The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 06, 1877, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, VA., EEltttUAKY 0, 1877. Is Ho Married or Not? Two jicopla are In court at Lockport, N. V., trying to deckle whether they are man and wife, and what puzzles the gossips is that both parties are perfectly respectable, me being Caussius D. Won 111, a Lock port farmer, and the other Miss Annie llourue, of Cony, 1'enna., both beinfl about 30 years of age. The lady with her sister's husband, Williams by name, visited at the Worrill homestead, soinewhnt over a year ago, where Worrill was living with his widowid mother, and while there Miss itounio nursed Mis. Worrill In her last sickness. During this visit a marriage was arranged between the parlies, to which Worrill said he agreed only when wearied out by the importunities of Mr. and Mi's. Williams, aud on condition that a year would elapse before the wedding took places The lady claims he fnado protestations of love, and agreed to marry her then, but wished to have it kept a secrot for ia year, that he might settle up the estate of which he had become owner. The party of four went to Rochester, September 22, 1875, aud the pnrties differ as to what happened there, lie says he was slightly under the .influence of liquor for the first time in his . life, and lay down on a sofa in a hotel. When he awoke Miss Bourne was in the room, and .Mr. and Mrs. Williams were just entering the door ; they separaledfthat afternoon without further occurrence. Iler story is that they were married that morn ing, and then went their ways, that he wrote her several affectionate letters during the year, und it was only when she went to : his home at the end of the year, after he .had failed to keep his promise to meet her at Philadelphia aud be publicly married, that she learned that he would not recog nize the marriage. Certain it is, that ou the day mentioned, a couple well dressed and apparently happy In the possession of oach other called at the office of a Ro chester clergyman with a license, and were married under the nnmcs of C'assius D. Worrill and Annie Bourne, and the papers were witnessed by a gentleman who came with the couple, but Worrill insists that the bridegroom was some other man. The acknowledge respectability of the parties makes the Affair particularly perplexing. Robbers and Train Wreckers. "ot. Louis, February 1. Information 'from Williamson county, Ills., is to the effect that a band of desperadoes organized for the purpose of robbing and murder, if necessary to carry out their plans, has been flisdBvered during the past week, and James Moss, the leader,and James Jackson, Frauk Palmer aud another mau have been ar rested. A band of train wreckers have been oper ating for some time past ou the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad and several trains have been thrown from the track and robbed. The operations of the band have been in very thiuly settled parts of south ern Kansas and the Iudian Territory, aud the task of capturing any of them has becu exceedingly difficult until Saturday last when two of them named Meadows and Meade were arrested by Deputy United States Marshal Stevenson, heavily ironed and taken to Port Smith, Ark., where they will be tried. A Case In Honesdale, Pa. I was attacked with the liver complaint, which apparently brought me to the brink of the grave. During my sickness I was attended by three physicitns in our place, but received no help. I also tried the various remedies recommended for suoh complaints, but they afforded me no relief. As a last resort, I was persuaded to try Dr. Wistak's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and by using four bottles I was restored to better health than I have enjoyed before for ten years. This statement may be re lied upon as strictly true, Betsey Ferrin. The above certificate was given in the presence of Dr. A. Strong, of Honesdale, who is well known it the vicinity as a suc cessful practitioner. 50 cents aud $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Bad Time's in England. A London dispatch says : I never rec ollect the time when the domestio trade of England was in so depressed and wretched a state as it is now. Go where you will and ask whom you will, and you will hear the same thing. "There is noth ing doing ; we think ourselves lucky if we can pay our expenses." As for the demand from the United States for English goods, it seems to be almost a thing of the past. The great steamers go out from Liverpool or London in ballast, week after week. CS The Burlington, Vs., Free rrcm says : A Woodstock lady the other day took her little one to a gallery for its pict ure. While the art iit was busy she was fix ing up the child by wotting its face and hair with what she supposed was clear water, bitt what was a solution of nitrate of silver. After exposure to the air for a short time the appearauce of the child can be imagined. It would be jet black. " tSPA supervisor of was fined $200 last week to the duties of the posi ful condition of the causing delay, injury or recovery of damages, to imposition of fines. Delaware county for non-attendance tion. Any unlaw- public highways, loss may result in say nothing of the BPECIAL NOTICES. ERRORS OF YOUTH! Af KNTLKM AN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and alt the effects of youthful Indiscretion will, fur the sake of suffering humanity, send tree to nil who need It, the recipe anil direction for making the simple, remedy by which lie was mired. Hiilierers winning to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing In perfect couhdence. .I01IN B. (JUDEX, 42 Cedar St., New York. 0a.r)2 0mos. PIMPLES. I will mall (Free) the recipe for preparing a simple Veciktadu! Bai.m that will lemove Tan, FREC'KLKS, PIMPLES and Blotch us, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful i also lustriie tlons for producing a luxuriant growth of Imir on a bald head or smooth face. Address HEN, VANDKLF&CO., Box 6121, No. 6 Wooster St., New York. loaf2 emos. TO CONSUMTIVES. Theadvertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the meansof cure To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. Parties wishing the prescription will Please address, Hev. K. A. WILSON, 2a0mos lni I'enn St., WIlllamsburgli.New York A Certain Headache Cure. A harmless vegetable preparation, and the discovery of a ph.islclan, the Victor Headache roWderhas been proven a positively sure cure for the most distressing cases of Hick or Nervous Headache, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a single powder actually curing In ten minutes when all other means fall. We have had a won derful experience with It, and the ten cent trial pack can be had by addressing the proprietors, .1. It. HEISLKY & CO., Salem N. J.' who will cheerfully mall them postpaid, and of Druggists everywhere and It is with well merited confidence they are offered as a thorough cure lor all dis tresses of the head. 8 ly nAQ'T8 WANTED FOR HISTORY A I LrEHTEN'L EXHIBITION It contains sao line engravings of buildings and scenes in the (treat Exhibition and is the oiily au thentic and complete history published. It treats of the grand bullldlngs, wondorful exhibits, curi osities, great events, etc. Very cheap aud sells at sight. One Agent sold 4 copies In one day. Send Tor our extra terms to Atents and a full die scrlptlon of the work. Address Kahosal Pun MsmwiCo.. I'hilndelphla. Pa. r.AIITinN Unreliable and worthless books unu i iuii. on the Kxiilbltlon are being cir culated. I)o not be deceived See that the book you buycontnlns874 pages and 830 line engrav ings. 4d-w 1 -SK LyC- l'mt fiml IimI mulling ' j?S P" h .i'.iiierv I'nrKHilu tha 1 f ;A jrt V.-rM. It e-.m.iliis 9 t iMRi'ti oi tmuftuia Or -. .1, pwfth'iMor, tritMm pin 'p.-jt P'-I:ni, wr.h tif.!ni (fold-pUtiHl IHMiiii-itunie mny nut, )in una 5 uiittiiiw, with iwnorted Jw- ilA. &. CO,, 709 Broadway, N. Y. "' "l rf" 2 ' ' xovn COMLINATfO. fan !m nwrt i. 'li I'rtnhn ,'er i ml Prn , Ernr, Tenknlrp. Envelope JI?-"W. ''!" '" "r l i l'l.T, Krtilnx Mnrliln Tbranl . '"' ' l ) I'i " ir i h,.iiM. diu iiu all lloukt nnil Kyc. !. H'.':. I ii.i 'r I-."";., Ai! H io nl ft romniun ppnrlf, Ij l.nivlll ill - oi ; I : (I, iuvI - I iB.t lifetime. Alfnte n l'K,n T- ili-v n:.l i -yljl, hB .,, m,,- ,r,r,e out. Fan'!' f J . , r :jt r-r g . KTTr.inrdhmry induremonte ' i'r :i'.v Imlf !.reM nnil rnnvue yuwr t nv:,. P'e. a CO., 709 Droadway, N. V. Lfn "5 . STATIIVI:KV rACKAORS. Bml l DC at V nl I I.OVII I'OMIIIN VI'KIN Ml TWO UOILArS. BRIOFACO i-d roacway, New York OK FANCY CARIW It styles with name, lOcts. Post nald. J. 11. Husted. Nassau. Kens. Co. N. Y. 4 d4w ARPNTQ 12ELKGANT OH. CHROMOS, beailtl. MUCH I O fullv framed, sent bv mail for SI. Bell at sight. Nat. Cuiiomo Co., P'lilla. Cd4w HEADACHE. DR. C. W. BENSON'S CELEltY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cure Hick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Neu ralgia, Nervousness. Sleeplessness, and will cure any case, umce, iuo norm n.iiiaw oireei, nam. more, Md. Price 50 cents, postage free. Sold by all druggists and country stores. Reference: Howard liana, Baltimore, Aid. tidiw TKIFLIKQ WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANG KROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COCGHS, and all diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS, CUJiST and MUCOUS MEMBRANE. rut Up Only In lilue Jloxcs. SOLD BY ALL DRUGU18T8. 0d4w C. N. Cbitteston, 7 Sixth Avknuk, New York. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. r We want 500 more first-class Sewine Ma- chine Agents, 500 men of energy and ability to learu the business of Selling Hewing Machines. Compensation Liberal, but varying according to Ability.Characterand Qualifications of the Agent. For Particulars, Address. Wilson Sewing Machine Co, Chicago, 827 Si S59 Broadway, New York, or New Orleans, Louisiana. 6d4w Wonderful Success! 25,000 or (he CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. Sold In 60 davs. It being the only complete low priced work (700 pages only 82,60.) treating of the entire history, grand buildings, wonderftu exhib its, curiosities, great days, etc. ; Illustrated, and 81 cheaoer than any other: everybody wants It. una new agent ciearea . in weens, jimi agents wanted. Send quickly for proof of above opinions of officials, clergy, ana press, sample utigus. mil uext'i miiou. mm our exim tenon. HUBBARD BROS.. Publishers. 6d4w 7 Sansom St., Philadelphia. PAIITIflfJ Beware of falsely claimed official ewie and Wt proof. and worthless books. Send (or JMPORTANT TO HUCKSTERS. The-underslgned. deslrlngto return to the city, offers for sale, the ooon wn.i. to a good marketing route in Perry Co., with two housb team aud fixtures all complete, with all necessary instruc tions to purchaser. This Is an old established route and a rare chanoe. For particulars, callou or address, J. M. I.KNNET, - ' Mechanicsbnrg, 313m. CuiuberlaudCo.,ra. M HOW RESTORED .Tost published, a new edition of nr. Culver. well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (with out medicine) of &1'EIimatokkiiua or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotent cy, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc. ; also. Consumption, Epilepsy ana ius, niuuceu uy seii-iuuuigeuce or sexual ex. travauauce. &c. Price. In a sealed envelope, onlv six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Kssav. clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming conseuueuces of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife; pointing out a niode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sullerer, no matter what Ills condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, ana rauicany. ' Sent under seal. In a olaln eavelobe. to anv ad- dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two pOEilstamps. ' Address the publishers. xl5ply THE CULVKltWKLL MEDICAL CO. 41 Auu St., New York ; Post Ollice Box, 4580, A FEW DOLLARS Will go a good way Just now as we have inude ANOTHER GREAT REDUCTION i In order to clear ofl our M'lnter Stock, and make room for our largq SPRING STOCK whloh Is now biing iiinmifttetured. CLOTHING, CARPETS, &c. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Youth's Clolhlng Very Cheap. Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Boys' Clothing Very ('heap.. Boys' Clothing Very Cheap. ' Children's Clothing Very uheap. Children's Clothing Very Cheap, (food Room Carpet Very Cheap. Good Room Carpet Very Cheap. Common Room Carpet very Cheap. Common Room Carpet Very Cheap. Stair Carpet Very Cheap. Floor Oil-Cloth A ery Cheap. Stair Oil cloth Very Chen p. Table Oil Cloih Very Cheap. Trunks Very Cheap. Valises Very Cheap. Satchels Very Cheap, tlnni Coats Very Cheap. TUin Blankets Veiy Chenp. Horse Blankets Very cheap. Bed Blankets Very Cheap. Men's Hats Very Cheap. Boy's Hats Very Cheap. W And many other goods besides the forget to give us & call. LADIES' and CENT'S' FURNISHING QOODS, &C. Shawls Very Chenp. Scarfs Very Cheap. Towels Very Chcitp. Table Covers Very Cheap. Corsets Very Cheap. Collars Very Cheap. Culls Very Cheap, .lewelry Very Cheap. Pocket Books Very Cheap. I pnins , cry i;neap. i Nubias Very Cheap. ' Furs Very Cheap. ! I'nderwear Very Cheap. i Ties Very Cheap. I Shirts Very Cheap. Overalls Very Cheap. Overshlrts Very Cheap. . Stockings Very Cheap. Handkerchiefs Very Cheap, Bed Spreads Very Chenp. Hair Switches Very Cheap. I Cmbrellas Very Cheap. Shirt Bosoms Very Cheap. I Accordions Very cheap. I Paper and Envelopes Very Cheap. above, will be sold very LOW. Don't I S I D O It SCHWA 11 T Z Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PENN'A. Winter 187G. i 1877 Winter. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CnEAP CHEAP CAEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASn FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CA8H FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASIt FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CA8H FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CA6H FOR CASn FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH The subscriber has now in store A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS SUITED TO THE SEASON. Many of these goods were ISought before the Advance in Trice AND WILL THEREFORE BK SOLD AT GREAT BARGAINS ! EVERY PERSON WHO WANTS MUSLINS AND PRINTS AT OLD PRICES, C0TT0NADES & CASSIMERES At Prices which are astonishing,' - WINTER BOOTS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, Lower than ever before Offered, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS OF BEAUTIFUL STYLES, And at Pleasing Prices , WALL PAPERS & BORDERS IN GREAT VARIETY. TAINTS, OILS and HARDWARE, Or any other (ioods at LOW RATES, should ex amine the Stock now offered by F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. 1 x. Osllttj1 IT RETAINS all the virtues of tha Light-Running " DOMESTIC," including the Automatic Tension, which was and is the best In use. 9-Please notice our PATENT HARDENED CONICAL UEARING8 on both the Maclne and stand. Our new and old Ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at our own new works. In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey have given us a standard of MECHANICAL EX CELLENCE, Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, aud range of work, never heretofore reached In the Sewing Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF 3" We invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical fcklll or observation. N. B. All Machines fully warranted. domestic 8KWIKO MACHINE Co., New York and Chicago. 1 LADIES, VMS "DOMESTIC" FAPEII FASHIONS. Tho Bloomfiold Times STmAJYl JOB OFFICE IS THE PLACE TO GET Plain and Fancy SALE BILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTER-HEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, BILL-HEADS, &C, &C, &C, &C. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. "The Christian at Work?7' Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent. Wide-Awake, Spicy and Entertaining. REV. WM. M. TAYLOlTb. D., Editor In Chief. M. H. II 1110 IIT, Managing Editor. TERMS: 13 A YEArT POSTAGE PAID. In securing the services of Rev. William M. Taylor, D. J)., as Editor In Chief, The Christian at Work Takes a decided step In advance. Inflexible fn ffa allegiance to Scripture authority. It will combine the dignity of the scholar, the courtesy of the gentleman and the lover ol the Christian. It will not be a personal organ, nor will It be subject t Impulse nor governed by caprice. Believing that Christian truth should be declared with simplici ty and earnestness, It will be direct without being dull, and versatile without belngtrlvial. A paper for all, and one that all should take because they cannot alford to do without It. Send for sample copv.- J. N. HALLOCK, Publisher. S 102 Chamliers Street, M. Y. heTerryhouse" ZNew Bloomfleld, Perry Co., Pa., TIIOS. BUTCH, Proprietor. TIE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine I GREAT REDUCTION TO CLUItfl POSTAGE PRE PAID TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Orlgi nal Stoiles of any of the lady's bonks, the best Colored Fashion Plates, the best Receipts, the best Steel Engravings, Ike., o. Every family ought to have It. It gives more for the money than anv ia the world. It will contain, next year, in Its twelve 77oumf Page Fourteen Splendid Sfeef rirnebTwelvfi Colored Jierlin Pattern 'J'liylm Mammoth VuloreM Fashion tilme Hundred Wood Oiits 2'icen-ty-fntr 1'age of Music I It will also give Five Original Copyright Novel ettes, by Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, Frank Ie Bene dict, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Marietta Holley, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter storie. All Original, by the best authors of America. Its superb Mammoth Colored Fashion Hates are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved ou steel, twice the usuul size. TERMS (Always in Advance) 93 A TEAK. Two Copies for $3.60 3 Copies for J4.80, with a copy of the premium picture (2720) "Cornwallis' Surrender," a Five Dollar Engraving, to the per son getting up the Club. Four Copies for tfi.80 5 Copies for $8.00, with an extra cony of the Magazine for 1877, as a premi um, to the person getting up the Club. Six Copies for (CJ liO 7 Copies for $11.009 Copies for ti:i.5u. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1877, and the premium picture, a Five Dollar engraving, to the person getting up the Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON. SU6 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. 49s Specimens sent gratis, if written for. 44 JHE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST MAGAZINE. A Combination of tht Useful, thi Entertaining and tin Beautiful. Demorest's Illustrated Monthly, Hte Model Parlor Magazine of America, Contains the essentials of all others, Including Home Interests In all its departments. The only Reliable Fashions In all their de tails. The beauties and ntilltiea of Literature, Poe try, Sketches, Stories, Musle, Floriculture, and every branch of entertaining and useful read ing and useful reading calculated to enliven and elevate society and make our homes at tractive, useful aud happy. This unrivaled Magazine will commence Its sixteenth year with January, 1877, and aa heretofore, full of new literary, entertaining and useful subjects to which it is devoted. With each number will be given a inperb colored cabinet-picture (worth the whole cost of the Magazine,) in oil, mounted on a mat ready for framing. Every subscriber at Three Dollar is entitled to the selection of a premium (of which there are eighteen), delivered and forwarded imme diately on receipt of the subscription. Every article offered is of first qnality, Including Books, any one worth the price of subscrip tion ; L'hromoi from celebrated Paintings and equal to the originals, of large sine and suita ble for any parlor : Potktt-Cook Stoves; System of Dress Cutting, (this received tte Ulghtit Cen tennial Awards;) Bllver-Plated Ware of all kinds Stationery, Linen Marker, etc., etc. roa ci.CBS. We have larger and and more valuable Premiums. Including tlooksof all kinds. Silver-plated Ware,. Bracket Saws, Scissors. Stereoscopes. Haines, Ta ble Cutlery, Clocks, Adjustable Tables, Fluting Machines, Knitting Machines, China, Dinner aud Tea Sets, and numerous oilier desirable articles of whloh a full list will be furnished ou applica tion to the publisher, W. JENNINGS DF.MOREST. 17 Kant 14th Street. K. Y. Agents required everywhere. Beud lorpartic. ulais. , ft)