The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, January 16, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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On and after November 7th, Trains run M follows i
Wyi Mull Arc
Paiw.Tr'ii Tr'u
J'tniMsillAtl'.i Mffl.
JSx. rr u M. ado.
P.M. P.M.
1.26 6.8U
1. :w .
1.47 1.1)6
2. (11! I). Ill
I.M 6.40
S.6II 7. HI,
8.03 t.M:
8. 18 .4d
8.211 7. 113
lt.:J 8.00
8 8!)
.ssl ;
r.M.I 1
Dally 'a
Port Hyl....
Iicwlclown J.,
N. Haiullt'iii, .
13. M
13, in
13. 09
8 64
7. nit
7. mil
7.W1 lO.tO
8.64 10.03
8. IB
tl tAi H 111'
10. Ill
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11.04 .
11 H
10. M 8.00 8.37
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9.H7: 4. IIS 1.SVI
8. Ml 8.28 6.61)
8.18 I. Ml .lf
A.M.iF.M. P.H
-PitiMl)iirv ff.m.i IpiivfiR HarriFlmrir ut 11.00 P.M.
Duneiinnnn II. S3 (Awr); Newport 11.67 (tiK) ol'll ar
rives at Plttsliuiy at8.16 A. M. (
Phllndilrt'.l F.spress Icbvm Altorma' st Kino i. m.,
Tyrone at less p. m., Hiimlmfclou 11.18 p. in.,
town .1.. 12.:m a. in., Mifflin 12.64 .ni.,
lr,(loliiit West, the Way Pimmiwr leaves Harris
bow niitlv the other tmiiiH 1 Hilly except Hominy.
tWOoJinr Kust, the Atlantic Express leaves Altoolia
Daily, the other trains Dull) except Sunday.
Uriel" Item.
Prof. Kurzenknabo will commence his
Ringing Hcliool in the Lecture room of
the Tresbyterlan Church, this Monday
evening. Ten cents per lesson.
The Ohio river Is frozen bo solid below
Pittsburgh that teams cross upon it .
Fresh shad are selling in Harrlsburg
for 75 cents apiece.
"How does cider,made from frozen Bp
pies answer for apple butter or vinegary"
Is a question asked by a subscriber.
Bamuel Smith, Esq., of this borough,
has been appointed Mercantile Appraiser
for 1877 by the county commissioners.
There are about two hundred persons
cared for at the Cumberland county alms
house. Over one hundred deer have been shot
on the South Mountain during theseason
just closed.
" Are we as a Nation Retrograding
Morally 1"' is the question for debate by
the Centre Literary Society next Tues
day evening.
The farm near Blue Ball that belonged
to John Kell lately deo'd. had been sold
to Mr. Wm. Welbley, of Tyrone twp.,
for $5,500.
Bhippensburg merchants are closing
their stores at 7 o'clock, P. M., in order
to allow all an opportunity of attending
the religious meetings.
Mr. Wm. Bmeak, a Bpring Garden
township, York county, farmer had 100
chickens stolen from his premises in a
single night.
The Fulton Republican says a black
bear weighing over four hundred pounds
wus killed in Bouthampton township,
Bedford county, a few days ago. In the
fight he killed four large dogs.
Judge Henderson, of Lebanon county,
has put township supervisors to work by
deciding that it is their business to open
drifted roads and put them iu a fit con
dition for travel.
The arrival of a horse with a portion
of a sleigh at ltlnesmith's hotel on Tues
day last, suggested that some one was
hurt. Theluroken sleigh proved to be
the property of Dr. Cisua who was up
set, but not hurt.
The Mount Holly, Cumberland coun
ty. Mountain Echo, of last week says :
" The Cumberland Valley railroad com
pany has already expended from $150,
000 to $200,000 to defeat the Harrlsburg
and Potomac railroad."
Judge Junkin has Issued the following
order regulating the time for holding
Orphans' Court during the year 1877 :
Tuesday, March 13 ; Tuesday, June 12 ;
Tuesday, Beptember 11 ; Tuesday De
cember 11.
A Columbia county tradesman who
undertook to vend the carcass of a mule,
telling his customers it was butlUlo
steak, is lamenting over the fastidious
ness of the American public in the
Bloomsburg jail. .
Theo. Miller, David Kline and Henry
Markcl, of this county, a week or two
since, went to theSeven Mountains, back
of Mllroy, Mifflin county, on a hunting
expedition. They returned the same
week with two deer.
Wm. O. Thompson, has sold the
State Capitol Hotel property in Harris
burg, to the U. B. Government for the
sum of $33,000. The hotel will be taken
down to make room for the post ollloe
On Saturday a week, Peter Nelmond,
of Delaware twp., Juniata county, aged
about 05 years, fell dead from his horse
as ha was riding along the road, a short
.distance from his residence.
"Our friend, Jas. Furguson, Esq., of the
Newport News, has taken to himself a
new rib. Jim niHst be pretty good
pluck to strike out into two bucIi new
paths as he has,this winter. We have al
ready wished him success in one enter
prise and now we congratulate him on
the latter.
The Pennsylvania fruit growers' booI-'
ety will hold a three days' session in
Lancaster City, Pa., commencing on
Monday of this week. Essays and ad
dresses on interesting horticultural top
ics, may lie expected by prominent hor
ticulturists from this and other states.
Contributions of fruits are respectfully
" Was the Noahaelan Deluge Unlver
sal V" This question was debated before
a crowded audience at the Centre School
house last Tuesday evening by H. II.
McKeehan in the Affirmative, and Goo.
Barnett and James G. Nellson in the
Negative. Mr. Barnett had big Bible
along containing a map of the country
around Mount Ararat from whiuh ho
-contended that the deluge was confined
to thitt fart of the world only. The
question was decided In favor of the
negative. , j
A Two Wild Cats Shot. A short time
since, Mr. John Lay, whrle hunting In
Henry's Valley accompanied by three
dogs, treed a large catamount which he
shot. A short distance from where he
killed the first one his dogs tracked an
other which they shortly caught, and
succeeded In killing It before Mr. Lay
reached the place.
Mr. Lay is a successful hunter, hav
ing in addition to his wild cats, captured
several foxes this winter.
John M'Naughton, of Juniata township,
died the other day and on Tuesday
night of last week some person with a
greedy eye for plunder entered the late
residence of the deceased, and ransacked
it from top to bottom. By a simple
arithmetical rule, nothing from nothing,
nothing remains, and consequently the
robbers were disappointed. The house
was standing vacant at the time, Mrs.
M'Naughton occupying one a few yards
distant from the one in which her hus
band died. ATe'.
Oh, for a Slow Mall 1 Our mall facil
ities are in a condition to promote pro
fanity. When you feel sure your daily
paper is coming that is the time it miss
es, and daily papers two or three days
old are not just what we most desire.
Some of our subscribers at the small
o flees between Newport and Altoona,
complain about the arrival of The
T' meb. They say under the " fast mail"
arrangement the papers come on Thurs
day instead of Tuesday as formerly. Un
der these circumstances we all sigh for
the days of slow mail, even a canal boat
run regularly would bean Improvement.
Mr. S. B. Taylor, who has been so long
and favorably known to the merchants
of our county as salesman for the firm
of Wain wright & Co., has started the
New Year by an upward step. We no
tice that he has been admitted as a part
ner in that firm. We congratulate our
friend on his admittance to such an old
and substantial bouse. The firm is also
fortunate in securing the addition of a
young man of so much energy and one
so generally popular, as Mr. Taylor. We
hope both sugar and coffee will now be
sold at lower prices, and we have no
doubt but what Sam will quote prices as
low as the lowest.
" Two Accidents. On Saturday morning
last, Wm. Beasom who is employed at
the lumber yard of Messrs. W. It. S.
Cook & Co., in Newport, had the end
of the third finger on his right hand
nearly torn'ofF by a heavy piece of lum
ber falling on it.
At about 0 'o'clock on the same morn
ing, Norman Woods, another employee
in the same yard, while playfully box
ing with a fellow workman, tripped and
fell, striking his head against a log on
the mill-carriage, causing an injury that
may prove fatal. At noon the hour
our informant wrote, the young man
was still unconscious, and Dr. Orris was
not able to state what Injury the' brain
had received, although the outer bone is
not fractured. Mr. Cook has been en
gaged in the lumber business for'nearly
25 years and these are the first accidents
worth reporting that ever happened to
any of his hands.
P. S. Since the above was in type we
learn that the young man died at 0 P.
M., on Saturday night. An inquest is
being held to-day, (Monday).
Shocking Accident. A correspondent
at Union Deposit, Dauphin county, un
der date of January 6th, 1877, says:
41 An accident of a very painful nature
took place on Friday at Klefer's mills,
neai this place. While a son of Mr.
George Klefer was engaged in cutting
corn fodder by horse power, assisted by
a smaller brother, acting as driver of the
team, he got his hand into the cutter
and it was drawn through, lacerating
and breaking it as far as the elbow. A
sudden jar threw the belting out of
place else the lad would have had his
arm drawn in as far as the shoulder and
perhaps lost his life. The arm was am
putated by Dr. Keller, of Union Deiws
it, and Blough, of Elizabeth town. The
lad is doing as well as can be expected
under the circumstances."
Fatal Railroad Accident. About three
o'clock yesterday taorning, Horace
Clinton, who lived near the round
house, this city, was instantly killed
near the Lochiel iron works. He was
on the thirteenth extra freight train
west, and it is supposed that while he
was applying the brake on a box car tha
wheel was separated from the brake rig
ging and bo was thrown to the
track from the top. He was dragged a
considerable distance but was not much
mangled. In the opinion of the wit
nesses examined at the coroner's inquest
he was killed by the fall. The brake
rigging having fallen to the track, the
car was thrown from the rails, and it
required about two hours to remove the
When he met with the fatal accident
the brakeman was on ibis way to hi
home In this city, his trip ending here.
Deceased was about thirty-two years of
age, and leaves a wife and one child.-
Patrtot of the 9th nut. !
Bridges on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The railroad horror at Ashtabula, Ohio,
recently, has awakened some thought
upon the security of bridges spanning
the river and ravines over which our
great thoroughfares pass. "The plan
adopted by the Pennsylvania Ilallroad
is, after all," said Mr. Wilson, engineer
of bridges and buildings on that road, to
a Philadelphia Times reporter, "the
safest and best. The bridges and build
ings, needed on the road an planned In
the minutest particular in the engineer's
office of the company, even down to the
smallest bolt and nut. Then proposals
are invited from bridge-builders or com
panies at so much pet pound, and the
company or party getting the contract 1b
compelled to adhere strictly to the plans
and specifications. Formerly, and on
many other roads to-day, proposals were
Invited for the building of a bridge at so
much a lineal foot upon meagre specifi
cations, each competing company fur
nishing its own plan. The result is
that strength has been often sacrificed to
cheapness. Then, oh the Pennsylvania
road there is a spring and fall inspection
of every bridge on the road. I visit
them all myself, and descend into the
structure., carefully Inspecting every
portion of the bridge, and every defect,
where one exists, is at once thoroughly
Reported for The Time, by B. P. Molntlre, Esq.
Court Proceedings.
Sarah E. Ritter, vs. George Rltter.
This was an action brought by the
Plaintiff to recover for certain work done
in the capacity of housekeeper for De
fondant. Verdict for Plff., for $287.75.
W. A., and W. II., Bponsler. for Plff.
Mclntire and Selbert for Deft.
Charles Vanderau, vs. Alfred Hebble.
This was an action of covenant, brought
by Plff., to recover damages for the vio
lation of an agreement made between
Plff. and Deft., for the sawing of certain
lumber. Verdict for Plff., for $383.09.
W. A., and W. H. Sponsler for Plff.
Mclntire and Selbert for Deft.
Ephraim Kerr, vs. William Trostle.
This was an action brought by Plff., to
estaniisn mi rinnt ot way over Uert s.
property. Verdict for Deft. W. A., and
W. H. Sponsler for Plff. Barnett for
Benj. Bowman's use, vs. Hon. Geo.
Stroup, Executor, etc. This was a Scl.
Fa. to revive a judgment. Deft, plead
payment, after the trial had gone on for
some time : I'm. takes a non suit. W,
A., and W. H. Bponsler for Plff. Bar
nett tor ieit.
John Berry, vs. Dr. D. H. Sweenev.
This was an action of replevin to recover
the value ot mare sold by nn. to Jjett.,
and which pill", alleired was obtained
from him by fraud. The jury did not
see it in that light and gave a verdict for
jjett. jJiirnett lor l'lit. weioertror uett.
Reedcr vs. J. W. Williamson, Sheriff.
Tins suit was brought to recover the val
ue of properly which Plff. alleges was
wronglully sold by shcrill. Case on
Court adjourned at a late hour on Sat
urday. Previous to adjournment anoth
er jury was empaneled to try other cases
on jMonuay anu Tuesday ot this weeK
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
The residence of Mr. George Yeincst
Mount Holly, was robbed recently of
140 in gold and silver.
W. A. Lindsay, of this county, has
been appointed Deputy State Superin
tendent of common schools by the
A son of J. C. Eckels, of Silver Spring
townsnip, received a severe injury from
the horn of a cow which caught him in
the mouth, makintr an uirlv wound
We are pleased to learn that the young
lad is about again. His face will not be
A few days ago, while Mr. Henry
Crusy, of near Jacksonville, was haul
log Iocs lnthemountain.heaccidentallv
broke the cap of his knee In trying to
brake a Email stick of wood. Surgical
aid was summoned, but it will be some
tl me belore he will be able to go around.
Church Notices.
Preaching in the Reformed church
next Sunday at lot o'clock A. M .
Lutheran Church Preaching at lOi
a. :., on sunnily next.
Presbyterian Preaching next Sabbath
ai.ii a. ni, x-ruyer meeting on w ea
npmlfiv pviininni lit ftl nVlrwlr
Preaching in the Methodist :hurch
eacu evening uunng inis weeK.
For Sale or Rent. The Hotel property
situate on Carlisle Street, north of the
Court House, New Bloomfleld, Pa. Pos
session given on April, 1st, 1877, For
lniormation, apply to,
Mrs. Bar aii Derrick,
Mansvillel'erry co., Pu.
' Ballou's Monthly Magazine for February.
Tho February n umber of Ballon's Magazine
is a capital one, mil oi stories or rare Interest,
and Illustrations that would bo creditable to
any publication in this country. Tbere is such
a variety in Ballou's mat the people like It,
and will buy It no matter how Lard the times
are or the attractions which other serials pre
sent. One of the stories in Ballon's is alone
worth the price of the magazine, and then in
every lsu can be fonnd a dozen or twenty
tales wnicn can always oe read witn pleasure,
not to mention the poetry, and household ar
ticks, and humorous cuts, which will tell their
own story. Published by Thome & Talbot,
i'i Hawley Btieet, Boston, at only fl.50 per
year, poeirmia.
Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report. ;
Plltt.lim.rm. .Tannnrr 1.1. Rtiftlnefl of ail
kinds hare been quint the part week, white gen
erally there Is but little change In prices. Wheat
Is scarce and flud ready sale at UbttlM, being a
slight advance Corn Is lower, prices being M8
68: Oats firm at 36J40 Rye, 76Q80 Clover seed,
Htocks: Beading B. R., W Tenn'a. B. R. 48't
Phil's, ft Erie 14 j Nor. Ceutisl 2i Lehigh Valley
County Price Current.
rtMMlMriBl.Tl. .Tanimr 1C, IK7?
Flaxseed 1 to
Potatoes, 75
Butter V) pound, (fresh roll) 19
Packed Butter y pound, 10
Errs ft dozen 25 "
Dried Apples V pound sets '
Dried Peaches 812ets.Vft
Cherries , o o cts. '
Pitted OOOOOets. '
Blackberries, 0O Dots. "
Carllale. .lnnimi v 1.1. IS-IT.
Family Flour J0.25
Superfine Bye Flour , 8.50
White Wheat, new 1 80
Red Wheat.uew
Bye 60
Corn, (new) 43
Oats so
Cloverseed 9.00 s 9.00
Oorrtcted Weekly by Kough Brother.
Newport, January 13, 1877.
Flour, Extra, f 5 60
" Super 4 60
White Wheat bu 130 si 30
Bed Wheat 12301 25
Rye 60650
Corn 404245
Oats V 82 pounds, 3030
Clover Seed 9 O0Q9 00
Timothy Seed 1 50
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes, 80 Q 80
Bacon 10 OH
Dressed Hogs Sets.
Ground Alumn Salt 1 50 01 60
Llmeburner's Coal, 2 25
Stove Coal 4 00 O 500
Pes Coal 2 75
Gordon's Food per 8ack 82 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale st the
Lowest marker. Kates.
Five per cent oa for Cash.
. Starrt Troup-Od the 31st Harrlsbnre.
by Rev. J. A. Mellck, Lewis N. Warry of that
uii.T, iu nniuii xiuup, oi riewnort, ra.
Markka Adams On the 28th ult, bv Rev. I.
M. Pines, Mr. Daniel Markel to Miss Lizzie J.
Adams, both of this county.
Dunlap Duncan On the lothn'r . t the IT tv
Parsonage in Duneannnn. hv Knv. .1 T HhoolTor
Mr. W. 11. DHnlap, of Clearlield county. Pa., to
iiino i-'uiitiM, oi uuiicitiinon.
.Ikffrrs HituLEK-On the l.stk of Reptember,
l7, at the Methodist parsonage, in Philadelphia,
j "' raxson, rrauK .letters, u. .
N. to Miss Ella J. daughter of Joseph Shuler,
Kn.. of Liverpool.
Hixler Bower On the 31st., of December, at
the Lutheran parsonage. In Ulaln, by the Rev. .J
Krazler, Mr. Peter Bixlerto Fanule J. Bower, all
of Hlain. Pa.
Ferguson Patterson On the 10th inst., at
mo ivniueiiue oi iiieuriues parents in Newport,
by Rev. W. II Logan. James II. Ferguson, Ksq.,
to Miss Laura J. Patterson.
McKinzie At Allen's Cove, Penn twp., on the
6th of March, 1876, Mrs. Nancy McKinzie, aged
KoBEHTfl On the 2inh ult.. In Harrlsburfif, Mrs
MaryA. Koberts, aged 78 years, 6 months and
MtiBtJRNEY In MexIco.Junlata county.on Tups-
flnUAvitnlmr 91u ,t 1 lunnn,.l,. lain '
mill Miillmnav uilfa !!.... I s-n
oi the U. 1. church, aged 43 years, 11 months and
13 il i vi
Boserm an On the 8th Inst, at his residence In
iioTTF"! i, mi. minium nussm man, agea ey years
7 inniitlia ntirl U ilaun
Waufikd-Ou the. 6th Inst., at the residence of
" pint,, iii uewuurt. jurs. Aiarcaret
WnrfiAld DOAil 17
Orkoo On the Stli Inst., in Juniata twp.. Ben
Jamln Gregg, aged about 68 years.
Fooes buddenly on the 4th Inst., of paralysis
in Spring twp., Mrs. Daniel Foose, in the 62ni
j ear of her age.
'TIs hard to give a mother up
When death, the cruel foe,
Presents tinbld the bitter cup
And tells her she must go.
But we have laid her In the tomb;
Uod give us strength to say
That we, within its awful gloom.
Can see s brighter day.
Would respectfully inform the public that they
Saddlery Shop
In Illooinlleld. on Carlisle Street, two doors North
oi tne f oundry, wbere they will manulacture
Saddle, Jtrldles, Collars,
snd every thing usually kept in a first-class es
tablishment. Give us s call before going else-
! FINE HARNESS a speciality.
REPAIRING done on short notice snd at rea
sonable prices.
HIDES taken In exchange for work.
Bio lmlleld, January 9, 1877.
A Certain Headache Cure.
A harmless vegetable preparation, and the
discovery of a phslulau, the Victor Headache
l'owder has been proven a positively sure cure
for the most lilHtressiiiKcases of Sick or Nervuua
Headache, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a
single powder actually curing In ten minutes
when all other means fall. We have had s won
derful experience with it, and the ten cent trial
Sack can be had by addressing the proprietors,
. 11. HKISLEY & CO.. Salem N. J., who will
cheerfully mall them postpaid, and of Druggists
everywhere and It is with well merited confidence
they are olfeiedsss thorough cure for all di
lieiwes of the head. 8 ly
NOTICE The undersigned hereby gives no
tice to all persons Indebted to blui, that their
accounts must be settled on or before the Itrst of
March. Alter that no further Indulgence will be
Suermansdnle, Jan. 0, 1877. pd
The nnderslirned asslcnee nf Michael Bitting
and KmHtiiKil K. Hitting, members ot the late llrm
of M. Bitting & Bon, will expose to public sale on
under an order of the Court of Common Pleas of
Perry County, the following described Real Es
tate to wit ; A TRACT OK LAND at Montgom
ery's Ferry, Buffalo township, Perry county. Pa.,
containing six aores, more or less. Having thereon
erected a LARGE BRICK HOUSE (used
as a Hotel & Store Stand) a large Frame
mauie, slaughter onop, ana otner out
buildings. The location for a Hotel and Store Is
better than anyother In this iioiinly.
TERMS: Ten percent In caxh at third
nf balance on thellist of April, 1877, and the lial
anee In two equal annual Installments, with In
terest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds.
Sale to commence nf ten o'clock A. M., of said
day. Sale to extinguish all liens under the order
of Court.
3. C. McAllister, Att'y.
January a, I3n.
County Commissioners' Appeals for 18774
NOTICE Is hereby given, that the Commission.
era of Perry County will hold the Triennial Ap
peals lor i77, in tne several townsnips aim Dor.
oughs for the purpose of hearing all persons who
may apply for redress, and to gran' such relief
from the assessments as to them may appear just
and reasonable.
Appeals to commence at 9 A. M., and close st
8 P. H., and to be held as follows:
At Doiinallv's Mills for Tuscarora township, on
Tuesday, the 2.'ird day of January. 1B77. ,
At Iefiesbnrg for Saville township, on Wednes- '
day, the 24th day of January, 1877.
At timers store ior nancy inn nisirict, on
Thursday, the 21th day of January, 1877.
At new uermantown ior loooyne iownsmp,on
Friday, the 26th day of January, 1877.
At Hlain for Jackson towushiD. on Saturday. the
27th day of January, 1H77.
At Anaersonnurg ior niaoison townsnip, on
Monday, the 29th day of January, 1877.
At Landlsburg for Lanillsbtirg borough and Ty.
rone township, on Tuesday, the 3utli day of Jan
uary, 1877.
At Blue Ball for Spring township, on Wednes
day, the 31st day of January, 1K77.
ki IH...m.n.J.U f .... 1. 1 Invmsliln fill
Thursday. Hie 1st day of February, 1877.
At Bar'shlnger's Store for Rye township, OB FrK
day, theind day of Februarj, 1877.
At Centre School House for Wheatfleld town
ship, on Tuesday, the 6th day of February, 1877.
At new nunaio ior new nuiiaio uorougu anu
Watts township, on Wednesday, the 7th day of
February, 1877.
At Montgomery's Ferry for Buffalf nwnshlp,On.
Thursday, the 8th day of February, 1377.
At Liverpool for Liverpool borough and Liver
pool township, on Friday, the 9lh day of Febru
ary. 1877.
At Marysvllle for Marysvllle borough, on Mon- f
day, the 12th day of February, 1877.
At Dunoannon for Penn township, on Tuesday,
the 13th day of February, 1877.
At Huncannon for Dtihcannon borough, on
Wednesday, the 14th day of February, 1877.
At Mlllerstown for Milierstown borough and 1
Greenwood township, on Thursday, the loth day
of February, 1877.
At Newport for Newport borough and Oliver
township, on Friday, the Kith day of February,
At Newport for Miller township and Howe
township, on Saturday the 17th day of Febru
ary, 1877.
At Mllford for Juniata township, on Thursday,,
the 22nd day of February, 1877.
At Bloom Held for Bloomfleld borough snd Cen
tre township, on Friday, the 23rd day of Februa
ry, 1877.
County Commissioners.
Calvin Nbilson, Clerk.
New Blooniiield, Pa., January 2, 1877.
eral Appeals following the District Appeals,
will be held in the Commissioners' Olllce, as fol
lows: For Bloomfleld. Duncannon, Landlsburg,. Car
roll, Centre, Jackson, Juniata, Madison, Sandy
Hill, Saville, Spring Toboyne, Tuscarora and
Tyrone, on MONDAY, the 26th day of Februa
ry. 1877.
For Liverpool borough. Liverpool township,
Marysvllle. Milierstown, Newport. New Buffalo,
Buffalo township. Greenwood, Howe, Miller, Oli
ver, Penn. Rye. Watts and Wheatfleld, on TUES
DAY, the 27 .h day of February. 1877.
W After the foregoing District and General
Appeals are over, no appeal will be heard by the
County Commissioners. '
Calvin Neii.son, Clerk.
New Bloomfleld, Jan. 2, ISil.
BY virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Conrtof
Perry county. Pa., the undersigned Administra
tor with the will annexed of Mrs. Mary McClln
tock, late of Carroll township. Perry county, Pa.,
deceased, will sell by public outcry, on the prein-,
ON TUESDAY. JANUARY 23rd., 1877.
st 11 o'clock A. M., the following described valua
ble real estate, to wit:
situate In Carroll township, on Sherman's Creek
one mile West of Dellvilie, containing
102 Acres and 75 Perches,
more or less, bounded on the North by Sherman's
Creek. East by land of Samuel Grler, and West
by land of Samuel Matlock. About 75 Acres of
said tract aie cleared and In s good state of cul
tivation, white the balance is good timber land.
The improvements thereon are s LOO W".
LOG BARN, Frame Stable. Frame Hog f J 9
Pen, and other out buildings. There are iulji
OKCHARDS of choice bearing Apple and feaeh
trees, good water near the house, and its general
surroundings make it a very desirable property
for pnrchasers.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of the Fur
chase money to be paid when the property is
stricken down. One thousand dollars less ten
per cent on the 1st day of April. 1877 when pos
session will be given and the deed delivered, and
the remainder on let day of April, 1878 .the bal
ance of purchase money at the time of delivery of
deed to be secured by judgment bond bearing in
terest from date.
December 22, 1876. Administrator.
Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver
well's Celebrated Essay on tho radical cure (with
out medicine) of Spermatorhikka or Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoten
cy. Mental ami Physical Incapacity, Impediments
to marriage, etc. t also. Consumption, Epilepsy
and tits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex
travagance, &c.
- Frlpfl, in a sealed envelope, only six cents.
The celebrated author, in tills admirable Essay,
clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success
ful practice, that the alarming consequences, of
self-abuse may be radically cured without the
dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli
cation of the knife; pointing out a mode ot cure
st once simple, certain, and eltectual. by means of.
which every sufferer, no matter what his condi
tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically.
Sent under seal, tn s plain envelobe. to sny ad
dress, post paid, on receipt ot six cents or two
post stamps.
Address Hie publishers. fxl.'iplv
41 Ann St., New York ; Post Ollk Rox,458&