Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, December 17, 1975, Image 14
ade Page 14—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN ter TVRUTITY 0 WATT Tohg M400 TRTTTTIZETLAC D0) MA YRVTITIEINY 1976 New Year's Eve Al .. \ HAPPY HOUR 6-7 BUFFET 7-9:30 c ORCHESTRA 9:30-7 BOB GIVENS AT THE ORGAN DURING DINNER. ZIMMY SMITHS GERMAN BAND 9:30 ‘TIL ? $12.00 PER PERSON For Reservations Call 367-2432 The Carpenter's Inn 26-32 S. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Parking in Rear ve. - ry and attachments The Cub Cadet cuts any And if your someone or buy one for yourself. It's outdoor chore down to size. special already hasaCub “the gift that keeps on working Snow removal. Mowing. Cadet... give him more time. season after season after Landscaping. Tilling. With one of the dozens of season. Mulching. Or hauling. It's all fast and easy to save time, backaches, or worse. Ae 354 Cub Cadet® tractor Your gift willbe time-saving attachments. —810 16 hp. Stop in and appreciated, because IH make a deal today. quality is as legendary as you-know-who. So this holiday, give a time-saving Cub Cadet or attachment... 367.1319 367-6039 - ye hg ee S hl oy 5 Donegal Hi basketball team looks like a winner this year Local basketball philos- ophers expect the Donegal Indians team to win the Section III crown of the L-L Co. Basketball League. Indians’ have returned seven varsity players from [1] RUINING RECORD! DIAMOND PHONOGRAPH NEEDLE 407 OFF STOCK NEEDLES SPANGLER'S 40-42 W. MARKET ST., MARIETTA Six models to choose from INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Messick Farm Equipment, inc. 2750 N. Market St., Elizabethtown, Pa. Office 367-1439 caller. last years team, which compiled a 13-10 record. Bob Barto, at 6’4"’ is back to the center position and is rated as probably the best defensive player in the league. Kevin Miller, last sea- son’s top point producer is again at guard, and al- though hampered by a foot- ball injury is rounding into shape. Mark McKercher and John Fellenbaum, both 6’2”’ forwards, are providing most of the scoring power for the Indians (who have averaged 76 points a game in pre-season play.) Kris McCue, high scoring guard up from last year’s Junior Varsity, has won the other starting position. Coach Emil Swift is fortunate in also having a strong bench with Kevin Bradley, Kevin Milligan, and Zip Zimmerman, all 6’4’’, along with the sound basketball prowess of Rory Gallagher and Dave Weber. In Section 1 Hempfield returned 4 varsity players from last seasons team and should be favored to cop that crown while Ephrata, last seasons L-L County Champians along with Co- calico are the favorites to annex the Section II crown. Below is a summary of the pre-season games played so far by Section II! teams: Total Won- Points Lost Donegal 457 2-2 Annville 234 2-2 Garden Spot 291 1-5 , Norelco 371 1-S ’ Leb. Cath. 360 2-4 Pequea Val. 207 1-3 E-town 273 1-S Elco 208 0-5 And below are the leading scorers for each team and average number of points scored per game thus far. Donegal Fellenbaum 22.0 Annville Faiola 19.0 Gard. Spot Coleman 8.5 Norelco Batz 26.8 Leb. Cath. Egan 14.0 Pequea V. Stolzfus 19.0 E-town Rhyne 11.6 Elco Nolt 10.8 In Section II Ephrata, Lampeter-Strasburg, and i Cocalico looked best in their pre-season games. In Section III Hempfield has won four while losing none, and Penn Manor has won four and lost only one. Square dance The Grand Square Club of Lancaster will hold their Christmas-Dance at the East Petersburg Elementary j School, Saturday, December 20. There will be a covered dish buffet at 6:30 p.m. Dancing from 8-11 p.m. Paul Andrews will be the SISNET on ; A? 1975, 19 make a a reserva- December 17, 1975 Brian Ney (No. 25) taps the ball to Kevin Smith (No. 41). Beahm Jr. High overran Pequea Valley last Friday to win the 3d Indian victory this year Beahm Jr. Hi basketball team wins again, beats PV 72-43 The Beahm Jr. High basketball team out-hustled Pequea Valley last Friday, to win their third victory by a score of 72-43. Coach Jim Saurbaugh’s fast-breaking team consis- tently beat their opponents to the basket on both offense and defense. The team has won 3 and lost 1 so far this year. The players are; Jim Shrum, Craig Zink, Brian Becker, Brian Ney, Jim Shue, Mitch Johnson, Randy Derr, Tim Roaten, Kevin Smith, Jay Jarow, Dean Zimmerman, and Terry Frey. Hershey Jr. Icers in 2nd place The Hershey Jr. Icers Hockey team is currently in 2nd place in the Mid Atlantic Jr. Hockey League with 6 wins, 1 loss, and 1 tie. The Jr. Icers will take on the Monsey, New York Jr. Hockey team at Hershey on Sunday, December 21. Face off time will be 7:30 p.m. Sr. citizens invited to drop-in The Lancaster County Office of Aging, invites all Senior Citizens (60 years and over) to a ‘‘Holiday Drop-In’ on Tuesday, De- cember 23, 1975, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., at Mount Joy Senior Center - 37 East Main Street, Mount Joy, PA - 653-8585. Coffee and cookies will be served to all visitors. A hot meal will be served at noon. Senior Citizens wishing to participate in the meal should call 653-8585 on or before Friday, December tion. There is no set cost for the meal. Contributions are accepted. This will give everyone an opportunity to meet the Office of Aging Staff and friends and share with them the Holiday Spirit. Did you hear.... Robert Arnold, Bain- bridge, R.D.#1, shot a five-point buck at 8:15 a.m., the first day of the season. Charles Strohm and Brian Ackerley, also members of the Columbia County camp, were also lucky enough to AY, TET - e 8 y 5 ; y oa I : y - w= 3 Nc y w vy al ; 2 ia 3 Hc ¥ Yo j > y Ww y y # ¢ ? in oO Bh