.0 THE TIMES NEW BL0OMFIEL1), PA., MARCH 20,1877. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Churning Good Butter. Churning i-renm to ninko good butter Id Dot so finiplu a jirM as some mny think. It nnist he churned nt the proper time and at the proper temperature, and the churn should he stopped as oon aa the cream has broken, hut before the butter lias gathered In large halls. In warm weather it Is of great importance to watch the process closely and to notice jtt( irktn this change Is to take place. At this time add enough cold water (not Ice) to reduce the temperature of the mass to about 5(1 or OH degrees and then complete the churning, which will be as soon as the butter is in a granulated form, with particles about the Mz of peas. Then draw off the buttermilk . and dash in cold water, repeating the washing until the water drawn off ap pears clear. Now take out. n layer of butter into the tray, and sprinkle on finely sifted salt, at the rate of about an ounce of salt to the pound, (more or less as consumers may wish). Then take out another layer of butter and suit as before. After the butter is sailed, set : t away for about three hours for it "to take salt" and "harden the grain." Now work it a little with a wooden paddle, and set it away again until next day, when it will need but little work ing before preparing for market. ?y handling in this way you Mill get a clean bright article, with a perfect or unbroken grain, which will keep sweet whether consumed immediately or pack ed down for future marketing. NOW A Woiti) AllOUT 80 FT WlIITi: JlUTTKIt. The principle cause of butter coming In this way is the lack of proier cooling before putting it into the churn. When you have such n churning, take it from the churn with as little buttermilk as possible, into a butter tray ; druln off nil the butter miJk you can (but do not try to wash it) and salt with about three limes the usual amount and set It away to harden until next orning. Then bring it to the light and work it cave fully a little with the butter paddles and return it to the cellar again, and repeat again for two or threo mornings and you will have by this time a good clean tray of butter. The philosophy of this is that the salt has gradually taken out the butter milk as it has dissolved, and .t the Maine time hardened the grain, which could not be done by any amount of washing, lee water might have hardened it.butter inilk and all, but we should have had the same white, poor butter, cahily acted upon by every change of temperature. In another paper I shall say something about "cheese and cheese-Miaking." Akhitijla Farmer. Fruit for Food. 1 f a child's digestion becouice impaired aud the gastric juice becomes weakened or defective in quantity by over-eating or bad food, tho whole alimetitary canal becomes clogged and tllthy, furnishes nests for such worms as will breed there. In this weakened oonditiou of the sys tem theycannot Ita destroys! by the process of digestion, and hence great harm conies from them. Now, it. is an interesting fact that fresh ripe fruit is the best preventive for this state of things. Dr. ilenjatuitt Rush pointed this out one hundred years ago. lie made a series of experiments on earth worms, which ho regarded as more near ly allied to those that infest the bowels of children than any other, with a view to test their power of retaining Ilfeunder tho influence of various substance that might be used as worm medicines. Tho results proved that worms often lived longer in those subtances known as poisonous than In soiuo of the most harmless articles of food. For instance, in a watery solution of opium they lived eleven minutes; in infusion of pink root, thirty-three minutes ; but in the Juice of red cherries they died in six: minutes; black cherries, In five Inlnutes ; red cur rants, in three minutes ; gooso berriesjn four minutes ; whortleberries, in seven minutes; aud raspberries In five min utes. From these experiments Dr. Hush argued that fresh, ripe fruit, of which children are veiy fond, are the most speedy and effectual poisons for worm?. In practice this theory is found to be oorrect. f& Hurley and oats sown together are said to Us a profitable crop. A writer in the Country Gentleman says: The liurley and oats make good feed for all kinds of stock horses, Ac, and if bar vented before the oat are fully matured, the otraw (it well cured with out too much rain or dew), will make better forage for cattle than late cut hay. We usually mow this crop by hand. We are fully satisfied ourselves that a larger number of bushels caa. be raised ou 'a given number of acres than from either barley or oats sown separately. .SUN. 1877. NKW YOKK. 187T. The different editions of Tim Hen dtirhiK the next year will be the same asduiliiK the ear tliut has Just passed The dally edition III on week days tin a sheet nt fuiir paiic, and mi HunUats u sheet nf eight panes, or Ml broad criliiiiint while thH weekly edltlou will be a sheet nt eight pages ii( lite same dimension and character urn already familiar to our meeds. Tint Sun will continue to be the strenuous ail Yiie.ate uf reform and retreiinhiiieiit, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom and In tensity for hollow pieteiiee. lnibecllliy, and fraud In the administration nf puhllo altairs. It will eoutend for the government of the people hy the peopleand lor t he people, a opposed to govern mentln the ballot box and In the i-oiiming ot vote, enforced by military violence. It will en deavor to supply its reaiers a body now not far from a million uf souls with the most tuneful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a Dinner, oils and carefully selected stair of reporters and cm respondents, lis reports Irom Washington, especlall, will be full, aucurute and fearless 1 and It will doubtless eontiu e to deserve the hatred of those who thrive bv plundering the Treasury or by usurping what tn law does not give them, while It will ende.ivor to merit the conlldenee of the public by defending the rights of the people against the encroachments of utijustllled power. The price of the dally SUN will be ;Vi cents a month or tl.Mi a year, post paid, or with the Sun day edition J7.7o a year. the Siniuy edition alone, eight pages, II .20 a year. i ho WREKt.rsi N, eight pages of M5 broad col umns, will be furnished during 1877 at the rale uf SI a year, post paid. 'I ho belief t of this large reduction from the previous rale for Tin Wmtkt.j can lie enjoyed bv individual subscribe! s w ithout the necessity uf making up clubs. At the same time. If i.ny of our fi lends choose to aid In extending circulation we shall he gjHterul to them, and every such per son who sends ten or more subscribers from one iilace wilt be entitled lo one copy of the pape.i or Himself w ithout charge. Atone dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses nt paper and printing are baldly repaid t and. considering the size of the sheet and the iial!tv of Us contents, we are conlldeut the people will consider Tim Wf.ek'IT M's the cheapest newspaper published In the world and we trust also one nf the very best. 61.KJI Address, THE SUN, New York L'liy, N. Y. III.MLT1 I.KV'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD 1 u.tir, tasteless, Durante, isi Hcient and Cheap. The best I'limp (or the least money. At tention Is especially invited to dUhA nimuomy n rniiu iinproveu LJ.1 1 Hracket aud New Drop (Jheek ""if Vulvn which phii h willtili-uwit without removing the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracksor scales, and will outlast any other, lfornlehy Pealeis everywhere. 8endforCataloge and nice-1.1st. AS. u. ISl.ATt'Hl.lCY, Manufacturer. SoO Commerce St.. I'nllnpelphla. fa. t-ir 637 ly BOOTS D you want HOOTS ul any kind t If so, call and see the r.A.lt014 STOCK NOW OFFEflKO BI I . MM It T 1 M J5 It . Xew Jfiisioii Lute. UNIIKU an act .( 'undress approved March 3, ls.73, widows nf oillcers who were killed, or died of disease com racted In the service, are now entitled to t'i.iMi er iiouth for each of lliolr chil dren. The gimrdlitii of a minor child of a soldier who heretofore only received W.ii per month pension Is now entlilcil lo flu. per moth. (soldiers wb receive invalid pensions ran now have their pensieus Increased lo any sum or rale between H. and per mouth. Soldiers who have tost their discharges can now obtain duplicates. Kathers and mothers who lost wins In the serv ice upon whom . ney were dependent for support, en n also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience in the Claim agency business will attend promptly 1 claims under the above act. 1'allon or address LEWIS POTTER. Attorney for Claimants, New lileomtteld. 20tf. Terry Co., Ha Dully Express and Freight Li nt BHTWKKN CLOOMFIEL.D& NEWPORT! t pHKsubscrlberwlshes to notify theeltlzeasol a. Hlooinlleld and Newport that, he Is running a Daily Line between the.setwo places. and will haul Frelghtof any kind, or promptly deliver package, or messages out rusted to his rare, orders mny he lelt fnrblm at the stores of F. Mortimer ai Co.. New Ulooratleld.iir MIlllganA Musser. Newport in. .1. S. WHITMOBH. Kloniutteld. lantiary2t.l7U. yil.l.lAM K SL'TCII, .InstltM' of in- S'eacc. AN D fi KS Kit A I. COI.I.KCTOR, New Bloorafluld, Parry County, Penn'a -Bpeelnl,iltentloii paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds. Honds. Mortgages aud Agreements neat ly executed. 7 i,;t f Notice to Treiasiprs. NOTICK Is hereby given to all persons not to .. ., trespass on my grounds bv picking berries, llshlng, hunting, or ntherwlsetrespassing. as they will be dealt with according to law. (Jreeuwood twp., Aug. in, 1H75. tf T,JKh.S"! N''"CK.-AH persons are forbid to trespass on my hind In Saville rfT'J1 Hi ."' "V. ,"rno" whatever, and a reward of $-) will be paKI for testimony that will couviet any ierson of such trespass. ' May !l. 1 HTrt 1 f AXURKW I.OY. STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOROPKKATINO SEWING MACHINES WITIIOI'T FATIGUE OR INJURY. The most, complete method of propelling the sewing machlhe It saves rour-flfths the labor and entire y avoids the cause of phvsleal Injury : en diesedhy the nwl leal fraternity. It ran be at tached in any ordinary sewing machine without, removing the machine from the house. No sew. Ing machine should be used win t this 1m. portaiit. attachment Hend for our circulars, whler epim the nrincliiles. Address " , JfieW YOKK TREADLE MFC. (U, 'S'r- let COrtlamlt Wreef, W, y. NO'l'll ?K. The iinderslmed hereby gives no. tine to all persons indebted to htm. that their aituounM must be settled on or bfore the first nf March After I hat no further tuduleenee will be grante. CHKISTIAN STObFKKK. MlieruiansUale. Jan. , 1877. pd 17l.ANKI.S A splendid' assortment of flan Ajnsls. ut opened by K. MOHTIM KK TArMKB AND CHlLnREiT"rli ind", I splendid asanrtinentof shoe at tbeoae prlcastor ofF, Mortimer 1 VI a B I u wi Philadelphia AvertiscnientR, JANNEY & ANDREWS , WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. n MARKET 8T., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND ' TEA DEALERS, North Kast Corner of 2nd and Arch St reet, Philadelphia Prnn'n. QHARLES S. JONES, WH01.KSA1.K DKAI.KIt IN Fish, Cheesa and Provisions, 21 NOKTll WHAHVE8, Philadelphia, Pa. JQAVID. J, HOAR & CO., Succeesors to HOAIl McOONKKY ! CD., WUOt.RSALK BOOT AND SHOE WAREU0USK,- MARKET STTIEKT, Philadelphia, Pcnn'n. QUNNINGHAM.GLEIM&CO., Wholksalb Dbai.ehs in TOBACCO, CICJAKS&c NO. 1, NOKTH KIKTH HTltKKT, PIIILAUKLPIIIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! p Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a flue assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WWW., No. 120 Market street, above Uh, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. ROf.K AND ONIW MANHWCTllllKHS OK T1IK IMPSHIAL ? BENCH, ., AND PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White Lead and Color MANUFACTURERS, Nos. 141 and U8 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE : WORKS," On High Street, Bast or CahlisleSt.. New BlooruneM, Penn'a. THH subscriber has built a laree and comrno dlous Shop on HlKh 8t East of Carlisle Ktreet New llloomtleld. Pa where lie Is prepared toman ufaeture to order Of every description, out of the best material. Sleiphs of every Style, built toorder, and finished in the most urtlstlcand durable maimer. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared tofnrnlsh work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and nmeh mora durable, aud at much more reasonable rates. WltKPAIKINOof allkhiclsneotlyandpromp lyrtone Aealllssollolted. SAMUEL SMITH it? TOH PRINTIKO al every description neatly s exernted on short notice and at reasonable rates at this offle. Philadelphia Advertisements. JJ D. ELDER & CO, BLANK HOOK M ANUFACTUHEH8 llooksdlers and Stationers, . And Dealers In WINDOW CUKTAIN8 WALL PAP Kit, ETC, No. 4.10 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to 8UAFFNEK, ZIEOLER (t CO.f Importers and Dealers la IIoHlery, (Jloven, Iliblon, NiiMpenderK, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ot TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. SB, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs. gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers Id CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. It LAN It ItOOli Always on hand, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO a. I'ubllshers of Sanders'New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's History of the United States, Feltou'sOutllue Maps.&o. gARCROFT & CO., IffiporttiB and Jabbers Ot Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS. Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET 8TREET. (Above Fourth, North 8lde,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. MOUL, HEPRKSENTINU Weimer, Wright & Watkhi, Maiinfacturcr Si Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, 1'IIILADELPIIIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Impohtiks and Jobbxbs or AND QUEENSAVAllE, 023 Market Street, W. H.KENNEDY, ' WITH TRIMBLE, I1R1TTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET BTItEET. PBILADWLMIA. 710 Philadelphia Adrertlgenients. JLOYD, Sli?LE"&ALTOr WHOLBHALB HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, -Philadelphia, Penn'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor. 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. HIS HOTEL beln centrally located, and bav A lug been entirely RKFiTTED.lt will be found' as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired jINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED f Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL ! Everybody who sees them are delighted. Jg The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, W EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 43, 48 & 44 West St., STEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. - ROOMS fin and 75 cents per day. Charces very MODKBATE. The best meats and vegetables in the market. BEST BEDS In the City. .171yH B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney at-Law, New Hloomtleld, Perry CO., Pa. 0" Office Next door to the residence ol Judge Jiiukln. . - 4Str 1 . AH. MARKEL. Attorneyat-Law, New Bloonifleld, Perry county, Pa. . tif" Office directly opposite the Post-Offlcer and adjoining tho Mansion House. JEWIS POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. WClalms promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed to. 32 yl JAMES H. FERGliSON, Attorney-at .Law7 NEWPORT, PA. 490fflce Market Street, near the Square. 35 6 CHARLES H. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomtleld, Perry Co. Pa. V Office with C. A. Barnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte rian Church. August 20, W72. J BALLY, Attorney at Law, New BloomfleUl,PerryCo.,Pa Office opposite the-Manslon House and nex f door to the Post-Otllce. Refers to B. Mclnllre, Esq. June27,1871. XITM. A. 8PONSLER, Attorney-at-Law, yy Oftlee adjoining his resideace, on East Main street. New Bloomfleld, Perry Co., Pa. 3 2 1 y JOHN O.SQATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomtleld, Perry CO., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. - Office at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Sponaler' Lawotfioe. 3 21y "ITTM. N. HEIBERT, Attorney-at-Law, VV New Bloointield, Perry co., r. Bloomfleld, S 33 lv. XITM. M. HUTCH. VV ATTORN KYAT-LAW, New Bloomtleld, Perry Co., Pa. a-0fflce Two doors West ol F. Mortimer Store 37 ly TT KWIS POTTER, ROTABT POBu6, New Bloom J Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgage and Leases carefully Erepared and acknowledgements taken. All Inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawa and certified, will also take depositions to be retd iu any court In the United States. , 7 10 ly IHAS. J. T, McINTIRK, Attorney-at-Law, J New Bloomtleld, Perry eo.. Pa. " All professional business promptly andf ait a fully attended to. 3 2 1 v. TTTM. A. MORRISON, JUSTICE OK THK PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NbwGbhmantowm. Perryeo., Pa. -KemUtanceswUl bo made promptly terall Collections made. T44 CHAS. A. BARNETT. Attorney-at-Law, New Blwoinllald. Perryeo., Pa. VsVOfflce on high street. North side, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 8 Uly Richard l magee, JUSTICE OF THE PEAX'E, " Onice at his residence. In CKNTK E TOWN. SHIP. Perry County, Penn'a,, on mile South ot hew Bloomtleld. 103