THE TIMES, NEW ULOOMFIELD, 1A,( AHUM. 1877, Tho IMoomflold Times STEAM job office; IS THE PLACE TO GE T Plain and Fancy SALE BILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTERHEADS, CIRCULAllS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, ? BILLHEADS, t&c, &c &c, &c. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES B ALL SCALES. LB. M ARY'ANEKTH, I. W. DERB and JAMES H. UltIEK known as , "The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply o Buoy's Patent COUNTER SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap, est find bestConnter Scale In the market. For Scales, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Rail Scale Company," l'oltsvllle. Hchuylktllcounty.Pa. . For Scales or Agencies in this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can le seen and examined any time. S LEIBY & BRO Newport, Perry CO., Fa. FRANK MORTIMER, tf New Bloomfleld, Perryco.?Fa. ACARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indisaretlons ol youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station Z, Bitot Howe, New York City. 16b ly Late Immense Discoveries by STANLEY and oth ers are Just added to the only complete Life and Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks among the most heroic figures of the Century, and this book is one of the most attractive, fascinating, richly illus trated and Instructive volumes ever issued. Being the only entire and authentic life, the mil lions are eager for it, and wide awake agents are wanted quickly. For prool and terms address 31UBRAKD BROS., Publishers, 733 Sausom Street, Philadelphia. 50 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that James Irvine and wife of Saville township. Perry countv. Pa., by -deed of voluntary assignment nave assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said James Irvine to Thos. M. Mtlligan, of the borough of Newport, county and state aforesaid, in trust for the benefit of the creditors of the said James Irvine. All persons therefore Indebted to said said James Irvine, will make payment to the will assignee, and those having claims or demands'the make known tb sanaa w tiimr deUv. . THOS. H. MILLIGAN, January 30, 1877. Assignee. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby elves no tice to all persons indebted to him. that their accounts must be settled on or before the first of March. After that no further Indulgence will be granted. CHRISTIAN KTOUFFEK. Shermansdale, Jan. 9, 1877. - pd mid W2 GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A BtekliSo Remedy For Diseases akd Injuries of the Skis ; A Healthful Beactifier of th-b Complexion; A Re liable Means of Preventing and Re-i-raviNa Rheumatism and Gout, and an Unrqualed Disinfectant, Dkgdorizkr and Coukter-Iruitant. Glenn'a Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of the skin, banishes delects of the complexion and imparls to it gratifying clcurni'83 uud smoothness. Sulphur Hath are eelebraled for cu ring eruptions and other diseases of the skin, ns well us Rheumatism and Gout Olefin's Sulphur Soup produces the same effects at a most trifling expense. This admirable specific also speedily heals tore, bruwn, vtald, burnt, uprahn miff cut. It removes dandruff and prevents the liuir from fulling ut and turning gray. Clothing and linen iikmI In the sick ruom 1s disinfected, and diseases communicable by contact with tliu person, prevented by it. j 'The Medical Fraternity saudion its use. 2jucicit-23 and SO Cents run Cakk, Per Box,(3 Cakes,) OOe and $1.20. D. Buy Urt lrg cuius and Ibcrcby economise. Sold by all Itruifijials. IH1I Hair and Whisker Wye," Black or Umwn, Wc, - -t. IWmtH, Frfr, ? tin) k S.I. WEED " CENTENNIAL," for Family Work. "GENEltAL EAVOllITE" for Manufacturing. SUPERIOR TO ALL IN Simplicity, Efficiency, Durability, Strength and Lightness. GOOD AGENTS WASTED." . SEND FOll CIRCULARS AND PRICES. WEED SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, lOr Cktmt Ntrcot, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 11 7 18t Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., ( Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the H u; H EST P1UCES the market will allord, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN. l'l.oun, PRODUCE. SEEDS AND KAILKOAD TlliS We have constantly ou hand, FISH, SALT, PLASTIitt. CEMENT, COAL, . IKON, STEEL, HOKBH SHOES, &C, tie. FOK BALE AT THE LOWEST HATES. ' S. Orders promptly tilled, Newport. July 20, W7fl tr N EWPORT DRUG STORE. HaviiiK on tiaud it complto BBHortmeut of thefnl. lowing article tbe nutyii.'rilH'r axkn a nhareof your patronage. Imiia ami Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Al a full ntot'k of Concentrated Kennedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Perfumery. hair on.', AND FARCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR fou MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL rcnrosEs ' . PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B. M . E G Y , Newport, - I'enn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, XEWPOKT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobaccos. -Country Merchants supplied with Uoods at Philadelphia prices. 4ur Your orders are solicited. 9 44 w. It. S. (X)OK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES,' for LESS MON EY than any other dealers in tills! county. We will ln take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange fur Lumber. te. We use Clearfield Fine and Hem, lock only. i W. H. B. COOK & CO., i Kewport, Terrj Co., I'a. October 10, 1370. IMPORTANT NOT1CJ!. The subscriber late of the firm of Rlioadea Jfc Hinllli, would respectfully inform the citizens of HLA1N and vicinity, that ha has oiiencd a WAUON MAKKU SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old onus ut short notice, and at from TEN to T WEN TV jwr ceut. cheaper thaa tb old firm. JWGivenieacall. Satisfaction vuarsnteed. ; JACOB b.MlTH. i sum, August t, m, American mid Foreign Pntents. CIU'MOHB & CO., Successors to CHIPMAN, T H OHM Kit t :0., Hollcltois. patents pro cured mall countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCF. No eharire unless tliepstent is urantccl. No ft-es for niakliifi preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re. bearing. Hy a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to luierference (;ases be fore the Patent otllee, Extensions before Con gress. Infringement Stills In different States, unci ail litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to (lilmore Si Co., for nam ph. let of sixty pages. LAND CASES, LANK WAUHANTS , SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the li. S. General Land Ollice and Iieputment or the Interior. Private Land Claims, MIMNti and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip in ti, Ho. any Km acre nleees for sale. This Scrip is assignable, and can be located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private enliv, ut II.2A per acre. It Is of equal value with Hounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to (lilmore & Co.. for pamphlet of Instruction. AltKEARS OK FA AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or i heir heirs, are In many cases entitled to money from the (iovcriunent of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay nnd bounty received. Enclose stamp loOILMORE & CO.. and a lull re ply.after examination, will be given ou free. 1' 15 N I O N 8. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured In the late war. however slight, can obtain a peusou by addressing UILMOUK&CO. Cases prosecuted by OII.MORE& CO., before the Supreme Court of the United Slates, the Court of Claims nnd the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted In aseparato bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, embloyed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to (JILMORE (k CO., Is thus secured. AVe desire to win success by deserving It, Address: (ilLMOKE &CO., HJV F. Street. Washington, D. C. M AN HOOD: HOW LOST HOW RESTORED .lust puhlished. a new edition of ir. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (with out medicine) of Spkumatouuuika or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, I m poten cy. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc. t also. Consumption, Epilepsy and tits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex travagance, &o. Price, In a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, In tills admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success, ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and ellectual. by means of which every sufferer, no mutter what Ills condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Sent under seal. In a plain envelnbe. to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two posi siaiups. Address the publishers. f xl.M'ly THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Ollice Uox,4r86. THYCHEAFlNl'rTE WORLD Peterson's Magazine 1 (IBKAT REDUCTION TO CLUBS POSTAGE PRE PAID TO MA1LSU1ISCKI13ER8. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Origi nal Stoiies of any of the lady's books, the best Colored Fashion Plates, the lest Receipts, the liest Steel Engravings, ic. o. Every family ought to have It. It gives more for the money than any In the world. It will contain, next year, in Its twelve Thowiand rape Fourteen S)lendtil fiteel Pbtti' Virelva CWorerf lie.rlin J'uttvrnn Tiiylre Mmnmath Colored futhionit Mine Hundred Wood CutiiTtcen-tU-tHour Pane oj Music ! It will also give Five Original Copyright Novel ettes, by Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, Frank Ijkb Hene dict, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Marietta Uolley, and Lucy II. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Original, by the best authors f America. Its superb Xanimoth Colored Fashion Plates are ahead of all others . These plates are en graved ou steel, twice t he usual size. TERMS (Always In Advance) $2 A TEAK. Two Copies for I3.BU 3 Copies for H.80, with a copy of the premium picture (27x20) "Cornwallis' Surrender," a Five l)llar Engraving, to the per son getting up the Club. Four Copies for Sri.tW 5 Copies for 1(8.(10, with an extra copy of the Magazine for 1877. as a premi um, to the person getting up the Club. Six Copies for t.i0 7 Copies for 911.00 9 Copies for 113.50. with Iwtli an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1877, and the premium picture, a Five Dollar engraving, to the person getting up the Club. Address, post-paid. CH A Kl.KS J. PETERSON. 3uo Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Specimens scut gratis, if written tor. 44 TMPORW The undersigned, deslrlngto return to the city, rtflers for sale, the coon will to a good marketing route Ih perry Co.. with two HOHh tkam axd hxtures all complete, with all necessary instruc tions to purchaser. This is an old established route and rare chance. For particulars, call on or address. J. M. I.BNNRr. Meclianlcsbnrg. 'Ilrfin. Cumberland Co., Pa. TIC'S . UluHtnited Priced Catalogue Fifty pages :to0 lllustrations.wlth Descriptions of the thousands of the best Flowers and veg etables In the world, uud the way to grow thera all for a Two Ckst postage stump. Prluted In German and English. i Vlek's Floral Guide. Quarterly, 2A ceuts a year Vlek's Flower and Vegotuble Garden, 60 ceuts In paimri lu elegant cloth rovers. Kl.Ofl. . Address, JAMES YK'K. Rochester, N. , . J AUCTIONEERS. YamesIclIeund" U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the eltlrens nf Perry and Cumberland counties post ollice address, Shermsnsdale, Perry eo., Pa. D.HENRY, A UCTIONEER. Blslu, Perry enmity fa, 9Terins Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. . dtf Auctioneer. The undersigned1 gives notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties, orders are solicited and prompt attention wilibe given. i Fl. D. WELLS. New Huffs hi. Orrv rn.. Pa. D AVID M'COY, Anctloncer Charges verv low. Pmt Onto iridmu Ickesburg Penn'a- . Jt B. HARNISH, Al7CTIOKKll, Delvllle, Prrv Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. Gtf N EW SHOE SHOP I The undersigned respectfully Informs the eltl rens of Hloomtleld and vicinity, that they have opened a shoe-shop In the room of F P.. Clouser, recently occupied as n Law otllee, by Calvin Nell, son, Esq.. where lliey will do work at panic pric es, (repairing made a specialty at prices Insult the times) from in to 20 per eont.saved by patron Ir.mgour shop. Our molto Is "quick sales and short prntlts). Terms cash, or country produce, but positively do credit. LEVI H. SWART7, iCk. New llloouilleld. Fa. lanuar) 18, 1R7i5 If , (? 0!l','MUlll 111 4 I eT'v.flll,l II I re ..t 1 1 A . I ti'is. I'niriitii. Urimrliiti, k nil .Srralalous I H jj ithfusu Ankftrilriirri'.tl ! Iir H;M!llir(H II., I Sill. . lflMlll)BI"lllM.C.lJ ffls 1,LIIAV..1 Fr Sale by F. MnirriMFR. New Bloomtleld, Ferry county. Pa. PVEIIY LADY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF OUR IMPROVED TLA ITERS, adapted to nil kinds Hf goods, uud to all the dif ferent anil Jaslilnnaule styles or Plaiting. Simple nnd easily managed. It Is Just the article every lady needs, Scut h mall, postage paid, on receipt of prlcv. send for circular. Address N. Y. TRKADLE M K fi CO., lit XirUuntlt Ktrvet Mut York. JHE PERRY HOUSE, ; . New HIooiiilleM, Terry Co., Pa., THOS. BUTCH, Proprietor. pENTENNIAL HOTEL,' J - (Formerly the Bweger House,) ' MAIN HTHKKT, NEW BLOOM FIELD. PERRY CO., PA. JOU. S. SMITH, T Proprietor. Having good nccoinnindatlons for regular or transient, boarders, a share of public patronage is solicited. 1U IV JHE MANSION HOUSE, New Klooiiilleld, Penn'a., ' D. M. RINESM1TII, - Proprietor. This well-known hotel kus lately beenenlarged, re painted and re-ntled. liest accommodations afforded. Careful hostlers always In attend ance. . 933 tf STOKK STAND ANI FARM 'FOll 8 A IK. A l'lrst rnle Farm In Juniata eo., Pa., also a Store Staud and Stock nf Ooons. For further particulars address SAMUEL RUCK, Port Kojal.Juulata co., Pa. , 3m JJOME MANUFACTURE. ; LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform myfrlendsthatlln tend calling upon them with a supply est good of my 9WN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of OA831MER8. OAS8INET8. FLANNELS, (Plalaandbar'd) CARPETS, &o., tosxebangetor woo orsellfor cash. t J. H. BIILEK. CixtkbWoolek Factory. ' 6,lT,4m pEABODY HOUSE, CORNER OF LOCUST anii NINTH STS.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and ear Hues In the city. No changes to and from th Centennial grounds. Col. Watson. proprietor of the nrsRT House. Cincinnati for the past twenty years, aud prescut proprietor, has leased the house for a term of vcars, and has newly furnished and fitted It throughout. He will keep a strictly lirst-class house, aud has accommodation (ilrWO guests. Terms l per duy. No liar has ever been kept in the HENRY HOUSE, nor will any be kept at the PEA liODY. 10 2J -' . Notice to Trespassers. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons not to trespass on my grounds by picking berries, fishing, hunting, or etlierwlHetrespasslng, us tury will be dealt with according rn law, W. H HERMAN. Greenwood twp., Aug. 10, 1875. tl THFSPASS NOTICE. All persons are forbid to trespass on my land lu Saville township for any purpose whatever, and a reward of ' will be paid for testimony that will couvict any person ol such trespass. ANDREW I.OVs May ft. 18711 tf I.ANMM.S A snlemlld' assortment of Flan uels. just opened by F. MORTIMER TADIEM AND CHILDREN will find a J splendid aisnrtment of ahoei at the Oul one pries ,feoio (if lorllBir. 'llnriiv IttTO.VCiJA sKFHwlftwa one tiny In eampatiy With a young coxcomb, wh, rising frtMn IiIr fliulr, said with a ooneelted And conflJent nir, " t would Imre you know, Mr. Denn, 1 not up for m wit." u Do you Indfeif,1' repOd the Dean "then takf my mlvli,. hiiiI nit down ngnln." Miv son. tiont etund there ncratehlng your hend r stir ywirself, or you will nmkn no progrew In life." " Why father' replied the young hope ful, " I've often heard yi say that the only way to get along m this world, i to scratch ahead and I'm doing It." - A little more than kin." "And isn't there an old gardener somewhere about here, too, Mrs. Maloney Pat Itetlfy I think his name Is t" " Know him, Is it, my lady nnd Isn't he a relation of mtner" piiure ho wunct Wnhtetl to marry my sister Kate!" (85" A florist was showing- an Irish man over his establishment, the other day. " Now," said he, "-well just look in for a moment at the germinating house." " The (ierman 'atlng house, la It 5"' replied the other. " Troth and I'm glad1, r it's hungry I am. But isn't there some Irish dhrink ing saloon Jist as handy ?" Changing Her Opinion. " Mrs. Flyn,' said His Honor. "yoS are charged with being an fnfbrlale."' " I'm not, I'm a widdy," Well, then yow are a widow M ho is accused of being drunk." ' " As for that, yer Honor, I may take a dhrope too much of something stronger thlntay." " Well, Mrs. Flyn. 1 shall have to " Now thin, Judge," interrupted the prisoner, li sure yow 'wouldn't be after sldin' me to the Island jest for taking a wee dhrop o' the eratlier, such a folne, hondsome, goodlookbt', smart Judge as yclsV" "Mrn. Fyn. considering the fat-t that you think me line"' , "Ylss." "Handstinie ' "Vis." "And smart " "Yiss." "And that you were very drunk, I I have concluded to .end you to the Island for ten days." "Oh IiUd I bad scran to yes for an ugly disagreeable, ignorate spalpeen. May the divil fly away wld ye," shouted the "widdy" as Jiijuli curried her off like a sack of potatoes. . . Sgy A relative of the well known comedian, William J. Florence, tells the following: Many years ago, while Florence was under an engagement at the Winter Harden Theatre, New York, he invited a friend to dinner at a Broad way restaurant. Both where hungry and they ordered a plentiful supply of food. When their appetites were satis fied, Florence called for the bill, and to his utter dismay discovered that he had no money. In changing his clothing in the morning, he neglected to take the money from his discarded pantaloons. He told the friend of the fix ho was in, and asked him for a loan. Mortified and chagrined, he answered that all he had was Just sufficient to pay his fare home. Then the actor called the res taurant keeper and told him the truth about the money. The quickly excl ted man raved and stormed at Florence, saying that be bad resolved not to be swindled by any one, and that he should send for the police. A this time a short, stout old gentle man slopped up to the proprietor, and firmly said : "How dare you speak to a gentleman in the way you have done ? His mistake is a perfectly natural one, and such as might occur to any man. I am asham ed of you! I'll dine no more in your house, nor permit my friends to do no in the future. Here take this!" aud the. old gentleman took u fifty dollar note from a fat wallet and handed it to the discomfited landlord, saying : "Deduct the amouut of the young man's bill and return me Vho change." ' The proprietor's apologies were un heeded. He handed the old gentleman $47.50, and again essayed apologies. When in the street Florence handed his benefactor his professional card and address, adding that he should certaiuly relmburse him. The old gentleman's Indignation quickly passed away, and lioginiilng to smile, he said : "That's all right, young man ; I've been trying to puss that counterfeit I'nnk note all day,"