The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, January 09, 1877, Image 1

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    'ill Mr. W F 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 T n
I I ' . . I I
NO. 2.
. . ..-.. ii : i j
( !.. . -t : ' , i . : ' I
An Independent Family Newspaper,
Subscription Prloe.
Within the County, tl 25
" " ' " HI x month 75
Out of the Conntv. inoludlna oostane. 150
six months T' 85
Invariably In Advance I
A cup of water timely brought,
An offered easy chair,
A turning of the window blind.
That all may feel the air.
An early flower unasked bestowed,
A light and cautious tread,
A rolce to softest whispers hushed.
To spare an aching head.
Oh, things like these, though little things.
The purest love disclose
As fragrant atoms In the air
lterealthe hidden rose.
A Story of the Revolution.
il T HOPE that your lordship docs not
X look upon my part In this unfor
tunate business as amounting to culpa
ble negligence or neglect of duty ?" In
gram humbly ventured to suggest.seeing
that his commanding officer was in a
milder mood than he had apprehended
he would be.
" Why, as to that matter, my friend,"
replied his lordship, " you can hardly
think that sitting here with you as my
fellow officer and companion, when olT
duty, that I can attribute any moral
blame to you for this accident. Wheth
er you may not be regarded as responsi
ble, in a military sense, for the loss of
this valuable book, is a question I can
express no opinion about, here and at
this time ; as I may have to form one
officially on the subject before long. The
book was properly in your custody ; if
it be not forthcoming, when regularly
demanded, the question will arise whyt
And it 13 not for me to decide now
whether the facts you have stated will
be considered sufficient to discharge your
responsibility." '' 1
" Will your lordship have t he good
ness to advise me what course to pursue
under these circumstances, as a friend
as one gentleman advising another, in a
case of difficulty ,and not as my superior
" Why, my dear fellow," returned the
stout earl, sincerely feeling for his young
favorite in his awkward predicament,
11 the best advice I can give you is to
ferret out these rascals, and find the orderly-book
again, before it is missed.
When that falls, we will see what can
be done next."
" But how much grace have I to make
search, even if I could get a clue to the
villainy, before it must be reported at
head-quarters V"
" I can give you till next Saturday,
when I must make up my full weekly
report to Gen. Howe. There is no need
of saying anything about It before then;
and It gives you four whole days to work
in, as it is now only Tuesday morning.
Leave no stone unturned, my good fel
low, to get at the bottom of this affair.
Much may be done in four days."
"Iam heartily obliged to you, my
lord," said the officer, gratefully, for
he felt much relieved and comforted by
the kindness of Lord Percy's words and
manner, "and you may be sure that I
.will lose no time in sifting this matter,
to the best of my abilities. And you
may bo sure, also, that your lordship's
goodness and consideration for me will
be gratefully remembered by me as long
as I live, whatever may be the event of
this affair." ,:
" Keep up a good heart, my lad," re
turned the earl, kindly, "and hope
bravely for the best. You may rely up
on my doing all I can for you, consist
ently with my duty. And now you had
better set about your Inquiries, as there
is no time to be lost. Aud when Will
iams comes to you, send him to me, and
I will have a new orderly-book ready for
you before evening parade." , , ; ,
With these words the heir of "the
Percy's high-born race" bowed his visit
or out of the room. Ingram desended
the steps with a lighter heart than when
he had ascended them, -and he felt, what
we have all felt in our time, how much
more unpleasant the discharge of a dis
agreeable duty is in the an tic! pat Ion than
In the actual performance. His actual
position was in no wise changed, and
yet he felt as if it was bettered. Such is
the relief of the communication of a se
cret sorrow, and such the magic of a
kind thought fitly dollied with words of
kindness. . ,
There is a great deal of one very excel
lent thing in this world. There is at
least one article which every body is
ready to give away, though there are
comparatively few who are ready to ac
cept it. I mean, there is a great deal of
very good Advice floating about. James
Smith, I think it was, once suggested
the formation of " A Society for the
Suppression of ati-Vlce." But I am
sure I should not encourage such an in
stitution. Why,blessyou,I don't know
what my neighbors would do if my is
sues of advice were stopped or curtailed.
The interest I take in their affairs is
worth much more to me than the ten
per cent. I get for my money. I really
don't think the neighborhood could get
along at all without my advice. " It's
unknown" what good I do, as were the
tears Mrs. Malaprop shed at the death of
her dear Mr. Malaprop. I consider the
benevolent Howard as a hard-hearted
villain in comparison with me. Nol no I
it will never do to suppress advice. The
difficulty in this branch of benevolence
lies in finding out how to apply the ad
vice to practice. But that is the con
cern of the party benefited. If he do
not know how to avail himself of your
good advice, that Is no affair of yours.
Dr. Johnson settled it long ago, that no
man should be expected to furnish ideas
and understanding at the same time.
Now here was a case In point. Lord
Percy had given Captain Ingram some
very excellent advice; the perplexity
was to know what to do with it, now he
had got it. It was very easy for his
lordship to say, " ferret out these ras
calsfind the orderly-book again ;" but
it was quite another affair for the gal
lant captain to reduce his instructions to
practice. However, he resolved to do
bis best; and, as safety is said to be
found in a multitude of counsellors, he
thought he might as well take some
more advice ; on the homoeopathic prin
ciple adopted by the philosopher of
Islington, for the recovery of his eyes,
after they had been scratched out in his
celebrated leap into the quickset hedge
So he thought he would take into his
counsels some of his trustiest comrades
and especial cronies. Calling at Cap
tain Lindsay's quarters, he was so for
tunate as to find him at home, and his
Pylades, Major Ferguson, with him
Dr. Halcombe was speedily summoned
to the council, and Ingram soon laid the
matter, under strict injunctions of se
crecy, before them. It was a grave mat
ter, requiring all the aids that reflection
or art could afford. Accordingly, they
lighted the calumet of consideration, and
sought for illumination in the circling
clouds of smoke that curled around their
heads. In those days, dear reader, cigars
were not ; but pipes daily reminded frail
mortals that they, too, were made of
clay, and that their lives were but as a
vapor of smoke, that soon vanlsheth
But as suffumlgation, though a power
ful agent, did not seem to be alone suffi
cient to summon the powers most need
ed, the worthy Burgeon, as one well
skilled In potent mixtures, brewed a
smoking caldron, in which he mingled
many opposite ingredients, of various
kingdoms of nature, to make the mix
ture "slab and good." , When his incan
tations were ended, the mngio bowl was
placed In the centre of the circle, and
was solemnly passed round from mouth
to mouth, of those who sought from It
wisdom and inspiration. In those prim-
j( itlvc days the heresy of Indies had not
yet entered tne pale or ormoaox goou
fellowship. The genial mother-bowl was
not then split up into as many sects as
there were disciples. I beg to be dis
tinctly understood, that I by no means
sanction this concoction of the " medi-cine-man,"
nor do I wish to imply that
the spirits thus summoned to their aid
were the best assistants In council or in
action. I merely relate the fact,' and
leave it for others to form their' own
opinions about it. It is not my fault if
they drank punch and smoked pipes in
the morning. But what would posterity
say to me, if I suppressed so important
a feature of this Important consultation,
from a wish to whitewash their charac
ters in the eyes of this water-drinking
generation ?
" By Jove, Ingrain," said Major Fer
guson, knocking the ashes out of his
pipe, " this is the most extraordinary
ghost I ever heard of, aud one that will
take a bishop, at least, to lay him."
" In default of a bishop," suggested
Lyndsay, " here Is the doctor, who, as
a university man, and one of a learned
profession renowned for making ghosta,
must serve us for want of a better man."
" This is the first time," said the doc
tor, setting down the bowl, from which
he had been in a most unprofessional
manner, engaged in swallowing his own
prescription; "this Is the first time, in
my life, that I was ever taken for a con
jurer. But, ns Ferguson justly remurks,ns
this Is a case calling for the piety of bish-'
ops, I am certainly the only man In the
company fit for the adventure."
1 1 wish to Heaven, you would under
take lt,then," said Ingram, who thought
his friends rather inclined to make light
of a serlouB matter. " It may be sport
to you, but it is"
" No death to you, my dear fellow,"
interposed the doctor, " you are not so
easily killed, as the Yankees knew,when
they saw you running up Bunker's 11111
faster thaii they ran down it. Be
sides, you should never mention death
in the presence of a doctor. You might
as well talk of cabbage to a tailor. It's
professional, my dear fellow, it's pro
fessional !"
"I wish, then," resumed Ingram,
" that you would bring your professional
artillery to bear upon the villain who
has stolen the orderly-book ; and you
may call in the aid of your natural ally,
too, if you please."
" I should like to have the treatment
of the case," said the doctor, thought
fully. I think that I could manage it."
" And I should like to have the quali
fying him for your treatment, doctor,"
said Lyndsay. " I am quite sure that I
could manage that."
" No doubt, no doubt," replied Hol
combe, " any fool can break his head.
It takes a wise man to mend it again."
" And what," retorted Lyndsay allud
ing to an operation he would persist in
considering unnecessary In consequence
of a knock over the head at Lexington,
"and what if in mending the hole he
makes two ?"
" He puts at rest forever," replied the
doctor gravely, " the disputed question,
whether or not the party hadany brains.
There were not much to be sure ; but it
can never be denied again that there were
" Truce to banter," said the graver
Major Ferguson, " and let us see what
can be done to help poor Ingram out of
this scrape."
"With all my heart," resumed the
doctor, " it seems to me that the thing
to be done is to set a trap for the thief.
But what the deuce shall we do for bait?
Unless, indeed, the commander-in-chief
would lend us his private papers for the
"He cannot be a vulgar thief," said
Ferguson, " or he certainly would not
-have left your tankard and spoons be
hind him, Ingram."
" Not only the plate," said Ingram,
" but my watch and purse lay full in
his sight. So plunder could not have
been his object."
" He is an extraordinary fellow, cer
tainly," said the doctor, " and we must
as certainly contrive to catch him, if it
be only for the curiosity of the thing.
What is your plun, Ferguson ?"
" I can suggest nothing better," said
the major, " than to keep a Btrlct watch
for a few nights, both within and with
out the building. For it 'seems to me
our only chance to find him at his old
tricks, or prowling about the premises ;
as we have no idea of where else to look
for him."
" I can Bee no other plan that we can
follow, said Ingram.
, "Nor I," said Lyndsay, "can you
" We can try it, at any rate," returned
the leech; "we shall probably have
plenty of time, in the intervals of his
visitations, to devise other schemes. I
am ready for my share of the watch ;
that is, If Ingram's punch and tobacco
are what they should be."
" You need have no fears on that
point," answered he, "for John will
brew you an Atlantic of punch, and pile
you up a Chlinborazo of tobacco, when
he knows that you have entered into an
alliance, offensive and defensive, agulnst
the ghost."
"Iam your man then," cried the
doctor, finishing the punch, " and I will
bet you a supper at the Green Dragon
that I am the first man to see the ghost."
"Done!" "Done!" "Done!!!"
And tho session was adjourned.
After the conference at the quarters of
Captuln Lyndsay was broken up, our
hero walked deliberately down Hanover
street toward his own abode. He was
busily planning operations in accordance
with the result of the council as he walk
ed along. But he was not so much ab
sorbed by his own affairs, or his own
meditations, as to be unconscious of his
approach to the habitation of his lady
love. In those days it was an essential
part of good breeding for a gentleman to
call upon his partner on the morning
after a ball, "and humbly hope she
caught no cold," though he had to canter
over half a county in the service. It
was not likely, therefore, that Ingram
would pretermit the performance of this
duty when his path took him past her
very door. So ho knocked boldly and
was speedily admitted and ushered into
the presence of the fair Helen, who, of
course, was expecting his visit. Sho
wore her apple-green silk that morning
a color I would not recommend to my
lady reuders, unless they are very sure
that their complexions can bear it and,
she did look divinely. It is provoking
to see how the most unbecoming colors
will set off a complexion and eyes that
need take no thought for themselves.
But I am not going to rave. I only state
the simple truth, In saying that she
looked divinely. At least, I never saw
any thing prettier than the sweet glow
of consciousness that mantled over her
cheeks and neck and breasts, (I must
say it, for Copley lias told you how
many charms tho fushlon of that day
disclosed), and the smile that kindled
her eyes, as she met the ardent gaze of
her advancing lover. At any rate, I am
quite sure that he agreed with me in this
opinion, for he hardly seemed to know
whether he was In the body or out of
the body, as he walked up the room.
Lovers are foolish creatures. At least,
so I have heard, for I was never one
myself, But, for the life of me, I can't
conceive why that silly Ingram should
have gone and seated himself In the arm
chair on tho other side of the fire-place,
when the gentle Helen had taken pains
to leave plenty of room for him on the
sofa by her side. I am sure I never
should have done that. However, he
did, and It is my business to relate, not
to account for the fact.
They were soon seated vi a vis, with
nothing but the little work-table between
them, and there seemed to be no reason
why they should not make themselves
agreeable to one another. And I am
by no means sure that they did not, al
though they had very little to say for
themselves, apparently. What Ingram
might have whispered to Helen the night
before, at Concert Hall, as they stood
apart, sheltered by a battalion of card-
playing dowagers, and covered by the
full burst of a regimental band, I am
unable to say, for I was at that time en
gaged in overhearing what General
Howe woe saying to Governor Gage, at
the other end of the room. But I think
it must Have been something that alter
ed their relations to each other in some
way, for they were not half as chatty
and conversable as they were the day
before. And yet it could not have
amounted to a full understanding, or
that stupid Ingram would not have been
sitting two yards away, looking at her
pretty foot, (not but what It was well
worth looking at), as it rested on the edge
of the footstool ; nor would she have
kept her eyes fixed upon her embroidery
all the time with the prettiest confusion'
you ever saw. And I don't believe that
they would have talked over the night
before in a sort of way that made it per
fectly plain that they knew nothing at
all, of what they were talking about, if
they had felt quite at ease in their own
minds. It was clear that they were
thinking of something else than their
words. Poor Ingram was evidently in
the state of mind of an unlucky moth,
that has been advised by Its wlsers and
betters that candles are dangerous
things in general, and especially that
s peel tic candle in particular, and who
yet cannot keep itself away from -the
shining mischief. The attraction of the
brlllant object before him was quite too
much for any diaily remembered warn-,
lugs of his distant family against Amer
ican beauties, or for the fresher hints of
his friendly commander, to keep him
from flying at last Into the flame.,
I can't tell yon how it was, mjt- dear
reader, but somehow or other, in less
time than I have been writing these
three lines, Ingram was by the side of
Helen, his left arm encircling her slander
waist, their right bands clinging togeth
er, and her sweet head gently drooped
upon his shoulder. It was a charming
group, I de assure you. There are
many more disagreeable situations in
the world than that of young Ingram at
that moment. 1 It was a grand panto
mime of action. No words could have
expressed their meaning more eloquent
ly. It was not a time for words they
would have been impertinent and su
perfluous. Accordingly their Hps gave
utterance to no sound. Whether lips did
any thing else to the purpose, it is not
my Intention to disclose. I am " trusty
Mr. Tattle" as to all matters which
should be kept private. Nothing of that
sort was ever wormed out of me. The
ladies need have no hesitation in placing
the most entire confidence in my dis
cretion. But this silence, though deep and
delicious, could not last forever. Alas I
that it could not. Murmuring words
soon displaced it, and the fulth of two
true young hearts was plighted to each
other forever. Ah I holy troth plight!
1 bine Is the true marriage the era of
the mystic union of souls of which the
blessing of the priest is but the state
ment and proclamation. Woe to those
who profane its mysteries by levity, by
covetousnesg, or by falsehood !
As soon as their young Joy had sub
sided into a sort of tumultuous calm
ness, how they sat, with their hands
looked together, talking over their love
and their hopes! They traced with
fond curiosity the course of their true
love "Oreat Nature's Nile" up to
its small beginnings and unsuspected
springs. Livingston himself could
hardly have surpassed them In zealous
or minute investigation. And then the
more dubious future how were its un
certainties turned into realities, and its
doubts transmuted into sanguine hopes
by the potent magic of youth and
love !
"Ah, love I young love! bound In thy rosy
bet sage or cynic prattle is be will,
These hours, and only tbese, redeem life's
years of 111."
Helen's doubts as to her reception
into the family of her lover, were eager
ly driven away by his earnest assurances
of a cordial welcome. Sir Ralph and
his mother ware the best of human be
ings, end had no earthly wish beyond
his happiness ; and was not his hap
piness wrapped up in her? Such is the
logic of youth and love, and it easily
prevailed over one willing enough to
be convinced. The best of human be
ings sometimes take very different views
of the component elements of earthly
happiness from their children. At least,
so it is said. They were too happy to
fear. The future would take care of
itaelf. The present was enough for
But such interviews, though they live ,
forever, must come to an end in time
and space. The time came when the
plighted lovers were to part for the first
time since they liad exchanged theii
sacred vows. Dinner-time will come
round on the day of rejoicing, and on
the day of mourning, and interpose its
material demands between our souls and
soft emotions of tenderness and grief.
The necessities of the body often afford
a heathful distraction to thoughts too
highly strung to sensations of joy or of
sorrow. The body is aj" homely nurse,"
but it is a faithful one, if it be not mal
treated, and does its bt-t to guard and
help the immortal child, that is entrust
ed to it, to be carried in its arms during
its days of infancy. So the time of
parting came, and they parted ; not for
any interminable space of time to be
sure but it was their first parting. It
was not, as I just said, an eternal sepa
ration, for there was to be a great sleigh-ing-party
that evening, and Ingram had
already engaged Helen to be his com
panion. With as many last words as if
they were to part for yean, he at length
departed, with quite unnecessary en
treaties to her not to forget the evening'
engagement. To be continued