Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, November 26, 1975, Image 13

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November 26, 1975

Introducing Jovan Sex Appeal”
Aftershave/Cologne For Men.

Jovan Sex Appeal™
Aftershave/Cologne. A
provocative, stimulating
lotion of rare spices
z= and exotic herbs.
You can never
have too much Sex
Appeal. So splash it
on. Anywhere your
imagination takes you.
It is truly Sex Appeal.
And for the first time
in history, you can
buy it.
Jovan Sex Appeal”
Now You Don't Have To Be Born With It.
Aftershave/ Cologne 4 oz. $6.00, 2 oz. $1.25.
61 E. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4001

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75 PACER, 3 speed, PS, radial tires
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72 CHEVROLET Nova Coupe,
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'69 FORD Falcon, 4 dr.,
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'69 REBEL SST, bucket seats, auto.,
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50 cars to choose from
Route 230 West, % Mile West of Mount Jo
PHONE 6883-2091
auto., radio
Ridder h h pp
OPEN 5:30 AM. - 8:30 PM. DAILY
SUNDAY 8:00 AM. -6:00 PM.
Ed Reeves, Prop. Phone 426-3863
East End — Route 441 - Marietta

From left to right are; Lions president Frank
Shreve, Ben, and Jaycee pres, William Bower
Lions, J-Cs hear Ben Franklin
the Witness Tree’ at
by Zelda Heisey
Ben Franklin was speaker
at the Mount Joy Jaycees-
Lions dinner, Monday even-
ing, November 17, 1975.
Mr. Franklin, otherwise
known as Wilbur Stark,
spoke on the history of the
Lancaster County area and
pointed out that the towns-
people of Mount Joy could
re-enact the ‘‘Ring Around
Donegal Presbyterian
Church, where the people of
the first community pledged
their loyalty to their country
for the first time. Mr. Stark
was a resident of the
borough of Mount Joy for a
number of years and was
Sales Manager for former
Bachman Chocolate Com-
pany, now Peter-Paul,
Mount Joy Division.
Farm Women Society No. 8
meet at Pres. Grace Bixler’s
by Mary Grace Martin
Farm Women Society #8
met at the home of Mrs.
Grace Bixler, president of
the society, at 2 p.m., on
Saturday, November 15th.
Her home reflected her
interest in antiques and
arrangements of dried flow-
ers and grasses.
Miss Anna Mae Eby led
the group in singing, and
Mrs. Elizabeth Shuman
turned our thoughts toward
the Thanksgiving season
through poems, Psalm 100
and a meaningful prayer.
The group also paused for a
moment of silent memory in
honor of Mrs. Ada Greider
who recently passed away.
Ada had been a faithful
member of the society for
many years and had attend-
ed the last meeting of
October 18th.
Four roll call members
were asked to name a
favorite piece of art. This
brought a variety of re-
sponses including such as
Millet’s Angeles, Da Vinci's
Last Supper and Mona Lisa,
Hunt’s Christ Knocking at
the Door, Pinky and Blue
Boy, as well as works by
local artists.
Mr. Linn Longenecker, a
well-known artist of the
community, was the featur-
ed guest of the day. He
showed some new types of
art calendars and greeting
cards which he hopes to
patent, and also demon-
strated the use of the
Visa-A-Lens which is now on
the market. This is a simple
guide for oil painting pre-
pared for use by adults with
no education in art, and
even for children interested
in painting. By following
simple steps a lovely scene
can be produced.
Miss Judy Bixler, 8-year-
old granddaughter of the
president, favored us with
several piano solos.
Communications from
Mrs. Emma Staats and Mrs.
Dottie Heisey asked to drop
their membership in the
society. We shall miss them,
but remember their fellow-
ship and contributions to the
Mrs. Margaret Heisey,
Chairman of Ways and
Means Committee, was
happily satisfied with re-
sponses of food and plants
for the bazaar table which
our society had at the Farm
and Home Center on Home-
maker’s Day, November
13th. Eighteen of our
members were part of the
group who enjoyed the
special craft displays and
programs featuring demon-
strations of food prepara-
tions and decorative ar-
rangements for the holiday
President Grace Bixler
reported on the program of
the County Convention held
November 1st at Lancaster
when 14 of our members
attended. Vice president,
Mrs. Kathryn Heisey, Mrs.
Kathryn Erb, and Miss Ruth
Eby will represent our
society at the State Conven-
tion, January 5-6, 1976.
Our next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Vera Frey on December 13th
instead of December 6th, at
6:30 p.m. This will be a
covered dish supper when
husbands are special
guests. Each member is
requested to bring a hot and
a cold dish and necessary
place settings. Turkey and
beverages will be provided
by the hostesses.
Hostesses for today be-
side our president were
Mrs. Ester Musser, Mrs.
Phyllis Endslow, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Witmer.


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HOURS 12-7 P.M.

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