The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 03, 1877, Page 6, Image 6
0 TJIK 'TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., AVIUL 3, 1877. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We InvW emrnnitntrstlnti from alt twnne whnsre iiitortiAiu insltcra properly linlimirlnic to tnw ae- Ttie Texas. Cattle Prince. A uiragih that M r. King, of TexiiH, the Urgent owner of enttlo In the world, hns lately iwtit 80,(H)0 rattle to market and ttmt seventy lierdnman wore re quired to cure for them, lias called atten tion to Mr. King's career, which la a most remarkable one. TIki name of this Texas millionaire, wyg the (!olumtus, Git., Enquirer, Ulchard King. The river men call him "Mftck." He was born In New York, and about the yetr 1840, came from Pittsburg to the Chattahoochee river as Btewnrdon the steamboat Tttllapoona. We are told thnt In those days, and years after, the average life of steamers on our river was three to four years, and that it was customary for the captains, who reHlded in the West, to carry their bouts to Plttslwrg for the summer for repairs, and return in the fall. They received enough freight on the round trip to pay expenses. It was the era of large float ing palaces,flide-wheclcre,now superseded by light draught stern-wheelers. There were no railroads. Everything went to Apa!achicxIa,and river men made barrels of money. Mr. King in the position of steward plied the river several years. One gentleman remembers lie was second cook in 1841. Later he went to Tampa, Florida, and in a short time he was engaged in service on Government boats. Returning to Columbus, he become striking pilot under Captains Charlie Brockway and Wingate. Altogether ha was on our rivers some seven or eight years In every subordinate positions. About the middle of 1840 he, with Mr. John Pealey and others, went to Texus, and he became a pilot on the Rio Grande, on the steamer Convettc, commanded by Captain Kennedy. Engaging in speculation soon made him a partner. He bought a ranclic, and the property increasing year by year, he now counts his stock by the hundreds of thousand and his possessions by millions. He owns a magnificent residence in Western Texas, and miles of the best land In the Htate. Ho continues as a steamboat owner. The poor steward of thirty" years uko is among the moneyed princes of llie land. Fact is more marvellous than fiction. He has now a large family, and is giving hi children the best of educa tions. Mr. King is very kind, friendly and generous to his friends of the " days of yore." One visited Texus since the war, and he gave hlnfimtf u fine steam boat, and all he entertains with a hospi table welcome. They still call him "Mack." His wealth Is estimated from two to seven millions. He wrote one of his friends since the war that he had just finished building a fence 40 miles In length, and that it cest him $1,000 a mile. Those who know say cattle Increase in value one-third every year. Here is a man of brilliant success. When on our river he was not noted for special economy, but had his fun like the "other boys," and sent his money as freely. It is one of those Instances where brains and pluck see the oppor tunity, take advantage of it, roll up their sleeves, go in and win. The open ing was Texas, the time the Mexican war, the man found both and found there was millions in it. He partly, though, drifted into enormous luck. How to Color Butter. The best coloring for butter is u good mess of corn chopped with cut hay. My butter Is a rich yellow all the year round from this food, and I have no Alderney or any other funcy stock, but common cattle, which give an Abundant supply of milk and butter: good food is the secret. If farmers feed on dry fod der and straw, and want yellow butter, they must use what some of my Alder ney friends do a small quantity of annatto, costing ten cents an ounce, enough for several hundred tound of butter. Dissolve in a little warm cream; add a few grains of soda, which develops the peculiar yellow principle of all the coloring mutter for butter. Do not Allow the Frogs to be Pared. The frog of the foot of every horse is the natural suport of the foot, ar d should never be cut away except to remove the' rough edges which occasion 1I.V Pear from common wear. At a late meeting of the farriers and horse slioers in Wilmington, Del., there was a fcreat deal said in condemnation of the maimer in which horses are shod, especially in the rural districts. A lecturer, a veterinary surgeon (according to the New York Herald), wit) that "the frojj of the foot was often pared away ho itrtMJeally to make a neat job that the tendon or muscle that extended down the leg, over what Is known as the pulley hone, anil gave the foot ils mo tion, was often injured, and then the hofse would be weak In the legs, and blunder. He severely characterized the habit of burning the hoof with a red hot shoe to make It fit, and said there ought to be a law passed to hang any blacksmith who would use red hot shoes In this way. The shoes should be fitted to the shape of the foot, rather than the foot fitted to the shoe." UI.ATCIILKY'H Improved CUCUMBBH WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Uuriitile, HI tluient and Cheap. Tim bent Pump for the least money. At tention Is especially Invited to maicniey's rainni unprnvea ni Hi'Kei ana new urop open Valve, which can be withdrawn without renmvhiff the 1'uniD or disturbing; the Joints. Also, the Copper llTiamber, which never cracksor scales, and will outlast anyother. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Bend (oi Catalogue and Price-List. CHAR. . hIjATCHLEY, Manufacturer. 637 ly fx. Commerce Ht., Pnilapelphin, Fa. 3300TS Do you want BOOTH ot any kind? It so, call and see the JL.A.KC312 STOCK NOW OFFERED BY Y MOUTf MKlt. Neiv Pension Latv. UNDFR an act of Congress approved March 3, 18711, widows of officers who were killed, or died of disease contracted In the service, are how entitled to $iU0 per month for each of their chil dren. The guardian of a mlnorchlld of a soldier who heretotore onlv received W.oo per month pension is now entitled to llo. per moth. Holdlers who receive Invalid pensions can new have their penslens Increased to any sum or rate between IS. and $18. per month. Holdlers w ho have lost their dlscharpjescan now obtain duplicates. Falhersandnmlherswholost sons Intheserv. Ice upon whom vaey were dependent tor support, oan alsoobtain pensions. The undersigned havliiR had over 10 years ex perience in the Claim agency business wtllattend prompt ly to claims under the above act. Gallon or address LEWIS POTTER, Attorney for Claimants, New Bleomtleld, 20tf. Perry Co., Pa MPPIXC0TP8 MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF 'ojviw Literature and .Vci'inr. ANN0UN '.EVENT FOR 1877 Tv twntiirfiir .tVmiin l'-rini tli uitii'tw utb vnj. tint "t tiii" VnwHin 1 Tlii lr l'us r nl will. :t t h'iMyj,)H(iCftn-(l titi'tt-ifur- f fniin-M t-x; ikhm. no HV'irfv wl t M imrtl tn flHvrjTy iin rtn.-UoiiH tttnt In j- n lilt an iu rvttr. nupi-iy ol iDptilttf Ittatlintf in lh lirnt oil' Most J-imphnth; Trv.wrvHf "bii-rt n.l .-iwt;iut aim ni" Hi"'vulmatini will b H iurniIl Mi w'Mi I, ti' f Knlferulli. nirtil m h U"Hu'. itiMl Vrf"it HdfiK'li-r, as w ! it to pfMH'M't hi b irr-ipiiii- autl trik'nif nrm:tHr la' uvwt re ,nr tutortnuti'in ,tnl H'ti'ii-lfe-t ivn on ruilM'tn nf (tern-nil litiTft, hi n wril, t rmul!' Lippimitt't MtktitzlM" triitm-iv rlf.tiM.iv : Thin hUjhnv thut r(v Mont, Attfi--ttrp. In .fog- I'i n.l liltnu rt lUe n-n.T;! Atlnn'ti inn ' T.'imin (MM' MHtfHmM tin rbliHtarM wmtd Imtte mtHitlou v a nw Ht Ht ry, Th MarquN of Lonle," hi-iMrji: H''lt:iftltl author n "MhIooIh,'' " Atif F'irtit'." " ItolK-rt i'a!i'Mmr, , TKHMM. Ywirty HbTitlou, l : HJi'itle iimnW, :i5 i'(nt, Si l'I(!K.- -Tin Nmwlier n.i'l !ii1h r nniMr, itlititiliillK tllf farlirr chyter ol 'i ti' Mnrri is nf rfic," will hc iinwiitni i.i all uttA uutiuat fculwciili'a r.irlMT. HlKtMMM m.iMfH v-w'.h pii.l, m any J. II. I.IPI'INCOTT k ( 0., rnlilMiir, 715(ii(f 717 Morkrf Ht., PhilaMlil. REDUCTION IN PRICE! Cheapest and Best ! THK HAnitl8I5UUG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. To all now ptiiluMTiber ami to ni pr-jinnt nubrrUrtr? ru?wiutrtheir nulfacriiilioua THE DAILY PATH JOT Will Iwaent at the rollotMir rataa ; 1 ioy, 1 ir, KHtHur preiil 4".W1 JOOIt't-t (111 ritllr), ' tj.uu i " " Id ' " AiA 1 mipy ilurinir Mih h6m)iou nf lite IrfviHiaiui-f im I oi.v, I r. ami I ropy, I yur. of niilier H.mi I'kh'h Monthly or HAKi-Kn'h IU.ah, (KMtaK I it on xu !,:) 77A: WEKKLY J'ATL'IOT Will Iw Hrn at ihr fillnwhiK ntfs ; I .,v. I j i'nr, i'J-lKnrr.''nl ;) 4 fiipnrt, ti.m J " " " I0.OJ noil I copy to Fitr-iipif cluli IA.0U 3. c.piMi, I r l wtr )rfuitl, ami trony ! m-ttrr.tiii ot rltib : 2iM 1 t'"ly. itni ywr, mid one cooj, ou Vhi-. ot' imiw tltnt'KH'.i Momthi.t ur Uakpkk's Ba. ..k. Hi'-niK" ir-fiid on b"tli , 4.H I if n-..Ti-tl..ii i.rlo of Hsrp'i-V Moiltlilv mid Hirit'- Hiijii II. i-Hi-h. tluiB -. Hlilwcrl- ''to ot tin- WfKKt.v I ATHllll lor Ml ivilin 111 il- Uilvinl i wlwi tin w.,u il haw to Uy .,r iitborot Hr. wrV r'lioltati.'tjii. Ml lor.lrni tniiHt t. .!ri,mIal,rt hy the nwh. elUtrr br ch'k or Hint..tttrr onh-r. tllf 'ttmr to aiilwrilw. Urt 'i tllf lirwml tllf lit r-Kllliir mailer at tfi.r .o thati ain'whor- f Ire b) ffU'llnif your u!i.riilinii u the Iaii.v Dd VVK,i.f PA I lllir . IiWt.. j' a TRi ot Piriu.ifwisu i-a. I " HAHH1MUUUU, l'A. Dally Express and Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! rpHRsabscrlber wishes to notify the oltizeisot JL Bloomtteldand Newport that he Is running a Daily Line between these two places, aud willhaul VrelKhtof auy kind, er promptlyUollTerpackaaes ormessacesentrustedtohiscare. .. X.Urderaniaybelelt for him at the itores of r. Mortimer Co., New Hlooianeld.or MiUltcanA Muaier.Newport.ra. ...... J- 8- WHITMOKK. Bloouineld.Jaauary 25,1870. I I.LI M M. HUTCH,, .Iiitll4e of (lie f . 1 AM) IJKXKKAI. fOLLKCTOR, Now Bloomflold, Porry County, Ponn'a peelHlattenttnn paid to Collections of all kinds twie la, ItoniW.MoriiiinexHiiil Aureenienta neatly execute,). 7 Irltf Jin inrsrir IIP rhtlaclelphla AdrertlRcmentH. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, So. 1123 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. WAINWItlGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North Kast Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia renn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLKSAI.R DEAl.KK IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NORTU WHARVES, Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to HOAR Mi'CONKET k CO.. s WHOLM1L1 BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, Mitt MARKET 8T11KKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., 1 WHOLIBALB DlAlBRi IN TOBACCOCIGAUS &c NO. 4. NOKTH FIFTH 8TKKKT, -PIIITjADKLPHTA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealersln Oil Cloths. Carpets, Shiules. Hrooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, IJHiting, Twines, &c, And a tine kssir:ineiit vf ' U iliiDiutl WILLOW WAIiK. No. 1211 Market street, abefeuh, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. ROI.If AND , onlv MANiii .cn:ui.its UK TUK IMPERIAL FRENCH, si PURE SWISS GREEN, AUo, Puro White Lead and Color , M AP UFA CTURESS, Nos. 141 and 148 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, un Hiuh Strict,' Kast or Cakusli 9t., Kew Bloomfield, Penn'a. THK subscriber has built a large and commo dious Khop on High Ht., Kast of Carlisle Krreet New Bloonttteld. Fa., where h la prepared tomaa ufactureto order Of erery description, out of the best material. Sleighs of erery Stjle, built toorder, and finished la the mostartlstleand durable niaauer. - A. Hatrlog superior workmen, ha Is prepared to furnish work that will compare farorably wltb the best uity Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rales. -KKPAIRINof allklndaneatlyandprontp lydone A call Is solicited. S MMT'F.T. SMITH w TH PIIINTTNH of erM-v deserlptlnn neatly I exe.-niei nn short notice and at reasonable rales al Ibis omc. Philadelphia Adrertlscmentii. JJ D. ELDER & CO? BLANK BOOK MANUFAOTURBKR Booksellers and Stationers, And Dealers la WINDOW CUKTA1N8 ' vrALi. PAPRit, rtv, No. 430 Market Htreet. PHILADELPHIA Pa. JJEIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Ruccossom to IIHAFFNER, Z1EOLRR & CO.. Importers and Dealers la Honlery, nioven. Ribbons, Niispender. THREADS, COMBS, and erery variety ot TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A . Agents for Lancaster Combs. gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers ta CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS., BLANK ISOOKN Always oa hand, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minir Streets PHILADELPHIA. PA ALSO su Publishers of Handers'New Headers. and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's Historyof cne uaiteaatates.ireicon'auutune Maps.ase. gARCROFT & CO., Importen ui Jubbera Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS. . Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &c, Son. 405 aud 407 MARKET STREET. (Above Fourth, North Side.) PHILADELPHIA. T EW. T. M0UL, La REPRESENTING Weinier, Wright k Walk in, Manufacturer k Wholesale Dealer IN Boots & Shoes So. .302 Market Street, niirLDiix.piij a . K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS IxroitTtBi AND JOBBBBa OF AMD QUEENSWAHE, 923 Market Street, nuivDiiLriir a . W. H. KENNEDY, TRIMBLE, BRIXTON Co., WHOLESALE GTtOCEKS, No. 505 MARKET BTREET. ' PBILADWLPBIA. 1 10 Philadelphia AdTerllsemenU. jLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLB&ALM HARDWARE HOUSE No. 825 Market Street, Philadelphia, renn'a. JT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE 0NION,") JOS. SI. FEUER, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Torino, $2.60 Per Day. I -msnoTEL being centrally located, and hay A Iiik been entirely kkpittbd, It will be found' s pleasant a stopping place as can be desired JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED ! Giving Double the Xight of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL I Everybody who sees them are delighted. Z$2JThc Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, W EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 42, 43 44 Weet 8t., NEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 50 and 75 cents per day. Charges Tory MODEBATK. The best meats and vegetables In the market. BEbl BEDS in the Olty. KlyH B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney at-taw. New BloomUeld, Perry eo., fa -Office Next door to the residence ofjudae Jnukin. i&tr AM. MARKEL.Attorney-at.Law, New Bloomlteld, Perry county. Pa. Office directly opposite the Poet-Offlee, and adjoining the Mansion Boose. TEWI8 FOTTKR, ATTORNEY AT Uff, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PEBrcO.,PA. -Claims promptly seeared and eolleeted Wri tings and au Icnal business carefully attead edlo. 32 yl JAMES U. FEROLSON, Attorner-at-Law, NEWPORT. PA. JsrOfflce Market Street, near the Square. 85 CHARLES II. BMILE7, Attorney at Law. New Bloomlteld, Perry Co. Pa. V Office with O. A. Barnett, Esq., on High Rtreet, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte riaa Church. August 20, 1672. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, 1- New Bloomaeld,PerryCo.,Pa f Office opposl te the Mansion House and nex I door to the Post-Office. Refers to B.McIntlre, Esq. Jnne27,1871. TTTM. A. 8PON8LEK, Attorney-at-Law, T y Olllce adjoiuing his rtwldeace. oa East Main street, New Bloowneld, Ferry eo.. Pa. 3 2 ly JOHN 0. 8HATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomfleld, Perry eo., Pa. All kinds ol Mechanical and Surgical DeaSlntry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. .OffU?e at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Bpoasler' Law office. . 8 21y "VITM. N. 8K1BRBT. Attortieymt-Law, f V New Bloomneld, Perry co., Pa. Bloomfleld, S S3 ly. M M. BUTCH, . " ATTOBN ET-AT-LAVT, . NewBlooroaeld,Perryt.,Pa. WOltlco Two door West ot F. Mortimer Store 87 ly LEWIS POTTER. VOTABT P0BIJO, New Bloom Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mertgages and leases carefully Erepared and acknowledgements taken. All inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to bo reed in any court la the United States. 7 10 ly "IHAS. J. T, Mcl NTIRK, Attorney at-Law, V New Bloomoeld, Perry 00., Pa. All professional business promptly and! ait h fully attended to. 3 2 It. WM. A. MORRISON, J U8TICK OF TH K PEACE and GENERA I. COLLECTOR. NbwGkkmaktown, Perry eo.. Pa. M Remittances will be made promptly for all Collections made. 7 44 fMOA. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, y New Hleoiuneld.Perry eo.. Pa. -Offlce an high street. North side, nearly op posite the Presby teriaa Church. S 2 ly TiCHARD L.. MAGEE7 JUSTICE OP THE PKACE, -Ot1loeat his resldenco. in CKNTHE TOWN SHIP. Perry County, Penn'a., one mile South of New B'ooiuueld. 108