The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 13, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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    Til 13 TIMES NEW UL00MF1EL1), l'A., FliimUAllY 13,1877.
New Bloem field, I'tb'y J3, M77.
Bo Cut or Storcotyr lll lw Inserted In this ie'
(minus llirht faov awl ou metal be.
SWTwonty pir rent, in exrcwi of rirnlir rates, will
be ehanrwl for sdvortlsenirntu sot lu Double Column.
I.ooU at the figures mi tlw label of your pntipv-Tfinm-Huiirii.tcll
vmvthi dmeiwwlilcn yonrsun
rrlplinn Ispnld. Within a weeks niter money l
ent, it the Uats la changed. No othor racoliit
la neceasary.
For the information of advertisers ami
others who iny de Interested In know
ing, we will state that the present circu
lation of The Times ils between eighteen
hundred and nineteen 'hundred copies
each week.
The price f the American Agricultur
ist, post-paid, Is $l!(IO a year; and of the
Times $1.5(1, hut wo will send the
TWO papers to any u(ldress,posttige free,
for $2.50.
. The Huntingdon Jvurnal advocates
the passage of a siny law by the legisla
ture. Eight lmslness houses were closed
by the Sheri 11' in the borough of Hunt
ingdon recently.
The United States Count at Alba
ny has decided that college students can
not gain a residence :in their college
towns, and fined several Btudents of the
Catholic College in Allegheny $100 and
costs each for voting at the late election.
The electoral commission has
finally decided that tle vote of Florida
was cast for Hayes, and liavc so reported
to congress. The joint -convention will
now go on counting the vote by states
alphabetically until the " !L" Is reached,
which in this case stands for Louisiana,
when another trouble will arise which
will be refered to thecowuriission for set
tlement. Our Headers will do well to beware
of investing in stock of the " Hilver
Mountain Mining Co," atock which
purports to have great vahie, and is of
fered to the unwary as something really
worth having. This 6tock may be very
good, but any stocks offered in small
amounts through the county are gener
ally frauds, as !if really a good invest
ment the money will readily he found
among the city capitalists. We will do
this much to help Mr. Tyler, President
rf the said company along with 'bis en
terprise in tltis county.
The great hue and cry of those
who favored a commission to count the
Electoral vote was, that it was putting
too much power in the hands of one man
to allow the Vice-President to declare the
.vote. They feared the one man power.
Bo far the action of the commission lias
shown that party preference has govern
ed everydecision and ruling, and that the
.one man who constitutes the majority
in that board, is really the man who will
decide the presidential questiou.
Wouldn't it after all have been about as
well to trait the one man recognized by
the constitution for that purpose as to
trust the " one man" appointed outekle
of the constitution under a law created
especially for the occasion. 2?o matter
whether Tildcn or Hayes is declared
President, the defeated party will al
ways claim thtit they have been defraud
ed by their opponents.
TnE SupremeX'ourt of this state has
decided that a dead man can inherit the
Insurance on lis own life. A man
named Haas insured his life In favor of
his wife for $1,000; but the wife died be
fore htm, when he married agaiu, and
died tiot long afterward. The second
wife brought suit for her share of the
$1,000 realized from the policy on the
life of her husband, on the ground that
when his first wife died the husband
became from that moment one of her
heirs entitled to a third of her estate.
Tfie supnome court endorses this theory
of the second wife holding that "It is
not stretching the cons&uction of the
statute beyond what is legitimate to hold
that her the first wife's estate included
for purpose of distribution not only
what was then her own .estate, but
what might boeome so on a contingency
thereafter happening. The death of her
husband and ttie payment of th policy
on his life was such a contingency, and
hence his executors are entitled oa one
third of the fund thus realized."
Dull Times Franee.
Versailles, February 0. In tbe
chamber of deputies yesterday M.
Ordinaire, member for Lyons, question,
ed the government as to what steps it
intended to take to alleviate the distress
among the workmen of Lyons. M.
Ordinaire stated that 50,000 operatives
were thrown out of employment iu con
sequence of low wages and dearness of
raW silk which had risen eighty per
cent in price. M. Simon, the president
of the council, replied that the jrovern-
nient would do everything in Its power I
to asslKt the local authorities. It appear
from an artiole in the Ecovomintc
J''rancniK that two HUk'ds of the silk
works are .unemployed, and manufac
turers declare that work cannot be re
sumed until the price of raw silk falls 15
per cent. .The Prefect of the Rhone has
devoted $33,000 from tle local funds to
the relief of the sufferers.
- - - -Bs -
A Steamer Sunk All Hands Lost.
New York, February 0. The loss of
the steamship Geo. Washington, of the
Cromwell line, wlik'h has been missing
for about two weeks, with all on board,
lias been rendered nearly certain by the
discovery, yesterday, at Cape Knee, of
various articles from that vessel. There
were only two passengers on board, who,
with the crew of 33, are supposed to
have perished.
A number of sailors who have worked
upon theUeorge Washington durlngpast
trips declared yesterday that she was a
very good, staunch boat, and ought to
have been able, unless she struck a
heavy field of ice, to encounter any sea.
The George Cromwell, of the same
line, has not been heard from since Jan
uary 8rd, the day of her departure from
Halifax for St. Johns.
Fools not all Dead.
Pottsvii-LE, Pa., February 0. Not
withstanding the general scarcity of
work in the Bchuylklll region and the
fact that many worklngmen are leaving
for the southwest, particularly to settle
in Texas, for want of employment here,
the miners and boys engaged at the
Stanton colliery at Mahanoy planes,
numbering over 1,100, struck against a
small reduction of wages. Last night,
after holding a mass meeting, they noti
fied the operators of their action and
their colliery to-day was idle. In other
portions of the region the men are gen
erally at work. There is much surprise
manifested here that such a large num
ber of men should strike in the middle
of winter, especially In these depressed
How to Manufacture Russia Leather.
Ex-Postmaster General Jewell, while
minister to Russia, Investigated the bus
iness interest of the country, and was re
warded by the discovery of the secret of
making Russia' leather. There is no
secret in the tanning, but tlie peculiar
scent of the genuine Russia leather is
what troubled the Yankee tanners to
Governor Jewell found it to be im
parted by the use of birch bark tar in
dressing the skins instead of tallow or
other grease. It is not an expensive ar
ticle, costing about $10 a barrel, and Mr.
Jewell sent ten barrels of the tar to va
rious leather manufacturers in this coun
try, with instructions, and the result is
that genuine Russian leather goods are
now made in America, and doubtless
will soon be sold at nearly fifty per cent,
below former prices.
(g A narrow escape from a horrible
death, in a manner similar to several
that are recorded in' railway annals, is
given by the New Haven Palladium :
While a woman was walking up from
the steamer at Belle dock, last week, on
Monday night, both her feet became
caught In the rails of the railroad, at the
Bridge Btreet crossing. The switch en
gine was approaching, and fright de
prived her of the power of speech. For
tunately the engineer saw her soon
enough to stop before reaching her, and
hy unbuttoning her gaiters she was re
leased from her perilous situation.
qgr Boston, February 7. The follow
ing card is published to-day :
I am glad to announce to the Chris
tian public that the contributions for
tlie family of Mr. P. P. Bliss have been
so liberal that, with the addition of
what be left, they are well provided for,
and collections should now cease.
(Signed) D.L.Moody.
Miscellaneous News Items.
tW When two steamboats run into oue
auothor and kill a low people, the St. Louis
reporter puts over bis account the head
line, "They met by chance."
tW Tbe oourt-room in St. Louis is in
fested with thieves and last 'week the
overooats of two lawyers were relieved of
their contents, while another had his head
gear stolen. '
tSAbout a third of one of Mrs. Flori'a
legs was cut off by a locomotive In Bt.
Louis, and a jury awarded her $4,1(10,601
damages. The amount indicates that the
jury estimated tha eutire leg as worth
13,500. . .
tS"An aged woman in Indiannapolls is
supported in luxury by her wealthy son,
but he will not provide her with tobacco to
smoke ; and consequently she knits stock
ings, sells them, and thus obtains the one
thing that the son denies her.
tSFIssao Rice, a German Swiss, reach
ed New York Tuesday from Indiana in
charge of a detective. The Swiss govern
ment nave taken proceedings to extradite
him, on a charge of violating school girls
under bis charge a teachers.
tWX number of Germans residing in
France have received sinee tbe beginning
of the year invitations from the German
Government to return to their country
before March, if they wish to avoid seiious
legal consequences.
ffTA young woman was arrested iu
Baltimore, for shoplifting, proved to ba tba
daughter of a wealthy man. She had spent
tlio money obtained from thievery In the
support of her child, of whoso existence
none of her friends knew.
tW" A Birmingham, Mass.; dog who had
for a year or two regulnily run to the train
on hearing the whistle, for the morning
paper, has died, and a coach dog who had
frequently been his companion has succeed
ed to the work, doing it faithfully.
Vfl' In England the average temperature
of last December, was not many degrees
below that of the preceding June, while on
several days the minimum temperature
was higher in December than in June.
In London Inst mouth six inches of rain
IW A novel sleighing party started from
Rcranton the other day. It was composed
of ladies, who, in order to be eligible, had
to tip the beam at 200 pounds, and before
thoy had gone fur they "tipped" the sleigh,
and were all dumped down the bank on to
the frozen surface of the Lackawanna.
tW The iron trade of England, especial
ly that branch of it which is most interest
ed in the manufacture of rails, is in very
low state, with the probability of its con
tinuing so indefinitely, unless a means of
producing a better quality of iron can be
t??A gentleman named Allen, in
Paulding county, Ua., while seated in bis
house one night last week, was shot at
through the crack of the house, the load
lodging in bis face, terribly wounding him.
lie was living at last accounts. The would
be assassin is unkuown.
tW A new material hi preparation for
over-dresses only, and ns yet unknown out
side of the factory at Lyons, will be ready
for tbe spring trade by the name of "coat-of-mail."
TliiB fabric is described as at
once iirm and supple, and somewhat re
sembling the steel armor of olden times,
from which last fact it takes its name.
Mrs. Hale, of east Reading, aged
ninety-eight years, walked on Saturday a
week from her residence to the Court-house,
where she transacted business and then
walked home again, the distance being
over two miles. She was accompanied by
a son aged sixty-five years, and has four
older sons. ,
tW J. K. Osgood, of Gardiner, Me., a
reformed drunkard who bad spent a large
fortune in dissipation, commenced giving
temperance lectures at Trenton a couple of
weeks ago, and has continued every day
since. His audiences have steadily in
creased, till now the large hall is nightly
filled, all classes flocking to bear him.
C3P" Mansfield Island, in Lake Erie, has
beeu bought by a man who intends to stock
it with black cats and kill their progeny
for their fur. lie will feed them at first on
fish caught off tbe shore by men who will
live on the island, but after the enterprise
is well started he will utilize the meat of
the slaughtered cats as food for tbe living
tW A frightful accident occurred at the
iron ore mines of Daniel Lauer, at Hensin
gersville, Lehigh county, Pa., on Monday
last. While workmeu were digging ore
tbe ground caved in on them, burying
Henry Ilunsberger, Lewis Engle, Reese
Lewis and David Frederick under ten feet
of earth. The first-named three were
killed aud Frederick sustained very severe
injuries, but will probably recover.
tW Peter Norke, ef Shenandoah, bor
rowed a percussion cartridge on Sunday a
week and took it borne, lie wauted to
know all about the composition of the
rather innocent looking object, so ho took
a pin and picked the bead off the cartridge.
Upon taking an account of stock a moment
or two afterwards, he found that on one
hand there was no thumb and only a very
bad wreck of a second finger, while from
the other hand one joint of the thumb was
missing, the forefinger in need of repairs,
the second finger minus a joint, and the
third finger shattered.
tW A sharper was standing at a street
corner in Cincinnati. A man who looked
unsophisticated approached with a sealed
package, and asked tbe sharper to read
tbe address for bim. Ou the package was
written, "$1,000 Government bonds," with
tbe name "James Harper," and a number.
"I'm James Harper, 1 11 take the package,"
said the sharper, thinking that be had a
chance to swindle. Tbe other banded over
the package, after simulating hesitation,
and said that two dollars were due bim for
carriage. The money was paid, and th e
package was subsequently found to contain
blank paper only.
tffA snow storm such as has not ooeured
in the memory of man began on tbe 10th
of December, in Schleswig, Jutland, the
Danish islands and Sweden and Norway,
aud continued till Christmas. During all
this time travel by ordinary roads and by
railway was greatly impeded, and finally at
many places suspended, and tbe steamboats
between Copenhagen and Stockholm were
obliged to discontinue their trips for some
days. On the Danish State railways the
snow lay twelve foet deep between Frid
erica and Aarhus, fourteen feet deep be
tween Aarbus and Handera and Randers
and Aalborg, and seventeen feet deep at
The Gospel of Merit.
Where there is so much rivalry as in the
manufacture of family medicines, he who
would succeed must give positive and con
vincing proof of merit. This is an age of
inquiry. People take nothing for granted.
They muBt know the "" and "tt'Atrc
ores" before acknowledging the superiori
ty of one artiole over another. Among the
lew preparations that have stood the test,
those manufactured by It. Y. Pieroe,M. D.,
of the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y.,
have for many years been foremost. The
truth of any statement made concerning
them oan be easily ascertained, for Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy and Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery are now pre
scribed by many physicians in curingobstin
ate casea of Catarrh aud incipient Con
sumption. Tbe Disoovery has no equal in
curing Coughs, Colds, Bronohlal and
Nervous Afl'eotions. It allays all irritation
of tba mucous jnembraue, aids digestion,
and when used with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Purgative Pellets readily overcomes torjiid
liver and Constipation, while tha Favorite
Prescription has no rival in tha field of
prepared medicine iu curing diseasea
peculiar to females. If you wish to "know
thnclf" procure a oopy of "Tha People's
Common Senso Modioal Adviser," an
illustrated book of nearly 1000 pBges.adapt
ed to the wants of every body. Price fl.RO,
postage prepaid. Address the author, R.
V. Pierce, Buflalo, N. Y.
Warwick, Cecil Co., Md., Oct. 15.
Messrs. B. W. Fowle & Co.
About one year since I was attacked
with a violent cough, accompanied with
hemorrhage of the lungs, which caused
me much alarm. After using one bottle of
I)n. WisTAn's Balsam oh- Wild Ciikkrt
I whs entirely relieved, and have since ex
perienced no return of tho disease. I
cheerfully lecommend this remedy to the
Gro. M. IJeastrn.
CO cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all
Schwartz Holds the Fort for the Cheapest
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Ac, in the
County. (Jive him a call.
Isidoii Schwartz,
Newport, Pn
Carpets Persons going to housekeeping
will find It to their advantage by calling
on the Undersigned,
Isidoii HemvAiiTz,
Newport, Pa.
Tailoring promptly and well done.
We will furnish you the goods, or you
can bring your own materiul, and be as
sured of having a good fit.
The celebrated "Capital Lead, which
is unequalled for whiteness and durabil
ity always on hand and for sale by
Special Notice. Having added a room
for the express purpose, of showing car
pets oil cloth and wall paper, we asN
persons wanting any of these articles to
look at our assortment,
tf. F. Mortimer.
A Word About Boots. Good boots are
the most Importantartlcle of men's wear.
After trying several makes, we have
concluded that the boots made by the
Watsontown company are the best in
themarket. They are hand-made and
manufactured from the best stock of
any we can get while the shape is better
adapted to the general trade. Their
goods are for sole by the stores gener
ally throughout this county, and a full
supply can be found at the store of
tf F. Mortimer.
Take Notice. Notice Is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the undersigned,
that a dissolution of partnership is to
take place on April 1st. All accounts
must be settled by note or otherwise be
fore that date, and accounts not settled
in accordance with this notice will be
put in the hands of a Justice for col
lection. The business will after that
date be carried on by H. W. Smith.
Smith A McBride.
New Bloomfleld, Jan. 23, 1877. tf
E. F. Kmikel's Bitter Wine or Iron
Gives tone to the stomach, Improves the ap
petite and assists digestion, excites the bowels
to healthy action,expcllIng all the foul humors
that contaminate the blood, corrupt the secre
tions and offend the breath. It excites the liver
to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves,
imparting that glow to life that proceeds alone
from perfect health. Thousands In all walks
of life, testify to the virtues of this excellent
medicine In correcting the derangement of tbe
digestive organs. Get the genuine. Bold only
in $1 bottles. Aak for E. f . Kunkel's Bittib
Wine of Iroa, and take no other.
Bystiepsla Dyspepsia Dyspepsia
E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, a sure
cure for this disease. It has been prescribed
dally for many years In the practice of eminent
physicians with unparalleled success Symp
toms are loss of appetite, wind and rising of
food, dryness In month, headache, dizziness,
sleeplessness and low spirits. Get tbe genu
ine. Not sold In bnlk, only 11 bottles.
Do yon want something to strengthen yon,
or a good appetite ? Do yon want to get rid of
nervousness t Do yon want energy, sleep well
ro be cured of dyspepsia, kidney or liver dis
ease! TryE. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of
Iron. Eevor bottle gnaranteed to do as rec
ommended. Depot aud olllce, 859 North Ninth
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Get the genuine. Sold
by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Kunkel's and
take no other. All I aak Is a trial of this val
uable medeclno. One bottle will convlnceyou.
Get six bottles for $5.00, $1, for one.
Tape Worm Removed Alive.
Tape Worm, Fin, Seat and Stomache Worm
removed alive In from two to four hours. No
see until head of Tape Worm passes alive and
In one. Ask your druerglst for Knnkel's Worm
Syrnp. Bold only In $1.00 bottles. Used for
children and grown persons. It never falls. Or
send for circular to Dr. Kunkel, 259 North
Ninth Street, Philadelphia Pa. Address by
mall free. Send three cent stamp for retnms
of letter- 6 4t ,
Joints and Muscles, Stiff, and painful with
rheumatism and gout, aro promptly relieved
by Glenn's Sulphur Boap, Local diseases of
the skin and defects of tbe complexion are al
so remedied by this standard article. Depot
Crlttentou's No. 7 8ixth A venae, New York.
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or browa,
50 cts. 4 lm
AiKNTLKMAN who suffered for years from
Nervou Debility, I'remature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful Indiscretion will, for the
sake o( sutlerinK humanity, send free to all who
need it, the recie and direction for making the
simple remedy by which he was cured. Hullerers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience
can do so byaddrewlng in perfect confidence.
JOHN B. OODKN, 42 Cedar bt., New York.
10a52 6mos.
I will mall (Free) the recipe for preparing a
simple Vhoetabi.s BAf.M that will lemove tan,
FKKCKLEH, UMPI.KS and Biotches, leaving
the akin soft, clear and beautiful t also Instruc
tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair
on a bald head or smooth (ace. Address BEN.
VAN DKI.K & CO., Box 6121, No. ftWooster St.,
Nuw Yol k. . . l(laS2 6moa.
Theadvertiaer, having been permanently cured
of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple
remedy. Is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire It,
he will send a ropy of the prescription used, (free
of charge), with the directions for preparing and
lining the same, which they will and a Burs Cure
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac
Parties wishing the prescription will please
address, Kev. E. A. W1USON,
Viaiiuios 194 P enn St., Wlll!arosburgb,New York
A Certain Headache Cure.
A harmless vegetable preparation, nnd the
discover of a pliHlclan, the Victor Headache
l'owder has been proven a positively sine cure
Tor the most distressing canes of Hick or Nervous
Headache, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a
single powder actually curing In ton minutes
when all other means fall. We have had a won
derful experience with It, and the ten cent trial
'iMl'S.L'f y addressing the proprietors.
J. H. HKIHI.Ky & CO., Halem N. 3 who will
cheerfully mall them postpaid, and of Druggists
everywhere and It Is with well merited confidence
they are offered as a thorough cure for all dis
tresses of the head. 8 ly
Notice Is hereby given that James Irvlnn and
wife of Savllle township, Terry county. Pa., bv
deed of voluntary assignment nave assigned all
the estate, real and personal, of the said Jumn
Irvine to Thus. H. Mllllgan, of the borough of
Newport, county and state aforesaid, In trust for
the benefit of the creditors of thfc said James
Irvine. All persons therefore Indebted to tlin
said James Irvine, will make payment to the said
asslgme, and those having claims or demands will
make known the same without delay.
t .... THUS. II. MILMfJAN,
January 30, 1877. Assignee.
Notice Is hereby given that John Yolin of Car
roll township, Perry county, Penn'a., by deed of
voluntary deed of assignment has assigned all the
estate, real and personal of the said John Volin
to A. M. Fleck, ol Khermansdalo, county and
state aforesaid, In trust for the benefit of the
creditors of the said John Yolin. AH persons
therefore Indebted to the said John Yolin, will
make payment to the said assignee, and those
having claims or demands will make known tlte
same without delay. .
January 30, 1877. Assignee.
BY Virtue of an alias order Issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of perry Conntv. Pa., to
the undersigned, Assignees of William tfchoff and
wife for the benefit of creditors, they will expose
to public sale on the premises, on
at one o'clock p. m., of said day, the following de
scribed real estate to wit :
Tract No. 1. being a piece of land, situate In
Savllle township. Perry county. Pa., bounded by
lands of Philip Jacobs, James Irvine, aud others,
containing about
173 ACRES,
partly cleared, having thereon erected a two
and other outbuildings. There Is also an Apple
Orchard and other Fruit Trees on said Tract.
Tract No. 2. being a ridge of land situate In said
township of Savllle. countv and State aforesaid,
adjoining lands of James Elliott and others, con
taining about SIXTY ACRES, well covered with
Any person who desires to purchase a desirable
property, ou easy terms, convenient to schools,
churches, stores, mills, &c., should not fall to at
tend the above sale.
TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, to be paid
when the property Is stricken down, one-third-of
the balance on the 1st April, 1877, at which time
a deed Is to be delivered and possession given,
the ba'ance In two equal annual payments with
Interest, to be secured by Judgment bonds.
Information as to title, Sc., will be given
by Lewis Potter, Attorney at Law, New Bloom
field, Pa. . i ,
January 30, 1877. Assignees.
adapted to all kinds of goods, and to all the dif
ferent and fashionable styles of Plaiting. Simple
and easily managed. It is Just the article every
lady needs.
Sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price.
tzm. Send for Circular.
64 Ovrtlandt Street New York.
Just published, a new edition of ir. Culver
well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (with
out medicine) of Spekmatorrhoza or Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoten
cy. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments
to marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy
and tits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex
travagance, &c.
Price, In a sealed envelope, only six cents.
The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay,
clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success
ful practice, that the alarming consequences of
self-abuse may be radically cured without the
dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli
cation ol the knife; pointing out a mode of cure
at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of
which every sufferer, no matter what nls condi
tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically.
Sent under seal. In a plain envelobe. to any ad
dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two
post stamps.
Address the publishers. xl5ply
41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4586.
"The Beat Thing in the West."
Atchison, Topska dt Santa Fe H. R.
of the best Farming and Agricultural Lands l
America, situated In and near the beautiful Cot
tonwood and Upper Arkansas Valleys, the gar
den of the West, on 11 Years' Credit, with 7 per
cent. Interest.
, " FAKE REFUNDED To purchasers of
0f Circulars, with map, giving full Informs
tiou, sent free. Address
Acting Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas.
Or, OM. MOKKISON, agent of A., T. &8. F.
R. K, No. 6 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Fa, 4 3m
U Auctioneer,
Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and
Cumberland counties. Post office address,
ilherroansdale. Perry eo.. Pa.
Blain. Perry county Pa.
WTerins Moderate and every exertion made
to render satisfaction. 6tt
Auctioneer. Tha undersigned gives
notice that be will cry sales at any point In Perrv
or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and
promptattentloD will be given.
New Buffale.
Perrv co.. Pa.
4- Charges very low. Post Ofnca address
Ickesburg Peon's- S t
New Bloomfleld, Penn'a.,
D. M. SINESMITH, . - Proprietor.
This well-known hotel has lately bn enlarged,
re-painted and re-ntted. Best accommodations
Careful hostlers always in attend