8 THE TIMES, NEW TJLOOMIIELI), PA., JANUAltY 2, 1877. Rather out of Season. A 'Washington (Montana) paper eays t Last Sunday ulght at about ton o'clock, tbore was an immense number of grass hoppers passed over and through this town. The night was very dark, buttlie "hoppers" came , buttinp against the buildings, rattling ngiluBt the windows, entering the houses at the opeu windows and doors, and playing hnvoo with the over-superstitious, for tunny persons had goue to bed and were In their (lint sweet sleep, as the "hopprrs" commenced to rattlo against the glass of the windows and jiluipiibout rooms, making a noise like unto a parcel of baby spirits out on their lirst spree. It was a strange experience for those who were awake and took the pains to go out doors and listen to the odd small noise that filled the air, produced by the coucussion of their wings and the butting of their heads against any obstacle in their way. As far as could be judged from the noise they mado, they were In great force, and came from the north going In a southern direc tion ; hut many thousands came to grief in town, cither giving out through fatigue or the ninny accidents of attempting to make a night trip without good pilots, as the next morning thousands of dead nud maimed grasshopper were lying about loose on the streets, in the yards and houses. They were of the largest type of Hocky . Mountains species, some of them measur ing fully tlnce inches in length from "head to toe." They evidently came across the Missouri river, which at this place is fully three-fourths of a mile wide, and those that did not perish in town kept ou toward , the hind of the perpetual green. COWARDLY ASSAULTS. ' When a candidate for high office Is so ' well liked and so popular with the masses hb to make his defeat difficult in a fair aud s honorable fight, mean and cowardly nieu are not wanting who delight in manufactur ing Hob and slandering his good name. ' There ii'e also thoBe whoso selfishness prompt them to prostitute their honor, VpotYeit truth, and ignore right, for 4 bo '"-ate of injuring a enmpotitor iu business, i "hose prosperity they envy, and with whose business sagacity they have not the talent , to successfully compete iu au honorable way. These thoughts suggested by the mean, cowardly attacks made upon nie aud my medicines, by those who imagine their pecuniary proKpocts injured by the great popularity which my ataudard medicines have acquired, and the continued growth of my professional practice. Narrow minded practitioners of medicine, and manufacturers of preparations which do uot possess sufficient merit to successfully compete for popular favor, have resorted to cowardly strategy as to publish all sorts of ridiculous reports about the composition of my medicines. Almanacs, "Receipt Books," aud other pamphlets, are issued and scattered broadcast over the laud wherein these contemptible knaves publish pretended analyses of my medicines, and receipts for making them. Some of these publications ate given high-sounding names pretend to be issued by respectable men of of educatiou and position, for the good of the people the more completely to bliud the reader to the real object in their circu lation, which is to injure tho sale of my medicines. ('The Popular Health Alma nac" is the high-sounding name of one of these publications, which contains bogus receipts, without a grain of truth in them. Not less devoid of truth are those which have been published by one Dr. L., of De troit, iu the Michigan farmer, aud by other manufacturers of medicines, in several so-called journals of Pharmacy. They are all prompted by jealousy and ut terly fall in accomplishing tho object of thoir authors, for, notwithstanding thoir free circulations my medicines continue to sell more largely than any others manu factured in tbiscouutry, und are constant ly inuroasing in sale despite the base lies concocted and circulated by such knaves. The people find that these medicines pos sess genuino merit, accomplished what their manufacturer claims for them, and are not the vile, poisonous nostrums which jealous, narrow-minded physicians and ' sneaking oomponuders of competing medi cines represent them to be. Among tho tho largo number of protended analyses, published, it is a fipnifcant fact that no two have been at all alike conclusively proving the dishonesty of their authors. It is enough for the people to know that while thousands, yea I may truthfully say minions, uavo taken my medicines and have been cured, no one has ever received injury from their iim. It. V. PIERCE, M. D., Proprietorof Dr. Tierce's Medicines, World's Disjjensary, Buffalo, N. Y. t2T Dr. J. II. Johnston, of Shamokin, Pa., while extracting a decayed tooth, cut his finger on one of the sharp edges of the tooth. Iu a few hours the finger and hand began to swell, and the next day the swell ing had gone up tho arm and even bis side was aflVcted to some extent. A physician pronounced it a case of poisoning, some what similar in its tfli-cts to the poison from a cut by a dissecting knife. Proper remedies were admiuistered, and the swell ing begnu to disappear. ' Winter 187G. 1877 Winter. l-'voni Uv. Jttoob Becbler. of Hanover, Pa., weft kuowm uiuuk our Gertuau iiopulaliuutt. "Having realized in toy family impor tant beuelits from the use of valuable preparations Wistar's Balsam op Wild Chkkky it affords me pleasure to recom mend it to the public. Home eight years ago, oue of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and a little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then prooured bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she bad taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. - I have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicines, and have always been benefited by it." OOceots and f 1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CAEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CABH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CABH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOUCA81I FOR CABH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CA8H FOR CABH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CABH 1 The subscriber has now In store A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HOODS SUITED TO THE SEASON. Many of these goods were Bought before ike Advance in Price AND WILL THEREFORE BH SOLD AT GREAT BARGAINS! EVERY PERSON WHO WANTS MUSLINS AND PRINTS AT OLD PRICES, COTTONADES & CASSIMERES At Trices which are astonishing, , WINTER BOOTS OF KIPEKIOK QUALITY, Lower than ever before Offered, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS OF BEAUTIFUL BTYLES, And at rieaslng Prices, WALL PAPERS & BORDERS IN ORE AT VARIETY, PAINTS, OILS and HARDWARE, Or aiiy other goods at LOW RATES, should ex amine the Stock now offered by F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY A MONTTT to Active Men selling our Let- ter I IiHlVlliiY Unf.tr M. ..rau. n- ....?- .....J Haimil i antiv worth it no iruv It u..i .... Circular. JtXCKLHlOH M'K'U. CO.. 08 Mn.cW.ti IXH14W CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP O I O Still Another Reduction. Men's Buits, 0.00, 7.00, $8.00. Men's Huits, 0.00, 10.00. fl2.00. Men's, Suits, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00. Youth's Buits, 0.00, 7.00, 8.00. Boy's Buits, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. Men's Tants, 1.00, 2.00, $3.00. Men's ('pats, 3.00, 4.00, $5.00. Men's Over Coats, 4.00, 8.00, $0.00. Men's Over Coats, 7.00, 8.00 $0.00. , Room Carpet, 20, 52, 30cts. per yard. Room Carpet, 85, 40, GOcts. per yard. Room Carpet, 00, 70, 75ots. per yard. Room Carpet, 80, 00, $1.00, per yard. Ladies Felt Skirts, COots, worth $1.00. Ladies Felt Shirts, 75cts, worth $1.50. Ladies wool d'bl shawls, 2.50, worth, $4. ELANEETS CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. Having bought a heavy stock of Fall goods and finding the soason so far behind I have concluded to at once reduce the price on the Entire Stock. My selection for this Reason is by far the handsomest ever brought to and People will fiud it to their advantage to come and examiue my Goods chasing elsewhere. COME ONE, COME ALL, TO Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Carpets ! Carpets I Carpets ! Carpets ! Shawls!! Shawls!! Shawls!! Skirts Skirts Blankets this county before pur- ISIDOll SCH W A 11 T Z . "Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THE NEW "DOMESTIC," ' A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. . Lx ft? "J" It. "J HJ'M't "I 1 -V-i-iJi b -.- Tf T-. si . -z&i?r-nrw-'yz?t?Y- Jiv r;.. IT I! ETAINS all the virtues of the LlBht-JJiumllis " 1K(MK8TIC," Including the Aiitomutie Tension, which wan aud Is the be In una. U riea uotice our I'ATliNT HAHUKNfc: fONICAt. BEABINtiS on both the MacliM and htand. ' . Our new and old Ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tool at ourr.n new works. In the busy city of Newark. New Jertny lm e given us a stamlaiit ot MKCHANIUAI. KX CKI.I.KNCK. Minimum ot Frlotlon. Maximum ot durability, and range ot work, never herrtofore reached In the Kewlni Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF' : tf3T We Invite the attention of all, especially those bavlng high, mecliankal bklll or observation. N. H. All Miu'lijue fully warranted. DOMEWTIC HKWINU M At'llI S l CO., New York and Chicago. 500 and I'M Itearborn HI., Chicago.' CENTENNIAL CABINET. 24. II.MIMINATKU VIEWS ot Centennial and , , B'aw bul l iiks. as printed on thegrcmnrts during the Kxhlhlilnni slr.e of each, eknVAx price. We. prepaid: liberal reduction to dcaleini senttoaiiy part of U. H. or Canada, post paid. HOOK It M & V.II1TK. Printers and KngraeM 429 Walnut, Ht.t I'lnladelphla, l'a. 6(id4w TRIFLING WITH A COM) IS ALWAYS DANUEKOU8. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, ' a sure remedy tor COUOIIS. and all disease nf the THKOAT, LUNOH, CHKBT and MUCOUS MKMHH ANK l'ut Up Only in Itlue Itoxcs. HOLD BY AbLURUOOISTU. RMw C. N. Crittknton, 7 Hixth Avbnub, New York. OtTT-HKI.F.INO 1MMRNSKI.Y THK CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION PKSCIUBKD AND II.MJHTRATEI). The only complete, richly Illustrated, low price work, 760 pages, only ti fit). Treats of the entire history. grand buildings, wonderful exhibits, oti rlosltles. great days. etc. The best chance of KiO years to coin money fast, as everybody wants this work. 1 (too agents appointed first four weeks, fi.(K") wanted. For particulars address quickly, IIUIlltAKl) Unoa, Publishers, 734Hansom btrcet, Philadelphia. Pa. Nkl4t HAIITinM not deceived by premature unu ivriibuoks, assuming to be 'olllclal.'etc. OK FANCY CARI18 it styles with nameTTocts. Postpaid. J. It. HU8TKD, NiiBsau, Ken. Co. N. Y. 62d4w IR77. Evervlindv Is UHLtlnic POTTKIt'H AMKIIICAV MONTH l.y, a richly Illustrated, ablv edited Fam ily Magazine at only 13 a year, Hpeclmens 'lit cts. Orent terms to clubs. JOHN K. POTTEU & CO., Pubs.. Phll'a. B2d4t R nnn Huimokiiikiis roll n OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE R Umteni exhibition It sells faster than any other book. One Agent sold 34 copies In one day. This Is the only au thentic and complete history published. Bend for our extra terms to Agents. National I'm 1.18IHNO Co., Philada., Pa. f,MU HEADACHE. DR. C. W HENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cure Hick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache. Neu ralgia, Nervousness. Sleeplessness, and will cure any case. Price SO cents, postage free. Hold lv all Druggists and Country Stores Office, 10(3 North Kutaw 81 reel, Baltimore, Md.Mleference: i. J. LUSTER, Cashier Howard Bank, Baltimore, Mil. ozmw WANTED for the HTORY of 500 Agents Charley Ross, Written by Ms father. A complete account of this most Mysterious Abduction and Exciting Hearch. With FaeHimllie Letter aud Illustra tions. Outsells all other Books. One Agent took 60 orders In one day. Terms liberal. Also Agents wauiea on our magninceni ramiiy moies. wun Invaluable Illustrated Aids and Huperb Bindings. JOHN E. POTTER & CO.. Publls ers. P2d4t Philadelphia, Pa. I MP0RTANT TO HUCKSTERS. The underslcned. deslrlngto return to tbecltv. oners for sale, the 000 1 will to a good marketing route in rerry uo., wun two horse tram hhu fixtures all complete, with all necessary instruc tions to purchaser. This Is an old established route and a rare chance. For particulars, call 011 or address. J. M. I.KNNKY. Mechanlcsbiirg. , 31.1m. ' Cumberland Co., Pa. w HAT PAYS'! It payi every Manufacturer, Merchant, Mecban lo, Iovontor, Farmer, or Professional man, to keep Informed on all the improvements and diacoveriei of the age. IT PAYS the bead or every family to introduce into hi household a newspaper that is instructive, one that fosters a taste for investigation, and pro motes thought and encourages dincussion among the members. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which baa been published weekly for the last XI years, does this, to an extent beyond that of any other publication : in faot it is the only weekly pa per publlshea In tne united elates, aevoieu to Manufactures, Moonanios, inventions ana new Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every number Is profusely illustrated and its contents embrace the latest ana most Interesting information pertaining to the Industrial Meonanr eal and Scientific! Progress of the World ; Descrip tions, with beautiful engravings or new loven tions. New Implements, Now Processes, and Im Droved Industries of all kinds 1 Useful Notes, Re cipes, Suggestions Mid advice by Practical Writers, lor workmen ana r.mpioyors, in au tne various arts, forming a otmyjlete reportory of New Inven tions and Discoveries; containing a weekly record not only of the progress of the Industrious Arts in our own country, but also of all New Discoveries and Inventions in every brancb or .Engineering, Mechanios, and Science abroad THE b'CIENTIFIO AMERICAN has been the foremost of all industrial publications for the past tbirty-one years. It is the oldest, largest, cheap est and best weekly illustrated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanios, Chemistry, New Inven tions, Science and Industrial Progress, published in the world. The practical Recipes are well worth ten times the subscription price, and for the shop and house win save many limes mo ousi. ui eui.Boriphiuu. Merchants, Farmers, Meibanics, Engineers, In' ventors. Manufacturers, Chemists, Lovers of Bci ence, and people of all Professions, will find tbe Scientific American UBeful to them. It should have m place in every Family. Study, Office and Counting Room ; in every Reading Room, College and school. A new volumo commences January 1st. 1877. A year's numbers contain 832 pages and sovcral haodred Engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. Terms $3.20 a year by mail, including postage. Discount to Clubs. Speoial circulars, giving club rates, sent tree. Mngle ooples maiiea on reoeipt or iu cents May be bad ot all jnows lfealers. T fflLiATrnO In conneotion with the 1 A1U1 IO. Scientitio American Messrs. Muun A Co., are Solicitors of Amerieau and Foreign Patents, and have the largest estab lishment iu the world. More than fifty thousand applications nave boon made for patents through their agenoy. ' Patents are obtained on the best terms, Models of New Inventions and eketohes examined, and advioe free. A speoial notioe is made in ta Sci entitle American of all Inventions patented through this agency, with the name and resides of the Patentee. Patents are olten sold in part or whole to persons attracted to tbe Invention hy such no tice. A pamphlet eontainlng full directions foi obtaining Patent sent free. Tbe Soiontilhi Amer ican Heleronce Rook, a volume bouuil in cloth and gilt, containing th Patent Laws, Census of thd United Status, anil 142 Engravings or moohaolcu movements. Pnoe 3d oent. Address for the paper, or concerning patonts, MUNN M CO., 37 Park Row, New York. . Uranou Offio. Cor. F A Ttb atracis, Washington, D. C. December 13, 1870. . . I ABIES AND CHILDREN will fend j splendid assortment of shoe! al the out price store of r. Mortimer JHE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST" Ann THE HEST MAGAZINE. A Combination of thi Uteful, tht Entertaining and Ms Ueaut(rl. Demorest's Illustrated Monthly, Tfie Model Parlor Magazine of America, Contains tbe essentials of all others,lncludlng Homo Interests In all Its departments. The only Reliable Fashions In ail their da. talis. The beauties and utilities) of Literature. Poet. try, Sketches, Stories, Music, Floriculture, and every branch of entertaining and useful read ing and useful reading calculated to enliven and elevate society and make our hornet at tractive, useful and happy. This unrivaled Magazine will commence Its sixteenth year with January, 1877, and as heretofore, full of new literary, entertaining and useful subject to which It is devoted. With each number will be given a superb colored cabinet-picture (worth the whole cost of the Magazine,) In oil, mounted on a mat ready tor iraming. Every subscriber at Throe Dollars Is entitled to the selection of a premium (of which there are eighteen), delivered and forwarded imme diately on receipt of the subscription.. Every article offered is of first quality, Including Books, any one worth the price of subscrip tion 1 C7iromos from celebrated Paintings and equal to the originals, of large slue aud suita ble for any parlor 1 I'ocket-Cook Stow Syntem of Drttt CutUnff, (thii received the IfightU Cen tennial Awardtj) Bllver-PlRted Ware of all kinds 1 Stationery, Linen Marker, etc., etc. FOR CLODS. We have lareer and and more valuable Premiums. Including ItiHiksof all kinds, Hilver-l'lated Ware. Bracket Haws. Hclssors. Htereipscojies. Onmes. Ta ble Cutlery, Clocks, Adjustable Tables. Fluting Machines. KnlKlna Machines. China Dinner mul Tea Hets. and numerous other flosinihifl Articles of which a full list will be fui nlslied ou applica tion to tne puiMisner, w. jnmroistiH ukmoiucht, 17 East 14th Htreet. N. Y. Agents reautred everywhere. Benil fur unrtla. ulars. &n A Jicpofitory 0 fashion. Pleasure, and In ttrucllon." Harper's llazar. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OT TUB PRESS. For strictly household matters and dress. Ifarper'e Bazar Is altogether the beet thing publiuhed. To lake it Is a matter of economy. No lady can euord to be without It, for the In formation it gives will save her very mucb more money than the subscription price, besides giving the household an Interesting literary visitor. Chicaffo Journal. Harper 1 Mazar is profusely Illustrated, and contains stories, poems, sketches, and essays -of a most attractive character. In its lit erary and artistic features, tho Bazar Is un questionably the best journal of Its kind In the country. Saturday Evening Gazette, Bos ton. : ,. TERMS: PosUipe free to all mibKri'jers in I18 Uulled fltnte.1. Hamper s bazar, one year 4 00 84 00 includes prepayment of U. 8. posluge by the publishers. ' (subscriptions to H akpbr'S m aoasihk, Webk- lt and Bazar, to one address for one year, (10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, ti 00: postage free. An extra copy ot either tne magazine. Weekrt, or Bazar will lie supplied gmtis for every club of five subscribers st It 00 each, In one remittance; or, six copies for I iO 00, with out extra copy: postage free. Back mimhers can be supplied at nny time. TberVolume of the Bazar commence with the year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with tbe number next aftor the re ceiptor his order. The Annual Volumes of Harper i Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for f 7 00 each. A complete set, comprising Nine Volumes, sent on receipt of cash al the rate of ?5 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of f 1 00 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt of stamp. Newspapers are not to copy Ibis advertise ment without the express order of Habi-kb & Brothers. Address I1ARPER & BROTHERS, New York. December 4, 187a W CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine I GREAT REDUCTION TO CLUBS POSTAGE PRE PAID TO MAIL SUltSCKlBKlttj. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Origi nal Htoiles of any of the latty's books, the best Colored Fashion Plates, the best Receipts, the best Hteel Engravings, &c, &c. Every family ouKht to have It. It gives more for the money than anv la the world. It will contain, neat year. In its twelve uumbera One Ttiemmnd Page Fourteen Splendid Steel Plate Twelve Colored Perlin Pattern Twelve Mammoth (XAnreA Fashinm A'ine Hundred Wood Cuts 7'ireii-ty-tbur l'age of Music I It will also give Five Original Copyright Novel ettes, by Mrs. Ann 8. Rtepheus, Prank Lee Bene dict, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Marietta Holley, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Original, by the best authors of America. Its superb X&nitnoth Colored Fashion Plates are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved ou steel, twice the usual size. TEKMS (Always U Advance) $2 k TEAR. Two Copies for 13.60 3 Cop'es for lt.80, with a Copy of the premium pic tme (iTxlti) ''Cornwalli' Surrender," a Five Dollar Engraving, to the per son getting up the Club. Four Copies for lti.80 5 Copies for $8.00, with an extra copy of the Magazine for 177, as a premi um, to thepersoa getting up the Club. Six Copies for 8..tio 7 Conies for 111.00 9 Cuple for S13.S0. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1H77, and the premium picture, a Five Dollar engraving, to the person getting up the Club. Address, prw'.pald, CHAltl.ES J. PETERSON, iki Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 4 AT- Specimens sent gratis, if written for. 44 SENDJSe. toO. P. KOVV ELL & CO.. New York, for pamphlet of 100 pages containing hU of Kino newspapers, and estimates showiug ctvst at adverti.s.lag. ully cnfi AGENTS WANTED to canvas fo a wwll t,nAM pktiuk. 22x24 I lie Ilea, eutuled "The lu.t stbatio Loud's Prater." Anli are meeting with gieat siu'ceaa. For particulars. A.i.lrcs 11. M. C'KIDEU, Publisher, xSl i otk. Pa. Ij: lmmen-p Discoveries by 8T AN LEY aud oth ers at e Just added to the only complete Life and Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks suiohj; the most heroic figures of the t Vutury, and this book isoixt of the ni"n attractive, fa-scumtiug. richly Illus trated and liiKtructtv volumes ever lsxHeil. Being the only entire and auiheullc life, the mil lions are ruger for it. and wide awake agents arts wanted quickly. For proof ami terms address lit' kill Altll bli(S . publlUers,U? StUUvW Street, riiiludolphl. ' Wot