VOL. XI. THE TIMES. Au Independent Family Newspaper, IS PUBI.ISnBn BVERT TUBSnAT BT F. MOltTIMKlt & CO. Subscription Price. Within Hie County " " Blx month, Out o( tlie County, including postage " ' " six montlis ' $1 25 75 1 50 85 Invariably In Advance I 49-Advertising rates furnished upon appli cation. geleft Poetry. Lines to a Fat-cinating Young Lady. I've been In love eome sixty times And always thought the newest fairest, I've strung at least a million rhymes, Though not to forms like that thou vrearest. Some have been short and others tall, Some have been plump and others slender, But. slim or dnmpy, large or small, To thine their brightest charms surrender. To flirt with for a month or year One might select a different figure, Less size, less heart, of course less dear, With rather less of health and vigor. But for a friend ye gods ! a wife, To live for, fight for, love forever, I never saw in all my life One near bo perfect never, never ! I am in earnest so don't laugh, Thou precious, merry, darling creatnre ! I'd rather see thy Bmiles by half Irradiate each wlnBomo feature, Than all the splendid sights that night Reveals beneath her starry glories, Or, steeped in day's most lovely light, The scenes of old, old stories. With thee companioned, one might go Content through life's low vale of sorrow, And blesBed at present, care to know But little of the dim to-morrow. Tet fare thee well I 'tis vain for mo To conjure up joy's glowing vision ; My last thought is a sigh for thee, And thine a sigh of deep derision. How a Wife Was Lost. 11 rvEAK MK ! I'm surel don't know xJ what to do ; if ever anybody was in a fix I'm in one now." "What is it, auntie, can't I help you out of your fix ?" " Sakesalive! no, Lutiedear,you can't help me one bit." " Now, don't say that, auntie; I'm certain I can be of service to you if you will only allow me. "Why, I've been here a whole week,and I've done nothing but dress,read,eat and sleep, and I'm as use less as the stuffed owl upon the bookcase in the library, and more in the way." " Why, child '." and good Mrs. Bently stopped in her work of preparing a tur key for the market, and looked lovingly upon her neice. " I tlon't like to hear you talk that way. Why, bless your dear heart, the loved child of my dead sister can never be in the way." " Well, auntie, I shall not feel like coming out here to spend another Thanksgiving if you will not allow me to be of some service during my stay. Come, tell me all nliout your fix and see if I am not worth something besides running around and amusing myself while other Teopleare making themselves useful." " Oh, Lutie ! there is nothing you can do, although I'll tell you all about it to pacify you. You see, all this poultry and a lot of butter and eggs were to be delivered to-day in the city. For the day after to-morrow is Thanksgiving; and Jonas, our hired man, is sick with a cold, and can't leave his bed ; your uncle is away, arid won't be home till to-morrow night, and how under the sun I am going to deliver these things according to contract, is more than I can tell." To Mrs, Bently 's surprise, Lutie clap ped her hands and danced around the room crying "Just the thing! capital I capital!" " What on earth do you mean,chlld?" she managed to say, at last. " Why, that I will go to market and deliver the goods myself. Now don't say one word, auntie," she continued as her aunt elevated her hands and opened her mouth as if to give vent to an " Oh I" " Don't Bay one word ; the idea just suits . me, and I am determined to go if you will allow me," she added. "What, you! the daughter and heir ess of Judge Haines,? You, the belle of . the city, going to market with turkeys, butter and eggs !" " Yes, auntie, and I oan do It just as NEW BLOOMFIEID, IA.., TUESDAY, well as Jonas would. Now don't oppose me ? That's a good, dear soul." Mrs. Bently really felt distressed to know how to fulfill hercontract,and was thankful for the prospect of assistance, but she could hardly reconcile herself to the idea that her niece, the beauty and heire9 of whom she was proud, should perform the role of a market girl. Lutie 's arguments, however.prevnlled, and she went to her room to prepare for her expedition. Borrowing a short dress from the "help," she donned It and then folded a shawl in the shape of a mantle across her shoulders, and with her rich tresses hanging over her shoul ders, she looked like a lovely country girl. Placing a dainty hat upon her. head, she tripped down to the kitchen for her aunt's inspection. " Well, I do declare !" exclaimed that worthy lady, " whoever would know you'? Why, Lutie, if I had met you face to face I should never have guessed it was you if I hadn't known." " I am glad to hear you say so auntie, for I don't propose to be recognized by any one. on, 'twill te rare fun," and with a gay laugh she waltzed out of the room. " Are the tilings all ready ?" she asked, stopping to take breath. " Yes, but the old horse must be har nessed ; can you do it V" " I don't know, auntie, I think so; at least I can try." She skipped away to the stable, and after an hour's patient toil she led old Billy up to the door, all harnessed and attached to the wagon. In a short time the said wagon was filled with the im portant articles for somebody's Thanks giving, and Lutie climbed to the high seat took the reins and whip with a flour ish which would have done credit to a coachman. " Have you got some warm gloves?" asked Mrs. Bently. " Nothing but kid, but they will be warm enough." " No indeed, they won't; wait a mo ment." She hastened into the house and brought out a pair of woolen mit tens. " Here, put these on, Lutie, you will need them, for it is very cold." Lutie obeyed, and the plump little hands looked exceedingly " funny," as the young lady expressed it. In a few moments more, having received her in structions, Lutie drove away. " Don't forget to deliver those four largest turkeys at Colonel Ormsby's," called out her aunt. "Oh, no; but you haven't told me where he lives," saldLutie,stopping and waiting for the information. " I declare, I don't know, but you can find out at the market where you are to deliver the rest." " I think I can find it," replied Lutie, and drove off. In due time she arrived at the market. Explaining the cause of her coming, she delivered the articles that were to go there.and then inquired for the residence of Colonel Ormsby. " I cannot tell you, miss," replied the proprietor; " but if you'll step into that little restaurant on the corner, I think you will find out." IiUtie hesitated ; should she allow her self to enter a third-class saloon where she would be likely to come in contact with low follows who make such places their daily resort? In a moment she decided to go. Lightly she tripped across the street, and of the slovenly looking girl behind the counter she made her inquiry. " I don't know, myself, miss, but if you will wait a few minutes I'll go into the kitchen and ask one of the girls who used to live there." Again Lutie hesitated. She disliked the idea of remaining here even forafew minutes. What if some of heraequaint ances should chance to puss.au d, looking in, recognize hei ? Seeing she hesitated the girl said : " If you dou'tlike to wait here,you can step into the sitting room." Lutie confessed she would rathergo in, so the girl threw open the door of the sitting room and Lutie entered, but start ed back and almost fuinted, for there, seated at a table, with a bottle of some kind of liquor before him, and a half emptied glass In his hand, she beheld Leon Lancaster, her affianced husband. "Hoi ho! my pretty one," he cried, rising and coming toward her with a drunken leer upon his face which made him actually loathsome. " What do you fear that you look so alarmed ? 1 will not harm you ; come, give me a kiss." " Back !" she cried, raising her hand. " Ah! the little beauty Is going to be dignified, isn't she? but you -.must be more kind ; give me a kiss." 'Back, I soy!" or I will call assist ance. I merely caine to make an inqui ry of one of the servants, and did not expect to meet a drunken villain." " How spirited she is. 1 like that,". he said stooping and picking up a mit ten she had dropped. "Ah!" he con tinued, starting back, as he noticed a magnificent ring she wore upon her forefinger, " where did you get that ring? Let me see it, won't you ?" "No, I will not." " Where did you get it?" " It matters not now, since I came by it honestly. I will give it to you the next time I see you." " But I must see it now," and he steiv ped toward her. " Stand back !" " I will see that ring." " You shall not, sir!'" "We will see." Ho saying he caught her by the shoul der, but as quick as wink the little hand came down with a smarting blow upon his cheek. i "I'll have a kiBS for that, I swear!" he cried ; and holding her fast, he press ed kiss after kiss upon her lips. At length, by a violent effort, shefreed herself from his grasp, and rushed from the room, when he called after her: " I shall keep the mitten, my dear,un til we meet again." The girl now entered the front shop, whither Lutie had fled from the em brace of Leon Lancastar. She s received the desired information and hurried away. She completed her business and drove home minus one mitten, but she was so thoroughly angry that she did not notice that one hand was numb with the cold when she got there. . Thanksgiving day arrived, and with it numerous guests came to enjoy the good old festivities nt Farmer Bently's. Lutie had taken a fancy to spend the week with her auntie, nnd when she left her city home for that purpose,it was under stood that Leon Lancastar should come out and take dinner with her on Thanks giving Day. As he was Lutle's afflauced husband ho was of course a great favorite of Mr. Bently. Before the dinner hour arrived, Lutie went to her room to dress. j " Hurry down, Lutie," said her aunt, " for the company have nearly all arriv ed, and I wish to introduce you before dinner to those with whom you are un acquainted." 1 " I will, auntie ; and here let me beg of you not to find fault with my dress when I come down," said Lutie. "Of course not, child; wear what pleases you ; only be quick for Leon will soon be here." Lutie bounded awoy wearing a queer expression upon her beautiful face, and Mrs. Bently bustled away to watch the progress of the preparation for dinner. In a few moments a stylish turnout drove up to the door, and Leon Lancas tar, looking strikingly handsome, in elegant attire, sprang out, and after be ing cordially greeted by Mr. Bently, en tered the house, where Mrs. Bently met him, escorted him into the parlor and introduced him to the guests already there assembled. " Where is Lutie ?" he asked,showlng the least particle of annoyance that she had not been there to greet him when hi first came. " She is in her room finishing her toi let, I suppose. She will be in in a min ute," replied Mrs. Bently. As she left the parlor and passed through the hall, Lutie came tripping down stairs. Mrs. Bentlygaveoneglance at her attire end exclaimed : " Why, Lutie Haines, are you crazy?" " Never more sane in my life auntie. Will you present me to your guests now?" " What do you mean, Lutie ?" "Never mind; I'll explain after a while," sold Lutie. She wore the same costume in which she hod gone to the market two days before. Upon one hand she wore one of the mittens which Mrs. Bently had urg ed her to wear upon the occasion refer red to. Mrs. Bently offered uo further opposl FEBRUARY 0, 1877. tion, and led the way to the purlor, fol lowed by Lutie, whom she introduced to the party assembled. A portion of thein looked with sur prise upon the costume of Lutie, and others noticed only the rare beauty of her face. She greeted them with a queenly ,grace ful bow, and advancing to Leon Lancas tar she said : " Mr. Lancastar, I think I promised at our last meeting that when next we should meet I would exchange this ring for the mate of this mitten," and she removed the gemmed circlet from her finger. He started to his feet. " Great Heavens 1" he cried, turning pale, " what does this mean ?" " It means, sir, that I am the person whom you met In a low .restaurant on street, and whom you so grossly insulted, mistaking me for a poor market girl. It was a freak of fancy which prompted me to assume this dress and take some things to market forauntie,as uncle was away and her hired man was ill. I shall alwnyB thank my lucky stars that I was led to do so, for thereby I learned your true character," she re plied, her beautiful eyes flashing looks of withering scorn and contempt upon him. " Lutie , there is some mistake about this. I-" " Say no more, sir ; I am not mistaken; I saw you there in a state of intoxication nnd you grossly insulted me; aye, you even dared to lay violent hands on me. Here Is your ring ; take it ; I never wish to see you again I" and she flung the bauble at his feet, nnd swept from the room. When she returned in a short time after, dressed in her blooming attire,and looking regally beautiful, the seat which Leon Lancastar had occupied, was va cant. She entered with zest into the festivi ties and rejoiced that she had been saved from marryinga man wholly unworthy to bear the name of husband. A GOOD RELIGIOUS PARROT. PllOBABLY it was Henry Ward Beecher or Adirondack Murry, or it was some other Brooklyn Clergyman, who wus hunting along the wharves the other day to find a vessel just In from the African coast, In the hope that some one . of the crew might have brought; home au innooent hear ted, pure minded parrot, which might be pur chased at a reasonable figure.and trained up in the way good parrot should walk and talk. The vessel was found to the joy of the searcher. One of the sailors brought back a splendid specimen of an African parrot, and he didn't want but five dollars for it. The clergyman ad mired Its plumage, thought the age Just right, Inquired after Its general health, and asked : " Has the bird yet attempted to utter any words ?" " Bless your topsels, but she talks as well as a boy ten years old," replied the sailor. " Then I don't want her. She has probably caught up it great many bad expressions, and she would not be a fit pet for my household." " Avast, now !" said Jack. " Do you suppose a man like me, who reads the good book twice a day, would have a bad bird around him ? Stand back and I'll show you what a Christian bird I've made of her." Giving Polly a rap on the head to wake her up,the sailor called out : " Now, Tolly, who was the first man ?" "Adam," was the prompt reply. " That's so, Polly. And now tell this good mau who was cast into the lions' den?" " Daniel," was the answer. ' Did you ever see such a bird before ?' asked Jack of the clergyman. "While other parrots will blast your eyes and bless you amidships, this one turns to religion and keeps her mind on heaven. Now, roily, who was tucked away in the bullrushes when he was too small to carry sail for himself V" " Moses, Moses ?'' quacked the bird. "Isn't she a diamond?" exclaimed Jack, trying to wink at the minister with both eyes. ' ' . . " I must confess she Is the best mind- ed parrot I ever saw or heard of," re plied the clergyman. NO. 6- " That isn't the half she can do, Skip per," continued the sailor. "Now. my dear Tolly, how many commnndtnents are there ? 1 " Ten t" screamed Tolly. " That's rleht. old cal. Now tell the man which is the first day in the week." " Sunday," was the quiet reply. " I tell you," remarked Jack, as lie turned to the clergyman,"! was brought up right, and have been trying to bring that bird up right. She's worth twenty dollars to any man, but seeing you preacn the Gospel, you shall have her for five." "I guess I'll take her," replied the minister, producing his wallet. " As I said before, the bird is one of ten thou sand ; and you deserve credit for tho care you have taken In her teaching." " I do how, sir," was Jack's modest reply, and then, giving Tolly another rap on the head, he inouired " Now. then, get your bearings and tell me who was going to oiler up bis son as a sacri fice t" " Ab'rtn !"' shouted the bird. shakli; his feathers as If greatly pleased. " You'll sit up at night to hoar that bird talk, you will," said the sailor. "If I hadn't said five dollars to you I should say fifty to the next man. I never had time to learn her. but I be lieve I could have that bird sing hymns in just one voyage to Liverpool. She started out to sing ' Old Hundred' one day when we Mere off St. Helena, and u the captain hadn't yelled out just then, I believe the bird would have nick ed up the whole tune like a whistle." The clergyman said he would go and purchase a small cage in which to re move the bird, and he had just started for the rail when Jack called out : " Tolly, old gal, who did the ravens feed?" " Spea'i up sharp now." " Lijuh 1" shrieked Tolly, seeming greatly angered over the shaking; and after an interval of a few seconds she continued: "Where in h l'a them crackers ?" Jack and (he good man looked ateacli other for a moment, and then the min ister climbed slowly over the rail, never to return not even to get his five dol lar bill. . "See what you did?" yelled Jack, as he turned to the bird. And all the answer Tolly made was to softly say," Cussuni !" - . A Rat Story. The Pittsburgh Telegraph tells the following story: "A banker of this city has a valuable cow, which gave a large quantity of milk and was held In high esteem for general good qualities. AH at once the supply of lacteal fluid grew smaller by degrees and beautifully less until the yield was scarcely worth having. The family were greatly sur prised nt this, as the animal was in per fect health and in the height of her season. It was hinted that some person whose love for milk overcame scruples for stealing was at the bottom of the mischief, nnd that, like a thief at night, he entered the stable where Bossy was kept and relieved her of the milk. The hired man was accordingly instructed to watch for the thief and his vigilance was rewarded by a most singular dis covery. Just after daylight in the morn ing he say a vpry large rat come forth from his hiding place, and going to where the cow was hiding, it stood- on Its hind feet, with it forepaws on the cow's udder, and applying its mouth to one of her lugs, sucked its full of milk. When it was satisfied another rodent took its place, and soon until the supply was exhausted and the family swindled by the cunning rats out of their morn ing's supply of the much covered fluid, t The story Is well vouched for. , Hard to Read but Good Grammar. " Gentlemen. I assure you that that , ' that1 that tluit man uttered is not that ' that' that the other gentleman referred to." 63T Keaerve Is no more essentially connected with understanding, than is a church organ with devotion, or wine with good nature. CJT The reason why bankers are so opt to prosper Is because they always taku o much Interest lu their business,