The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 03, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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Kew JiloomfleM, April .7, 1X77.
No Cut orflterpntyiw will hp Inserted In this iair
tnlnu llnht faun and on metal bMe,
MT"Twiity iter relit, in excena of rwular raten, will
DO onanrea lor auvprum'ineni senu nullum i;uiumu.
I.Mlt ittt Hin AiriirMt nn thn label nf vnnr limier.-
f honeHtrniTR tell vou he rime to which jronr mib
rrlpllon In IMtld. A 1IU111 wivkn alter monry In
eut, If the ante In chatwil. No other receipt
im noeMMy.
For the Information of tulvertlsersaiHl
others who may be Interested In know
Ing, we will stnte that the present circu
lation of The Times Is between eighteen
hundred and nineteen hundred copies
each week.
The Pt ate Bank nt Hmrlslmrg 1ms
HUHjK'nded. The bnnk officers say they
will pay all their liabilities and have a
Ex-Mayok Oakky Hall who has
lieen missing from New York for a eon
jilc of weeks has been recognized among
the passengers on the Steamer Victoria
arrived nt Liverpool. He was under an
assumed name.
Tit K Supreme Court has decided that
on a lease of land made in 1770 by
Thomas Pennington to Jonathan Evans,
for 1W9 years, during the term of the
lease the lessee had no right to cut trees,
or in legal phrase, " commit waste." A
hopeful representative of the original
lessor has thus protected the. rights of
Ids remote posterity.
Tun Stay Law which was passed
and approved, may be a good thing, but
we confess our inability to see it in that
light. There is no doubt but what it
will increase costs and so in the end be a
positive disadvantage to the poor debtor.
The law was urged through by some few
members who thought it popular with
their constituents, but we think that in
most parts of the State the law will be
vonsidered a decided mistake, and prove
a failure.
One of the disadvantages of the law
was shown at the Sheriff's sale on Fri
day last.
A property was offered, but failed to
bring two-thirds of the appraised value
and consequently was not sold. Hut the
costs were charged against the property
and if the defendant wishes to avail
himself of the further advantages of
the stay, the costs must be paid. As he
annot raise the money' to pay these.the
property will now 'bo sold regardless of
what it brings, and the poor man is
mulcted i-ia the extra costs of another
Sheriff's ale, without any advantages
of this law-
The stay law passed by the late legis
lature has been approved by the Gover
nor. The law is quite lengthy, but the
following is an abstract of its provisions:
The first section provides for an in
fjuefct to be held upon the real estate lev
j ied upon, by a jury of six men. If
such property cannot bo sold for two
thirds of the appraised value, then the
sale shall not be made, but shall be stay
ed for one year from the return day, of
the writ, provided, that the Sheriff or
Coroner shall not be entitled to pound
age unless in those cases where a sale of
the property shall take place.
The second section makes similar pro-
, visions for cases where the levy has
been already made. t
The (bird section makes provisions for
life interests in estates. The other sec
tions are given in full.
Sec. 4. That in all cases were personal
property shall be taken In execution by vlrtuo
' of any writ of fieri facias issued out of any
Court of Common Pleas of this Common
wealth or by virtue of any execution issued by
a justice of the peace, it shall bethoduty of
the ofliccr to whom such suit shall be directed
respectively when it shall be requested by the
debtor to summon three respectable free
holders, citizens of the vicinage, who, belng
first duly sworn or affirmed by the said olllccr,
. shall value and appraise" the personal property
aforesaid, which valuation or appraisement,
signed by the appraiser, together with a schnd-
' ule of the property taken in execution, shall be
annexed to the rutnrn on said writ, and in
case said personal property, or any other part
thereof, cannot be sold for two-thirds of the
amount of said vuluallon or appraisement at
s public vendue of the same, of which notice
shall be given to the pluintitf or plaimlHs, his,
' her, or their agent or attorney, agreeably the
. directions of the first sectlou of this act, that
then the sale of such property shall be stayed
for the term of twelve months from that date ;
provided that the said defendant or defendants
! shall execute and deliver to the Sheriff, Cor
oner, or constable, as the case may be, a bond
with one or more sultlcient securities in a pen
alty of double the amount of tbe said vlola-
tlon or appraisement, conditioned for the faith
ful forthcoming and delivery of all and every
part of the said personal property upon the cx-
' piratton of the said stay of execution to the
. prouer Sheriff. Coroner, or constable, or his
successor in ottlee, in like good order nnd con
dition (reasonable wear and tear being allow
' ed) as when the same was so as aforesaid of
lered for sale, or other personal property equal
in value and in like good order to be ascertain
ed in the manner aforesaid, or in default there
' of for the payment of the amount of tlio ap
a praisemeut or valuation with interest and costs
of tbe amount of the debt Interest and coBts for
which tbe levy was made, and upon the execu
tion and delivery of such bond the said person
al praperty shall be returned and redelivered
into the possession of the said defendant or
defendauts ; provided also, that nothing In
this set contained shull be construed to pre
vent any judgment creditor or creditors from
having the property of any debtor or debtors
exposed to sale at any time and as often as he,
she, or they may think proper, after It may
have ones been exposed to sale as aforesaid, by
paying all costs which may accrue In conse-
'luciivg mc:iuwi, csvcj't mo time, wmcn a sale
may be effected according to the provision- of
of this act, which costs shall be paid out of
proceeds oi mosaic as in other cases.
I. 8nc. That before any person shall be en
titled to a stay of execution on real estate
levied on, he shall pay tbe Interest dne on the
debt and the Interest due upon prior lions
thereon and discharge all ground rent, and
municipal charges due on the property, sub
ject to the Judgment, and shall pay Beml an
nually during tbe continuance of the stay of
execution all tbe accruing Interest on the judg
ment, mnrtgages, liens or charges on said real
estate, and the accruing ground rents i Pro
vided, That the provisions of this act shall not
apply to suits for the collection of Interest
semi annually on moneys due the estates of
aeceaents, widows or minors, which suits are
hereby authorised to be instituted, nor to claims
for labor i Provided, further, That this act
shall not remain In forco for a longer period
than eighteen months.
Approved The Sard dnv of March, A. D.
1877. j. F. Hartkanft.
Another Dam Disaster.
A despatch from Stafl'ordvillo Ct.,
dated the 127th tilt., says : The reservoir
dam at this place gave way about 7
o'clock this morning, sweeping every
thing along the valley from Stafl'ordvillo
through Old Furnace to Stafford springs.
The national bank of Stallbrdville, the
Congregational church, L. W. Crane's
store, the freight depot nnd all the houses
on the island at Stafford springs were
destroyed. All the bridges between the
scene of the disaster and Tolland, both
on the railroad and the highway are
washed off. The probablo loss of life Is
not yet jeported. The loss in Stafford
ville is very heavy, the mills Buffering
more or less damage, and work will have
to be suspended in them until the reser
voir can be rebuilt. Converse & Co. 's
mills have four sets 'of cards nnd 1,000
spindles, and employ a large number of
hands. The Home company, the 1 tome
manufacturing company and the Home
woolen company are also situated there.
The latter runs it,.'!(() spindles. The ex
act loss of these companies is not known.
In Stafford Springs are the mills of Fox
& Co., and Converse & Co., with 1,800
spindles. In Kills are the Converse &
Co., and the Mineral Springs manufac
turing company, with 1,740 spindles. In
Stafford are the Valley company's mills,
the (llynn mills, 2,000 spindles, the
Granite mills, 5,500 spindles, the Valley
manufacturing company, the Phiunix
woolen mills and thcltossiterconipany's
mills. The'tiranite mills and tenement
houses at Stallbrdville were all swept
away and also the stores and store
houses. All the dams on the stream from Staf
fordville to a point below the springs,
with all the bridges, are gone. Proba
bly not less than thirty houses were de
stroyed, and the loss will be very large.
The dam was considered safe, hut the
heavy rains of Monday afternoon and
evening filled tho reservoir to overflow
ing. The breaking away was wholly
unexpected, but the reservoir being set
some distance above the village, the
alarm reached tho peoplo in time for
them to effect their escape in safety.
Spoiling a Woman's Beauty.
A man named Peckard and his wife
had disagreed In New York, and after
parting had again begun living together.
He was brutal and Jealous and fearing
that he would do her injury, she was
ever watchful of him. Last week how
ever she went to sleep on a chair and
was awakened by feeling her hands
roughly grasped.. Sh6 tried to start up,
but found that her husband had fastened
her to the chair.
She attempted to cry aloud, but he
seized a large butcher knife, and with
the point at her breast, told her that any
word above a breath would bo the sig
nal for him to strike. He then took
from the stove a red hot poker and
standing over her he cried :
" Your cursed handsome face has done
too much harm already. I'll see that it
does no more." Then, as if suddenly
recollecting himself, he cast the poker
aside muttering, " No ; they might ar
rest me for that. I will take as sure a
way, but a safer one."
At this he produced a vial of vitriol
and with a rag rubbed it upon the soft
yielding flesh. She shrieked in agony,
but he crushed a pillow over her mouth
and drowned her out-cry. Then he left
the room, saying, "I'm done now.
You're disfigured for life, ciyso you."
For a few moments she lay In dreadful
pain, but struggling up she burst her
bonds and hurried into tho street and to
a physician.
n mm i
How Disease is Carried.
A gentleman happened to be passing a
door in a certain street in Londou'before
which stood a hack cab. As he passed
an invalid, bearing on his face tho erup
tion of small-pox, came out and entered
the cab. The observer followed the ve
hicle as rapidly as he could, and was
just in time to see it deposit its faro at a
small-pox hospital. Then ho saw tho
driver balled by a lady and gentleman,
whom ho vainly endeavored to warn by
shouts. They took no notlce,got In and
drove off. The observer still followed,
was just in time to see the pair descend
at the door of a house in one of the best
squares In London. Some time after
being again in London, our informant
thought he would call at the house. He
found the blinds of tho house down.
The master had died on the previous
day of small-pox, and his wife was hot
expected to recover from tho same
malady. . .
A Hotel Burned Narrow Escape of its
I'AttKkhon, N, J., March 27. At
four o'clock this morning the St. Charles
hotel, opposite the Krle depot, caught
fire and was almost destroyed. A largo
number of boarders narrowly escaped
with their lives. Part of them being
obliged to Jump from tho third and
fourth stories to tho ground. Two per
sons broke their legs and one had an
arm broken by the full. One man slid
down the lightning rod cutting his
hands terribly.
A Very Sensitive Chap.
llonorc Cotte, cashier of tiie Jacques
( 'artier bank, at Montreal is shortly to
Iks sent to the penitentiary for falsifying
the bank statements submitted to the
government and swearing to their truth.
1 fe was always a very sensitive man, and
once had n boy who had served a term
in the reformatory for till tapping eject
ed from a street car because, as he said,
he could not consent to ride In the same
vehicle w ith n thief.
A most wonderful restoration of
speech took placo nt Shpemakersvillo,
Itcrks county, tho other day. A meek
and Sad-eyed flerman tramp called at
tho house of John Shiippell, with a
book, nnd made motions indicating that
he was deaf and dumb, and was solic
iting alms. Suddenly a small dog made
a dash at the poor mute, nnd seized him
by the shin, when the fellow broke into
n double volley of Dutch oaths, at tho
" dunner-wetter hunt," and then dis
appeared In haste. Those who heard
the dumb man speak were greatly as
tonished. &3T About a year tigo a Missouri
farmer captured two young wild geese,
and raised them with the rest of his
domestlo goslings. They became quite
tame, but in November, prompted by
instinct to seek a more shiny clime, flew
jff to tho South. This spring, how
ever, they returned, bringing with them
eleven more wild geese, whom they
piloted from some Southern bayou, and
the whole flock have settled down as if
" to the manor born."
Miscellaneous News Items.
Tuenton, N. .T.. March, 21. a burglar
named Qoorge Anderson and a forger
named Lyman II. Lowe, whoworo confiued
in ono cell of tlio Mercer county jail, cut
through tbe ceiling into the grand jury
room this morning and escaped.
$W While Joseph Stahl, a Ooimau, was
asleep In a brewery at Guttenberg.N. J., ou
Fridaynigbt,bisolotli1ng was saturated with
petroleum and set on (lie. He was so bad
ly burned that bo died oh Saturday. The
enso is a mystery yet. No arrests have
been mode. ,
t3T"The standard of drunkenness vaties
botween London and Edinburgh. A wit
ness in a London court recently tostifiod
that "a man is properly drunk when he
cannot walk ;" in Edinburgh, at about tho
name timo, a witness gave it sr his opinion
that "a man bnsna' enough till ho cauua'
USfA Paducah, Ky., court is trying to
settle whether or not it damages a hotel
clerk $5,000 to call him a "thieving woolly
dog." That is what Mrs. Hoss called Mr.
Keoth, and he rates tho injury at the fig
ures given. It remains to be aeon whether
a jury can be induced to put tbe same
value on tue rip in ins reputation.
13T" A citizen of Baltimore county, near
Wavorly, finding a house that be had
erected on a leased lot was subject to a
debt of $500, due by tho person from
whom he had loosed the ground, recently
in the ntght, assisted by his friends, pulled
down his house and removed it to apotlier
tSTOtien have been issued at Washington
nrovidintr for a vi corona nrosacur.inn nt th
work of detecting and bringing to punish-
MA.lfc .1 J . .. 41 . - I. 1 ' - - ' I
lands, especially in Minnesota, where the
violations of the law on this subiect havn
been of late most numerous.
t2T" A uogro convict near Gordon, in
Wilkinson county, Ga., committed suicide
recently. Ho stated that ho would rather
die than to be chained and work as be was
doing,and doliberately threw himself back
ward, his bead striking a stump and frac
turing the skull, causing his death shortly
tW A preacher named 8. II. M'Gee said
to be a native of Clinton county, has beeu
placed in jail at Dixlon, Illinois, charged
with poisoning his wifo iu order to marry
a girl in the neighborhood. Strychnine
was found in the stomach of tbe deceased
woman and the circumstances point vory
strongly to M'Qoe's guilt.
Dkadwood, March 2fl'. A. bold attempt
to rob the Cheyenne and Black Hills stage
bouud north was made near here last even
ing. As the coach was coming down
Whitewood canon, about two and a half
mile from Deadwood, five masked men
walking along the road before the stage
suddenly wheeled, ordered the driver to
stop and instantly commenced th ing on the
conch. -
. At the first fire Johnny Slaughter, tbe
driver, wa. killed and Walter Ilor.of Dead
wood, slightly wounded in head and Brio.
The horses started suddenly, throwing the
driver, Her and another passenger off the
coach. The stage was not stopped till it
had arrived In town, leaving the driver on
the road dead. About twenty shots were
fired at the coach, but all the passengers,
except Her, were unhurt.
A party went out and found the body of
the driver with a charge of buckshot in the
breast. The robbers got no booty. The
sheriff and a party are In pursuit of the
road agents. The sheriff offers f 500 re
ward for them dead or alive. j
tW Zachariali Apple, a farmer near
Keruodle's mill, on the edge of Alamance
county, N. C, was.engaged iu unharness
ing a horse last Monday ; the horse bit him
on the arm, Broke loose and ran. Apple,
becoming enraged, went to the bouse and
took down his gun, with the Intention of
shooting the horse.
His wife and daughter tried to persuade
him not to do so, but he persisted, went
out in the yard with the gnu, and prepara
tory to loading blew into the barrel, at the
same time plncing one foot on the hammer
to open the tube. His foot slipped, and
the gun, which happened to he loaded was
discharged, and the ball went through his
bead, from which he died in a few hours.
RTA lien was recently found iu the
middle of a hay-mow in a barn in Tennes
see, which had been there six monthB,
without water or anything to eat except
what the hay afforded. Using covered up
when the hay was put, in the barn, the hen
could not get out. Her toe nails and beak
had grown half an inch during the time,
and her sizo was greatly reduced. When
taken out and placed In the open air the
hen tumbled over, with evory sympton of
a tltr-but she shortly recovered, and is now
doing well.
tS' Jocko, a pet monkey in the United
States arsenal at Siuinnei ville, Georgia,
came to an untoward end last week.-
Jocko hud been in the habit of watching
the artillery-men. One morning he slyly
appioanhed the piece used for firing salutes
and pulled the lanyard. The piece did not
explode at once. Jocko darted to the
month to see what the matter was, when
suddenly a report was heard, and Jocko's
remains were scattered over the sward.
A Word About Boots. Good boots are
the most importantarticleof men's wear.
After trying several makes, we have
concluded that the boots made by tbe
Watson town company nre the best In
themarket. They are hand-made and
manufactured from the best stock of
any we can get while the shape is better
adapted to tlio general trade.' Their
goods are for sale by the stores gener
ally throughout this county, and a full
supply can be found at tho store of
tf F. MoirmiEn.
A General Favorite. The Shepley Key
stone Baking Powder, manufactured by
Janney & Andrews, Philadelphia,
when used according to printed direc
tions has become a great favorite for
producing light, sweet, Nutritious bis
cuit, ltolls, Muffins, Hrend, Griddle
cakes, etc. For sale by F. Moiitimkr,
New Hloomflcld, Pa.
For Sale. A good " Radiant Light"
Baso burning Stove, for Sale Cheap for
Cash. Apply to S". H. Beck, New
Do You Want One? I have yet several
sewing machines which will be sold at
half price for cash. If you want a bar
gain, now Is your time to get it.
Blank Receipt Books for Administrators
nnd Executors. Also blank notes and
all other blanks for sale at this office, tf
Special Notice. Having added a room
for the express purpose of showing car
pelH oil cloth and wall paper, we ask
persons wanting any of these articles to
look at our assortment,
tf. F. Moutimer.
The celebrated "Capital Lead, which
is unequalled for whiteness and durabil
ity always on hand and for sale by
tf. F. Mortimer.
Wall Papers. Over 300 designs for
Halls, Parlors, Dining-rooms, &c, low
as 8 cents up to beautiful tints and Deco
rations, nt tho Carpet Store,
' 21 , Fast Main St. , Carlisle.
E. F. Kunkel'g Bitter Wine of Iron.
It has never been known to fall in tbe enre of
weakness attended with symptoms Indisposition
to exertion, loss of memory, difficulty of
breathing, weakness, horror of disease, night
sweats, cold feet, weakness, dimness of vision,
languor, universal lassitude of the muscular
system, enormous appetite, with dyspeptic
symptoms, hot bands flushing of the body,
dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and
eruptions on the face, eyelids, frequent black
spots flying before the eyes, with suffusion and
loss of sight, want of attention, etc. Sold
only In 91 bottles. Get tho genuine. Dopot
and oulce, 25'J North Ninth St., Philadelphia.
Advice free. Ask for E. F. Kunkel's Bitter
Wine of Iron, and take no other make. Gen
uine sold only in 1 bottles.'
Nervons Debility I Nervous Drbillty.
Debility, a depressed Irritable state of mind,
a weak, nervous, exhausted feeling, no energy
or animation, confused head, weak memory,
the consequences of excesses, mental over
work. Tliis nervous debility finds a sovereign
cure In E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron.
It tones the system dispels the mental gloom
and despondency , and rejuvenates the entire
system, bold only in tl bottles. Get tbe
genuine. Sold by all druggists. Ask for E. F!
Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no
other. Genuine sold only in 1 bottles, or six
bottles for 95. All I ask is a trial of this
valuable medicine. It will convince tho most
skeptical of Its merits.
Never Failing Worm Sjrap.
E. F. Kunkel's Worm 8yrup never falls to
destroy Pin, Seat and Stomach Worms. Dr.
Kunkel is the only successful physician who
removes Tape Worms In two hours. Head
and all complete alive, and no fee till head
passes. Common sense teaches if Tape Worms
can be removed, all other worms ctn be readily
destroyed. Send for circular to Dr. Kunkel,
251) North Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., or ask
your druggist for a bottle of .Kunkel's Worm
Syrup. Price $1 per bottle. It never fulls.
Used by children or grown persons with perfect
safely. t : 14 lm
Spring ha coins, anf
we are ready for It, with
the finest assortment of
Heady Made (,'lothlng
ever offered in Amek-
Our goods represent
the latest New York
Styles, and our twentv
11 ve years' experience In
niBimfaetiirlng Clothing
Is mum-lent guarantee
for 111 and workmanship.
A.O. YATKH !('.
A. C. YATKH ft UO.
A. (!. YATKH OO.
A. (J. YATKH & CO.
Buying all our goods
fur Cash, and possessing
ureal lacilltles for man
ufacturing, enables us to
sell so remarkably low.
Every caller, whether
Intending to buy or to
nierelylnok atour ponds
Is treated 111 the same
polite and cordial milliner.
Our Children's Depart
ment, with a speeinl en
trance on Sixth Street
for Ladles, is stocked
with a rich assortment
of fresh nnd elegant
poods at prices lower
man ine lowest.
Notice Is hereby given that tho following; As
slBiiee accounts have been tiled In the Prothono
tary olllce and will be presented to the court lor
contirii.nttnn.on Wednesday the 11th ot April
next, where all parties may attend if they think
proper, to wit:
1. The tlrst and partial account of A. B. Grosh,
and W. n. Stambaugh. Assignees under dped of
voluntary nssinnment for the benefit of creditors
of George II. Martin.
2 The llrst and final account of Andrew S.
Whitekettle and Samuel Markel Assignees of Ml
chid Gailor, of Seville township, Perry county.
Pa., under deed of voluntary assignment for the
bf nettl of creditors.
1. The account of Perry Kreamer assignee of
Ephralm Russell, of Greenwoed twp.. Perry Co.,
Pa., and Martha his wife. In trust for the benefit,
of the creditors of the said Ephraiin Russell under
a deed of voluntary assignment, Executed the
first day of April, 1875.
Prothonotary'9 oflice, Bloomfleld.
March, 10, 1877. D. MICKEY, Proth'y.
20 Ladies' Favorite Cards all styles, with
nanieloe. Postpaid. J. B. HUSTED, Nassau.
Kens. Co., N. Y. 14dlw
TT71 YtU will agree to distribute somenf our
XX? circulars, we will send vouaCHKOMO
IN GILT ERA ME and a 16 page, 64 column illus
trated paper. FREE for 3 months. Inclose 10
cents to pay postage. Agents wanted. KEN
DALL & CO., Bosion, Mass. 14d4w
Wells' Carbolic Tablets,
a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases of
Put Up Only In Illne Boxes.
C. N. Chittknton, 7 Sixth: Avenue, New York.
(Onn A Month. AGENTS WANTED on our
A full accountof this Great Mystery, written by
his Father, be its Koblnson Crusoe In thrilling In
terest. She Illustrated HAND BOOK to all re
ligious, a Complete Account of all denominations
and scets. 300 Illustrations. Also the ladies'
medical guide by.Dr. Fancoast- 100 Illustrations.
These books sell at sight. Male and Female
Agents coin money on them. Particulars free.
Copies by mail 2 each. John K. Potter & Co.,
Philadelphia. 14 d it.
W We want 500 more first-class Sewing Ma.
chine Agents, coo men of energy and ability to
learn the business of Selling Sewing Machines.
Compensation Liberal, but varying according to
Abilfty.Character and (Jualinoattons of the Agent.
For Particulars, Address
Wilson Sewing Machine Co, Chicago,
827 & Soil Broadway, New York, or New Orleans,
Louislaua. . . 14d4w
r.rncll,!nliMdr,ollMiii,nl P' f vlob
Jrwilry. Compute .ample twekfup, wtlh rtgnt gold-plta
v. bnilon.. Mill ladlnr t.hliinbl t.ncT Sot, pin nd
iln.iia.pott -rnld.23 cnu. O pfkKr "Ith Mwirtod Jew
In, 1 1. "M Bold Fount ltr ' frM to ill riiu.
BRIDE CO..760 Broadway, M.Y.
ankle In one. Th LLOYD COM B I N ATT OH. Can 1e nsd
M ft i'encil.Penboidflr and Fen, Kriuer, Penknife. Knvalopo
ojuMier, Paper cutter Itutibor. Bowing M achlna Thrwd
Cutter, and for HiDptnir Heamj, Cutting off Hooke nd Ere,
Jtuttom, Kraitna clow. Ac. Stx ot a common panclf, la
heavily nickel pUteil.anri will lat a lifetime, iirenU am
coining money and wy It li the beat aalltna; arUrM out.
ftuuipie 25 centa, 8ix for $ f Extraordinary Inducements
to A (ten is. Bond for panicle half-tlofen and eantui your
town. BRIDE A CO., 769 Broadway, N. T
V Z tlia I.I ilVIl II1U HIN tTIf 11 fnrTUIA
I M Ik 769 Broadway, New York.
6 Kine Larpre Bulbs, with my Superb Ill'd. 90
page Seed and Bulb Catalogue, containing 2 col
ored plates for M) eentx, postage paid. Single
BulbslO cts j (I. per rtoz J7. per 100.
12 Fine Large Flowering Bull of all colnrs.auil
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