THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, VA., MAKCIl 13, 1877. The Deacon's Indian Summer. DEACON JAHIKL BRADEN WAS u solemn, Industrious, uprlglitninn, but wis as kind as one well could be wlio luid lived bo far apart from lils fellows a lie llllll. In his youth he hud .been one of the rural dandles of the region and the chief dean of his native town, driving the fastest horses and lending oil' at the vil lage sports; whether halls, quillings, weddings or slelgh-lldes. When about twenty-five years old, however, n sudden blight had fallen on Ms spirits for which no one could ac count. lie hnd danced half the night in wild lec ut ft wedding, played games of all sorts, helped serve the guests from iounllfully-laden tables, kissed thebvlde s?ave her as a wedding present his best cow, with a white heart shaped spot on her forehead, and then went home full of glee. Next morning he looked as if tlfly years had been added to his age. He now put himself to work earnestly laying out cranberry meadows and rais ing live stock, He withdrew from his ld companions as If the sight of them Hmrnt his eyes, unless he could help one of litem; then he ennie out of his shell, .but returned to It as soon as the emer gency was over. Some of the neighbors thought his mind all'ected; some said he had repent ed giving Matilda Day the cow he was so proud of, and others decided that he meant to turn over a new leaf, having , .sown all his M ild oats, and become a sober, settled man. Still more were the .towns-people surprised when, some months, after, he joined the church, and 'took up' as he said, "an orderly ;walk." it the saintly old Motherly Braden knew the spring of these actions she kept it to herself. When questioned she only replied In her quiet way : " ltejolee Avlth mo that this my son M ho was lost Is found ; who was dead Is uillve again." Thus Jahicl moved on, cherishing and Messing his mother, and clearing and cultivating the hitherto useless lands on the farm, till death left him and Ketury I'erkins, his mother's life-long helper, alone In the great, broad farm-house. His brother had married, gone West, made a great flourish In some patent i t 4 l . i i T r I !. .,. llUBiness UI1U 11111111. Jie ciimc uuuiv biu.-i this and set up a store, and failed again. Then he went back to honest farming, twenty rriles away. Here ho wearied for lack of the excitement of " failing," and died, leaving a very helpless family. Jahiel Braden was a man of very few words, and was slow In uttering those few, but when action was needed he was as prompt as any one. He went to the funeral in the blue swallow-tailed coat, with gilt buttons, and the Bame buff vest he had on at his last daa''e. I hey were still his best. As soon as the funeral was over, he said to his sister-in-law : " I fear you have nothing to live on ; come to the homestead as If It were your own, and bring up your girls to be use ful women. I'll semi Timothy over next week with Star and Buck for your goods. I'll come in the covered wagon for you all, and If there are any bills at the store I'll poy them. I'll see to the doctor and funeral ; so drop ail cares from your mind and try to be happy." Jahiel Braden had grown to be a very careless man, in a certain sense of the word. Although neat and orderly In his person, in his house and on the farm, he had laid aside all the restraints of socl ety. He came to the table In his shirt sleeves, and sometimes, in his stocking feet. He went up-town and even to church with his pants tucked In his cow hide boots. Once he so far forgot himself as to put on a clean farm-frock on Sunday instead -of Monday, laid a good coat of mutton, tallow on his boots, tucked his butter nut-colored pants into them, and in this plight took up the collection, for by this lime he was a deacon. This was to no small delight of the boys in the gallery, who were always glad for somo ortho dox subject for laughter during the time of service. Kctura Perkins was just as independ ent of the world's opinion as was her master, and did as many odd things by way of shocking Its Benso of propriety ns he did through absent-mindedness, .She more than once presented herself at church iu a clean min-bonnet and calico sack, and enjoyed the staring of the peo ple, because she had a black tiilk gown a cashmere shawl, a straw bonnet and black lace veil at home, " as good as Miss Deacon Jones', any day." You may be sure she did not particu larly like the idea of a lady coming to take her place, " with three citified girls . full of airs." However, she was not iiinuill f wl 1 ti i t ntnttnr 1m. I yiiouitvi - va V UJIIV1 IIIJU HUM VWU much good sense to throw herself out of a house, so she made the best of the in vasion. . . .. Deacon Jahiel had a great respect for good women, and from the hour that his brother's family came under his roof he donned his coat before coming to the table, and even went so far as to buy himself a pair of slippers. He threw open the long unused parlor, and said to the girls, " Make yourselves at, home bore." He soon found there was a great lack in his establishment, by overhearing his niece lament the piano they had out West. He never spoke of it, but en gaged the minister's wife to go to town and select one for him. The first the music-hungry children knew, it was brought Into the house; and still he never spoke of it. Indeed, he rarely spoke of anything at all. The family lived on thus very happily for several years, when all at once they noticed a great change in Deacon Jahicl. Ite began to whistle ut his work, and to sing with the girls; he .bought a new carriage Ketury described It as a ' car- rluge like folkses carriages," he even got a violin and checker-board from the garret, and for the Ursl time in twenty years played on than both with zeal and Interest. rassingdown the main street of the village, one day, he saw a buxom girl at the window, and leaning over the fence, he called out : " Martha, I hear there Is a quilting coming oil before long at your house." " Yes, sir ; the quilt is my own work a rising sun, with a square and com pass in the heart of It. Mother said If I ever got it done I should have a quilting just like those she used to have when she was young," replied the girl. " Ain't you going to Invite me, Mar- thai1" was the question that startled the village girl. " Why deacon !" she cried, looking ut the hitherto grave man, to discern if he had taken leave of his senses. " You go to a young folks' quilting V" "Certainly I will, if I'm asked," said the deacon, smiling. " Your mother can tell you how expert I used to be at chalking the line, snuffing the candles, and throwing the apple-paring, in old times." Of course he got an invitation, and before many hours had elapsed it was noised abroad that Deacon Braden was going to dance at Nattie Borland's quilt ing party, and that the folks thought him crazy. For the first time iu a quarter of a century the deacon set off for a trip to Bostou, and, as Ketury said, "made all over new I" From the crown of his steeple-topped hat to the sole of his tallow-soaked cowhides, he was renewed in the outer man. He had gone so far as to exchange his ponderous silver watch for a gold one. In place of the porcelain shirt-buttons with which Ke tury had always adorned his cotton shirt the deacon appeared with gold studs in nicely polished linen shirt bosom, gold sleeve buttons, and divers other worldly vanities such as made a great stir in the Cedar Creek meeting-house; hut it was only because he wore such clothes; others ihere had dressed as well. You may be sure that the young folks stared at him as lie sat thus, with Mr. and Mrs. Borland, looking oil at the spots of quilting; and the question was whisper ed from one to another : " What on earth has come over Den con Jahiel V" They soon found that the autumn sun had come out in a brighter radiance than its earlier glory, and that life's Indian summer had come for him, with bright skies, with flowers, and with the sing ing of birds in the heart. ' One morning, soon after this, the deacon called his sister-in-law and her daughters into the parlor, and said : " I have a plan to lay before you ; shall need this house for myself now. You may live beside me in the stone cottage, or I will build you a little house in a village." " We will stay as near you as we can ; but who is to take my place V" asked the widow in amazement. "You remember Matilda Day, the girl to whom I gave my pet cow, Dilly on her wedding day V A few weekB ago I heard of her for the first time in many long years, iter nusuand was never worthy or her. lie ran through her property and then took her into the wil- derness to live, away from all privileges of schools, churches, and society, She burled her oldest children and was left alone and very poor, with three young boys. " From boyhood up I had always ex peeted to marry Matilda, but I was too slow In telling her bo. The- rich, farmer from the next town stepped In and mar ried the only woman I ever loved. choked down my grief, held up my head gave her my best cow,, danced at her wedding, kissed her, wished her much joy, and then went home with a broken heart. It was a long time before I could see the sun shine after that. Life and ull around mo was changed but Just my mother. But God came and brought peace and life, and then I sought to do all for others for Ills sake. As time went on the wound healed, but the scar remained. I knew I was a stupid, awk ward man in the esteem, of others, and bo I kept out of the way, except when duty called me forward. I had forgot ten that the world, In Itself, had any charms until you came here and brought the fresh air and sunshine to these dark, dull rooms. When you brought the rose geranium In mil bloom it took me back twenty-live years, when one Just like It stood In Matilda's window. The songs which the girls slug are the same she sung, newly arranged and with new names." " Not many weeks ago, I had, as you know, some dealings with Carver, the Western man, who stayed over night with us. In talking with htm I said: "I suppose you never happened to meet with a man iu your State named Wutterson Blake V " Certainly I have, a thousand limes. Did you know him he asked. " When I told him he was almost a townsman of mine, he said; " Poor fellow ! he made a sad wreck of bright prospects. He died poor,three years ago, and left his wlfs and three boys in a sad condition ; but she is a jewel of a woman. Every body, loves her and all would have been glud to help her, but she had some Idea of inde pendence, which she wished to instill into the hearts of her boys. So she gave the encumbered furm over to Bluke's creditors, moved into the next town and set up a school for little girls." " Before he went away the next morn ing, I drew a check for a hundred dol lars, and sent It to the boys ' from an old school-mate of their mother's,' and re. solved to deyise some plan by which to start them in life." " The morel thought of it the more I resolved that Matilda Day would make the world new yet ; and I wrote and told her s6." " Next month I am 'going West to bring her and the boys home. I want you to stay with us. till you get a home of your own. I can never be thankful enough for your coming tome. It has broken the spell that bound me, and brought me back to live among others ; before I only worked , for them at arm's length. Now that I love the world more, my life will henceforth be of more service." The old stone cottage was repaired and furnished before Deacon Jahiel set off on hU momentous Journey ; and the widow and her daughters, now nearly grown up, were rejoicing in the prospects of a new neighbor and friend. Matilda , Blake, although a mature woman almost forty-four years, brought back more sunshine than she had taken away from her native place a quarter of a century before. Her anxieties arid sorrows had softened and brightened the natural loveliness of her character, and made her a blessing, not only to the farm, but also to the church and town. Indian Summer had Indeed come to the deacon's hitherto clouded life, and his heart and his house were open afresh to the whole world. He looked hence forth more leniently on the follies of the young and more charitably on the errors of those who wandered from the right way. His voice, his features, his gait- indeed the whole man were changed from a solemn, unsympathlzlng bach elor,as he used to be regarded, to a genial husband, father and friend. There is nothing like a solitary life to fix a perpetual winter in the heart. There is nothing like a companionship with the good and true, who need aid and sympathy, to bring back summer though It may be an Indian Summer- to the heart. How The Lehigh Zino Mines were Discovered by a Rare Plant. ABOUT three miles to tho westward of Hellertown station is situated the little village of Frledensville, known far and nearfrom its connection with the Lehigh zlne mines. These mines have been worked for this valuable metal for number of years, and with regard to their original discovery an interesting story is told by the Easton Free Prcea which shows the advautage of a sclen title education. On a bright summer's day in the year 1843, a savan skilled in the living sclenc of botany, as well as the dead one of ge ology, was making an excursion across these fields; Intent upon adding some of their products to the contents of his herbarium when he recognized a rare plant which he knew grew only in con liection with some ore of zinc, or where this metal was abundantly found, and was commonly situated in close proxim ity to the outcrop of the vein itself. Reasoning upon this discovery, he sur mised, the existence of a zlne , deposit and, as the surroundings were favorable he had search made, and was rewarded with the discovery of this valuable mine, JNot long afterward a company was formed for the working of the deposit and furnaces and smelting works were erected at Bethlehem for the purpose of reducing the ores. These veins of zinc ore are situated in limestone rock, the exact epoch of which it not known, but is supposed to be Trenton. The strike of the rock is northeast and southwest, or following the general range of the South Moun tain, while the veins have a nearly uni form east and west direction. Tho dis trict, like the one on the other side of the mountain, Is very much broken up by antlcllnols and synllnals, contor tions, bendings, and probably faults. Numerous varieties of the ores of zlne have been found at this mine, and some very fine specimens are shown In the company's cabinet at Bethlehem. The ore from which a large quantity of the metal is derived Is nine blende or sul- phurct of zinc, which is one of the most Protean metals known, assuming nu merous forms. Occasionally It will have the lustre and color of beeswax ; uguln it will possess a certain degree of Jransluceney,comblned with a yellowish brown color, and a peculiarly fracture, when, save by its specific gravity, it is very difficult to distinguish from rosin. Another variety of the same ore ex actly resembles the ordinary gray lime stone of the region, and sometimes it appears like the yellow sulphur of com merce. An Expensive Fire. ' " TONES, you have heard of the fire J that burned up that man's house and lot V" " No, Smith, where was It V " Herein the city." " What a misfortune. Was it a good house V" Yes, a nice house and lot a good home for any family." " What a pity. How did It take Are?" "The man played with fire, and thoughtlessly set it himself." " How silly ! Did you say that the lot was burned, too?" " Yes, lot and all. All gone slick and clean." " That's singular. It must have been a terrible fire and then I don't well see how it could bum the lot." "No, It was not a large Are, not a very hot fire. Indeed, it was so small that it attracted but little attention." " But how could such a little fire burn up a house and lot ? You haven't told me." " It burned a long time more than twenty years and though it seemed to consume very slowly, yet it wore away about $150 worth every year, until It was all gone." " I can't understand you yet. Tell me all about it," " Well, it was kindled In the end of a cigar. The cigar cost him, he himself told me, twelve and a half dollars a month, or $150 a year; and that, in twenty-one years, would amount to $3,450, besides all the interest. Now the whole sum wouldn't be far from $10,000. That would buy a fine house and lot. It would pay for a large farm in the country." . " Whew I I guess now you mean me, for I have smoked more than twenty years ; but I didn't know it cost as much as that. And I haven't any house of my own. Have always rented thought I was too poor to own a house. And ail because 1 have been burning it upl What a fool I have been 1" The boys had better never set a Are which costs so much, and whlch,though it might be bo easily put out, is yet so likely, if once kindled, to keep burning all their lives. O Conor's Wooing. Charles O'Conor has very direct ways about him. The story of his wooing is thus told: The young and beautiful' widow of Commodore M'Cracken,of our navy, returned from abroad after her husband's death, and finding her finan cial affairs in a complicated state went to Mr. O'Conor to get his legal advice in disentangling them. Mr. 0'Conor,upon examination, discovered that the com modore had died insolvent, and the beau tiful widow was left to the cold mercies of a selfish world without a penny to call her own. This fact he was obliged to break to her, whereupon she held up her hands In piteous dismay, crying, " Oh, Mr. O'Conor, what shall I do ? I who have lived In luxury all my life?" " Madam," said the great lawyer, "the best advice I can give you is to marry me." Whereupon they were married. The Latest Waists. Ladies' waists, says a fashion writer, are now made to appear, by the dress bodices as extending behind lower, than the spine. To produce the required length with as little breadth and thick ness as possible is the modiste's aim. In this she is assisted, of course, by her patrons, who not only wear their stays whose whalebones fail to cease where anatbmy suggests laced over their skirts, but the new skirts are devoid of starch or stiffening of any kind. In fact, many ladies, in order to obviate all chance of bunchiness at the hips, have discarded muslin petticoats and wear Instead a long flannel one trimmed about the bottom with an embroidered flounce, with costumes, and a short flannel petticoat with a long, narrow white surah one over It, for evening toilets. DIL SOIESCK'S STASDARD REMEDIES The standard remedies fur all rilapfl nt the 'lings are bchenck's 1'iilinoiilc Rvriip, Hehenek's Bea Weed Toiile. and Kehenek'i, Mandrake Fills. aim ii lanen notnra tue lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure Is eltected. io tnese mree medicine Dr. .?. ii. HchaneR, or Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled sure.esa in the treatment l pulmonary diseases. me ruiiiiuiiiu nyrup rippns inn moroin matter In the limit ; nature throws It on" liy an easy ex pectoration, for when the phlegm or matter Ii ripe a slight couch will throw It on", the patient has rest and the lung lwgln to heal. Toeuahle the pulmonic syrup to do this. Pr. Schenck's Mandrake Fills and Bchenck's Hea Weed Tonlo must, be freely nsed to cleanse the stomach and liver. Hehenek's Mandiake Fills acton the liver, removing all obsuuetlons, relax the pall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver Is soon relieved. Rchenek's Hea Weed Tonic Is a gentle stimulant and alteratlvet the alkali of which It Is composed mixes with the food and prevents souring. It as sists thedlgestlon by toning up thestomach to ft healthy condition, so that the food and the Pul monic Byrup will make good blond: then the lungs hea). and the patient will surely get well U care Is taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Rchenck. either personally or by letter, can do so at. his principal on ce, corner of Hixtli and Arch fits., Fhlladel phla. every Monday. Bchenck's medicines are sold by all drngglsU throughout the country. inch & apr. " VEGEtiN E TURIFIES THE BLOOD, RenoTates and Invigorates the Whole System. Itn Mcdlnul Properties Are, Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic, VECIETTNE Is made exclusively from the Juices of carefully selected barks, roots and herbs, and so strongly concentrated, that It will effectually eradicate from f he system every taint of Scrofula Scrofulous Humor, Tumors. Cancer, Cancerous Humor. Erysipelas. Salt Rheum. Svphltitlo Dis eases, Canker.Faintness at the Stomach, and all diseases that arise from Impure blood. Sciatica Inflammatory and Chronie Rheumatism. Neural gia, Gout and Spinal Complaints, can only beef- tectually cured through the blood. For Ulcers and Eruptive Diseases of the Rkln. Pustules, Pimples, Hlotches. Bolls, Tetter, Scald head and King worm. VEGETINE has never failed to effect a permanent cure. For Fains In the back, Kidney Complaints, Dropsy, Female Weakness, Leiicui ihoea. arising from Internal ulceration, and uterine diseases and General Debility, Vegetine acts directly upon the causes of these complaints. It Invigorates and strengthens the whole system, acts upon the secretive organs, allays Inflammation, cures ul ceration and regulative the bowels. For Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Habitual Costlveness. Palpitation of the Heart. Headache.Plles.Nervous ness and General Prostration of the Nervous System, no medicine has riven such perfect satis faction as the VKGETINE. It. purities the blood, cleanses all of the organs, and possesses a con trolling power over the nervous system. The remarkable cures effected by VEGETINE have Induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe and use ft la their own families. In fact. VEGETINE Is the best remedy yet dis covered for the above diseases, and Is the onlv reliable BLOOD PURIFIER yet. placed before the public. THE BEST EVIDENCE. The following letter from Rev. E. 8. Best. Fas tor of M. E. Church, Katlck, Mass., will be read with Interest by many physicians. Also, those sufferlne from the same diseases as afflicted the son of the Rev. E. 8. Best. No person can doubt this testimony, as tlwre Is no doiiht about the curative powers of VEGETINE. NATtCK. Mass.. .Tan. 1, 1874. Mr. H. R. Stevens : Dear Sir. -We have good reason for regarding your Vegetine a medecine of the greatest value. We feel assured that It has been the means of saving our son's life. He Is now seventeen tears of age; for the last 2 years he has suffered from necrosis of his leg, caused by scrofulous affection, and was a far reduced that nearly ail who saw him thought his recovery Impossible. A council of able phvsiclans could give us but the slightest hope of His ever rally. Ing, two of the number declaring that he was be yond the reach of human remedies, that even amputation could not save him, as he had not vigor enough to endure the operation. Just then we commenced giving him vegetine and from that day to the present he has been continuously Improving. He has lately resumed his studies, thrown away his crutches and cane, and walks about cheerfully and strong. Though there Is still Some discharge from the opening where the limb was lanced, we have the fullest confidence that la a little time he will be perfectly cured. He has taken about three doren bottles of Veg etine, but lately uses but little, as he declares that he Is too well to be taking medicine. Respectfully yours, K. H. BEST, MH8. I O. K. BEST. ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. If VEGETINE will relieve pain, cleanse, puri fy and cure such diseases, restoring the patient to perfect health after trying physicians, many rem edies, suffering for years. Is' It not conclusive proof. If you are a sufferer, you can be cured 1 why is this medicine performing suci great cures? It works in tho blood, in the circulating fluid. It can truly be called the GKEAT RI.OOD PUKIFIEK. The great scource of diseases originates In the blood, and no medicine that does not act directly npon It, to purify and reno vate, has any just claim upon public attention. RECOMMEND IT HEARTILY. South Boston, Feb. 7. 1S7. Mr. Stevens: Dear Sir. I have taken several bottles of your Vegetine and am convinced it Is a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia. Kidney Com plaint, and general debility of the system. I can heartily reeo nmend It to all suffering irom me aoove complaints, xours respeciiuuy. MHS. MONROE PAKKEi SK. 101m 386 Athens Street. Prepared by H.R, Stevens, Boston,Mass. Vegetine Is (told bj All Druggists. w EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 49, 4844 West St., m:h vouk, TEMPERANCE TIOU8E, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS So and 75 cents per day. Charges very MODERATE. The best meats and vegetables in the market. BEST BEDS in the City. 17 lyn B. T. BABBITT. Proprietor. THE subscriber has now on hand at lOW PRICES, Good Sole Leather, Kip .of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, HOANS &c. F. Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD, TA. La-e Immen'e Discoveries by STANLEY and oth ers are Just added to the only complete Life 'and Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks among the most heroic Ugures of the Century, and this book is one of the most attractive, fascinating, richly illus-' tinted and lntructlv volumes ever Issued. Beiug the only entire and authentic life, the mil lions are eager for It. and wide-awake ageuts are w-anteil quickly. For proof ami term addres HDB1IAKD BUGS.. Publishers, 7Xi Sausom Street. Philadelphia. Ml T ABIES AND CHILDREN will find a. J splendid assortment of shoe at tbeon prlca store ofP. Mortimer
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