlli '.i, 1877; The Queen of Shop-Llfters. V. The Now York "Morcury"uays : Among I lie females now domiciled at the city's ex pense In the work-house on Illackweil's Island is Martha Ilargreaves, whose name 1ms figured prominently in some of the ureat crimes committed In this city. ' fthe is widely known to the 'detective police ns having been for many years one nf the most expert thieves that has evur operated here. Her history is one nfNatrauje adven tures and vicissitudes. During the Inst lifteeu years she has operated as a confi dence woman, shop-lifter, pick-pocket, " queer-shover," forget 'a assistant and "fence" for thieves. Her skill in the dark and various ways of crime made her a great favorite among the big professionals of the Eighth and Fifteenth Wards where she reigned like a queen. Dan Noble, the Lord bond robber, who is serving a long sentence in an Austrian prison ; " Dutch" lleinrich, the Aliens, and Hharkey, the fu gitive murderer, trusted her with their secrets. She is the wife of "Phil" liar greaves, who was mixed up in a fracas with the late George Hill, otherwise "Cooly Keys." She came to New York from Liverpool with Hargreaves in 1891, and noon afterwards turned to shop-lifting and pocket-picking. As a shop-lifter she had great success. She made many a rich haul from the dry goods and millinery stores along Broadway, hardly one of which she J ias not visited. With ready conversational jiowers and good address she found it easy to beguile dull or careless salesmen, and almost always purloined some valuable ar ticle without detection It is thought that he has made over two hundred thousand dollars in her time, but ehe spent all her ill-gotten gains for drink. Hhe has fre quently been known to give some valuable articles, worth four or live hundred dollars, for a glass of liquor. In 1873 the men who committed the two million dollar bond forgeries in this city trusted her with two hundred and fifty thousaud dollars of forg ed Chicago and Northwestern Railroad bonds to take to London and deliver to Walter Sheridau, alias Halstou. She sailed in the steamer Adriatic, and Koberts and lileaaon, who are now in Ludlow street jail, were present at her departure. Roberts was arrested on the wharf by Detective McDougall, uuder the habitual criminal's act. The arrest was the first made tinder the act. Martha delivered the bonds to Sheridan in London, and he gave thorn to a noted American burglar lor safe keeping until he fouud an opportunity to put them on the British market. Chapman had to ;et out of the way very suddenly, itud he &ave the bonds to the care of a man who kept a hotel in London which was resorted by American fugitives. This man afterward said that the police made n visit to the hotel and that he burucd the bonds. Sheridan, to whom Martha wns seal, is under conviction for forgery, and is in the Tombs awaiting sentence. Martha was ar rested by officer Maher of the Eldridge street police a few days ago, whilo holpless ly intoxicated in the street. Judgo Wan doll sent her to the Island for ten days. She says that her maiden name is Walsh, and that she is fifty years of age, and was born iu Ireland. Sue talks with a strong Cockney accent. The thieves discarded her when they found that she was too old to be of any further service to them in their operations. "By their Works ye shall Know Them.'' The Irishman, who thought the druggist btingy because the emetio was so small, is only surpassed in his parsimonious drollery by those who persistently adhere to the use of those nauseating, disgustingly large and drastio pills, while "Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets," tard seeds, will, by their steady and gentle action on the livor, correct all torpidity, thus ' permanently over-coming constipation. In South Amer ica they have almost entirely superseded all other pills, and are relied on fully by the people, and often used as a preventive of t he various affections of the stomach, liver, and bowels, so prevalent iu that climate. Pierce's Pocket Memorandum .Books aits ;iven away at drug-stores. Smyrna, Aroostook, Co., Maine, November 6, 1876 H. V. Piercr, M. D. : Dear Sir I write to inform you that I have used your Pellets for some time, and find them to be the best medicine that I ever used. I have also used your Favorite Prescription in my family with entire satisfaction. I have seen your People's 'i Common Sense Medical Adviser aud I think it is the best thing that I have ever keen. Yours truly, C. Sherman, A Kerosene Lamp Ruins a Piano. What promised to prove a serious acci dent happened in the family of Mr. Com fort Bailey a few days ago, at bis residence, New Britain, Conn. A kerosene lamp was left by Mr. Bailey's daughter ou the piano for a few moments. During her absence the lamp exploded, the oil running into the piano. The noise of the explosion was 1 beatd by the family, who, upon entering the room saw the inside of the piano iu a blaze. The fire was extinguished, but not Iwfore the valuable instrument was ruined. IW A few nights ago the house of Mrs. McBride, a widow, in West Philadelphia, was being entered by burglars, but the noise aroused the old lady and she took down an old gun and fired into the party, who fled tu baste. - 1877 SPRING 1877. 1877 SPRING 1877. 1877 SPRING 1877. I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. HAVING JURT PURCHAHKI) for CASH, at LOW PRICKS, lots nt NKVV II M HIM, we are enabled to oiler our friends and customers U UK AT HAKOAINft. Now Is the time to buy as there Is no doubt but what DKY-UOOnS WILL BE HIGHER. IRY-OOOI)8 WILL BE HI01IKK. DRY-OOOD8 WILL BE 111(411 Kit, DHY-GOOD8 WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-HOODS WILL BE HtGHF.lt. imr-UOUD8 WILL BE HIGHER. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. To Make To Make To Make To Make To Make To Make Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Purchases. Purchases. Purchases. Purchases. Purcnascs. Purchases. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. COME AND RICK WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COMB AND 8KK WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COMB AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COMB AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND HEE WHAT WE CAN OFFEH. COME AND BEE WHAT WE CAN OFFEH. We Have Lots of Prints, We Have Lots of Alpaccas, We Have Lots of Fancy Dry Goods, We Have Lots of Cottonades, We Have Lots of White Goods, . We Have Lots of Other Articles, That Are That Are That Are That Are That Are That Are Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheai). Very Cheap. WE ALSO HAVE New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. The Prettiest You Ever Come and See Them. Saw. Floor aud Table Oil Cloths AND CRUMPET ! Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND CARPETS. Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND CAHPETS ! In the handsomest patterns and best qualities. It will not cost you anything to look at them. SHOES FOR MEN. SHOES FOR BOYS. SHOES FOR WOMEN. All Good Styles and at Popu lar Prices ! Iu fact we have a COMPLETE STOCK of all kinds of goods, to which we ask the attention of all w ho can appreciate FINE GOODS AND GREAT' BARGAINS. F. MORTIMER, - NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. DON'T; 12LA Y ! ; But come to our STORE and take a look through out M A G 1ST 1 1 p, I C K Nr V NEW SPUING AND SUMMER STOCK ! DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T -DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T II you want a Fl'I.I. SUIT of Hundaygo-to-mect-lug CLOTHES, If you nan) a ROUOIIAND READY day work lug HU1T, If you want a separate COAT, VEST or PANTS. If you want a HAT or CAP, If yon want k TRUNK, VALI8K, or BATCIIEI., If you want CARPETS or OILCLOTHS, If you want BIIIKTB or OVERALLS, If you want COLLARS, CUFFS or NECK-TIES, If you want GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS or JEWELRY, If you want an UMBRELLA or PARASOL, If you want LADIES' FURNISHING UOODS, If you want (lENT'B FURNISHING GOODS, If you want TADLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS. TOW ELS, or If you want tliem ALL, you can find Just what will suit you In PRICE. QUALITY, QUANTI TY and STYLE, AT DELAY J DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY I DELAY ! DELAY J DELAY ! DELAY I DELAY! DELAY J DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY J DELAY j ISIDOR SCHWARTZ'S CLOTHING HOUSE, "Wright's Building, TO THE PEOPLE OF. PERRY COUNTY ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. 1877. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. English and Amer ican IIRUNSELN In all the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Plv CARPETS. In Ilrussels Designs. EXTRA ENGLISH lNGUtAlN AND Extra Super CAliPJJTS CUE A I' ! lteauties in Hall and Stair CARTE T S with rich match BORDERS ! ALL NEW FOR SPRING. nsrcrvv ppisisn READY FOR SALE. tar. MOST ATTKACTIVE 8PMNII STOCK Or Carpets! Carpets! AND OIL CLOTHS! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES. Looking Glasses, MATS, HUGH, HASSOCKS, AND AVji.ll Papers, ever before offered to the trade. STEPHENS & BEETEM, i EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. CARPET CHAINS, AND FILLINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AVAL 1. l'AI'ltS AND DKCOHATIOXN, FOR Halls, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamber and Dining Rooms, &c. OIL CLOTHS! For Stairs, Tables, Floors and Ifalls. Cut to lit In a solid piece. ' I.OOK1 S(i GLASSES! FROM PARLOR TO KITCHEN SIZES. 30 Patterns In Home Made CAliPETS, our own manufacture. The best Wool, Cotton and Linen CAIU'ET CIIAIN always on band. ,ASD SOLD AT Jiottom Prices. THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. IT RETAINS all the virtues of the Light-Running - DOMESTIC," Including the Automatic Tension, which was and In the best In use. . Please notice our PATENT HARDENED CONICAL BEARINGS on both the Maclna and sund. Our new and old Ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at our own new works. In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey (have given us a standard of MECHANICAL EX. CELLKNCK, Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, aud range of work, never heretofore reached in the Sewing Machine world. TO THItf STATEMENT AND THK MACHINE ITSELF 'O" We invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical 'skill or observation. N. B. All Machines nilly warranted. DOMESTIC BKWINO MACHINE CO., . New York and Chicago. JLADIE8, X HK " DOraiJSTlC" PATCH FA91IIOXS. " Tha Best Thing in the West.' , . ; ' Atchison, Topska & Santa Fe R. R." LAND B IN KANHAH. i ,BOO,000 -A-OIIICH of the best FarmlnJ and AirrlmiHural Lands In America, situated In and near the beautiful Cot lonwood and Voner Arkansas Valleys, (lie fcar den of the WW.HD11 Vents' Creolt, wliU 7 pec! cent. !nterpt, . r . m . if a If 1 UtTL'ITMItirit n- , .1 w a'a.u i i- j-m j iu iiurciiHsers or land. -Clrculnrs, with map, giving Am informs (Ion, sent free. Address , . A. B. JOIINBON. Acting Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansns. Or. C. M. MORKIHON, a(;ent of A., T. & 8. F. R. It., No. 26 N. 8rd St., llarrlnburg, I'a, 4 3m A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. I. Notice Is herehr plvpn hnt .Tntin v,,l,n r.1 roll township, ferry county, I'enn'a., by deed of voluntary deed of assignment has assigned all the estate, real and personal of the said John Volio to A. M. Fleck, of Hhermansdrtle,' county and stale aforesaid, In trust tor the benefit of the creditors of the said John Vohn. All persons therefore Indebted to the said John Volm. will make payment to the said assignee, and those havlngclalms or demands will make known the same without delay. , ,., A- ! FLECK, January 30, 1877. Assignee. JSSiUNLt'S NUTICE. and leah M. Matohett. his wife, of Miller town- SnT,iI7C0.,,".t?,bav".'i,,,iK''',9 thelf property and effects to the undersigned, of Whea neia township, Ferrycounty. for fte beneflt of cred itors, All persons therefore Indebtea to saldas- s gnors are renuesrea 10 make pavment and those having claims, will please present them duly authenticated tothe undersigned for settle ment without delay. , r.nL0MO'l, BIGIIAM. Assignee, LEWIS POTTER, Atty. feb.ZO ' .,. ...,J. INSTATE NOTICE.-Notlce Is hereby glv U en, that Utters of Administration on the es tate of Jacob Rice, late of Bavllle township. Ferry county, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers residing In the same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duly authenticated lor settlement to CHARLOTTE N. RICK, ' . ' JONATHAN RICK. ' A. M. Markka Attorney. lAdinitUstrators. February 13, 1377-tpd INSTATE NOTICE. - Notice Is hereby etv !i en that Letters of Administration onlhe estate of John fl. McElvy, late of New ItufTalo borough. Ferry Va., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the same borough. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN BA9KIN. February 13, lS77.id Administrator. INCORPORATION NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that application will be made at the April term of the Court of Quarter Sessions. for a decree incorporating the town of main and vicinity Intoa Doroueb, under the general borough laws of this state. W. 1). MEb.SK.HM AN, See. March 6th, 1877. M USSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, I'ENN'A. Now offer the public . ! A HARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting si all shades suitable for the season. BLAClZ AZAJPCCAS AND Mourning 'Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality ot SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the bead or GROCERIES ! . Machine Needles and oil for all makes of Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. 9 No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. IS TAKEN INIERNMLVi AND POSITIVELY CUfl$ RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEUHAlGIA AND WWBAGO. ty'JLU ul Uftvuiaidi event nfunct atnw run 4 IU phi aq tn HELPHEKSTINE & BENTUEY. UiWbuaitt, nraniriun, U.K. For tale by wholesale DmcglstJ la Pitts btuantlPMladoiphlit. Soly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers