December 17, 1975 GREINER'S GARAGE, INC. Your Full-Service Headquarters “We've always been friendly!” seskeskskeok skeok sedlesksieokeofeok At the Same Location L & G MOTORS “We're friendly too” QUALITY USED CARS & TRUCKS TRUCKS 1974 DODGE CLUB CAB, AT, PS, PB 1973 DODGE D-200, PS, PB, 4 speed 1972 DODGE, AT, PS, PB 1972 DODGE, AT, PS, PB CARS 1974 PINTO, AT 1971 CHEVY IMPALA, PB, PS, AT 1970 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, AT, PS, PB, air 1968 PONTIAC TEMPEST, AT, PS, PB 1968 PONTIAC FIREBIRD, AT, PS, PB NOTARY SERVICE R. D. 2, Rt. 230 West, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Telephone 653-4650 - - Monday thru Saturday - i" oo All with this coupon only a offer goud angi Saturday, Dec. 20 "COLUMBIA HARDWARE 12 W. Market St. Marietta yf Ce aver very special fish desing eet bets, HOLIDAY GLOW BOUQUET other beautiful selections, such as a poinsettia or a Hanging Garden, to the people you love. They are special gifts everyone will be glad you sent. Call or visit us today. Nothing expresses the warmth of Christmas like a living gift the whole family can enjoy...espec- ially this beautiful FTD Holiday Glow™ Bouquet. You can send this or one of our many PEPER EVEV EDEL EL EVE PELE LEDEVEVIVE VED EVER EDEDEDELE LIER Lg RUHL'S FLOWERS 5 OPPOSITE BEAHM JR, HIGH MOUNT JOY 653-4006 RRA NANA ASSAF SAIINARAFIFIREILRENING Timex Watches , SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 15 IME TTT TITTIES : " Se Pease | IBINKLEY'S 5 TOM McCOY Through Dec. avugh Dee 0 SEWING MACHINES — RABICS ~~ CUSTOM BUTCHERING HAMSTERS — $1.30 CUSTOM DRAPERIES Z# 3 Mi LION ohove HAMSTERS — $2.39 SINGER — WHITE — PFAFF Eisapsthtomn Sewing Machines — Sales and Service BANK STREET AQUARIUM Marietta Temporary hours: noon to 2 and S to 8:30 Monday thru Friday McCALLS & SIMPLICITY PATTERNS “Everything For the Lady Who Sews"’ 7 555. 111 N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN FREE PARKING IN FRONT OF STORE 653-6335 Lx Complete Butchering 10toS Saturday BUSI Bi Nn Central y/ Hotel 102 N. Market St. Mt. Joy Complete Phone 653-2056 Equipment \ Lunches Dinners 11te2 Mon.-Thurs. Fri-Sat. 5109 Sto 10 Department 00 > £5 2 BISHOP’S STUDIO "Tours of A. Bube's Brewery and Cata- combs by special re- servation until May 1, 1976." SUNDAY DINNERS Served in First Floor Dining Room 11A.M.007 P.M. 44 North Market Street Elizabethtown, PA Phone 367-1322 Buy Only One More Muffler! FREE REPLACEMENTS —— ava FOR LIFE OF CAR CANARIES ve (Labor not included) Mount Joy, Pa. a 426-1525 RB ELELEV EVEL ELLER LEVEL EVEL EV ETE HOW ABOUT THE GIFT THAT GROWS? No, not a plant . . . A Farmers First 5% Savings account. It thrives with lots of watering (deposits) or with little attention (a few, small deposits). And you don’t need to worry about it dying (or breaking). The People Bank FIRST [5/ANIK Member F.D.I.C. RARARARMARRIRARARARIRIRERAIEIN IB CBD = Bt a TET PO Tk TOV 0 8 0 7 0 RE RR RA A Man seat | PICT GITTILE 285-4769 { Route 230 West Avoid The Crowds And Do Your Holiday Shopping At Farmers First Bank! Service on Beef, Pork, [OLLI LL LL LLL LIL LLL LLL TTT) SHREVE’S INN & Sheep Frank & Emma Slaughtering, Cut, Wrap, 4 “Where Freezing Friendly People Meet ”’ Super Cure Hams & Bacon) Mount Joy, PA CL A LL LIT TL MARIETTA CITGO CITGO GAS -- GROCERIES OPEN 5:30 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. DAILY SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. -6:00 P.M. Ed Reeves, Prop. Phone 426-3863 East End — Route 441 - Marietta delicious sandwiches Buy one—get the 2nd at 1/2 price Good through Saturday, Dec, 20th YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 Open Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. PPE PO Pn PAK PC ARN PORE PRK PAX EI PR Ea Ea ER a ER BR I Sap PRR ed ERY CURISTRIASEY OR, THE GIFT THAT DECORATES! Historic Lancaster County Placemats are very versatile. Use as a placemat, reverse to a reproduction of the hand-written Decla- ration of Indeper dence, or frame as a wall hanging. Your choice of twelve historical highlights. Only $1.00 ch with a $50 savings deposit or $1.50 each without the deposit. We want to make your holiday shopping as easy as banking. ¥ ; : ; ; ; } ; i 3 § ; ; § ; ; | g i ! , ;
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