The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 06, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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ItO&il fpcikrtircit.
On ami after November 7th, Trains mu h follow!
.fin .Mall' Atl'.i Mm.
Ki. J'lr'ui lix. Aeo.
Mexico,...,... .
Port Royal....
MlfTlln, u.
ficwtrftnwn Jr.,
McWvtown ,..
N. Hamilton, .
19 Ml
13 III
19. (IK
s ir. n'.osl
7. mi
7. mi' 10.99
.m 10. in
H In
II .Kl
4.40 8.61
10. 841 .0t 8.97
In In1 4 47
11.871 4. is. l m
8. Ml 8.M B.mi
8. It; 9 M US
A. Mu P.M. jr. M.
Punllo Sales. Those liavlng buIo bills
printed nt this offloo will have llic no
tice of the snlo in this list without extra
diarge until dny of wile.
February 10th. Ira WcnUel executor of David
Wentzcl, dee'd will oiler at tils luto rcsldeneo
near Blain tho rcmlndccr of store goods be
longing to deceased.
March 12th. Thomas Coleman, In Rye tvrp.,
will tell Horses, Cows, Wagons, Farming
inplctnents, &c.
February 14th. Philip McNemar at his rest,
denccin Ccutre twp., will soli Horse, wagon,
Cows and a general assortment of farming
Fobrnary 15, Samuel Rltncr at his residence In
Carroll twp.,nearGlb8on's spoke factory ,wlll
Sell horses, cows, farming implements, and
household furniture.
Tebr,uary Iflth. Mr. I. B. Trostle, at her resi
dence In Blaln, will oiler one cow, a variety
of household furniture and a house and lot.
February 21st., Jacob Seller at his residence In
Centre twp., will soil 8 cows, a large lot of
lamberand household furniture. The bouse
and lot will also be offered for sale at llie
same time.
February 22nd. Mrs. Rebecca Trostle, at her
residence In Raccoon Valley, 8 miles N. E.
of Ickesburg will sell horses, cattle, sheep
and farming implements.
February 23rd. Goo. Vf. Btone, at his resi
dence In Carroll twp., will sell cows, pigs,
farming Implements and household furni
ture. March 1st. W. H. Dum, executor of the es
tate of Fred E. Dum, dee'd will sell stock,
farming implements, and household furni
ture and lumber.
March 2d., Geo. R. Hall at the Orr farm at
Billow's Bridge, will sell Live Stock, farm
ing implements, Ac.
March 8rd. Vm. E. Kirk of Wheatfield twp.,
Will offer horses, cows, wagons, and a gen
eral variety of farming implements.
March 8rJ. B. W. & S. M. Small at the farm
of Adam Small in Centre twp., will sell horses
wagons, and varlouB farming implements.
March 6th. Andrew Miller will sell horses,
cows, young cattle and farming Implements
In Tyrone twp., i miles south-east of Land
isburg. March Oth. G. F. Ensminger, assignee of
J. C. SklVes, will sell horses, mules, cows,
sheep, and a general assortment of farming
March Oth B. F Rice at Buffalo Mil 1b threo
Miles Wjest of Ickesbnrg, will offer horses,
cattle, wagons and a general assortment of
farming implements. D. M. Rinecmitu,
March ! 5th. Tho Executors of tho estate of
John Kell, dee'd., on the farm near Blue
Ball, will sell livestock, farming Implements
and household furniture.
March 16th. Jeremiah Keck will sell horses,
cows, young cattle, 'bogs and farming Imple
ments in Tyrone twp., )i miles south-east
of .Landifrburg.
Sale Bills got up in good style. Price
$1.25 to $5, according to size. Hend
list of articles and day of sale and state
the priced 1)111 you want to this oflice
and your bills will be sent you by return
of mail.
Uriel Item.
8. S. Ritter, a cattle dealer of Carlisle,
lost his pocket book with $600 in it, on
Saturday-evening, in Beading.
y $)n Monday night of last week some
evil disposed " cuss" attempted to break
into Klefl'msn'g saloon, in Millerstown.
A bill has been introduced in the house
providing -that the text books in use on
the third filenday of June next shall not
be changed for six years.
The horse belonging to Mr. Neilson,
that was injured, has since died, and ex
amination showed that the bone was bro
ken in three ptaces,where he was kicked.
A live California grasshopper was
brought into H. Foulk, Esq., a few days
since and the chap is still as lively as
a cricket."
The protracted meeting that has been
t progress for tome time in Fishing
w?ek, came to a close last week. The
results are very gratifying.
The Ground Hog did not his shad
ow on the day set apart for his appear
ance. For purtiouilars as to what effect
this will have on the weather apply to
the Freeman. The Judge is posted.
On Tuesday last a horse belonging to
Mr. David Tresster, in Centre twp.. was
kicked by another horse, in the stable,
in a terrttaVe manner, several cuts being
so large they had to be sewed up.
Communications received on Monday
morning are too late-for insertion. We
only had three this week just as we were
going to press, and one without the
name of the writer.
A young man named Sider resident
at Buffalo twp., was arrested and held
to bail before 'BqulreZlnn last week
charged with forging the names of his
uncleand brother to a note. W. H. Mln
lob. made the charge. ,
-On last Tuesday while Mr. Lew Frank
was crossing the river on the ice with a
load of chop and as he was nearing the
opposite bank the ice gave way precipi
tating the horses and sled Into the water.
He managed to get out without any se
rious damage. Newt.
Wy: Mull, Ave.,
fftHniTr'u lr'u.
A.M. .P.M. 'P.M.
s.oo 6 :hi
a. la j.w .w.
HI 1.41 i.M
:H 1.44 H ill
P.I1A 8.UM 8.411
m am a mi
Ml t.MI 7.10
Ml 8. Mi 7.2H
S.4S 8.11 7.411
DM 8.11 7.M
10.10 il.IM' B.IW
Kl.l 8.M i
14(4 4.m
11.40 4.471
l&W 8.W ;
l.m s.sr1 !
7.111; 1
CM. P.M.I "
Hev. 1). W. Krlly, formerly the min
ister over the Reformed charge in this
place, died at the resilience of Dr. LpTo
ver in llarrlsburg on Hnturdtiy InBt. Ills
remains were brought to Newport from
whenee the funeral will take place on
Tuesday, at 1 o'clock 1'. M.
X Printers do sometimes make money,
though not often and accordingly we
note with some satisfaction that Mr. 11.
8. ltembaugh,a graduate of the
of this plaue has in addition to his print
ing oflice in California, became the pos
sessor of a $H000 farm. You see he took
Ureeley's advice and "went Went."
Week of Prayer. The Union week of
prayer in this town, postponed from
January on account of Court, will bo
observed this week with following
arrangement: Hunday (Feb. 4) and
Monday Reformed Church ; Tuesday
and Wednesday Lutheran Church ;
Thursday and Friday 'Methodist
Church ; Saturday and Sunday (Feb. 11)
Presbyterian Church.
VAu Old Subscriber Says : " Times are
hard and though I feellikeeconomlstng,
I will not do it by stopping my paper.
A man who cannot get enough benefit
out of your paper to continue, even
though times are hard, will probably
consider w hiskey cheap at any price,
would not not miss peeing a circus if
within ten miles of him, and would at
all times keep one or more worthless,
An Accident. On the Slstult., asMr.
Idle and family, of Rye twp., were on
thoir way to attend the funeral of Mr.
Chas. llarshinger's child, the seat of the
wagon came down and Mr. Idle and
his wife were thrown out. Mrs. I. had
her collar bone broken and was other
wise bruised, and Mr. I. was hurt in
tho back. Dr. Travis, of Marysville at
tended to the Injuries, and the old lady is
getting along as well as can be expected
of an old lady over 70 years of age.
Weather Report. B. Mclntlre,esq.,hands
s the following report for the montii of
January, 1877 : Average of thermometer
at 8 o'clock A. M., 21, 48' ; of barometer
30 Inches minus 6-tenths. Average of
.greatest degree of heat 81, 0' ; of lowest
degree of cold 14, 23'. There fell one
foot of snow and 0-tenths of an inch of
ruin. This month was, on an average,
not so cold as the month of December.
The coldest day was Friday the 6th, the
.mercury staking to 2 below zero, and
the warmest day was 17th, the ther
mometer running up to 42 above zero.
' Burglary. The tobacco storeof Wilson
Lupfer in this place was burglarized on
Friday night last. The day previous
Mr. L. had noticed that the bolt to the
front window had been removed and he
supplied the place of the missing bolt
with a wooden one. That night the
shutter was forced open, a pane of glass
removed from the window and tho con
tents of the money drawer which was
within reach of the window was robbed
of about $7 in change. It is evident wo
have some resident in this place who
ought to be serving his country at Cher
ry Hill.
Coal Oil Seized. During the past few
weeks Captain Roach Las seized nearly
one hundred barrels of kerosene at Hun
bury, Bhamokin and other points,whlch
was being sold in violation of law. An
inspection revealed the fact that instead
of coming up to the requirements of the
law, 110 degrees,it took fire at 85degrces.
This probably accounts for the great
number of lamp explosions. A Balti
more firm sold most of this oil to the
dealers. Home storekeepers refused to
sell the oil as soon as they learned It was
not up to the standard. fhunbury Daily.
How Cars Are Robbed. A car thief who
had been operating on the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad has been commit
ted to the Norrintown jail for stealing
about $250 worth of goods. The mode
of carrying on these robberies Is pecu
liar. Two of thieves, carrying a rope,
board the cars at some point where the
train has to move slowly. They climb
to the roof and lie flat on their faces un
til a clear otretch of the road is reached.
One of them then fastens the rope
wound his body and the other lets him
lown at tbe side of the car. Thus sus
pended he pk'ks the lock of the car door
and enters. At a point of road before
agreed upon lie throws off the goods,
and accomplices are awaiting to secure
them. ' ! r
A Family Poisoned by Eating Apple Butter.
Four members of the family of Mr.
John Doyle,residing at Coxestown,about
four miles above llarrlsburg, were poi
soned recently by eating apple butter
contained In a crock, glazed with oxide
of zinc. The wife of Mr. Doyle did not
taste the "spread" aud was therefore
not affected by the poison. The father
and three children became very sick
the symptoms being violent spasms, se
vere pain In the pit of the stomach, ob.
stinate constipation, general relaxation,
etc. The father and eldest son have re
covered so far as to feel no effect from the
poison but general debility, while the
remaining two children are still India.
posed, but will eventually recover. Dr.
J.D.Bowman, of this city, had. the
cases under his charge. Patriot.
Sheriffs Sales. The following prop,
rrtles were sold at (Sheriff's snlo on Fri
day February 2nd., 1877.
Two lots of ground, situate In the bor
ough of Marysville, Perry county, Pa.
Hei.ed as the property of Hiram Ander
son. Hold to Artman, Trlchler & Co.,
Philadelphia,, for $2l).
Also a tract of woodlnnd,sltuittein Hiu
vllle twp., Perry county, Pa. Helzed ns
the property or John 1)111. Hold to W.
II. Mlnlch, Newport, for $25.
Also defendant's in a tract of land, sit
uate In Wheatfield twp., Perry county,
Pa., having thereon erected a two-story
frame house, frame bank barn and other
outbuildings ; seized as the property of
John Losh. Hold to Elizabeth Losh,
for $r)2.
Also a lot of ground, sltuato In the bor
ough of Bloomfleld, Perry county, Pa.,
and having thereon erected a two-story
stone building : Helzed as' the property
tif the Perry County Mutual Fire Insur
ance Company. Hold to Chas. H. Hml
ley, Est)., Bloomfleld, for $4(10.
A Lesson on Tobacco, In a Passenger Car.
The latest and most effective countor
blast against tobacco expectoration was
delivered by a lady in a Hlxth Ave. car,
New York, on Saturday aweek. One of
those noble specimens of manhood who
chew the weed and with impartial mind
distribute the saliva upon everything
and everybody within range, waB sitting
opposite the lady. From his capacious
mouth, at regular intervals, a stream of
amber juice fell upon her dress. Her
look of blank amazement soon gave
place to one of wrath ; a frown blacker
than midnight gathered upon her face.
Patience ceasing to be a virtue, she at
last rose, carefully gathered up her dress
so as to lose not a drop of the fragrant
liquid, and, leaning toward her vis-a-vis,
wiped his face with the garment he had
desecrated, and then deliberately resum
ed her seat. The astonished man roared
with rage and pain, vainly tried to wipe
the tobacco Juice from his smarting
eyes, and at last rushed from tho car,
followed by roars of laughter from the
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week.
Home days ngo a child belonging to
Mrs. Christain Rentier, residing in
McAlistervllle, during the temporary
absence of the mother from tho house,
got its head through tho strap of a
sewlng-hiachine and completely hung
itself. When discovered it was almost
The Mlffilntown Democrat A
says : On Tuesday night of last week,
forty-two tramps took shelter In the
county Jail. And it wasn't a goodnight
for tramps t'ither. ,
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing fiHMn the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
Monday evening, about half-past eight
o'olock, as Amanda Minnlch, aged
about eighteen, and another lady, were
going down the Main , street, in Carlisle,
a man named Patterson, a grain dealer
from Baltimore, stepped out of the
Bentz House and caught hold of Miss
Minnlch's arm. Slio nqtlced that he
was drunk and tried to release herself
from his hold, when ho drew a revolver,
pointed it at her and tired. The ball
passed through her hand, making a se
vere wound. Patterson was sobered at
the deed he had committed, and made
immediate arrangements to leave the
town. Hiring a horse and sleigh he
drove away rapidly, but pursuit was
made and he was captured at Mechanics
burg and taken back to Carlisle.
Church Notices.
Presbyterian Church. Preaching next
Halibath at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M.
Preaching in the M. E. Church on
Sunday. evfcning next.
A Reduction. I desire to notify the
citizens of Perry county, that I am pre
pared to re-palnt old buggies at from
$8.00 up, and re-varnish from $4.00 to
$5.00, and other repairs at same propor
tion. I have also on hand second hunt)
buggies and Spring wagons.
i'cv work made to order. Give me a
call. Shop back of Smith & McBride's
blacksmith, shop, New Bloomfleld, Pa.
E. T. Baker.
A Word About Boots. Oood boots are
the most important article of men's wear.
After trying several makes, we have
concluded that the boots made by the
Watson town company are the best in
themarket. They are hand-made and
manufactured from the best stock of
any wo can get while the shape is better
adapted to the general trade. Their
goods are for sole by the stores gener
ally throughout this county, and a full
supply can be found at the store of
tf F, Mortimer.
Take Notice. Notice Is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the undersigned,
that a dissolution of partnership is to
take place on April 1st. All accounts
must be settled by note or otherwise be
fore that date, and accounts not settled
in accordance with this notice will be
put in the hands of a Justice for col
lection. The business will after that
date be carried on by H. W. Smith.
Smith A McBridk.
New Bloomfleld, Jan. 23, 1877. tf
For Sale or Rent. The Hotel nronertv
situate on Carlisle Street, north of the
Court House, New Bloomfleld, Pa. Pos
session given on ApriL 1st, 1877. For
information, apply to,
Mits. Sarah Derrick,
Mansville, Perry co., Pa.
Schwartz Holds the Fort for the Cheapest
Clothing, Furnishing (mods, &., In tho
County. (Jive Idm a call.
Ismoit Schwartz,
Newport, Pa.
will dm! it to their advantage by calling
on tho Undersigned,
Newport, Pa.
Tailoring promptly and well done.
Wn will fllt'tllull Vflll t.lm irofwla fit villi
. . - ..... ....... J WH ..V V.WU.., ... J "
can bring your own material, aud be as.
sured of liavlng a good fit.
r . Aiuiinnusji.
The celebrated "Capital Lead, which
Is unequalled for whiteness and durabil
ity alwuys on hand and for sale by
tf. F. Mortimer.
-.-- m-. --
Special Notice. Having added a room
for the express purpose of showing car
pets oil cloth and wall paper, we ask
persons wanting any of these articles to
look at our assortment,
tf. F. Mortimer.
There Is No Article Like It to Cleanse
and Jtt'Hiore,
In unlike any other, and has no equal. The Im
proved has new venetatilo tonlo properties i re
stores gray hair to a glossy, natural colon re
stores faded, dry, harsh and falling halri restores
hair to prematurely bald lienilsi removes dan
druff, humors, scaly eruptions; remove Irrita
tion, itching and scaly dryness. Ho article pro
duces such wonilfirfifl ellRcts. Try It, call for
Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and floa t lit
put yr with any other article. Hold by all drug
gists In this place and everywhere. Trade sup
plied at manufacturers' prices by C. A. COOK tt
CO., Chicago, Hole Agents for the United Mates
and Canadas, and by Johnston, Holloway & Co.,
Philadelphia. 10.30. ly e.o.w
... ---
Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report.
l'nii.tuEi rut, February 3. The past week
has been unusually dull, and prices for produce
have receded somewhat. We quote Wheat, 14K4P
U'HtCoru, MS.r7jRye, 75W Oats, 384J40; Clo
verseed. Him?
Htock quotation areas follows : lnnn'a. R. R.,
WA Reading It. It., HiNor. Central, ZfiVii 1.
hlKh Nav., -uQi; riiil'a. it Erie, 1H,V, Uold, loiS.
Connty Trice Current.
- Bloom field, February 5th, 1877.
Flax-Heed 1 iiij
Potatoes, 75
Iluttor V pound, (fresh roll) 18
Packed Ilutter If) pound, 10
Ekks V dozen 1H "
Dried Apples ft pound,... :ij; cts"
Dried Peaches,..., 812ots.yft
Cherries 0 0 ets. "
" Pitted .. OOOOOots.
Blackberries OQOcts. "
Carlisle, February 3. 1S77.B
Family Flour tfi.25
Superfine Rye Flour 3.50
White Wheat, new 1 80
Hod Wheat, new 1.30
Rye... BO
Corn, (new) 43
Oats .-. 30
Uloverseed 9.00 a 0.00
Corrected Weekly by Koitgh it Brother.
Mwi'OKT, February 3, 1877.
Flour, Extra j 60
" Super. 4 60
White Wheat V bu I Mai 30
Red Wheat 1 25 0 1 25
Rye 6060
Corn ... 40642945
Oats V 32 pounds 3030
Clover Seed 9 00Q9 00
Timothy Seed 1 60
Flax Seed 1 00 "
Potatoes, 80 80
Bacon 10 O H
Dressed Hogs 6 ets.
Ground Alumn Salt 1 6001 60
Llmebumer's Coal ,. 2 25
Stove Coal 4 00 O 5 00
Pea Coa,l 2 75
Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at tbs
Lowest Market Kates.
Five per cent oft for Cash.
I.i Dwro-SmnRS On the 30th ult, in Marys
vllle, by the Rev. 8.1. Miortess, Mr. Emanuel
LudwlK of Baltimore, to Miss Louisa E. Siders of
Marysville. Perry county Pa.
Jones Powell Ontnettth ult., In Newport,
by Rev. J. W. Buckley, Mr. Joshua H. Jones to
Miss Annie M. Powell, both of Juniata township,
Perry county Pa.
Mimioh FiiiiKMtN On the 23rd nit., at Landls
burp. by Rev. W. II. Herbert. Mr. Wilson MlnTch
to Miss Annie A. 1 ulirmau, both from near Loys
ville, this county. Iibar On the 25th ult.. at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, by the same, Mr.
John A. Slielhley, to Miss Emma Bear, daughter
of Judge bear, both of Spring twp., this couaty.
adapted to all kinds of goods, and to all the dif
ferent and fashionable styles of Plaiting. Simple
and easily managed, it Is Just the article every
lady needs.
Sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price,
.. Send for Circular.
t Uortlandt Street Jiew York.
The most complete method of propelling the
sewing machine. It saves four titths the labor and
entirely avoids the cause of physical injury t en
dorsed by the mwlicul fraternity. It can be at
tached to any ordinary sewing machine without
removing the machine from the bouse. No sew
ing machine should be used without this im
portant attachment. Send for our circulars,
which explains the principles. Address,
01 yr. tit OortlandtMrett, If. Y.
NOTICE. The undersigned hereby give no
tice to all persons indebted to him, that their
accounts Biust tie settled on or before the first of
March. Alter that no further indulxence will be
Hheruiansdale, Jan. V, 1(477. . , , pd
American ntid foreign FnicntH.
GII.MORK & CO., Siicimsiiis to ClIII'MAN.
Ill A CO., H'lllclrnrs. Patents pro
enroll In all uiiuntrlHs. No PKKH IN ADV ANtif.
No clinrue tiiili'os the pslent, Is granted. No fees
fur making preliminary examination. No addi
tional hies fur obtaining and cntidii'itllig a re
hearing. By a recent decision ot the Cnmml
sinner, A l,L ri'Jei'N'd applications limy he revived.
Special attention given in Interference Cases I
lorn the 1'aleut olllce, KxieiHon before Con
grins, Infringement Suits In dlllerent States, aud
all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pal.
cuts. Hi'tiil Mump to ((limine 61 Co., for pamph
let of Slxly tinges.
Contested l-and Cases prosecuted before the 1).
S. (leneral I, and Olllce and Department of the
Interior. Private Land Claims, MIMNU and
l'UK, KMI'TKIN Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases
attended to. I.aii'l Scrip In 4u, an, any lilo acre for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can
tie located In the name of the purchaser upon any
(lovernmnnt hind subject to private entry, at
11.25 per acre. It Is of eipial value with Bounty
l.and Warrants. Send Stamp to (Jllmore & Co.,
lor pamphlet, of instruction.
Into war. or tlielr heirs, are In many casesenlltled
to money from the Oovernmeiit of which tliey
have 110 knowledge. Write full history of service,
and state amount of pay anil bounty received.
Enclose stamp to OILilt lit K i Co., and a lull re
ply, after examination, will he given you free.
y K N H I O & .
wounded, ruptured, or Injured In the lain war,
however silent, call obtain a pensoii by addressing
Cases pioceciitcd by (IILMOKK& (,'() , before
the Supreme Court of the United Stales, the Court
ol Claims and the Southern Claims Commission.
Each department of our business is conducted
In aseparate bureau, under charge of the same
experienced parties, emliloved by The old firm,
Prompt attention to all business entrusted to
G1LMORK& CO., Is thus secured. We desire to
win success by deserving It.
Address: OILMORE CO.,
WiV F. Street,
Washington, D. C.
R STATE NOTICK.-Notlce Is hereby given
that letters Testamentary on the ecliitnof
JC'J that lottnrs TestHtucntnrv
Frederick E. Dum. lute ol Tvrone tiiwnshlD.
Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in Elllottsburg, Perry
county. Pa.
All persons indebted tosald estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
WILLIAM II. DUM, Execufor..
A. M. Markkl, Attorney for Executor.
January 3li, 1877.
Notice Is hereby given that James Irvine and'
wife of Savllle township, Perry county, Pa., by
deed of voluntary assignment nave assigned all
the estate, real aud personal, of the said James
Irvine to Thus. H. Milligan, of the borough of
Newport, county and state aforesaid, In trust fur
the benefit of the creditors of the said James
Irvine. All persons therefore Indebted to the
said James Irvine, will make payment to the said
asslgm-e, aud those having claims or demands will
make known the same without delay.
January 30, 1877. Assignee.
Notice is hereby given that John Yofin of Car
roll township. Perry county, Penn'a., by deed of
voluntary deed of assignment has assigned all the
estate, real and personal of the said John Yohrr
toA. M. Fleck, of Shermansdale, county and
state aforesaid, In trust for the benefit of the
creditors of the said John Yohn, All person
therefore Indebted to the said John Yohn, will
make payment to the said assignee, and thosn
having claims or demands will make known the
same without delay.
January 30, 1877. Assignee.
BY Virtue of an alias order Issued out of ihri
Court of Common Pleas of Perry Conntv. Pa., to
the undersigned, Assignees of William Schoff and
wife for the benefit of creditors, they will expose
to publlo sale on the premises, tm
at one o'clock p. m., of said day, the following de
scribed real estate to wit i
Tract No. 1, being a piece of land, situate In
Savllle township, perry county. Pa., bounded by
lands of Philip Jacobs, James Irvine, and others,
containing about
173 ACRES,
tly cleared, having thereon erected a t
and other outbuildings. There Is also an Apple
Orchard and other Fruit Trees on said Tract.
Tract No. 2. being a ridge of land situate in said
township of Savllle. county and State aforesaid,
adjoining lands of James Elliott and others, eon
tafdlng about SIXTY ACRES, well covered with
Any person who desires to purchase a desirable
property, on easy terms, convenient to schools,
churches, stores, mills, Vc should not fail to at
tend the above sale.
TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, to be paid
when the property Is stricken down, one-third ol
the balance on the 1st April, 1K77, at which time
a deed is to be delivered and possession given,
the ba'ance In two equal annual payments with
Interest, to be secured by Judgment bonds.
Information as to title, tie., will be given
by Lewis Potter, Attorney-at-Law, New Blcom
neld,Fa. J. 8. WETZEL.
January 30, 1877. Assignees,
" Tbe Beet Thing In the West."
Atchison, Topeka St .Santa Fe R. R.
of the best Farming and Agricultural Lands in
America, situated In and near the beautiful Cot
tonwood and Upper Arkansas Valleys, the gar
den of the West, on 11 Years' Credit, with 7 per
cent. Interest.
J-FAKE REFUNDED To purchaser of
O-Circulars, with map, giving full Inform
tion, sent free. Address
Acting Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas.
Or, CM. MORRISON, agent of A.. T. S. F.
R. K, No. 28 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa. 4 Sm
U Auctioneer,
Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and
Cumberland counties. Post office address,
Shermansdale, ferry co.. Pa.
Blaln, Perry county Fa.
WTerms Moderate and every exertion made
to render satisfaction. tl
Auctioneer. The undersigned frWea
notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perry
or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited atd
premplattention wlllbe given.
Perrv co. .Pa.
a. Charges very tow. Post Olllce address
Ickesburg Penn'a-
Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charge moderate, and
satisfaction guaranteed. 5 if