4 THE TIMES .NEW BLOOM El ELI), PA., EEMtUARY 0,1877. THE TIMES. New lUoomfleld, Vtb'y (I, JS77. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Mo Cut or SliTontj-pK will hp Inserted In till. vor Bnlww llirht fsoe fttul on metal bntta, tTwentT wr pent, in iiwi nf regular rte, will bs etwniMl or itvertlemeut ot In Unuule Column. NOTICE TO HIT IIWI' II I DERM, I.nnk at the (l(,nrp on the Intiel of yonr iwppr.-ThiiBHilu-uri H tpll vim tlm itnte In wlilrli jrniir iib prtitilnn Ik nnM. Within B nrku miir mutiny In pnt, ine 11 the iWte la cluuwed. No other rucclpt Is uooeaaary. OUR CIRCULATION. For the information of advertlsersttiid others who niny be Interested in know Ing, we will state that the present circu lation of The Times is between eighteen hundred and nineteen hundred copies each week. The Phksidknt Is In favor of imnie dlatespecle resumption and thinks it can now be done easily. Toi'EKA, Kas., January 31. The leg islature to-day elected Col. Plumb as United Stutes senator. Holland, the bank robber, has been veturned to his old quarters in the C'hambersburgjail. He was met at the depot by a crowd of several hundred persons. The amoi'nt paid by the State for services of the County School Superin tends for the past year was, $71,1(00,00. Isn't this about $71,500,09 more than their services arc really worth to the cause of education ? The House Committee at Harris burg has reported ft bill, by a close vote, 11 to 0, authorizing the people of Penn sylvania to vote on the subject of the sale of liquors In the respective counties of the Commonwealth. This is the local option law of three years ago with some changes. A Good Move. Kepresentative Sherwood, of JJoth umbcrland county, has introduced a bill In the house reducing the compensation of members of the legislature from $ 1,000 to $700. The bill also makes re ductions In the salaries of employees in those of the chief clerks, $500 and resident clerk $500. Transcribing clerks are allowed $000 in the bill and pasters and folders $500. Judge Cahventek, before whom was argued the case of Peter Smith a negro convict pardoned by Chamberlain, and detained in prison on the ground that Chamberlain had no authority to exer cise the pardoning power, not being the legal governor of South Carolina, has decided that neither Chamberlain nor Hampton was duly inaugurated govern or, and that Chamberlain consequently holds over until his successor qualifies in due form. The case will be appealed to the Supreme Court, where a similar question is now pending. The joint electoral convention con vened on Thursday, and counted the votes of the StateB of Alabama, Arkan sas, California, Colorado, Connecticut and Delaware. No objection was offer ed until the vote of Florida was reached, when three sets of certificates were opened and read. Each set was objected to, and one of the Republican electors was challenged as ineligible. The mat ter was then refered to the electoral tri partite committee, which met and heard argument of counsel on the subject. Xo decision will probably be reached for several days. Tiik President has decided not to interfere in the Louisiana case,exccpt to keep the peace, until after the Presiden tial question has been finally settled. He says the settlement of the latter question will, in his opinion, render clear the question as to who is entitled to the Governorship of Louisiana. He says both parties in that State are behaving remarkably well, and he has no cause to complain on that score. lie has no doubt but that the statue quo will be maintained until the final decision is made; but should it be otherwise, should either party break the peace, he will order Gen. Augur to take charge of the State until he shall have decided the question of governorship. New Postage Stamps. The probability now is that we shall soon have a change in the quality of our postage stamps, rendering it impossible for them to lie " washed." From the present style of three cent stamps the canceling marks are easily erased by add and the government has been trying for a long time to obtain some ink for printing stamps which will ubsord the canceling ink so that it cannot be erased. The department has under trial a new kind of mucilage, which is said to be an improvement on that now in use. The new adhesive compound is the Invention of a chemist In New York. The con tracts for the manufacture of stamps ex pire shortly, and the department desire to examine all Improvements before they are renewed. Postmaster General Tyner In his recent report to Congress says he believes that postal revenue to the amount of over $1,000,000 would bo saved to the government If there was no use of three cent stamps n second time. This estimate Is doubtless a little high, but that the business of washing these 8 tamps Is carried on to some extent, there Is but little doubt. A C0STLY INSTITUTI0N I By reference to the Auditor General's Keport for 1870, transmitted to the Leg islature at the ojrenlng of the present sasslon, pages 02, 0,1 and 04, it will be seen that the expenses for building addi tion to the Office of Internal Affairs, and furnishing the samo for the year ending November 80, 1870, was as fol lows : rRtPiBeTiilielel, Jr., for building ad dition 115,292 10 IVter HimiiIipIipI, Jr., for Extra work done In olllcf, 9,712 SO J. D. fi A. J. March for heating apiia- rutin 3.0S8 on llergHt lesser : Boyd for work on build in g 179 20 O. A. Bplppr for work on olllee H9 M A. H. lloni'k .... 274 60 Miit'Hlilmnk & Co., for material furnish ed and work dune 1,759 08 National Covering Company (or work on utllee : 158 55 Nut tonal Covering Company fur cover Ins: pipes and and boilers In nfflcn, 10 00 llanlihank & Co., for material fur nished, 322 05 Owens (fe Kehr for laying pavement around olllee 785 00 Furniture as follows : Pagan t Maeyer fur furniture, 14S 98 O. C. Hooper for furniture 1,489 25 v'reagmlle ft Co., Carpets, Matting, &., 1.H7J 39 Charles P. Mllllkeu. Drapery 591 do Samuel Adams, Chandeliers 590 00 1. Al. Simon tor services as Architect, (mind the 99 cents Item,) 917 99 Total m,m 80 Add to this, as seen on page 78, the salaries ot Secretary, clerks, and e ntlugeiit expenses 31,158 93 Grand Total J08,591 23 The Report of the Auditor General for 1875 pnge 104, shows that P. Ilernheisel, Jr. was paid In that year $16,007, for building addition to this same office and that L. M. Simon was also paid $888.88 (what a coincidence of figures) for ser vices as architect on the same. It might be Interesting to add that Mr. Simon also got (as per same report) $3,880.03 for services as architect page 1)3, for re pairs to the hall of the House of Itepre sentatives for 1870. It seems to be a very nice thing to belong to " the Har rlsburg ring," and from the above it is evident that there Is a ring, which takes very good care of Itself. Some of these charges are simply outrageous, and it can hardly be expected that any person would look at these items and think that the services charged for, were hon estly rendered. The Auditor General es timates that the State has lost $100,000 the past five or six years through dis honest county officials and conniving clerks in the departments. After looking over the above, most persons will think the Auditor General might extend his list of sources by which the Slate is swindled. - - -so- - - The Continental Life. The receiver of the Continental life insurance company, of New York, filed his report in the supreme court of Kings county, January 21). He states the com pany's liabilities at $2,803,107, and its assets at $5,028,801, of which 30 per cent, are valueless. During his term of of fice the receiver collected and disbursed $102,022. He is unable to explain an item of $1,000,094 "open accounts of agents." There is another item of $254, 854 against the Empire Mutual life In surance company, which retired from business some time ago, " and has no assets to meet this clulm." - - - - Meeting of Methodists. At u meeting of Methodist ministers In New York on Tuesday last, the ques tion " Is there any cause to have evan gelists among usV" was discussed at great length, many powerful addresses being made. The room was crowded with anxious listeners. ' Dr. Kit-tell argued there was no neces slty for either revivals or evangelists, and that they did more harm than good. The Idea of sudden santification he re garded as absurd. Dr. Scudder held similar views. Dr. Crooks thought evangelism had done much for Christi anity, and its prluclples are good. Dr. Curry said evangelists and mis sionaries arc almost slmllur. The great work has been done by them for the church, but a pastor should be an evan gelist. Many evangelists do good abroad who could work no good at home owing to their character. Weeping, singing and mesmeric evangelists he deplored. They pass over districts like fire over prairies and leave nothing but ruin behind. A Train's Narrow Escape. W avkim.ev, N. Y., January 28. The lightning express on the Kile Railway had a narrow escape from destruction near this place at about 11 o'clock last night. The train was traveling at a high rate of speed when the engineer saw a red lamp swinging violently at a short distance ahead. He whistled down brakes, and the train was brought to a standstill as soon as possible. Less than half a length of the train nheod the en gineer say some large object lying across the trunk. Investigation revealed the fact that two large ties, or logs, had been chained securely to the rails, making an obstruction that would have thrown the train down the bank, and resulted In fearful loss of life. The logs had been discovered by a track walker just in tlmo to hurry buck and warn the train, which he knew was then about due. The ob struction had been placed on the track within an hour, as tlio watchman had made his rounds at Unit time, and the track was clear. As soon as the logs were removed tho train moved on, and was under gootl headway, when the engineer discovered that be was off theniain track, and on a blind switch, which had evidently been turned by the slime persons who placed the logs on the rails, liefore the train could be stopped six cars were thrown from tho track. The passengers were greatly alarmed, but no one was hurt. This train carries nightly many thou sands of dollars In the safesof theUnltod States Express Company, and Is always heavily loaded with passengers. . . -, A Charlie Ross Case in New York. John Kaln, aged six years, the son of a wealthy butcher doing business in Centre street, New York, was abducted by a strange man last Tuesday. Itap pears that the boy attended school at the Church of Transfiguration, a short dis tance from his residence'. At noon re cess he comes home for a short time. Tuesday at noon he failed to appear and his father made Inquiries which resulted in the discovery that he had been seen by school mates going away with a stranger,who offered him an Inducement In the shape of money to accompany him. The school boys could give no description of the stranger. The child was dressed in a small ulster overcoat, round Derhy hat, dark knee pants ond dark striped stockings. The same stranger has often been seeu around the school offering inducements to other children to accompany him. The child was found Wednesday, stripped of his overcoat, for which he had been stolen. New Cure for Diphtheria. A little son of Mr. Jeremiah Kelley, of Hughesvllle, says the Willlamsport dally Gazette fc ItuUctln of last week who has been dangerously ill with diphtheria was successfully treated by inhaling the fumes of slackened lime, last week and is now out of danger. A small piece of lime was placed in a cup and the fumes conveyed to the mouth of the chilil through a funnel with a long tube. It is said that in a short time after the treatment a large lump of tough mucous was discharged from Jhe throat, after which the little fellow at once commenced to get lietter. . A friend writes to the German town Tdcyrnph that after the heavy fall of snow and sleet in December, a. pea cock disappeared, but after twelve days and eighteen hours, he found the head of the bird sticking up through a snow drift. He had sat down Just at dark in a place sheltered from the storm, which had driven him from his accustomed roost. In attempting to take him up after having removed tho snow,he found his long and beautiful tail frozen to the ground. This It was that prevented him from releasing himself. He has been apparently well ever since, notwith standing his long fast, save lameness from his legs so long bent, it is sup posed. Triplets Celebrate Their Birthday. On the 12th of February a remark able meeting will take place in Macon, Ga. Triplet brothers, sixty years old, will meet and go out to an older broth er's in Jones county, and celebrate their birthday by prayer and preaching. These brothers are Jesse, Tom and Ben Hammond. They are .triplets, born nearly sixty years ago. Jesse lives in Mississippi, Thomas in Jasper county, Ga., and Ben in Upsor county, Ga,. A Heavy Robbory. A peddler called at the house of S. S. Chalfunt, near Thornvllle, )., on Friday evening, and obtained permission to lodge over night. During the night he chloroformed the entire family and ran sacked the house, carrying off $000 in cash and $35,000 in bonds. The robber was traced to Lancaster, but he has not been apprehended. -1 - - - A Stray Ballot-box from Ohio. . A letter from the Eastern Shore, Md., says: An oyster shipper at Franklin, some weeks past, received in one of his empty oyster boxes a ballot-box from Ohio, sealed and locked. The box ou being opened, showed a large majority of ballots, for the Democratic ticket. New Yoiik, February 1. Early this morning a terrible murder was commit ted at Egbcrtsvllle, a small settlement about half a mile west of New Dorp, Staten Island. Patrick Dolan, an Irish laborer, awakened his mother about three o'clock this morning and without warning, killed her with some blunt In strument. He then attacked his sister and beat her so shockingly that her death Is expected. Dolan was lodged in the county Jail by neighbors who heard the cries and Interfered. Leiian'on, Pa., Jan. 31. John Longe necker, an employee at the Lebanon rolling mill, was this morning caught In some of the machinery of that establish ment and Instantly killed. He leaves a wife and four children. Sr. Louis, Mo., January 30. General John M 'Donald, of whiskey fraud fame, received an unconditional pardon yes terday and was immediately released from the penitentiary at Jefl'erson City. ff5T Courbet, the man who has been condemned for murdering a woman In the Rue Taltbout, In Paris, to twenty ycars'imprlsonment, has addressed a let ter to the President of the court, Im ploring that the sentence should be changed to one of death. He declared that a person guilty of such a crime as his Is not worthy to live. Miscellaneous Mews Items. tW The Paris papers bave accounts of an American railway accident "on the wooden bridge near Ash Sabula on Salt Lake." tW Joliu Dig, of Colorado, Las marriod no less than six wives during the last two years, and In each case Dig has dug out aud left them. t3T Mrs. Rudolph Fritsclie foil ou the Ice at Bainbridge, Lancaster county, and fractured ber skull. She died a few hours afterward. tW A car load of hogs that had died from cholera arrived at MayBville Friday a week for reshipmont to Cincinnati to be manufactured into soap, and yet soap will be no cheaper. Eleven merchants on Penn street, Reading, and all in one square, bave an nounced their intention to move in the spring on account of the high rents de manded by their landlords. H3T The other day a gentleman perform ed the astonishing feat of driving a four-in-hand with a double-seated sleigh containing four persons, from Bloomsburg to Danville, a distance of ten miles, in 804, minutes. CA'Newark child tumbled out of the second story window, and the mother, ma ning to gather it up, pitched headlong down stairs and was knocked into a state of unconsciousness. The youngster was unhurt. tW A prominent common pleas judge, up the country, recently mistook himself in a large mirror for his brother William, and rushing up to shake hands shattered the "reflector' to atoms. Probably be was better acquainted with a glass of Bour bon. 1ST" Early on Saturday evening of the 27th ult., two masked burglars attempted to rob the house of Mr. Danfortb, at Buskirk's Bridge, near Troy, N. Y. Mr. Danforth resisted, and , the bflrgiars attempted to murder him, ' but they were overpowered and arrested by neighbors. A Ilazloton landlord, whose tenant was utterly unable to pay his rent, went on Friday a week and took the outer door away, leaving the family, of whom several at e very young, to suffer from the blasts of winter, says tbe Miner's Journal. Why was not the name of the inhuman monster giveu that all might kuow and shun him 9 VW Pope's couplet that all know. "No goose so gray but soon or late. She'll Und some honest gander for her mate," Proved true last week at Marietta, Pa.,. when 31 rs. uiri, a widow or seventy,, married a youth of twenty. Her parents opposed the match, but the girl thought she was old enough to decide for tiorself. We should think so. tSf At St. Louis, Tuesday morning, at tbe Uomtque Theatre, William Wiener. the night watohman, accused A. N. Law rence, assistant barkeeper, of making some disparaging remark about bim to the bead barkeeper, which .Lawrence denied, where upon Wiener shot him in the neck, killing birn almost instantly. Wiener is under bonds for attempting to kill bis wife a few weeks ago. tFA gang of alleged fire insurance policy swindlers has been broken up in Mew iork by tne arrest of Wm. H. Hale, of Plainfleld, K. J. The swindling firm, of which the accused was . a member, was that of Hale, Whitney, Potter & Co., having offices at No. 170 Broadway. tW Henrietta Grlnnell, a servant in the employ of Jobnu. Marie, at Elizabeth, Pi. J., attempted to murder the whole family on Monday a week by putting arsenic in their milk. Five persons were made very sick, and one is still very low, but there bave been no ratal consequences as yet. Henrietta was arrested tWA- crazy man, named Harrison Tur ner, at Sorrel Hill, Crawford county, deliberately fired upon Milton Anderson, a tenant upon bis mother's farm, with a loaded musket killing him almost instantly. Shortly afterward be reloaded the musket and putting the muzzle under his chin pressed the trigger and blew the whole top or ms bead ou. Philadelphia, January 30. This eve. ning aa John Pye and John Keegan were returning from work they encountered bamuel Ewing and James Keenan at Eigb teenth and Wharton streets, both drunk A dispute arose which ended in Pye draw ing a chisel from his pocket and running it into tne neaaoi jawing, producing a wound which resulted in instant death. , Keenan was also cut with a chisel but bis injuries are not dangerous, rye ana Keenan were arrested. tSTNioholas Keyck, who was assaulted with an axe in New York on Saturday night, January 13, by bis son George, died a few evenings ainoe in Bellevue Hospital from fractured skull, . the result of the I blows. The father was drunk an beating bis wife, when the ion Interfeied. He. claims that be used the axe in self-defence. MT The Boston "Herald" says i Mr- Charles Keith, of Mattapoisett, bas boon for several years almost totally blind, being unable to distinguish anything further than the difference between day and night. Yet he saws all the wood burned by the family, . does choras about the bouse, and has the sole care of the garden, where the vege tables are planted In rows aa straight as -anybody's and the wends are kept under inorougn control, a lew nays ago he was at work patching the roof of the house. . ins age is about 70 years. VW" A traveller packed himself and a great quantity of baggage into a stags in Oroville, Cal. The vehicle was so loaded that he had barely room to squeeze himself In ; but ho lit his pipe, and prepared to en dure the hardship of a journey under such circumstances. The straw under his feet caught fire from the pipe, and instantly the stage was in flames, lie got out with . omiouity, tne oaggage hindering bim, and- was latauy nurned. sumed. The stage was con- t7The sunreme court of tho lTnitprf States decided, Monday a week, in the case of some town officers In Illinois, wuobo resignation bad been accepted,, but whose -successors bad not been appointed and qualified, that they bad not ceased to be such officers, and were therefore oompolled to audita certain judgment. Home interest was felt in this cane, as it was believed to have a bearing on that of Watts, the Oregon postmaster and elector. IW Gen. A. J. Pleasonton, originator and strenuous advocate of the theory that blue glass, interposed between the sun and anything tbat grows, bas a wonderfully stimulating effect, says that he has just had a new proot mat be is right, lie fell from his carriage in Philadelphia, where he lives, and severely injured bis shoulder and side. . Physicians gave him no relief; but be was cured by taking sun baths' under blue glass. tW Some sheep belonging to a farmer named Keed having been stolen in the neighborhood of a colliery village in Dur ham, Eng., while the thief was still undis covered, a local preacher, having a collection to make, thought he would turn the event to a good account ; so be said : "We bave a collection to make this morn ing, and for the glory of God, whichever of you stole Air. Keed s sheep don t put any thing on the plate I" Of course everybody Joined in the collection. W A discouraged man in Virginia City wrote to his landlady : "I am tired of life. and will blow out my brains in the ceme tery to-night. My rent is paid np to the 8th. I do this because life has beoome a burden to me." Ho started to the ceme tery, carrying tbe loaded gun with which he intended to kill himself. On the way. across the lie id be encountered a savage dog, and used all bis ammunition . in de fending himself against the brute. That inoident seems to have changed bis mind1 about life being a burden, and he still lives. tW A cruel hoax was recently per petrated on two members of tbe Hebrew community who presented themselves at tbe Synagogue in Birmingham, Eng., to be -married. The ceremony was interrupted by the arrival of- a telegram to tbe rabbi informing him tbat the bridegroom was already married and had two children. The bride was removed in a fainting con dition, and the bridegroom was chased through the streets by a mob, who saluted -him with "a shower of stones and mud." Investigation has since proved tbat the telegram was a forgery, and tbe wedding will take place after all. MT The Lock Haven Demwrat says, John Bell, on Upper Jerry's Run, Cameron county, where be bas a log camp, has in his possession eight live- deer, one a flue buck, which he captured alive by running tfaem downv He captured fonr inside of three hours and a half. Tbe snow is so deep that deer cannot run, and Mr. Ball oaught them by using snow shoes in tbe ehaso. He bad a severe struggle with the buck which showed fight. By means of a nooae thrown over his head, and through skill and main strength, he got the buck choked and down and after tying him to a -tree, got bis legs tied, and then got him on a bush and hauled bis game into camp. When be captured tbe four he had to go back to camp for help to bring - in the animals. - E.F. Knnkel's Bitter WIno of lrou Gives tone ta the stomach, Improves the ap- -petite and assists digestion, eroitesthe bowels to healthy action,expe)ling all the foal bnmors that contaminate tbe blood, corrupt the secre tions aud offend the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves, Imparting tbat glow to life tbat proceeds alone from perfect health. Thousands in all walks of life, testify to the virtues of this excellent medicine In correcting tbe derangement of the digestive organs. Get the genuine. Sold only In f I bottles. Ask for . F. Kukkel's Bitter Wins or Iboa, ami take no other. Dyspepsia Dyspepsia Dyspepsia ' E. F. Knnkel's Bilter Wine of Iron, a sore rare for this disease. It has been prescribed dolly for many years la the practice of eminent physicians with unparalleled success Symp toms are loss of appetite, wind and rising of food, dryness in mouth, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits. Get the genu ine. Not sold in bulk, only $1 bottles. - Do yon want something to strengthen you, or a good appetite ? Do you want to get rid of nervousness f Do yon want energy, sleep well ro be- cured of dyspepsia, kidney or liver dis ease? TryE. F. Kankei's Bitter Wine of Iron. Eever bottle guaranteed to do as rec ommended. Depot and otllce, 859 North Ninth St., Philadelphia, Fa. Oct tbe genuine. Sold by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Kunkel'a and take no other. All I aekvla a trial of this val uable medecino. One bottle will cooTince you. Get six bottles for 5.00, V, for one. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Tape Wormy Fin, Seat' and Stomacbe Worm removed alive in from two to four hours. No see until bead of Tape Worm passes alive and In one. Ask yoav druggtet for Kunkel's Worn Syrnp. Sold only in bottles. Used - for cbildren and grown persons. It never fails. Or send for circular to Dr. Kunke), 259 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia ra. Address by mall free. Send throe cent (lamp for returns of letter. 6 4t - Joints and Muscles, StllT, and painful with rheumatism and gout, are promptly relieved by QlenoV Sulphur Soap, Local diseases of the stain and defects of the complexion are al so remedied by this standard article. Depot Crittentou's No. 7 Sixth Avenue New Tork Hill's Hair fiJ Whisker Dye, btmtk or trowa, 50 ctSi 4 lm