THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1ELD, PA., FElUtUAIlY 20, 1877. 4 . 1ftr The Tlinfw. NOT AN ANGEL. 11 Y W. It. II. M'CMNTXM.K. UNLIKE the heroine!) of most writers, mine is not an angel. When the l'oet llurna was In Edinburgh, he was introdueed by a friend to the studio of a well-known imlnter, whom he found en gaged on a representation of " Jacob's Dream." After minutely examining the work, he wrote the following verses on the back of a little sketch, which is Htlll preserved In the pnlnter's family. It Is highly characteristic of the man : " Dear I'll gle ye ome advice, "You should na paint nil iinuel, mill), ' Tint try and paint the Devil. Tn paint an angM's kittle walk, AVI' auld Nick there's less danger t You'll easy paint a weal-kent face, But no sa well a stranger." This story doe not appear in his liiography but was found in a magazine. We were struck with the force of his lines and henee we shall, hereafter, re frain from attempting to bring our heroines up to an angelic standard. Poor, frail human nature is often over drawn. After all we are but miserable tinners, the highest only a degree above thaJowest. There are, and have been, lovely characters known to exist, whoso merits have been extolled, but whose faults have been lightly skimmed over. 0.yr favorite authors appear to us, al wav, as pure being?. We love Byron and ignore his faults. We do admire Milton, and yet history makes hi A a great scold. Even the grent exemplar, lr. Johnson, had his petty faults, and ho on down the list. No great man of the present day would appear half so great, in our eyes, if we could fully know his private life. We do not speak vf this with pleasure. Wecall attention to a truth and make the appreciation to our novelists, who would have us be Ueve that (Catharine Gaunt, for in hlane:)i their heroines were, in truth, limiftieulate. With" these prefatory remarks we pro ved to Introduce Miss Lucille Agnew. Miss Agnew, ladies and gentlemen, was the only daughter of the most noted cracksman, to use a slang term, of his day. " Billy Agnew," as he was fa miliarly called by the good people of Middletown, was the hero of many esca pades. At home he was known, only, for his good qualities. At home he was a quiet, unassuming, genial neighbor. He was ojien hearted to an unusual de cree. The poor always met with more than they solicited from "Billy." His occupation was that of a blacksmith, and there was not a lazy bone in his body. He worked steadily, week in and week out, except when ho"took a trip North," as he said, " for the purpose of seeing a sickly brother." This trip usually re mired about two weeks. During that time the old blacksmith shop would be desolate and quiet. The prodigality of Billy, after these trips, excited some re mark, but as his good deeds were al ways in the interest of the deserving loor of Middletown, no one seemed to lie very inquisitive as to the meaning of his frequent trips to see his delicate relative. Billy had, in truth, had sev eral narrow, exceeding narrow escapes during some of those trips, but he kept his own secrets like a prudent man should, and was never disturbed in the solitary home at Middletown. This man lacked, even an elementary education, but was possessed of great natural abili ty and of an iron nerve. He had the most perfect control over himself. His muscles were hardened by toil, and no intemperance had weakened his physical powers. The scenes he had taken part in would read like the tales of Dick Tur pln, yet he never told them; while his neighbors slept soundly with Billy in their midst, never for a moment dream ing of the evil that lurked in his bosom. One day Billy took off his leather apron and threw his sledge hammer into a far corner of his shop. He gently closed and locked the door. Going into his humble cottage, he donned a better suit of clothing, then partaking of a hasty meal he was gone. He was oif again to nee that sick brother. That was all he told the people, and as to any thing further about the aforesaid relative, the w hole of Middletown was blissfully ig norant. Billy was gone. This time he went wheu our Northern summer was at its height. The harvest was ended andHhe wind was Just lieginning to blow over the oat stubbles. The glorious days of warm sunshine had joined the goodly i-aln fall, and the jieople were highly Messed in their crops. Industry had brought its reward and God was to be thanked. While all was peace .at Mid dletown and people were rejoiced at the bounties of a merciful Providence, yet that stal wart blacksmith was discontent ed with his lot. The constant click of his hammer bad brought him in plenty of dimes and quarters, and yet he was uu happy. Under the jilea of goi n g to see a nick brother he was off; but It was not on the errand of love as we shall see. Instead of seeking a brother, he went directly to the town ot P- -, There he put up at a first-class hotel. Boon he Was Joined by a friend whom he called "Sam." Bam and Billy became very Intimate. They hired teams and took dally rides Into the country to view the different farms for sale thereabouts. This course they continued for one week. They were hard to please, it appeared, and at the end of the week were as far from purchasing as at first. Farmers sought them and offered them the best of terms, but Billy, who was the spokes man, always found an answer by which to hold the farmer aloof and yet keep him in expectancy. In the meantime they made the acquaintance of the cashier of the Deposit Bank. They called, together, the day after their ar rival at P , and gave the cashier of the Bank a package, said to contain several thousand dollars, and requested him to put it in the safe until called for. It was a sealed package and the cashier never knew but what it contained the amount as represented by them. They further told him that they were looking for a farm and if they could be suited, they intended to purchase. These con versations were continued from day to day until the worthy cashier was com pletely lulled into security. Their de meanor was perfectly right and proper. The cltzens with whom they came in contact were agreeably impressed. As usual in small towns the people went out of their way to do obeisance to the strangers. Billy and Bam actually re ceived favors which would not have been accorded to the old citizens of P . Their money had great Influence. The bar-rooms and stores were made to echo with the stories of their wealth. Thus it lias always been in small towns. Thus it ever will be. Sycophancy to strangers Is the rule, while both eyes are kept open to watch the home citizens. On the Saturday of the week of their arrival, at the hour of 0 P. M., a knock was heard at thedoor of the Bank. The cashier happened to be away from home. He had his residence in' the Bank building, and, although it was after banking hours, t.he cashier was likely to be in at that hour. When the knock was heard It was answered by the watchman who told the gentlemen that " Wm, O had just stepped out, but would be in in a short time." They responded that " they would call again in half an hour." At the end of a half hour they were back. This time Wm. O met them In his usual po lite manner, inviting them Into his set ting room. This they politely declined, stating that they would be glad to see him on business. Billy stated that his friend was unexpectedly called to New York, and as he was short of funds It would be necessary to get a check cashed. He remarked that he was sorry to troublo the cashier at so unreasonable an hour, but the call was so unexpected that they were compelled to ask the favor. Wm. O replied that " it was past banking hours, and the vault was locked, but If a small amount, say one hundred dollars, would be of any use to them he could raise that amount." They jointly replied that it would do, and Wm. O invited them into the banking room. The three then walked into the room. As soon as Sam, who was the last in, had closed the door Btl!y,very suddenly, threw himself upon the unsuspecting cashier, and, before he could utter a slnglecry, had him gagged. Sam, in the meantime, locked thedoor and then hastened to the assistance of his " Pard." Wm. O by this time realized the situation, and, although unable to cry out, yet struggled most violently. Billy would not hurt him norallow his pard to hurt him, although Sam had drawn his revolver. In those powerful hands Wm. O was like a child however, and soon was fixed in a way commonly or technically known as " bucked and gagged." By the aid of tools, which bore the marks of the blacksmith, they soon effected an entrance into the vault Extracting therefrom some thirty thousand dollars In two packages, and leaving their own deposit where Win. O had placed It, they prepared to depart. In the meantime the night watchman, who proved to be the most sagacious man in the town, began to meditate. As he meditated he began to think things looked curious to say the least. Why those men should come there at that hour? was a question with him. Why they should remain so long and so quiet within the Bank? was another question. Acting on bis suspicions be told a few passers by of the singular oc curence. These be placed at favorable locations, and himself stood near the inner door of the Bank. When Billy and Sam came out of the door alone the ease was a clear one to the faithful watchman. Drawing bis club he felled Sam to the floor at one power, ful blow and screamed for help. Billy, seeing the terrible situation at a glance, -.1 1 ...!1L IV . . . . viuBttj jilu uia waicnraan ana by a mighty effort hurled him to the floor- He then leaped across the entry and opened the outer door, baying still re tained the stolen packages. But the outside watchers had beard the alarm of the watchman and in an Instant he was surrounded. , Revolvers faced Billy In all directions and after a brief parley, he was a prison er. The this time, was aroused and a great crowd was soon on the spot. Cries of " Hang him I" " Hang him I" now rent the air. The same people who bad fondled Billy now cried "Hang him I" Huch is the fickleness of human na ture. Sam was secured also and to gether they were marched to prison. The denouement caused great excite ment for miles around as the news of the great robbery spread. In the mean, time Billy sat demurely in his narrow cell with his bead in his hands, looking at his chains, and, thia time he failed to return to his home at the end of two weeks as heretofore. The town of M being somewhat off of the public thoroughfare, did not get news as speedily as other better fa vored towns. At the end of two weeks the good people of M began to look for Billy, but he came not. At the end of three weeks they were really uneasy. Some said " the brother must be very sick." Others said "it was very strange indeed." At the end of four weeks rumors be gan to circulate. One man who bad been North heard of a man being drown ed who resembled Billy. Another heard of him in a rail road accident. At length the true story came in the shape of a newspaper article with flaming headings. This Btlll did not certainly identify Billy with the attempted rob bery, but it was followed and confirmed by a detective. The detective bad found a clue in an envelope which the wily Billy had unintentionally left in his satchel. This envelope had bis name and address written upon the outside. The detective in developing the case Btarted to find the obscure village of M . There was a wonderful commo tion among the people In the quiet town when the truth flnshed upon their as tonished minds. Here, again, former friends execrated the unfortunate Bill. Amid all these terrible denunciations there was but one feeble voice that did not cry out against him in the frantic town. In the little old cabin by the blacksmith shop sat a delicate female. She was an only child, her mother having died in giving her birth. Alone, with her father, she had lived since that solemn hour and now she was just eighteen years old. Beauti ful golden ringlets had learned to cluster about her fair brow, and two little dimples danced in and out about the well shaped mouth. She was possessed of a perfect form, while blushes were con tinually flitting across her countenance like the light and shade of the capricious sunshine of a summer evening. Her moral character was as pure as it could be under the rough culture she had ob tained near the blacksmith shop. She was naturally good at heart, but Lucille Agnew tvaa not an Angel! When the, now envious, neighbors rushed in, with undue baste, to tell her the news, in the harshest manner, she was simply stun ned at first. Stupefied she sat but could not realize the situation. When they talked of robbing a Bank she did not comprehend their meaning. ' When they told her 'that herk father was not with his sick brother she started from her comatose condition. Tears she had none. Her utterance was coarse and choked. When told that her father wasin danger she then,forthe first timo seemed to arouse and the first intelligi ble words she uttered were" Father 1" " danger!" Turning to the nearest news bearer she asked eagerly " Where Is father V" " What Is the danger V" She was in blissful ignorance, all these years, of his occupation and bence never thought that danger hovered nigh unto blm. In her innocence she saw only her father in the rough blacksmith. To Lucille, Billy never was unkind. The only pulsation of love bis callous heart ever felt was caused by Lucille. She was now the Ivy clinging to the oak. As the storm was gathering she was be ginning to cling the closer. Billy Ag new, that day, had but one human be ing In this universe who shed the tear of pity for him or cared a jot about his doom. He bad one other friend the one who befriended the thief on the cross but he knew blm not, Poor Lucille bad but one earthly friend and be was chained in bis cell. The charity of the world is a poor antidote for the unfortunates. They wither under its blighting Influence like the young bud that is nipped by the frost. In answer to her question" Where is father V" She was told that he was in prison at P . The next morning when the neigh bors called to see Lucille again, she was nowhere to be found. The little cottage was deserted. Alone with her tears she bad spent a horrid night. Desolate and disconsolated she might have been ob served, early that morning, pawing rrora her bumble door, out into the by path, alone. i : , , Without a, knowledge of the geogra phy of the country she had sternly le ter mined to seek her father. Thinly clad and without a word to a living soul she started for the far off North land. Father was somewhere and she must find blm. On, on she plodded like a ship without a compass. That day she walked as farashcr weary feet and heavy heart could carry her and when the stars peeped forth and the pale moon looked down, she still continued her tiresome walk. Subsistence was unthougbt of until far in the night and even then, food she had none. She was not an angel and yet Bhe was doing this for her imprisoned parent. With a terrible en ergy she pursued her weary way. At length tired nature could endure no more. Falling on the ground she slept while the stars kept their ccoseless vigil. The next day she resumed her -walk. By begging from the people she obtain ed a scanty meal now and then. Day after day she struggled on until, footsore and feverish, she found that Providence had guided her aright, and that the next day would bring her to the town of Pennington. Her thin shoes bad al ready worn out and now she was com pelled to enter P bare footed. Thus, bare footed and In rag9, poor Lucille was Btlll beautiful. Her black eye took on a more brilliant lustre by reason of her great sufferings. The un combed tresses took on a more wavy ap pearance by reason of neglect to arrange them. Her bare ankles bad been bronz ed by the sun. Her fair complexion had assumed a deeper hue by reason of ex posure during that terrible -walk. But all this mattered not now for that day she should she her father. Enclosed as he was he was still dear to Lucille. Her untainted heart knew but one man in the world and that man was Billy Ag new. Trembling In every nerve she en tered the town where he was confined. Like a frightened bird Bhe fluttered about the cage a long time before she dared to approach the door. Having entered the town through the alleys she Inquired for the prison. As she gazed on the doleful looking struc ture her heart sank within her and she thought of her pleasant home at M . Those great walls of stone and those Iron doors struck terror to her soul. Faintly, under one of the rear windows, she ventured to utter a single word " Father 1" She heard the clanking of chains but no response came from those grid-ironed windows. Again she cried, this time a little louder" Father!" Still no response. This suspense was hard on the Inexperienced wanderer. " Father !" for the third time she ex claimed and still naught but the clank ing of the prison chains. There she stood alone. The big world was around her, but Lucille was alone. Where was Its boasted charity now f Many a poodle had a better homeand more friends than Lucille. The walls echoed back the cry of father, but the world beard It not. She was litterally a prisoner on the outside of the jail. When her ciles failed, she ventured a little closer to the great door. She was not an angel, and as a mere mortal she had to force her way on her errand of love. Gently knocking, there was no response. Still a little louder, and finally, so hard that her knuckles ached, and then she heard foot-steps within. The next moment the heavy door creaked on Its hinges and Lucille Agnew stood face to face with the jailor, With tears pouring down from her eyes she asked, " Is father in " " wno's ratnerf" muttered the an noyed jailor. " Why, my father, sir," she replied. " Well, who are you V" said he in anger. " I am father's Lucille, sir." "What Is your name V" he asked. softening a little at her child-like sim plicity. "My y name, sir, is Lucille Asrnew. I came au ine way irom m to see father?" "Are you the daughter of wunam Agnew r" lie asked. " 1 am," she answered. " Well," said he, "I am sorry for you, my poor girl, but your father is not here, lie was tried in the early part of the week, convicted of the crime of attempted robbery, and is now over a nunarea mues rrom nere, in tne Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia. I am sorry for you my poor child. Your father very much looked for you and con stantly talked about you." There was a loud piercing shriek sent ringing through that old jail that re verberated from corridor to corridor and from cellar to dome. There was a heavy fall and Lucille Agnew the beau tiful the affectionate Lucille lay in sensible at the jailor's feet. Her weary walk was all In vain. Hope's bright dav star went out and all was bleak night. After a brief fitful fever Lucille slept well. No more those feet will ache on earth's hard pebbles. No more cold charity will hurt that young soul. No more cries of " Father" will fall from those soft lips. All tears have been wiped from those sightless orbs. The worm now nestles among those srolden curls that might have dazzled the eyes of the courts of Europe. Surely, when Lucille fell in that jail door-way, Jesus of Nazereth must have passed by and taken the untutored soul back to Its home. Death waa her best friend In a friendless world, and a merciful Heavenly father sent death. She was burled at the expense of the county, in a thin shroud and a pine coffin.. Lucille Agnew was a noble girl, but Lucille Agnew was not an anqkl I CouKumptive Take Kolice. Every moment of delay makes your cars more hnpeloss, and much deponds on the Jndl cloui choice of a remedy. The amount of tes timony In favor or Dr Sehenck'a Pulmonic Byrnp for Consumption, far exceeds all that can be brought to upport the pretensions of any other medicine. Bee Dr. Bchcnck't Al manac, containing the certificates of many por eons of the highest respectability, who have been restored to health, after being pronounc ed Incurable by physicians of acknowledged ability. Bchenck'a Pulmonic Syrup alone cured many, as these evidences will show but the euro Is ofton promoted by the employment of two other remedies which Dr. Bcbenck pro vides for the purpose. These additional reme dies are Bcbenck's Bea Weed Tonic and Man drake Fills. By the timely use of these medi cines, according to directions. Dr. Bchenck certifies that most any case of Consumption may he cured. Dr. Bchenck Is professionally at his principal office, Corner Sixth and Arch Bts., Philadel phia, every Monday, where all letters for ad -vice must be addressed. 6 luif VEGETI N E Btrlkes at the root of disease By purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, Invigorating the nervous system. VEOETINE Is not a vile, nauseous compound, which simply pin lies the bowels, but a safe, pleasant remedy which is sure to purify the blood, and thereby restore the health. VEGETINE Is now prescribed In cases of Scrofula and other diseases of the blood, bv manv of the best phy. sielans, owing lolts great success In curing ail diseases of this nature. VEOETINE Does not deceive Invalids Into false hones by purging and creating a fictitious appetite, but as sists nature In clearing and purifying the whole system, leading the patient gradually to perfect health. VEOETINE Was looked upon as an eiftierlment for some time by some of our best physicians, but those most incredulous In regard to its merits are now Its most ardent friends and supporters. VEOETINE Says a Boston physician, " has nn equal as a blood-purlller. Hearing of Its many wonderful, cures, after all other remedies had tailed, I visit ed the laboratory and convinced myself of Its genuine merit. It Is prepared from barks roots' anil herbs, each of which Is highly etleetive.aiul they are compounded In such a manner as to pro. duue astonishing results." VEGETINE Is ncknowleged and recommended bv physicians and apothecaries to be the best puritl'er and cleanser of the blood yet discovered, and thou sands speak in its praise who have been restored to health. rilOOF WHAT IS XEEMCIK . Boston, Feb. 13, 1871. Mr. II. R. Stevens: . , Dear Sir About one year since I found myself in a feeble condition from general debili ty. VEUET1NK was strongly reoommendtd to me by a friend who had been much benellted by its use. I procured the article, and after nslng several bottles, was restored to health and dis continued Its use. I feel quite confident that there is no medicine superior to it for those complaints for which it Is especially prepared, and would cheerfully recommend It to those who feel that they need something to restore them to perfect health. Kespcctfully yours, V. L. PETTINOILL. Firm of S. M. Pettlnglll & Co., lu .state 8t.,Boston Cincinnati, Nov. 26, 1872. Mr. H. H. Stevens: Dear Wr The two bottles of VKiETINE furnished me by your agent, my wife has used with Kreat benefit. For a long time she has tieen troubled with diz ziness and costtveness; these troub'es are uow entirely removed bytheuseof Vegettne. She was a'so troubled with Dyspepsia and Gen eral Debllltv, and has been II' eat I v benetlted. THOU. GILMOKE, 2iiK Walnnt St. Feel Myielf a Xew Mail, Natick. Mass., June 1, 1872. Mr. II. H. Stevens: Dear Sir Through the ad vice and earnest persuasion of Rpv. K. S. Best, of this place, I have been taking VEGETINE for Dyspepsia, of which I have suffered for years. I have used only two bottles and already feel myself a new man. Respectfully, Dtt. J. W. CARTER. JiCporl from a J'ruoticrtl Chemist and Aprthvcary. Boston, Jau. 1.1874. Dear Sir This Is to certify that I have sold at retail 164 dozen (1SS2 bottles) of vour VEGE TINE since April 12, 1870. and can truly sav that it has given the best satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints for wh'ch It is recommended that I ever sold. Scarcely a day passes without s me of my customers testifying to Its merits on themselves and their friends. I am perfectly cog nlzantof several cases of Scrofulous Tumors be ing cured by Vegetlne alone In this vicinity. Very respectfully yours, . . AI OILMAN, 468 Broadway. To H, 11. Stevens, Esq. & lm Prepared by H.R.Stevens, Boston,Mass. Tegctlne Is Sold by All Druggists. w EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 43, 43 & 44 West St., NEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. HOOMB 5o and 75 cents per day. Charges very MODEB ATE. The best meats and vegetables in the market. BEST BEDS ill the City. 171yH B. T. BABBITT. Proprietor. JEATHER &C. THE subscriber has sow on band at LOW riilCES, Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, ROANS, &c. F. Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Late Immense Discoveries by BTANLEYana oth ers are Just added to the only complete Life and Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks amoug the most heroic Pgures of tlieC-eutiiry, and this oookla one ot the nioM attractive, fascinating, richly Illus trated a ad lUNtruetlv volume ever Issued. Being the only entire and authentic life, the mil lions are eager for it. and wide awake agents are wanted quickly. For proof and terms addreaa ItllKBARl) BltOa, Publishers, 733 Suusoru Street, rkUtuUluhia. 40 SWi, 8?dNI AND "FA KM FOR SALE. A First-rate Farm lu Juniata o., Fa., al a Store Stand and Block of Gouoa. For further particulars aderes SAMUEL BUCK, fort lio) al, Juulata co., Fa, 34 W