(j THE TIMES,' NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., JANUAKY KO, 1877. ibt illoomfitlb Simes. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We Invite cntamnnlrsttnns frnm nil persons whnare iiiwresinaia miliars lropnrijr neiouKiQH w mil ii.' ptriMieui. A Cure for Chicken Disease, end Rcofilpt For Making Hens Lay. An old Imly friend T tho VUlog Record Iiim b!ti giving tlio editor nonie Information on tlie taking wire of cluck ens. Bhc says : I Imvc found (bat during the root nnd cold weather of Fall, Wlntorand Spring a dough, compounded na follows, fed once a day and then Intermitted for two days, to produce excellent results: To three gnllons of lulling water add one half am ounce common salt, a teaspoon ful of cayenne pepper and four ounces of lard. Stir the mixture until the pep- er has Imparted considerable strength to the water. Meantime the snlt will have been dissolved and the lard melted Then, whllo yet boiling hot stir In a nwal made of oats and corn, ground to gether in equal proportions, until a stiff mush la formed. Bet away to cool down to milk warmth. Before feeding, taste to see that you have an overdose neither of salt nor pepper, and to prevent the Hen being imposed upon with a mixture not fit to be eaten. The hen mush hould not be more salt than to suit your own taste, nor so hot with pepper that you could not bwuIIow It, were so much in your broth. Hewaro of too much salt, too much lard, and too much pepper; and beware too, whero the neasonlng is not too high, of feeding this dough too long at a time. Let the hens be fed one day fully with it, then let it be omitted and the ordinary feed given two days, and so on, and the result-will be found satisfactory. Take notice hens fed this way will be a good deallesslneliBed to set than when fed In the ordinary manner. Household Receipts. Potato Pufk. Take cold roast meat 'beef'or 'mutton, or veal and ham to gether clear of gristle, cut small, and season with ipepner and salt, and rut pickles, if liked : boll and mash some potatoes, and make them Into a paste with an egg, and roll out, dredging with flour. Out round with a caucer, put some of the -seasoned meats with one half, and fold It over like a puff; p(nch or nick it nearly round, and fry it light brown. This is a good method of cooking meat which has been cooked before. One;EgCake. One egg, and heap, jug cup of sugar, two cups of flour, one half cup of melted butter, one-half tea- spoonful of soda, and one tcunpoonful of cream of tartar. Bake In a quick oven. TkG8 a La Bonne Fkmme. Slice an onion, 'frylit in butter to alight brown, .add a teaspoonful of vinegar over It, break the eggsfcito It, and then put the dish Into the oveit', when the eggs are done, strew fried breadcrumbs over them, ;and serve Very hot. Graham Rolls: .A little more than one pint of sour millk, one teaspoon of soda, small piece f butter; (of course, if you can huve a Httlcreara with your milk, it is better than any shortening) a small cup of ugar, a little salt; stir in some graham tnea'l, then a handful of fine flour, then liiicken with graham till pretty, stiff. Hke the roll pans hot and a good oven. One-egg improves, but it is good enough without. tops have been taken to acclima tize Hhe Florida cedar in Bavaria. The superiority fif the wood of this tree over all other ikinds of cedar Is well known, and ilw -demand for the species in Bavaria, where immense quantities of ' lead penotls are made, have induced inauu&otmrers to venture on the ex periment. 'Seeds 'have been sown in the royal forest, and about 3,000 young plant turn nw thriving in one patch. BJiP Powdered alum is a safeguard against nwUie, when applied to every crack ia tbe floor fu4 around the edges, and under tlie liaseboard, under .a carpet. It Is also considered a security -against the carpetbug. &ouie ladies powder tltelr whole floor wiiii it before putting down jt carpet. ' ; . , 3T Color that run may be chocked in fihelr evil course by Booking the lahrlo, be it calico or what .not, for au hour in a 'bucket of water ontainlng a tablespoon tfvul f turpentined " : V: The grindstone la a sclf-sUarpetiing t aul, end after having been turuod 1b oue ilirection forsouW time (if a hard stone), i he Motion should be reversed. Ftd your poultry with raw onions chopped &oe, welt mixed with other food, about twice a week. . It is. better than a dozen ures for chicken cholera. (JT Over two hundred horses and fifty, nine owe ver IdMtfd and eaten la Paris in December, , ' IE SUN. NEW YORK. 1H7T. The different eilltuii'S of Til a Run durlnn the lient year will bn tbesBine asduiliiK the tear Unit has lint passed The dully edition will on week days be aslieet of fuur psies, and nil hiiuiIav n a sheet nf ellt tinaes, nr Mi broad columns while the weekly edition will be a sheet of cl;ht nape of the same dimensions and ehm autor lliul are already familiar . our friends, Tiir Hun will continue lo be the strenuous ad vocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the sunsutiition 01 Riatesnianslilp, wisdom sun In lourlty tor hnllow pretence, Imbecility, slid fraud hi ilia administration of Dublin affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people mid lor t lie people, as opposed to govern ment In the ballot box and In the eotintlug of votes, enforced by military violence. It will on dnavtir lo supply lid re. lei a boily now not far from a million of souls with the most careful, complete, and I mil worthy account of current. eveuts. anu win employ tor tins purpose a numer ous and carefully selected stall of reporter and correspondents. Us reKrts frt)in Washington, esuenhill, will be full, auum ate and fearless i iukI It will tloiihl less continue todeservelhe hatred of those who thrive by pliinderliiK the Treasury or by iisuiplnu what tne law does notKlve them, while It will endeavor to merit the eonlldence of the public by dt fendliiK the rluhls of the people aimlust the eniirouchniunts of unjustined power. The price of the dally Hun will lie M cents a mouth or I0..MI a year, post paid, or with the Hun day edition 17.70 it vear. The Mi'MDAT edition alone, eight pages, II. 20 a year. The Wkt.ki.tHi'n, elnlit pnes of 6(1 broad col umns, will he ruriilnlu-U during 1H77 at Die late of tl h year, post pnlil. The be mil' t of this lai-Rw rediiRtlnn from the previous rate for Tim Wkkki.y can be enjoyed bv Individual subscriber without the nccfHsitv of malting up clubs. At the same time, If any of our fi lends choose to aid In culonillnit circulation we shall be gratelul to them, and every such per son who B'inls ten or nioiu sn(-crlbcis from one place will be entitled to one ropy of the paiej lorhlmNelf wllhoiit charge. Atone dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper and printing are In idly repaid i amt, considering the size of the sheet and the iiiihIkv of It conlcnts, we are eontldeiit the people will consider Tim Wekrit hum the clieaiest newspuper pnbllshed In I he woi Id. and we trust also one of the very best. 6lJt Address, TH K miN, New York Ulty, N. Y. ULATC1J LEY'S . Improved f!ll('UMBKR WOOD fUMP, Tasteless, Durable, Kt Noient aud (!heai. The best I'limp for Uie least money. At tention Is especially Invited to uiatcniny a l atent unproved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which oan be withdrawn without removing the rump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Oopper Chamber, which never cracksor scales, anil will outlast any oliher. For sale by Dealers everywhere. HendfnrOatalngue and rrine-l.ist. CI1A8. (J I.ATCW1,KY, Mniiiifaclurer. 837 ly , riliTiiiiiiieioe HI., Piiilaielphia, Fa. BOOTS Do yon want I1UOT8 ot any kind 1 ft so, call and see the LAlt41C BTOOK OFPBRRU ST K. MOHTIMKH, New Pension Law. TNDKK an aci n ijjiigreits approved March it, wiuows in ooicers wno wi'rc t,itieu,or died of disease contracted in the service, are now entitled to t-M',per inonth, tor eachol Hii-li ohll dreh. The guardian f a minor child of a soliliei who neretoiorv only received (s.uu per month pension Is now entitled to 110. per moth. Soldiers who raceme Invalid nensinusuaii now bave their peusiwus increased to any sum or rale ueiweeu to. auu tin . per montii. Holdiers who have lost their discharge chii how obtain duplicates. - Fathers and mother who lost sous in the serv ice iiihmi whom ,.oy wevv dependent for support, call also obtain pensions. The undersigned having , hud ovet In vcitrs ex perience In tlie-C'lalin ageuoy business will attend promptly I ecluiMs under the above act. Gallon or address LEWIS POTTKU. ailonii y for Claimants, New Hloointield. af. ferry flu., I'a Hitilj lxpiN mid Frt'ielii l.hie W'KTWKKN rUOOMFIELD NEWPOfIT 'pilKsubsorlbei wishes to noilf tin- -ii,i.e . sol L llloninlleld am! NewMirt lliul ' he is running a Kally 1 1 lie between these two places. and will haul freight of tuyklnd.or promptu -Icllvei isckage i messages -ntrusft1 lo hlscare. v f.i'i"wpillliy w irii inr himi ai Mirsioieol K. Mortimer & Co.. Mw Hloomnelil.or lilligaiA Vfnssei - ewpori .' a. .1. . WHITIIUKK. Oixniilleld. lanuar) J'i.l70. y 1 1,1,1 AM M. SUTr-H, JiiHlls'f of (he fence. ' AND (JKNMtAl, OOI.l.miTfilt. New Bloomfteld, Perry County, Penn'a kinds. Deeds, HoiiiIh. Mortgages and Agreement! neatly execute. 7 lutf Notice te Trespussers. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons not Hi trespass on mv mronlids hv nlclclnv Iimi-i-Iwu nhliig, hiintiag. or rtherwlsetrespasslng, a thev will he dealt with accwrdliigtn law. W. H It tKll A . Sreenwond twp., Aug. 10. 1871). if TltKsiPASS o i lCK. All persons are forbid to rrespn on mv land In Savllle tiiwnship for anv mirtmse whatever, and a rewenl of i will tie paid for lestlmwiy that will convict any person of uch ti-espns. May 9 18TiS-rtr . , Ff.NVKL A stilendid sortneiil of Flan nels. mst opemid by , I'. vtottTFM HH $12 adavat home. AgenUwanled. Outfit and tenns free. TKtlK & CD.. Angasta. Maine. AUCTIQNEEB& TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, (iffarabla I.1I...I1I . n , ...... wMtruiMMinnin rerry ana Cumberland counties. Post, office address. nnerniausuaie, rerry co,. fa. w. D. HENRY, Blatn. Perry county 'pa, ATl'IMa UnJufttA aJ a... J tA rntli iiaMafiiKtlnii at m Anctioneer. The. undersigned eivee natteethat he wlllervaahMat anv ooint In Verrv or Danphiii counties. Order are solicited and triMir attention w'l'Oe eirem. K.U.WKI.1.R. Jiew BuffaUi veirveo..r. DAVID M'COY, Anctfonofir M- Char verv l,kM. Pnr nftica fiildi-mi T11 1877. ' SI S fflfa f.'kesbiiig I'tnn'a' It : L'hlladolphla Adrertisements. . JANNEY & ANDREWS " WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. WAINWBIQHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North Kast Comer ol 2nd and Arch Street . Philadelphia TennV QHARLES S, JONES, WHOI.K8AI.K DKAI.EK IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NOKTH WIIAHVER, Philadelphia, Pa. JJAVID. J, HOAR & CO., , Successors to HOAR MoOGNKET ai CO.. WHOLiBAI.I BOOT AND SHOE WAUEIIOUSi:. I8 MARKET HTltKKT. Philadelphia, PennV QUNNINGHAM.GLEIM &C0., Wbolmali Dialers id TOBAOCO, CIGAllS &v. NO. 4. NORTH FIFTH BTKKT, 1 PHILADELPHIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a Hne assortment of WOODand WILLOW U'ARK, s N. 420 Market street, above 4th PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. BOLE AND ONI,Y MANUKACTl'JU ,HS OF THK IMPERIAL FRENCH. AMD PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White Lead and Color MANUFACTURERS, bios. 141 and 143 North Fourth fit.. Philadelphia. gMlTH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, ON HIOH HTUVET. EAST Of CaKI.ISI.I Kt.. Xtw.BloomOeld, Penn'a. THK subscriber has built a larre and ooaiino. dlous hhop on 111 Bt., Kast of Carlisle Htreet New Rloomtleld. Pa where he la prepared lo man start ur to order Jf every descrlpttou, out of the best materia I Sleighs of e?ery Style. bullttoorder, and Bniahed in themostartWIcand durable manner, 9. Having superior workmen, ho is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. 9-RErAIRINOof aUktndsneatlyaudpromp lydoae A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH Hf TK I'll IN TIVO of every description neatly esei-uted on shoi t notice and at reasonable rates Uf this office, ; rhlladclphia AdTerllsotaontB. D. ELDER & CO, " BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Bookscllern And Stationers, And Dealer la i " WIMD0W CURTAINS VTAljh PAPEH, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. 2EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' SuocesHors to HlfAKKNKR, ZIEQLER A CO.. Importera and Dealer la Huftlcry, lovMa. Illbhniisi, Nunpendr, TURK A DS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. afl, North Fourth Street, rillLADELPIUA, PENN'A. Agent for Lancaster Combt. gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers la CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. IIIjANK isoohh Always on hand, and made to Order. - ns. MO Market and 6t3 Minor Ht reels rn ilad el mi a ,pa ALSO . rill)llHlll'fl tit KinrlnrR'Nfitt RairB unrl Brwkff' Arlthmet!r. Aluo, Kobert'n Hhtorjo! gARCROFT & CO., ImporLeia and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Lineax, White Goods, Ac, Nos. 406 and 407 MARKET 8TKEKT. (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. MOUL, REPKEBENTINO Warner, Wrisht & Watkiii, : Manururliiivr k Wholesale Dealer IN Boots & Shoes' A'o. .102 Market Street, l'lIILADELPIIIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS IstPORTHBS AKD JOBBBUS Of Oliinn,, O hiH8 AMD QUEENSWAHE, 923 Market Street, w.H- KENNEDY, WfTH TRIMBLE. BRITTOS Co.. . WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' No. S06 MARKET 8THEIT, PRILADXLPBIA. 719 Philadelphia Adrertlsctnents. David Masters. I. A. Delwller. W. M. B. Ball. RASTERS, DETWILER & CO., Manufacturers ot and WHOLXHALB' DJVALKllS .V CLOTHING, 828 MARKET STREET, M, PHILADELPHIA. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLES A LM HARDWARE HOUSE No. BIS Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THK TJMON," JOS. M. FEU En, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Term, Sa.fjOPerDay. 'I 'HIS HOTEL be In ce ntrslly located, and hav. X. Inft been entirely kktitted, H will be found as pleasant a stopping place as eaa be desired JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED ! Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL ! Everybody who sees them are delighted. 3S The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. , F. MORTIMER, Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIH, Attorney at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry CO., Pa. r Offloe Net door to the residence of Jadge Junkln. 5tf AM. MARKEL. Attorneyat-Law, New Bloomtleld, Perry county, Ps. teff" Office directly opposite the Post-OCce, and adjoining the Mansion House. , JKWIS POTTBB, ATTORNEY AX UW, NEWBLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. -Claims promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ad to. . , . 2 y) J TAMES H. PEHOISOK, Attorneyat-Law. " NEWPORT, PA. r-OfUce Market Street, near the Square, it 6 CHARLES H. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomtleld, Perry Co. Pa. M. Office with O. A. Barnett. Esq., on Illga Street, north side.nearly opposite the Presbyte rian Church. - August- 50, W72. JBAILY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomfleld,PerryCo.,Pa . " Office opposite the Mansion House and next door to the Post Otnee. Refers to B.McIutire, Esq. Junt27,1871, TTM. A. 8PON8LER, Attorney at-Law, VT Ofllce adjoining; his residence, on East Main street. New Bloorafleld, Ferry Co., Pa. 3 a ly JOHN O. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New UloomneM, Perryco., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical aud Burglcal Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. wvofllce at his residence .oae door East ef the Robinson House, and opposite Win, A. Hponsler's Lawofsce. 3 2!y TTM. N. 8E1BKRT, Attoroey-at-Law, T V New BloomUeld, Perry CO., Pa.. Bloom0ld,3331y. ' WM. K. 8UTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bloomtleld, Perry ce.. Pa. Offlce Two doors West of F. Mertlmer Store 87 ly LEWIS POTTER, wotabt rvhua, Mew Bloen tleld. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages and leases ear e fur y prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Peasion and Bouutv Daners draws an4 eertilled, wif! also take.deposltioas to be retd In any court In the United States. 7101 "IHAS. i. T. McINTIRK, Attomev at-Law, V New Blooufield, Perry eo.. Pa. W All profeesionalbuaiueosproniDUiandfaith. fully atleaded to. aaiy. "TTTM. A. MORRISON, f JUSTICE OK THK PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NiwGikmintowk, Perryco., Pa. KemittaneeawUi be made promptly far all Collections made. 144 ilHAS. A. BARNETT. Attorney-at-Law, J New Blwomneld. Perry co., Pa. tf.Offlee on high street. North side, faearlv op posite Uie Preabytexlan Church. JJly ' JICHARD L MAG EE, . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, SHIP Perry County, Penn a., one mile South ef