The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 27, 1877, Page 4, Image 4
BLOOMFIULD, 1A., FKBHUA11Y 37, 1877. THE TIMES. New UilootHfietJ, ITtb'y :t,Ul77. JiOTlC'iO ADVKnTlSEK. No a-t or Hh'iriityi ho Inwrted latliMi paper UlilMin IlKht raopautl (tu nattta. baac. fKT'Mityprppnt. mrw" of ruinilwFivV, bo ohaiKBtl for ailTOillnmiwniU t lu UouVxe Oxjninu. NTll'B .TO'etjHrMiKIBEB. xok at tlif flifiirm nm thn label of yrnir inpor. Tt) wnmin-ali-ll vnu til ite Irt wMf V? - "- ent, B. o If the ilnte la riuauKeJ. No otfcor teoelpt U necm.vry. OUR CIRCULATION. For the In form 4Aoej of advertwcisaiul others-vho may be interested in ;jr.ow Ing, wevlll state ttmi the presen t circu lation of Tjie Ti mm 'is between eighteen hundred and nineteen hundred tuples meh wetk. Tiih twice of the Am irican Ayricitliur it, post-paid, is a year ; and the Times -$1.50, but -nwe . will eid the TWO papers to anyM lress,potageree, for $2.60. Don Tat editor 4 the Washington Capitol liaa been arreeicd for publishing libelous and seditious .articles. The rli cle complained . of especially, suggests and prompts the assaesi jation of Puieei deot Hayes. Other astioles compla&aei of Sibcl lieneral Grant. The laine Law fafonsifled. The "Maiao law" ha, long been tfee synonyme of .extreme:iiptuary legis lation, but vtfee recent -session of Ue Legislature in that State proved thai there could bei still deeper depth or a more dizey height, accojidinR as . people lookJttit. Theintensiflad liquor law," as itri-B called illsoon go into effect. TUetpanaltics for sellingaiay intoxicating liquors, except elder, maAe1 by the seller ' in thetatearetwo month in the coun ty Jail and a fine, of $1,000, 4he offender to etaad commit.! until iLo same is paid. The law treats cider vending by the glass just as it treats thecale of rum and -wljiokey ; iot'.ealers expect to eell it by llhegallon. for tome consumption in stead. Onk flfithe.mofcii wonderful inventions of an iuMprovement-eu the tel egraph allied a "telephone,'? foy whicli articu!ate-oundsT,wiiether of the human voice or i an; sic, , can be . tran w! tted a long distance with perfect clearness. A public trial rf this inctrmnent at Boston antl SaCemilait weck-scems to shew that it does precisely .whatis claimed .ior it. Not only vwei-e the,uuBio of an -organ and tlKiloueS'Of a singer's voice irans mitted thorn; an assembly . iu-Safen, 18 miles di slant, kut a gentleman, in charge of the iustmuient, at Ilrston addressed his friends .in .-fialem, and the applLuse with which .they greeted his t remarks was carried back ,to hiuitover the wires. Conversati3n .was held .between indi viduals at eitheren.d,of he line, the questions and; answers beiig distinctly heard by all juregect. Tjue PitESiffiiBNTiAL tiUK&riox is vir tually settled- .The .commission by a unanimous vwie declared that the Dem ocratic vote of Oregou was .void, and by a vote of 8 to 7 ithat the . three votes of Oregom should ibe couEted for.Sxayes and Wheeler. Theidecisiou as to Watts, the Republican elector whose vote was dis puted, .as tliat it. is. competent to go be j ..hind the. certificate of tke iGovesnor so ; .irthe sume is uot founded upon the ..action of the canvassing or returning , . authority provide for by the law of the v Bfate, whicJi autberity in the case of y-, Oregon is keld to foe the iBecretary of tat3. Thwe may fee ome more objec tipno which will create delap, but it is ,. not supposed than asy real ease can fee , made out against atey .other electoral! vote. It is probable t&at before the mid dle, oft.ihe week, that Hayes will bede--clared the duly elected President of the United.-States. Senator Siiebman's bill to ,id in ,Ua jcrsujcption of specie payments has .burn repotted to the senate and placed on . the. cendar for consideration. It fiiwidesfiK' the issue of not to xoced iW00)00,0a0,iij bonds for the cedomption ! .Uaitod States notes, said bonds to en r in rest. tt four per oent in coin of present standard value and payable thirty .years from date, not more than $25,00.0,000. of .iteh bonds to be ksucd durlmgwiy.insls year, and not more than A,0U0,Q90 In any month. The treasury autc3 o redeemed to be can celled and (destroyed, and no commhi. hlop iu &ny jxm ,to be allowed for the cxcliauge itf qh Londs. , The bill further providUM for tke issue of silver iu exchange for (legal tender notes, which, inclusive of ,the Amount of eueh coin heretofore authoriei to be issued, nholl not exceed $SOKK)00. Notes mo redeemed are to be culled juud discharged and held us part of the Muking fund, and interest is to be computed upon notes so exchanged as in the Mte of ponds redeeroed. It la hard? prt5ble that the Senate will be able to discuss the nwftMi re during 'the present session. The appropriation bills are still In com mittee. ! ' Death ef Rear Admiral Goldsboreugh. . Iiouls -M. Cloldsborough, who died in Washington on the 17th inst., quickly follows lilsold comrades Smith, A Men, Wilkes, llalley, and Davis. The young i middy who reported for duty to Capt. Bainbridge in '1S14, lived through three wars, In which he did his whole duty to die at last in his bed, at the age of 72, a retired llear-Ailmiral. A gallant fight wltll rates In 1827, gave him as fine a send-off as a young ofllcer could wish. In 1840 he was at Washington, breaking ground for the National Ob servatory. A few years later, we find him fighting the Senilnoles. lie helped bombard Vera Cruz and explore Cali fornia. In 1S55 he was commissioned Captain. In 1801 he was appointed to the North Atlantic squadron. For his services in the Roanoke (Burnside) ex pedition, lie was lhanked by Congress and promoted the following year to the be Bear Admiral. His last active ser vice was as commandant of the Wash ington Navy Yard. Murderous Practical Joke. The Albany Jonmr, al says: Mr. Har rison and Mieha'l Latinear, brakemen on the Troy and Boston railroad, enter ed a saloon in , Troy yesterday, and after awhile Harrison pulled out what appear ed to be a tobacco !box and laying it on the floor pretended' he was endeavoring to flatten it. Damon Houghtaling, who was working in the saloon, become in terested, and was finally induced to en deavor to flatten it with a hammer. Little dreaming of the terrible conse quences that were to 'ensue, Houghta ling laid the box on a stone and, raising his hammer, struck it i heavy blow. The next moment he was prostrated, covered with blood, suffering from nine .ghastly wounds on the face and head. .His left eye was blown out, the thumb .and index finger were torn off, the palm of his hand was shattered, and Lis skull and the bones of his face were .laid bare. The " trick bos:'" wbb a tor pedo about the sie of an old fashioned sbacco box. A Tragedy After an Elopement. Something of a sensation has been produced in Baltimore by a sumor that themutilated corpse of the giul recently murdered at Jefferson, Texas, Jiad been Identified as that of Mrs. Kirby, of Bal timore, who eloped with her brother-in-lawohn Ferguson, a few weeks ago. The fcce was horribly disfigured to pre vent recognition, the eyes gouged from their sockets, the flesh torn away ifrom the mouth, exposing a set of glittering teeth. Mrs. Jvirby's sister, Mrs. Fergtison, Mr.. Kirby, husband of the runaway, and also her. father carefully examined the picture and accompanying descrip tion. Her father thought it answered her. description, particularly the teeth. Mr. Kirby ald the description corres ponded with, that of his wife as to her physique, .dress, hair, etc., and notably the scar on hor left breast. All of them unite in the opinion that the description .of the murderer oorresponds precisely with that of (Ferguson as to features, clothing and general appearance. Mrs. Kirby was a bride of only a few months when she eloped with her sister's hus band. Late Mexican News. Cfciy of Mexico advices to February 11th state that General Diaz arrived there (that day amid great rejoicing. He wtl probably reorganize the min istry. JBenitez,Ogazoi and Tagle, three of the npost prominent members of the Cabinet, have resigned, but acting Pres ident Mcodez has refused to accept their resignations. Outrageous frauds were committed at an electoral college organ ized for Congressional elections. The Tuztepeoplan partisans, now in power, formed themselves Into a eort of Re turning Board and counted more votes for their candidate than there were elec tors. The chairman refused to allow discussion, and ttie opposition eent for the Governor. Fraud was proven by theOttvernor alKiig i the roll, where upon he immediately dissolved the col lege. K pistol was fired, and the police took possession of the building. Vice President Mendez ordered the reassem bling of the College when the opMi tion's charge of fraud was established, Although ICspernon, a prominent gov ernment leader, was defeated. The Church parly is looming up. i Moderate men refraiu from action, and the result will be that either the Church or the lower strata will come into power. Liberals accuse Diaz of leaning toward the Church party. A counter revolution is certain. It is possible that Diaz may prevent disintegration and the ruin of his party by remaining in the capital. The Vox de Mexico, the organ of the Catholic party, denounces strongly the outrages recently committed on Protes tants in different sections. The Dlazlsts rejoice because the United States have received the first instalment of the money awarded by the mixed commis sion. Mrs. Rolland. The following Is a pen picture of Mrs. llalph Holland, wife of the Chainbers burg Bank robler, who is ngain in Jail at Chamberslmrg : To the casual ol Bervcr she makes a favorable impres sion. She Is of good size and figure, light auburn hair, eyes a light hazel, al most yellow, (feliucly), melting Intelli gent with a slight east in one of them, well-formed face, clear complexion, lov ing mouth, nose slightly sharpened and slightly turned up. In all she looks os one who is likely to be true under all circumstances and possessed of strong womanly instincts. The Northampton, Mass., Bank Treasure. The securities are not recovered, nor is their hiding place known. It is be lieved that ouily $ 30,000 iu government bonds has been divided among the cracksmen with the money, so that the bulk of the $720,000 taken is still intact. The three prisoners undoubtedly have had control of the treasure, and can easily produce It. Unless they do, sen tence amounting to life imprisonment hangs over them, and it is confidently believed that the hope of the promise of a shortened term, say 10 or 15 years will secure its return. Five Thousand Dollars for a Wife. William Smith, aged 70, who lived near Liberty, Ind., became widowed some years ago, and had since lived in entire seclusion, was deaf demented. A few weeks ago he offered $5,000 to any one who would furnish him a wife. The announcement created merriment at the time, but nothing further was thought of it till it was announced that the old man was married to Miss Phoebe Johns, a highly-respected young lady, aged 17. The old man'sotfer had been taken iu hand by Powell Blade, with whose fami ly the young woman lived, and Slade received the $5,000, $2,000 of which was paid to the girl's father, the girl herself receiving as an inducement a deed from the old man for his farm of 200 acres of very valuable land. An Invalid Lady Bound by Her Servants. An invalid woman who lived witli a servant at Great Falls, N. H., has for some time been a victim of systematic robbery by this servant and three oth ers. The robbery went on night after night, until almost all the valuables had been carried oif. She discovered it at last, and attempted to give the alarm, but the villains confined her for two duj'B, until the police accidentally Bur prised and arrested them as they were taking up the carpets. A Grave Yard Mistake. There were rumors at Klsing Sun, Ind., of an attempted " resurrection" by body snatchcrs of a child's body recent ly buried, and the mayor of the town .detailed a party of men to watch the graveyard the other night. A relation of the child also detailed two men for the same purpose, without knowledge of the mayor's movements. The two parties met at the cemetery and began shooting at each other with shotguns and revol ver, wounding one of each party. Texas Colonists Doing Well. , The party that recently left Williams port for the State of Texas seem to have got into a good locality, as the following extract of a letter from Mr. Bostian ap pears to indicate : A word about our party and I shall close for this time. They are all good men ; one is a plasterer, and got work at Houston at$per day; the others all came down to this (Eagle) station, and they had bo many offers since we arrived that they don't know which to accept. Offers like the following are abundant: 1st The land owners oiler land at a very low figureandagree to furnish them with horses, farming implements, seed and provisions: 2nd, land at any price and on any kind of terms : 8rd, $20 a month gold, and board. At this writing nearly all are settled one way or another. C-i" At Minneapolis on February 17th,. about half past 6 o'clock, William II. Sidle assistant cashier in the First Na tional bank of that city, was shot in the head and mortally wounded by a young woman named Kate Noonan. Sidle was a young man highly con nected, and the affair has caused a great deal of excitement. Miss Noonan claims that Sidle bad seduced and then deserted her. The shooting occurred on the street, in front of the Nicollet hotel, and was witnessed by several persons. The woman was Immediately arrested. She betrays no remorse for the deed. Sidle died soon after 12 o'clock that morning. Mr. Sidle was formerly from Dills burg, York county ,'where a number of his relations are "till residing. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. I Washington, D. C, Feb. 21sr, 1877. Only two short weaks remain before the Imrplexinp; question of the PreMdcncy must. e settled " for better or for worse." The days ias quickly and preparations are In' progress for the various changes that must take place more preparation, doubtless, than the generitHty of the people are aware of many in unimnlnnble quarters and for uiitliought of itiiisous. Ariatiftnrmmt for the vacating of the White House have been made by the family whose home It has been for the InRt eight years and have seen more family changes there than have been experienced at tho executive mansion during any other Presidential term. The President and Mrs. G. will leave the White House on the 3rd of March, and will become the guests of Secretary and Mrs. Fish at whose residence they will remain till the first of April when they will begin a traveling tour which will extend through the western part of our own country, thence to Cuba and Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Bartoris will this week take up their abode with Mrs. Louis Dont of this city where they will remain till May and then sail for Europe. Mrs. Sar toris bos bad an unexpected experience, having passed her girl-hood as Nellie Grant in the White House, orossed the ocean and been received at foreign courts with much honor, as the daughter of America's high est magistrate married, became a mother, lost her little one, and is still under twenty years of age. Poor thing I She has never known the freedom and careless joy of child-hood, the truest and purest Joy a per son can knew iu this life. Blie was diacr- ged into society while she was hardly more' Mian a baby, ana tnere sue uas always re mained.' Col. Fred Grant, who has been in Washington two winters engaged in' making copies of the records of General Sheridan's head-quarters, destroyed in the Chicago fire, will return to the Lieutenant General's head-auarters at Chicago with out delay. The data which he has been' collecting embraces not only the official records of the head-quarters, but also the' necessary material for a full and concise history of Sheridan and bis connection with the war of the Rebellion. Ulysses Grant, Jr., who has been tho President's private secretary, will leave for New York on the 5th of March to begin the practice of law with the firm of which he is now a member. Tho other son and youngest child of the President is in college. It has been aunounoed that no more receptions, levees, or publio entertainments of any kind will be given by President Grant, not even the farewell dinner to the cabinet that has been talked of and expected. The omission of the usual Presidential levees this winter has been the subject of much comment but sufficient reason for it exists in the fact of the excited state of feeling incident to the politioal contest between the friends of the candidates for the suc cession. The statement that the President Intends making Washington his future home has been contradicted and the asser tion made (upon what authority I cannot say) that he has come to no such decision and that his late purchase of a home bore was made only to relieve parties who bad purchased the ground from him which his his own house partly occupies. Monday and Tuesday of last week were completely filled with gayety, several en tertainments of tho most brilliant sort be ing given both day and evening, on ac count of their being considered the last available opportunity for festivities before Lent. But t'e customary change in so cial matters does not seem to have taken place siuce the advent of the Lental sea son, the only observable difference being that the ladies who receive during Lent are careful not to ' tempt their guests to break the fast they are supposed to be keeping by oifering them eveu such light refreshments as oak a. and coli'ee, or sand wiches and tea, which are the staples of impromptu lunch-tables tbis winter. Danc ing is not thought of, of course, but there bas been very little dancing at invited companies this season in Washington, and the theatre and opera are matters of in dividual option. The navy here, especially the older of ficers, have had a four-fold gloom cast upon tbera by the recent death of four old comrades Admiral Smith, Alden, Wilkes and Daily. They were all residents of Washington, Indeed, the District seems to be preferred by retired army and navy of ficers (from whatever part of the country they wore originally appointed) as a home after their lives of active duty are over. The Eleotoral count will reach Oregon to-day and that will probably be the last state to which objections will be made so we may hope for a speedy settlement of affairs and that when the long and painful suspense is over, both parties will lay aside their bitterness and set at work right earnestly to improve the nation's finances, develop its industry, and above all, to make those changes in its Constitution which will render a recurrence of the pres ent difficulty Impossible. M. M. W. Miscellaneous News Items. Pittsburgh, February 19. Judge H. W. Williams, of Pennsylvania supreme court, died here tbis afternoon of heart disease. t3T The notorious burglar Rolland bas a faithful wife. She is now iu Chambers burg doubtless intent on getting her hus band out of jail again. tar Mrs. I. P. Bechte), of Treniont, Schuylkill county, went to the barn on Sunday a week and bung herself. She was sick and despondent ; 43 years old, and left two children. James Fields, an Englishman of culture and refinement, died of dropsy in the Schuylkill almshouse on Sunday a week, lie was given a christaiu burial by friends of better days. tW A. remarkable revival has taken place in Warren, Pa., the present season. Starting with the Methodists it bas gone the rounds of the various evangelical churches, ending with the Presbyterians. tS"" John G. Clark, white, of Augusta, Ga., was sentenced to the chain gang for stealing two japonlca plants. Ua bas served one year and a petition for executive clemency bas been largely sigued. . ty Prof. George L. Vose, of the de partment of civil engineering at Bowdoln College, Me., lu a letter on what be calls "the Ashtabula orime," says he can put bis hand upon certainly one railway where ite managers are assuming most fearful responsibility in running trains over a lot Of old woodeu brldizes which have been Justly condomned for years, which are under tne inspection of no competent authority. The public ought to know what road that is. tW A Newton, Conn., youth, who has just ceased bis visits to a young lady of East Bridgeport, finds himself sued by the eirl s mother lor fou lor food and kerosene oil. The case is coming to trial, too. t3T The Cburur says there were' thir teen bodies of children in Tamaqua, Satur day night a week, awaiting burial, death having occurred from whooping cough and scarlet fever. tW James Sullivan laid down on the railroad track, near Beaver city, Clarion county, on Tuesday evening last, and after the pasenger train went over bitn was very thoroughly chopped up and mangled. He was a victim of whisky. tThe widow, Mrs. Oliver, who Is suing Simon Cameron for f 50,000 breaoh of promise case is a Georgia lady. She is about thirty-five years old, very vivacious and attractive, aud is a graduate of Cov ington Female College. tW In JohnBtown, recently, Mrs. Sarah Jones left Enoch Jones and ran away with John W. Jones. She took with her f 100 of Enooh's money. This is evidently a case of bewilderment. Mrs. Jones has forgotten which Jones is her Jones. IW The Shamokin Times says that the leg of Jeremiah Hurley, the boy run away with by a mule last week, was jerked en tirely off above the knee. The leg was thrown up into the air, the blood spurting in all directions. The terrible affair was witnessed by the father, who rushed up as quiokly as possible, and taking the boy's suspenders tied them around his thigh to stop the flow of blood. The boy may re cover, but it does not seem possible. t3T" The Soutblngton, Ct., Sentinel says: There is a man in this town between 60 and 10 years of age, who has steadily worked for his father until the present day ; never had a dollar in bis pocket, never went to church, wedding or funeral, never was on a car, never to a party, never spoke to a girl except to ask where her mother was, never had a holiday, and yet had his poll tax abated- this year on acoount of poverty, while his father's estate is estimated at from 30,000 to $50,000. . t3T At Albany, Otpgon, a few days ago, a bag of arsenic was found fastened to the mouth of the court-house pump in such a way that all water drawn from the pump would have to peroolate the bag and be Infected with the poison. One of the principal schools in the city draws its supply of water entirely from that pump; so that, bad the danger not been discovered in time, there would have been widespread sickness, if not death, amocg the young people. EST" An extraordinary case of usury is now beiug tried in Paris, the culprit being a rich Englishman, named Edwards. The total amount of money lent by him during the past two or three years is put down at 3,000,000 francs, for which he charged an interest of 1,000,000. He is now in trouble for londing a Turkish prince 50,000, francs, for which he scoured S00, 000 francs worth of diamonds, which were for sale on condi tion of a quarter of the price dewn, and then giving him 60,000 francs more for the jewels. Baltimore, Feb. 20. Four Molly Ma gulres were shot by a saloon keeper named Price on the line of the new city water works in Baltimore county a few nights ago. A gang of desperadoes attempted to rob Price, wno emptied his relvolver into the orowd and fled to the woods. He has not sinoe been seen, and may have been murdered. His assailauts have been scour ing the oountry for him and openly threat ened him with death if found. They gutted bis establishment, and were found by the oounty officers in a beastly state of intoxication. The Mollies have been mak ing things lively along the line of the works for some time, but as fast as discovered are being discharged by the contractors. V3 Italy is making great preparations for a representation at the Paris Exposition of 1878. Two hundred tons of statuary belonging to the Government will be sent, by way of decoration for the Italian section, besides numerous paintings and other ornaments. Manufactures will be repre sented to a greater extent than ever before. During the Expositions of 1851 and 1855, Italy was still divided into several States ; during those of 1863 and 1867, she was torn by political divisions. At the time of the Vienna exposition she was suffering from a commercial crisis, and Philadelphia, being a distant point, did not receive the attention that a greater proximity would have commanded. In 1'878, all past short comings are to be atoned for. - St. Louis, Feb. 20. A fire broke out about midnight in a row of frame bouses just north of the bridge approach in East St. Louis. A strong north wind carried tho flames to the wood work of the bridge approach, and about 1,000 feet of the structure caught fire. Several tire engines from St. Louis attempted to cross the bnage to asist in subduing the nre, but were cut off by the flames and forced to return. Subsequently two or three fire engines were taken over on the ferryboat. Some six or eight hundred feet of . the carriage way approach of the bridge, which is constructed mostly of wood, was destroy ed, and some of the lighter ironwork supporting the carriage way is more or less warped and twisted, and will have to be replaced. The railway floor of the ap proach is much less injured ,nd the persons in charge of the bridge believe the track will be so far restored that trains will be able to oross in four days. The loss to the bridge company will probably be not more than $50,000. , i a. ai ii i VST Spots on the Bun do not visibly diminish Its brilliancy, but spots, pimples or blotches upon the face, neck or arm, seriously detract from female beamy. Tbey may, however, be completely removed oy the daily use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Depot, Crlttrnton's No. 7, 6th Ave., N. T. Uill's flair & Whisker dye, browo or black, 50 cents. - 84w fltjk Aalokwitul KPnnlUI t I l-l. is unequalled for whiteness and durabil-' lty always on band and for sale by tfT F. MOKTlMEit.