Page 16—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN WEEKEND SPECIAL — {Friday & Saturday only) CABBAGE ROLLS Mashed Potatoes, Veg. OYSTER PIE Coleslaw, Roils & Butter Kitchen Open Mon. - Sat. 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.- 12 p.m. Mount Joy — 653-4301 Food prepared by Marion Bleacher EA Abel, Beasley win NCR prize 'WIN A STEREO for (2224s PANASONIC NO PURCHASE AM-FM STEREO NECESSARY t 4-channel music system BRAWING TO GE w/turntable and 2 speak- ers. Also register for the WPDC Money Tree. HELD DEC. 22nd Visit Our Christmas Shoppe *A ll Decorations 1/2 Price *W rapping Paper—3 rolls 49¢c *Trees *Xmas Cards—65c Box *Tree Stands—46¢ dS .ci® ALL INDOOR & OUTDOOR LIGHT SETS 75" 75" ALL CH CHRISTMAS BALLS Sp¢ = 5 : 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Visit Our Bargain Basement *Tables & Shelves full of Gifts at 25%, 30%, 50% & 75% off *All Appliances—25% off *Panasonic Radios, Tape Recorders, Stereos—all 25% off Plus Many In-Store Specials 2% Shopping : : : : : : i > : and and SAVE 400 W . Bainbridge St., Elizabethtown, PA m= 367- 1128 wh membe’ hd ey E'RE OPEN 8to 8 Monday thru Friday Saturday—8to 4 eon treo rele VAD S20 SINE SNE SIN OTING SNE NE NE SN From left to right; James Abel, Dale Beasley and William R. Wells. Two employees of the local NCR Systemedia Plant at Mount Joy received $234 each for their suggestion award winning idea. James Abel and Dale Beasley, employees at the NCR plant since 1968, designed a simplified planning folder and instructions which re- duced cost and considerably reduces the chance for an error. Jim lives on Maple Street in Wrightsville and Dale on Philmont Drive in Lancas- ter. They were presented Scholarship to Charlotte S. Wiley, a senior in the business administration program at Penn State-Capitol Campus, has been selected to receive the Josten’s $500 Student Scholarship. Ms. Wiley, a native of Mount Joy, PA, now residing in Harrisburg, was selected on the basis of her academic achievement and campus involvement. She is a graduate of Spring- field High School, and is presently maintaining a 3.80 grade point average. The award, presented through the cooperation of the student bookstore, was Mt. Joy Library board to meet by J. L. Hamilton The public is welcome to attend the annual board meeting of the Mount Joy Library Board. It will be held at the library at 8:15 p.m. on the third Monday in \ January. Thanks to Mr. Robert Morris for offering to paint the first floor of the library. Also, thanks to the Mount Joy Welcome Wagon for agreeing to paint the second floor of the library. It is only through the support of these individuals and others that the library is December 17, 1975 This CHRISTMAS cook your holiday dinner in 2 LRjadarang 4 MICROWAVESOVEN : made only by Arnone” } i IE COOK A BIG ie, TURKEY PY 7 MIN. A LB. (Rather than the converiional | 35 minutes per Ib.) Save up to 75% MODEL RR4D - A. MTN Te = actual COOKING TIME ® Cook cool, with no massive @ Eliminate messy heat build up pots and pans or ANGLER APPLIANCI-SOUND 40-42 W. MARKET ST., MARIETTA OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TEL.426-3122 the award and a bonus gift certificate by their super- visor, Mr. William R. Wells. The NCR Suggestion Plan has been in operation since 1894. In that first year, a first prize of $30 in gold was awarded to one employee. Currently, suggestion award winners can realize as much as $6000 for their cost savings ideas. The NCR plant includes employees throughout its United States and International opera- tions. STANLEY’S CAFE Marietta, Pa. HIG ROAST DINNER 1P.M. Orchestra Ms. C. Wiley established by the Josten’s | Inc., and represents a cor- porate determination to build an interrelation bet- ween Josten’s, the book- store, and the college student. The award will be pre- sented at a luncheon cele- bration held at the Host Inn, Friday, December 12. Dr. Robert E. McDermott, pro- vost of Penn State-Capitol Campus, Mr. William Kist- ler, manager of the student bookstore, and representa- tives of the Josten, Inc., will present this presentation. | Our low prices on wigs $12 to $30 open 9-9 available to the public. The 426-1286 library services the public and must be maintained by public and organizational funds. Many large city libraries are fortunate enough to receive endowments from beneficiaries, In this traditional Christ- mas season, when we have so many things to be thank- ful for why not take notice of the public service the Mount Joy Library provides. And in the true spirit of giving, consider the library in your budget for now and the future. Foxy Lady Wig Shop We'll style and clean your wig for you. Short wigs—$5.00 Long wigs—$7.50 142 W . Market St., Marietta proprietor Gloria Hawkins
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