The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 20, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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To&il DciiJu'tii)crt.
On nl after November J7th, Train run as follows l
Way Mall Arc.1
PassTr'n Tr'u
.M. P.M. P. M.
8.UU; 1.28 8.30
8.11 I. KM 6
131 1.47 1M
8:H 8 .04 8. Ill
8.68 J.S6 6.40
.m B.rva
(1.20 9.S4) 7.10
H. H3 8. Oil 7.3H
S.48 8.18 T.4il
954 8. '21 1M
10.10 s.:m 8.0U
1U.42 I.M, I
n.i4' :
11.40 4.47,
13.20 S.2Y ,
lib o.js: '
I. 7.16
F.H. P.M.I
Mexleo '
Fort K ijal....
Mifflin 1
I.ewtHtdttTi J.,'
N. Hamilton, .,
Tyrone ;
i J'tniMail'Atl'.
Ki. iTr'u Ex. r.m. r..,
1.80 8.18 11.06
1 17! 7.IW
! iwi 7.80'
13. Ml 7.30 I0.SH
IS.M1 7.08
la.aji sm lo.m
12. (Ifl 0.421
n.67 e.mi
11 41 6.18
n m I In.
II lag' 06 is:
11.04; 6.40, 8.01
10.34 .03 J.571
111 III 4 47
9.87! 4.16 7. 3H
8.80 8.26 6 SO
R.U 9.80 6.16
A.M..P.M. F.M
7. 63
IfpittHburpr Express leaves Harrlnhtirv at 11.00 p.m.
Dunrannon 11.83 fW; Newport 11.57 (Hiif) and ar.
rlvea ut I'lttnbiiix at 8. 11 A. M.
rhilartelimla Knres leaves AUomia at r.
Tyrone m 10 :u i. m.. llimiliiKdnn 11.16 p. in., Lewla
towu .1., I'XIWa. ill., Mifflin 12.54a. 111., Ilnniniirtr3.40a.lli.
IWUnlnif Weal, thn Wav l'aHRnu-er leaves Harris
bum Daily tlio otner train Daily rxrrpt Hiitidny.
IW"4illiir Eiist, Hie Atlniitic ExpreHa leaves Alt'iona
Dally, the other traius Daily except Sunday.
Public Sales. Those having wile Mils
printed lit tills offlw w ill have the no
tice of the sale In this list without extra
charge until day of sale.
March 22d Nicholas Ickes at his res Idcnce In
Ickcsburg, will sell Household and Kitchen
Furniture, 1 Sewing Mnchlne, Shoemaker's
Tools and a good Shot Onn.
March S3rd. M. C. Crcckncr, at his residence
In Bavllle twp., wilt sell horses, cattle, farm
ing Implements ant household furniture.
The real estate will also be offered.
March 84th. W. H. Dum, executor ui' Fred.
E. Dum, deceased, will eel) at the late resi
dence of the deceased In Tyrone twp., all his
real estate.
March 24th. Jacob Oallor, at his residence in
Bavllle twp., will sell horses, cattle, sheep
and farming Implements.
March 34 John E. Eckert, at his residence at
Graham's Kill, will sell Hay, 1 Wheelbar
row, and a lot of Household and Kitchen
March 27th Mrs. 8. II. Hohensheildt will
sell at her residence In WheaUleld twp., 3
horses, 1 colt, 2 cows, 2 wagons and honsc-
hold an kitchen furniture.
March 28th. W. II. Wynckoop, Attorney in
fact of A. Bhugart, will sell one mile south
east of ftlain, 1 horse, 1 bull, 3 cows, shotes
and farming implements. .
Drier Items.
Court convened on Tuesday last at 1
o'clock for the transaction of Orphans'
Court and miscellaneous business.
Attwney General Ijear reiterates his
opinion that Constahles sworn in after
the first Monday of April, 1876, hold
ovcrntil April, 1878.
Mr. David Deekard of Montgomery's
Ferry lost a valuable cott last I'uesday,
which got loose in the -stable and was
kicked liy another horse.
I The jingle of sleigh ells were heard
on out streets on batiieday and Sunday,
about 5 inches of snow having fell on
Kridey and it is agata snowing as we
go to press.
' The report that Washington Dill was
drowned last week at Duncan's Island
seems to be a mistake, as the young man
is t!l on the move.
'''lit is rumored that a anan was drown
ed i the Susquehanna at Duncannon,
on Saturday night aweek, as cries for
help were heard opposite the blast fur
nace at that time.
The Rev. Geo. Hobtttson, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, of Duncannon,
has received a CoaMnission as Post
Chaplain, U. S. A. The Commission
was signed by General -Grant as Presi
dent, on the 3rd of March.
One night last week, an infant child
of Mr. Shatzcrs, of Chmber8burg,while
asleep was attacked by rat. When the
mother awakened by the child's cries,
went to its relief, the rat had already bit
ten tfce hand of the cfcild in ten dif
ferent places.
Ott Tuesday afternoon a special train
passed down the Cumberland Valley
Railroad, containing some two hundred
and forty passengers enroutc for Kansas
and ether Western States. The train
was pnincipally made up from Franklin
county. Another train is expected to
leave Cbis week.
Fire. On Saturday night, the house
and barm, on the property of Win. Cox,
in Tusoavrora twp., was entirely consum
ed by fixe. Was partially covered by
insurance. Cause, a defective flue. -
v .
Sudden Death. Mr. Samuel Kllnepeter
of near Nwport died very suddenly ou
Tuesday n4ght last. He went to bed in
apparently good health, but during the
night his w&fe heard him moau and be
fore he could get a light lie wan dead.
Grand Exhibition. There wan a grand
exhibition held is the M. K. Church, in
Blain,on the evening of March 9 and 10.
The exercises consisted of Declamations,
Dialogues, Ej&ayg, Tableaus, Dramas,
Ringing, etc., and were conducted with
great success. The proceeds, which go
towards buying a Ht.rary for the M. E.
Sunday School, amounted iu all to near
ly fifty dollars.
X Horse Stolen. On the night of the 12th
Inst,, a large black horse was stolen
from Mr. Wm. Kistler, who lives on the
potV farm near Blue Ball. A reward
of $50 Is offered for the recovery of the
animal and conviction of the thief.
Mr. W. IL lUnoeuiith traced the horn
and tblef across the mountain at Wag-
. gonef'e Gap and as far as Kingston.
At that place thinking the thief had
gone Id Harrlsburg, he took the train,
but found on his arrival that the man
had not come to that city. By telegraph
it was learned that he hnd turned
towards New Cumberland, and taking a
policeman with him, Mr. H. hurried In
that direction, and soon goton his track.
But the horse they drove gave out and
by the advice of the officer they then
gave up the search, and hoping to se
cure his arrest by telegraphing, Mr. it.
returned home.
The chnse was, liowever,resumed that
night by Mr. Klstlcr, but with what
success we have not yet learned.
J- A Reform that is Needed. There Is great
cry about civil service reiorm, ana upon
one point we think the people of the
state who depend on the P. H. It., for
mall service will with one accord cry
out" oh I give us reform :" That point
is the carrying of the mails. The pres
ent arrangement Is an outrage and we
think must be the special device of the
devil. Some of our subscribers living
within 20 miles of our office recieve
their copy of The Times usually in four
days but sometimes not at all and some
times so mutilated and dirtied that when
it reaches them it is of no use. If the
postal department cannot remedy the
evil, it ought to relinquish the business
and allow private citizens to make some
arrangements which will be an accom
modation and not a nuisance to the
people. If the new Postmaster General
will correct these evils both Democrats
and republicans will acknowledge he is
the right man in the right place, and
while the former will forgive him for
accepting an office at the hands of a Re
publican President the latter will forgive
the president foi appointing a Democrat
to oftloe.
Court Proceedings, Proceedings of the
Orphans' Court held on Wednesday and
Thursday, the I3tb and 14th Inst.
There being w exceptions to any of
the accounts of Administrators, Kxecu
tors or Guardians as filed they were con
firmed by the Court.
In the matter of the certiorari to re
move all proceedings had before Ksquire
Henry in case of W. Cree vs. Christo
pher C. Iteen, and in which the justice
had given .judgment for Plaintiff, the
Court reversed the jugdment for Infor
mality. On aooount of the extreme Illness of
Mrs. Karaiett, mother of C. A. Barnett,
Esq., the court adjourned ntil Satur
day, March 24th.
Junl5a County. We copy the follow
ing frwn the Juniata comity papers of
last week.
About nine o'clock ou Monday eve
ning, the building belonging to It. E.
Parker, Esq., and occupied by 8. H.
Loudon, merchant tailor, John W.
Mtithersbaugh, hardware store, and B.
F. Kopner, drug store, was discovered
to be on fire. The fire was discovered
in the middle partition upstairs, and how
it originated is a mystery. The fire had
made considerable headway between the
plastering and the walls, and was extin
guished only after hard labor in cutting
away the tin roof and plastering. The
buiklingls injured probably to the extent
of 1,200.
M r. Loudan had hisctoths,cassimeres,
fcc., considerably damaged by the smoke
arwS water.
Mr. Muthersbaugh had his stock of
hardware very FerioMely damaged by
being deluged with water coming
through the celling from the upstairs.
Mr. Kfpner sustains no loss, the fire
being put out before it bad readied over
his department.
The building adjoimeig belonging to
Mr. Yeakley was somewuat damaged by
having a portion of the tin roof torn olr.
The latest excitement was the dis
coaxery of a cave in Spruce Hill town
ship. It was found toy Mr. William
Kufifiell on the ridge between his place
and where Mr. HarRtan lives, about
onoquarter of a mile eorth of Centre
school-house. The cave is about four
or tve feet square and five or six feet
deep. It contained seven glass lamps,
some with globes, and bears evidence
of having been used; one large glass
bottlo, with silver top -on it ; one oil can,
almost new, with the uanio of H. E.
'Ovesotamped on the bottom ; two large
packs of cards ; about one dozen slato-peuc-fts,
and some copy-books.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cuniterland county
papers of last week:
In .January last a horvo was stolen
from a gentleman residing near Stoughs
town. Some few days afterwards the
animal was purchased in a neighboring
oounty t'v a Mr. Woodburn. who took it
to Newa-illej where it was identified and
returned to its owner. After an investi
gation sato the theft and subsequent pur
chase, the crime was settled upon a man
named Salomon Farner, who bad disap
peared about the time of the theft.
Careful inquiry was made and last week
officer Byers received a telegram from
Day ton, Ohio, informing him that
Farner was in custody.. Armed with
the necessary documents, Mr. Byers
went after Farner, whom he lodged
safely in Caetle Gill on FriVlay after
noon: Faiwr will be tried in April.
We Like to keep our readers posted on
all subjects of interest, and one im
fiortant subject Ih to know where to get
the most for their money. We there
fore call the attention of our readers to
the advertisement of Messrs. Stkfhenb
A Bketum which M ill bo found in an
other part of this paper.
This firm keeps on hand the largest
Stock Of C'ARPKT8,OfL t 'LOTUS, Ac., Of
any house in Cumberland Valley, and
their well known liberality in dealing
makes it certain that persons visiting
Carlisle for any article In their line will
consult their own intern-1 ty giving
thciu a call.
Llpplncott's Magazine for April
has been recolred, and has lis ussnat large
amount of Interesting stories, beautiful Illus
trations and Interesting sketches of foreign
travel. Its serlnl stories are the best publish
ed. J. B. Llpplncott A Co., Publishers, Phil
adelphia. Bee advertisement in anothor col
umn. Ballou's Monthly Magazine for April.
Tho April number of this popular and cheap
Illustrated magnxlne Is Issued, and is to be
found on all the counters of the newsdealers
In the country. It Is as Interesting as erer,
and tilled with the choicest stories and poetry,
nice Illustrations and a new feature In the
shape of a department of fun and amusement,
written expressly for Ballou's Magazine, by
that celebrated writer of funny stories and
anecdotes, M. Quad, who will make the pages
allotted to him overllow with good things.
The contents of the April numbet Is exceed
ingly attractive, and well worehy the atten
tion of every one. Published by Thomes
A Talbot, 23 Ilawlcy Street, Boston, at only
91.60 per annum, postpaid, the cheapest maga
zine In the country, or 15 cents single copies at
the depots.
y ihe Eagle Hotel. Mrs. Sarah Derrick
would notify the public that she has
taken possession of the above named
Hotel iu Bloomlleld, and would be
pleased to have all her old friends favor
her with their patronage, and as many
new ones as feel weel disposed towards
her. 12 4t.
Church Notices.
Presbyterian Church. Preaching
next Sabbath at 11 a.m., Hnd 7 p.m.
Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock on Wednes
day evening.
Bloomfleid Acad. By request, a prima
ry department will be formed In addi
tion to the Higher and Intermediate
Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Window
Shades, Matts, lings, Hassocks, &u.,at
the Carpet Store lnCarlisle.
Bloomfleid Acad. J. It. Flickinger, late
graduate of Princeton, will act as 1st
The Farmer's Fire Insurance Company of
York. Pa., has been in successful opera
tion for 24 years, has paid over a million
and a half dollars for losses, paid them
all promptly, and never laiit a single
assessment. It stands at the head of all
Mutual Companies iu the State.
Purehisers of Carpets, Wall Papers,
Shades, Oil Cloths and general house
furnishing goods of this kind should see
the large spring stock at the Carlisle
Carpet House, 21, East Main Street.
Carpets, Carpets. Beautiful Brussels, 3
plys.nd Ingrain, with JH) patterns in
Homemade. Carpets, Hemps, Malls and
States at the Carlisle Carpet House,
21, East Main St., Carlisle.
Bloomfleid Academy
Amrii tn.
term opens
Hev. J. Edgar, rrlncipal.
Said Mother to Father:
Do you know tny rfrr where
Our new married danjhtrr
May buy the bent nwrc ?
Said Daughter to Mviher:
TJierc are all klndeif viircn
Jtmt sueh as J waul,
Jiight cheap, down t HLAIR'S,
Two more Crate of "White Ware jiutt
Aim a full humjUi of Jlcxt Grarrlnt.
iba, Jluckrt, Churn, Soaps, Bankets,
Olam Ware and other family SupiMea,
and offered all the tiiw. Cheap for the
(VmA, or in Erchawie for Goad Country
Produce. WM. HLAUi,
mar ijf ;it South find, Carlmlc.
Take Notice. Xotie is hereby given to
an persons indebted im tlie undersigned,
that a dissolution of partnership is to
take place ou April 1st. All accounts
must be settled by note or otherwise be
fore that date, and awounts not settled
in accordance with this notice will be
fuitinthe hands of Justice for col
ection. The business will after that
date be carried on by H. W. Smith.
SiOTTH & McBkidk.
New Bloomfleid, .8n. 23, 1877. tf
A General Favorite. The Shepley Key
stone Baking Powder, manufactured by
Janney & Andrews, Philadelphia,
when used according to printed direc
tions has become a great favorite for
producing light, swet, Nutritious bl s
5iilt, Bolls, Muttln, Bread, Griddle
akes, etc. For sale tiy F. Moit riMKU,
New Bloomfleid, Pa. ' lo.tit
Wall Papers. Over 300 designs for
Halls, Parlors, Dining-rooms, &c, low
as 8 cents up to beautiful tints and Deco
rations, at the Carpet Store,
21, East Main St., Carlisle.
Only a Flp. I have received another
lot of good colors of tho i cent prints.
Deita of other NEW GOODS are also in
Store and for sale at a bargain. Cull
and aoo them.
Schwartz Holds the Fort for the Cheapest
Clothing, Furnlshingoods, &c, in th
County. Give him a call.
. Newport, Pa.
A Word About Boots. -i-Good hoots are
themostimportantarticleof men's wear.
After trying several makes, we have
concluded that the boots made by the
Watson town company are the best iu
themarkot. They are hand-made and
manufactured from the !est stock of
any we can get while the shape is better
adapted to the general trade. Their
goods are for sale by the stores gener
ally throughout this county, and a full
supply can be found at the store of
tf 1 F. MpltTIMHU.
For Sale. A good " Radiant Light"
Base burning Stove, for Sale Cheap for
Cash. Apply to S. H. Bevk, New
Dyspepsia Dyspepsia Dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia is tho most pernlexlnir of all hu
man ailments. Its symptoms aro almost In
finite In their variety, and the forlorn and
despondent victims of the disease often fancy
themselves the prey, lu turu of every known
malady. This Is duu, In part to the close
smypathy which exists between tho stomach
and tho brain, and In part also to the fact that
any disturbance or the dlgestlvo function
necessarily disorders the liver, the bowels and
the nervous system, and e Meets to some ex
tent, mo quality or the Mood.
15. F. Kunkei's Bitter Wine or Iron is a sure
cure. This Is not a new preparation, to be
tried and found wanting, It has been prescribed
daily for mnny years in tho practice of emi
nent physicians with unparalleled success It
Is not expected or Intended to euro all the
diseases to which the human famllv Is sub
ject, but Is warranted to cure Dyspepsia In Its
most nusiinaic lorm. Hunkers Bitter Wine
of Iron never falls to cure. Symptoms or
Dyspepsia aro loss of appetite, wind and rising
or the food, dryness or the mouth, heartburn,
distension or the stomach and bowels, consti
pation, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness and
low spirits. Try the great remedy and bo con
vinced of Its merits. Get the genuine. Take
only Kunkei's which Is put only iu $1 bottles.
Depot 25U North Ninth Bt., Philadelphia. Ad
vice by mall free, by sending n 8 cent stamp.
Try one bottle of Kunkei's Iron and be con
viiiced of Its merits. Bold by druggists ami
storekeepers everywhere.
Worms I Worms 1 Worms!
Kemoved alive. Tape worm removed alive
In from two to three hours, with vegetablo
medicine. Head and all passing from the sys
tem alive. No fee till head passes. The Doc
tor never Tails to remove Tape, Beat, Pin and
Stomach Worms. Ask jour druggist for a
bottle of Kunkei's Worm Byrup. Price, 91.
per bottle. It never falls, or send to Dr.
Kankel, 20 North Ninth 8treet, Philadelphia,
Pa., for circular with full instructions, by en
closing 8 cent stamp for return of earne.
Kunkei's Worm Byrup Is used for children or
adults with perfect safety, as it is vegetable.
Buy It and try It. 104t
AOENTMCMAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful lutllscretlon will, for the
sake of sntfemig hKinanlty. send freetoall who
need It, the leelpe and direction for making the
simple, remedy by which he was cured. RiilTerers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience
oantio so Dvaunressing in nerieei connoenue.
JOHN 11. OtJDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York.
T0a52 6mos.
I will mall (Free) the recipe for preparing a
simple Vrubtabi.r Bai.m that will lemove Tan,
KKEUKLKS. PIMPI.K3 and Tll-orciiRS, leaving
the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc
tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair
on a bald head or smooth face. Address BEN.
VANDKl.F & IX., Box 6121, No. D Wooster St.,
New Yolk. lOafBjimos.
The advertiser, having been permanently eurert
of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remedy. Is anxious to make known to nls fellow
sulTerei's the means of cure Toall whodeslre It,
he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free
of charge), with the directions for preparing and
using tire same, which they will tltxl a .Sure Cure
for nsim(tlon, Asthma, Bronclihts, &c.
Parties wishing the preset lotkm will please
address, Kev. E. A. WILSON,
2aimos 14 P enu St., WlUiamsburgh.New York.
A Certain Headache Cure.
A 'harmless vegetable preparation, and the
dlseovsry of a physician, the Victor Headache
Powder has been proven a positively mire cure
for the most distressing eases of Hick or Nervous
Heatloehe, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a
sbiKle powder avtuallv -curing In ten minutes
whenall other means fail. We have had a won
derful experience with it. and the ten cent trial
SoiJkraii be had by addressing the proprietors,
. K Ill'IHI.IiY & CO., Nalem N. J., who will
cheerfully mail them nostjpald, and of Druggists
everywhere and it is with well merited confidence
they are offered as a thorough cure for all dig
tresses of the head. 3 ly
Chemistry tins BisMvered at Last wlia
Eveiflwdy Wants.
is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Im
proved has new vegetable tonic properties; re
stores gray hair to a glossy, natural color; re
stores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores
hair to prematurely bald heads; removes dan
druff, humors, scaly eruptions; removes Irrita
tion, itching and scaly dryness. No artlclo pro
duces such wonderlul elfects. Try it, call for
Wood's Improved Hair Bestoratlve, and don't be
put (iff with any other article. Bold by all drug
gists in this place and everywhere. Trade sup
plied at manufacturers' prices by C. A. COOK &
CO., Chicago, Bole Agents for the United Slates
and Canadas, and by Johnston. Hollo way It Co.,
Philadelphia. 10.36. ly e.o.w
County Price Current.
BLOOMflBLD, March 1 9, 1877.
Klax-Seed 1 26
Potatoes, 76
Dutter V pound, (fresh roll) IS
Packed Sutter V pound, 10
Eggs V dozen, 12 "
Dried Apples y pound 3)4 cts"
Dried Peaches, 8 12 cts. VI ft
Cherries 0 0 ots. "
" Pitted 00 e 00 ots.1
Blackberries, OOOets. "
Carlisle, March 17, 1S77.
Family Flour tti-25
Superfine Rye Flour 3.50
White Wheat, new 1 30
Bed 1..10
Rye CO
Corn, (new) 43
thw :)
Cloverseed, 9.00 a 9.(0
I Corrected Weekly by Kough Brother.)
I)&aUUi8 IM
NawpoaT, March 17, 1H77.
Flour, Extra 8 25
Super 4 60
White Wheat V bu .'. 137al 37
Bed Wheat 1320182
Rye ' 604360
Corn 40O42
Oats t 82 pounds, 30I0
Clover Seed 9 254J9 2
Timothy Seed 1 50
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes 80 O80
Bacon,. 10 O 14
Dressed Hogs 6.Scts.
Ground Alumn Salt, 4 1 60 1 60
Llmeburner's Coal , 125
Stove Coal ; 4 00 O S 00
Pea Coal a 78
Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for aaltt at the
Lowest Market Kates.
W Klvs per cent oil for Cash.
lU;ort. In Philadelphia, on theOtli Inst., Jessie
L. Hugh, only child of James U llueb, aged H
years, 7 mouths and W days.
Bahnbtt. In this borough ou Friday morning
last, Mrs. .lane Harnett, relict of (leorge Harnett,
deceased. In the 04th year t her ago. She has
been living on the (arm on which illonmtled Is
located for three quarters of a Century, and had
attained a greater age than any one Hint ever
died iu our town.
Spring has come, anil
we are ready for It. with
the finest assortment of
Hemly Made Clothing
ever ogered 111 Amkx
Our goods represent
the latest New York
Styles, and our twenty
live years' experience in
manufacturing Clothing
is sulllcient guarantee
for lit and workmanship.
A. 0. YATES ft CO.
A (!. YATES ft CO.
A. 11. YATES & CO.
A. C. YATES ft CO.
A. C. YATES ft CO.
A. C. YATES ft CO.
A. C. YATES ft CO.
A. (!. YATES ft CO.
Every caller, whether
intending to buy or to
merely look at our goods
Is treated In the same
polite and cordial manner.
Buying all our goods,
for Cash, and possessing
great, fueilitles for man
ufaeturlng, enables ust
sell so remarkably low.
Our Children's Depart
ment, with a special en
trance on Sixth Street,
tor Ladies, is stocked',
with a rich assortment,
of fresh and eleganr.
goods at prices lower
than the lowest.
CHESTNUT St. Cor. fith
CHESTNUT St. Cor. 6th
CHESTNUT St. Cor. 61 h
CHESTNUT St. Cor. 6th
CHESTNUT St. Cor. 6th
CH EST NUT Ht. Cor. 6th
CHESTNTT St. Cor. 6th
CHESTNUT St. Cor. 6th
CHESTNUT St. Cor. 6th
CHESTNUT St. Cor. 6th
AN ACQUISITION to the business of Phila
delphia, was the establishment ol the large
clothing house of A. C. Yates ft Co., In the Pub
lic Ledger Building, corner of Sixth and Chestnut,
streets, about the time ol the opening of the Cen
tennial Exposition. For twenty-five years loca
ted in Syracuse, N. where they have a large
Wholesale Store, and a Manufactory In which Im
mense quantities ef the finest clothing are annu- .
ally made, they were attracted to aclty which had
the enterprise to Inaugurate and successfully
conduct the greatest Exhibition of the World's
.Industrv ever seen. And they have prsued the
same po'llcy here which won them fame and for
tune In Syracuse. They have the best goods that,
ean be made at the lowest prices. They have but
ONE PRICE guarantee every garmentto be Just
as represented, and satisfy every reasonable cus
tomer. With ample means, long experience, and
the best reputation for fair dealing, and, a largw
and Increasing business, this house Isalreadyone
of the landmarks of Philadelphia, and is well
known as the place where every purchaser is
sure to get the worth of his money. 12 3m
Notkio Is hereby given that the following As
signee accounts have been tiled in the Pro! Mone
tary ofilce and will be presented to the court for
confirmation. on Wednesday the 11th ot April
next, where all parties may attend if they think
proper, to wit:
1. The first and partial account of A. B. Grosh.
and W. B. Stambaugh. Assignees under deed of
voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditor
of George H. Martin.
2 The first and final account of Andrew fl.
Whltekettle and Samuel Market Assignees of Mi
cliail Oallor. of Saville township. Perry county.
I'll., under deed of voluntary assignment for tho
bf netlt of creditors.
X The account of Perry Kreamer assignee of
Kphralm Russell, of Greenwood twp.. Perry CO..
Pa., and Martha his wife. In trust for the benelM.
of the creditors of the said Kphralm Russell under
a deed of voluntary assignment, Executed the
first day of April, 1875.
Protlionntary's ollice, Bloomfleid.
March, 10, 1877. D. MICKEY, Proth'y.
NOTICE Is horebv given that application will
be made at the April term of the Court,
of Quarter Sessions, for a decree incorporaling tlx.
towu of Blain and vicinity Intoa Borough, under
the general borough laws of this State.
March 6th, 1877. x
Continental, Security New Jersey Life
And other doubtful Insurance Companies.
The New England Mutual
(Chartered 1886) offers special terms for reinsit
ranee. Marston ft Wakelin.Gen. Agts., 138 8.4tb
St., Philadelphia. 10 d 4U
19fin A Month. AGENTS WANTED on our
A full accountof this Great Mystery, written by
his Father, be Its Robinson Crusoe In thrilling hi.
terest. She Illustrated HAND BOOK to all re
ligious, a Complete Accountof all denominations
and scets. 300 Illustrations. Also the ladies'
medical guide by.Dr. Pancoast. KiO illustrations
These books sell at sight. Male and FemaWt
Agents coin money on them. Particulars free.
Copies by mail 2 each. John E. Potter ft Co.,
Philadelphia. 10d4l
rCs r ! A 1 aaGn iT7j.i- TT71 1
The most practical, simnle.
and effective Its superior ad
vantage at partial gate is nni
versaily acknowledged. Ad
dress, T. C. ALCOTT ft BON.
Mfrs. of Wheels ft Mill Machin
ery, Mount Holly, N. J. Will
give manufacturing rights. UxWt
Ou the line of a GREAT RAILROAD with good '
markets both EAST and WEST.
Now is the Time to Secure It.
Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, best Country for Stock
Raising in the United Mates.
Bonks Maps. Full Information, also "THE
1 fi5
PIONEER'' sent free to all parts ot tneworM.
U. F. tAVI!4,
land Com. U. P. K R.
-We want 500 more tirst-elass Sewing Ma
chine Agents, 500 men or energy and ability u
learn the business of Selling Hewing Machines
Compensation Liberal, but vrving according r.
Ability .Character and Quallucatloua ol the Agent.
For Particulars, Address,
Wilson bewing Machine Co. Cliicaeo.
827 ft 869 Broadwu?, New York, or NewOrleTiis.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets,
fKu5ie.!!?fdIS.,0.r.t,Pl"f!HS- an' all diseases ol
loKMBHANK' ' C'UEhX "d MUUor
Put tip Only la Blue Boxes.
C. N. IIuttknto.n, 7 Sum avisvk, Mew York.