jr the 'TikES'NisW JL65MFiEii);X.l,jXiWA!tV 23, i6n. REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 '' i , Cheapest and Best I the HARRianuita Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1077. To all m aub(irltra ana to U ptwsn aubserrbers renewing thtr aubaorlpUuua , THE DAILY PATRIOT ' , Wul b sent aUhi following rat i j ww. 1 year, poKtas-y prepaid.,, ''-Vi m !H.fo . . :. .v.. ! h i. .i ' ' who 0O-r dllrtlMT Ml. HMkl o 0 Hm'l' uVC M J1SH S MoNTHIjT Of llAHFS B BAeiH, IXU paid on both i "28 ,.'..mv nA-Lr rAtiiior . WUl tantaMhfollnw1nir rat i , ' 1 copy, I r, JOU(r prepaid. .. SJJTIO ,.-(. - , x;;:::::;:;;:;:;:: i& "and 1 copy to irflUrr.np of club H.TO 9 oorlea, I fr puauuro prepaid, , , nd 1 copy to irettOT.upof olnh. i ...... ffl.lH I copy, one yaar, and ono copy, one j r, or Hhar Hakpkr's MopiHit or Uif' car, pnntaire pr-eiid on both ...... ...... .... W W Th mibwiriptlon price of Horixr'a Monthly ami Harncr'a Bazar In 4.m each, thus stcurliiK a f uJwuH tr a copy of the Wkkklt Patriot for Ml rente iu ad dition to what he would have to pay for either of Her par's publication. . . . ... AU orders must be acrompanled by lha cash, either by check or H)et-olnce oriltr. Viwlethe time to enlwcrilie. Oet all the news a id the bent rcailiiiK matter at Ions cot than auy where viae : by eenilln your inbuwtpUoua to the Daily ana PATRIOT PXjnLlfMTNG CO.. Jt , UAltlUSBUIli, PA. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Science. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 The number for January beirine the nineteenth yol iimeof tbtaMamulne. ami while lta past record will, it i honed, be deemed a aufllcieut (ruarantee of future excellence, no ellorta will be aparod to diversify Ita attraction! and to provide an Increased anpply of Popular Reading in the Pett and Most Emphatic Hente The irreat object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish thepublio with Leteralure Klltertaiu uient of a He lined and Varied Character, aa well aa to present In a trophic aud strikinK manner the moat re pent information aud soundest views on mill, ects of General Interest, in a word, to render Lippiucott'a Uairaalne BtrtklUKly dlstiuctive in .., , TTiose Feature that an Mod Attractive in Map. axine Literature, In addition to the tleneral Attractions of Mppln rott's Mairar.lne the Publishers would invite attention to a new aerial atory, "The Marquis of Lossle," liy Oeonre McDonald author of " Malcoln," " Alice Forbes," " Robert Falconer," etc TEHM8. yearly Subscription, ; Single number, 36 oeuts. . . . NOTICE -fhe November and December Numbers, containing- the earlier chepters of " The Maninia of Losale" will be presented toll new annual subscribers "hPECIMEN NUMBER mailed poatg paid, to any addreaa, on receipt of 20 oeuts. J. B. LIPPIKCOTT & CO., Publisher, 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia. B ALL SCALES. LB. MARYANERTH, D. W. DERB and a JAMES H. GK1EB known as . . , " Tbe Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply of Buoy's Patent COUNTER HOALE, the Simplest, Cheap est and best Connter Scale In the market. For Hcalea, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad Mlress "The Ball Scale Company," rottavllle, Schuylklllconnty, Pa. V For Scales or Agencies In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be seen and examined any time. J LEIBY&BRO., Newport, Terry co., Pa. FRANK MORTIMER, "nf New BloomOeld, Ferryco.,Pa. VOW FLOUIDA. ' FOR THROUGH T1CKET8 to FERNANDINA, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Sanford, Enter prise, and Intermediate landings on Ht. John's River and Interior points In FLORIDA, by steam boat to SAVANNAH, and thence by railroad or steamboat, apply to W'M. L. JAMES, General Agent, Philadelphia and Southern Mail 8. S. Oo 416 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. 49c3m A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c. I will send a recipe that will cure yon, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inm an, Station D, Bible Houte, New York City. 16b ly GLENN'S ' SULPUUll SOAP, A Sterling Rbxkdy Fob Diseases ad I "JURIES OF TIIK 8k ; A HEALTHFUL Bbactifier of the Complexion; A Re liable Means of Preventing and Re lieving Rheumatism and Gout, and an Ukkqualed Dibisfectant, Deodorizer AND CoUNTER-IlllUTANT. Glenn'8 Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of the 6k in, banishes delects of tho complexion and imparts to it gratifying clearness and amootluieaa. Sulphur Ifatli are cclobrnled lor cu ring eruptions and other discuses of the skin, us wull as RUeumatb-m and Gout. Glenn' Sulphur Soap produces the aaiue ttfV'CU at a most trilling enpensa. This admirahlo specific also spuedily heals tort; bruiia, mvUdi, burnt, gpraiti and tutt. It removes dandruff and prevents tiie hair from fulling out aud turning gray. Clothing and linen usnd in the sick room is diaiiij'ected, and diaeabes conimuuiruhle by ooutaot with the person, prevented ly it. . .The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. J'kicks, S3 ani SO Cents per Cake, Peu Box, ( Caeeb,) 0c and $1.2J. N. B. Buy Dm large eakea and thereby tronoajljc . Ba HIir Hair a4 Whiter Dye," Black r lirowm, Of . CI. CEIHESTON, Pivfr. 7 feiitli Af. R.r. it. s. cook & (X)., ) 1 gree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for I.K88 VONEV than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, So, We use Clearfield X'ina and Hem. lock only. . , . W. B. B. COOK A CO.,' i ' ' ' Newport, Perry C., T. Oetober 10, 1M7A. M USSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, 1'ENN'A. ;v a vr Tv vi viiv pu A RARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OK DRESS GOODS Consisting ot all shades suitable for the s,hson. BLACK ALPACCAS . ' AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, at Various prices. ' . , an endless hhlectivln ok i'kints!; .: ' ' ' ' ' We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head ot GROCERIES I - Machine needles and oil for all makes of Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST', 13 TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. , i . . i W No trouble to show goods. i Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of BLAIN ana vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKER-SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at From TEN to TWENTY per cent, cheaper than the old Arm. irlve moaciUI. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB SMITH.1 Blain, August 8, 1867. IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, AND POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. SOLD BY UHUUlilSIS tVtntWHLHt. StNU rUH UIH- Oil PHENSTINE A.BENTLEY, DHUUUISIS, WAaHINlilUN, U. U. q. For sale by wholesale Druggists in Pitts burg and Philadelphia. 35 ly )EAB0DY HOUSE, ' CORNER or LOCUST AND NINTH 8TS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and car lines in the eity. No obanges to and from the Centennial grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor of the Henry Housb, Cincinnati for the past twenty years, aud present proprietor, has leased the house for & term of years, and has newly furnished and fitted It throughout. He will keep a strictly first-class house, and has accommodation for 300 guests. Terms $3 per day. -No bar has ever been kept In the HENRY HOUSE, nor will any be kept at the PEA BODY. f 1022 5... 5 T , an MMHfl m in.MHII.MB M X ., rnoslHtTEol UlK. aura farCMitns. I Uoa, Uujks, (raaraUii all Srrohilau J (Ueasn. Iik TaarartrTUthreraas II Jtc aaa Rat fat it, I will, on reipl j arjiitil..ttl(..C.t.0Sli - For Sale by F. Mostij.br, New BloomUeld, Perry county. Pa. . . i , MODEL PRESS i in a strut lla aiil uui aaaaraa aaia,t.i - 1-cimt, W U .T6. BHR8T IS TUK WORLD mn4 1'hc lHntm TtiosMaUjtU ik UN. Head two S srai tMavmpat ter a piwTuMlj 1M. tnttetl 40 pt CavLavio. and PrW Lift. mttlMwd, liow tm t Co., Ufrw. aud Dralra la Tfl r i iuiBf amiaiar lai, mam WtOawt bUMi, ibUa0Uailk fENTENNIAL HOTEL, . . J t . (Formerly the Bweger House,) . MAIN STREET, . NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. JOK. 8. SMITH, Proprietor. Having good accommodations for regular or transient boarders, a share ot public patronage is solicited. " 1" ri. on per day at home. Samples worth K 4)0 U) Uiroe, Stinsom Co.. Portland, Me. . r I s. i , v i .V" " Newport Advertisements. , joliiBROs, & co., :r t (Formerly John Jones It Bon,) Grain 8c Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respeotfiilly Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST 1'ltICKS tit siarket will afford, will lie paid for all kinds ul , GRAIN, KI.OUR, ' PRODUCE. 8EEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, MALT, PLA8TEK, CEMENT, COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &C, tto. FOR SALE AT THE LOWK8T RATES). 3. Orders promptly tilled, . , NwKrt. July 20, 1875 f J B. HARTZELL, - 1 1 1 1 1 . i i Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, iVBlVPORT, PA. Hole Agent for Lnrilard's Supprlor Tobaccos. B" Country Merchants siipplled'wlth Goods at Philadelphia prices. W Your orders are solicited. 9 44 N EWPORT DRUG STORE. UaviUK oa baud a complete uaortutfut of tbe fol lowiuff ftrticlea, the iubticiiber ik Bbnrpof your t'ltronare. Druf8 and Medicinea, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. , ... i Alaa a full stock of Concentrated Eomodies, ESSENTIA OILS, Brnslies, PerfHinery ' HATH OIL, AND ' FANCY ARTICLES. ' Also always on Hand. PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully ami" Promptly Filleil B . M . EDV, Newport, Penn'a. New Millinery ; Goods A.t Newport, Pa. nv T BEO to inform the nubile that I hare lustre X turned from Philadelphia, with a ful assort- menioi ineiateststyiesoi MILLINERY QOOD8, HATS AND BONNETS. RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS FEATHERS. CHIONONS, LACE CAPES, NOTIONS, And altartlcles usually found In a nrst-classMII Inery Establishment. All orders promptly at. tendedto. "We wlllsellall goods as Cheap as can do guimaewuerc. , DRESS. MAKING done to order fcud tn the la. test style, as I get the latest Fashions from N-w York every month. GoRerlng done to order, in an wiatns. l win warrant an my work, togive sat IsfactioB. AH work done as low aspvsslble. ANNIE ICKES, -Cherry Street , near the Station , 1413 ' Newport. Pa. N EW SHOE SHOP! The undersigned respectfully Informs theciti zens of Bloomtleld and vicinity, that they have opened a shoe-shop in the room of F. B. Clouser, rvueuuy occupica aa a mwiuca, py uaivm neu son. Esa.. where thev will do work at canto Drio es, (repairing made a specialty at prices tosul me limes) irom m to a per ceni-aavea Dy patron i.lnsour shoD. Our motto Is "aulck sales ani short profits). Terms cash, or country produce. nut positively no crpuit. LEVI H. SWARTZ SCO.. New Blooinneld, Fa. January IS, 1876 tf PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for preparing a simple Vegetable Bai.u that will remove Tan, FRECKLES. PIMPLES aud Bixyrcuiu, leaving me sain son, ciear auu uauiiiuii aiso insiruc tlons for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address BEN. VANDKLF & CO., Box 6121, No. 6Wooter St., New York. 10a52(!moa. TO CONSUMTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread diseaae. Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sutlerers tbe means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions tor preparing and using the same, which they will And a Sura Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, be. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. E. A. WILSON, 2a0iuo . 191 Ponn 8U, Willlamsburgli .New York TABIE8 AND CHILDREN will and i aplenald assortment of ettOjpi at tbeons, prices tors ofF, Mortimer " Uhquert.ionaMv the belt tuttained work if the kini in the World." Harper 8 Magazine ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES Or Till TRESS. The Miuiaiint has attained In Its on quarter century aud more of existence to that point whore It may bo said of it, In the words of Dr. Johnson, " it Is vain to blame and useless to praise." The lustre of Its long-ago-attained reputation has increased as the years have passed, and Its future seems, as bright if not brighter than at any time since the golden hue of prosperity settled around Its later and best years. UrooHyn Englt, Ifarptr'i Monthly Is marked by the same characteristics which gave It circulation from the first with the bolter class of renders. It combines reading matter with Illustrations In a way to make clear and vivid the facta pre sented. Pictures merely designed to catch the eye of Uie Ignorant are never inserted. Chicago Journal. TERMBi Postage free to all subscrilersin the United States. Harper's Magazinb, one year $4 00 $4 00 Includes prepayment of U. B. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to harper's Maoaei'jb, Week- Lt and Bazar, to one address for one year, (10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to oue address for one year, 17 00: postage free. An extra copy or either the magazine, Wkkri.t or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of Five Bcdsoribbhb at t 00 each, in one remittance) or, Six copies tor 1.0 00, without extra copy: postage free. - Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Maaazint commence with the Numbers for Juue and December of each yuar. Subscriptions may commence with any number. When no time Is specified, It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with tbe first number of the current volume, and back nnmhers will be sent accordingly. A Complete Set or Uarper'e Maaazint, now comprising 53 Volumes, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser' for 3 U5 por volume. Single vol umes, by mall, postpaid, 3 00. Cloth cases, lor Dinaing, oa cents, Dy man, postpaia. A Complete Analytical Index to the Bret Fifty Volumes of Harper' Mayaztnt has just been published, rendering available for refer ence tho vast and varied wealth of Information which constitutes this periodical a perfect il lustrated literary cyclopedia. 8vo, cloth, 3 00; Half calf, 1 5 25. Sent postage prepaid. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without tho express order of Harper A brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. A Complete Pictorial HMory of the Timet" ' The bint, cheapest, and most mccemful fam ily Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. , , notices or tub press. Harper' Weekly should be in every family throughout the land, as a purer, more interest ing, higher-toned, better-Illustrated paper is not published in this or any other country. Commercial JJulletin, Boston. The Weikly is the only illustrated paper of tbe day that In its essential characteristics is recognized as a national paper. roofcfyn anlt. 'j he leading articles in Harper' Weikly on political topics aro models of high-toned dis cussion, and Its pictorial illustrations are often corroborative argument of no small force. Examiner and Chronicle, N. T. The Weekly has to a still larger degree dis tanced all competitors as an illustrated news paper. Its editorials are among the most able of their kind, and its other reading matter Is at once learned, brilliant and amusing. Its lllus t rations are abundant and of rare excellence. ChrMian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS: Postage free toall subscribers In the United states. Harper's wbeklt, one year 4 ou $4 00 includes prepayment of U. B. postage by the publishers. Bubscrtptions to Harper's Maoazinb, Week lt and Bazar, to one address for one year, (10 CO; or, two of Harper's Periodical, to one address lor one year, 7 uu: postage tree. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of five Subscribers at 94 00 each, in one remittance; or, Six copies for 20 00, with out extra copy postage tree. Baek Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volnme of the Weekly commence with. the year. When no lime is mentioned, it win be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with tbe number next after the re ceipt of his order. , The Annnal Volumes of Harper' Weekly, in neat cloth binding, win txj sent by express, fre,e of express, for 97 00 each. A complete set, comprising Twenty Volumes, sent on re ceipt of cash at the rate of f 5 86 per volnme, freight at expense or purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of II 00 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratia on receipt of stamp. ' Newpapers are not to copy tliis advertisement witnout the express oratir ot harper a, Bhotmbkr. Address , HARPER & BROTHERS, ' j .-. , i, New York. The Standard Of' THE World Ovsr COO Modifications. T3 THE BLmSiLKIS OfEVLHi UBS EAIRBA1IKS & EV7HJG. .715 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. JJOME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! -r wnnld resneetlvelv Inform mvfriendsthat III JL tend calling upou them with a supply ot good of my . OWN MANUFACTURE. Conslstlngof OAS8IMER8. OAS8INKT8, FLANNEL8. (Plain and bar'd) OABl'ETS, &., , toexohangefor woo or sellfor oash. J. M. BIXLEK. Cbntrb Woolen Faciobt. ',17,1m tar A bov came down Llnwood avenue on the rush, a few nights since, and, In an excited manner, said that there were a lot of lights In the Jewish burial ground. Half a dozen sclentlflo men, four loafers and a dog started off to see them. The grave yard was as dark as such nluoes Usually are. "Where are the lights V" asked a big man of the boy. The youngster backed off to a safe ais- tance. and veiled out. "Under ground they are-Israelites!" He then ran for his life. Melrose Journal. ' 'Haveyou any rebutting; testimony to oiler, Patrick ' asked the Justice of a prisoner arraigned for goat-kllllng. t scratched his head a new light seemed to dawn on him. 'Kebuttlng, Is It? Shure an' that's Just what's the matter, yer Honor ; the bloody baste butted me till not a atich of snte wus left on me breeches, yer Honor, and that's why I'm here to-day.' Pat was acquitted. IS8P A New York musician, whose hand-writing was very poor, wrote an advertisement that his system of in struction "extended from tho primary elements to thorough bass," and it came out in tbe paper "from primevale lini ment to thorough bore." He sought to interview the printer with a revol ver. HIT A quiet minister onoe said, "Now, brethern, I propose to throw this hymn- book at the man who used profane lan guage yesterday. He made the neces sary gesture, as though he would hurl the book, and, curiously enough, every man in the congregation ducked his head. O-A Connecticut jeweler went to New York, With two thousand dollars, to buy stock. He bought one thousand dollars worth of Jewelry. The other thousand he devoted to advertising that is, he went on a prolonged drunk, was arrested, and got his name in the papers. t& This is a story of what happened not long since in the Pine Tree State: A new Baptist convert wished very much to be baptised by one minister and to join the church of another. She went to the first, and asked him if it could be done. "Yes," he replied, I could do it, but "I don't kke in wash ing." tjyisyour father at home?" in quired the man of the little girl who admitted him. "Is your name Bill?" she asked. "Some beople call me so,'" replied he. "Then he Is not at home, for I heard him tell John if any bill man came, to say he was not at home." sjy "What Is the best remedy," asked a preacher of a shrewd observer, "for an inattentive audience ?" "Give them something to attend to," was the signific ant reply. Hungry sheep will look up to the rack if there is hay in it. 3" "Well, doctor," inquired an anx ious husband, "and what do you think is the matter with my wife? "O, nothing serious S probably a little humor of the blood," "No, that can't IKS, uwiu: ) rule n ktzu vuk ui ten days past. a" "Fred," said a young mitu the other day, after listening to his wonder ful story, "do you know why you are like a harp struck by lightning?" "No," says Fred, "I give it up." Because a harp struck by lightning is ft blasted lyre." - - 3"A negro witness in a trial the other day was asked what he was doing in a certain saloon at a certain time. He exclaimed that he had gone there to "change his breff." The explanation was accepted. Of On coming for the first time from a wretched garret in an inland town to the sea-shore, a poor woman, gazing at the ocean, said : "I am glad for once in my life to see something which there in enough of." sSfA negro was pdc ou the stand as a witness, and the judge inquired if he understood the nature of an oath. "For certing, boose," said the citizen ; "if 1 swear to a lie I must stick to him 1" ST A retired schoolmaster excuses hi passion for angling by saying that from constant habit, he never feels quite him self unless he is handling the rod. H3T Why Is the figure nine like a pea cock? Because it'e nothing without 1U tail. tJTA Waste "depot." of "T"-Putting lt in