VOL. XI. NEW BLOOMFIElD, 1J.5 TUESDAY, ITEBttTJAIlY 13, 1877. NO. 7. THE TIMES. An Independent Family Newspaper, IS PDBLmnED EVERT TUR8DAT BT F. MORTIMER & (X). Subscription Price. Within the County tt 25 mxmoiuns, 1.7 Out of the County, Including postage, " " " six months " 1 fiO 85 Invariably In Advance I Advertising rates furnished npon appli cation. eletct Poeti'y. TOTTVETOOLONG II is sad to lie down in the cold, cold grave, When the mind is strong, -and the heart is brave j It is sad to leave all that Is lovely and fair And go to the tomb, to be mouldering there. Bnt oh ! if 'tis bitter to leave the world's throng, It is sadder, far sadder, to live too long. To see all that once we had doted npon Before ns to rest and to happiness gone, And to stand, like a wlther'd oak, blighted and weak, The sole tree that survives the mad hurricane's wreck, O talk not of life, earth's bright dwellings among, For nothing can soothe him who lives too long. To know that the once echoing trumpet of Fame Shall never more mention that valueless name; To kn6w that none care for his bliss or bis doom ; O rather I'd ask the cold rest of the tomb. When glory has died, and the spirit of song Has vanished, 'tis bitter to live too long. And I would He down in my deep repose Ere my bosom no longer with poesy glows ; And I wonld arise to the mansions on high, Ere the thoughts that now live in my spirit shall die j r.re the moments have fled, that to manhood belong. And I feel that 'tis bitter to live too long. GRANDFATHER'S CANE " GRANDFATHER was dead! Over and over again, the thought he must die had made me cry my eyes nearly out for tho' he was eighty, ho was not too old to love. And now It had happened, and was all over, and I eat In a kind of miserable dream, listening to lawyer Curdle asking me Where grandfather kept his will V Had I not been told ? Did I know t A will in my favor leaving everything to me V Of course I knew it r" Grandpapa wanted to tell me," said I, " but I would not let him. I could not bear to think of his being dead. I hoped he would not die before I did." " In legal matters ladies are little short of idiots," said Mr. Curdle. " I grieve to distress you, but I sup pose you know there's a rampant old fury down stairs, who claims this place and everything in It who Is really your grandfather's sister and who, If there is no will found, can turn you out of house and home." ' "You know your grandfather was only a stepfather to your mother.' You were not actually related at all." " Come now ; plain speaking is noces ary if we find the will, you are an heiress ; if not, a beggar." " Nothing could make me that," I Kud; "nothing while I have ten fin gers." But he had roused me at last. Where had grandfather told me the will was. I tried to think. No, he had not told me. ' I had put my hand over his mouth and said: ' 1 "Grandpa don't I shall cry myself to death if you die, so I shan't want anything." And ha said : . . . " Well, well, I know you are not wait ing for dead men's shoes. I know that, my child and some other day, Borne other day." i And the next morning he was found kiad in his bod the very next morning. " You see it Is somewhere," said I, " else grandpa would not have mention- Hlit." "You don't think he had destroyed" it, ana was aoout to make a new one, or anything of that kind V" asked the iftwycr " No," said I, I think not. Ill try Oh, to remember what he said exactly this was It, I think 1 Reulah, it will be very important when I come to leave you that you shall know about my will. I have made one and hid it in the most ingenious place.' " " Then I stopped him. That's all." "Utter insanity," said Mr. Curdle;. " utter Insanity." . He was usually very polite, but I did not wonder that his equanimity wns dls turbed when I went down stairs and saw the person whom he had described as a " rampant old fury." She was a very old woman, with hair that was still bright red. ami a long,sharp nose. Bhe was talking at the top of her voice, apparently to no one In particular. " Lawyers, lawyers," she was saying ; " all alike the world over. Didn't send me a word about my brother's death , not a word, not a line ; so that I should not come to claim my own." " Left it to that girl, eh ? Humbug ! She's no relation to him ; she's no rela tion at all. Margaret Boker had a little girl already by her first husband when she married him. That is that girl's child." " No blood relation none. No, no. My brother and I haven't been friends,I know, but all the same if he hasn't left a will and I know he didn't all his property is mine." She took snuff and scowled at me fu riously. I shrank away and began to feel how important it was that the will should be found. - I searched eagerly enough now. I turned back carpets and shook out curtains. I rummaged every desk and drawer, trunk and box in the house. All in Vain. At last Mr. Curdle acknowledged that further search was hopeless. "A man should confide his will to his lawyer," said he; "a lawyer's box is the only safe place for it." "No doubt this old woman has em ploy ed some one to steal your grandfather's will from its very ingenious hiding place, and the result is that you are a beggar." "You are ridiculing poor, dead grand pa, and calling me names," I said, burst ing into tears. "My poor, foolish child I" said Mr. Curdle, "why didn't you hear what he had to say, at least t Together, you have made a nice mess of it." We had certainly, as I acknowledged when old Mrs. Humphries took posses sion of the homestead, and I found that I wbb no longer mistress of the dear old place. That 1 had not even a right there, but waB an interloper. When, to crown all, she came to me as I lay weeping on my bed, and said in her harsh, usual tone "Beulah, sit up and stop crying. I've something to tell you.": . I sat up and wiped my eyes.. I considered her an enemy, and one never wishes to weep before one's ene mies. - "Providence is Providence, Beulah Meore," said she ; "you oughtn't rebel agln it no you oughtn't. You ought to be contented in the condition you've been called to. But I'm not a hard hearted woman ; I'm willing to have you stay with me. You can help me in the work, you know." : " I don't keep servants a lazy, idle set eating' you out of house and home." " A young gal like you can be useful if she's grateful and willing, so I'll keep you, Beulah Moore.". V I was only fourteen years old, but I knew as well as I know now that I would have preferred 'service anywhere else. ' f ' ' ' ' .' But as she spoke, a thought darted in. to my head. Grandfather had ' certainly spoke of hiding a will somewhere. "'"'"'' - If I stayed and rubbed and scrubbed, and dusted diligently, I should discover it if it was above ground.and not stolen, as Mr. Curdle believed. ! ', Ah, how delightful to discomfit ber at last. ' ' f ' How well worth the hard fate and the hard work I knew I should have to en dure. ' : Yes, even' her ' unpleasant company could be borne with this end in view. ' Bo I said, taking care not to speak too eagerly, that I would stay, and I gave myself a year to find the will in. " 1 A year is an eternity at fourteen. That very day, old Mrs. Humphries began to show me my position by turn ing me out of my pretty bed room, and sending me into a garret with a sloping roof. I had a pretty carpet, white curtains, a bookcase, Turkish chair, and dainty bed, all white and pink, and toilet ser vice, pink and white also. I hud never done any work, except putting this room In order, for we had two old servants, beside a man Now I scrubbed floors and I washed windows, and dishes, and bad no time to read or sew, or wander in the woods, or enjoy myself In the garden. Miss Humphries sent all my school girl friends from the door when they ask ed for me, and It was after a long, hard fight that I obtained my books, my sew ing basket, and my window plants with which to make my garret more home like. My black suit became shabby. I felt ashamed to go to church, and I knew not where to procure other clothing. I was very miserable, but all the while I never forgot my object. Not only did I continue to search all day, but at night I often pattered about the house In my bare feet. I found many curious places where a will might have well been hidden. For Instance the posts of grandfather 's bed had a hollow space in them, covered with a carved cap, shaped line a pine ap ple which came off. And behind the carved wooden man telpiece in his room the original house Was a hundred years old, they say, and very curious there was a receptacle that might have concealed fifty wills. The old woman never suspected me. Besides, she was half the time asleep, nodding in her chair. She had a delight in seeing me at work and set me at tasks as hard to me as those the malevolent fairy put upon poor Graclosa were to her. Whenever I was sent I went. Who knew where the will might be t But now the year I had given myself was nearly over, and the malevolent fairy of my existence had ordered me to whitewash the cow house and I had agreed to do it with a feeling upon me that endurance was almost to an end, that hope was almost gone, that I must leave the place if I starved. No wonder I was thin and had lost my fine complexion. The lime was mixed and the brush was found. " Put It on thick, Beulah," said my task mlstress,"we don't want any of the boards to show. Why, where's your stick?" "I can't find one to fit," said I dis consolately. "Oh, I can reach, I think." " You can't," said she. ' " The idea of whitewashing with a short brush. Go and hunt a stick. Why, I know where there's one in your own room, I saw Itto-day." . . " That's dear grandpa's cane," said I. " I don't care. Get it," said she. It's only a stick, cane or not." f " I won't use that in such a way," said I ; " grandfather's cane', that he used to walk with every day-miat I used to ride on when I was a baby.' Dear old cane,that seems part of hint. 1 I would hot use it so for worlds." "'' "Sentimental nonsense," said the old woman. "The idea! When I am dead they can do what they like with my umbrella, I'm sure. Get the stick." " I won't," said I. 7 1 1 '' ' "Then I will, and you'll use it," said she.- '' Away she vent to the gnrret, and she came down with the thick cane, with neither curve nor carving on it a sort of pale grey wood, polished like glass. -..... if , V' "Here's the stick," said she, "and you'll see my word is law here." I never stirred. ' - :' ' ' 1 " Tie the stick on the whitewash brush and go to workj" said she. ' A ' " I Won't," said I. '' A . "You Won't?" ! ' 1 "No." 1. ' - "You're a pretty big girl, Beulah More," said she, " but if you don't I'll whipyou.'1 7 1 ' " "' v " ' "I dare you to touch me," said I. ; She lifted the stick I'm not sure whether she would have struck me, or whether it was only In menace; but I caught It. " "Give me my grandfather's cane!" 1 cried, and pulled. She pulled also. In a moment more a queer thing hap pened. The cane parted in the middle, mid the old woman flew one way and I an other. She lay on her back, bemoaning her self. I, younger and lighter picked myself up at once. But I held on to my half of grand father's cane, and shouted wildly for joy, for in an instant I seen that the cane was not broken, but that it was made in two halves, and that the one I held was liollow. Something protruded from It. All I saw was a bit of stiff, crackling parchment, but I knew as well as ever I did anything, when I drew it out, that 1 had found grandfather's will at last. She knew it, too. She scrambled up, as I flourished it over rcy head, and flew at me. I am not sure that my life would have been safe had she caught me. Terror, as well as joy, lent wings to my footsteps. I flew out of the garden, down the lane, and up the road to the office of Mr. Curdle. There,ln my old frock,wlth whitewash daubed all over it, I appeared, breathless and volceless,grasping In my hand,dlrty and hardened with coarse work, the proof that I was heiress to a fortune. When I went back to the homestead, it was as its mistress. The old woman had left it, and I never saw old Miss Humphries again. She returned to her former dwelling place, leaving many anathemas behind for me, but they never hurt me. A CRIPPLE FACTORY. SOME months ago Prof. Ember of the medical college at Prague applied to the Austrian chief of police at Vienna for assistance in ferreting out and bring ing to justice the most monstrous society of criminals that ever existed. The re quired support was extended him, and the patient work of an experienced de tective added to that of the professor himself, eventually achieved the desired end. A month ago a body of police made a descent upon the headquarters of the criminals, and their trial Is at pres ent pending in the Imperial courts. The story which the facts elicited by this trial tells us is worth a place in Dante's " Inferno." The wildest dream of a distempered nightmare never paint ed a picture so fraught with horror. On the first day of the trial a howling mob endeavored to tear the malefactors into peacemeal, and it was only found possible to continue the investigation by garrisoning the court room with soldiers and calling out two regiments of horse to protect the criminals on their way from the court to the prison. The tavern of the " Golden Omelette" is situated close under the fortification walls of the city of Iladna, Its proprie tor, Trouilleson, 1b a man of gigantic stature, an old soldier of the Austrian army, who was blinded by the explosion of a cannon while firing a salute from the forts at Trieste. Returning to his native city with his mistress, a fine looking woman el the Volga, he started the house of call for beggars which he, up to a few weeks ago directed and made money out of. The house is a long, low, rambling structure a nondescript of wood, stone and brick, and when descended upon by the police, served as a shelter for nearly two hun dred men, women and children, all of whom, with the exception of perhaps a dozen were professional beggars. ' Upon the arrest of its host he was discovered to be worth in money deposited in the Imperial bank over $100,000, an enor mous fortune for the country in which he lived. How this money was obtain ed is the crowning horror of the entire affair. Antolne Cherguille, nicknamed " The Playe," is the brother of Trouilleson's mistress. Among the frequenters of the "Golden Omelette" he is called the " Operateur." He is a man of over fifty, and for the last thirty years of his life, has been engaged in the business of manufacturing cripples. From the evi dence given at the trial, which Is likely to. send him to the guillotine, his niethed of proceedure Is as follows : The members of a gang of kidnappers organized by his sister and her sightless paraaiour,liave for the last twenty years been engaged in stealing children from the various cities of the empire. These unfortunate little ones weresbrought to the headquarters at Radna, where they passed into the merciless- hands of the " Operateur." . He took charge of them. in a separate section of the inn, where, assisted by a couple of surgeons whoee vices had ro ll meed them to his own level, and by his knowedge of anatomy fbr he had studied . the art himself in his youth he evolved the terribly crippled spectres who had . so long pestered the pDgrims of St. Nep omuck. At the time of his arrest these children, in various stages of convales cence from mutilation, were found on the filthy cots of this demoniac hospital. One of them, a pretty girl of five, had her right hand amputated. The other two, both boys, had lost, their feet and hands respectively. In a pit, under the floor In one corner of the torture cham ber, were found the petrifying remains of a dozen human members, burled in a compost of chloride of lime and quick lime. Cherguille manifested ho emotion upon his arrest, but utterly refused to render any information, and has been obstinately silent since. At the time the arrest; was made the business of the isfttmous den was in full blast. In the long common room a hundred miserable wreoks of humanity, armless, legless, handless, footless, blind and awfully disfigured,congregated about long tables. The smoke of their pipes veiled the scene, the reek of their foal meal tainted the air, and the clattering of their crutches, the ourses, shrieks and loud conversation all about deafened the ordinary ear. Upon the entrance of the detectives they merely looked up, and noting the artfully disguised figures cob tinued their orgie without honoring them with any further attention. The result was that all the frequenters of the place were siezed with one exception. This, singularly enough, was a man without legs, who managed to conceal himself in the cellar, and eventually made his escape. The prisoners were at once loaded into a special train and conveyed to Viena. There the promise of pardon induced a number of them to a series of confes sions. The art of crippling children was, it seems, not the only one practiced by the " Operateur." More than one poor inno cent had been wilfully blinded by the atrocious torturer, and at the trial three such victims of nis Infamons business were produced. The- money gaiined by these children was divided between Cherguille and his slstev and h para mour. Fourteen Little Things Interesting Exam ples of Saving or Producing Tbem. Life is mainly made up. of stifles. A pin-hole will In time sink a large ship. A small saving per day os week will speedily amount to a large sura. An ex tra production, of a smalt thing, as an extra egg per day or week, a good hill of corn in each row, a bushel of wheat, or corn, or potatoes, extra per acre, will in the course of years make one comforta bly rich, or what may be better, will buy many convenient or useful things as one goes along, and Bach extra production is easily secured by trifling thought, care, or labor. To illustrate what the weekly saving, or the extra production will amount to in a inglt year, we select the following common items ; ' 7 1 Kkh s week at 3Zo. per dozeu 11.80 2 Eggs a week at 1&4. per dnz. 1.60 1 Quart wheat a week at 660. per bushel ).S0 1J Quarts eorn a week 3 Quarts eorn a week Qts. potatoes a welc 4QU. potatoes a week 1 Cabbaa a week V,i Qts. milk a week V,4 Oz. butter a week . S Pail coal week 1 Foot of wood a week S Feet ot wood a week . lb. Kugar a week 4 0z. Tea a wek VA Oz. code a week 1 P. a Stamp a week 1 1'oor Cigar a week at Sle. per bushel 1 .61 at S3o. per bushel 1.61 at roc. per bushel 1.62 at per bushel 1.62 tSu. pe head 1.S6 at 2a. per quart l..ri6 at !e. per pound 1.66 at 4.82c. per ton 1.60 at II per cord 1.6a at $2 per cord 1.(6 at 12c. per pound 1-. at 96o. per pound 1.5 at J2e. per pound 1.66 at it cents l.Stf at 3 cents 1.66 Total, tizn And any one of these items will more than pay for The Times for one year. & Why is a man who expects a kUs and refused like a shipwrecked fisher, maa 'r Because be has lost his "mock.