Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, December 03, 1975, Image 2
Page 2—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Births Mr. and Mrs Robert Smeal (Deborah Kulp) 111 South River Street, May- town, a son at Osteopathic Hospital, Friday. Bake sale in Maytown A bake sale will be held in the square of Maytown on Saturday, December 6, starting at 8 a.m. The bake sale is being sponsored by the Parents and Teachers in Partnership of Maytown Elementary School. No raising of funds now The Mount Joy Bicen- tennial Commission is not soliciting for funds at this time. Requests for funds will take place in person at a later date by an authorized representative of the Com- mission. This soliciting cam- paign will be announced in advance through local news- papers. Cheryll Hallgren Leon Good (left), Kraybill School administrator greets Fred Geib, the school’s new development assistant. Mr. Geib is also pastor of Shenk’s Brethren in Christ Church. Fred Geib hired to raise funds for Kraybill Enrollment is growing at Kraybill Elementary School. If new students keep arriv- ing at the present rate, a new building will be needed to house them next fall. To raise funds for a new building, the school board has hired Fred Geib, pastor of Shenk’s Brethren in Christ Church, to work part-time as a development assistant. Mr. Geib will help inform the community about the need for a new building. The new building will be constructed in stages as enrollment grows and funds become available. Eventually, the old build- ing will become an auditor- ium and recreation facility. Mount Joy BPW hears June Honaman on ‘Today’s Woman’ Amid all decorations of Indian corn, orange candles, and turkeys made of apples and adorned with raisins and cranberries, the No- vember meeting of the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women’s Club was held Monday at Hostet- ter’'s Banquet Hall. June Honaman, Landis- ville, was guest speaker for the evening. Her theme, “Today's Woman"’, includ- ed remarks on how women have had to fight down through the years for equality. In her conclusion, Mrs. Honaman related, “Three things are important to a woman--Her family and home, her church and God, and her government. If she doesn’t do anything about the third, she might lose the first two.” Entertainment was pro- vided by Marilyn Stroming- er, soloist, who was accom- panied by Mrs. Mary Ellen Kohler. Miss Strominger, dressed as ‘‘Mother Abyss’ in ‘‘Sound of Music,” sang three selections, ‘‘Climb Every Mountain’’, ‘‘My Favorite Things’’, and one in keeping with the season entitles, ‘‘Thanksgiving”’. Jane Youtz was introduc- ed as November's Girl of the Month by Mrs Hazel Zeller. She was presented with a certificate and a charm. Her mother, Mrs. Ralph Youtz also was a guest of the club. President Lillian Fry con- ducted the business meet- ing. Mrs. Helen Barto, chair- man of the Senior Citizens Christmas Project, exhibited 70 knitted shawls made by club members to be distri- buted to the area shut-ins confined to nursing homes and hospitals. Membership chairman, Mrs. June Whelan, pre- sented membership awards to Mary Sheetz, Molly Hart, Helen Keller, Lillian Fry, and Mrs. Whelan. The next meeting will be held December 8, with the Hospitality Committee in charge. The Milton Hershey Chorus will present, ‘‘Joys Marietta Community Chorus cantata Dec. 7 by Hazel Baker “*A Wonderful Story’’, a cantata by Robert and Shirley Bashan, will be presented by the Marietta Community Chorus on Sun- day, December 7 at 8 p.m. in the First United Metho- dist Church, Marietta. Mrs. Gerald Libhart will direct the performance. Featured soloists will be: medium voice, Rosalyn Barr and Frances Makle; _so- prano, Sharon Young; tenor Elvin Shanabrook and Jewel Schrimer; and cherub voices, Amy and Julie Schrimer. Don Kugle will be narra- tor. Mrs. Margaret Miller is organist, and Mrs. Claranna Bryant is pianist. The chorus was organized in 1962 and presents con- certs semi-annually. Invita- tions to join are extended to everyone over 16. Mount Joy Rotary Club to celebrate S0th anniversary Plans are being made to celebrate the SOth anniver- sary of the Mount Joy Rotary Club during the month of February, 1976. On February 3 Joe Shaef- fer will speak on the general history of the club. On February 10 John Booth will talk about 45 years ago, Les Koder 30 years ago, Earl Koser 15 years ago, and Bob Kline 5 years ago. February 17 will be Past District Governors Day, to which all living PDG’s will be invited. Saturday evening, Febru- ary 28 will be Ladies Night. The chorus will begin practice for a Bicentennial presentation on January 11 at the English United Presbyterian Church. Current officers are Thomas Price, president; Fred Reitz, vice-president; and Claranna Bryant, secre- iary-treasurer. 4-H Horse & Pony Club feast The 4-H Horse and Pony Club Recognition Banquet will be held Friday, Decem- ber 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster. Bud Gochnauer will be master of ceremonies. Reservations should be made with Jay W. Irwin, County Agent, 394-6851. of Christmas.”” Mrs. Mary Sprecher and Mrs. Dora Wittle are co-chairmen of the Hospitality Committee. Mrs. Helen Keller, chair- man of the BPW Candlelight Tour, announced the tour was a success. A complete financial report will be made by the December meeting. December 3, 1975 H PUTTING IT OFF? The last time your wipers smeared your windshield, Did you vow to renew them? When the winter salt sprays arrive— BE READY! Have your refills changed & your window wipers working. WE HAVE A FULL ANCO SUPPLY MILLER'’S Mobil SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA : 426-3430 RR YL mzzzzzzzzrzrrzrzzzzzrr7rz/rrrzrzzzzz;izizzidiiddddiiiiziiaiz Always Good Meats At Good Prices ! 283 e \ I 7H \ < N I rrr iaiizzzzzz F3) < YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 Opén Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. V. JILLITLILLII PIT LULL ITI 2 fd AL LLL dl ddd ddd ddd zing WL iiiizriizz MOUNT JOY . Service Contracts is ~EQION i mi. E. of Mt. Joy off Rt. . 24 Hour Service 33 Me doy SAVE ON OIL de I CALL Sat., Dec. 6 RALPH SHOPE ” YER RER Sunday Dinners 12 NOON to 9 P.M. Reservation Ph. 898-8451 ABEL OIL CO. 684-4686 tae "When people are shopping for homeowners insurance, I'm If you're shopping, find out if | can save you money. Come in, or give me a call. ALEX JUST 74 E. Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 653-2212 Like a good State Farm is there. INSURANCE STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office: Bloomington. Illinois STATE FARM Si OLD ROUTE 30 (462) in COLUMBIA EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Available Day & Night COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 7th & Poplar (Emergency Entrance) EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Dr. Ephraim Awad (Mount Joy Area Only) SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and Christmas week (50 issues per year) (426-2212 or 426-1707) i Nancy H. Bromer BB Richard S. Bromer Nancy Bromer Hazel Baker, 426-3643 Judy Swab HEE ED GED OE ( att PRP ram \ Publisher Editor Advertising Manager News Editor Circulation Manager Editorial Assistant Jody Bass Art Editor Ramona Sell Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class 4 mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. | 4 Subscription Rate: $4 per year | fH Vol. 75 No. 47 December 3, 1975