u THE TIMES, NEW.ULOOMFIELDX'A., : JANUARY 10, 1877. REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 Cheapest and Best I the HAimisBUita Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. To all ni subscriber and to ill present subscribers i-puewius their sulwcrlptlona THE DAILY PATRIOT Will be wint at thi followlna- rt : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid. .....v f ; iw.plej.dn ohb), ;; i5 ., .'.".;;"!;;."!'.6o.(w 1 copy dlirtn the session of the legislature S-UO loopy. year, "d I 'l'.v. 1 '"ri C1,h,r Hai1- FKll B MONTHLV or HAHPKH S llAHill, postage paid on both ...m THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be lent t the following ratea 1 copy, 1 year postage prepaid ffSTo i , .. ii and 1 copy to setter-np of olnb 1S.0O ts copies, 1 year postage prepaid, aim 1 copy to a-ette r.up of club M.UU 1 copy, one yonr, anil one copy, one year, of cither Harfr's Monthly or llAaPEH'a Da kar, postage prepaid ou both .... 4.S0 The subscription price of Harper's Monthly anil Harper's Barar is 4. OS each, thus securing a anbscrl cr a copy of the Wkkkli Patriot for 60 cents lu ad dition to whnt he would have to pay for either of Har per's publications. All orders mnat be accompanied by the cash, either by chock or post-otnee order. . Now Is the time to subscribe. Oct ell Hie news alia the beet reading matter at less cost than anywhere clno by sending your eubs.iriptiolis to the Daily and Weekly patriot. Address. PA TRIO T P VBLIfMTWa CO. , 13t UAUlUHUUlltt, l'A. LIPriXCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Science. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 Tbe nunibrr for Jamiarv bpj-'ins thr niiift'-onth vol. lime of thifiMaifiizim1, aim wliil itR .it record will, It w hoped, betleemrd a hu til Hunt K'niniulcf of future excellence, no effort will W npiuii t divernily itH attractions aud to provide an inereastMl supply of Popular Rending in the Jic.it and Most Emphatic tense The nTPftt object and eoiistant aim of 0p pMnilnctors will be tofnrniRh tbe public with Leteralurp EnttTtain. ment of a Itcrtned and Varied OhnrftHer, hh well aH to pienent in a urapbie and atrikiiw munner the innnt re cent information and Bonndet-.t view nu HiibJtctH of General Intercut, iu n word, tn render Llppiucott'a Magazine atrikiiiKly dwtmetive in Those Matures that aw Moxt Attractive in Mag. azine Literature. In addition to the Oonpral Attraction, of IJpph). eott'a Mairazlne th Publisher would invite attention to a new serial Htory, 14 The Marqnis of Losh.c," by Oeorjre McTnnn1d author of "Malcoln," "Alice irieV' "Robert Falconer," etc. TERMS. Yearly Subscription, $4 ; Rinjrle number, rente. NOTICE. The November find December Numbers, containing the earlier chniterH of " The Manpiin of Losaie," will be presented foU new annual BubHcribPra for 1877. HPKOIMEN NUMREtt mailed poetatre paid, to auy address, on receipt of 20 oeutn. J. B. LtrPIXCOTT & CO., riiblfshcr, 715 anri 717 Market St., Philadelphia. B ALL SCALES. LB. MARYANERTH, 1. W. DEUR and . JAMES H. GKIKH known as The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply of Buov' Patent COUNIKR SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap est and best Oonnter Scale I n the market. W For Scales, or Anencles iu PeunsylYanla, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Ball Scale Company," rottsville, Schuylklllcounty. Pa. 9 For Scales or Apteucies In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be seen and examined any time. J LKTBY St BRO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. FRANK MORTIMER, i)tf New Uloomneld, Periyco..Pa. FOR FLORIDA, XJIOK TIIROrCH TICKF.TSto FEKKANDINA, X? Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Sanford, Enter prise, and intermediate landings on St. John's River and Interior points in FLORIDA, by steam boat to SAVANNAH, and thence bv railroad or steamboat, apply to WM. L. JAMES, (ieneral ARent, PMlatlelpMa and bmithern Mail .S. S. Co., 416 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. 4lJc3in ACAHD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &o., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF 'CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. JosErn T. Inman, Motion D, Bible Howe, iVcm York City. 16b ly SULPUUB SOAP, A Sterling Remedy Foa Diseases asd Injuries of tiib Skln ; A Healthful Beautifier of the Complexion; A He liable Means of Preventing and Re lieving RnnuMATisM and Gout, and an ITnkqualkd Disinfectant, Deodorizer AND Cor.NTnn-lRllITANT. Glenn's Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of tlio skin, liatiislies delects of the complexion and imparls to it , gratifying cleurntiM and smoothne.-s. - Sulphur Hath are celoliratcd for cu ring eruptions and other discuses of the skin, us well as RheumutUui and Gout. Clean' Suiphur Soap produces the snme effects' at u moat tritliug expense. This admirable gpcciuc ulso speedily heals tore, bruitet, lealdn, bvrwi, sprain and rut. It removes dundruff and prevents the liuir from fulling out and turuiug gray. Clothing and linoa used in the iick room is diMiifvcted, and diseasen coiniuunieablc liy contuct with the jiersniu, prevented by It. . The Medical Fraternity sanction its uso. Pricks. 23 and 50 Ckxts per Cake, Per Box, (3 Cakes,) G0o ana fl.SO. N. U. Buy tUe Itrga oakea and thereby ecuoeaiiK. Sold by alt lrugf Lla. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Pre," Blutk or Brown, 60c. C- If. CE1TTEST0N, PropV, 7 Siitb At, NT. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, to, We use Clearlleld Pine and Hem lock only. W. R. 8. COOK A CO., Newport, Terry Co., I'n. October 10, 1876. , M USSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. i. ' Now offer the puhllo - , s' A RARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting of all shades still utile for the season. BLACK ALPACCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS ntlCES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OK PRINTS! We sell aud do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil for all makes of Machines. To be convinced that our goods arc CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. 49 No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. IMPORTANT NOT1CK. The subscriber late of the linn of Rhoadvs Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of ItLAIN and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKER-SHOP, aud Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TVYKNTY per cent, cheaper tliuu the old llrm. a-Uive me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB SMITH. Blain, August 8, 1867. IS TAKEN INTERNAUY, AN0 POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUTi NEURALGIA AUO LUMBAGO. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. SEND FOR CIR- CUIARTO HEX PHENSTINE & EENTLEY. UnubulSIdj WASHINuIUNi 0. C. For sale by wholesale Druggists In ntts burg aud Philadelphia. SA ly pEABODY HOUSE, CORNER OF LOCUST AND NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and car lines in the city. No changes to and from the Centennial grounds. Col .Watson, proprietor of the Henry Housb, Cincinnati for the past twenty years, uud present proprietor, lias leased the house for a term of years, and has newly furnished and lilted it throughout. lie will keep a strictly tlrst-class house, and has accommodation for WW guests. Terms $3 per dav. No Bar has ever been kept in the HENRY nousu, nor will any be kept ut the PEA BODY. 10 22 a- For Sale by F. BIoktimek, New ISIoomlield, Perry county, Pa, MODEL PRESS mis mi your own rruui , JiVHT is THKVVOKLD Vr BHtntM Men iwd Vvuits I'rlntertk Ttiffljauili iu Une. hrnd iwu A cent lUmpi fur h profmteJj- iilua tmibj lit) imm Catulntru and l'r:- I.iat, iiiltU(l. "How to l'rii't," J W. I' A UO HAD r Co., Hfr. N't l)l-ra In Ty tud Vl itit Is.v Mott.,1. 4M 4 : klnut Slri'i t, ftiilMOLlvliiav. Ha PENTENNIAL HOTEL, V.' (Formerly the Bweger House,) MAIN BTREET, NEW BLOOMFIELD. PERRY CO., PA., JOB. 8. 8MITH, . T , . Proprietor. Having good accommodations for regular or trauslent boarders, a share of publio patronage Is solicited. 10 1 C iOfl pes day at home. Samples worth 2 J W 96V It), BuNo&C.,Porllund, Me. W. Cjyria W rrrril lir ttic . rtlrnf d n.Vi MJJJy f fN.m'scfiii i.iu.k ii. a- uni.ii PyipnosriU TE l USi:. n nn f..r(',Hiutap-Wr f feSl tt.n, tiui;Bv llruDtiilii k all Krrnlulons J jr"! limr. 4l)ouriiriitfl4lrl)muu'yr Hilt Uanrintirot it, 1 mil, m TmytrtTf' Newport AdTortlsempnts. JONES BROS, & C0., (Formerly John Jones & Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brlok Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WK would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the publio generally, as the HIGHEST PltlCKS the market will afford, will lie paid lor nil kinds ot aiiAHf, ( flour ' PRODUCE. , , SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH. 'HALT. PLASTER, CEMENT, COAL, I HON. 1 , STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &c. He. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. . Orders promptly II lied. Newport. July 2'i, lS7o 1 J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Hole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos. "Country Mereimnls supplied with Goods at l'liiianeipiiia prices. W Your orders are solicited. 9 U N EWP0RT DRUG STORE. Haviwr on baud a complete u.aortmcut ot the fob lowlnir articles, the aulwcrlbrr a.iks a ahnreof your patrouuee. Lh'ttffH ami MeMcinen, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full Mock of Concentrated Remedies, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, Perfumery IIAIK ou AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always oh Iland, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES q q S y ?j PUYSW1A NU O II DERS 1 refill 1 1 itml Promptly FW.nl B . M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. New Millinery Goods A.t Newport, JLu. I BEG toinform the publio that 1 havejustre tHrnedfrom Philadelphia, with a ful assort, mentol the latest styles of MILLINERY GOODS. HATS AND BONNETS. RIBBONS. FRENCH FLOWERS FEATHERS. CHIGNONS, LACE CAPES, NOTIONS, Andallartlclesusuallyfoundln a first-class Mil- luery r.sMUiisnment. All orders promptly at tended to. WW will sell all goods as Cheap as can be got elsewhere. DRESS-MAKING done to order and In the la test style, as I get the latest Fashions from ' w York every month. Goffering done to order, 111 all widths. I will warrant all my work to give sat isfaction. All work dene as low as possible. ANNIE ICKES, Cherry Street, near the Station . If. IX Newport, Pa. N EW SHOE SHOP! The undersigned respectfully Informs the citi zens of Bloointleld and vicinity, that thev have opened a shoe-shop In the room of F. B. Clouser, recently occupied as a Law.otllce, by Calvin Nell son. Esq., where they will do work at panlo pric es, (repairing made a specialty at prices to suit the times) from 10 to 20 per cent.saved by patron izing our shop. Our motto is "quick sales and short protlts). Terms cash, or country produce, but positively no credit. LEVI H. SWARTZ & CO., New Bloom Meld, Pa. January 18, 1870 tf PIMPLES. I will mall (Free) the recipe for preparing a simple Ykobtari.b Rai.m that will lemove Tan, FRECKLES. PIMPLES and Bumma, leaving the skin soft, cles.' and bentitiliil; also Instruc tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address BEN. VANDELF St CO., Box 121, No. 5 Wooster St., New York. lOaa Hmoa. TO CONSUMTIVES The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread diseuse. Consumption, by a simple remedy. Is anxious to make known to his fellow Hulferors the means of cure To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. E. A. WILSON, 2aiimos 194 I'enu St., Willlamsburgh .New York T ABIES AND CHILDREN will and a j splendid assortment of shoes at the one prlveatore ofF, Mortimer " PhwMMonaMy the brut ruttained work tf tht kind in tht Wtrld." Itarpcr'8 Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. NOTtCKS OF THfl FBBS. The Miiffiuint has attained In Its one quarter century aud aiore of existence to that point where It may be said of It, In the words of Dr. Johnson, " It Is vain to blame and useless to praise." The lustra of its long-ago-attained reputation has increased as the years havo passed, and Its fnture scorns as bright If not brighter than at any time since the golden hue of prosperity settled around Its later and best years. Brooklyn Kaglt. Harper' 1 Motithly Is marked by the same characteristics which gave It circulation from the first with the better class of readers. H combines reading matter with Illustrations In a way to muke clear and vivid the facts pre sented. Pictures merely designed to catch the eye of the Ignorant are never Inserted. CVifraffo Journal. TERM81 Postage free to all subscrll ers Iu the United Slates. IUrprr's Maoazinb, one year f t 00 4 00 Includes prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. 1 Subscriptions to Hahprh's Maoasinb, Wekk i.t and Bazar, to one address fur one year, 10 00j or, twd of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7 OOi postage free. An extra copy or cither the Magazine, Weekly or Hazab will be supplied gratis for every club of Five Bubschideiih at $1 00 each, lu one remittance! or, Six copies lor M 00, without extra copyt postage free. Hack Numbers can be supplied at any time. Tlio Volumes of the Jaffozmn commence with the Numbers for Juno and December of each year. Subscriptions may commence with any number. When no time Is tpecllled, It will bo understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the Urst number of the current volume, and buck numbers will be sent accordingly. A Complete Set of Ifarper't Magazine, now comprising 53 Volumes, iu neat cloih binding, will bo sent by express, freight ut expense of purchaser, for i 25 per volume. Singlo vol umes, by mall, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth cusei, for binding, 58 cents, by muil, postpaid. A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fllty Volumes of Harper t Mayaztne iins just bceu published, rendering available for refer ence the vast and Varied wealth of information which constitutes this periodical a peifcct Il lustrated literary cyclopedia. Svo, cloth, $3 00; Half calf, 95 S5. Sent postage prepaid. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Hahphh efc BllllTHHIB. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. "I lompMe Pictoriul IN'torn of (is TOncs" ' The tiel, clienient, and moni successful Au di Paper in Vie Union." ' Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF Ttt B PRESS. Jlarper't Weekly should bo lu every family throughout the land, as a purer, inure interest ing, higher-toned, bettor-illustruled paper is not published In this or any other country. C'ommo'ciai Bulletin, Boston. The Weekly Is the only Illustrated paper of the day that in its essential churuetetisties Is recognized as a natiouul paper. Brooklyn agle. The lendihg articles In Harper' Weekly on political topics are models of high-loued dis cussion, and its pictorial illustrations ure often corroborative argument of no small force. Exominer and Chronicle, N. Y. The Weekly lias to a still larger degree dis tanced all competitors as an illustrated news paper. Its editorials are among the most able of their kind, aud its other reading matter Is at once learned, brilliant and amusing. Its illus trations are abundant and of rare excellence. Christian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS: Postage free toall subscribers in tile United states. IIahpkh'b Weeklv, one year $1 00 SI 00 includes prepayment of U. 8. postugu by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Week ly and Bazar, to one address for oue J ear, $10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodical, to one address for one year, $7 00: postage free. An extra copy of either tbe Magazine, Wbeklt or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club or uvo (Subscribers at 4 00 each. In oue remittance; or, Six copies for $-0 00, with out extra copy: postage Ireo. Baek Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volume of the Weekly commence with the year. When no time 1b mentioned, it will be understood that tbe subscriber w ishes to commence with the number next after the re ceipt of his order. The Annual Volumes of Jfarper'e Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will bo seut by express. free of express, for $7 00 each. A complete set. comprising Twenty olumes. sent on re' celpt of caBh at the rate of (5 5 per volume, freight at expense or purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mull, postpaid, on ro celpt of Si 00 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt 01 stamp. Newpapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & RROTUERR. Add ross fl A R PER & BROT H ERS, s New York. -n iif-jiiirMT 1 ij.riii r ..I , .-.-n-ii ,rm The Standard of Hie World Over 300 Modifications. T3 THE &CMOTS OF EVEBY BUSINESS FAIRBANKS &. EWI1IG. CHESTNUT St. PHILADELPHIA. H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform my friends that I In tend calling upon thm w 1th supply o( good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. COU8lStill(Of CASSIMER8. CASSINETS, FLANNELS, (Plainsndbar'd) CAKI'ETS,,&o., toexohaugefor woo or selllor cssh. ' J.M.BIXLEH. CintrbWoomn Factokt. fl.U.tm frMtJjf wi. pi.mii ftFAIRBANXSfl Seore one for the Woman. Tlio following anecdote la told by the Dayton (Ohio) Journal of a Democrat lu the city: "The night before the Presidential election he wa out with his , wife, who is an enthtiBlnstlc Republican. Upon returning home, her huebnnd said, 'Now I'll get a good sleep, get op In the morning, take John his colored servant, go to the polls, and put In two votes for Tllden.' Like the patriarch Imuic'8 wife, the good wife of our Demo cratic friend kept her own counsel. Hut next morning bright and enrly she arose and proceeded to the kitchen, where she found John, whom she accosted : 'John, have you voted yet V' 'X6, ma'am,' quoth John. 'Then, John,' said Mrs. , 'you go and vote as quick as you can.' John went and voted for llnyes and Wheeler. After breakfast our Democratic friend called John, ob serving pleasantly to hi in, 'Now, John, suppose we go and vote 1" Quoth John, 'Why, judge, I's done voted!' The judge took In the situation, and went to the polls a wiser man." CS" A very smart, though very Inso lent retort was once made to a magistrate by an linpecunlous-looklng fellow, upon whom a somewhat heavy Hue had just been Imposed for drunkenness. From the appearance of tlieeulprit everybody in court probably expected that he would have to go to prison, but to the surprise, of all, the delinquent displayed a pocket full of money, and sullenly began to count out the amount ofhis fine, where upon the magistrate proceeded to remon strate with him on his recklessness iu going about the streets in a state of drunkenness with such a sum of money , about him. It was a wonder, remarked the magistrate, that he had not been robbed. - "As to robbery,'? growled the prisoner, "it's mighty little difference I can see between being robbed in the streets and being robbed here." 5TA lady a short time buck presented a telegram at a London post-office. The message was I nclosetl in an envelope. On receiving It the official at once pro ceeded to open it. "What ure you about? v exclaimed the lady. The clerk explained that he could not send a message with out first seeing it. Then, observed the lady, angrily, "Do you suppose Tin going to let you read my private affairs ? I won't send it at all!" And forth with she flounced out of the office in disgust. SSf"Tom, why didn't you marry. Miss G V "Oh, she hod a sort of hesitancy In her speech, and so I left her." "A hesitancy In her speech ? I never heard that before. Are you not mista ken?" "No, not at nil ; for when I asked her if she would have me, she hesitated to say Yes, and hesitated so long that I went out for another gal." , . 4sl- . - (3F After a little girl had attended her first Sunday school session she asked her mother what kind of a bear was a "consecrated cross-eyed lienr?" Her mother could impart no information until she happened to glance into the 8. S. Song Book, when she told her oil'-' spring that the animal in question was, "A consecrated cross I bear.'" girln a town In Massachusetts there are three churches, the minister of each of which rejoicesin the name of Wright. One lies in the upper part of the town, one in the lower, and the third nt the mills, so the jieople have dubbed them as "Upright," "Downright," tmd Mill right." . - lie took a sudden seat, he did. In all his gorgeous foppery : Such mournful siiectacles wo see. When sidewalks are sosloppory. And she, poor ulrl. went down with him. In all her pull-back f rinperv : Such tragic incidents take place When sidewalks are so s!ipper . 658" "Why did Joseph's brethern put hhu In a pit ?" asked a Butliilo Sunday school teacher ; and the reply he got was. "Because there was no room for hint In the family circle." (JjJf'My deur," sab! John, ou observ ing new striped hose mt hU only heir, "why have you made barber's poles of our Ernest's legs?" "Because he's a little shaver," was the reply. ftf-"Setting a man-trap" Is the title given to a picture of a pretty young lady arranging her curls at a mirror. - - . (3" The story of the man who had a nose so large that he couldn't blow it without the use of gunpowder, Js said to be a hoax. gySpllklns always Insist ou sptilllng " needle, neldle. He says every needle should have an eye In If . Sew ?