The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 06, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE TIMES, NEW IIL00MF1HLD, l'A., MARCH 0,1877.
On and after Novemlier S7th, Trln run follows I
WsyiMiill Am.
Via 1'r'u Tr'u.
1. 811
12 H.1
Tr'lil Ex.
A.M. P.M. P.M.
P.M. P.M
s.wi' ).:; it mi
Port Hnj
8.1A 11.06,
l.i' o.
1. 20
8 31
1.471 O.ftft
.U4, 8.18
W 6.411
a.iixi e.w
I M) 1.11)
8.(13! MM
8.18! 7.46
8. ST T.M
J 30 8.00
7. mi
9 01!
KM 10.09!
6. id)
It 111
11. w
10 10
B.Wi P. ID
town J..
11.04 0.40 8.51
Aiim'rxoirii,. ..
N. Hamilton,.
Tvrnne, .,
4 2!
J ;.m
tO.IH I.OH 8.
In In 4 47;
!s7i !i
8.60 K.M .w
8.18 J.Ik)
A.M. P.M., P.M
twlMttpbnnr Rirnrpun lrsves Hnrrlsbnrir at ll.Oil P.M.
Dunoaiimm 1 1 .:: iflnv); Newport 11.67 (lla) and ar.
rives at l iltsburK at B.lli . M.
Philadelphia Exrr leave Altoona ttt 10.00 n. m..
Tyrone at lo.aa i. ni., Hiimliunlou 11.18 i. m.. Lewis
town .1., 12 :io. in., Mifflin U.Ma.m., Han Mum 1.40a.m.
IIP(ojiiir West, the Way ruHHetitrer leaven Harris
burir Daily- till' ritluT train" tlatly except Sunday.
tfOnlnir Kiixt, the Atlantic Kipre" leave Aitocna
Daily, the other tralus Dally except Humlay.
Ilrlor Items.
Uve. Your rmnarkB regarding tlie
Commissioners are unjust. They only
;otnpiy with the law In the payments
you refer to, and are undoubtedly trying
to do the best they can for the tax nny
ers. We think they are entitled to
credit Instead of censure.
A son of Dr. Btites, of MHlerstown,
had his face considerably burned while
trying to protect his fathers property
during the time the Valley House was
Cornelius Bhafler, a married man and
a former resident of this county was
arrested in Clearfield county, and taken
to Newport from where 'Squire 7Am
committed him to jail on the charge of
On last Thursday night some thief
entered the premises of Mr. John J.
Craig, in Wheatfield twp., and stole
about one hundred pounds of pork, a
quantity of dried beef, and aliout iifteen
dollars worth of carpenter tools.
XThe Juniata Valley House at Millers
town took tire again on Monday night
and was entirely destroyed. It is probable
that tire was burning under the floors
all day Monday after it was supposed
the llames were nil extinguished.
A short time since a correspondent
asked "if frozen apples would make
good cider." We can now say "yes,"
lor we recently had some which was ex
cellent which John llice made from just
(such apples.
Bloomfield Academy New term opens
April 0th, Kev. J. Edgar, Principal.
By request a Primary Department will
be formed in addition to the Intermedi
ate and Higher Sections.
A Pittsburgh paper tolls of a man who
shot himself In the west end. If we
only knew which was called the west
end of a man we could better judge
whether the wound was serious. We
wish editors would be more explicit in
their statements.
On last, WpiltifiHilnv si two venr old
child of Mr. Amos Hoffman, of Centre
twp., was considerably burned about the
face and head. The family were all out
of the house when the little child stuck
a piece of pine into the froritof the cook
stove which conducted the lire to its
y A few mornings ago when Mr. Mills, of
Centre opened his store, he found the
room tilled with smoke. Investigation
revealed the fact that a cigar stump had
been thrown in the spitbox, which was
filled with saw-dust and that it had
burned the contents of the box, for
tunately without firing the floor.
The largest mortgage ever recorded in
Cumberland county ,was recently record
ed at Carlisle. 1 1 covered 267 pages,com
prised 3UG different tracts of land, and
occupied eighteen days in recording. It
was from the Philadelphia and Reading
Coal and Iron Company, to Geo. DeB.
Keim, trustee. The amount aggregated
Sale Bills got up in good style. Price
$1.2-5 to $5, according to size. 8end
list of articles and day of sale and state
the priced bill you want to this oftlco
and your bills will be sent you by return
of mail.
Church Notices.
Presbyterian Church. Preaching
next Babbath at 11 a. m., and 7 p.m.
Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock on Wednes
day evening.
Preaching in the M. E., Church on
Sunday evening next, by Kev. Dunlap.
Barn Burned. On Friday night the
barn belonging to W. J. IIartcr,ln Green
wood township,took fire and was entire
ly consumed. ,
Accident. On Friday morning latt as
two sons of W. M. Sutch, Esq., this
borough nged respectively about 7 and 9
years, were out on the wood pileuagllng
at some wood, the oldest accidently
struck the younger on the back of the
neck with bit of the axe inflicting a
wound about 2J or 3 inches long. The
axe was fortunately very dull, or the
Injury would have been serious.
Starting Under Difficulties. A young man
named Albert S. Light, of Centre twp.,
took Greely's advice to youths, and
started on Monday of last week. This
was all right, but then he took with him
a lot of tools belonging to J. W. Got
walt, to which Mr. G. objected. He
therefore took out a warrant for bis
arrest and nabbed him Just as ho was"
getting on the train. The young man
lightened bis trunk by taking out the
tools and was then allowed to proceed
through the leniency of Mr. Clot wait. t
Great Fire In New Germantown. On Sat
urday night about half pastcleven.a fire
was discovered In the ware room attach
ed to Dr. F. A. (Jutshall's store at New
Germantown and which proved very
The buildings destroyed were,the store
room occupied by Dr. Outshall, the
store occupied by Jane Morrison & Hon,
two houses belonging to Mrs. Kreamer,
and the Odd Fellows' Hall.
Most of the personal property and the
merchandise Was removed.
As the news comes in Just as we are
going to press we have no chance to learn
the loss, or how much Insurance was on
the property.
. - - -a-
X Local Option Meeting. A Local Option
meeting was held at the Court House In
llloomfield on Friday evening last, 1877.
The meeting was organized by electing
Win. Burns President, and I). Mickey
and G. 8. Barnett, secretaries, and was
then opened by prayer by Ilev. P. Hhee
der. On motion Ilev. J. Edgar, Ttev. U.
Dunlap and Samuel Sanderson, were ap
pointed a committee to draft resolutions,
to be presented to the meeting.
On motion, Bev. P. Bheeder, Hamuel
Dunbnr, Wm. Grler, and Adam Clark
were made a committee to report two
lady canvassers from each church to be
appointed to canvass the town to pro
cure signatures to petitions to be pre
sented to the Legislature praying the
passage of n Local Option law or its
Mr. W. D. Blackburn of Local Option
executive committee, was then Intro
duced, who addressed the meeting in a
forcible and telling Bpeech setting forth
the merits of the law and giving facts
and figures to show the good that was
accomplished by it when formerly in
force and which would undoubtedly re
sult from the passage of the law now
The Committee on resolutions reported
a series of resolutions approving the for
mer law and asking the passage of the
proposed law and directing a copy of the
proceedings to be sent to the member,
and Senator from this district.
The committe to report canvassers re
port the following named persons as
canvassers : Mrs. Burn ; Miss Clara
M'lntlre; Miss Mary CrlHt ; Miss Mary
A. Clark; Mrs. Mary O. Pennell and
Miss Mary Clegg, who were appointed.
Adjourned with Doxology anil Bene
diction. Weather Report. B. Mclntlre, Esq.,
hands us the following report of the
weather for the month of February.
Average of Thermometer nt 8 o'ocloek
A. M. il(P and 25' and of Barometer, 30
inches, minus six tenths Average of
greatest degree of heat, 40 degrees and 2
minutes and of lowest degree of cold 2:t
degrees and 45 minutes. There fell 2
inches of rain and 0 Inches of snow. The
warmest day was Friday, the second,the
Thermometer running up to 48 degrees
above Zero, and the coldest was Wednes
day the 14th the mercury sinking to 15
above Zero. There were 20 days of clear
weather and tins was tue warmest J- eii
ruary for eighteen years.
bpring Election. Tue following Ms a
list of officers elected on the 20th ult., at
the various districts In the county :
Burgess Lewis Totters Town Council John
A. McCrtmkey, Daniel Gartin, Jessee Powell,
OeorgeS. Barnett, Samuel Spotts, James Hell
lienneyt Justice of the Peace F. B. Clouser:
Constable John C. Darlington; Judge of Elec.
tlons Joseph B. Smith; Inspectors of Elections
Samuel lientzel, J. 13. Hackctt,; School Directors
Charles H. Bmlley, Samuel Smith s Audltor
Gco. B. McKeo; Assessor William Burn.
Constable, FeterBalr; Supervisors, Rlmon Sto
phens, Jacob Haines. Assessor, John W. Charles ;
Auditor, James E. Stephens; Clerk, tie; Judge,
John L. Peters; Inspectors, John 11. Hunter.
Christian Uruub; School Directors, Wm.Cumbler.
Jacob Crow.
Nw Buffalo Boboloh.
Burgess, Jacob 8tecl; Constable, Ceo. Lesher:
Town Council. W. F. Miller, Geo. Lesher, Fred.
Louden, (ico. II. Bui'd, J. C. Jones; Judge, J. H.
Snyder; Inspectors. J. T. Bowman, Win. II.
.lacksou; School Directors, M. Bitting, John
Baskins, J. W. Miller; Auditor, B. F. Klugh;
Iu9tlce ol the Peace, Joseph Walt.
Cksthe Township.
Constable Geo. Eckerd; Judge of Election
John Rllchle; nspectors John Ayle, A. S. Kline
leter; Supervisors Henry Meyers, Simon W.
Clouser; rchool Dlreotors Geo. Bistline, John
A. McBride, Wm. Nellson, 1 year; Assossor An
drew Clouser, Auditor F. M. McKeehan; Clerk
Charles McKeehaiL
Constables, John Sheriff; Supervisors, J. S. lie.
Clintock, John McAllister; Assessor, George W.
xniuey; Aim nor Joshua Kitner; Clerk, D. M.
Bailey; Judge, Wm. Stoufler; Inspectors, Vni
O. MoCllntock, John L. Shattu; School Director?,
.innn uouuy, m. A. smiley.
Duscaiskon Bonourili.
Hurgesit, ueo. pennell; Constable, John S,
nnearer; lown council, jonn w. Parson, Wm. K.
Gross, Hubert W. lteed. Daniel ltlfe, Westly BJ,
Hays; Assessor, Thos. Milllken; Judge, Robert
Jones; inspectors, Josh W.GladUen.KamuelFoose
Pchool Directors.Wm. C. Kling.C. II. Ilochlandoi ;
Auditor. Ed Mlfllken; Justice of the Peace, John
A. sheaier; Mrecl Commissioner, G. McLaughlin.
Constable, Joseph C. Leonard ; Supervisors, Pe
tcr Hall, 11. Uumbaugh; Assessor, Mlchicl Noll;
Auditor, C. a Fry; Clerk, A. W. Long, Judge,
W. N. Bollnger; Inspectors, Addison Ulsh. G .o.
Mitchell; nciiool Directors, W. B. Leas, Henry
Constable, Joseph Bears; Supervisors. David
Dtrkard, Henry Gabel; Assessor. Wm. Hopple
Auaiuir, l. H . smith ; Clerk. Adam DIMow. Judue
A'ft e Wright ; Inspectors Lewis Acker, Wm. ,
Johnson; School Dfrectors, Henry Kroft, Wm.
Cluck; Justice of the Peace, Mlchrol Miller.
Constable, 8. G. Butler i Supervisors Levi Smith
Peter Smith; Assessor, H. T. Watts; Auditor, II.
l-enlg; Clerk, Tie; Judge J, J. Smith; Inspectors,
G. W. Keainer, Eli Harnmn, School Directors A.
Whltekettle, A. 11. Mitchell ; Justice of the
Peace, P. D. Smith.
Constahle.Jnmes Crownover ; Supervisors, John
C, Snyder, 'Geo. W. Illilllnei Assessor, John P.
itinesmlth; Auditor, Simon Smith ; Clerk, Dr. J.
K. McCoy ; Judge, George W. Outshall inspectors
JohnClouse, Rseklnh Minlch; School Directors,
Samuel Rlnesmlth, Joseph Clause: Justice of the
l'eace, James B- Morrow.
Liverpool. '
Constable, Jacob Hugging; Supervisors, John
Hoflinan, John Lelter; Assessor, Adam Burner:
Auditor, Samuel Darner; Clerk, Daniel Koush
Judge, Jonas Noll ; Inspectors, Geo. W. Banner,
John L. Kline; School Directors, Absalom Gong-
ler, E. It. Hains.
LANmsnmu Bokolihi.
Burgess, William Power; Constable, Emanuel
Corl; Town Council, John (!. Prelsler, Lewis II.
Kerr, Robert Mcpherson, Hubert J. Dlven; As
sessor, Samuel Okeson; Judpe, James Murray;
Inspectors, Curtis Sliowalter, William II. Bodily;
School Directors.Wm. B. Linn, Wm. B. Diven.
Liverpool Boroiioii.
Burgess, H. S. Williamson; Constable, Jacob
Waggoner, 8. S. Fehrer; Town Council, L. N.
Funk, J. J. Rtarley, W. II. Miller. Isaac Bturde-
vant, Jeremiah Lowe, II. II. Weirlck; Assessor,
Jacob Shumaker; Judge.Wm. Shuinaker ; Inspect
ors. Geo. W. Rtipp, William Turner; School Di
rectors, J. D. Shore, M. B. Ilolmon; Auditor, E.
C. Long.
MlLLEIlSTOWN BollOl'llll,
Burgess, Jerome B. Lehr; Constable, W. II.
Gllllllin; Town Council, J. N. Rlnehart, Mnrtln
Noll. E. B. Tltzell, Jos. It. Fry. Wm. Everhart,
Thomas Kunyan; Assessor, George 1). Taylor;
Judge, W. Klpp: Inspectors, D. M. Bollinger,
Isaiah Hunter; School Directors, Samuel It) ran.
Sol. E, Taylor.
Mahvsville Borowih.
Constable, Henry Garaber; Town Council, W.
Kling, G. W. Klslnger, J. W. Bears, A. .1. SI-
del, the balance tie; Assessor, T. W. Morleyr
Judge, Samuel Strawsbauch; Inspectors. 8. K. P.
Brady, W. L. Taylor; School Directors, G. W.
Dick, Jacob Zaug: Auditor, Tin: Clerk M. G.
8. W. Madison.
Constable, James Foose; Supervisors, Sam
uel Ernest, Thomas Messliner; Assessor, Sain
uel A. Lightner; Auditor, Samuel K. Morrow,
S. W. Brrnhelsel, (a tie vote;) Judge, Wm.
Zimmerman; Inspectors, Samuel Lay, Abraham
Bistline; School Directors, Samuel McKee, George
N. E. Madison.
Constable, W. C. Hollenbaugh ; Supervisors,
Andrew Snyder George Lltlce; George K.Kist
ler; Auditor, D. M.Garland: Clerk, J. W. Bixler;
Judge, Benjamin Rice; Inspectors, A. K. Dobbs,
Samuel Hench ; School Directors J. A. Garber,
Noble Meredith.
Supcrvlsois, Albert Angney, George Clouser
Assessor, William Holmes: Auditor, Robert El
lott; Judge, Philip Campbell: Inspectors, Samue)
KlIneiK'ter, David Harper; School Directors. Hub
ert Eliott, John G. Owens,
Newport IIoboi.'oii
Burgess, Geo. Shroin; Constable, John Sailor
High Constable, J uo. Leonard; Town Council,
Gibson Flckos, Jno. Anderson, Jackson Ilhoads,
Jacob Hopple, George Finisher, J. C. Barret; As.
sessor A. M. Gantt; Auditor, W. A. Zlun; Judge,
A. F. Keim; Inspectors, Philip Bosserman, W.ll.
Mlnich; School Directors, ,1. M. Smith, 11. B,
Constable, Goorgo Geiuel: Supervisors, Jacob
Lineawcaver, Daniel K. Smith; Assessor, J. A.
Llneaweaver; Auditor, Henry L. Troup; Clerk
John Bear; Judge, Thus. Haney; Inspectors,
Christian Wagner, M. B. Eshelnmn; School Di
rectors, William Wertz, Ellas Fisher.
Constable, Ellas Hass; Supervisors Chns. Hob
crts, William Leedy; Assessor, Clms Robert ; Au
ditor, Tie: Clerk John G, Rose; Judge, Socrates
Green; Inspectors, David Boyed, Ellas Haas;
School Directors,' Joseph E. Jackson, Ellis Al
lender; Justice of the Peace, lrvln Cliisholm.
Constable, P. J. Holsley; Supervisors, A. II
Zorger, Jesso Naue; Assessor, W. Sloop; Auditor
J. A. Ensiuiuger; Clerk, W. Patterson; Judge.A.
8. Green ; Inspectors, David Gnmber, David For-
tenbaugh; School Directors, A. R. Neyhart, 11.
F. Leonard.
Savillb Township.
Constable, Phil. Kell; School Directors David
McCoy, Win. Kell; Supervisors, Henry Hall, John
U. Shumau; Assessor.Jacob L'tley; Clerk, W. W,
Gray; Auditor, J. W. Wolf; Judge, John Wag
goner ; Inspectors, Reuben Swartz, Jno. D. Baker
Constable, John S. Klstler; Supervisors, Jacob
E. Shearer, Jeremiah Sunday; Assessor, James G
Messliner, Auditor, David B. Dunkleberger ; Clerk
Wm. II. Klstler; Judge, John Hager; Inspectors,
Jacoh B. Reedor, .JohnM. Foose; School Directors
Lewis Ellerman, James A.Gray.
Constable, 1 suae P. Miller; Supervisors, John
Waggoner, William Shumaker; Assessor, Jacob
Wolf: Auditor, Wm. Roads; Clerk, Benj. Rittcr
Judge, George Hoobaugh; Inspectors, John C.
Weller, M. L. Arnold; School Directors. Jos. New
comer, Solomon Brlner; Justice of the Peace, J no.
Constable, X. E. Houseworth; Supervisors, W.
Satzler, Joseph P. Latchford; Auditor, George L
Bucher, Clerk, Henry Baker; Judge, David Loon
ard; Inspectors, R. II. Kerr, Thomas M. Fry
School Directors. John M. Fry, Isaiah Campbell,
Constable, David Hollenbaugh; Supervisors,
Wm. Gray. W. L.O'Douneli; Assessor, F. U. Gut
shall; Auditor, Wm.Htinn; Clerk. Jacob SherltT
Judge, R. C. Adams; Inspectors, James Smith,
James R. Showacra; School Directors, Jacob He
gar, Jacob R. Showacre; Justice of the Peace, 8.
A. Smith.
Constable, John Weldon; Supervisors, George
Jacobs, J. Hartel'. ; Assessor, Joseph Leppard
Auditor, John J. Craig; Clerk, Joseph E. Weldon
Judge, David Ensmlnger; Inspectors, Robert
Donley, H. B. Ebersole; School Directors, Samuel
Potter, H.Clay,
Constable, Jacob Freet; Supervisors, Jeremiah
Anderson, George Hammaker; Assessor, Luther
K. Steel: Auditor, Isaao Motter; clerk, Jacob
Steel i Judge, William Livingston; Inspectors,
James MotlerJ.lohu L. Muggins; School Direct-
r,Jhu N. Mutter, Jacob Lowe and David V.
-Steel a tie.
Cumberland Countv. We conv the fol
lowing from the ('umbprltind county
pnpers of last week:
A limit II iiVtoi'lr Ilti Mnliilnv niirlit.
the clllzens of Khlpiieiisburg were arous
ed ny me cry or "lire," oeensioneu try
the burning of the stables belonging to
Henry Hollar and Wm. Beaver, respec
tively, situated between the railroad and
j vuii i-ircci. jjoss, .-i,isj,uuu ; paruy
About two hours later the stables od-
jolnlug the "Madison House" were
discovered to be on lire, and in a short
time thereafter were reduced to ashes.
Loss, $800,00; partially insured. These
fires were, we learn, the work of the
incendiary. The fire companies did
effective service.
Just after dinner on Tuesday, Mr. Peter
Humer, a citizen of Carlisle, died sudden
ly in Dr. Klefler's oillce, of neuralgia of
the chest. Mr. 11. had felt badly for
some days, and called on Dr. Kleflcr for
advice and medicine. The doctor was
about to prescribe for him, when Mr. II.
suddenly sank in his chair, and breathed
heavily once or twice, onu expired. Mr.
11. was tttji'ut 70 years of age.
Dr. lialttui. a dentist, of Bhl pnens-
burg, and two other persons were taken
to the Cumberland county Jail Thursday
on achargeof assistlngln the destruction
of five stables In Bhipfensburg on Mon
day night. Alex. Mateer, who has
served several terms in the penitentiary,
lias also been arrested for complicity in
the arson. Dr. Halton enjoyed a good
reputation until a few years ago, when
he became reckless and from that time
li said to have been loose in ' IiIb habits.
Altogether five or six arc in custody for
iH'ina concerned in tlie incendiary act.
On one of the rattles a pistol taken
from one of the stores on the night of
the fire was found. The evidence against
the accused Is believed to be sufficiently
conclusive to convict them, or at least a
majority of them.
Considerable excitement was occasion
ed in Carlisle about 4 o'clock Monday
afternoon by the announcement of the
death, by suicide, of J. 1'. Hassier, late
casnier ot uanisie ueposit nanK.
About four months ago It was discov
ered that Mr. Hassier, had overdrawn
his bank account about $11,000. The
money wfts lost In speculations and fail
ing to replace it at 12 o'clock Monday,
he was arrested on a charge of embezzle
ment, bail being demanded in the sum
of $15,000. Not going to his dinner at
one o'clock, his usual time, bis son went
in search of him, and about 4 o'clock he
was found In the attle of his house hang
ing to a rafter, and dead.
The coroner's inquest held upon the
ixKiy iound a verdict in accordance Willi
the above facts.
A most singular circumstance connect
ed with Mr. Hassier 's hanging is, that
about twelve years ugo no cut down
the body of W. H. Bcetem, cashier of
the same bank, who like himself was a
defaulter,and who was found hanging in
the same attic to the same rafter. Beet
em's default amouuted to some $15,000,
nut was made goou out or nis own
Mr. Hassier was about fifty years of
nge, hail an Interesting family,was high.
ly respected, and was an elder in the
(iernian Beformed church.
Public Sales. Those having pale bills
printed at this oillce will have the no
tice of tlie sale in this list without extra
charge until day of sale.
March fitli. O. F. Ensmlnger, assignee of
j. u. r-Kiies, win sen norses, mules, cows.
sheep, and a general assortment of farming
implements. ,
.unrcu ma. jucoii h. Almoin ins farm one
mile N. E. of Blain, will sell a larire lot of
stock, wagons, lurmlng implements, etc
David Itinesmlth, Auctioneer.
March l)tu. John W. Collins one mile from
Germantown will sell horses cattle, hogs,
wagons, farming Implements etc. W. D.
Henry, Auctioneer.
March 10th. A. M. Fleck, assignee of John
Yolin on tbo farm of J. It. Way, in Carroll
twp,, will sell horcs, cows, farming lmplo-
. munis, ewi. (
March 10th. Henry Seller, at his residence
In Rye twp., between Grler's Point and Bter
ret's Gap, will sell horses, cows nogs, farm.
Implements, and Household furniture.
small farm will also be olfcred for salo at
the same tlmo.
Mnrnli 19lhTliAinDi Pntninan In T1 ..n t
will soil Horses, Cows, Wagons, Farming
' llipiClllVUVB, ObC.
March lStli. Ira WentEel, Executor will sell
at wholesale In Ulaln, the stock of D. Went
zel deceased.
March 13th. David Dunkleberger, at bis ml
dence In Spring twp,, will sell horses, cows
sheep, hogs, wagons and a general assort
mentof farming implements. Jus. Clecland
Auctioneer. -
Mareb 13th. O. W. Albright, at his residence
in rtyo township, will sell horses, cattle.
sheep, farming implements and household
March 14th. Daniel Julius. In Centra twn
near Bloomlleld will sell horses, cows, wag.
ons and a general stock of farming lmpk
uiuuie. nr, Auctioneer. y
March 15th. The Executors of the estate of
John Kell, doe'd., on the farm near Blue
Ball, will sell livestock, farming Implements
and household furniture.
March 16th. Jeremiah Keck will sell horses,
cows, young cattle, hogs and farming imple
ments In Tyrone twp., 1 miles soith-east
of Landisburg.
March 17th. Margaret Wagner, on the farm
formerly occupied by John Wagner, dee'd la
Savllle twp., will oHer horses, cattle, farming
implements, and household furniture. David
M'Coy, Auctioneer.
March 17th. Wm. It. Dunkleberger, at his
residence In Spring twp., lj miles from
Blue Ball will sell horses, cows sheep, young
cattle, and a lot of farming implements. D.
Rlnesmlth, Auctioneer.
March 23rd. M. C. Cleckoer, at his residence
in Baville twp., will sell horses, cattle, farm
ing Implements aud household furniture.
The real ottato will also be offered.
March 34th. W. If. Dum, executor of Fred.
E. Dum, deceased, will sell at the late reslr
dence of the deceased In Tyrone twp., all his
' real estate. . v
March 24tb. Jacob (Jailor, at his residence In
Baville twp., will sell horses, rattle, sheep
and farming Implements.
Countj Trice Current.
Bi.oomfiii.d. March A. 187.
Flaxseed 1 aft
Potatoes, 7ft
Butter V pound, (fresh roll) IS
Packed Butter V pound, in
Eggs V dozen 10"
Dried Apples fl pound ax ets"
Dried Peaches 12ets.y
Cherries C0 ets. "
Pitted 00 O 00 ets. '
Blackberries OrtO ets. "
Carlisle. March 3. 177.
Family Flour t.'ft
Superfine Rye Flour 8.50
White Wheat, new 130
Red l.:su
Rye 00
Corn, (new) 43
Oat so
Cloverseed 9.00 a 9. On
Tlmothyseed ....
( Corrected Weekly by Eongh A Brothtr. 1
Newpokt, March 3, 1877.
Flour, Extra 6 33
" Super 4 Ml
White Wheat V bu 1 ,17 a 1 87
Red Wheat 1 32 0 1 32
Rye mem
Corn 40fl?M
Oats fl 32 pound UfiCMC
Clover Seed I) lies 4;
Timothy Seed 1 50
Flaxseed 100
Potatoes WOW .
Bacon 10 O 14
Dressed Hogs 6'Actt.
Ground Alumn Salt 1 50 1 50
Llmeburner's Coal a 25
Stove Coal , 4 on S )
Pea Coal a 75
Gordon's Food per Sack to 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at tbtr-
Liowesi marsei itaies.
W Five per cent oa for Cash.
Ohhis-Hai.l. On the 21st ult., at the resident
of the Ilrlile In Savllle twp.. by Rev. J. Frazler
David C. Orris to Miss Klunboth A. Hall, both of
Perry county. Pa.
Kckman lursnAi,L. On Ihe 22nd nit., at the
Lutheran Parsonage In Blain. by the ltev. J. Fra
iler, Mr. James A. Kckman, of Cumberland CO.,
Pa., to Miss Katie K. Outshall of perry c.. Pa.
F.nhminokr Keiiert. On the evening of the..
2slh of February, 1H77, by Klder .Jacob Harnlsli,
at his residence in Carroll twp., Mr. Oeo. F. Kn
smlnger, to Miss Villa C. Rebert, both of Shef
inansdalp. Histijnb Siiuman. On t!ie 2fith ult., by Rev. P.. Mansvilln, Mr. John R. Bistline of .'
Marklevllle, to Miss Keia Shuman of Mansvlllft
this countv.
Youho Lktimrd. On the 21st ult.. at the res
dence of the bride's parents near Dellville, tbii
county by tlie Rev. J. T. SheaHer, Mr. John J
Young, and Miss Sarah J. leppard, both ol Wheat,
lleld twp., this county.
Mertz Noll. On the 22d ult, by Rev. Lent.,
Charles Mertz, of Juniata township, to Delry
Noll, of Ureeu wood township this county.
Deslh notices not excoedlnif 8 linen lnnerted withor.4
clianre. Jlut 8 centu per linx will inrarlslil lm
rhiivcrl fur Tributes o( l!ei.ect, Poetry, or othr
Kkrr. In Rhirleysburg. Huntingdon countv.
Pa., on the 11th ult., ntter a short Illness, Robert
B. Kerr, formerly of (his couuty, aged 70 years.
10 months and 28 days.
Stambaugh. On Ihe 22d ult., in Minilntown.
Juniata county, llemy Stambaugh, aged about.
80 years.
MoKRis. In Duncannon, on the 2fith ult, Sarah
Keel Morris, aged 2 months and 25 days,
Hoffman. At Oak Orove. Spring twp., on the
26lh of February. Miss Mary A. flotlinan, acta
10 years, 3 months and 16 days.
NOTICE is hereby given that application will
be mirte at tlio April term of the Court,
of Quarter Sesslons.for a decree incorporating tht
town of Blain and vicinity Inloa Borough, under
the general borough laws of this state.
March th, 1877.
TIIK subscriber. Executor of Fred E. Dum. 6 a
ceased, will sell at his late residence In Tyrone
two., on
The following described real estate, viz :
NINETY ONE ACRES more or less of land sit
uate in Tyrone twp., having thereon ereet$;
various other out buildings.
There aro on the premises, a good young or
chard of Apple and Peach trees just coming InU
bearing and another old apple orchard.
Also at the same time, there will ba sold one
half interest in a tract of timber land of said de
ceased, situate In Savllle twp., containing abvi.b
S acres more or less.
The cultivated land has been leased for ow
year and the sale Is made subject to said lease.
TERMS OF SALE : One third of Ihe par
chase money to be paid when the property is
stricken down and tho remainder on the 7th of
April 1877 , when a deed will be delivered and non
session will be given.
" Kaio to commence at II o'clock a. m.,ot
said day. For further Information call on or at
dreas W. H. DUM. Executor,
March 6, 1877. Elliottsburg, Perry co.. Pa.
Reld's Floral Tribute, a book of 00 pages wild
i.)iorei r lates, oescrioes im varieties oi r lowers.
6.C. Price 10 etnts. ftirs
work with 6
work with 6 pkM,
including Pansy and Verbena, for 2o cents.
14 Choice varieties and The Tribute, 50 cents.
Vegetables Seeds substituted U preferred.
W.ll. KKID.
Mention this Paper Rochester N. Y. 10
It E M O Y A L !
will remove his
to No, 21 iorth Hanover btrwt,
Next door to It iug waifs Hot jl,
March 1st, 1877,
where he will open with
A yew Stwk at Imh Price,
and will bo pleased to see all his Perry y-tm.
Bear tills In mind when you go to CarLxlt,
and give hlm a Call. t'.'l