The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 27, 1877, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMEIELD, PA., FE1UIUA11Y 27, 1877; Eloped on the Morning Previous. Aa aflVctitijr story coning from Oakland, Cnl. A wrnlthy, middle-aged Englishum!) had liccomo somewhat Jealous of hU pretty wife. A young New Yorker,' with engag ing manners and a cutaway coat, was the cause of Ills disquietude. The disturbed Hencdiut concluded tu try the threadbare trick of ostensibly going up to Sacramento for a week. Tho second day, however, he returned and lot himself quietly into, tho house. In the library were several coats of mail brought over from England, and in one of these he hid. Then he awaited developments. To his gi eat astonishment, 0 o'clock passed without any one calling for his wifo coming down stairs. At about 1 A. M. ho fell asleep through fatigue, and began snoring. The butler thought he heard burglars about, so he came down stairs lu his nightgown, with a double barrelled gun under his arm. The jealous gentleman had just begun to dream he was an, when a handful of quail Hhot took him in the brcast-plute, and, iimld his terrific shrieks, the butler prompt ly put the other load into the pier glass under the Impression that another burglar was drawing n bead on him. After the whole neighborhood had been aroused, the mistake was discovered. Amid the snick ers of the entire assembly the chagrined man crawled up stairs to his bedroom. A Htnall note was sticking on the pincushion. Jlis wife eloped the morning before. Tool Hunters Again at Work. Reed & Co., of 70 Nassau street are sending out by mail circulars advertising the "Cheyenne State Lottery," enclosing six tickets and the following explanation : "Enclosed we send six tickets in the draw ing of Feb. 13. By remitting $. we will leave the balance of $5 due on them to be deducted from the piizes after tho drawing, as we guarantee them to draw the balanco -due without any futher payment from you. We will allow you one ticket free for every live tickets you sell. If you Temit 10 we will send you by return of mail five more tickets, and also one of the agent's special prize tickets free of cost. Remember, every ticket wins a prize. Being only agents for these State drawings, it is to our interest to have you draw a large prize. Give us one trial." The anxiety of Bead & Co., to protect their correspondence from the eyes of the Post Office authorities is shown by this in junction : "In remitting money for tickets do not sent Post Office money orders nor registered letters. Fold the money care fully in your letter, direct plainly, and it will come safe. No notice will be taken of postal cards." SPECIAL NOTICES. Jealousy and Murder In a Ballroom. A ERRORS OF YOUTH. flKNTLKMAN wlm suffered fur years from Nervous Dehllil y, rrciualuie llecuy. and all (lie elleels ( joiitliful Indiscretion will, for the sake of siilleiliw hiimnnlty. scad freelonll wlm need It, t tin ieelie anil illrci'tlon tor milking Ilia simple remedy I v willed lie wan cured. Htill'erers wishing to piollt liy Mm advertiser's experience can do so ly nililrcsslng In perfect coiilldenee. .loll N It. OlllUi.V, 42 Cedar rt., New York. 10afi2 limns. PIMPLES. 1 will mall (free) the recipe fur preparing a simple Vkobtabi.f IUi.m that will leniove Tan, KliKCK I.KS, 1'IMPI.KM and Hum-tins, leaving the skin soft, clear nnd lieantllnl nlso Instriio. Hons for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a lialil head or smooth face. Address HKN. VAN OKI. K t CO.. Box 6121, No. IS Wnoster Bt., Nw York. lua'tf (imos. TO CONSUMTIVES The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is niixlu.ii to make known to Ills fellow snlleiei s the nieaiisiif cure To all who desire It, he will send a enpv of the prescription used, (free of chame), with t he directions for preparing and using the same, which they will Unit a Hare Cure fur Consumption, Asthma, Itronchltls. &c. Parties wishing the presei Iptlon will' please address, Itev. P.. A. WILSON, Siatinios lilt I'enn St., WIlllanisliurgh.New York A Certain Headache Cure. A harmless vegotnule preparation, and the discovery of a plnslclnn, the Victor Headache I'nwcter has been proven a positively sure cure for the must distressing cases of Sick or Nervous Headache, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a single powder actually curing In ten minutes when all oilier means full. We have had n won derful experience with It, and the ten cent trial pack can lie had by addressing the proprietors. .1. It HEIHI.KV & CO.. Salem N. !.. who will cheerfully mail them oosl paid, and of Krugglsts everywhere and It Is with well merited confidence they are ottered as a thorough cure for all dis tresses of the head. 3 ly At a country ball about eight miles from Jasper, Pickens county, Oa., on Friday night a week were Mrs. Cowart, daughter of William Fowler, about 20 years of ago, and Mrs. Suthard, daughter of J. Ham brick, about 18 years of age. The former had for some time been divorced, and the la t tor had been married only about a year. Mrs. Cowart accepted tbe tender of Mr. Suthard to be her partner in the dance, and as the two went on the floor Mrs. Suthard approached Mrs. Cowart and objected. Mrs. Cowart, however, refused to yield the company of Mr. Suthard for the dance. Thereupon Mrs. Suthard became enrag ed, and in a moment the infuriated womon clenched each other by the hair, and after a struggle fell to the floor, fighting like enraged tigresses. Mrs. Buthard, with an open knife, cut Mrs. Cowart's throat from ear to ear, killing ber almost instantly. Whooping Cough. Middletown, Pa., April 24. Messrs. S. YV Fowle & Co. About soven months sinco I was sevuroly aillicted with whooping cough, and had almost given up the hope of recovery. It vwas a most violent attack of this destructive and dangerous disease. I had tried every remedy which I had heard . recommended. but they all failed entirely until a trial of UK. WISTAnS KAI.SAM OP WILD CHERRY was commenced, the use of which gave immediate relief. Under similar circum stances, rather than be without the Balsam, I would pay fifty dollars for a bottle of it. believing that it is the only certain antidote lor the disease. I most oueerfully recom mend luis invaluable remedy to tue public Gko. Y. Ettkh. 50 cents and f 1 a bottle. Hold by all aruggists. An Alabama Jury's Astonishing Verdict. v A jury in Alabama had been impanelled in the case of a Mr. Johnson, charged with killing hib wife. The evidence was positive and conclusive, leaving no doubt of bis speedy conviction. To the amazement of all, the Jury, after a short absence, return ed a verdict finding the man guilty of horse. stealing. The Judge asked an explanation, stating that the indiotmont was not for horse stealing, but for manslaughter, The foreman, with his band upon a huge law book, and with an amusingly dignified air, informed the court that "it was not case of manslaughter, but woroanslaugbter, for which the law made no provision ; but being satisfied the man deserved to be hanged, they bad brought in a verdict of horse stealing, which, in that country would be ure to swing him." TAKK KOTIt'K. INSURANCE MEN! AGENT WANTED FOll THE New Fnp-I ind Mutual Life Ins. Co. The oldest mutual In the country. Chartered lfl'ifi. MAU8TON WAKELIN (ieneral Agents. Bd-lt U'l South Kourtli Street, Philadelphia. IIP i i i i i r"Ti EST Milton f) ol d Jewelry Combination out. Consisting of ele pant watch chaln lailles' handsome lirimcli Ki Mr tlrmis i I 1 I JrL 1 pair elegant gold lliEllif 1 stone sleeve huttoiis J fill VJt 1 set spiral studs, collar imiiomi, uravy putiii wedding ring, and uhiii.h. Parisian diamond nin. The above articles sent, post-paid, for 60 cents, have been retailed IOIl. liailKT pi stock anil lioisi mb koiu. oonu Milton Hold watches, tin each, for speculative inn-poses, good timers, equal in apiieaiance to a ai irciiiiine mild. "Ills reputation for honesty. fa'r dealing and lllieiallty Is unequaled by nny advertiser is this city." iv. 1". Dnv Hook, Dec. HI, 1N70. POST AUK STAMPS TAKUN AS CASH 8 d4t F. STOCKMAN, 27 BOND ST, New York. Oft FANCY CARDS U styles with name, Mcts Post mild. .1. 1. HisiEi). Nassau. Kens. Co. N. V. 8 d4w prJTC ISklimunt oit, cniiOMos. beaut I. HULHIO fully framed, sent by mall for 1. Sell at sight. Nat. CuiiOMO Co., Plilla. 0d4v headache; DR. C. W UENHON'S CELKUY AND CHAMOMILE TILLS aro prepared expressly to cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache. Dvsnentlo Headache. Neil. ralein. Nervousness. Sleenlessness. and will cure any case. umee. iuu norm r.uraw mreet. nam more, Md. Price 60 cents, postage free. Sold by all druggists and country stores. Reference: Howard Rank, lialtlmore, Md. 6d4w Til IF LI KG WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS D ANOUROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COI'GHS. and all diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS, CHEST and MUCOUS MliMltUAINI',. l'nt Up Only in Bine Boxes. SOLD BY ALL DKUOUISTa flcUw C. N. Chittenton, 7 biJTU Avemur, New York. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. We want rjK) more llrst class Sewing Ma chine Agents, (WO men of energy and ability to learn the business of Selling Sewing Machines. Compensation Liberal, but varying according to ADinty.uiiaracieranu uuanncauous oi tne Agent. For Particulars. Address. Wilson Sewing Machine Co. Chicago. 827 & 859 liroadwar. New York, or New Orlesiis. Louisiana. 6d4w Wonderful Success! 25,000 of the CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. Rntd In Rfl davs. It being the nnlv complete low- priced work (700 pages only 82,50.) treating of the entire history, grand buildings, wonderful exhib its, curiosities, great days, etc. ; Illustrated, and si cheaper than any other: everybody wants It Cue new agent cleared (.150 In 4 weeks. 3 000 agents wanted. Send quickly for proof of above opinions of officials, clergy, and press, sample pages, lull uesci ipiiou. anil our extra terms. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 6.14 w 7 i3 Sansom St.. 1'lllladclnMa, PAIITinN Beware of falsely claimed olliclal wnu i i ami w( proof. and worthless books. Send for "The Christian at Work.'1 Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent. Wide-Awake, Spicy and Entertaining. REV. WM. M. TAYLOR. D. D., Editor In Chief. ai. u. uniuui. Managing uuitor. TERMS: $3 A TEArT POSTAGE PAID. In secr.rlnn the services of Rev. William M. Taylor, u. u., as r.uuor in unier, The Christian at Work Takes a decided step In advance. Inflexible In Its allegiance to Scripture authority. It will combine gentleman and the lover ol the Christian. It will not oe a personal organ, nor will it ue sunjeci to Impulse nor governed by caprice. Believing that Christian truth should be declared with rIiiidIIcI- ty and earnestness, It will be direct without being dull, and versatile without beingtrivlal. A paper for all, and one that all should take because thuy cannot uuoiu to uo wiinoui it. Rend for sample copy. J. N. II A LLOCK, Publisher. 1(U Chambers Street, N. Y. A FEW DOLLARS AVIll go n gootl wny Just now ns we linve made ANOTHER GREAT REDUCTION In order to clcnrofl our Winter Htock, nnd mnke room for our ltirge Hl'llINfl HTOC1C wliltdi 1h now being inanufncturi'd., CLOTHING, CARPETS, &c. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Youth's Clnlhlng Very Cheap. Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Hoys' Clothing Very (.'heap. Hoys' Clothing Very Cheap. Children's Clothing Very Cheap. Children's Clothing Very Cheap. iood Room Camel A'erv Cheau. flood Room Carjiet Very Cheap. LADIES' and GENT'S' , FURMbHINO GOODS, &o. Shawls Very Cheap. , Scarfs Very Cheap. Towels Very Cheap. Table Covers Very Cheap. Corsets Very Cheap, i Collars Verv Cheap. Vims very uneap. pHE MANSION HOUSE, 1 New Bloomfleld, Fenn'a., D. M. RINESMITH, - - Proprietor. This woll-known hotel has lately been enlarged re painted and re-tltted. Best accommodatlont Horded. a nee. Carelul hostlers always In atumd T ABIES AND CHILDREN , will Ind t splendid assortment of shoes at the one price store oir. Mortimer JOB PItlNTING of every description neatly executed on short notice and at reasonable rates attiilK olllce. . , , Common Room Carnet Verv t'lieso. Common Room (.larpet Very Cheap. Blair Carpet Very Cheap. Floor Oil Cloth Very Cheap. Stair OH-Cloth Very Cheap. Table Oll-Oloih Very Cheap. Trunks Very Cheap. Valises Very Cheap. Satchels Very ('heap, (turn Coats erv Cheap. (!um Blankets Veiy ('heap. Horse Blankets Very Cheap. Bed Blankets Very Cheap. Men's Hats V ery Cheap. Boy's Hats Very Cheap. B3T And many other kooiIh boHldes the nliove. will bo Bold verv LOW. Don't forget to give us a fall. Jewelry Very Cheap. Pocket-Hooks Very Cheap. Skirts Very Cheap. Nubias Ver Cheap. Furs V ery Cheap. l! nderwear Very Cheap. Ties Very Cheap. Shirts Very Cheap. Overalls Very Cheap. Ovorshlrts Very Cheap. Stockings Very Cheap. II and kerchiefs Very Cheap. Hair Switches Very Cheap, t'mbrellas Very Cheap. Hlilrt Bosoms Very Cheap. Accordions Verv Chean. Paper end Envelopes Very Cheap. I SID Oil S C II W Alt T Z Wright's Building, NEWPORT, iEisrisr'.. Winter 1870. 1877 Winter. CHEAP FOK CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CA8H CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOn CASH CHEAP FOR CABH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CA8I1 CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CA8II CHEAP FOR CASn CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CA8H CAEAP FOR CABH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH The subscriber has now In store A FULL ASSORTMENT OP GOODS SUITED TO THE SEASON. Many of these goods were Houghtbelbre tho Advance in Price AND WILL THEREFORE BE SOLD AT GREAT BARGAINS ! EVERY PERSON WHO WANTS MUSLINS AND TllINTS AT OLD PRICES, C0TT0NADES & CASSIMERES At Prices which are astonishing, AVIJSTTER BOOTS OF BUPERIOR QUALITY, Lower than ever before Offered, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS OP BEAUTIFUL STYLES, And at Pleasing Prices, WALL PAPERS & BORDERS IN GREAT VARIETY. TAINTS, OILS and HARDWARE, Or nny other goods at LOW RATES, should ex amine the Stock now ofered by F. MORTIMER, NEW ELOOMFIELD, PA, ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY ONE PRICK ONLY ONE PRICE ONLY THE NEW DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOOK-STITCH MACHINE. .. -- fct?'j--'-;-'.- " '- 'V. IT RETAINS all the virtues of the LlRht-RunuIng " POME8TIC,'; Including the Automatio Tension, which was and Is the best In use. ' . .,..., .. , - l'leasa notice our PATENT HARDENED CONICAL BEARINUS on both the Maclne ""Ouinew and old Ideas, worked ontwlth brand new Machinery and Tools at pnr own new works. In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey have Riven us a standard ol MhCUANICAL i.X CKLLENCK. Minimum of Friction. Maximum of Durability, and range of work, never heretofore reached In the Sewing Machine world. - . TO THia 8TATEMKNT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF fir We invite the attention of all, especially those having high, mechanical skill or observation. N. B. AH iiachineu fully warranted. DOMKoxic wnTIHU MACIUNKCO., New York aiM Chicago. - LADIES, VSE "DOMESTIC" TAXEB rASHIONil rri. mi xnu Jiiuuiiiiit'iu xiiues i JOB OFFICE IS THE PLACE TO GET , Plain nnd Fancy SALE BILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTER-HEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, BILLHEADS, &c, &c, &c, &c. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. jyjUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the public A RARE ANI ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OK DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALAPCCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OP PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES! Machine Needles and oil for all makes of Machines. . ' To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, . IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. No trouble to show goods. Don't forgot the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. pEABODY HOUSE, A CORNER or LOCUST AKD NINTH 8TS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convealent to all places of amusement and car lines In the city. No changes to and from the Centennial grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor of the HbnrT Honss, Cincinnati for the past twenty years, andpreseut proprietor, has leased the hoase for a term of years, and has newly furnished and fltted It throughout. He will keep a strictly first class house, and has accommodation for 300 guests.' Terms ! per day. No Bar has ever been kept In the HENRY HOUSE, nor will any be kept at the PEA BODY. 1022 ana 2S IS TAKEN INIESNAUY, AND POSITIVELY CUKE RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURAlGlA AND IUMBAG0. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. SEND FOR Ci- h11phenstine a bentuey,' DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, O.C. . For sale by wholesale Druggists in Plttj burg and Philadelphia. 35 ly PENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerly the Swcger Home,) . MAIN STREET, .f HEW BLOOMFEELD, PERRY CO., PA. JOS. 8. SMITH, . T . . Proprietor. Having good accommodations for re pilar or transient boarder, ft &( ot uubUo piroaae