Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, November 26, 1975, Image 6
Page 6—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN by Mary Ellen Kohler The annual Community Thanksgiving Service for the Mount Joy area will be held on Wednesday evening, November 26th at 7:30 p.m., in the Crossroads Brethren in Christ Church. Members of the community are encouraged to be a part of this celebration of individual and corporate Thanksgiv- ing. The over all theme for the evening will be ‘We Gather Together To Ask The Lord’s Blessing.”’ Representatives from the churches will express thanks for Harvest. Mrs. Harner holds an anniversary picture and Mr. Harner holds his wedding photo, taken 62 years ago. Their Model A Ford runs better than most late-model cars. Harners have been married 62 years by Hazel Baker Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harner, Mount Joy, R.D.#1, recently celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary. On November 10th, Mr. Harner was 87 years of age. Natives of the area, the Harners formerly resided on a 25-acre farm in Milton grandsons and two great these days but it’s so : grandchildren. expensive to maintain the [ ) In addition to farming, big machinery)' Like her TOM McCOY Albert conducted a door-to- husband, she was employed door huckster route selling by Gerberich-Paye from CUSTOM BUTCHERING fresh produce for 26 years. 1944 until 1957. MILTON GROVE He traveled in his 1931 RD. 3 Model ‘““‘A’’ Ford which he The couple are members Elizabethtown still owns and drives on of St. John’s Lutheran 653-5335 Creeping Charlie aay ry Er - . Crocks and candles, antiques, new gifts and nostalgia items. Brewery 139 East Market Street MARIETTA 426-1458 Thursday, Friday 6-8:30 pm Saturday 1-5 pm Grove prior to moving to Jane Avenue and Mount Joy Pike. The couple was married in October, 1913, by the late Reverend Joseph D. Krout, in St John’s Parsonage, Maytown. Mrs. Lloyd Derr, Mount Joy, R.D.#1, is their daughter; they have four occasion. He retired from Gerberich-Payne Shoe Fac- tory at the age of 84. Mrs. Harner, the former Mae Sauder, was born in East Donegal Township and remembers milking her first cow at age three. She enjoys work, especialy embroider- ing. She observes'the crops are harvested much faster Church, Maytown. Births Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eckert, (Barbara Newlin), Sharon (Linda Houdeshel), Holt- Service on Beef, Pork, Drive, Mount Joy, R.D.#1,a wood, R.D.#1, a daughter at & Sheep son at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Booth Memorial Hospital, ' Sunday. Philadelphia, Monday. Mrs. S Bughnsring. Cur. Wrap, Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, Hicks is the daughter of Mrs. David Rosser, Mount Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Nye, (Orpha Kline), 406 Mr. and Mrs. David Halbeib East Main Street, Mount (Sally Wisegraver), 35 Col- Joy, a daughter at General Hospital, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay (Sharon Hollinger) Peifer, 229 S. Delta St., Mount Joy, a son at General Hospital, Satur- day. November 16, by his daugh- ters, Mrs. Marlin Frymoyer and Mrs. Richard Haas. A buffet dinner was served to 40 guests from umbia Avenue, Mount Joy, a son at General Hospital, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Gelten- berger (Barbara Long) Bain- bridge, R.D.#1, a daughter at General Hospital, Thurs- day. Open Sie . ¢ Thanksgivin . . ® Div bent 2) Alvin Clark has 75th birthday Day 2 to 8 p.m. At the : Alvin L. Clark, 307 Essex Marietta, Columbia, Street, Marietta, was given Rheems, Elizabethtown, a surprise birthday party at Mount Joy, Lancaster, the Haas home on Sunday, Marysville, Shermansdale, Carlisle and New York. Mr. Clark was 75 years old on November 1. He retired from Wyeth, Inc. in 1965 with 23 years of service. it wouldn't be LAND SAKES! Heritage, Haven, Hope, and Home. These persons in- clude Mr. Owen Mummau, Mr. James Gingrich, Mr. Vu Duc Huynh, Mrs. G. Walter Sloan, and Miss Judy Keller. Also participating in the service will be Pastor Allon Dourte of Crossroads Church and Mrs. W. Rich- ard Kohler. In what has become an annual tradition, the Mount Joy Community Chorus will share its ministry of music. Their numbers will include the following: ‘‘Behold Now, Praise the Lord”, “Thanks Be to God’’, *‘Sing and Rejoice’, and ‘‘This is “It's smart to be Thrifty” CHRISTMAS without the things from’ REBMAN'’S Park & Shop 9 AM to 9 PM 800 S. QUEEN ST., LANC. 42 E. FRONT ST, IIa DLS 6 SANDWICHES Complete Butchering Suser Cure Hams & Bacon, November 26, 1975 Community T. hanksgiving service my Country’’, The offering to be receiy- ed at the service will be sent to CROP for its ‘““Food for the Hungry’’ project. This will in turn be used to help feed the starving people throughout much of the world. The annual Thanksgiving Service is the work of the Mount Joy Interchurch Council. The committee responsible for the planning of this year’s service is the following: Pastor Allon Dourte, Mr. Musser Forry, Miss Betty Jean Mummau, and Mrs. W. Richard Kohler, Buy Only One More Muffler! FREE REPLACEMENTS | FOR LIFE OF CAR (Labor not included) WISSLER MOTORS Route 230 West Mount Joy, Pa. Built farm house, Do You Have a Home 1700's or 1800’s — town house We would like to advertise it for you in national circulation newspapers and publications like An- tique Magazine, directed at exclusive clients who can bring you top value. ENGLE-HAMBRIGHT & DAVIES, INC. Real Estate 115 E. King St. Lancaster, Pa. Phone 394-5681 Ask for Bob McMurtrie in the or estafe? for Your Winter Comfort... HURRY! LAST 3DAYS— HELD OVER— UNTIL NOV. 29 37 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 9%... 8” FIBERGLASS INSULATION 16%. BGG LUMBER GO. 367-1690 212 W. High St., Elizabethtown BankAmericard Cash & Carry HURRY! Master Charge