r" - THE TIMES, NEAV BLOOMFIELB; PA., M AUCII 27,1877. THE TIMES. Ioal l)cphi'tneiit. PENNSYLVANIA B. B. HUDDLE DIVISION. On sud after Nnvrmliw ITth, Trlni run as follows I WESTWARD. EA8TWABD. WayMitll.Aoo.t PRINOIPAI, STATIONS. J'tn K. Mall Tr'ni All'. Ex. Miri. Acc. raMS, ir-n ir-u A.M. f.m.!. m. s.uoi :IA J.UO Barrlsbnnr, ItlKkvllll'. MsrvsvUle, puueaauou. Hull)'" Newport, Mlllerntowil, Tbonipsout'n. Mexico......... Port Koyai.... MlfTlin Lewistown J., Anderson's,... MeVeytnwn,.. N. Hamilton,. 1.(0 1.17 .m 12. HI 1H HI 19. N U. Oil 8. in u. liii S.H5 i.so in 7.63 7.H T.19 7.07 (.64 (.87 (X (. s.ia ax 1.41 7.5i 21 1.47 MA S.KS 9. (Ml s.s 1.04 I. i.m s.w IXI (.!(, J. Wl 10.291 411 (HI .in; T.SS, J.l, (.54 I0.0S B.4ai (.go 8. ml (.n! 11. fi ll 41 .4l 1.1H T.4 T.a s.M law S.(S (.an 11. M li. ml 11.04 8.00 (.Oh fl.16 8. si ltt.4) I.M 4.93 4.4! .M 6.2A I. If, P.M.! (.40 (.00 4.47 4 Id 11.14 II .40 13. as 1.16 l.ftfi 10.31 (.87! 10.10 (.871 8. mi; B.1M A.M.) iiiiiitniKUon,.. Tyrone Aitoona, ; (.60! (-16 P.M.IP.M rw Pfrtuli ii ru Rf nrpiM Ifm-pa HKrrlfflmnr I DlincaniKMl 11.83 (flair); Newport 11.67 (flM!) and ar. rives at I'tttabiinr atMB A. m. PMIuMphia Express leaves Altoon at WHO P. m.. Tyroumtlo.aa i. in., Hmi'iumlou 11.18 p. in., lewis town 4., MM a. in., Mlffiln lS.54a.ni.. Harrhmnr J.4oa.m. Public Sales. Those having Mile bills printed at this office will have the no tice of the sale In this list without extra charge until day of sale. March 27. Geo. W. Tronic, trustee of Eme tine Snirhart at the Wertr. farin in Jackson twp., will eel I one trnoil mare, one beifer, (botes, and a variety of farming implements. March 27th. Mrs. 8. II. Tloheneheildt will sell at her residence lu Wheat field twp., 3 horses, 1 colt, 2 cows, S wagons and house bold and kitchen furniture. March 28th. W. II. Wynekoop, Attorney in fact of A. Bhugart, will sell one mile south east of Blaln, 1 horse, 1 bull, 8 cows, shotes and farming implements. March 30. David Owens at his residence In Carroll twp., will sell horses, cows, buggies, harness, chickens shotes, hay, corn, Ac C. B. llarnlsh, Auctioneer. April 17th Moses Hess, Administrator of the estate of Mary McClintock, dee'd., will sell , a farm in Carroll twp. Bee advertisement. Uriel Items. Bloomfield Academy. New term opens April Uth. Rev. J. Edgar, Principal. Notes coming due on April 1st will have to be paid on March 31st this year, as the 1st comes on Sunday. The farmers of this section of the stato have decided not to sow any oats in March. Have the children get the hen at work that lays the fancy colored eggs, for Easter will be on hand next Sunday. The roads were alive with sleds on Tuesday last, taking advantage of prob ably the last sledding of the season. ' Wheatfleld twp., has one school in which some of thecltizens complain that " courting" receives more attention than any other study. On Friday noon last, the thermometer registered 82 degrees above Zero, and on Monday previous it was down to 3 de grees below, a difference of 85 degrees. XMr. Henry Bentzel, while fishing on Saturday, slipped and fell so as to throw his shoulder out of joint. A companion who was with him pulled it in again after considerable trouble. V A Madison twp.; man a few mornings since found one of his sheep lying as he thought dead. He at once commenced to pull the wool oft', and had it nearly half off when the sheep gave a " baa'' and sprang up. And now the animal goes around with a blanket fastened on it to take the place of the missing wool. Last week as Mr. James M. Dunlap,of Mifflin township, Cumberland co., was going to a neighbor's house, a flock of wild geese, twenty in number, alighted in a field near by. He at once procured a rifle and at a distance of 400 feet killed two of them with one shot. Who can beat that? The barn of Joseph Mciser, in . Cbap man township, Snyder county, was to tally destroyed by lire on the morning of the 13th inst. All the stock, except ing a calf, was saved. A variety of farming utensils was also destroyed .including two . tnresmng machines. Ijoss not estimated, insurance $'J00. - A man named John Booth, a wood nrtopper for the Mont Alto Works, Franklin county, was recently so unfor- luuiiie as to nave ms leg broken by a jailing tree, tie lay pinned down bv the tree for nearly an hour, before his romrades heard his cries of distress, and caine to his assistance, and then had to be carried Ave miles to his home, Jail It ems. Peter Smith as a forger was not a success, and was therefore placed in jail. Asan "escapist", from jail he is a success and has so for eluded Sheriff Williamson's efforts to entice him again to his kind care. Win. H. Harman of Greenwood was placed in jail on charge of whipping his sister .which liberty the sister objected to. Considerable feeling seems Jo exist in Spring twp., judging by a correspond ence from there, regarding a joliflcation held at Oak Grove on Monday night of last week, while a person lay very ill in the same house. - Perhaps the affair was out of place, but the remarks of our correspondent regarding pension money and. his other criticisms are not just the thing for publication. , ) The Mall Routes. The contracts for carrying the U. 8. mails, by stage, "throughout Pennsylvania, have been awarded to the. lowest bidders, and the route between Newport and German town, and now owned by Z. Rlce.'was .cured by W. L. Argue.of Washington, D. C. Joseph A. Rice succeeded In bid- ding for the Carlisle and Shlppensburg route, Samuel L. Rice, the Ickesburg to Newport, and Scott Boden the Ickes burg to Millerstown route. The Messrs. Rices bid on some thirty odd routes throughout the state, and M ill continue to run their daily line be tween Newport and New Oermantown after the new incumbents have taken possession. Mean Trick. On Friday the 20th inst., fjinltcy, an Interesting little son of Mr. John Dunbar, of Port Royal came very near losing the sight of his eyes by hav ing a lot of coal dirt and cinder thrown into them by another boy at Beaver's blacksmith shop in that place. It was feared that he would never see the light of day again, as he was deprived of his sight from Friday until Wednesday, during which time he suffered excrucia ting pain, but he is now gradually re gaining it, and strong hopes are enter tained that his sight will be fully re stored. Connubial. The Carlisle Volunteer snys : Ou Friday last, Justice of the Peace Zinn, of the Second ward, united, in the holy bonds of matrimony, Mr. John Gallagher and Miss Martha BenU zell, both of Perry county. The Justice called in as witnesses Lazarus Minlch, John A. Floyd, W. L. Snottswood, Fred'k Babner, and Jno. McCarter. At the conclusion of the !eremony, the happy couple both elderly folks by the way took their departure, and, for all we know to the contrary, they are now comfortably domiciled in the land of hoop-poles and hedgehogs. Appointments. The Central Pennsyl vania Conference of the Evangelical Association, at their late session, held in the Bennett Street Church, Williams port, Pa., Bishop It. Yeakle, presiding, made the following appointments : Carlisle District E. Kohr, P. E. Carlisle H. A. Stokes. Leesburg J. M. Ettlnger. Hagerstown B. F. Anthony. Marysvllle G. E. Zehner. Newport and Patterson O. W. Currin. Perry I. M. Pines. Millerstown L. Mathias. Liverpool A. AV. Krcamer. Big Spring 8. 1. Shortls. MrJlure J. M. Price and J. Sbamuacu. Mlddleburg A. Krause and P. Weldcinyer. Union 8. Smith. Mlffllnburg L. Dice. - Port Trevei tod Jacob Young. Profs. E. M. Baker and J. W. Bents, of Union Seminary, and members of the Union Circuit Quarterly Conference. B. F. Hall, of Marysvllle Quarterly Confer ence. Owing tit falling health, Rev. A. Staple ton retires trom the ministry tor the present, . . y An Unfortunate Affair. On Saturdu, inlay1 atternoon a man named Crist Smith and a boy named Charles Kitner got Into a dispute regarding a horse, on the square in this borough. - After some words had passed, Smith threatened to " lick" the boy and came towards the boy for that purpose. Kitner warned him that if he touched him he would strike him with a shovel he had in his hands and which he raised to be' ready to use, and then commenced to back up oa to the side walk. Smith followed him for several yards and was about to grab him by the throat when Kitner brought down the shovel on his head with great force. In stead of striking him with the back of the shovel as he evidently intended, the shovel turned so that the blow was in flicted by the edge, partly knocking the unfortunate man down and cutting a se rious wound into the skull. Smith got up and after standing around for several minutes went to the pump, pumped some water and washed off the blood which flowed freely and then walked up to Dr. Stickler's drug store where his injuries were attended to. He then went home, where he was shortly taken with spasms. It was feared by some that his injuries might prove fatal and consequently a wairant was issued for the arrest of the boy who gavo bail for his appearance to answer the charge of aggravated assault. Smith is now rap idly recovering and will probably be out in a day or two. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. On Tuesday morning of this week David M. Barnard, eon of Mr. John Barnard, of Sprucelllll township, while holding two horses which were hitched to a sled, and standing at the railroad station, the horses became frightened at the cars and ran away, throwing the boy down, the horse tramping on him and the sled running over his body, cutting several ugly gashes in his face and head and (sustaining serious bodily injuries. He was taken to the office of Dr. G. M. Graham, where his wounds were dressed and his medical wants at tended to. The wonder Is that he was not killed. On Wednesday of last week Daniel Keimer, of Spruce Hill township, met with an accident which may yet cost him his life. He was engaged in cliop- fiing wood on Mr. lines' ridge,and while n the act of felling a tree it lodged on another tree, and in trying to dislodge it the sapling on which it was hanging Eave way and fell on Mr. K. crushing im to the earth, and for Ave long hours he remained in this perilous situation, when he was discovered by a person who was sent to search for him, us his fulling to come home at the appointed time excited the fears of Ills friends lest some accident might have liefallen him. When discovered lie could hardly speak, and it took Ave strong men to rescue him. Port lloycd Timet. Court Proceedings. At the Adjourned Court held on Saturday the 24th inst., the following proceedings were had : A. F. Kelm. Esn.. was appointed Com missioner to take,testlmony in the claim of Leiby's Heirs and W. H. Bosserman for damages from the Borough of New port caused by the extension of Front Street in said borough. Jntne cases of the reopiea ireignt Railway vs. Wm. McClure and others Defendant's counsel having regularly subpicnaed the President of said railway vv. n. uurr, ana wm. Jamison an ex ofllcer of said road and they refusing to attend unless their costs were paid in advance, stating that they had no means with which to bear their expenses the matter was brought before the Court by Defendant's counsel. Messrs. Barnett and Mclntlre, and the Court remarked that witnesses were bound to obey the command of a subpopna and If they were not able to pay their expenses when here the Court would make the proper order. The motions for a new trial In the cane of Thomas Iteeder vs. J. W. Wil liamson, and Alfred Burnett, vs. D. M. Uiuesmith, were argued but the Court made no decision in either case. Calvin Neilson was appointed an aud itor to make distribution of the funds in the hands of W. S. Enslow assignee of Thomas Woods. A California Letter. The following letter from California written by a son of R. Magee, Esq., we think will be interesting to our readers : Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 29th, 1877. Dear Fatbrr i Your kind letter came duly to hand, In which yon speak of the pleasant winter and fine sleighing In old Penn'a. In delightful contrast with this, let me eay that here we have no winter, "This Is the land of the cedar, land of the vine, where buds ever blossom and beams ever shine." There are two seasons here the ' shiny,' and the 'rainy' but roses bloom all the year, however, in great er profusion about a month from now than at any other time. Peach and pear trees are In full bloom just now. This morning after read ing your letter I took a stroll in the grounds which surround the State House, and here are men at work with lawn mowers, little children chasing the gay butterfly among the shrubbery or plucking boquetsof beautiful flowers. And I wished that yon were here for one moment to enjoy the sight with me. This is the land most blessed of all on this fair earth. The Oods seem to vie with each other in seeing which can do California the most good. Midas has touched her mountains and changed them into gold. Ceres smiles on her thousand acres and millions of bushels of yellow grain pour into the world's market annually, to attest the virgin wealth and fertility of her soil. Pomana burdens her every flgtree and vine with deli cious Iruita, whilst Flora decks ber every hill side, valley borders and rippling streams with those emblems of purity "The hand writing of the angels upon earth." Neptune has favored her waters and the commerce of all nations whitens with its sails one of the finest harbors In the world. Tho sun in the morning in his coming glints with gold and silver hues ber snow clad cliffs and pines that rear their boary heads heavenward, beams down on her emer ald valleys all the day long, and at last at night as he sinks to sleep In the vast Pacific throws back his long, level, loving, lingering rays as if to kiss her a sweet good night. A word about" John Chinaman" their New Year commenced on the lath of February and their festivities lasted one week during which time they fired off 11 1,000,000,000 fire crackers and bombs. It Is now nearly five years since I left home in old Perry county, and I cannot say that I have been really sick one day. Affectionately Your Son, John W. Maoer. Church Notices. Lutheran Church Services next Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve nings, also on Saturday at 2 P. M., and on Sabbath at 10 A. M., Communion. Preachiug in the M. E., Church next Sunday morning at 10i o'clock. Presbyterian Church Preaching at 11 A.M., on Sunday next. Prayer meet on Wednesday evening at 74 o'clock.'! Union Service in M. E. church next Sabbath evening at 7 o'clock. Preaching in the Reformed Church on Sunday next at i2 o'clock 1'. M. Wide Awake for April, 1877. Wide Awake for April gives throe graceful contributions to Easter literature, "The Eas ter Festival," by J. Newton Perkins, "A Love Lesson," by Mrs. Burten with an exquisite illustration, and "A Story Retold," a poem by Miss Poullson with two dulnty pictures. Eliz abeth Stuart Phelps contributes one of her Uncst poems, "At the Party," finely Illus trated by Miss Humphrey. Miss Farman has a funny piece of verse entitled " Mamma's Spring Story," accompanied by a lovely mor ceau of a picture. There are lots of other In teresting articles, i But the chief foaturo, to the llttlo boys and girls all over the country, subscribe!! and non subscrlhers to (Vide Awake, is the article enti tled "The Society of Wide Awake Helpers." This Society arranged the Boston Doll's Fair last season, and in this article their work for 1877 is laid out, with rules and prize-Hat. Only $2.00 per annum. Ella Farman, Edi tor, D. Lothrop & Co., Publishers, Boston. Notice. All persons indebted to the subscriber by note will please make pay ment before or during April Court, aa after that date no further time will be given. J. B. Hacket. Bloomfield, March 2(1, 1877. The Eagle Hotel. Mrs. Sarah Derrick would notify the public that she has taken possession of the above named Hotel in Bloomlleld, and would be J)leased to have all her old friends favor ler with their patronage, and as many new ones as feel weel disposed towards her. . li At, Purchasers of Carpets, Wall Paners. Shades, Oil Cloths and general house furnishing goods of this kind should see the large spring stock at tho Carlisle voijrvi nuuae, ii , l'Mm iuam Btreei. Carpets, Carpets. Beautiful Brussels, 3 nlvsuud Iniriitln with SO i,atioi..,u I.. Homemade Carpets, Hemps, Halls and niairs at me t anisie t arpet House, 21 , East Main St., Carlisle. 'RUL UST, FOR APRIL TERM, 1877. l'eopls's Frelnlit Railway Co., vs. Andrew Loy. hame, vs. Kriward Hull. Hame vs. same. Kame, vs. Dr. B. P. Ilooke. Kllas Snyder, vs. Bcliool District of Madison twp. J. Kyiiard's use, vs. 11. V, Drawbaugli, with no tice, Hie., People's Freight Hallway Co., vs. George I loo haugh. Same, vs. Wm. Shoemaker. Jacob romp, vs. Samuel Hrnllli. Joseph Heller's use, vs Geo. W. Lebklcher. People's Freight Railway Co., vs. W. W. McClure. Same. vs. Anthony Fiirhman. Same, vs. Henry Hlnesmlth. Same. vs. D. II. Slmlbley. Same, vs. David Kerr. Same, vs. George Kern. W. Scott Dunbar, vs. James Elder. Ellen Hire's use, vs. William R. H. Cook. . G. t), Tliarp Ailm'r ot G. Biiyucr, dee d, vs. It. Snyder & Co. Same, vs. Henry Snyder. M. H. ft nail r, vs. Barbara E. Baker et vlr. Jacob II. Keeder, vs. J, 1. Oree et al. Mollle Kegy's use, vs. Chas. Vanderau's Ex'rs. Francis English, vs. Geo. Markers Adin'rs. James Blaln, vs. J. W. Williamson. Andrew J. Dure, vs. Pennsylvania Canal Co. R. H. MoClure's use, vs James Emory. Henry H. Klslier. vs. Theodure Fenn et nx. Jos. B. llursh Assignee, vs. Anthony Fulir- man. Adnm Karstetter, vs. Clia Wright, et al. Anna M. Elliott, vs. Dr. W. R. Clsna Schwartz & Mansbauuli. vs. Amos Robinson et al. Weaver & Miller, vs. John Jones. Geo. WrlRht. vs. W. R. 8. Cook. IlenJ. C. ltlieem, vs. Lewis McNeal. G RAND JURY, FOR APRIL TERM, 1877.- Newport, B. F. Miller, fore, Wm. Hortlng. Buffalo Geo. W. Blattenberger. Centre Chas. R. Power. Carroll James A. Hail, Joshua Hess, Joseph Stair. Jackson John D. Shnman, John Rlstler, Wm. B. Stambaugb, James Crownover. Landlsburg J. M Kennedy, John M. Wilson. Madison Jacob Gutshall. Oliver Aaron ShrefUer. Savllle John Wallet. Tuscarora Wm. 8etler, Samuel Fry. Tyrone Jno. Neeley, Columbus Minlch, Henry Bheafler. Liverpool Michael Lebklcher. Watts Daniel Livingston. Wheatfleld James D. Willis. T RAVER8E JURORS, for April Term, 1877. Bloomfield Daniel Garlln. Buflalo Jacob Buck. Carroll Alfred Zelglcr, Wm. Sheaffer. Sr. Centre Edward Clark, Samuel F ravel, Henry Shea O'er. Duncannon Jesse Berkstresser, Abner Van- fossen, Jesse White Greenwood Joseph Wert, Samuel L. Beaver, nowe Alfred Wright. Jackson D. A. Hollenbaugh. Juniata Thomas 8nllenberger, Martin Smith. Landlsburg Jesse Meaddath. Liverpool Samuel Derr. Madison George W. Starabaugh, John Rouse, Samuel Hart man, Edward Hull, Samuel Sanderson, Henry Bear, 8r., Samuel Moose. Marysvlle Channcy Wise, James Valentine, J. W. Fllcklnger. Miller George W. Cook. New Buffalo John Basklns. Oliver Solomon Brown. Rye E. C. Ganlt, Levi Meyers, Henry Baylor. Newport Thos. H. Mllllgan, John Patterson. Savllle Jeremiah Trostle, Henry Fllcklnger. Spring John W. Kell, James Cleland, Jacob Bheibley. Tuscarora Adam Rice, John Lesh, Henry Baker, David Leonard. Toboyne Wm. Snyder, Wm. Wllhldc. Wheatfleld Henry Lepperd. Said Mother to Father:' Do you know my dear where Our new married daughter May buy the best ware t Said Daughter to Mother i Tlierc are all kinds of wares Just such as I want, Hight cheap, down at 11LA11VS, Two more Crates of White Ware just receivea. Also a full suimfu of llest Groceries, Tubs, Jiuclcets, Churns, Soaps, Jiaskels, Olass Ware and other Family Supplies, and offered all the time Cheap for the Lash, or in Kxchange for uood Country I'roaucc. wm. BijAiH mar 12 3t South Endy Carlisle. Take Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to the undersigned, that a dissolution of partnership is to take place on April 1st. All accounts must be settled by note or otherwise be fore that date, and accounts not settled in accordance with this notice will be put in the hands of a Justice for col lection. The business will after that date be carried on by H. W. Smith. (SMITH & AlC'iSBIDK. New Bloomfield, Jan. 23, 1877. tf Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Window Shades, Matts, Rugs, Hassocks, Ac, at the Carpet Store In Carlisle. tW Spots on the Sun do not visibly diminish Its brilliancy, but spots, pimples or blotches upon the face, neck or arms, seriously detract from female beanty. They may, however, be completely removed by the dally use of Glenn's Sulphnr Soap. Depot, Crittenton's No. 7, 6th Ave., N. Y. Hill's Hair Whisker dye, brown or black, 60 cents. 8lw SPECIAL. NOTICES. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for vears from jt. NervousJ)ebillty, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion will, for the sake of sulferfng humanity, send free to all who need it. the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can ao so ny HcioreHKing in perieet conuaenee. loini d. wixm, w ueuar ot., new oik iuaoz onto. TO C0NSUMTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sunerers the means of cure. To all who desire It. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the direction for nreoarinz and using the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. E. A. WILSON, zauuioa 1U4 renn u, wuiiainsDurgn.rtew xorK. A Certain Headache Cure. A harmless vegetable preparation, and the discovery of a physician, the Victor Headache Powder has been uroven a oositivelv sure euro for the most distressing cases of Sick or Nervous Headache, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a single powder aotually curing in ten imuntes wiieu all other means fall. We have had a won derful ex)ierieiice with it, ami the ten cent trial pack can be had by addressing the proprietors, S 1. u l'IJI V" J 1U 1 . L. .. ...Ill cheerfully mail them uostpald, and of Druggists every wnere auu u is wiin wen iiieriieacounueucis they are orteicl a a thorough cure tor all dis tresses of (lie head. 3 ly PIMPLES. t ' will mall the reclnfl for nrenarlni a mnln Vrietari.r Hai.m that will Ifiiinn TaMi FRECKLES, I IMI'I.I'.H and HfrTOHK leaving the skin soft, clear and Iwaiitlluli also Instruu' tlnns for nrodiiclng a luxuriant irrowlh. of hair on a bald head or smooth fare. Address, en-clos-nglu cents, HEN. VAStKI,K St CO., lto 6121, No. SWooster St., Nw lork. lfa52 6mov Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report. riiii.ADFi.i'iin. Marnh 24th. While Business as been more brisk, there Is little change to note prices. Wheat Is In demand at l&wirts: corn firm and Is (Minted t&titf : Rye. 7(itt77l Oats. 4i!J4lii Cloverseed, l.'lHfyH. HtocK quotations are: i enn a. n. n., i neau lnt, 184 1 Nor. Central. 2M Plill'a, and Erie, benign nav. it. uoiu, iih. County Price Current. BixjOMriEl.D, March 2. 1S77. Flax-Heed, 1 2 Potatoes, 'A Butter V pound, (fresh roll) 18 Packed Butter V pound, 10 Eggs V dozen, 12 " Dried Apples V pound 'Mi ets" Dried Peaches B 0 1 2 c t s. Cherries 00 ets. Pitted 00 O 00 ets. ' Blackberries 00ets. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. corrected webklt. WOODWARD & BO BB. Carlisle. March 24. 177. Family Flour I6. Superfine Rye Flouf 8.50 White Wheat, new 1.30 Red Wheat,new 1.30 Rye W Corn, (new) 43 Oats 30 Cloverseed, 9.0U a 9.0c Timothyseed, MEWPOKT MARKETS. I Corrected Weeklv bv Koug A Brother, f DEALERS IN GKA-IIN Ac PltODTJCE. M ewport. March 24, I Si 7.. Flour, Extra i K2H ' Super. 4 60 White Wheat V bu 1 37 Si 37 Red Wheat .' 1 32 0 1 32 Rye 6060 Corn 404J42 Oats j) 82 pounds 30030 Clover Seed 9 2"9 25 Timothy Seed.... 160 Flax Seed 1 00 Potatoes SO 6 90 Bacon 10 ft 14 Dressed Hogs 6J4et. Ground Alumn Salt 1 60J1 60 Llmeburner's Coal 1 25 Stove Coal 4 00 Q 5 on. Pea Coal 2 75 Gordon's Food per Sack (2 00 FISH, SALT, LIMB AND COAL Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at rbf bowesr, Market Kates, r- Five per cent off for Cash. Death notices not exceeding 6 lines Inserted without citarK". uiit o cents )er line will invariably lie cbanred for Tributes of Respect, Poetry, or olli remarks. Sittch. (leorne Herlmrt Snteh. horn AnrllMft 1876. died March 19th. 1877. aited 11 months ana 7.1- days. Tribute of Respect. At a regular stated meeting ml Everrreei. Lodge. No , 20ft, I. O. O. F., held on Saturday even ing, March 17th. 1877. the following preamble anf resolution were unanimously adopted : WnRREAS, It has pleased Alinlghtv God In the dispensation of his Divine Providence to eair irom our miasi. our ever cherished profiler, . G. Socrates Green, thereby severing the ties that, have bound us together for twenty-live years in the bonds of Friendship, Love and Truth, there lore lie it, Jtetolvtd, That we bow In humble submission to the will of Him who rules over thedlstiniesof al men and doeth all things well. Resolved. That in the death of P. G. Socrates Green, Evergreen Lodge Is called on to mourn (lie loss of a brother who was In every way worthy of our respect and a friend and companion who was dear to us all and that we deeply sympathize with the family and relatives of our deceased orotner.in tins, tne nour oi tnesaa oereavemeni. Resolved. That the Charter of our Lodee he drapeiHn mourning for thirty days.and his name be placed on the record in the Bible of the Lodge as a tribute of respect to deceased our brother. Resolred, That a copy of this resolution be pre sented to the family of our deceased brother, and placed on tne minutes oi tne jjOdge, and a eopv furnished to the Duncannon Record and the Bloomfield Tim us for publication. JOHN H. JOl.AND, G. W. Khaxtah, ' J Committee. John H. M'KiNrB, ) gRIDGE LETTING. THE Commissioners of Perry county win mee at the site of the bridge across Sherman's ereek. at Bridgeport, In Spring township, ON FRIDAY. APRIL 27th, 1877. at 10 o'clock A. M., and let by outcry, to the low est and best bidder, the building of a N EW COV - EKED wooden BKiixiK across- said ereek. upon the site of the old bridge. The said new bridge to be built according toa bill of specifica tions prepared, and which may he seen and ex amined in the Commissioner's Office, in Kioom Held, or a copy will be sent to any one upon ap plication by mail. A bond for the faithful pel formance of contract, approved by the Commis sioners, wilU he required of the contractor immediately upon the awardingof the contract, and the Commissioners also reserve the right to reject any bid that is not satisfactory. J. W. GAvrr, l Solomon Bower, Commsiis'rs. Grokoe Campbkli. Calvin Neilson, Clerk. Bloomlleld, March 20, 1877. QRPHANS' COURT SALE OF OF VALUABLE RE Al. ESTATE. BY virtu of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Ferry county, Pa., the undersigned Administra tor with the will annexed of Mrs. Mary McCliii tock, late of Carroll township. Perry county, Pj.. deceased, will sell by publie out-cry, ou the prem Ises. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 17th. 1877. at 11 o'clock A. M.. the following described valua ble real estate, to wit: A TRACT OF ZAND, situate In Carroll township, on Sherman's Creek', one mile west of Dellville, containing 102 Acres and 75 Perches, more or less, bounded on the North by Sherman's Creek, East by land of Suniael tirler, aud West by land of Samuel Matlack. About 75 Acres o( said tract are cleared and in a good state of cul tivation, while the balance Is good timber land. The improvements thereon are a LOG j, WEATHER-HOARDED HOUSE AND fSl LOG BARN, Frame Stable. Frame Hog I '!"! Pen. and other out buildings. Tnere are LJilt ORCHARDS of choice beating Apple andl'cu.b Trees, good water near the house, and Its general surroundings inuke it ft desirable property for purchasers. TERMS OF SALE Tea per centl of the pur chase, money to be paid wlieu the property is stricken down. Five hundred dollars at Ike time of conUrmation ot sale, one half Hie balance on the 1st of April, 1878, and the remainder on the 1st dayof April, 187U. Possession will be given and deed delivered when the looO art) paid ami the balance to be secured with judgment bonds, bearing interest from date. MOSES HESS. March 27 18T7. Administrator.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers