, Tliii TIMES NI5W BLOOMFlELlvrA.JANUAItY 23,187 head, and Weinttip tf lioflR tnt hltn,, he swung himself out ortheWhdovahirl tlng It cniuiingly nfteif lilmftnd sliding down the joiit,tviw In ft second ,at the window v( fouit closetO J t wfcft. but the work of a mompnta dajtyhattoii foomW done, and of another twximiv& he jen-j tered. It was -aurirt of sbltP lie' felt! agalnBt intruders li thot "humyJvk.'.'' -'! ijui now came, am. ujrt,iiy nicrij book V" inquired CtmHes,. i.- - " That I must claim an my unwilling glory," answered Helen. " I cross-examined Peter, privately, on the suhjeet of his night' adventures, and strictly forbade his repeating his visits without my knowledge. I must confess, how ever, 10 a strong desire to mystify you a little further especially m I had learned from my maid, who was a flame of your orderly, of your precautions. I accord ingly told Peter that he might visit your room once more, disturbing nothing,but only bringing away a single book from the table. When I found what it wos.I was frightened enough,' and when I learned how much mischief I was near doing, you know I was half distracted." " I remember it well, and put it oil down to my own account." 14 And so you Bhould.to be sure,Charles. It was ull on your account. I was re lieved by finding that the mischief could lie repaired, if the book was returned In time. So I devised several -ways of get ting it luk to you, which I abandoned for fear of detection. My party, how ever, on Friday night, gave me the or portunity, you recollect, of spiriting ttwny yourservant,andgetting poor Peter within your lines of -intrenchment. liy watching his opportunity, ho climbed unpercelved to your closet, where he en sconced himself, biding his time. I had told him to restore it, os nearly as he could, to the place whence he took it,ftr fear of mistakes. , In due time the snor ing of your watchful friends told him that the season of action was come. He stole into the room, deposited the Iwok on the table, blevr out the lights, knock ed the two Bleepers' heads together, and retired covered with glory. The rest you know as Well as I. This," contin ued Helen, "Is the revelation of the only secret I ever kept from you. It was the first it shall be the last." AN ASTONISHED SCHOOL MA'AM. A SOUTH HILL school maim, the other day, while w orking an ex ample on the board, detected an urchin directly behind her in the unlawful act of devouring an apple. She said to him, "Tim, what are you doing V" "No'hin," said Tim, with his mouth bo full that his checks stuck out on either side like aldermen's stomachs. "Yes, you are," paradoxically insisted the teacher; "what have you hi your hands V" "'Xapple," said Tim, with some sur prise, as he looked at the fragment of the apple in his hand, and wondered who had bit it while he was studying. "What has become of the rest of it V" "Dunno," said Tim, looking around in an amazed eftort to discover who had the rest of it. "Somebody's been eatin' it." "Haveyou any more?" demanded the teacher. "Yes'm" said Tim dole fully, "got 'nother." "Where is it?" relentlessly pursued the teacher. "In my desk," sighed Tim, as he began to suspect that the teacher was going to demand it of him. "Well, take it out and go stand on the platform and eat it" MEat 'em bothV" queried Tim. "Yes, eat them both." "Eat all I got ?" demanded Tim in a subdued tone of countenance. "Yea, eat all you have," impatiently responded the teacher, and turning to the board continued,, "and don't you leave that platform while you have an apple uneaten." Silence reigned in the school room. The paper pellet pursued its tranquil transit unobserved. The busy hum of the studious made more noise than the cautious smile of the Indolent. Tim stood at his post. The fragment in his hand soon dis appeared, and he fell upon the other apple silently but determinedly, Uulckly it followed the first. Then he put his right hand in his pocket and took out an apple, and, after a cautious reconnoiter, during 'which he wiped it on his trowscrs, he began the attack. He carried the fort. Down went the hand again and another apple was brought to light It was quickly dis patched. A third followed. Then he changed his position, and resting the weight of his body on his left leg, sighed as he drew from his left breeches pocket another apple, , . When it wag gone he drew on the commissary for another, and, by the time be produced the eighth apple he' was silently being observed by two thirds of the boys in the room. The teacher turned mid saw the boy still, Mtanding in the attitude of one who was reaching for something In (hlsi coat pocket, ' "Aren't., you through yet?" the queried in some astonishment, , ,,( , ,' . r'ilot 'nother," btoclally responded, Tim, producing it and falling to .work,' on it ., . In surprise the teacher Mtw hin reach tor still another, ana when' that wita r ttible In the lianiln or tint nnonln alintilil I Rim um inM ' ' I-,). .,. goie Burr)H giew to nuimccinetit M his unwrtVeritig immi nguln sought Vhe gay. Ititf mouth of tliut pocket . As the boy ate ho grew h dlniMihions, and the teacher tditinejtlttrinrt, There neemed to t(ti no end to the apples that he had In htrtjlothMi, J .! r,' : f " " Thiij for mercy's tiakft have you any more apples y" ,.. ' . " Got n6ther,'f said " Tim, lndlflVr ently. ' " ' " How many more apples have you ?" " Dunno," said Tim ; "guess got two or three more." , 'Vrhe teacher did liot dart to let1 him proceed, and appointed an investigating committee to look after the buck emmties. The boy never changed a muscle of his countenance nor moved an Inch, while that teacher pulled apple after apple from his coat, and stacked them upon the desk, until there was something less than a peck piled up, with Dade county to hear from. Tho matter hasn't been laid before the school board yet, but the exhausted school ma'am declares that the next time she will learn how much of a crop of apples a boy has, about him before she Issues any orders.; Lost In the Bush. AKTOHYcomestousby the Australian mail which will fill many a moth er's eyes with tears, and touch the stern er hearts of all those true men who love little children and are tender to them. The colony was ringing with It when the steamer came away, to the temporary forget fulness of gold fields and railways, of general elections, and the fight be tween Victoria and New South Wales about the river Murray;' . Years hence, probably It will get Intb Imllad, and be "sung or said" to the tiny Australian generations to come, like the "children in the Wood" to their small cousins at home. ' ' Its heroes are three little people two brothers andasister of whom the eldest boy was nine, and the youngest five, the girl being seven years of age. They were children of a carpenter named Duff, who worked at a sheep station near a place called Horsham. In Australia small hands can help; so these three babes used to be sent after brush-wood for brooms and lires. They had gone dozens of times, and had come back safely; but this once, when their mother sent them, they wandered into the bush, and missed their way, and at night there were their little cots empty, and their little plates of supper getting cold, but no children. "Lost in the bush I" Think what that means for an Austra lian mother when vigorous men have sometimes wandered but a hundred yards from the track in those labyrinth of gum-trees and wattles, and goes hope lessly forward and backward and back ward and forward, till they have laid themselves down to die. Of course there was a search for them, all night, and day, many nights and many days, and every hour of the weary time steal ing the hope slowly out of the hearts of the father and mother. At last they did what ought to have been done before they called the instinct of the savage to help them find at least the corpses of the wanderers. Nobody can explain that instinct; everybody who has hunted or travelled with wild tribes has wit nessed It. The face of the ground to them is like a leaf of a book to us they read It, One of the Australian blacks will tell you if a kangaroo has crossed a creek by the displacement of a pebble , blindfold him, and bring him nto the thick of the eucalyptuses, he will point to his "gunya" miles away; it is the sixth sense of races brought up in a life that could not exist on five. The blacks soon found the trail of ' the poor little three ; and to find one end for them was to be sure of the other. "They would be dead, alas I" but it was some thing to have their pretty bodies away from the crows, the buzzards and the dingoes. ' So father and mother and friends, on the eight day after the loss, followed the native trackers step by step. ,"Here littlest one tired look, sit down!" says one block blood-hound; and present ly another grunts "Big one carry see, travel in dark tumble into this brush." Father on still, the keenest of the pack finds the mark where "little one put down too tired" and thus they search .every nook, corner, bush, and thicket 'until at last they are rewarded. The little ones are found lying asleep in each 'other's arms, not with the robins cover ing them with leaves, but in the hut. of a biihbman who had kindly cared for them. ' , . !1 A Baked Bible. Ohio, w hich was preserved by being baked In a loaf of bread.' It now be longs to a Mr. Hchebolt, who is a' native of Bohemia, in Austria. This baked, Bible whs formerly the property of his grandmother, who was a faithful Pro-' estant Christian. During one of the seasons when the Roman ( Catholics were persecuting the Protestunts in that country, a law was punted thut every be given up to the priests, that It might he burnt Then those who loved their Bibles had to Contrive different plans In order to try and save the precious look. When the priests came round to search the house, It happened to bo baking day. Mrs. Sehebolt, the Knuuluother of the present owner of this lilble, had a large family. She had just prepared a great batch of dough ; when she heard that the priests were coming, she took her precious Bible, wrapped it carefully up, and put It In the centre of a hugh - mass of dough, which was to fill her largest bread tin, and stowed It away In the oven and baked it. The priests came and searched - the house carefully through, but they did not find the Bible. When the search was over, and the danger passed, the Bible was taken out of the Joaf, and found uninjured. Unitarian Herald. , AN UNEXPECTED MEETING. IT was early in the sumniei of 1845, that I found myself on board the Sultana, just backing out from the levee at New Orleans, and turning her sharp low prow up the Mississippi lUver. As usual at this season of the "ear, the boat was crowded, both with deck and cabin pas sengers, the former consisting of some hundred German emigrants bound up to a settlement In Missouri. The boat plowed on Bteadily northward now passing some lofty bluff, and now for hours skirting the low woodlands of Louisiana and Arkansas, and now stop ping and roundlng-to at some temporary landing, to " wood-up," or at some sugar plantation, to discharge a small party, consisting of a plonter ond his family from the city. But when night came and the steamer rounded-to for wood at one of those wild spots on the river's banks the only Inhabitants being some two or three wood-cutters and their families, with perhaps a slave or two, and the only recommendation that the spot offered for settlement being its proximity to an available forest of wood the scene was grand beyond description. Torches were flying hither and thither, deck hanfls always In large numbers running from the boat to the shore on one line of planks and coming hack on another loaded with wood, which was hastily de posited on deck, and then hurrying off again. No wilder scene can be imagin ed ; the bright lights of the steamer's state-rooms throwing their gleamings deep Into the forest's thickness. The first day on board the steamer a young and very handsome German wo man, who was evidently too ill to endure the hardships of a deck passage, had been taken into the cabin and her pas sage paid by a purse made up by the passengers. She had arrived in a ship at New Orleans, two days before coming on board the steamer, and was, in com mon with the rest of the German pas sengers,bound for the settlement in Mis souri. Her illness was solely caused by weakness, brought on by continued sea sickness and the want of those little comforts and necessities impossible at sea. She had no intimate friends among her country people on board, but hod Joined them at Hamburg, on shipboard, and had thus arrived In America. Her object was to meet her husband, who had agreed to be at this settlement, and who had sent her the means, though not quite enough in amount to come and join him. There might have been a hun dred such cases on board, and little curi osity or interest excited by them ; but in her case, a strange fascination involv ed one. She was so young, so patient, so pale with sickness and deprivation that one could not but feel deeply inter ested in her. Having some knowledge of medicine, I had been called upon, by the captain of the Sultana, to administer from his medicine chest to the assistant engineer, who had come out of New Orleans so ill as to create some fears for his life, but being an excellent man the captain would not leave him, preferring to bring him away from the city and to take care of him on board. He had exposed him self at night, and had taken the country fever, as it Is called, and though it was but slightly upon him, still he was far too 111 to leave his berth. We had touched at Vh ksburg, Grand Gulf, Natchez, etc., and were steaming gallantly on towards St. Louis. Find ing my patient on the engineer's deck in want of many of the absolute neces- i sltles of life, In his sick condition, I ! iook some portions of my own ' ward- ! role, and after representing the case to i the cabin pashengers at lunch onc day, j obtained from them some Important ad- j dltlons ia his" comforts In the way .'of ;i clothing, linen, eteV When this arrange- l ment was made, ' our young Gerumr j woman, unuersi&nuing inin mere was another on tord like herself, sick', and heeding the charity of the good people of the cabin, begged to be permltted.now1 that she was so much " letter,' 'to make up uny article he mlghf require, where in a womnn's needle might do so. and nourishing food, kindness ajnd com fortable accommodations we're Jfact ;r siorlri the color of her cheek, ami the lightness of her eye. ' She was. permlU ted to do as she desired, and totide sever al necesshry under garments foif thesli man, with surprising neatness and des patch, showing herself a perfect ml i. tress of the needle. They were received with due thanks by the sick man, who was most grateful, and who showed good promise of recovering ere long. - It was the custom to pay off the of ficers of the boat on coming In sight of the termination of tho Voyage oil trip up ; and when one fine morning the river's bend had been passed," and EV Louis was in sight, the ; clerk's office, situated in the extreme forward part of the cabin, was thrown open, and a bell summoned the officers to receive their pay. My patient had recovered so far as to have done duty on the last day of the trip, and was, with the rest, called up to settle, by the captain. . We were at breakfaBt In the after part of the cabin, when suddenly a scream, so shrill as to startle every soul at table and to bring me with some others to our feet at once, rang through the saloon. All eyes were turned to wards the clerk's office, from whence the sound had proceeded.when we found the young German woman, who had been our companion, through charity,! n the arms of the assistant engineer I 44 What means this ?" I asked of my late patient, hastening forward. 44 Sir, this Is my wife!" ' For a moment there was the stillness of death about us, while each one seem ed to be realizing the scene, the remark able coincidence before us ; and then one ioud prolonged cheer rang through the cabin, so hearty and whole-souled as to cause even the timbers of the Sultana to tremble. It was even bo. The engineer was then on his last upward passage, but had no idea that his wife would be so soon in America, and much less that she was In the same boat with him.' - It (s so true that " one good turii de serves another," that the passengers would not part with the now thrice hap py couple, without once more making up a purse of gold and pressing It upon them, as a remembran ce of the passen gers who made the up trip with them In the Sultana. ''' ' A Feminine Fight. In a Cincinnati street, Just as an audi ence, from a theatre matinee was dis persing, a brunette,and a blonde,equally well dressed and ladylike in appearance, suddenly fell upon each other, In the way thus described In the Enquirer : 44 The tiny dark woman made a grab at the brunette's duck Of a bonnet, and dis lodged a handful of artificial lilies of the valley, and tuberoses from the side next to Koehler's drug store. One swoop of the blonde's off claw stripped the brunette's head of as beautiful a set of hair as was ever bought at a store. Then they stood glaring at each other like fighting cocks for ten seconds.when the blonde said 4 bah,' and started west ward. The brunette drew up her little form till It overtopped a store box, and In a voice that was grand with emotion exclaimed: 4 You you you .' She, too, started off, after thus having re lieved her mind." What no One Earned. When Field Marshal von Moltko was a simple colonel be astonished the mem bers of bis mess by regularly taking ten Frederick d'ors out of his pocket, at the beginning of dinner, and laying them leslde his plate. Always after dinner he repocketed the gold, buttoned up his coat, looked sourly around, and disap peared. It was resolved to ask him the meaning of this strange behavior. 44 Well," he said, 44 1 have noticed that from the time I entered ' this regiment the conversation at table has always turned on women, or cards, or horse racing, and I had determined to make a present of the ten pieces of gold to the first man who should start, a sensible subject. No one has yet earned them.V 6- A singular case of amateur sur gery is reported from Austin, Illinois. ,A farmer fractured his leg, and refusing to obtain medical aid, had his wife set the broken limb. He was in a fair way to recover, when, In attempting to de scend a flight of stairs, he fell, breaking the same leg again. He still persisted in refusing to have a surgeon,, and in-., slstd that his w ife should amputate the fractured member, which, strange to. say, she did. The patient is doing well," but the query is, Won't he w bh he jiad. li.l..JIu.vol.l(j limliV y It Is a good practice' to read with1 pen In hand, marking w hat 1s liked or doubted. ' ' It rivets the atteiitldn , reaP Izes the greatest amount' "of fchjovment, and facilitates reference.' 'It enables1 the" reader also, from tlme'.to time, to see what progress he makes with his own mind. : . . tillt:-r.T;irvT f Unfipilrt u 1.,1... fcl...... nr a l r ' vim, tijiw)', row tvotia j Ohio .unnnAKE Pn,r,n.V- Thre denerv M'y. el(itirtd( ntl v"rli tnadlolnn have Minted rerolritlon In tUk dealing art, and t-fored tuttllaoy of Mml-aHmnluu whloh 14 f for hisn j yosrs obrootfed the progress of medical Sconce. . The fattte eKpboiltlon that ' Consumption Is liH iiralile'I -fleterred physl lsn from ittfltTiptltift to BndfPrAeaies for that Olseas and patients alllldted with It reconcil ed themselves to death wltliont making an ef fort to escape Tram, a doom which they sup posed to b& nnaVoiiUiilf. ItU now proved, however, that Cousnruptlon can be Cured, and that It has been cured la a very great number of case (some of thnm apparently desperate onesi by Bchenck'f Pulmonic Byrup alone t and In other casei by the same medicine In connection with Schenck'i Sea-Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, one or both, according to the requirements of the case. fr T"f Dr. Bcbenck himself who enjclyea nnlnlef-' rupted good health for more than forty years, -waa-eupaoted Kne time-to-be n he Tory gate of death, his physicians having pronounc-' ed his Case hopeless, and abandoned him to bis fate.' H was cured by the aforesaid medi cines, and, since hit recovery, many thousands similarly affected have used Or. Bchenck't preparations with the tamo remarkable suc cess. . . . : J 1 ; j . , , Full directions accompany each, making It not absolutely necessary to personally see Dr. Bchenck unless patients wish tbelr lungs ex amined, and for this purpose he Is profession ally at his principal oaice, Corner Sixth and Arch Btreets, Philadelphia, every Monday, day, where all letters for advice una! be ad dressed. Bchenck's medlclr.es are sold by all druggists. i4t VEG E7 1 N E . i i Purifies the Wood, KenoAates and Invigorates the Whole Svstrm.' " ' Ti I 1 ITS MEDICAL PKOPKKT1ES ARK Alterative, Tonic, Solvent AND DIURETIC. .' ' Yegctiue Vegetine Yegetine Yegotine Yegetine Yegetine Vegetine Vogetine Vegetine Yegetine Vegetine Yegetine Vegetine Yegetine Vegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetino Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Yegotine Yegotine Vegetine Yegetine Vegetine Vegetine N Reliable Evidence. Mr. H. R. Stevins: , Dear Hlr I will most cheerfully add my testimony to the great num ber you have already received In fa vor of your great and good medicine, VKOKT1NE. for I do aot think enough can be said In Its praise, for I was troubled over thirty years with that drewKul disease. Catarrh, and had such bad cniiiflilug spells that It would seem as though I never could breathe any more, and Veuetlne has cured met and I do feel it to thank Uod all the time, that there Is so good a medicine as VeKetlno, and I also think It one of the best medicines for coughs and weak, sinking feel ings at the stomach, and advise everybody to take the V'KUETINK. for I ran assure them It is one of the best medicines that ever was. Mrs. U GUKK, Cor. Magazine and Walnut 8ts.. Cambridge, Mass. O fvE 8 Health, Strength AND APPETITE. My daughter has received great benefit from the use of Vegetfiie. Her declining health was a source of great anxiety to all her fricnilv A Tew buttles of VEGETINE re stored her health, strength and ap petite. ' N. H. TILDKN, Insurance and Real Eestate Agt., ho. 49 Hears' Building. , , . i , . f lktou, Mass. CANNOT BK , K X V K L. I. IS l . Charlestown, Mar. 19, 1809. H. li. Stevens: Dear Hlr-Thisls to certify that I have used your " Blood Prepara tion" In my family for several years, and think that, for Scrofula or Can kerous Huinursor Itheumatto affec tions, it cannot be excelled: and as a blond purifier or spring medleine. It Is the nest thing I have ever used, and f have used almost' everything. 1 can cheerfully recommend It toany one In need of sneh a medicine. Yours respectfully. . Mis. A. A. DINrlMOBE. No. 19 Busseh Street. RtCOMMEND IT , Ile a r t il.y . South Boston, Feb.f, 17. Mr. Stevens: - , Dear Mr I have taken several bottles of your Vegetine, and aia convinced It Is a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia. Kidney Complaint and general debility of the system. I can heartily recommend it to all suffering from the above complaints, lours respectfully, Mrs. MUNKOE PABKEB. 86 Athens Street. Prepared by H.R.Stevens, Boston,Mass. Vegetine Is Sold by AH Druggists.' ' JEATHER C. ' THE subscriber has bow on hand at LOW PRICES, 1 , . !' .; Good Sole Leather, '. Kip of Superior Quality, ' Country Calf Skins, ' 1 - - French Calf, ' LININGS, ROANS, &c. i I Mortimer, NEW BLOOMITELD, PA. rrx-r- La'.e Iiunienve Discoveries by STANLEY and otli ' ers are Just added to the only complete ; ' Life 'and 'labors of Livingstone.' ' This Veteraa ENplovef Yanks amour the most heroic M;uif tueCeatury, and mis book Is nu of the most attractive, lajo luatlug, richlv illus trated and luctniftive volumes ever issued. Being the only entire and ant lieu tie life, the lull, lloui are eier for It. aud wide awake agents are wanted quickly. For proof ud terms addrena HI HHAl:I) BKOS.. r-uDtahen. 7S3 Hansom Street, fUiladelphUv'- . .& DTOltK STAND AND FAHM FUR ALE.-A Klr,t rite F inn lu Juuiata c.. Y., also a Store btaad aud HKx-k of (iooos. 'o runner particulars aures SAMl EL HICK, Port Kojal. Juuuilaco, Pa. U3w