yf - i,i(ijii!iii.iiMhiiiiiii'iiiiwiiiiiiii'ii'iUi,i.i!ir VOL. XI. NEW BLOOMFIELD, 1JA., TtJKSDA.Y, MVKOII ao, 1877. NO. 12. i THE TIMES. An Independent Family Newspaper, ' IS rUIUiIflllRD EVKltY TUESDAY. BT F. MORTIMER & (X). Subscription Prloe. Within Die County II HI x month r Out et the County, Ineludlnt: postage, 1 ro " " tlx mouth " 85 Invariably In Advance I Si- Advertising rate furnished upon apnll ratlun. gcledt Poctr:v. THE STRANGER ON THE SILL. Between broad fields of wheat and corn, It the lovely homo whore I was born ) The peach tree leans against the wall, And the woodbine wanders over all There Is the shaded doorway still . Hut a stranger's foot has crossed the sill. There is the barn and, as of yore, I can smell the hay from the open door, And see the busy swallows throng, And hear the pewee's mournful song, But the stranger comes, U I painful proof His sheaves are piled to the heated roof. ! There Is the orchard the very trees, That knew my childhood so well to please, Where I watched the shadowy moments ran , Till my life imbibed more of shade than suu ) The swing from the bough still sweep the air, Hat the stranger's children are swinging there . i It bubbles, the shady spring bolow, With Us bulrush brook where the bazlcs grow, 'Twas there I found the calamus root, And watched the minnows poise and shoot, And beard the robin lave bis wing But the stranger's bucket is at the spring. Oh, ye who dally cross the sill, Step lightly, for I love It still ; And when yon crown the old barn eaves, Then think what cauntless harvest sheaves Ilave passed within that scented door, To gladden eye that are no more. DOCTOR BURGESS' PRESENT. " TT'S ONE o'clock, gentlemen," said X the obsequious and weary waiter, entering a luxurious brilliantly lighted room in a fashionable club house, where a Jovial little party of young gentlemen had assembled. "What a bore you are, Dennle," answered Hal Burgess. "Why don't you stop the clock ? Are you aware my good fellow that this is my last night here for a long time V dive us a fresh pack of cards to change the luck. We must have one- more game while you ure bringing us another bottle of Carte Blanche for a farewell bumper. Just think," he continued, appealing to his companions seated around the table, " to-morrow night at this hour I shall 1x3 playing a lively game of pitch and toss with old Neptune, and getting bad ly worsted in the encounter." " Don't speak of It, Hal. We hate to hear of your going," chorused several voices in tones of genuine regret, that proved what a favorite he was in that coterie of gay young bachelors. The card purty which had been in terrupted, was the sequel of a farewell dinner, given on the occasion of bis de parture for Europe, where he intended to pass several years, before entering upon the practice of his profession. It was the last of many similur festivities in which he had been a leading spfrit, and reluctant as they were that It should come to an end, ' the wee sma' hours a yont the twa' refused to tarry at their bidding; the round was finally played, and the last merry toast proposed. Hal had won largely and rose cramming a roll of bills carelessly in his pocket, and promising his opponents their revenge when he returned. Their cordial adieus were spoken, and leaving his friends at the door he walked briskly up the ave , nue. At that late hour of the night it was silent and deserted ; but, turning a corner, he saw a young girl coming hastily from the opposite direction. The bewildered, frightened expression of her wan but beautiful face, revealed by the gaslight caused him to stop and ex- 4'ittini : " What's the matter ? Can I do ariy . Milngforyou V" ' "I must find a doctor ; do you know where there Is one T' she answered hur riedly, with a quick, questioning glance and reassured by his respectful milli ner. " There Is none very near hero," Hal said after ft moment's reflection, and added, from what the young men he had Just left would have deemed a most tjulxotle Impulse, " but 1 am almost a physician myself; unless the cane Is very serious, perhaps I can uttend to it." " Oh please come quickly, then, re plied the girl as she led him the wny rapidly past several blocks of stately houses, to one of those poor neighbor hoods which are sometimes found crouching at buck doors of an aristocrat ic quarter. " Who is sick ?" Hal asked, as reach ing a small house, she held open the door for him to pass, and taking up a flickering candle lighted his way up two (lights of stairs. " My mother," she answered in a trembling voice. " And was there no one in the house you could call upon to help you?" he asked. " No ; the people who live In the lower rooms go away at night. I was obliged to leave her all alone." On the bed in the room they entered, lay a woman apparently insenslble.wlth sickening marks of blood about her, and crimson drops still oozing from her lips. The girl hastened toward the bed side In a mute terror at what might have happened during her absence, but Hal's practised eye saw that she hud a bad but not fatal hemorrhage and could soon be restored to consciousness. With a few consoling words to the daughter which enabled her to assist him, he pro ceeded to treat the ease as well as cir cumstances would permit, noting as he did so that ghastly tut was the pallor of the thin, care-worn face, it still showed traces of former beauty and of unmis takable refinement. . , ., ., At last the sufferer opened her eyes, with the vague, indifferent look of com plete physical exhaustion, but closed them again wearily. " Do not speak to her," said Hal in a whisper, " she must be kept perfectly quiet ; but I think she will do well now." , ; As he proceeded to give the. necessary directions for further treatment his eyes wandored round the room, which was neat, though meagerly furnished, and liore witness to that struggling destitu tion bo much more pitiable than thrift less, squalid poverty. , . Under a lamp on a table lay soverul pieces of fine needle work, in a confu sion that showed how recently the labor had been interrupted. Ostensibly searching for something in his : letter case, Hal bent over the delicate em broderles with a wondering pity for the patient hand by which they, were pro duced. 1 he girl came toward him try ing to express gratitude. ' ; ' " Have you no relatives or friends ?" he asked. She shook her head sadly. ' "Your father?" " He died two years ago, just after we came here to live. We have no money Just now," she continued, misunder standing the motive of his questions, " but I shall get some as soon as this work is finished, . and if you give .me your address I will"- - " I do not meaa that,' . he-interrupted hastily ; but he did not add that he was really thinking how soon she; might be alone, la the world, for her, mother was evidently a victim to a quick consump tion. . . '.' I am going to, Europe to-morrow," he went on, " so I shall not be able . to call again ; but I will leave a prescrip tion for your mother, which I trust will do some good." , He wrote a few lines on n scrap of paper; then, availing himself a ot mo ment when he was unobserved, he slip ped the money ho had recently won Into an envelope und left it on the table. Fortunately, it was a considerable amount, although he regretted that it was not in his power to give something beside money ,and left, thoughtful at the contrast between . prodigal, careless pleasures, and anxious, want which , the last few hours had forced upon him. Amid , the detractions . of forolgn travel, however, the incident was soon forgotten ; but before a year had passed he was reminded of it by receiving a note from a large Western city, and en closing a draft for the amount he had given awuy that night., The style of the missive whs curt and business like : Dkah Hut Though iicisoiially un known to you, I am unacr crcat obli gations for your kindness to my sister ana niece at a time or ner-d. Without wearying you with my personal uflulrs, I will merely explain that the lady to whom yoit attended for'heniorrhage one night last year, was my sJster. She mur rled against my wishes a man whograd ually squandered the little fortune she possessed. All intercourse lietween us had ceased, and I knew neither of her husband's death nor the destitution which followed, until the dread of leav ing her daughter without any protector overcame her pride and resentment, and she wrote to me. I reached her only a few hours lie fore her dent linnet It Is only within a week that I liave learned through mv niece that It was to vour charity sho was indebted for her Inst earthly, comforts. A card which was louna upon the noor, alter you leu, lur nlshcs us with your address, and I hasten to remit to you the amount of the pecuniary Indebtedness, hs well us to express my gratitude for the services you rendered to the members of my family. ! Kespectruiiy yours, John J. Hiiodks. " Itather a romantic ending to that little episode," mused Hal. 41 Well, I am glad that lovely girl found a home, and some one to care for her after her mother died. I wonder If I shall ever see her again. The uncle Is evidently well ofT, since he has discharged his ' pecuniary indebtedness,' as he culls It, ho promptly. Judging from the note It wounded his pride, and I wish I had not been so careless as to drop that cord. What the deuce nm 1 to do with the money 't He would not have asked ' that ques tion two years later, when the news of a great fire in his native city came across the cable, and he learned that the riches he had enjoyed so thoughtlessly ' had vanished on the swift wings of flame. He returned at once, self-reliant and hopeful, the change of his circumstances developing all the latent energy of his character. The necessity of gaining a livelihood which he had formerly look ed upon as an outlet of a certain philan thropic ambition, was Just the stimulus he needed, though even in his prosperi ty he had never been an' idler with no earnest or endeavor. But, knowing as he did from experience the butterfly life of club and ball room,' he realized that it would be Incompatible with the practi cal work that lay before him, and he felt that it would be easier to sever old social ties at once and seek' his fortune among strangers. He went to a 'western city ; but even there to his surprise he found some old friends in an agreeable family he had met while traveling abroad. "They were gay people, who entertained handsome-' I ly, but he persistently declined all their invitations, until he was overpersuaded to attend the debut of one of the younger daughters. - He did not repent the concession when he found himself in the midst of the brilliant scene, but yielded gracefully to its exhlliratlon. The fair dcbutanl showed liim much favor, but in the midst of her lively chatter his eyes wan dered to the door through which a tall, graceful girl was just entering. She was indeed lovely ; form, coloring, movement, were all exquisitely perfect. The shining ripples, of gojden hair, the dewy, violet eyes, the rose leaf com plexion, the arch, smiling mouth, the supple, rounded figure, revealed each other as being the chief charm of her fair presence. Hal's genuine, admira tion was very evident, as ho asked ab ruptly : " ' " Who'is that lady ?" ' ; ", If you were not such a recluse you would not ask," replied his companion. " That is Laura Gresliam, tho belle of the season. Is she not lovely V" " Yes, very," answered Hal ; " she has that rare beauty that reminds one of a flower, delicate and perfect, yet living. I think I have seen her before." ; That is hardly possible, for sho has been in a convent chHO? a" ber life until this winter. Let me introduce yu" .. r . , .J-.'-A : Hal assented - eagerly, , but was sur prised to see a sudden blush suffuse Miss Oresham's face , when his nume , wus mentioned, and he fancied her manner nervous and distraught. ,She had no dance left to give" hjmi hut they chatted a few moments on ordinary topics, and a chance allusion elicited from her the question; "Is it long slime you returned from Europe V" "Only about six months. 1 should have remained a year longer, but all my worldly goods being converted Into dust and ashes one night, it behooves me to exchange the life of a vagabond for the practice of my profession, which began here in preference to my native city." . - The lightly poken words seemed to astonish her. "What a misfortune," she exclaimed. " I trust it will not prove so in the end," ho answered, thoughtfully, but the next dunce hud already begun, and the (etc a, Mr, was inturrupted. Eater in the evening his hostess said to him playfully : " You should feci much flattered; MlssGresham has been asking ull about you, and it is not often she takes so much trouble. Of course you have fullen in love at first sight." " I'erhups I should If I had not, long since, outgrown such a possibility," Hal answered carelessly. Neverthelessas he sat next morning in his modest llttlo office, Laura's beau tiful fuce came between his eyes and the dry reports of the medical works he was reading, with such persistency, that it was a relief when the bell rang and he wan interrupted by a message desiring his attendance upon Mr. Khodcs as soon as possible. " Rhodes!" thought Hal, as he pre pared to obey the summons, " surely I have heard that name before. Why, it is the same as that of my crusty old cor respondent, and this is the city ho lived in. (Strange I never thought of it be fore. I should like to see his little niece oguin." But when he reached the handsome house to which he hod been directed, lie found only an irascible, dyspeptic old gentleman, who made no allusion to any previous intercourse, and who proved a most exacting and exaspera ting patient. .It was not until a third visit that he found a young lady In the room, who was Introduced as "my niece. Miss Oresham." ' So this was the poor, needy girl he had succored this courted belle and heiress.' Truly, circumstances had changed with both of them since their first meeting. ' " I have had the pleasure of seeing Dr. Burgess before," she said, with a slight hesitation; but beyond the sig nificance that might be attached to thoso few words,no reference was made to any previous incident In their acquaintance. Apparently she desired that it should bo Ignored, and Hal had fur too much tact and good breeding to betray by word or look his own remembrance of it. Yet he often wondered at this silence, as in the course of several months' profession al attendance he became better acquaint ed with herself and her uncle. The latter was a confirmed invalid, to whom his niece was exceedingly de voted, and she found an effclent aid in the young doctor, who although his practice was rapidly enlarging, some how always managed to have considera ble time to devote to this special case. Seeing Laura thus frequently and in timately, Hal became more and more in terested in her, and consequently this persistent reserve, which apparently arose from false shame of the past or shallow pride in the present, vexed and puzzled him. It was the one blemish he found in her character, and he nei ther understand it nor excused it. It kept him from falling in love, at least from ever avowing his affection ; one who attached such undue impor tance to weullh and position would hardly tolerate the addresses of a poor physician, lie reasoned, although Laura's manner certainly gave him cause to en tertain a contrary opinion. One morn log he met her in the hall. " Can I speak with you a. moment be fore you go to my uncle V" she asked. " Certainly," be replied, following her into the reception room. Closing IU door she came toward him, saying with a smfle: " Have you quite forgotten me?" "Surely, Miss Graham need never ask a question like that," he said gal lantly. " Besides, I suw you yester day." .... She made a slight movement of im patience. , "I do not . mean that. I want to kuow whether youdiave uever guessed that I was the jioor girl you met on the street that dreadful night when my mother was so ill, and you befriended us ? Am I so much changed that you . did not know nioV" No,' ho answered ; ' but, I thought' Thought I hut I had such a foolish, false pride that I shrunk from acknowl edging my indebtedness to you, and re calling my former prldo and wretched ness," she interrupted, her soft eyes filling with tears and her lips quivering ' with suppressed emotion. "Iamsorry, but you have had good reason. My uncle is always so annoyed by any al lusion to that miserable time it wounds his pride,and, besides that he reproaches himself so bitterly for Ignorantly allow ing my mother to struggle and suffer as she did, and I have never dared to speuk of It before him. In fact, I re- . sorted to a ruse to Induce him to have you attend him, telling him though the names were tho same, tho Dr. Burgess he remembered was rich, and probably still abroad." " Then you recognized me yourself at once?" " Certainly, and I am not so ungrate ful as I have seemed. I have so longed for an opportunity to thank you, though words never can for all you did for us." " Do not say any more about it, Miss Gresham," said Hal, much embarrass ed. " It was a trifling service I was so fortunate as to render you,' and you may be pure I should never have re minded you of it." " But I feel under such a weight of unacknowledged obligation," she pro tested, earnestly, " and besides I think I may venture to tell my uncle now. You hovo become such a favorite with him that I think he will be able to for give you even for your charity to us." Hal winced at the words spoke half playfully, yet with genuine humility. " I assure you, Miss Laura, there is no ' X' such debt of gratitude between us as you assume ; any benefit I was to you at that time has already been more than repaid by the patronage which has been secured for me through your uncle's in fluence since I came to your city a poor, unknown physician." She shook her head incredulously. " That is nothing. Your own talent would have secured it all without any aid from us. I do wish there were any way in which I could repay you." " There is one," ho said, yielding to a sudden impulse as he looked down into her eager eyes, " but no it would sup- ' pose the original debt increased by such enormous usury, that I dare not propose it." "Our estimates might differ," she murmured, the long lashes dropping shyly, and the tell-tale color flushing her cheeks. " All debts are more than cancelled by the gift of love," was the reply. A few mornings later, Laura . leaned over the back of her uncle's chair, and said coaxlngly : , " Dr. Burgess has done you a great deal of good, uncle; I should think you would like to make him a present." " Bo I would, Laura, so I would. What shall it be ? - You may select It." " Well, uncle, it is a strange fancy ,but he thinks he would like me." "You!" cried Mr. llhodes, in utter astonishment. " Even as well as I like the fellow, that is a little too much." " Oh, don't say that, uncle,' answered Laura, blushing. "Think of all. his services and kind attentions to you, as I am sure I owe him everything for he proved to the very Dr. Burgess who be friended me when I was in such sore trouble." , The old gentleman sat speechless for some moments, engrossed by conflicting emotions. "You said I might choose the pres. ent for him," urged Taura, timidly, " and it really w ill not be giving me awny, for we shall belong to you." Her uncle kissed her fondly and Hal, appearing at thnt instant to the door way, he called to him : " This little woman has pleaded your case so well that all is left for me to say is, take her aud be happy." - If yu are determined to get the beam out of your own eye before you put your fingers into your brother's eye to get his mote out, you will probably be very busy for the uext few years. , . Knowledge will become folly if good sense docs not take carejof It. r