The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 13, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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November 2Slh, 1H7G.
For New York, at 5.20, S.16 a. m. 2.00 and
7.M n. m.
HVr Philadelphia, at 6.20, MO, 9.45 a.m. MO
ni 8.57 i. in.
For Headline, lit 5,20, 8.10, 0.45 a. 111. 2.00
S.W and 7.55 p. in. .
For l'ottsvlfie at. 5.20. 8.10 a. m., init Wp,
m.nd via ttcliuylkill and Husiiuehanna Branch
For" AHentown, at 5.20, 8.10 a. in., 2.00,
S.57 and T. 56i. m. . '
The 5.20, it 10 a. m. 2.00 p.m. and 7.65 p. m.
trains have fhrminh ears for New York.
The 5.20, 8.10 a. in., and 2.00 p. m. tralrs have
through cam for Philadelphia.
For New York, at 5.20 a. ni.
For AHentown mid Way ttmtions at f..20a. m.
For Heading, rkiladi'lpliia and Way (JtHtlons at
1.45p. m.
Leave New York, at 8.4d a. m 1.00, 5.30 and
T.4fp. in.
Leave I'lillaAelphla, at 0.15 a. n. 3.40, and
l.'iv p. in.
Leave Rang, at 4.40,7.40, 11.20 a. in. 1.30,6.15
and 10.3i p. n.
Leave I'uttsville. at 15, 9.15 a. in. and 4 35
p. in.
And via Schuylkill and Susquetiuima Branch at
8.05 a. in.
l,eave AnVntowii. at, 2.30, 6,50,1.53 a. in., 12.15
4.30 and .0 p. in.
The2..'to. ni. train from AlVintown and the
4.40 a. m. train flom Keadtugde'not run on Mon
Leave Kw York, at 5..W p. n.
Leave Philadelphia, at l.w p.m.
Leave CeadliiK. at 4.40, 7.40a. ni. and 10.35 p. m.
Leave AHentown, 2.M0 a. m. nd 9.00p. m.
Via Merris and Eksex Kail Bimd.
J. 15. WOOTTtHN.
General Superintendent.
PeiiRsylrania It. R.Time Table.
Oa and after Monday, Nov. 27th, 1876, Fas
sender tralnswlll run as follows:
MlfrMntown Acc. 7.19 a. m., daily except Sunday.
Jonestown Kxprets 12.22T. M., dally " Runday
Mail, 6.M p. ., dully exceptsuuday
Atlantic Express, 10.02 r.M.. flag, daily.
WaPass. 9.08 A. M., daily,
Mafl 2.38 p. m. dally exceptSunday.
Mittllntown Acc. 6.55P. . dallyexcept Sunday.
Fltsburp;h Express, 11.5JP. M.,(Flaa:) dally.ex-
eept Sunday.
Prlhc Express, 6.10 a. an., daily (flag)
Trains are now run by Philadelphia time, which
In 13 minutes faster than Altoona time, and 4 min
utes slower than New Yrk time.
J. J. BARCLAY, Ageat.
On and after Monday, Nov. 271 h, 1878,trains
will leave Duncannnn, s follows :
ITIflllntown Ace. daiiycxceptSnndayatT.fiSA. M.
Uohnstown Express 12.53P. M.-tflaly except Sunday.
Mail 7.30 P. M " " "
Atlantic Express in.2ftp. m., daily (flag)
Way Passenger, 8.J8A. M., daily
Mall, 2.04 p. M ....dallyexcept Sunday.
Wittlintown Are. daily xcent Sunday at 6.16p.m.
"Pittsburg Ex. dally except Sunday (flag) ll.83l it.
' WM. O. KING Agent. .
) V. QUK3LEY & CO.,
Would respectfully Infirm the public that they
have opened a new
Saddlery Shop
in Bloomneld. on Carlisle Street, two doors North
of the Foundry, where they will manufacture
Saddle, JirMlen, Collars,
,id every thing usually kept in a first-classes
tablMiuient. (iive us a call before going else
where. S, FINE HARNESS a speciality.
REPAIRING done on slwrt notice and at rea
sonable prices.
- HIDES taken in exchange for work.
iKloomtleld, January , IS77.
Flower and Vegetable Garden
is the most beautiful woak In the world.
luowitains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of tine 1
lustrations, and six C'hromo Plates of Flower
beautifully drawn and colored from nature.
Prioe 50 cents In paper covets ; tl.uu in elegau
cloth. Printed in German and English.
Vtek' Floral Guide. Quarterly, 25 cents a yea
Vick'sCatalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cent
Address, JAMES VICK, Kochesler, N. Y.
Flower and Vegetable Seeds
See H ick's Catalogue 300 Illuntrations.only 2
renin. Vick's Floral Guide. Quarterly, 25 cents a
year. Vick's Flower and Vegetab'e Garden, 50
cents : with elegant cloth cover 41.00.
All my publications are printed m English and
Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y.
Cnn AGENTS WANTED to oaavas for a
GitANU pictcke. 22x28 inches, entitled
"Tub liiiAMTRATED LORU'a Pkatkk," Agents
are meeting with great success.
For particulars, address
Jf, M . CKIDEK, Publisher,
48 ly York, Pa.
The undersigned has removed his
.Leather and Harness Storo
from Front to Kih Ktreet. near the Peuira.,
Freight Depot, waere he will have on baud, and
will sell at
Leather and HarnM at all kinds. Having good
workmen, and by buying at the lowest cati
price. I fear no competition.
Market prices paid in cash for Bark. Hides and
Skim. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con
tinuance of the same.
P. 8. Blankets, Robes, and Shoe findings made
speciality, .
Duneanaon, Julyl9. 1674V. tf
a beautiful Quarterly journal, finely Illustrated,
and eontalnlug an elegant colored Flower Plat
with the Bret number. Price only 25 cents for
year. The first ho, lor U77 Juut lowed In Ger
man and English.
Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, in paper
40 eentsi with elegant ilolh covers il.00.-
Vick's Catalogue .'too Ilhwtratlons. only 2eent s
Addrvui, JAMKU VICK, Uocbestor, N. Y.
Enigma Department, i
7Titti.wvPinMsf nrenmpnny oil. miMe trnt .for
imbHcalionln IhU rti jmrtment.
Answer to enigma In luet week's Tim
William A. Holland, Duncannon, Perry Co.,
Cross Word Enigma.
I am composed of twelve letters.
My tint Is In land, hut not In sea.
My second la ia bark, but not in tree. , .
My third Is In pike, but not In llnli.
My fourth If IA saucer, but not In dish.
My fifth, la in sun; but not In moon.
My sixth is In duck, but not in loon.
My seventh is In play, but not in fun.
My eighth Is In bayonet, lint not In gnu.
My ninth Is In rnn, but not in walk.
My tenth in in whisper but not in talk.
My eleventh Is in song, but not in tunc.
My twelfth Is In fork, but not In spoon.
My whole is a lake in the United States.
Answer next week.
How old were They?
" When first the marriage knot was ty'd
Between tny wife and mo,
My age did hers as far exceed
As three times three does three
But when ten years, and half ten years,
We man and wife had been,
Her age came then as near to mine.
Ai eight Is to sixteen.
IT WAS rattier an embarrassing thing
to tk, but Charley May had done it
well and bravely, like a man. He vn
nothing but a clerk at two thousand drt
lars a year, nevertheless, ho had boldly
craved audience of the portly old inil
lionarire, and asked him for his daughter,
as he might have asked for the inlllir.r
girl iround the corner.
Mr. Bryant coolly wi'pe4 hia pen and
laid It in the carved bronzed rack; ho
moved back his chair a pace or two,
looking Charles May full In the face, as
helldso, with a curious, tuocking Kght
in his cold blue eye.
" So you want to marry my daupfctcr,
" I do sir," said Charfcy.
Provokingly handsome he look J as
lie stood there, with Uie reddisu jwn
hir thrown back from fcissquare,whito
forehead, the hazel eyes, clear an! con
fident, and the perfectly-cut lips a little
apart. Somehow, in the midst ef his
wrath and derision, old-diehard Eryant
could not help thinking that xrevc he a
rl of eighteen, he migfct possibly have
fallen in love with such young man as
diaries May.
" Is there any other Ivfctle trifle C could
kt you have V" sneered Jltie caustic old
man. " A row of houses, or the lease of
my mansion, or any other snaall fa
vor V"
" You arc laughiug at me, sit,1' said
Charley, coloring, yet speaking nvlth a
certain quiet dignity. " I have asked
you a simple, question ; surely I have a
right to a frank answer.''''
"Then listen to mo, young man, "
said Richard Bryant, with sudden,
abrupt sternness. " Youarc aspiring al
together too high you cannot have my
daughter Maud. Now you have your
answer go I"
'Charles May stood for a moment like
one upon whom a thunderbolt hd fallen
with sudden blighting power ; tlien ho
turned and walked quietly out of the
handsome gothic library, where tlie blue
and gold circles of light from the oriel
windows quivered over the deep crim
son of tho Wilton carpet, and the
puie marble faces of Pallas and Venus
do Malo watched him as he went
' Mitud, my love, my darling, what
The red glow of the November sunset
could scarcely pierce the folds f ruby
velvet that hung over the plate-glass
window, yet in the odorous twilight Mr.
Bryant saw his daughter, with her face
hidden in the satin softt pillows, and the
heavy, Wulsh black curls drooping low
over tike carved rosewood.'
" Teli me, little daughter, what
troubles you V" whispered the merchant,
bending fondly over the girl.
Maud had never known a mother, and
there was a tenderness in the old man's
tones at that instant that M as almost
She looked up with the stain of fresh
tears on her crimson cheek.
" He has gone, pupa he has roimj and
left me !"
'He who?"
"Charley May."
And Maud Bryant, who had spoken
all her life long to her father a if
he had been a loving mother also, hid
her face on the kindly breast, and 'rled
afresh. .
" Whew-w-w !" was the merchant's
softly-breathed comment.
" I have been trying to convince her
how very absurd ail this is," said aunt
Kloise, a portly widow, in garnet silk
and carbuncle jewelery, who sat bj, al
ternately quoting truisms at her , niece,
and sniffing at a gold cassolette that
hung at her waist. :.
"Maud," said Mr. Bryant, gravely,
" do you mean to tell me that you actu
ally care for - that young snip of a
clerk?" t
Maud sat up indignantly, with light-,
ning iu her black eyeii,
" Care for him, papal I love him I"
"Very Improper!"' groaned Aunt
"Aunt, 1 wish you'd hold your
tongue !" sputtered Maud, growing pret
tier every moment In her blrlght indig
nation. "I do love him, pupa, with
all my heart and soul I"
Aunt Elolse uttered a hollow slgh,nnd
Mr. Bryant looked at his daughter with
a fnce that was half troubled and half
" My little lllly.llower,"hesald.gently,
" all this sounds to me like a girl's ro
mance. Maud Bryant Is scarcely fitted
to be the wifo of a young man like
Charles May.",
"But why iiot,pai,ia 1"' pleaded Maud,
plteously. "I love hlnii, and I I think
he loves me."
" Very probably," said Mr. Bryant,
smiling. "But did It never occur to
you how very unsuitable a wife you
would make to t man who has his own
way to win in tho world ?"
" No, papa," said Maud, eagerly. " I
can dust furniture, and I can make jelly
cake, and once I baked u cranberry
" Most Important qualifications, yet
not quite sufficient," , said her father,
with the utmost gravity. " But just
consider, my dear ; here, on one band, is
a salary of two thousand a year, 'or six,
we'll say. It's Just possible that where
he has gone, they may pay him 'more;
on the other hand Miss Bryant, with
her little white useless tonnds and her
luxurious ideas, and her 'diamonds, and
her silk dresses. Why, my child, I
don't suppose you Itnow what calico
means." v
" Yes, indeed, papa," interrupted
Maud,earuestly. " I liad a pink French
calico once, with jilnk coral buttons
don "t you remeiutuer?"
" You a poor man's wife?" went on
her father, pattiing her " little fevered
head. " Maud, K would be like taking
one of the little japonicas out of the
conservatory, and planting it on a bleak
hill. What idcaliave' you of the trials
and sacrifices of life, my little petted
"l'apa!" soWued the young girl pas
sionately, "Imi ready to endure any
ordeal to make any sacrifice." What do
I care for diamonds and dresses? l'apa I"
she exclaimed, suddenly starting up
with an emphaoisthat made Aunt Kloise
drop her gold essence bottle, " you think
me a mere butterfly that cares for dress
and jewels only. Now listen to me.
For one. year from this time for one
year mind 1 pledge myself to wear no
silks or jewels. Will you believe In me
at the years7 end ?" ,
" I shall think you a very extraor
dinary young lady, Maud, but excuse
me, darling I have no very strong faith
in you persistence."
" You will sec," said Maud, shaking
her curls 'triumphantly. " And oh,
papa if "
"Maud," said Mr. Bryant, with a
quiet decision. " I have already
answered you my decree admits of no
She would not cry any more, this
haughty little girl she was too proud
to cry; but she rose up and went
away with compressed lips, and eyes
whose glitter was sadder far than tears.
" I wont he discouraged for all this,"
she thought ; " I will show papa that I
am sometlnng more than a doll."
" Maud, you aro not going to Mrs.
Hemlnway's in that dress !"
Mrs. Harrington, superb In wine-colored
velvet, with garments blazing
round her plump throat, and at her
wrists, stood horrified as Maud came
tripping down stairs.
" Why not, Ant Kloise ? I think the
dress very lMiat."
Mr. Bryant tanked up from his even
ing paper at tle slender figure iu white
floating muslin, with white roses hang
ing among tlie blue-black curls that
touched her uliouklers.
" I think too," he said quietly,
"Stuff tunl nonsense!" angrily ex
claimed Aunt Kloise. " Kiehard Bry
ant's daughter in white muslin with
paltry roses in her hair ! You should
have worn pink satin and diamonds,"
" I shall wear no more silks and jew
els, aunt," said the little lady very de
cidedly. " Now Bichard," said Mrs. Harring
ton, turning to her brother, "are you
going to allow this? She will set half
New York talking."
" Maud shall do as she pleases," said
the merchant, quietly, and Maud gave
him a bright grateful glance as she flut
tered away like some snow-white bird.
The next morning a small triangular
casket of amethyst velvet lay beside
Maud'tfphito at the breakfast table.
She took it up with an Inquiring look at
her father.
" Your birthday, my child," he said
simply. v
She opened the casket with a low ex.
clamatlon of delight as her eye full on
the white gleam of a magnificent pearl
necklace. ',
"Oh, papa, how splendid this is!
Don't they look like drops of frozen
moonlight? And I have always so
longed for pearls."
Jrs. Harrington looked complacently
" They will he the very thing to wear
to-night with your white silk dress."
" My white silk dress!"
Maud paused abruptly, while n deep
crimson flush stole over her fair fore
head. She rose and crept softly round to her
father's side.
l'apa, I am very much obliged to you
but but T had rather not take the
"Not take them, Maud?"
" No, papa you remember my reso
lutlon." "Maud!" exclaimed Aunt Kloise,
" you will never be so absurd as to re
fuse that pearl necklace that a royal
princess might bo proud to wear, be
cause of a whim." s
'. "It Is not a whim, Aunt Elolse."
And no amount of coaxing or banter
ing could induce Maud Bryant to take
the peurls.
" Olve mea bud from the conservato
ry, papa, or a bit of a book, such as I
used to have when I was a wee thing,
and 1 'II value it for your sake as long as
I live ; but can't take the pearls."
So the merchant, with a curious
moisture in his eyes, gave her aklss,aud
told her " that would have to do."
And the weeks and months passed on,
and Maud surrounded by temptations on
every side, thought of Charley May,and
resisted them all.
" Maud," said the old man suddenly,
one day, " when did you last hear from
young May ?"
" Last hear from him papa ? Never
since the day ho went away,"
"Do you mean to tell me that you do
not correspond with him ?"
" No, papa ; you told me not to, and I
have olieyed you."
" And he has never written ?"
"Never, sir."
" Then most probably he has forgot
ten you."
" No papa, I know he has not forgot
ten me."
"You're a curious girl, Maud," said
her father, caressingly stroking down
the briglrt black curls. "Never mind,
pet ; when your year of calico is over
I'll give you a present that shall please
you pretty well."
"I don't want any present, papa,"
said Maud, wistfully looking up into his
face. " Oh, papa, there Is only one
thing in the world that I do want."
" And that you know very well you
can't have," said the merchant,sturdily.
And so the colloquy terminated.
"Oh, Aunt Kloise, what a magnifl-'
cent silk! real gold color, isn't it?"
" Yes, I think it is rather handsome,"
said Mrs. Harrington, complacently.
"I ordered it to be imported myself.
See, it shines like a sheet of gold in the
"Who is it for?"
"You, to be sure, child for Oriana
Sykes' wedding reception."
Maud shook her head dumurely.
" Why, Maud, what will you wear ?
You must have a new silk."
Maud caught her father's eyes fixed
earnestly upon her.
In an instant her resolution was
" I shall wear calico, Aunt Elolse."
" Calico to Mrs. Sykes' wedding re
ception ?"
"Why not, Aunt?"
" You dare not thus defy society."
" Dare I not?"
That was all Maud said.
The year of ordeal was up that night,
and she had stood bravely to her colors.
Mr. Bryant did not often attend par
ties, but he went to Mrs. Sykes' that
evening without his daughter's knowl
edge, and stood leaning against a side
door watching tho brilliant devotees of
fashion as they entered In glittering per
fumed throngs watching them with an
anxious eye.
Would Maud waver now ?" Was her
will no stronger than that of Ave hun
dred other womeu ?
Presently she came, as lovely as ever,
tho throng parting on either side, as she
advanced up the roon at the side of
her porfly, vexed looking Aunt Har
rington. What was the" murmur that
reached his ears
"Pink calico! Calico impossible!
Miss Bryant wear calico, indeed ! Glace,
moro likely, or moire antique. Actually
calico ? What a strange whim ! But
Maud Bryant looks lovely in nny
Uiiug." Lovely she did look lovely in tho
soft folds of the French calico, with her
sweet eye full of liquid light, and her
cheek glowing with soft scarlet.
Mr, Bryant drew a long sigh of relief,
and then ' ordered his carriage for
. It was late when Maud returned, but
nevertheless she took a peep Into the
library to see if her father were still
"Papa!" . '
" Come in, Maud. Do you know, pet,
your year of probation is up to-night ?"
, " I do not call it probation, sir."
" Terhaps not, " Well, do you re
member my promising you a present if
you adhered to your odd notions ?"
" Yes, papa ( but I told you I did not
want a present." ..."
" You'll find it in the drawing-room,
" I won't take it, papa."
" Won't you ? Supposeyou just take
a look nt It flrst."
And Maud went slowly up stnlr, obe
dient to her father's gesture. '
" I will not take it, whatever It Is,'"
she thought, as she opened the dour,
" for my goodness .! Charley May I"
" Maud my own true love !"'
And Charley's bright brown eyes were
looking into herV-Charley's chestnut
moustache wns close uguinst her cheek.
"What do you think about taking my
present now, Miss Maud?" demanded
Mr. Bryant, rubbing his hands gleeful
ly. "I've Bent all the way to Australia
for it, and I think you seem , rather
pleased with it s than otherwise. I tell
you what, Charley May, you may liri
agino that you have been working hard
for my daughter all these months, but
she has not been Idle. Maud has well
earned the happiness of this hour."
And Mr. Bryant went downstairs t
explain it nil to Aunt Elolse, who wa
highly mystified as to the state of affairs.
This was the solution of the enigma
that so puzzled the fashionable world n
few days subsequently, when they read
In the papers that Maud Bryant had
married a no more distinguished persoD
than Charley May.
Minnesota's Latest Romances
Rochester, Minn., has a romance.
The story is that a young Bostonian,
named Carlton Stanton, wentto Minne
sota for his health In 1870, and at
Rochester met, and became engaged to
Mary Phillips, a worthy girl. Unfor
tunately, however, Stanton was thrown
from a sleigh a few months after, and
fatally hurt by the discharge of a revolver
in his pocket. .
His mother, then visiting at Chicago,
reached him in season to see him die,
and then returned to Boston. Tho poor
girl heard no more till last summer,
when she received a letter from Mrs.
Stanton, saying that her dying boy made
her promise that $5,000 half his estate,
should be given to Miss Phillips; the
mother had postponed the fulfillment
of her promise, but was not content;
her only remaining son had just died,
and she assured the girl that she should
soon have her money.
Months passed, till about Thanks
giving time, another letter from Mr.
Stanton begged the girl to come to Bos
ton, for she was ill. Miss Phillips went
and was taken to a luxuriant home, not
too soon, however, for Mrs. Stanton
died that night. But she appears not to
have forgotten her pledge, for within a
few days, Miss Phillips has received,
at her home, $8,000, the amount duo
from her lover's estate, with tho news
that Mrs. Stanton had willed her $85,
000. ' .
A Faithful Servant.
A jxior man possessed a flno large dog,
had occasion to remove from one villlugc
to another some distance off. For the
purpose of transporting the goods he
employed a small van, cu winch the
furniture wag packed, the man leading
the horse, while his dog brought up the
rear. On arriving at his destination and
unloading tho van, the man was aston
ished to dicover that a chalrand a basket
were missing from the back part of the
van, and the dog could not be found.
The day passed, but no dog was forth
coming, and the poor man began to fear
that something must have happened to
bis dumb retainer. The next morning,
as he was on the way to the old cottage
to take away another load, judge of his
astonishment and delight when ho saw
by the roadside not only his lost proper
ty, but his faithful dog, seated erect by
the chair and basket, keeping strict
guard over them. The articles had fallen,
doubtless, from the van, which the man
had not observed ; but his watchful com
panion had deemed it his duty to remain
and protect bis master's property. Al
though left for so long a time without
food, the faithful creature had never
deserted his . self-imposed charge until
he could . surrender it to Its rightful
owner. The joy of master and servant
was without doubt great at the meet-'
iST A contractor who was building u
tunnel on a certain railroad observed one
morning that the face of a member of
his gang was disfigured with bruises and .
plasters. 'Halloo, Jimmy,' said he,
'what have you been doing ?' 'Not very
much, sir,' answered Jimmy; 'I wu-
just down at Bill Mulligan's last night,
sir, and we had a bit ay a dlscoashed w id
(FT The wife of John Heffiicr, junk
dealer, Reading, has Just preseutcd her
husband with their-forty fifth child.
The occurrence Is the common topic of
conversation in that neighborhood.
There Is probably "not another family In
the State having so many children.