THE1 TIM1& NEW llLOOMRiiLI)', PA1.,1 JANUAltY 9.187T1 8 A Rail-Road Strike. The Btrlke on the Grand lruok railway continues and has extended over the eutire road. Disturbances have oocured at several places, and at Point Bt. Charles the en gineers seized the turn-table and rofuse to let any train pass. Engines and cm A n oiimber the road at intervals. One train from Moutreal was abandoned a few miles from Coburg, and the passengeis, 00 in number, were taken to Coburg in sleighs. The compauy say they can provide en gineer for the patwongHis and most of the freight trains, if Mio authorities will guar antee the safety of the substitutes and the company's property. Uu the other hand, the strikers are determined that there shall be no traffic on the road uutil their demands are complied with, and their numbers and attitude are so formidable that no attempt to move an eugine has yet been made. A force of military has been sent to Belleville Htatiou to preserve the ptmco and pilot a passenger train to Moutreal. It is under stood that negotiations are going on be tween the authorities and the company in reference to the protection of the latter', property. Come now and let us Reason Together. Why do people so frequently say to Dr. Vierco, "I suppose your Golden Medical Discovery cures every thing?" Because it has been the practice of knavish chat-la-tans to manufacture worthless nostrums .-. and attempt to dupe the Ignorant and credulous by recommending them to cure every form of disease. To such an extent v has this been practiced that it is no wonder that many have acquired prejudices against all advertised remedies. Hut Dr. Fierce does not advertise his standard prepsra- tions ns "euro-alls," does not claim that they will perform miracles, but simply . publishes the fact that they have been de veloped us speciiios for certain forms of -disease for which he recommouds them, after having tested their efficacy in many hundred cases with the most gratifying .-success. It is a fact known to every well-informed physician that many single reme dies po.seKs soveral different properties. ''Quinine, for instance, has a tonic quality, which suggests its use In cases of debility ; an anti-periodic, by which it is efficacious in ague ; and a febriefuge property, which renders it efficacious in cases of fever. The result of its administration will also vary with the quantity given and the circnm- stances under which it is employed. So, likewise, the Golden Medical Discovery possess both pectoral and alterative, or blood-cleansing properties of the highest order. By reason of these two prominent properties it cures two classes of diseases. First, thoso cf the sespiratory organs, as throat, bronchial, and lung nl.'jciions, chronio coughs and aothma, and second, diseases of the blood and glandular system, in which affections nil skillful physicians ' employ alteratives, as in cases of blotches, "eruptions, ulcers, swellings, tumors, absces ses, and in torpor of tho liver or "bilious ness." While its use is, by its combina tion, yet you need not take it expecting it will cure you if your lungs are half con sumed, nor because it is recommended as a blood medicine would its proprietor advise you to take it expecting it to cure cancer. It will not perform miracles, but it will cure many grave forms of disease. An Unpleasant Passenger. Tho Wilmington, N. C, Star says : The Norwegian barque Surprise, Captain Weigner, now in this port, had quite an exciting adventure lately. It appears that while the vessel was at some point in Africa, about six or seven months ago, a hugh snake, of the species known as the boa constrictor, some fifteen feet in length, by some means got on board of the ship without the knowledge of any of the officers or crew, and made his way into the hold, where he proceeded to enscone himself into comfortable quarters, with the view, we suppose, of taking a trip to see the world. The vessel sailed and his snakeship, not having bis name registered on the passen ger list, was not discovered uutil after landing at Liverpool, when upon proceed ing to remove the cargo, which consisted of wool and other articles, the presence of the constrictor was made known, ud then the stampede that occurred among the bewil dered and affrighted stevedores, as woll as all others on the ship at the time, constitu ted a sceue long to be remembered. Winter 1870. 1877 Winter. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CnEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CAEAP CHEAP CnEAP CHEAP CnEAP FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CJABH FOR CA8U FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH ' ' 1 The subscriber has now in store , A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS i i SUITED TO THE SEASON. Many of these goods were Bought before the Adrance In Price AND WILL THEREFORE BE SOLD AT GREAT BARGAINS 1 EVERY PERSON WHO WANTS MUSLINS AND PRINTS AT OLD PRICES, COTTONADES & CASSIMERES At Prices which are astonishing, WINTER BOOTS OF SUPERIOR (JUAL1TY, Lower tlidll ever before Ottered, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS OF BEAUTIFUL STYLES. And at Pleasing Prices , WALL PAPERS & BORDERS IN GREAT VARIETY. PAINTS, OILS and HARDWARE, Or any other poods at LOW RATES, should ex amine the Stock now ottered by F. MOllTIMEll, NEW I3LOOMFIEL1), PA. ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONL ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY O C CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP Still Another Reduction. Men's Suits, Men's Suits, Men's, Suits, Youth's Suits, Boy's Suits, Men's Pants, Men's Coats, Meu's Over Coats, Men's Over Coats, 6.00, 7.00, 9.00, 10.00. 13.00, 14.00, 0.00, 7.00, 3.00, 4.00, 1.00, 2.00, 8.00, 4.00, 4.00, 5.00, 7.00, 8.00 18.00. $13.00. 115.00. 18.00. 15.00. $3.00. 15.00. 10.00. $9.00. Koom Carpet, 20, 52, SOcts. per yard. Koom Carpet, 85, 40, 50cts. per yard. ' Koom Carpet, 00, 70, 75cts. per yard . Room Carpet, 80, 00, $1.00, per yard. Ladies Felt Skirts, OOcts, worth $1.00. Ladies Felt Skirts, 75cts, worth $1.50. Ladies wool d'bl shawls, 2.60, worth, $4. BLANKETS CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. Having bought a beavy stock of Fall goods and finding the season so far behind I have concluded to at once reduce the price on the Eutire Stock. My selection for this Season is by far the handsomest ever brought to and People will find it to their advantage to come and examine my Goods chasing elsewhere. COME ONE, COME ALL, TO Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Carpets ! Carpets ! Carpets ! Carpets ! Shawls!! Shawls!! Shawls ! ! Skirts Skirts Blankets this county before pur- I S I D O 11 SCHWARTZ. "Wright's Building, Newport, jEsns;'. THE NEW " DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. Lost while going for a Fortune. Erie, Pa., January 1. An Ashtabula special to the Eiia meutions the following incident of the railroad accident: Miss Mary Birchard, of Fayottoville, Vt. and cousin to Gov. Mayes, was on the ill. fated train. The uncle from whom the governor iuhoiited most of hts fortune also willed Miss Birchard $20,000. The three years allowed in which to settle tho estate and divide the property having expired, Miss Birchard wss on her way to take for mal possession of bvr property. Her name does not appear in the list of saved, and hhe was prohiitily killed. Her destination was Elyri. Ohio. I'rom whH known Ooutriu-.tir nud Hullder, Mr. Wni. ltUhll, last) Hillc'llim m (St., PhlUdiJj'iiia. "Having received gieat benefit from the nseof your valuable remedy, Dr. Wistar's Balsam oir Wild Cherry, I feel it my duty to say something in its favor. For some time my two little boys were more or less afflicted with severe coughs, which at times were so violent, that we were kept up wit h them all night. We tried many remedies witli no effect. On bearing of Wibtab'b Balsam, we gavo it a trial, and can truly say it gave immediate relief. It being pleasut to take, the children would call for it every time they coughed, and before one week the uough had entirely left them. Since then I have need it myself for coughs and colds, aud have, found it ai effective with me as the childien, and I can safely reoommeud it to the public." !tt ceuU and $la bottle. Sold by ill druggists. iSfm - . igssS) n 5 i f j f X:-kV.if.3f.-&v IT RETAINS nil the virtues (if the Llght-Ruiming " DOMESTIC," loclmllug the Automatio Tension, which was and tlm hest In use. . Pleatw notice our PAlKNT UAKDKNKU CONICAL BKAlIN(i on both the Macive and sianit. . Our new snd old Ideas, workwl' out with brand new Machinery and Tonlt. our own new wmkH. in the Imxv city of Newark. Nw JeriwJ lmve xlvnn us a stanuurd ol MtL'IIANIC'AI, tK CK1.I.ENCK. MliilHium ( Frlctliiu. Maxlinuin ot durability, and range of work, never heretofore ' rencUfd In th K"wluiMi(ihlne world. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF AYe invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical skill or observation. N. B. All Machines fully warranted. DOMESTIC sKWING MACHINE CO., New York and Chicago. f.ADll.S, l t; " DODIF.STIC" riPEH I'AMIIOKV ' TBIPLINO S', WITH A COLD I8ALWAV8DANGE1;0US.' . ., . USE' Wells Carbolic Tablets,1 ' a sure rnmdy for Ciiuona. and ail dlspasM of tho TIIKOAT, LUNU8, CHEST and MUCOUS MEM1IKANE. I'ut Hp Only In Blt o Boxes. 8(11.11 ItY ALL 1KU01IHT8. 2.14W C. N. Chittbntow, 7 Biitii Avehub, New lurk. ACTIVB AOKNT8 wanted tnnlantly to Introduce The Centennial Exposition DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED, Nearly HiH) panes i only f 2 fitif rich llliirtratlonsl and a treasure as the BEST and CHEAPEST Ills' tnryof the Great Exhibition. Endorsed by of- lleials . Press and Clergy. Is selling Immensely One lady cleared 1350 fu four weeks. Act onlckly. Now or never. Kor full particulars, Address HUBBAltn BROS.. Publishers. M4t 7)3Baimoin St., i'lilladelphla. Agents Wanted for our New Book Great CENT ENNIAL EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED. Demand enuals the crowds at the Exhibition. 5!!!e..?,ellf ,oJ 4.' two 36 ea'h In one day. Over 4(Hi l.oe Engraving, costing I20.0io.ui. show the best exhibits. Wide awake Agents are quitting all books for this. GET THE BEST. Send for Circular, terms, and sample engravings. 1. W. ZltULEH & CO., 618 Arch 8L, Philadelphia. 214t OK FANCY CARDS 11 styles with name, lOcts. Fust paid. J. B. Hustbu, Nassau, Kens. Co. NJV. 6'2d4w 5flfin Sunw.'RIUP.ns roB 1877. Everybody Is ,UUU , getting POTTER'S AMERICAN MONTHLY, a rlohly Illustrated, ablyedlted Fain lly Magazine atnnly (3 a year, Specimens 25cts. Great terms to clubs. JOHN E. POTTER Hi CO., Pubs., ThlPa. 6M4t r official History of the iv Oenteni exhibition It sells faster than any other book. One Agent sold 34 copies in one day. This Is the only au thentic and complete history published. Send for our extra terms to Agents. National Pint usiiino Co., Philada., 1'a. fi2cl4t HEADACHE. DR. C. W BENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache. Neu ralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, and will cure any case. Price f0 cents, postuge free. Hold by all Druggists and Country Stores Othce, 1(16 North liiitaw Street. Baltimore, Md. Reference: G. J. LESTER, Cashier Howard Bank, Baltimore, Md. 62U4W WANTED for the STORY ot 500 Agents Charley Ross, Written by his father. A complete account of this most Mysterious Abduction and Exciting Search. With Kac Simllie Letters and Illustra tions. Outsells all other Books. One Agent took 50 orders In one day. Terms libeial. Also Agents wanted on our Magnificent. Family HI hies, with Invaluable Illustrated Aids and Superb Bindings. JOHN E. POTTER & CO.. I'ublls er s, 62dtt Philadelphia, Pa. MP0RTANT TO HUCKSTERS. I The undersigned, deslrlncto return to v. offers for sale, the oooi win. to a good marketing route In Perry Co., with two hobsk team and fixtures all complete, with all necessary instruc tions to purchaser. This Is an old established route and a rare ehance. For particulars, callou or address, J. M. Lenney, Mechanicsburg. 31 3m. Cumberland Co., Fa. JHE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST! THE "SINGER" SEWING MACHINE. 81NQEH SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER 8INGER SINGER SINGER SINGER 8INGEU illi MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. S?lACHlJ!i YnttW MACHINE IHE 8INGER SEWING MACHINE is so wel 1 known that it Is not necessary to mention ITS MANY GOOD QUALITIES I Every one who has any knowledge of Sewing niaciiines kuuwb iiiui ii win uu EVERY KIND OF WORK In a Superior Manner. The Machine Is easily kept la order ; easily op. erat.ed, and Is acknowledged by all, to be the The Best Machine in the World Persons wanting a 8ewlns Machine should ex amine the Singer, before purchasing. They can oe Dougiuon mo Most Liberal Terms or f. MoiiTUir.i:, NEW BLSOM FIELD, PA.. Geueral Agent for Perry Co -Or of the following Local Agents en tb same terms: , A. F. KE1M. J AS. f . LONG Wwport, Pa. i , Uuncannon, Pa. ERRORS .'OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN wlm itufferod for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Deeay, and all the effects of youthful indiwretion will, for the sake of aiifferluR humanity, send Ireetoall who need It., (lie reclin and dlrectlnn for making the simple remedy by whleb lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to proht bv the ailvwrtlser's experience can doMi by sdilreHsing In pttrfvut ronlldencu. JOHN B. OGDKN, 42 Cedar Bt., New York. 10a.r,2 anion. THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST 1 : . " " -: : THE BEST MAGAZINE. A Combination of the Vnil, ih$ Enttrtainlng and thi Meuutiful. Demorest's Illustrated Monthly, J7ie Model Tarlor Magazine of America, Contalus the essentials of all others, Including Home Interests In all Its departments. The only Reliable Fashion in all their de tails, v The beauties and utilities of Literature, Foe try, Sketches, Stories, Music, Floriculture and every branch of entertaining and useful read ing and useful reading calculated to enliven and elevate society and make our homes at tractive, useful and happy. This nnrivaled Magazine will commence It sixteenth year with January, 1877, and as heretofore, full of new literary, entertaining and useful subjects to which it is devoted. With each number will be given a superb colored cabinet-picture (worth the whole cost of the Magazine,) in oil, mounted on a mat ready for framing. Every subscriber at Three Dollars is entitled to the selection of a premium (of which there are eighteen), delivered and forwarded imme diately on receipt of tbe subscription. Every article offered Is of first quality, including Books, any one worth the price of subscrip tion (Jhromot from celebrated Paintings and equal to the originals, of large size and suita ble for any parlor rocket-Cook 8tovei Syttem of Drent Cutting, (thii received the Higluti Cen tennial Awardt;) bllver-Plated Ware of all kinds Stationery, Llneu Marker, etc., etc. FOR CI.CBS. We have larger and and more valuable Premiums, Including Books of all kinds, Silver-Plated Ware, Bracket Saws. Scissors. Stereoscopes, (tames. Ta ble t!iitlery. Clocks, Adjustable Tables. Fluting Machines, Knitting Machines, China. Dinner and Tea Sets, and numerous other desirable articles ot which a full list will be furnished on applica tion to the publisher. W. JENNINGS DEMORE8T. 17 East Hth Street. N. Y. Agents required everywhere. Bend for partic ulars. 60 "A Itcpotiiory of Ftwhion, Tteature, and In struction." Harper' 8 liazar. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OP THBPRESS. For strictly household matters and dress. irarper'1! Jiazar is altogether the best thing published. To take It Is a matter of economy. No lady can afford to be without It, for tbe In formation it gives will save ber very much more money than the subscription price, besides giving the household an Interesting literary visitor. Vhimffo Journal. , Jtorper'i Bazar is profusely Illustrated, and contains stories, poems, sketches, and essays of a most attractive character. In its lit erary and artistic features, tbe Bator Is un questionably tbe best jonrnal of Its kind In the country. Saturday Evening Gazette, Bos ton. , .''.' ' ' , ' TERMS: pontapevee to all tUiscrlber$ in the Uuited States. Harper's bazar, one year ....ft 00 tft 00 Includes prepayment of U. S. postuge by the publishers. . - Subscriptions to If ahi'er's Magazinb, Week ly and Bazar, to one address for one year, 10 00j or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 17 00: postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekrt, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every oi.ub of five subscribers at f 4 00 each, in one remittance! or, six eoplcs for $20 00, with out extra copy: postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. Tbe Volume of tbe Bazar commence with the year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with tbe number next after the re ceipt of his order. The Annual Volumes of Harper' t Batar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete set, comprising Nine Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of 1)5 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable lor binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of (1 00 each. Indexes to each volume seat gratis on receipt of stamp. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without tbe express order of Habpbr A Brothers Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. December 4, 1876. STOltK STAND AND FAKH FOR BAI.K AKirst-rate Earm In Juniata eo., Pa., also a Store Stand snd Stock of Oooos. For further particulars adres UAMUtL BUCK, Port Uo)ul. Juniata co., I'a. S5Sm JHE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine I GREAT REDUCTION TO CLTTJiS POSTAGE PRE PAID TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Origi nal Stotles of any of the lady's books, the best Colored Fashion Plates, the best Receipts, the best Steel Engravings. &o., &c. Every family ought to have It, It gives more for the money than any la the world. It will contain, next year, la its twelve Thousand Page fourteen Splendid Stetl Platen 1'iMlre iMored Berlin Jvttemi Tteeltw Mammoth Colored bvtiton NiM Hundred Wood Cut Twenty-Four Page of Muete I It will also give Five Original Copyright Novel ettes, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Bene dict, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Buruelt, Marietta Holley, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Orlglual, by the best authors ol America. Its superb - Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved on steel, twice the usual size. TERMS (Always la Adrance) $2 A YEAR. Two Copies for 13.60 8 Copies for 4.80, with a copy of the premium picture (27x20) "Cornwallis" Surrender," a Five Dollar Engraving, to the per son getting up the Club. Four Copies for fti-tUi 5 Copies for $8.00, with an extra cony of the Magazine for 1H77, as a premi um, to the person getting up the Club. Six Copies for SH-fiO 1 Copies for $11.009 Copies for $13.50. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1877, and the premium picture, a Five Dollar engraving, to the persen getting up the Club. Address, pnV-pald, CHARLES J. PETERSON. SU6 Chestnut fat., Philadelphia, Pa. Specimens sent gratis, if written for. 44 END 25c. too. P. ROW EI.L ft CO., New York. for pamphlet of 100 pages containing lists of H0CO newspapers, and estimates showing cost ot advertising. luKly rnfl AGENTS WANTED to canvass for a uu orano PKTLH8. 22x28 Inches, entitled "Tub Illustrated Lord's Prater." Agents are meeting with great success. For particulars, address , H. M. CIUDEK, Publisher, x481y York, Pa. Late Immense Discoveries by STANLEY and oth ers are Just added to tbe only complete Lire and Labois of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks among the most heroic figures of the Century, and this book Is una of the moht attractive, laM Uniting, richly illus trated and Instructive volumes ever lued.- Reing the only eutire and authentic lite, the mil lion! are ef r for it. and wide awake agents r wanted quickly. For proof and terms addrem Ht bllAlU) BROS.. Publishers,; X a,iuwiu S'.rwi. ruiludulphlii. b