The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 20, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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Ob snd sfter Novenilwr 17th, Trains mn s followt I
j . !t EASTWARD.
"tntwrntr ,. J'lA.MnlllAtl'.'l Mffl
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I WIMUsbunr Kiiwss leaves nrrialmrir at II
Duncaunon 11. t (mi;): Nnwrort 11.67 (iUk)
riven at l'lttHlmrK at tub A, m.
ml p
Phtlft.lolll:tft KsnrpRK leaves Attnona at 10.00 r. '
Tyrone at lo.:w p. in., vtunttniolon 11.18 p. in., Lewis
town .1., l'J ;). in.. Mi mill U.Md.rn., llarrlnnrir S.4lia.m.
I Wduliitf Vest. tllPi Way I'tipcetiirer leaves Harris
uurtf lmny me inner tmiim uany fixecpT numiny,
tlV", the Atlantic Express leaves Altuotll.
Many, me niner irmua imuy except nunimy.
Public Sales. Those having wile bills
printed at this olilee will have the no.
tiee of the sale in this lint Without extra
charge until day of -me.
February 21st., Jneob Seller nt bis residence In
Centre twp., will sell 3 cows, a largo lot of
lumber and household furniture, lue nouse
and lot will also bo ottered for sale at lue
same time.
February 22nd. Mrs. Rebecca Trostle, at her
residence In Raccoon Valley, 8 miles N. K,
of Iehcsburg will sell horses, cattle, sheep
nud lurnilng 'implements.
February 23rd. Geo. W. Btoue, at his resi
dence In Carroll twp., will sell cows, pigs,
larmlng Implements and household luml
ture. ' i
February 23rd. L. K. Glngerleh, in Bavllle
twp., a miles w. it. ol leseeourg, win oner
live stock, mrmlng Implements and household
furniture. The farm will also be ottered for
February 28th. Solomon Bistline, of Toboyna
tp., win sell Dorses. cows, wagons and tann
ing implements. W. D. Ilenry, Auctioneer
March 1st. W. II. Dnrn, executor of the es
tate of Fred E. Dum, dee'd will sell stock,
tarmlug Implements, and household furni
i ture and lumber. . , .
March 2d., Geo. R. Halt at the Orr farm at
, iiiilow't (Uridge, will sell Live Block, form,
lug Implements, &c.
March 3rd. Robert McDonald, will sell at his
rrsldeuce In Carroll township, near Lackey's
Cross Roads, horses, cows, wagons and
larmiug tmpiemeuis.
March 3. II. Folk, at his residence miles
east of Keystone Post ofllce, in Rve twp..
wll pell t borne, 1 fat hog, buggy and oar-
ucee, narrows flows, etc.
March 3rd Win. E. Kirk of Wheatficld two..
Will oUe.r horses, cows, wagons, and a gen
eral variety oi larmiug implements.
March 3rd. B. W. fc 8. M. Small at the farm
(if Adam Small In Centre twp., will sell horses
wagons, and various farming Implements
March Btli. Andrew Miller will sell horses.
cows, young cuttle and farming Implements
in Tyrone vwp., i miles south-east or Land
March Olh. G. F. Ensminger, assignee of
j. u. dkucs, win sen norses, mules, cows,
sheep, and a general assortment of farming
March 8th. Jacob II. Kline at his farm one
mile N. E. of Blain, will sell a large lot of
siocK, wagonB, tarming implements, etc.
David lliuesmlth, Auctioneer. .
March 0th. John Vf". Collins one mile from
tiermantown will sell horses cattle, hogs,
wagons, farming Implements etc. W. D.
idenry, Auctioneer.
March 10th. Henry Seller, at his residence
in Rye twp., between Oi ler's Point and Ster
ret's Gap, will sell horses, cows hogs, furra
lmplementa, and household furniture. A
email farm will also be oUercd for salo at
' the same time. ....
Marsh 12th. Thomas Coleman, in Ryo twp.,
fdH sell Horses, Cows, Wagons, Farming
lnplementB, Ac.
March 13th. David Dunkleberger, at his resi
dence in Spring twp., will sell horses, com,
sheep, bogs, wagons and a general assort
ment of farming implements. Jas. Clccland
- Auctioneer.
MareWOb. G. W. Albright, at his residence
in Rye township, will sell horses, cattle,
sheep, farmiug Implements and household
March "HA. Daniel Julius, In Centre twp.,
soar Bloemfleld will sell horses, cows, wag
ons and a general stock of farming imple
ments. W., Auctioneer.
March 15th. The Executors of the estate of
John Kelt, dee'd., on the farm near Blno
Ball, will sell livestock, farming implements
and honalKld furniture.'
March Wbh .Jeremiah Keck will sell horses,
cows, yauag cattle, 'hogs and farming Imple
ments In Tyrone twp., l)4j miles south-east
of Landlsburg.
March 17th. The heirs of Elizabeth Strieker,
will sell cows, young cattle and farming Im
plements. W. D. Henry, Auctioneer. v
March 17th. Margaret Wagner, on the larm
formerly oecnpind by John Wagner, dep'd la
Savllle twp., will offer horses, cattle, farming
implements, and household furniture. David
M'Coy, Auctioneer.
March 17th. Win. H. Dnnkleberger, at I bis
residence in Spring twp., 1 14 uiiles from
Bine Ball wtll sell horses, cows sheep, young
" cattle, and a lot of farming implements. I).
Eloesmith, Aaotlooeer. ,. j ri, , ,7J,
Sale Bills got tip In good style. Priise
W.a5 to $5, according to size. Bend
list of articles and day of sale and state
4e priced hill you want to this ofllce
and your bills will be sent you by return
Of . . ' - . (I(
' Church" Notice. . (
Prettfihing in the E. Church on
Sunday vening nest. -
PrentyU.rian Church CoBMiiunion
next BaWmth at 11 a. m. Bervices each
evening during the week at 7 p. m.-r-Preachlng
on Monday evening by liev.
J. J, Hamilton and at close of week.
Friday evening, Haturday mom ingantl
iilllV C. T . AX, JjUgllJ.
, .1., 1 Drier Item. r,','
The academy In this place will open
again on the Uth of April, j : ;
A proiractefl meeting is now in pftv.
f;reM in the Kvangellcal church at Kl
lottsburg. A reading school has been Inaugurated
in the Germany school house, meeting
In the evening weekly.
The coming female hut for spring
looks as if it had been run over length
wise by a broad-wheeled road wagon.
W. II. lllce has received the appoint
ment of postMiianter for Carllnle bprlngn
which ofllce has been re-established.
The Railroad bridge crossing the
Susquehanna at fli'llnsgrovo, was des
Btroycd by lire on Haturday evening.
That white owl which was shot by Mr.
Henry Souder has been stutl'ed and can
now be seen by calling at the store of V,
The horse that was kinked Itelonglng
to Mr. 1). Tressler, haB since died. Mr.
Z. lllce also lost a horse from the result
of a kick.
Four boys were arrested at Altoona the
other day for assaulting and robbing a
Ind who had just received fl.fiO from his
father to pay a bill. '
The Cumberland County Commission
ers pnld $11)0.50 us premiums on fox
sculps during the year 1870. The Com
missioners of Franklin county paid
fi'KO.OO as premiums on mink, fo. and
wild cat scalps. .
Mrs. Varnes, an old lady bordering on
HO years of age, and widow of the late
George Varnes, Ksq., deceased, slipped
and fell on the pavement (Sunday
evening awcek, in Newport, breaking
her right arm.
)At Shcrmansdale on a recent .Sunday
morning a horse was found tied where
his rider had left him all night, while
he went home with his girl. The an
mal was cared for by a neighbor until
thcyoungmanputinan appearance and
take him home. Next time the "Squire'
will make somo.difierent arrangements,
perhaps take the bridle on one arm and
the girl on the other.
x Concert. A concert will be given 011
Thursday evening of this week for the
aid of the Bloomfletd Hand. - TheBhip
pensburg Band troupe will be present,
and aid on ' this occasion. Concert to
commence at quarter before 8 o'clock.
Admittance 13 cents. Our citizens will
we hope,glve the bund a hearty support.
Assessorsto be Elected. Assessors and
constables are to be eleoteTi this spring
In this county. The decision of the At
torney General As to holding over only
applied to those officials who were sworn
in subsequent to April 1st, 1870, and
these officers in this county were sworn
in on the 1st of April in accordance
with that provision of the law.
Getting down to Hard Pan. The follow
ing assignments have been made in ad
dition to those already reported : ' .
W. T. IJewaltofcWrolltoCStouner.
Abram Fry ' & wife of Tusearora to
John Crum.
Wm. Meyers, Tuscorora twp., to Wm.
L. Donally. ; , , . , ,
George Matchctt & wife of Miller, to
Solomon Btgham, of Wheutfleld.
Fire in Port Royal. About 3 o'clock on
Monday morning of last week, the
building occupied by Stewart Okeson
as a store room and dwelling was dis
covered to be on Are, and was complete
ly destroyed. Most of the goods and
much of the household furniture was
removed. How the fire originated is
not known. The property was fully In
sured. Coal Digging has been resumed in .Little
Germany, and a company organized
styled the Germany Valley Coal and
Mining company, consisting of the fol
lowing officers : G. W. Reeder, Tres.; J.
C. Smith, Sect.; SamU Dile, Treas. and
Wm. Foose, Ira Weaver and Sam'l Dile,
Directors. A shaft has already been
opened in the side of the hill, eight feet
square and about thirty feet deep.
Let it Pass. A bill has been introduced
4n the House of Representatives to pun-
1311 improper assemblies upon the public
streets, providing that any three persons
who shall remain for a quarter of a.n
hour in front of any public house or
cliurch, and shall engage In profane, ob
scene or loud talk or In making invidi
ous or abusive remarks.or In obstructing
the highway, shall be guilty ;6f misde
meanor. The passage of this bill would
meet w 1th the general approval of all re
spectable and law abiding citizens, and
these are fewplacea, If an, in which it
would not be beneficial iM ( ' ' i '
Cumberland County. We opy' the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers! last week';"r . ...I 111' i
We have been Informed that a man by
the name of David FiJv. livinflr.near
the Ridge road, attempted to destroy
his life, a few days since, by taking a
teaspoon ful of arsenic. From last uo
!Ount he was not expected to recover.
Domestic trouble ls assigned as the
cause. Knt:rprir.
A new bank barn, belonirini? to the;
Messrs. Ahl. on the old Kvle nrooertv.
in Penn township, was destroveil bv
tire last Thursday eveuinir. The build
ing was without doubt fired by an
incendiary, and is the second barn de
stroyed ou the same site in the last four
f ; 1. ' S P. ; ' .
On Wednesday mornlnir, before, five
o'clock, Taylor Morrison discovered the
forge of Moses Jlrleker, Esq., oruMain
street, to be on fire, and at once sounded
the alarm. With the aid of some of the
neighbors he succeeded in extinguishing
the lire before any damage was done.
The building hod been fired In three
dlflbrent places. Sentinel. v
On Ttiesday evening lust, be! ween the
hours of 5 and six o'clock, the frame
tenement house on the farm of Michael
Wlngert, one-half mile west of Middle
Spring, and In the occupancy of Sam'l
Reed, was entirely 1 consumed by fire.
The building took fire in the roof, and
Is supposed to have ignited from a spark.
The Humes spread so rapidly that all
efforts to save any of the furniture in the
upper portion of the house was without
avail. Mr. Wlngert's loss Is about $500,
on which there Is a partial insurance.
Mr. Reed's loss Is a severe one, as he Is a
laboring man and without means.
A distressing and terrible accident oc
curred at the Mansion House, In tills
place, on Sunday morning. Susan Sny
der, second cook of the hotel, was stand
ing with her back to the range in the
kitchen, and her dress coming in con
tact with the tire, she was, in an instant
covered with llame. Tho 11 ro was ex
tinguished by some of the other domes
tics, but not'before her entire body had
been burned almost toacrlsp. Through
out Sunday she suflered great pain, but
In the evening became a little easier and
yesterday morning her condition had
sensibly Improved. At first grave fears
were entertained for her recovery, hut
at this writing the prospects are cheered
with a lively ray of hope. ShelB receiv
ing the greatest attention from those
around her, all of whom are using every
endeavor to alleviate her painful condi
tion. Mirror. 1 , .
- -- - -p
Do You Want One? I have yet several
sewing machines which will be sold at
half price for cash. If you want a bar
gain, now is your time to get It.
F. -Moutimhu.
For Rent A house containing 5 rooms
and a kitchen, located on Main st., this
borough. For further Information apply
to this office.
For ale. A good " Radiant Light"
Base burning Stove, for Sale Cheap for
Cash. Apply to S. H. Back, New
Blank Receipt Books for Administrators
and Executors. Also blank notes and
all other blanks for sale at this ofllce. tf
For Sale or Rent. The Hotel property
situate on Carlisle Street, north of the
Court House, New Bloomfleld, Pa. Pos
session given on April, 1st, 1877. For
information, apply to,
Mns. Saiiah Dekhiuk,
Mansvllle, Perry co., Pa.
A Reduction. I desire to notify the
citizens of Perry county, that I am pre
pared to re-paint old buggies at from
$8.00 up, and re-varnish from $4.00 to
$5.00, and other repairs at same propor
tion. I have also on hand second hand
buggies and Spring wagons.
New work made to order. (Jive me a
call. Shop back of Smith & McBiide's
blacksmith shop, New Bloomfleld, Pa.
K. T. It A K EH.
Special Notlee. Having added a room
for the express purpose of showing car
pets oil cloth and wall paper, we ask
jiersons wanting any of these articles to
look at our assortment.
Take Notice. Notice is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the undersigned,
that a dissolution of partnership is to
take placo 011 April 1st. All accounts
must be settled by note or otherwise be
fore that ilate, and accounts not settled
in accordance with this notice will be
put in the hands of a Justice for col
lection. Tho business will after that
date be carried on by 11. W. Smith.
Smith & McBridb..
New Bloomfleld, Jan. 23, 1877. tf
Schwartz Holds the Fort for the Cheapest
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, tc, in tho
County. Give him a call.
Newport, Pa.
Tailoring promptly and well done.
We will furnish you the goods, or you
can bring your own material, and be as
sured of having a good fit.
Lfppincott's Magazine.
Lippincott's Magazine for March opens with
a very Interesting and handsomely illustrated
sketch of travel entitled "In the Valleys of
Peru," which ls followed by au entertaining
account of "An Adventure in Japan." also
finely Illustrated. " Setb," ls a powerful story
by that popular wrilor, Fannie Hodgson Bur
nett, and " A Jewish Family," also a story,
presents a strong picture ol Jewish life and
character. Under the title of " Reminiscences
of a Poet-Painter," arc presented some very
interesting recollections and anecdotes of T.
Bncbanan Read, tho well-known author of
" Sheridan's Ride," and other poems. " Place
aux Dames ( or, The LaclitSieak at Last," Is
an amusing little play, in which various fo
malo characters from SbakeBpeare's works are
introduced and made to speak In a manner
that would sorely astODieh the ' Bard of
Avou," and ninny other intersting articles.
There Is No Articlo Like It to Cleanse
aud liesture.
Ik unlike any other, and has no equal. The Im
proved has new vegetable tonto nropertlMi re
stores ki ay hair to a glossy, natural color s re
stores faded, dry, harsh and falling Uair; restores
hair to prematurely bald lieadkj removes dan
druff, humors, sealy eruptions 1 remove inlu.
tiou.ilijilut d scaly dryness. No article pro
duces such wonderful effects. -Try It, call for
Wood s Improved Hair Hestorailve, and don t ba
put ojr km any othtr av4.te. Hold by ail drug,
gists In this place and everywhere. Trade sup.
plied at niaiiiifactuiers'pi'icAs by C. A. COOK A
CO., Clilt'sicu. Hula Agents for the I'ulted Stalos
and Canada, and by Johnston. Hollows V Co.,
I'liiladuliihla. . 10.3c. lye.o.w
E. r. KmikcPs Mitel" TTIno of Iron .
Gives tone to the stomach, Improves tho lap
pellte and assists digestion, excites tho bowels
to hoallhy sctlon, expelling all the foul humor
that contaminate the blood, corrupt tho sncre
tlons and ollend thebreatb. It excites the liver
to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves,
Imparting that glow to life that proceeds alone
from perfoet health. Thousands In all walks
of lire, testify to the virtues of this excellent
medicine In correcting the derangement of the
digestive organs. Get the genuine. Sold Only
In ft bottles. Ask for E. F. Kunkbl's Bittih
Win of InoA, and take no other.
Dyspepsia Dyspepsia Dyspepsia
E. F. Kunkcl's Bitter Wine of Iron, a sure
cure for tbii disease. It has been prescribed
dally for many years In the practice of eminent
physicians with unparalleled success Symp
toms are loss of appetite, wind and rising of
food, dryness In mouth, headache, dizziness,
sloeplessuoss and low spirits. Get tbe genu
ine. Not sold In bulk, only II bottles.
Do yon want inmetlilng to strengthen you,
or a good appetite 1 Do you want to get rid of
nervousness I, Do you want energy, sleep well
ro be cured nf dyspepsia, kidney or liver dis
ease? TryE. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of
Iron. Eever bottle guaranteed to do as rec
ommended. Depot and olllce, 250 North Ninth
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Get the genuine. Bold
by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Kunkel's and
take uo other. All I ask is a trial of this val
uable mtiU'ciiic. One bottle will conviuceyon.
Get six bottles for f.r.00, $1 , for one.
Tape Worm Removed Alive.
Tape Worm, Pin, Beat and Stomache Worm
removed allvo In from two to four hours. No
see until head of Tnpo Worm pusses alive and
In one. Ask your drngglst for Kunkel's Worm
Syrup. Bold only In 81. U0 bottles. Used for
children and grown persons. It never falls. Or
send for circular to Dr. Kunkel, 259 North
Ninth Street, Philadelphia Pa. Address by
mall free. Send three cent stamp for returns
of letter. 8 4t
Philadelphia Produce and Stock Roport.
1'im.AnEi.MtiA. February 17' h. The week has
been very quiet and but little change can be inj.
ted In prices of Produce. We quote wheat at 150
tli; ComMWSII; Jtye 7.;0i Oats MittZl C'lo
verseed at I5K,$)6.
Htoek quotations are, 1'enn'a R. R. 42V Read
ing 1Pi; Nor. Central 21; Lehigh Va' iM Phil
& Krle 10 : Gold loss. a
A Word About Boots. Good boots are
the most importantartlcle of men's wear.
After trying several makes, we have
concluded that tho boots made by the
Watsontown company are the tiest in
themarket. They are hand-made and
manufactured from the best stock of
any we can get while the shape is better
adapted to the general trade. Their
goods are for sale by the stores gener
ally throughout this county, and a full
supply can be found at the store of
tf ' : F. MOHTIMEH.
County Price Current.
Bloom nBin, February 111. 1877.
Klax-Beed , 1
Potatoes 75
Butter V pound, (fresh roll) IS
Packed Butter y pound, In
Eggs V dozen U "
Dried Apples fl pound 3lg ct'i"
Dried Peaches 12 cts.f ft
Cherries 0 0" cts. "
" Pitted..... ooeooots.
Blackberries,.. OQOcts. ;
Carlisle, l'ebruniy 10. 177.
Family Flour j.H5
Hupcrllne Rye Flour 3.50
While Wheat, new 130
Red Wheat.liow
Rye o
Corn, (new) 44
Oats 30
Oloverseed 9.(10 a 9.00
I Ojrnatcd Weekly by Kougti Jc nrolher. 1
Ewi'OHT, February 17, 1M7.
Fiour, Extra 15 50
" Super. 4 50
White Wheat y bu 130al 30
Red Wheat.. 1 25 0 1 25
Bye fT.'. 60060
Corn, 40I245
Oats V S2 pounds 30IO
Clover Seed ; 9 0069 00
Timothy Seed...., 150
Flax Seed, j, 1 00
Potatoes 809go
Beou 10 14
Dressed Hogs, ticts.
Ground Alumn Salt 1 50 1 60 '
Llmeburner's Coal i 25
Stove Coal. 4 00 500
Pea CoaU..,.....t. 2 75
Gordon's Food per Sack.... .S2 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
Lowest Market. Kates.
r Five per ceutoO for Cash. ,
Hknoii Snoi'.-On the 25th ult.. In Blaln. at
Lutheran Parsonage, by the Rev. J. Frailer. Mr.
Alison Ueucu. to Miss Ida A. tilioue, all ol Ferry
county. . '
Pottkh-FistOn. On February 15th. by Rev.
M. Colver. at the Lutheran parsonage of Newport.
.Mr Haimiel .t. Potter to Miss HaUe It. Flnlon
both of Howo twp,, this county.
Death notices not exodln 5 lines iuscrted without
8i;n.i:ii. InCuinberlaiid comity on the 1st Inst.,
Mrs. Catharine Seller aged 81 years, 10 months
and a days. The deitased leaves lfi'j personal
decendants, viz: VI children. 31 Grand children.
M Great .rand children, and U Great Great
Grand children.
KiHTLKi;. On the 11th lust., at Perry Furnace,
of croup, K.lward U-wl. child or Mr. Jacob
Kislter, aged 2 years. 5 months and :N ilavs.
HTRNhTKiN. On the l.Hh lust., in. Newport,
Mrs. Hoitensteln, aged alxmt 35 years.
NOTICK is hereby given that tieorse Malelidt
and Lean M, Maichett, his wile, of Miller town
ship, Perry county, have assigned their property
and ellet-l to the undersigned, of Wiieaiiteld
township. Perry county, for the benellt of cred
itors. All persons therefore Indebted to said as
slunors are rpisia 10 make payment and
Mll.SA htiuintf nliillna ..'111 hU.u-
duly autheiilicatvd lothe uudersigued (or settle-
LKWW POTTKU, Atty. . fel?.3.
New Bloomfleld, Terry Co.,
" THOS. 8UTCH, Proprietor,
INSTATE NOTICK.-Notlee Is hereby glv
J en. that Letters of Administration on th e.
tale ol .lacob lllce, late of Savllle township.
Perry county, deceased, have been u ranted to tbe
subscriber residing In the same township.
All persons Indebted to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims to present them duly authenticated lor
settlement to 1 ,
' . " ' tlONATUAN HICK,
A. M. Mahkri,, Attorney. (Administrators.
February 187i-tpd
I718TATK NOTICK. Notice Is hereby gtv
li en that Letters of Administration on the
esiate'of John H. JIcHIvy, lain of New llultalo
borough. Perry 'a., deceased, have been granled
to the undersigned residing In the same borough.
All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed
to make Immediate pati'ient and those having
ciaims win present mem uuiy autheiilicateil lor
settlement t
February 13, 1877.pd
NOTICE. The public are hereby notified anil
warned not to molest, or in anv wnv tres
pass on tbe rights and credits of Anthony Ho
Khait In the following property purchased by him
at Sheriff's sale, at H10 residence of Levi Hugharf.
on the 7th day of February. 1K77. said property
being left In the care of Levi Sughart. viz:
Two Cows, 4 head of Young Cttle, 1 Mower
coiublnid. 1 two horse Wagon, 1 Melal Plow.
Double and Single Trees, 1 Grain Cradle, Lot of
Cow Chains. 1 pair of Hreast chains, 1 pair of
Hint ch ilns, 1 liny Hake, 1 Corn Coverer, and 1
Per Lkvi Huoimiit, Agent.
Blaln, Pa., February l.'l, 1S77. . .
IjiSTATK 1SOTH;K.-Notlce Is herebv given
li that Letters Testiinientnry on the estate ol
hrederlck E. Hum, Inte of Tyrone township,
Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing iu Klliottsburg, Perry
county. Pa.
All persons Indebted tosald estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment and those having
claims to preseut thein duly authenticated for
settlement to
WILLIAM H. DUM. Executor.
A. M. Markel, Attorney for Executor.
January SO, 1877.
Notice Is hereby given that James Irvine ami
wife ol Savllle township. Perry enunty. Pa., bv
deed of voluntary assignment nave assigned ais
the estate, real and personal, ol the said James
Irvine to Tims. II. Mllllgun, of the borough o
Newpoit. county and state aforesaid, In trust ton
the benefit of the creditors ol the said .lames,
Irvine. All eitons therefore Indebted to the.
sii'd James Irvine, will make pament to the snhc
assign, e, and those having claims or demands will
make known the same without delav.
January 80, 1877. Assignees
Notice Is hereby given that John Yohn of Cur
roll township. Perry coiintv, Peiin'a., by deed of
voluntary deed o assignment hac assigned ail tlm
estate, real and personal of the said John Yohn
to A. M. Fleck, ol Shermansdale, county and
state aforesaid. In trust (or the benellt of tho,
creditors of the said John Yohn. All person
therefore Indebted to the said John Yonn, wiil
make payment to the said assignee, and those
havlngclaims or demands will mako known the
same without delay.
January 30, 1877. Assignee.
adapted to all kinds of goods, and to all the Oil
lerent and fashionable styles of Plaiting. Simph
nnd easily managed, it is Just the article every
lady needs.
Sent bj mail, postage paid, ou receipt of price.. Send lor Circular.
' IU thrtlttnM titrtet Jfev) YorK.
"The Best Thingtln tho West."
Atchison, Topaka k Santa Fe R. R.
,CO(),00() ACHES
of the best Farming and Agricultural Lands in
America, situated In and near the beautiful Cot
tonwood and Upper Arkansas Valleys, the gar-,
deji of the West, ou 11 Years' Creull, with 7 ir '
cent. Interest.
I" FARE REFUNDED To purchasers of
-Circulars, with map, giving full inform.!
tlon. sent free. Address
Acting Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas.
Or, C. M. MORRISON, anent of A.. T. It H. K.
R. K., No. 26 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa. 4 3io
U Auctioneer,
Offers his' services to the citizens of Perry and
Cumberland counties. Post ofllce address,
Sherniansdale, Ferry co.. Fa.
Blain, Perry county Pa.
T-Tcrms Moderate and everv exertion narte
to render satisfaction. t otl
Auctioneer. The undorsigned gives
notice that he will cry sales at any point in Perry
or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and
promplattentlon willbe given.
J!. I). WELLS.
New BuSalo,
Perry co..Pa.
aa Charges verv low.
POjSt Office address
Ickesburg Penn'a-
Delville. Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderafe, and
satislaclion guaranteed. 5 O
The undersigned respectfully Informs Hie citi
zens of UloomHeld and vlciniiv. that thev hare
opened a shoe-shop in the room of K 11. ( louder,
recently occupied as a iJiw oflice. by Calvin Neil..
sou, Esq., where they will do work at pauie pric
es, (repairing made a specialtv at prices to ni
ine iimesj irora 10 to w per ceucsavea ny pauoti
Izingour shop. Our motto Is "quick sales ixl
short profits). Terms cash, or country prodiw.
but positively no credit. . ,
New Klooiulleld, Pa..
January 18, 1876 tf
.VrvtBl .u,
W For Sale hy F. Moktimzk, New tlloon.rK'W.
Perry county, Pa. . 1 .. .
ft"l7 rasKf rerrjl-i !lr.
rsl mw.rai r t i u i. or. r.
lfaJI Uos, Usslu, Snrntkui, J
X' y UekMsslrstil.lailLi