le Rl December 17, 1975 Lu Ann Singer LuAnn Singer ‘Who’s Who’ LuAnn Singer, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Singer, Maytown, has been selected for membership in the 1975-76 Who's Who Among Students in Ameri- can Universities and Col- leges Honors Program. LuAnn is in her senior year at Southeastern Bible Col- lege, Birmingham, Ala., majoring in Christian Educ- ation and Youth Counseling. AAA AAAI AAA AAA, ON A ore oJ 1] Ca So Harry Hartman at NYC show Harry Hartman, 452 East Front Street, Marietta, will be an exhibitor at the 22nd Annual Winter Anti- ques Show for the benefit of the east side house settle- ment, January 24 to Febru- ary Ist, at the Seventh Regiment Armory at Park Avenue and 67th Street. Only 64 exhibitors from fourteen states have been invited to participate in the show. Great human interest abounds in the items to be displayed and sold at the Winter Antiques Show--as, for example, the George Washington figurine from a cast iron heating stove made in 1876 to celebraie our nation’s centennial; the Hepplewhite secretaire- bookcase re-purchased from a private client by a dealer for exactly twice the price he had originally sold it; the rare Chinese biscuit por- celain wine ewer in the shape of a plump hen, with one of her little chicks astride her back; and the wrought iron gargoyle that had originally graced an Italian fourteenth century castle. Calvary to present cantata This year the Calvary Bible Church Choir, Done- gal Heights, Mount Joy will be presenting the cantata Carol of Christmas by John Peterson. This work is based almost entirely on the carols we all know and love. In- cluded are ‘*O Little Town of Bethlehem’ sung by Mr. PAA AA A A rr a ar I bber rson’s CARPET FOR HOME & CAR 1660 S. MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, Open 9 to 5:30 Mon., Thurs., PENNA. 17022 Creative Fri.9to09 YOU'LL NEVER PICK UP ANOTHER SHOVEL AFTER YOU PICK UP AN pl Lotti ME Th a ' il fit Available | in diferent sizes. Good selection to choose from. BRANDT’S MOWER SERVICE, Inc. DONEGAL SPRINGS ROAD, MOUNT JOY, PA. Ceveerve ese vr PHONEGS3:S295., . Carpetry Ellis Yunkin and Mrs. Phyllis Baughman, ‘‘Away in a Manger’’, Mrs. Phyllis Baughman; ‘‘We Three Kings’’, a men’s trio, Mr. Ellis Yunkin, Mr. Art Baughman, and Mr. Steve Jackson, and ‘‘O Holy Night’’, sung by Mrs. Connie Laughman. Again this year, the brass ensemble under the direc- tion of Mr. Art Baughman will be accompanying the choir. Those participating are: Miss Brenda Longe- necker, Mr. Doug Gelt- macher, Mr. Doug Shelly, Mr. Bill Baughman, Jr., Mr. Jeff Finkbiner, and Mr. Art Baughman. Directing the choir is Mrs. Paul Shelly with Mrs. Sandra Peters at the piano. Mr. John Henry Brubaker will be doing the narration. Carol of Christmas will be presented Sunday evening, December 21 at 7 p.m. Rev. Ronald Gibson, Pastor, and Rev. Douglas Hallman, Associate Pastor extend an invitation to all to attend. Young, grad James Christopher Young, 303 South Market Street, Mount Joy, has graduated in the business adminstration program from Shippensburg State College, on December 12. Cheap trees Landowners of Lancaster County are reminded that it is time to plan for tree planting to be done in the spring of 1976. The Glatfel- ter Pulp Wood Company, Spring Grove, PA, will share, on a 50-50 basis, the cost of seedlings with interested landowners. If you are a landowner who is planning to plant tree seedlings dn 1976, act now! For information about placing your order, see your local County Agent, your Bureau of Forestry District Office or write directly to The Glatfelter Pulp Wood Company, Spring Grove, PA. 17362. *“Low rates are a big reason we're the largest home insurer. But there are more..)’ Low rates wouldn't mean much without our first class service Drop by or give me a call ALEX JUST 74 E. Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 653-2212 Like a good pattie neighbor, > State Farm @D is there. STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office. Bloomington. llhinois Red Barn Located 4 miles West of Eliza- bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 ‘Since 1875’ WHOLESALE RETAIL 13 North Market Street Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone:[717] 367-1246 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING cutting wrapping freezing CUSTOM CURING FOR THE FREEZER Hind Quarters Front Quarters Sides of Beef cut-wrapped-frozen HOMEMADE BOLOGNA HERSHEY ESTATES Fresh Dressed Turkey Fresh Ducks, Geese, Capons SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 13 “I haul cancelled store orders, odd discontinued items and samples from Carolina factories to a warehouse outlet in M1. Joy.” “NO SECONDS” “Priced just above nice used things.” srowsING i I nN Lo / HOURS Dah. Weskays MI » Tel Saturday Li FACT>RY MISTAKES / ”) FURNITURE 17 New Haven Street Mt. Joy, Pa. SHARP’S DISTRIBUTORS I EW Porter & Soft Drinks 10 Decatur St., Marietta — 426-3918 LANCASTER COUNTY FARM DINER SMORGASBORD 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET FACILITIES Phone 717-367-6956 . Rt. 230 One Mile East of Viizshethiown LAND SAKES! it wouldn't be CHRISTMAS = without tne things from REBMAN'’S Park & Shop 9 AM to 9 PM 800 S. QUEEN ST., LANC. “It's smart to be Thrifty” (Tn your busy prepara- tions for Christmas, celebrating Jesus’ Birth, have you thought to prepare for \ His Coming Again? We make Fruit Baskets for your Christmas giving $3.00 & up. Order now Brown Sugar—10 Ib. bag $3.29 Coconut—S$1.15 Ib. COOKIE BITS Peanut butter and Carmel 99c¢ Ib. Chocolate bits 89¢ Ib—2 Ibs $1.75—S5 Ibs $4.25 FARM FRESH EGGS 0) GROFF DELICIOUS MINCE MEAT Staymans Delicious Apples ¢ Oranges, Tangerines, Grapefruit, Navel Oranges NUTS—DATES—RAISINS FRESH VEGETABLES: Carrots, Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage. STORE HOURS: Daily 8 am. to 6 p.m. Thurs. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. = Fri. 8am. to 9 p.m. WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. % mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661
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