THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., JANUARY 2, 1877. REDUCTION IN PRICE I Cheapest and Best t THE HARRISBURG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. To .11 ni-w mihM'rlbvr. and to .11 present auhwrlbers vtuewiuK Uielr sulworiiitton. THE DAILY PATRIOT Will he sent at th followlna- ratue : I ciw, 1 yr, ixwttifn i ooiiej, (in cinb), . iX ,5 . "."""""""".(CMH) loorydm1n(rthei('""l"iof the i-lMnro .....tot 1 "W. 1 ye", ami 1 copy, 1 5'ar, of either H- paid on both THE WEEKLY PATRIOT WUl be pent t the following rates 1 copy, 1 year, postaKepiejiatd ;; 16 " " nd 1 copy toiretternpof elul; 10.00 91 coriee, 1 year poetx prepaid, .lid 1 copy to irtittiT.up of club 00 t copy, one year, and one copy, one year, or either Habpkb'b Mohthly or Uari-kh Da kar, pontage pr-epaid on both ........... . .... iw The .nbacrintlnn price of Harper'. Monthly ami Harper's Bazar In 4.0 each, thus eccnrinir . mibecrl beraoipyof the Wkhely 1'atiuot for 50 cent. In d filtion to what he would to pay for either of Har. l" orders mnt"be accompanied by the cash, either check or iHwt-office onlir. ow ia the time to mibacritie. Oct .11 the new. Slid the bt readiuK matter at lew coat tuau anywhere e .e by aeiHlitiK your .ulw.iriptiou. to the daily ana Weekly I'Atiiiot. AiMreF. patriot PUBLisnma co., M Jt UAHIUBBUBU, l'A. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Science. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 The number for January hnrin. the nineteenth vol umeof thi. Mainline, ami while Us pant record will, it ia hoped, be deemed . eufflcicnt (niurantM of future eYcellence, no effort, will be spared to diversity lta attractions and to provide an increased .upply pi Popular Heading in the Pent and Most Kmphatie Sense The (treat object and constant aim of the conductors will he to furnish the public with LeUrature Kntertain. ment of a Kenned and Varied character, as well as to present In a Kraphic ,ud .trikiuK manner the most re cent information and soundest view, on subjects if General Interest, in a word, to render Lippincotf. Mairazine strikingly distinctive In Those Features that are Most Attractive in Mag azine Literature. In addition to the General Attractions of Mppin--ott's Magazine the Publisher, would invite attention to a new serial story, "The Martinis of Lossle," by Oeoie McDonald author of " Malcoln," " Alice Vorbep.v' Hobert Falconer," etc. TKKMU-Yearly Subscription, t ; 8inle number, 36 cents. , NOTICE. The November and December Numbers, containing the earlier chapters of "The M.rqni. of Lossle," will be presented new annual aubsenber. forl77. . 8PK01MEN NUMBER mailed postage paid, to any address, on receipt of 20 ceuta. 4. B. LlPPIJiCOTT & CO., Publisher, 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia. SCIENTIFIC FARMER, B0ST0X, MASS. Hcienoe is knowledge ; scientifio 1. know In. Can a better motto be adopted In the interest of . profitable culture. Entering famlliea In every Never has it failed to Kive satisfaction To the Intelligent fanner. In .11 thing, practical ; For it treat, of the doctrine of nse In matters that pertain to the farm. Can you afford to give it a trial f For onl;t One Dollar a ye.r, .And your name and address plainly writteu. Remitted to the Scientifio Farmer Co., Boston, Mas.., Much of monthly value will be received, 'Bnablinfr you to profit from others' experience. Keflect that idea, turned to nses are money. Five copies 7& cent. each. M FOR FL.OJ.tID A. -C0R THROUGH TICKETS to FERN A NDINA JD Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Banford, Enter' prise, and Intermediate landings on ISt.. John's Kiverand interior points in FLORIDA, by steam lioat to SAVANNAH, and thence hv railroad or steamboat, apply to WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, Philadelphia and Southern Mail S.8.C0., 416 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia.) 49e3m A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions ol youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ol manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inmak, Station D, BOM House, New York City. 16b ly GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Sterxinq Remedy Fob DiseabS sd Ihjuries of the Skin j A UbklTVvx, BeaUTIFIER OF THE COMPLEXION; A Pb- i.iabi.e Means of Preventing and Rfc lievinq bnkdmatism and gout, and an Unkqualed Disinfectant, Deodorizer AND CoDNTKll-IltKITANT. Clcnn'tt Sulahnr Soan, licsiiles srad!- culing local discuses of the skin, banishes detects ol! the complexion and imparta to it gratifying cleurnca. una smoothness. Sulphur Hath aro cclebrnled for cu rina eruntions and other disenses of the skin. ns well us Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn's Sulphur Soap produces tho same effects uX u most trifling expense. This admirable Bncciflc alBO BooeuilV lieaH eorrn, brunt. Health, hums, tprain and tuts. It removes iliuidruff and prevents the huir from fulling out uud turning gray. Clothing and linen tiid in the sick room is dis jifectt'd, and diseases communicable by .joutuct with the jicrson, prevented uy it, Tho Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Pricks, 25 antj CO Cents ver Cake, Pan Box, .(3 Cakes,) 00c und (1.80. N. B. Buy the Uric enke. and thereby economise. laid by .11 ilruigliu. Hlir Hair and Whluker Dye," Block ior uron n, uuc. C JL CEITTENTOS, PropV. 7 fcixlli At. NX It. S. COOK & GX)., Agree to sell all kind of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for f,E8S MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for l,uinber, &o. We use Clearfield l'lne and Hem lock only. W. R. a COOK & CO., Newport, Terry Co., To. October 10, 1876. JOSSER & ALLEN ' CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the p A RARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP DRESS GOODS Consisting of ah shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALPACCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED AT VARIOUS TRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OP PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES I Machine Needles and oil for all makes of Alacmnvs. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. . J- No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. TMPOKTANTT NOTICK. The subscriber X late 01 the nrm ol Kiioaae. t hmitn, wouta respectfully inform the citizens-of BLAIN and viclnitv. that he has onened a WAGON MAKKK-NHor, ana is prepaiea to maice new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY per cent, cheaper than l no ota nrm. Wive me a can. sausiacnon guaranreea, JACOB SMITH. Blaln, August g, 1867. IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, ANO POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. StNO FOR CIR' '"Ul.AR TO .. b put, - riCLrntno I irt a. dcii i l-c i, DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, D. C. s For sale by wholesale Druggists In Pitts burg and Philadelphia. 35 ly pEABODY HOUSE, CORNER op LOCUST asd NINTH STa, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and car lines in the city. No changes to aud from the centennial grounds. Col. Watson, nronrietor otlhe Henry House. Cincinnati for tne past twenty years, and present proprietor, has leased the house for a term of years, and has newly furnished and fitted It throughout. He will keep a strictly Orst-class house, and has accommodation for SIX) guests. Terms S3 per day. mr No Bar has ever been kept In the HENRY nuuHtt, nor win any ue Kept at tne riA BODY. 10 22 f n. I fit r! lit tlif nrtln.r ik '-Kimn-siDDiui.nHLtijno- MltlSI'HATE .t US t rsr fortMnumi,.! i tiun, Clii, BreBrhUii, it .11 fcrolalaus J Hutatn. Ikk yoorirnrcutlor dinun l tit liu got rot it, 1 Kill, h reitlpt lJiwnil()lttlM.C..tttiBtI . W For Sale by F. Moktiuke, New Bloomtleld, rerry county, ra. MODEL PRESS ua a mi yoar vn rnsuML Prin B to HxST IN 1I1K H lrRLD hmr liudMM Mmm -nuttwuiias ia lutt. kltnd co ft Mtit ilAVRip for ft profuAci y lUn tr&td CM ptr CtUlocM &a4 Pi-iu Lit, utlUl, MUW ! Trim. J. W. Uuaat tf Co., urn. nd DmIwi In Trpt fENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerly tbe Bweger House,) MAIN STREET, - NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO.. FA. , JOB. B. SMITH. . . . . - Proprietor. Having good accommodations for regular or trausleut boarders, a share of nubile patronage Is solicited. 10 M l a 9 ft Per day at borne. Samples worth t2 ) W tJ free. bTinaoa Co., Portland, Me, W, Newport Adrerttsements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones ft Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brlok Warehouse, Front Bt., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WR Would re.neetrullv lnvlt lhA n.trAfiAirA nf the farmers, and the public generally, as the niGHKHT PRICES the market will afford, win oo pam iur u ainu. ui GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE. BEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, SALT, TLASTER, CEMENT, COAL, IRON, STEEL, HOUSE SHOES, &c, Sc. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. t. Orders promptly filled, , Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELL, ; Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, s IVKWPOItT, l'A. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos.' t'oiintrv Aiercnants suntuiea w tn uoous at Philadelphia prices. nour oruers are solicited. ft jJEWPORT DRUG STORE. Having on hand a complete aiBoriraont of the fol- lowing article , tha aubftcrtber tnkn a share of your pitronap-e. Drugs and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Ala a full .took of Concentrated Remedies, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, rerfamery HAIR OIT,, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully on.7 Promptly Filial B. M. EBY, Newport, Penn'a. . ' New Millinery Goods Vt Newjwrt, Pn. T BEG tolnform the public that I have lustre X turned from Philadelphia, with a I ul assort menioi tne latest styles oi MILLINERY GOODS, HATS AND BONNETS. RIBBONS. FRENCH FLOWERS FEATHERS, CHIGNONS, LACE CAPES, NOTIONS, And allartlcles usually found In a first-classMII Inerv Establishment. All orders nrnmntlv r.. tended to. WWe will sell all goods as Cheap as can lie gutciiK7TCiicrc. DUESS-MAKINGdonetoorder and In the la test style, asl get the latest Fashions from N-w York every month. Goflering done to order, in an winins. i win warrant an my worRtoglvesat siaciion. ah woraueneasiow as possible. ANNIE ICEES, Cherry Street.'near the 8tation , 1813 Newport, Pa. N EW SHOE SHOP I The undersigned respectfully informs the clti zens of Ulooinileld and vicinity, that they have openea a snoe-snop in ine room oi 1 . H. Clouser, recently occupied as a Law-otllce, by Calvin Nell, son, Esq.. where they will do work at nanio nrie. es, (repairing made a specialty at prices to suit uie times; irom in to zu per cent.savea ny patron izing our shop. Our motto is "quick sales aud snort prontsj. rerms casn, or country produce, uui uusmveiy uu i;irtnu LEVI H. 8WARTZ & CO., new Bloom Held, Pa. January 18, 1876 tf THE GREAT CAUSE OF X HUMAN MISERY Just published, in a sealed Envelope. Price 6cts. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and RADICAL CUKE of Seminal Weakness, or Kiwir. m.torrhoea. Induced by belt-Abuse, Involuntary jiinisions, uniMiiancy, nervous leouuy, ana im i ........ . A V, MunAMn. ,., i Kptlepsy, and Kits: Mental aud Physical Incapa city, u. ny nutintii uuijv vv Jt,Ai, ol. u. author of the "Green Book," to. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience, that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous sui gleal operations, bougies, instruments, rlnes. or cordial. tooiiitina- out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sulferer, no matter what his condf tlou may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will provea boon to thousands ana inoussnas. U.... ..I ,n - . n . A dreM. on receipt of six cents, or two (tamps. Addiess (xlorly The Ctdvertrcll Medical to., U Ann St., New York i Pest-Office Box, 4684 UnfveXionMy the best sustained work a the kind in the Wrld." IIarpcr'8 Magazine ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES or Till FRBAS. The Magazine has attained In Its one quarter century aud more of existence to that point where It may be enld of It, lu the words of Dr. Johnson, " it Is vain to blame and neelese to praise." 1 he lustre or its long-ago-att.Hied reputation has Increased as the years bave passed, and Its future seems as bright tf not brighter than at any time since tbe goldsa hoe of prosperity settled around Its later and' best years. lirooklyn Kaglt. Jlarpr'e Monthly is marked by the same characteristics which gave It circulation from the first with the better class of readess. It combines rending matter with Illustrations in a way to make clear and vivid the facts pre sented. Pictures merely designed to catrh the eye of the ignorant are never Inserted. i'hieago onrnait TERMS) Postage free to all subscrl I ers In the United States, mnrnn's Magazine, one year J4 00 (1 00 Includes prepayment of U. S. postage by the publishers. euhscriptionstoIlARpBn s Maoazihb, Wbrr. i.t and IUzau, to one address for one year, tlO 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7 00: postnge free. An extra copy of either the Mag.zinr, Weeki.v or Bakar will be supplied gratis for every club of Fivr Bubsoribirs at $1 00 each, In one remittance! or, Six copies lor 820 00. without extra copyi postage free. Hack Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Manatlm commence with the Numbers for Juue and December of each year. Subscriptions may commence with any number. When no time is specified, It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with tbe first number of the current volume, and back numbers will be sent accordingly. A Complete 8ct of Harntr't Maaatine, now comprising 53 Volumes, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchnscr, lor f a ia per vnlutre. single vol umes, by mall, postpaid, V& 00. Cloth cases, for binding, 68 ccuts, by luall, tostpald. a complete Analytical inatx to tne nrst Filly Volumes of Ilarptr't Mauasine has just been puuusnca, rendering available lor refer ence the vast and varied wealth of Information which constitutes this periodical a perfect il lustrated literary cyclopedia. Hvo, cloth, 3 00 Half call,?.) as. bent postage prepaid. Newspapers aro not to copy this advertise ment without tbe express order of Haupbs & BHOTHEIIS. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. A fomplrte Pictorial HMory of the I7mp" " The best, cheapest, and most successful fam ily Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF TBI PRESS. Harper's Weekly should be iu every family throughout the laud, as a purer, more interest ing, uigher-toned, Detter-lllustrated paper is not published in this or any other country. Commercial JUulMxn, Boston. The Weekly Is the only illustrated paper of the day that iu Its essential characteristics is recognized as a national paper. Brooklyn tame. The leading articles in Harper s n ( on political topics are models ot high-toned dis cussion, aud its pictorial Illustrations are often corroborative argument of no small force. Examiner and Chronicle, N. Y. Tbe has to a still larger degree dis tanced all competitors as an illustrated news paper. Its editorials are among the most able of their kind, and Its other reading matter Is at once learned, brilliant and amusing, lis illus trations are abundant and of rare excellence. Christian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS: Postage free foall subscribers in the United States. IIarprh s weekly, otic year Uu ft 00 Includes prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. . Subscriptions to Harper's Mag.zink, Week ly and bazar, to one address lor one year, 10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodical, to one address lor one year, 7 uu: postage tree. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will bo supplied gratis for every club of five Subscribers at 84 00 each. In one remittance; or, Blx copies for $20 00, with out extra copy; postage tree. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. Tbe Volume of the Weekly commence with tbe year, wnen no time is mentioned, it win be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the number next after the re ceipt of his order. Tbe Animal Volumes of Harper's Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of express, for $7 00 each. A complete set. comprising rwentv Volumes, sent on re ceipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt ot ll 00 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt or stamp. Newpapers are not to copy this advertisement without tbe express order ot harper . Broturrb. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. l,yiif,,.ti.wiV The Standard Ot The World Over 300 Madifications. TO THE KQDUeEUIS OF EVEN BUSEBS FAIRBANKS & EWINGf. 715 CHESTNUT St. PHILADELPHIA. JJOME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! T would respectively Inform my friends that I In JL (en caning upon mem wun a supply oi gooa of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of , , OA8SIMKR8, . OA8SINBT8, FLANNELS. (Plalnandbar'd) CAltPETB, &:o., toexebangefor woo or selltor eash. . J.MBIXLEK. CbmtrbWoolim Factokt. 8,1T,i flail Getting Her Out of the Mud. . A great many yearn ago,,, said - Rev. Robert Collyer, on one of; ouc South- weatern rivers, there wan on old skipper who had a steamboat which was sailing In shoal water and got stuck In the mud. She was swung around, its. the water, and there was no chance to get' her afloat do what they would. He was a very profane old fellow, and everybody throughout the country knew It. Sudden ly an Idea struck him. He said to one or the deck hands : You go up to town and tell them I have got religion, and that I want them to come down and hold a prayer meeting on board." The deck hand went to the town and spread the news around, and every one being ln terested in the old skippers conversion, went down to hold prayer meeting. The old man was standing ready to receive them, as they came down he said to every man "Go aft!" And they all went aft, until there was a great weight, and the end that was fast in tho mud got loose and floated eff. As soon as the boat got afloat the sinner said : "The meetln' Is over jump ashore." Let Brown Walk, A gentleman was very much annoyed at night by a person, who was walking heavily in the rooms above and unable to sleep, he ascendud to the room to as certain the cause, and found a man walking up and down, apparently in great distress. Ills sympathy induced him to inquire the cause. At first he could get no response, and the man, with his hair in his hands, still contin ued to pace the floor. At last, induced by the kindly tone of his visitor, he stated the cause of his great anguish. 'I owe my friend. Brown $500, which I am utterly unable to pay.' 'My friend, said the gentleman, 'I can give you ad vice which will relieve your distress.' 'What is itV anxiously inquired the distressed individual, 'You have walk ed far enough,1 replied the gentleman. 'My advice to you is to go comfortably to bed, and let Brown walk awhile.' A little girl braids' the hair of one who sat in front of her, instead of studying,, when the teacher remarks : "Home Is the place for arranging hair, not here. What would you think to see me braiding my hair in school V" Presently Susan's hand is raised and the teacher, supposing she wished to ask something about the lesson, nods, when she hears the following : "Mary says your hair is false, and you wouldn't dare to do it here!" 0"A prisoner, unrepresented by counsel, was in the San Francisco dock, charged with a misdemeanor. ' After tho complaining witness had given his testimony, the Judge asked the prisoner if he wished to question the witness. 'What shall I ask him.?' inquired the prisoner. 'You may ask anything you like.' 'Then with your honor's per mission,' said the prisoner, 'I will ask the witness to lend me Ave dollars.' 3T A recent Amherst graduate, now a settled pastor, was telling a retired missionary that he entered college and the theological seminary with the in tention of becoming a missionary, when the old veteran broke out with : 'Ah 1 you turned back after putting your hand to the plough' 'No,' was the answer, 'I just took another plough.' 13r A party of vegetarians who were boarding at a water-cure establishment, while taking a walk in the fields, were attacked by a bull, which chased them furiously out of his pasture. "That's your gratitnde, is it, you great, hateful thing V" exclaimed one of the ladies, panting with fright and fatigue. "After this, I'll eat beef three times a day I" s2" Sarah Brlggs (reading the public report) 'Bakes alive ! I would no more name a child Alias than nothln' in the world 1 They're allurs cuttln' up some caper. Here's Aliaa Thompson, Alias Williams, Alias the Night Hawk, all been took up for stealln'!' ar A young lady refused to attend church because her new hat had not been sent home. 'I bate the devil and his works,' she said, 'but I bateau old fashioned bonnet more. C2T 'No girl gets along well without a mother,' says a moral exchange. ThU may be true; but hereabouts girls work, harder to get mothers-in-law than they do to get mothers. O" "Mr. Jones, you said we were con nected with the fine arts ; do you mean that you are a sculptor V" "No, Blr ; I don't sculp myself, but I furnished tho stone to the man what doco," ,