The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 13, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMEIELl), PA., FEimUAltY 13, 1877.
A London Detective's Story.
FOR n long time I had been on the
truck of a gang of coiners, whieh.ln
my professional pride, I hnd vowed to
capture. More than once I pounced
down upon them in their haunts ; but
all vanished like magic and I being un
able to produce proofs the chief, whom I
desired most to convict, fairly laughed at
me and my efforts.
, This naturally gave me considerable
annoyance ; and with some heat I ejac
ulated : " You've eerted me tills time,
Jim Hintiley ; but I'm not John Hplnd
ler if you do the next.
44 When you catch me, hold me 1" ho
grinned. " How dare you malign an in
nocent man "
Well, It was nearly nine months before
I again ran down Jim and his gang;
then I detected them in a low, wretched
street. The house they used was kept
hy an old Irish woman.
Having watched the house till 1 was
sure of my game, I went to Bcotland
Yard, saw the chief, reported my news,
got some h?en, and on one dark, gUBty
winter's night made a swoop upon
. Leaving the police I had brought, at a
little distance, I knocked at the door.
Getting no answer, I stepped back and
looked up at the house.
It was dark as pltek, save a faint glim,
mer In the first floor windows. As I re
turned I felt certain I saw the blind of
the lower room move. Trusting, if I
was being inspected, that the darkness
had concealed my Identity, I repeated
my summons, when, after a long delay,
the door was opened by the old land
lady, bearing a flaming tallow candle.
" Did ye knock afore V" she said, peer
ing feebly at me. " Sure, I'm just as
deaf as a post, ycr honor, and I don't
hear a bit. Who do you want ?"
" One of your respectable lodgers,Mr9.
O'Brien," I answered entering the pas
sage, and putting my foot so as to pre
vent the door closing. "Thanks, old
lady; I wont trouble you further."
Giving a preconcerted whistle,my men
icame rapidly forward,
" Oh, the perleese! have mercy upon
a lone widder woman ! Oh, good jintle
men, what's the matter ,sure ?" shrieked
the hag.
Paying no heed to these ejaculations.
1 placed one policeman on guard, and
with the others sprung up stairs.
Reaching the landing, I found all
dark, save a faint glimmer which issued
from under the door in front of us. I
tried flie handle. It was locked.
'"We have him this time!" 1 whis
pered, exultingly, for I had caught the
sound of Jim Bradley's voice. " I have
examined the house well, and there is
no means of egress either by the roof or
the windows. They are trapped. Open
in the Queen's name!" I exclaimed
" Hollo, is that you, my dear fcpiud
ler y" cried Jim, from within. " Happy
to see you, I'm sure. Remember what
I said; 4 Hold me when you catch me,'
old boy ! The thing is to trap your
44 1 will take good care of that, Mr.
Jim," I rejoined. 14 Open, or we shall
break in the door."
44 Oh, plaze, jintlemen dear, good
jintlemen, for the love of the saints,
don't make a noise. There's a poor
sowl jist partin' this life up stairs, an'
his dear young widdy's a most distract
ed 1 Sorra a one of ye jintlemen hev
any pity. Don't terrify the colleen, nor
the partin' sowl, who, sure has troubles
44 Silence, you old crone ! " I exclaimed
44 and fetch a light, or I'll have you ar
rested as an accomplice."
With a regular howl of disappoint
ment, she hobbled away, declaring she'd
do anything for us, imploring pity for a
poor lone woman and compassion for
the partin' sowl up stairs.
We didn't wait for her return. Aware
no one could pass us on the stairs, and
believing Jim might be trying to destroy
the molds, we put our shoulders against
the door, and drove the lock from the
I had prepared for the light to be ex
tinguished and a rush made.
I was disappointed. Jim sat compos
edly at the table, with another man,
'playing cards.
"iioiioi you aou i stand on cere
mony, John, my friend," he remarked,
laughing; 44 1 thought every man's
house wus his castle."
44 So it is, Jim, until he makes it
tthleld for law breaking," I answered.
" Prove your words, my man."
41 1 intend to, I hope, bo you will con
eider yourself my prisoner, while I
44 Please yourself, and take the conse
quences," he replied, and carelessly went
on with his game.
Putting my men on guard, I begun to
examine the apartments.
I Bounded the vail, groped up the
chiiuueye, tried the flooring.
No, not a sign; while Jim Bradley '
. utter indifference, I own, perplexed me.
".Pone again I" I muttered, when
heard a heavy step in the room above.
44 What's that, up stairs r'.' I asked.
44 You should know by this time,"
answered Jim. 44 1 can only say that
confounded Irish hag is always screech-
iu'as a chap's a-dylng,whlch ain't much
concern of mine, as long as he keeps
hisself, and don't groan too loud. 'Igh,
low, game.wlthout even the Jack.Phll,"
he added, to his companion, laying down
his cards.
The sick man's a riiHe, perhaps, I
4 Come, lads," I said, aloud ; 44 we'll
go up."
Regardless of the old woman's entrea
ties not te disturb "the poor dyln' sowl,"
we mounted.
The back attic was as bare as bare
could be. When I was about to enter
the other, the door opened, and a grave
looking, respectably dressed man crossed
the threshold.
44 Hush !" he said in a low tone. "May
I ask the meaning of this disturbance?
It is most unseemly and out of placet
The poor fellow in here has but a few
moments to live. His unfortunate young
wife is distracted."
I looked keenly at him.
44 If it isn't an impertinent question,
sir," I aBked, 44 pray whom may you
"Who am I?" 'he smiled. 41 1 am
Doctor Alexander, of Jude street, close
by. Now, In my turn, who are you?"
I immediately acquainted him with
my business. He looked serious and in
terested. 44 Humph!" he said, drawing me a
little aside; 44 1 have only visited this
place once or twice, but I own I had my
doubts of its respectability. We medical
men see strange scenes. Still I don't
fancy the poor woman and her husband
have had any connivance with the peo
ple below. He is a brick-layer. Though
of course, in such matters you are the
best judge. Such persons are capable of
all manner of tricks. It is, of course,
your duty to make certain. Only, in
case you are wrong be gentle with the
wretched wife and mother. Come in."
We entered. The room was almost
devoid of furniture, and barely supplied
with the commonest necessities of ex
At one Bide was a miserable mattress,
laid on the floor, and stretched on it was
the dying man.
Kneeling by him, her head bowed
down to his, her black hair streaming
over the tattered patchwork covering,
was the young wife weeping bitterly, as
she pressed her baby to her bosom.
I'm not hard hearted, and the sight
took me back, especially the counte
nance of the husband, upon which the
hue of death had already settled.
I was following the doctor when, ab
ruptly, he leaned forward, then, draw
ing back, placed his hand on my arm.
44 1 thought as much," he whispered,
"all is over 1"
The words were scai cely audible, yet
they reached the wife's ears.
I shall never forget the scream she
gave. Starting up on her knees, sue
gazed wildly in the face of the dead,
then shrieked, turning appeallngly to
the doctor.
14 Oh, no, no ; not dead ! Don't tell me
that! Not dead I Oh, Tom, Tom dear
Tom, speak to me speak to Lizzie !"
And casting herself on the body, she
went off into violent hysterics.
44 Poor thing," said the doctor, raising
her. 44 Pray, my good fellow, take her
to a chair, while I close the poor man's
That done, he rejoined me.
44 You want to search the room," he
said. 44 It's a pity that this should have
happened at such a time, but duty is
duty. Pray, do yours quietly before this
poor woman recovers. Her trouble is
enough without any addition."
Duty was duty ; yet I felt like a hard
hearted, mean spirited cur, as I perform
ed mine, and professed to have lacked
my usual acuteness, for more than once
the disciple of Galen aided me in my sug
gestion. Nothing, however ,came of it. I could
not find a trace.
44 Yet," I sold 44 I'd take my oath the
dies are in this house, and it's one hun
dred pounds in my pocket if I find
them." :
44 Then I most decidedly should try,"
said the doctor. 44 That sum is not to be
got every day."
44 No ; and 111 keep a watch in this
house till I've found them."
44 In this room ?" he asked.
44 No. I ain't quite made of stone," I
rejoined, a bit hurt 44 But I shall in
spect all who go out or come in."
44 Quite right; and I wish you success,
for there's no telling the sufferings these
coiners occasion."
, We then descended, and the doctor left
after telling the old Irish woman he
would call, as he went borne, on, the
parish undertaker, and give the necessa
ry orders for the funeral. .
Well, I needn't lengthen out my
story . , . .. .'. ;., ;
I rented the parlor (by compulsion) of
the landlady, and established a . watch,
night and day upon w ho and what went
out of and entered the house.
Jim Bradley came and went, of course,
unmolested, and cliaHed me considerably
when we met, while without the slight
est demur ho let me visit his room when
ever I pleased.
What did it mean ?
I also made a call now and then on
the widow.
Poor thing! she was always crying,
and so meek and full of grleMts she
moved about the room where her coffin
ed husband was for she wouldn't leave
it that the sight waB pitiable.
The medical attendant droppedln once
to inquire how I got on, and shook his
head on hearing my want of success.
44 1 fear if the dies are really here," he
said, 44 the fellow you call Bradley is too
deep for you."
44 Not if I know it," I said. 44 1 have
applied at headquarters for permission to
make a better search, aud take up the
4 1 fancy that's the most likely place.
What is that?" he asked.
44 Only the undertaker's men," I said,
putting the door open. 44 It's the poor
fellow's funeral to-day." '
44 Indeed! Ah, they hasten these mat
ters with the poor."
Just at this moment the wretched cof
fin and Its bearers passed along the pas
sage, followed by the weeping widow,
leaning on the old Irish woman. They
were the sole mourners.
The doctor respectfully removed his
hat, and we stood in silence until it had
gone by.
44 Poor poor thing!" my companion
remarked, with a sigh ; then giving me
his card, and asking me to call if I prov
ed successful, he went away.
Well, the hours crept by, and the si
lence of the house begun to surprise me.
Bradley had gone out early, and hadn't
been home since. My assistant came in
about eight; but neither the widow nor
the landlady returned.
I waited and waited. Eleven o'clock
I begun to get suspicious.
Had I been done '
I turned hot and cold; then, seizing
the candle, darted up stairs. Bradley's
room was as usual; but the attlo the
sight of it made me feel ready to drop."
14 Done cleverly done !" I cried, wav--
ing my candle around.
Yes; bitter the humiliation I had
been duped"! I had been the victim of
sensibility and a clever trick !
There was the mattress, ripped up;
and there, where the colli n had stood,was
a hole in the floor, where the plank had
been removed. That had been the place
of concealment.
But where were the dies V Where
why, in the coffin, of which, no doubt,
the dead man had been one of the
44 Nonsense ;" I ejaculated. 41 The
man must have been dead I It isn't
likely he could deceive the doctor a
kind-hearted fellow, but a keen one; I'll
go to him 1" '"
Leaving my assistant in charge, I has
tened to Jude street, with his card in my
The red 44 danger signal" indicated the
house, and knocking, I asked to see the
The servant, showing me into the sur
gery, went in to summon him. t
In a few moments he appeared that is,
a gentleman appeared ; a gentleman of
about sixty, with silver gray hair.
41 1 beg your pardon," I said ; 44 It is
Dr. Alexander I wish to see."
44 Alexander 1 My name, sir. is Lind
say, and I am the only professional man
in this house nay, in the street. There
must be a mistake. ' '
44 Impossible ! " I cried. 44 See, sir, here
is his card."
44 Humph I I have never heard the
name in the neighborhood," he remark
ed, perusing it. 44 Wait a moment if
you will allow me, I will see."
Taking down one or two thick vol
umes from the book shelves, he ran over
lists under Initial A. '
44 No," he said. 44 As I thought-hls
name is not here. I fear the title of
4 doctor' must be assumed, and he is not
a certified medical man."
I then told my story.
44 Sir," remarked Dr. Lindsay, unable
to suppress a smile, 44 1 fancy you have
not only been duped by a dying man,but
also by his medical attendant." ,
And so it proved.
The whole had been a clever trick
from the widow to the doctor and 44 par
ish" funeral.
Nevertheless, I might have remained
in doubt to the last, had not my 44 pride
of place" been so wounded that I did not
rest until I hod tracked Jim Bradley
again, and, this time succeeded in cap
turing him and bis gang; and among
which I not only discovered the young,
disconsolate widow of the dead husband,
but the doctor, the greatest rogue of the
lot, as It was he who, under his gentle
manly appearance, circulated the spuri
ous coin. . , ...,. .
To my satisfaction, I saw them all sent
off for a, considerable terra to Portland,
with small chance of a ticket of leave,
t Anecdote of Washlnyton.
It has often been remarked of Wanli-
igton,that no one was ever In his
presence without being Btrongly Im
pressed Dy reverence for his dignity.
But it seems by the followlnir anecdote.
that at least there was one exception :
"When the President was procuring
lie ground for the city which was to be
the seat of government, he had but
little difficulty In obtaining the necessary
releases, except in one instance. Mr.
James Byrnes was the owner of a lot or
tract, which it was advisable should bo
included In the plan. The General had
various conferences with Mr. B., who
was very obstinate, and resisted all the
reasoning and persuasions of the great
man. Indignant at beinsr thus onnosed.
Washington turned upon him with In
dignation, and said with great severity,
'Mr. Byrnes,wliat would yourland have
been worth if I had not nlaced this cltv
on the Potomac 1" Byrnes was undis
mayed, and cooly turned to him and
said, 4George Washington, what would
you have been worth if you had not
married the Widow Vustmr "
f-yOne of the most extraordinary
judicial errors on record was rectified In
the first week of this year in Bristol,
England. A man named Lewes had
been convicted on a charge of stealing
books. A few days later it w as found
that the Grand Jury had failed to find a
true bill against him, and had ignored
the charge for want of evidence. Never
theless the magistrate had convicted
him, although he had not even been in
dicted, and when the order arrived for
his release, he had been closed cropped
and dressed in convict uniform. Lewes
threatens an action for damages, but
his chance of redress probably depends
largely upon his pecuniary means.
iJS" Recently a foreign embassy sought
the assistance of the English police to
find a young girl who had Just become
the heiress of many millions. The in
structions were vague, and the task was
necessarily given to one of the keenest
detectives. At the end of six weeks the
detective reported at headquarters and
handed in his resignation. 44 Well."
said the chief,
young girl V"
month ago in
44 and what about the
44 1 found her about a
a dressmaker's shop,"
was the answer. 44 And what then ?"
44 1 married her yesterday, and this
morning I have just received her six
agr A sunstroke gave this country one
of its greatest admirals. David Porter,
senior, was once fishing on Lake Pont
chartraln, when he was prostrated by a
sunstroke. A man named Farragut
kindly cared for him, and the son of
Porter, subsequently known as Commo
dore David Porter, finding that Farragut
was in moderate circumstances, with
several children to support, adopted
David when he was but seven years old,
obtained him an appointment as mid
shipman, and kept with him until after
the capture of the Essex.
A Very Mean Man.
The Lewlstown (Me.) Journal relates
the following : "Recently a man came
into one of our clothing stores of a
Saturday evening and said he wanted to
buy a pair of block pantaloons suitable
for a funeral occasion, as his mother had
died. The man examined the pantaloons
and asked permission to take them
home to try them on. Permission was
granted, and the next Monday the man
returned the trowsers, saying they didn't
exactly suit. But he had wore them at
his mother's funeral the day before."
The triumph of a woman lies not
in the admiration of her lover, hut in
the respect of her husband, and it can
only be gained by a constant cultivation
of those qualities which she knows he
most values.
"Millions of money for an inch of
time, cried Elizabeth, Queen of Eng
land, when dying. Ten thousand dresses
in her wardrobe, a kingdom at her feet,
70 years lived away, yet wUHng to give
millions of money for an inch of time."
H3T The most stupendous canal in the
world is the one in China, which passes
over 2,000 miles to 41 cities ; it was com
inenced in the tenth century. A monster
work of man.
A man at Utica, N. Y., sent for
his pastor, a Universalist preacher, and
said to him: "If I should die now
would I go to heaven?" "Most certain.
ly," replied the minister. "You think
there is no possible doubt about it?"
"None at all." "Well," said the man,
"I have bad trouble enough and I am
going away from it; I am going to leave
the world, and I am going now," and he
drew from his pocket a pistol and put it
to his own temple, when the minister
clutched it from htm and said, "Stop!
'stop I There may be a hell." Said the
man, 41 Well, you preaoh what you don't
believe, you are a deceiver. .. .
Consumptive fake Xotlce.
Every moment or delnv make vnnr rur
more hopeless, and much depends on the judi
cious choice of a remedy. The amount of tes
timony In faror of Dr. Bchenck's Pulmonic
Byrup for Consumption, faf exceeds all that
can be brought to support the Pretensions of
any other medicine. Bee Dr. Bchenck's Al
nianac.contalnlng the certificates of many per
sons of the highest respectability, who have
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ed incurable by physicians of acknowledged
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cured many, as these evidences will show bnt
the euro Is often promoted by the employment
of two other remedies which Dr. Bchenck pro
vides for the purpose. Tbeso additional reme
dies are Bchenck's Bea Weed Tonic and Man
drake Pills. ' Bv thetlraelv nse of these medi
cines, according to directions. Dr. Bchenck
certifies that most anv case of Consumntlon
may be cured.
Dr. Bchenck Is professionally at his principal
office, Corner Blxth and Arch Bts., Philadel
phia, every Monday, where all letters for ad
vice must be addressed. .. 6 lmf
Rtrlkes at the root ef disease by purifying the
blood, restoring the liver and kldnevs to healthy
actios, Invigorating the nervous system.
Is not a vile, nauseous compound, which simply
puiges the bowels, but a safe, pleasant remedy
which Is sure to purify the blood, and thereby
restore the health. -
Is now prescrlted In cases of Bcrorula and other
diseases of the blood, by many of the best phy
sicians, owing to its great success in curing ail
diseases of this uuture.
Does not deoelve Invalids Into false hopes by
purging and creating a fictitious appetite, but as
sists nature in clearing and purifying the whole
system, leading the patient gradually to perfect
Was looked unoli as an ftxnerlment for nmA timn
by some of our best physicians, but those most
incredulous in regard to us merits are now Its
most ardeut friends and supporters.
Nays a Boston physician, " has no equal as a
blood-purifier. Hearing of Its many wonderful
cures, after all oilier remedies had tailed, I visit
ed the laboratory and convinced myself of Its
genuine merit. It is prepared from barks roots
and herbs, each of which Is highly effective, and
they are compounded In such a manner as to urn
duce astonishing results."
Is acknowlcged and recommended by physicians
and apothecaries to he the best purifier and
cleanser of the blond vet discovered, and thou
sands speak in Its praise who have been restored
to health.
Boston, Feb. 13. 1B71.
Mr. H. B. Stevens:
Dear Sir About one year since I found
myself In a feeble condition from general debili
ty. VEGETINE was strongly recommended to.
me by a friend who had been much benefited by
Its use. I procured the article, aud a'ler using
several bottles, was restored to health and dis
continued Its use. I feel quite confident that there
Is no medicine superior to It for those complaints
for which It Is especially prepared, and would
cheerfully recommend it to those who feel that
they need somethl up to restore them to perfect
health. Respectfully yours,
Firm of 8. M. Pettiugill & Co., 10 State St., Boston
Cincinnati, Nov. 26. 1872.
Mr. H. It. Stevens: Dear Sir The two bottles of
VJsGETINE furnished me by your agent, my wife
has used with great benefit.
For a long time she has been troubled with diz
ziness and costiveuess; these troubles are now
entirely removed by the use of Vegetine.
She was also troubled with Dyspepsia and Gen
eral Debility, and has neeu great Iv benefited.
THOS. GILMOhE, 229! Walnut St.
Feel Myself a Xew Man.
Natick, Mass., June 1, 182.
Mr. If. R. Stevens: Dear Sir Through the ad
vice and earnest persuasion of Rev. E. H. Best, of
thlsplaoe, I have been taking VEGKTINK for
Dyspepsia, of which I have suffered for years.
I have used only two bottles and already feel
myself a new man. Respectfully,
Report from a Practical Chemist and
Boston, Jan. 1, 1874.
Dear Sir This Is to certify that I have sold at
retail 164 dozen (182 bottles) of your VEGE
TINE since April 12, 1870, and can truly say that
It has given the best satisfaction of any remedy
for the complaints for wh'ch It Is recommended
that I ever sold. Scarcely a day passes withoat
some of my customers testifying to Its merits on
themselves and their friends. lam perfectly eog
nizantof several cases of Scrofulous Tumors be
ing cured by Vegntlne alone in this vicinity. '
Very respectfully yours.
AI UILMAN, 468 Broadway.
To II. R. STEVENS, Esq. 6 lm
Prepared by H.R.Stevens, Boston,Mass.
Tegetine is 8 eld by All Druggists.
Nos. 41, 43, 43 St, 44 West Bt-,
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French Calf,
F. Mortimer, .
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