0 THE TIMKS; NEW IILOOMFIELD, PA., .TAMJAItY 0, 1877. : HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We Invite enramunlntlntm from ll persons whners tntrtdln ujsttnrs properly belotis-iuif lo this de partment. flog Pens and Hog Cholera. . "Ttw weight at testimony reganhng hogcttofor, or Intestinal fever n It might more properly be called, goes to show that It results either from a variety of circumstances, all of which, however, can be classed under the one distinguish ing head of neglect or violation of proper sanitary conditions, or else It Is due to contagion or infection from diseased herds. This seems to be well founded, and if so, the remedy Is a simple, al though not an easy one. To change the whole manner of keeping swine, and to avoid the danger of Infection from the herds of those farmers who never read, and who never learn anything, is no easy matter, however easy it may be to say that it must be done. Much may be done by example, and if those who can adopt healthful methods of herding their swine, avoiding damp, filth, crowd ing In the pens, and increasing cleanli ness in the feed and water, and isolate their herds, will use these precautions, we do not doubt that the plague will be stayed. The first precautions should be to provide roomy, dry, clean, airy pens, supplied with clean water, and kept in a wholesome condition. 'It is not the In fluence of locality, but the better method of herding, that keeps the Eastern States free from this pest." Exchange. How To Stew Oyster. At Dehnonlco's, in New York, which is the headquarters of epicures,, they stew oysters in this way : "Take one quart of liquid oysters; put the liquor (a teacupful for three) in a stew pan, and add half as much more water ; salt ; a good bit of pepper ; a tea spoonful of rolled cracker for each, put on the stove and let it boil ; have your oysters ready in a bowl. The moment the liquor begins to boil pour in ail your oysters, say ten for each person, or b!x will do. Now watch carefully, and as soon as it begins to boil take out your watch, count just "0 seconds, and take your oysters from the stove. You will have your big dish ready with one and a half tables poo nf ul of cold milk for each person. Pour your stew on this milk and serve immediately. Never boil an oyster in milk if you wish it to be good.', f Decay of Fruits. Itecent experiments by Dr. Brefeld in Germany, have shown that decay in apples was caused by fungi, Mucor xiolonifera, M. raeemosun, Bairytiti (Hnerea, and PenutUlum glauciim. But the spores of thes fungi would not germinate on sound apples. When moistened with apple juice, however, and placed on sound fruit they germin ated rapidly, or when placed In bruises or artificial wounds ; showing that sap escaped from the cells and existing in their interstices was' necessary to the germination of the fungi. The obvious, lesson is, keep the fruit free from bruises, by careful handling, and, other con ditions favorable, we may expect the fruit to keep well. A lesson learned by practice, but this Is a nice explanation of It. Keep Pigs Warm. We hear much of feeding gwinc, but however well we feed, if we give them not a warm place to lie, the food is largely wasted. In summer time plank, or stone, or earth will answer for them to lie on. Then they seek to keep cool. In winter time a plunk floor without bedding is unsuitable, and a stone floor very objectionable. If the house is heated with a stove, the heat is not sufficiently uniform, nor sufficient to keep them comfortable unless they have a good bed of straw, or light material to bury themsolves In. The difference in profit between a hog that can at any time get into a warm nest of its 'own making, and a hog that is just kept cold ' enough to lie always uncomfortable will do much in paying the way of a third Pig- Brentford Rolls. Two pounds of flour, two ounces of powdered sugar, a quarter of a pound of butter, two eggs, one gill of yeast, milk enough to form a dough, salt to taste. Hub the flour, butter and sugar together; lieat the eggs, and add with the other Ingredients. When light, mould the dough out in rolls, let them rise again, itnd bake them on tins. Egg Sauce. Rub butter and sugur to u cream ; add an egg well beaten ; boil a teacupful of milk and add slowly, stirring all the time, and the egg will be cooked nmoothly. piE SUN. isrt. NEW YORK. 1R77. Tin different editions nf Tea Hi' during the next year will be thesalne asdurlng the yar that has Just passed.' The dally edition will On week days beasheet of four pases, and on Holiday a Bheet i( eight pane, or M broad columns i while the weekly edition will be a sheet of elHht panes of the name dimension nnd charauter that are already familiar to our friends. The Him will continue to be the strenuous nd yocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom and In tegrity for hollow pretence. Imbecility, and fraud In the administration of public allalrs. It will contend fur the government of the people by the people and for the people, as opposed to govern mentln the ballot box and in the counting of rotes, enforced by military violence.; It will en. deavor to supply its readers a body now not far from a million of souls with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numer ous and carefully selected staff of reporters and correspondents. Its reports from Washington, especial!, will be full, accurate and tearless s and It will doubtless continue to deserve the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what ine law docs not give tliem. while It will endeavor to merit the conlldence of the public by defending the rights of the people against the encroachments nf nnjustllled power. The price of the dully Hun will be 65 cents a month or tfi.fto a year, post paid, or with the Hun day edition IT. 70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, 11.20 a year. The Werklt Htm, eight pages nf 50 broad col umns, will be furnished during 1H77 at the rate of II a year, post paid. The benellt of this large reduction from the previous rate for ThB WkkIci.t can be enjoyed by Individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same time, If miy of our friends choose to aid In extending circulation we shall be grateful to them, and every such per son who semis ten or more subscribers from one place will be entitled to one copy of the papei for himself without charge. Atone dollar a year, postave paid, the expenses nf paper and printing are hardly repaid ; and, considering the size of the sheet and the quality of Its contents, we are confident the people will consider Tub Weekiy Him the cheapest newspaper published In the world, and we trust also one of the very best. BOM Address, THE HUN. New York City, N. Y. BliA'ftJHLKY'S Improved CUCUMBKK WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, El Holent and Cheap. The best Pump (or the least money. At tention Is especially Invited to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will out last any other, for sale by Healers everywhere. BeudfnrCatalogue na Price-List. CHAH. G BLATCHLEY. Manufacturer. 371y 606 Commerce 8t., Viiilapelphla, Pa. BOOTS )o you want BOOTH of any kind t If so, call and see the LA11GK eSrrOJlv SOW OFFERED HT V . M O It T I M JC H . yew lv anion Law, aNDKIlun act oi l oneiess approved March 3, 1H73, widows of olllcers who were killed, or died of disease contracted in the service, are now entitled to lino per nionlh for each of their chil dren. - The guardian of a minor child of a soldier who heretofore only received 18.00 per mouth pension Is now entitled to 111), per moth. Soldiers who receive invalid pensions can now have their pensions increased to any sum or rate between 18. and 918. per month. .Soldiers whohavelost their dischargesean now obtain duplicates. Fathers and mothers who lost sons In the serv ice upon whom .aey were dependent for support, can also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience in the Claim agency business will attend promptly t claims under the above act, Call on or address LEWIS POTTKK, Attorney for Claimants, New BlanmHeld, 2ott. ' Perry Co.. Pa Daily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN PLOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! rpHEsubscrlberwIsbes to notify the ultlzensol JL Bloomtield and Newport that heis running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul Frelghtof any kind, or promptlydellverpackages or messages entrusted to his care. Orders may be lelt for him at the stores of F. Mortimers Co., New Bloomtield. or MilllganA Musser, Newport , i' a. .1. 8. WHITMORK. Bloomtield .January 25,1870. yil.LIAM M. SUTCI1, Justice or the Peace, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Bloomtield, Perry County, Penn'a W Special attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds, Bonds. Mortgages and Agreements neatly executed. 7 16tf Notice to Trespassers. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons not to trespass on my grounds by picking berries, Itshlng, hunting, or otherwise trespassing, as thev will he dealt with according to law. W. II H EH MAN. Greenwood twp., Aug. 10. 1875. tf T It I' ASS VOTICE. All persons are forbid to trespass on my land In Kavllle town hip for any purpose whatever, and a reward of .r- will be paid for testimony that will convict any person of such trespass. ,-. . ANDREW LOY. May 9. 187ft If F LANNELH A splendid assortment of Plan nels. ust opened by F.MORTIMER $12 a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE Ik CO,, Augasta, Maine. lorly. AVCTIOXEEHS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citirens or Perry and Cumberland counties. Post ollice address, Shermansdale, Perry co,. Pa. D.HENRY, AITTTnKKWJ? Blain, Ferry county Pa. WTerms Moderate aud every exertion made to render satisfaction. stf Auctioneer. The undersigned pivee noticethat hewillcrysalesatany point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited aud prompt attention wills given. K. I. WELLS. New Buffalo. Perrvco..Pa. D AVID M'COY, AnetMiieer S Charre verv low l'ut ODi't address tketmrg Pentra- 1 "2 Neasf if .?' I m 83 Philadelphia Advertisements. ' JANNEY &ANDREWS ' ; . WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 138 MARKET ST., I " t Philadelphia. g B. TAYLOR, WITH WAINWRIQHT & CO. . WHOLESALE GROCERS AUD TEA DEALERS, i North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Htret, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NORTH WHAKVEP, Philadelphia, Pa. QAVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to HOAIt MoCONKEY k OH., WBOLBSALB BOOT ANDSHOE! WAREHOUSE. etU MARKET HTREKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., Wbolebalb Dbalbrs in TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4. NORTU FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. gRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealersln Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, TwineB, &c, And a One assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WAKE, No. 120 Market street, above 41 b, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. SOLE AKD ONLY MANUJ'ACTUllKKN OF THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, AMD PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White Lead and Color MA NUFA V T VRER S, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. SMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On High stkbbt. East or Cakublb St.. Sew Bloomfleld, Penn'a. TllK subscriber has built a larta and coimnn dlous Mhnp on High St., East of Carlisle Hlreet New Hioomneici. fa., wiiere oe ! prepared toman utaotureto nrner Of every descrlptton,out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built toorder, and finished in the mostarttsticand durable manner. . Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates, fREPA IKINO of allklndsneatlyand promp lydone A fall's solicited. SAMUEL. SMITH Philadelphia AdTertlscmonts. J D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Hooksellers and Stationers, And Dealers la WINDOW CURTAINS WALL. PAP EH, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to SH AFFNEK, ZIEQLEfl A CO., i Importers tod Dealers la IIolery, Gloves, Etlbbons, Hunpendera, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety el TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 38, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs. J0WER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers la CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. ltI,ANi BOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order. Mns. mo Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO - Publishers of Banders'New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmet ics. Also, Robert's History of one unitea wares. f eiton'suutnne Maps.sc. B ARCROFT & CO.. ImporteiB and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, . ' I 'I...'..' Blankets, Linona, White Goods, fcc, Nos. 40S and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Weimer, Wright & Watkiii, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes So. H02 Market Street, 1IIILAIKL,1?IIIA.. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS '' iMFOKTitns and Jobbers or Oil inn. GIhhh AND QUEENS WARE, JI23 Market Street, 1 1 1 1 LADELP 1 1 1 A . H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., ' WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 806 MARKET BTRF.ET, ,. - PBILADtiLPBJA. 710 Philadelphia AdTcrtlfMtncnts. David Masters, f. A. Detwiler. W. M. B. Ball. RASTERS, DETWILER & CO., Manufacturers of and WH0LB8ALB DEALERS .Y CLOTHING, 828 MARKET STREET, TJ1TTT A ft17T YiTTT A JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WH0LB3ALM HARDWARE HOUSE No. (25 Market Street, Philadelphia, Fenn'a. JT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY " TUB TNION,") JOS. M. FEU EH, Proprietor. 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ' Torma, 82.60 Per Day. 'lHIS HOTEL being centrally located, and hav. JL Inn been entirely bktittbd, it will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired- JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED I Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GRE ATER EXPENSE FOR OIL I Everybody who sees them are delighted. gig The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, , Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney at-I.aw, New Bloomtield, Ferry CO., Fa. Mr Office Next door to the residence of Judge Junkln. tf.tf ' AM. MARKEL. Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtield, Ferry county, Pa. UT" Office directly opposite the Poet-Offlce,. and adjoining the Mansion House. T EAV18 TOTTER, ATTORNEY AT UW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, FERRY CO., PA. a-Claims nromrtlv secured and collected Writings and aU legal business carefully attend- ed to. 82 yl JAMES H. FERGLSON, Attorney-at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. WOmce Market Street, near tbe Square. 35 6 CHARLES II. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomtield, Perry Co. Pa. Office with C. A. Barnett, Esq., on High. Street, north side, nearly opposite tbe Presbyte rian Church. , August 20, 1872. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New Bloomfleld, PerryCo., Fa - Office opposite the Mansion House aud next door to tbe Po.tl-onice. , Refers to B.McIutire, Esq. June27,1871. "TITM. A- 8PONSLER, Attorney-at-Law, Tf Otllce adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomtield, Perry co Pa. 8 2 ly JOHN G. 8HATTO, Snrgeon Dentist. New Bloomtield, Perry Co., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. .Ofnce at his residence , one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Sponsler'a Law ollice. 3 21y "TITM. N. SEIBKRT, Attorney-at-Law, W New Bloomtield, Perry co.. Ta. Bloomtield, 3 S3 lv. WM. M. BUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bloomtield, Perry co.. Pa. -Offlce Two doors West ot F. Mortimer Store 87 ly LEWIS POTTER, wotaby FCBUC, New Bloom, field. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. Alt kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn aud certified, will also take depositions to be rend In aav court lu the United Ktates. 7101y TBA8. J. T, McINTIRK, Attorney-at-Law, y New Bloomueld, Perry Co., Pa. - All professional business promptly audlaita fully atteuded to. 3 2 lv. M. A. MOItniSON, JUHTICEOK THR PK APR and OKNKRAL COLLECTOR, NbwGekuantowsi, Perry co.. Pa. -lteiiilttanceswlll be made promptly feralf Collections made. 7 44 CHA8. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Lawi New Bloomtield. Perry co.. Pa. M-OITIce on high street, North side, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. v S21y JICHARDL. MAGEE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, - Oltloe at his residence. In CENTR E TOWN. SHIP. Perry County, Peun'a.. one mile South of New Bloomtield. 10 1