December 17, 1975 Jaycees heip children buy Xmas gifts Thirteen children from the Messiah Home got free food at the Tastee-freeze attr » and $10 apiece toward :- Christmas presents from the Mount Joy Jaycees last ; week. The children bought gifts . for friends and relatives at a Murphy’s in Mount Joy. Photo at right shows Harold Shutter (left) and Tim Milovich (right) looking for presents. HOLIDAY BANK SCHEDULES CHRISTMAS EVE & NEW YEAR'S EVE DECEMBER 24 & DECEMBER 31 Lobby closes at regular hour [2:00] in Mount Joy and Maytown. Drive-In Window [Maytown] and Motor Bank [Mount Joy] close at 3:00. — REGULAR HOURS AT BOTH BANKS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 & FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 Union National Mount Joy Bank Mount Joy — Maytown al NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE | UN Marietta’ Music by Ly STU HOGGENS and the FREE BORN MEN \ at the Marietta Community Gym 1h 0-3 eS BUFFET $7.50 per person $15. 00 per couple FOR RESERVATIONS call 426-3447 ed Th ee hh iii Ee hh Ch Se SPECIAL NOTICE! GILBERT'S STORE R. D.1, WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. at LONG LEVEL 1/2 erice OPEN 1 p.m. to 9p.m. daily . Saturday 10a.m.to4 p.m. Remember, not just a few itemson sale, but our entire store stock on sale Hi "- Store closes for the win . on Friday,Dec. 19. All Sales Cash and Final. - SRR SSTSSTSSSSS SSS TSS SS SSS SSS sSsSSSasas EE pp py SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 17 Marian McKain, Aux. Pres. by Hazel Baker Marian McKain was el- ected president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Marietta Pioneer Fire Com- pany at the December meeting. Additional officers are Phyllis Hess, vice-presi- dent; Dottie Fahringer, secretary; Mary Hoffines, assistant secretary; and Leda Appley, treasurer and trustee. Millie Gorman and Mary Jane Geesey will also serve as trustees. The group is selling party packs of pret- zels as a current project with Dottie Fahringer and Mari- etta Bailey as co-chairman. The auxiliary’s next meeting will be held January 6th, in the Company building. Girl Scouts to carol Dec. 20 by Hazel Baker Marietta Girl Scouts will sing Christmas Carols in Center Square on Saturday, December 20, from 7 to 8 p.m. Following the carol sing the girls will return to the Marietta Community House where they will be ) / / £4 Hi . AJ IN vs ol Sehone call és a very Sfreronal ge. ie call youd favorde aund, mom, dad, son, daughter , cousin, uncle, nephews, friend. .s Yeiad derect and save. THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Company of United Telecommunications, Inc. served refreshments. Members of the following troops will participate: Brownie Troop #34, lead- er Sandy Rice; Brownie Troop #666, leader Teri Weis; Cadette Troop #647, leader Dolly Lippold; and Junior Troop #18, Cindy Volk, leader. (7 TH EN of b 3 J