8 Plot to Ditch a Passenger Train for Booty. The Omaha lice aj8 t A reporter of the' Bee' this morning leanipd from sever M railroad men that the Chioago and Northwestern passenger train, which loft Omaha for Chicago Saturday afternoon, had been marked for plundor by train rob bers near Ames, Iowa, but that the intend ed Job was frustrated by the timely Inter ference of a detcctivo, who was cognizant of the plan of the thieves. It appear that freight trains of this road have been robbed to a considerable extent near Ames for the last two months, and the company was unable to put a stop to it. 60 a detective from Chicago was employed to ferret out the thieves. Near Ames there is a very long and steep grade, up which the freight trains go very slowly, so (as it has since been ascertained) tbe thieves could easily run alongside the oars and with hammers break the locks of the doors, and thus enter the cars aud throw off merchandise. The detective worked himself in with the thieves, and became one of them for the time being, lie found the gang to consist of three strangers and two boys, .sons of farmers living iu the vicinity. The three men had been hanging around Ames for about three months, and had got into tbe oonfkleuce of the boys whom tbey roped into their schemes. After the detective had worked with the thieves for a short time they became avaricious, and wanted to make a bigger haul than they were get ting by plundering freight trains, so they . determined to ditch and rob a passenger train, and last Saturday night was set for he time. They were to throw the train from the track, b.I urate the cars with kerosene, aud set them on fire, aud use chloroform upon passengers where they could do so to ad vantage. They also intended to murder the express messenger and rob the express car. They were on the ground prepared to tarry out their plans, when a body of men, who had been instructed by the detective, surprised and captured the whole outfit aud the passenger train passed on its way without any of the passengers being aware of the danger that had threatened them. We have heard nothing officially of this transaction, but as the information enmes r from railroad men, and from some of the employees of the Chicago and North western railroad, we are inclined to credit Thought He was Swindled. Marriage is to a great extent an unknown ceremony among the canal population of England, and deplorable revelations of the social state in which this much neglected class live are sometimes the result. One such revelation wss recently made at the Hencorn Police Court. A boatman named Carrington "bought" for 18s. Sarah Ty rer, who lived with John Taylor, another boatman, as his wife. Tbe woman con tentedly took up her abode with ber new lord, and received a sum of money from him for family expenses. Returning next day to her former floating borne, to fetch away her wardrobe, she found Taylor dis consolate, and elected to remain with him. Carrington was naturally furious over his threefold loss the purchase money which be bad paid, the article purchased, and the amount which he had handed over to the new mistress of his cabin. He accordingly appeared before tbe Runcorn magistrates and unfolded the tale of his wrongs, but could get no redress. , Influenza. From Mr. W. P. Oa-leshy, of Harrlsburer, P. "A little over a year since 1 was taken with a bad cold, and for some time was confined to my bed with severe pains in my breast, back, nud side, accompanied with a violeut cough, so that I was fearful that tbe disease bad made a lasting impres sion on my constitution. Through the family of Rev. W. H. DeWitt, I was in formed of the efficacy of Dr. Wistab's Balsam or Wild Cherry in oases like my own. I had not taken it three days be fore my cough commenced to yield, and before the contents of a bottle were taken it had entirely left me. Since then I have induced several persons to use the Balsam for coughs, colds, whooping-cough, etc, and always with the most satisfactory re sults." 60 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Governor Hendricks' Last Official Act. " Tell Governor Hendricks for me that I will never forfeit his confidence." Such was the message sent through tbe Warden of the Indiana State Prison by Back Mo Cinney, who had been a prisoner for nine teen years, and whose pardon was the last official act of Mr. Hendricks as Governor. Over twenty years ngn McEinucy fired a pistol ball at one iuhu, missed him, acd killed another. For.lhis he was sentenced to iiiiprisonmnnt for life. He studied so much on the subject of his release that be became a monomaniac. lie aud Mr.'Hen chicks hud been school-fellows. Sleigh Riding in Virginia. Richmond has seen many graud sights. but it remained Cor the present unwonted reign of the Frost King to ebow ua the most novel and exerting show tbe city has ever beheld. The ground baa been frozen ' for thirty days; the old year expired ia the icy grip of wiuter,,Dd the new was rung iu with tbe merry sleigh , bells iustead of tbe solemn peal from church steeples. A KEW. DOLLARS . Will gb a good way Just now as we have made ANOTHER GREAT REDUCTION In order to clear off our Winter Stock, and make room for ,our largq SPRINQ HTOUK which is now being manufactured. , ' 1 f f j 1. ' 1 ; LADIES' and GENT'S' FUKNI8HINO GOODS, Ac. Bliawls Very Cheap. Scarfs Very Cheap. . Towels Very Cheap. 1 able Covers Very Cheap. Corsets Very Cheap. ' Collars Very Cheap. , Con Very Cheap. Jewelry very Cheap. 1 " FocketBooks Very Cheap. Skirts Very Cheap. Nubias Ver Cheap. Furs Very Cheap. Underwear Very Cheap. Ties Very Cheap. Shirts Very Cheap. Overalls Very Cheap. Overshlrts Very Cheap. StockltiiiS Very Cheap. Handkerchief Very Cheap. Bed Spreads Very Cheap. Hair Switches Very Cheap. Umbrellas Very Cheap. Shirt Bosoms Very Cheap. Accordions Very Cheap. I'n per and Envelopes Very Cheap. above, will be sold very LOW. Don't CLOTHING, CARPETS, &c. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. ! Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Boys' Clothing Very Cheap. Boys' Clothing Very Cheap. Children's Clothing Very 1 heap. Children's Clothing Very Cheap. , Good ltoom Carpet Very Cheap. Good ltoom Carpet Very Cheap. Common Boom Carpet Very Cheap. , Common Room Carpet Very Cheap. Btalr Carpet Very Cheap. Floor Oil cloth Very Cheap. Stair Oil-Cloth Very Cheap. Table OllCloih Very Cheap. Trunks Very Cheap. , Valises Very Cheap. Satchels Very Cheap, lium Coals Very Cheap. Cum Blankei Veiy ( heap. Horse Blankets Very Cheap. , Bed Blankets Very Cheap. Men's Hats Very Cheap. Boy's lints Very Cheap. And many other goods besides the forget to give us a call. I S 1 D 0 It S C II W A It T Z "Wright's Building, NEWPOET, PENN'A. Winter 187G. 1877 Winter. CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASn CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CABS CHEAP FOR CA8H CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CA8H CHEAP FOR CA8H CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CA8H CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CnEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CA8H CAEAP FOR CASn CHEAP FOR CA8H CHEAP FOR CASH CHEAP FOR CASn CHEAP FOR CASH Thvsubscrlber has now In store A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS SUITED TO THE SEASON. Many ot these goods were Bought before the Advance in Price AND WILL THEREFORE BE SOLD AT GREAT BARGAINS ! EVERY PERSON WHO WANTS MUSLINS AND PRINTS AT OLD PRICES, COTTONADES & CASSIMERES At Trices which are astonishing, WINTER BOOTS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, Lower than ever before Offered, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS OF BEAUTIFUL STYLES, And at Pleasing Prices. WALL PAPERS & BORDERS IN GREAT VARIETY, PAINTS, OILS and HARDWARE, Or any other goods at LOW RATES, should ex amine the Stock uow offered by jP. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA.' ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY THE NEW DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. iisir - 7W 1 v m o. . ....-w'; v'-"v-r- -zr. IT KKTA.IN3 all the virtues of the Light-Running DOMESTIC," including the Automatics Tension, which was and l the best in one. . Please notice our PATENT UARUKNKD CONICAL HEARINGS on both the Maolne and Stand. . . . Our new and old ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at, our own new works. In the busy city of Newark. Mew Jersey liav given ur a standard of MECHANICAL KK C'ELLENCK. Minimum of Krlution, Maximum ul Durability, aud range of work, never heretofore reached In the Hewing Machine world. . , , TO THIS HTATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF (9 We invito the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical skill or obHervation. N. K. All Machines folly warranted. domestic BEWINO MACHINE Co., New York and Chicago.' " LDie, VHf. " DO.TJEVriC" fJPEIt FAN1IIOMS, nAQ'TS WANTED FOR HISTORYPVI lENTEN'L EXHIBITION It contains R30 Tne emrravlnns of Inilldlnn and si'enes In the Great Inhibition and U the oiHy an. theiitlo and eomolete history iiilllslnd. It treats ,m un uiiiimmhk, wuniiKruu rxmoiis. curi osities, gieat events, eto. ' Very cliean and sells at slffht. tins A Kent sold 48 cofiles In one day. Bend tor our extra terms to Agents and a full de scription ot the work. Address Natioral Pub MRiiinn Co.. t'hllftdelphla, 1'a. CAIITllIN ' unrenanieand worthless books wnu I IUI1. on the Ktnllilttiin l,in. eulated. IH not be deceived Hee that, the book you buy contains 874 iiges and 830 line engrav. Inns. t Q-4w TAKES Mllirtf mtathi tin M of nKrwr. in Btinr- Jvmuiih i;iiiip,t nmplp-lift(t, with vtvnitnt (rnld-pUUitl iiv Tni'.tntia, rtm I Hi! lim' fFuhl'-na'tie rtn.t Hni, pin ana itr')i. poBt-pxta, OR emu. 5 iaytt(rM, with awortvd ivm- T BfliD". A CO.,769 rod wy M. Y. LVE met In onB. Tlier.LOYD cnuniN.Ttnv t,. .. " I'wnrll . I'enhiiMBr nrnl lVn,Krnn(tr,reiiltnlf,EiiTelni) mwiipr, rtrnittpr Itnlihnr, KlwIhr Murlilna Thrmd t ttop. ml ir Bmjilni S..tin,.. Cmtlnc o Hooki and Btm, li .tt..ii. l-.rnMi'U hl.,n. it r., l:, , pnimon pMiclf, fi lirvn :iy nlc ill .lslnl, m:4 it ItfWItne. AemU tte r..ii ins i'""T ' tt It th t-H .plllrn srllcHI 'it. fwiiip ill'fin, f' fur CI. Kttriip,nniirTlnliipiimiti to '' 'M f piMiiiiif I'SlfiloMn ml ennvui jroui tovn. umUEaCa,. 700 Bmnrluin,.- U. V. STATinvmtT rArKAOm.iind BIX ol l" I.I.OVII COMIIINATION fnr TWO DO! LAPS. PRIDFci.V 709 Broadway, New fork. OR FANCY CAKI1H 11 stvles with name, locts. Post paid. J. B. UCSTBD, Nassau, Iteu Co. N. Y. 4 d4w " TRIFLING WITH A COLO 19 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. Use Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all disease of the THROAT. LUNGS, CHEBT and MUCOUS MEMBKANK. l'nt Up Only fit lllue RoxeB. HOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 2d4w C. N. Crittentok, 7 Sixth Av eni'B, New York. ACTIVE AGENTS wanted itutantlv to Introduce The Centennial Exposition DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. Nearly 8o0 pages) only J'Soj rich illustrations; and a treasure as the BEST and CHEAPEST His tory of the Great Exhibition. Endorsed by of ficials. Pie's ana C'ergy. Is selling Immensely. One lady cleared t IPO fii four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never. For full particulars. Address HUBBARD BROS., Publishers. 2d4t 7 13 Sausom St., Philadelphia. A pouts Wanted for our New Book Great CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED. Demand equals the crowds at the Exhibition. ne agent sold 40. two 3(1 raeh In mm iluv. iivi 4U0 Fine Engravings, costing riO.O'iO.OO, show the best exhibits. Wide awake Agents are quitting all books for this. GET THE BEST. Send for Circular, terms, and sample engravings. P W. Z1EGLEU St CO., 618 Aroli St., Philadelphia. 2d It JMPORTANT TO HUCKSTERS." The undersigned, deslrlngto return to theclty, otlersfor sale, the uoou will to a good marketing route In Perry Co., with Two iiohbb team and fixtures all complete, with all necessary instruc tions to purchaser. This Is an old established route and a rare chance. For particulars, callou or address, J. M. Lrnnbt, Mechanlcsburg, 313m. Cumberland Co., Pa. M ANHOOD: HOW LOST- HOW RESTORED T..af- ..,.l.llBt.nJ -Jll! .... vub.jfiiuiiiicu. n iicn vuniuii ui in , wmvrr well's Celebrated Essay on the radical oure (with out medicine) of Sphkmatohhuusa or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoten cy, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impedimenta to marriage, etc; also. Consumption, Epilepsy and Ills, Induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex travagance, &o. r Price, In a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequences ot self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation ot the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once si m pie, certain, and eltectiial , by means of which every sufferer, no matter what nls condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Sent under seal. In a plain envelobe, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt ot six cents or two poststamps. Address the publishers. (xl5ply THKCUIAERWELL MKDTCAI, CO. . 41 Ann St., New York i Post Olllce Box, 4 f 88. HE MANSION HOUSE, j . . New ltloomfleld, Penn'a., D. M. RINESMITH, . Proprietor. This well-known hotel has lately beenenlarged, re painted and re-fitted. Best accommodations afforded. Careful hostlers always In attend ance. 93a tf JHE PERRY HOUSE' New Bloomflelt, Perry Co., Pn., THOS. BUTCH, Proprietor, W EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 43, 43 A 44 West St., NEW -YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 50 and T5 cents per day. Charges very MODEB ATE. The best meats and vegetables In the market. BEST BEDS iu the City. 17 lyu B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. ERRORS OF YOUTH. , A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Iecay. and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion will. lor the sake of sulTeiTng humanity, send free to all who need It. the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suirerers wishing to prottt by the advertiser's experience Can do so by addressing In perfect confidence. JOHN K. OUDEN, 42 Cedar St,, New York. 1074 eimrt. ' ' i Ji , i . . . . . A Certain Headache Cure. A harmless vegetable preparation, and the discovery of a phsiclan. the Victor Headache Powder lias bru proven a positively sine cure for the most distressing cases of Sick or Nervous Heartache, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a single ponder actually curing in ten minutes when all other means fail. We have had a won derful experience with It, end the ten cent trial pack can be had by addressing the proprietors. ,1. U. HEISLEY CO.. Salem N. J.. who will cheerfully mall them postpaid, and of Druggists everywhere and It is with well merited confidence they are offered as a thorough cure for all dis tresses ot I ha bead. , J 8 ly NOTICK. The undersigned hereby gives no tice to all persons indebted to him. that their Accounts must be settled on or before the first of March. After that no further Indulgence will be rallied. CHRISTIAN hTOUKKKlC bheruiansdale. Jan. 8, 1877. , . pit K f n 9fl Pr day at home. Samples worth t2 0 W vv Irre. bTIN0 41 Go,. Portland, We. JVjOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. (l ; . f Counlj Coninilsslonpis' Appeals for 1877. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the Commission ersof Perry County' Will hold the Triennial An peals tor 1H77, In the several townships anil bur. may apply for redress. ougbs tor Mi piiriiose of hearing all persons who intiy oiMj nil iriiiew.. nnii u grani sucn relief from the assessments as to theiri may appear Just and reasonable. Appeals lo commence at 9 A. M.tand elose at 8 P. M and to be held as follows: At Dnunnlly's Mills for Tuscarora township, on X ummi,, inc A-iiil unj ill vniiiinry, inf. i At Iekesburg for Savllle township .on day, the 24th day ot January, 1877 At lp, on Wednes- Killer's Hfora for Hnmlv Mill Tiuirlnt nm Thursday, the 2 th day ot January, 1H77. At New Germantnwn for Tnboyne township. en Friday, the 26th day of January, 1877. f At Alain for Jnckson township, on Saturday, the 27th day of January, 1877. At Anderson hu rg for Madison township, on Monday, the 2th day of January. 18i7. At Landisburg for Landtxburg borough and Ty rone township, vu Tuesday, the svth day of Jan uary, 1877. . , At Blue Ball for Soring township, on Wednes day, the .list day of January, W7. At Shermansdale for Carroll township, on Thursday, the 1st day of February, 1H77. At Barsblnger's Store for Rye township, on Fri day. the2ud day of Februar), 1877. At Centre School House for Wheatlleld town ship, on Tuesday, the 6th day of February, 1877. At New Buffalo for New Buffalo borough and Watts township, on Wednesday, the 7th dayol February, 1877. At Montgomery's Ferry for Buffalo townshlp.on Thursday, the 81 fi day of February, 1877. ii Liverpool tor Liverpool uorougn and Liver pool township, on Friday, the 8th day ot Febru ary, 1877. At Marysvllle tor Marysvllle borough, on Mon day, the 12ili day of February, 1877. At Duncaniion for Penn township, on Tuesday, the 13th day of February, 1877. At Duncannon for Duucannon borough, on Wednesday, the 14th day of February. 1877. At Mlllerstown for Millerstown borough and Greenwood township, on Thursday, the lilh day ol February, 1877. At Newport for Newport borough and Oliver township, on Friday, the 10th day of February, 1877. At Newport for Miller township and Howe township, on Saturday the 17th day of Febru ary, 1877. At Mllford for Juniata township, on Thursday, the 22nd day of February, 1877. At Bloomneld for Bloomlteld borough and Cen tre township, on Friday, the 23rd day of Februa ry, 1877. . S. W. OANTT. SOLOMON 110WKR, GEORGE CAMPBELL, County Commissioners. Calvin NeilbO, Clerk. New Bloomneld, Pa., January 2, 1877. NOTICE 18 ALSO GIVEN, that the Gen eral Appeals following the District Appeals, will be held iu the Commissioners' Olllce, as fol lows: For Bloomlield. Duncannon, Landisburg, Car roll, Centre. Jackson. Juniata, Madison, sandy Hill, Saville, Spring Tohoyne, Tuscarora and Tyrone, on MONDAY, the 20th day of Februa ry. 1877. ror Liverpool norougn. Liverpool rownsnip. Marysvllle, Millerstown, Newport, New Buffalo, DAY, the 27 h day of February, 1877. Buffalo township. Greenwood, Ilowe, Miller. OH ver, Penn. Rye. Watts and Wheatrteld, on TUES- After ibe foregoing District nnd General A ppeals are over, no appeal will be heard by the Commissioners, ,T. W. OANTT, hOLOMON BOWER. - ' GEORGE CAMPBELL, . County Commissioner. Calvin Nrilson. Clerk New Bloomtield, Jan. 2, 1877. W CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson 8 Magazine! GREAT 11 EDUCTION TO CLUBS POSTAGE l'KE PAID TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Origi nal Stoiles of any of the lady's books, the best Colored Fashion Plates, the best Receipts, I lie best Steel Engravings, tie., tic. Every family ought to have It, It gives more fnr the money than any in the world, it will contain, next year, in its twelve riottsnnrf Paget Fourteen Splendid Steel Platen Ticto Colored llerltn Pattern J'welw Mammoth Colored fXishions Afne Hundred Wood Cuts lren-ty-tuur Paget oj Music t It will also give Five Original Cnpvrlght Novel-' ettes, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee bene dict, Mrs. Fiances Hodgson Burnett. Marietta Holley. and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Original, by the best authors of America. Its superb Mammoth Colored Faelilon Fifties are ahead of all others. These plates are en-; graved ou steel, twice the usual size. TERMS (Always In Advance) $2 1 TEAS. Two Copies for 13.80 S Copies for $4.80, with a copy of the premium picture (27x20) "Cornwallis Surrender," a Five Dollar Eugravlng, to tbe per son getting up the (Hub. Four Copies for Jfi.Su 6 Copies for 18.00. with an extra copy of the Magazine for 1877, as a premi um, to the person getting up the Club. Six Copies for tSt.Oo 7 Copies for 111.00 9 Copies for f 13.6D. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1877, and tbe premium pioture, a Five Dollar engraving, to tbe person getting up the Club. Address, pns'.pald, CHAK1.KS J. PETERSON, . 806 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. , Specimens scut gratis, M written for. 44 HE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST THE BEST MAGAZINE. A Combination of tt TTuful, Ou Enttrtaining . ... ; oiid th Beautiful. Demorest's Illustrated Monthly, The Model ParlorMagcaine of America, Contains tbe essentials of all others, Including Homo Interests (n all Its departments. The only Reliable Fashions In all their de- tails. . - - Tbe beauties and utilities of Literature, Poe try, Sketches, Stories, Music, Floriculture, and every branch of entertainiag and neeful read ing and useful reading calculated to enliven and elevate society and make our homes at- -tractive, useful and happy. This unrivaled Megaalue will commence It sixteenth year with January, 1877, and as heretofore, full of new literary, entertaining and nseful subjects to which It is devoted. With each number will be given a superb colored cabinet-picture (worth the whole cost of the Magaxine,) in oil, mounted on a mat ready for framing. Ever; subscriber at Three Dollars Is entitled to the selection of a premium (of which there are eighteen), delivered and forwarded Imme diately on receipt of the subscription. Every article ottered Is of first quality, including Books, any one worth the price of subscrip tion ('aromot from celehrated Paintings and equal to the originals, of large size and suita ble for any parlor ; roektl-Cuvk Status; Hystttm of Dress Cutting, this rsrntud th llightti CVn Unnial Arard,;) Silver-Plated War of all kiuds t Stationery, Llneu Marker, etc., etc. roa olcbs. We have larger and aud more valuable Premiums, including books of all kinds, Silver-Plated Ware, Bracket Raws, Scissors. Stereoscopes, Gaines, Ta ble Cutlery, Clmika, Adjustable Tables. Fluting Machines, Knitting Machines, China, Dinner and Tea Sets, and numerous other desirable article of which a full list will be furnished ou applica tion to the publisher. W. JENNINGS DEMORE8T. 17 East lilh Street. N. Y. Agents required everywhere. Seud lor partic ular. . i , .