Susquehanna times & the Mount Joy bulletin. (Marietta, Pa.) 1975-1975, November 12, 1975, Image 8
Now November 12, 1975 Rev. Whitesel dribbles for divines Se Page 8 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN [ Yoon Anniversary In NOVEMBER 15 Come and Celebrate with us. Featuring a BIG DANISH SMORGASBORD You name it—it’s here! ZIMMY SMITH’S GERMAN BAND BOB GIVENS AT THE ORGAN Father Donald M. Whitesel of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Mount Joy, is holding the basketball in the center of the front row of the ‘‘Dribbling Divines,’’ ministerial basketball team that will face the ‘Fearsome 4%2"' at E-town H.S., Sat. Nov. 22, at 8 p.m. in a benefit game for the E-town Child Care Center. To the left of Father Whitesel is Rev. Kenneth Estep, to the right, Rev. Henri Eberly. Back row, I. to r., Rev . Geo. Snavely, Rev. Sandra Neal, and Rev. David Yingling. Father Whitesell told the Bulletin he didn’t For only $10.00, Look for our next party New Years Eve! expect to play, however, and that he would probably serve as a cheerleader. Asked whether the ‘‘Divines’’ might get some outside assistance from Above, Father Whitesel Raj Show OWNERS Palle Elvey replied, ‘Of course,’ but added that the Divines lost last year. THE CARPENTERS INN Jr. Hi defeats Manheim 40-14 by Tedd McKain Come and have a big nite out at the Carpenter’s Inn 26—32 S. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN, PA PHONE [717] 367-2432 Brian Ney. Pete Splain passed for another touch Donegal Jr. High Football team ended it season in fine style with a 40-14 win over Manheim Central. Pete Splain ran for three touch- down.® The first team defense had an outstanding year, giving up only three touch downs for the season. The defense set up two of “A parked car is less apt aii SOLIS - op CHRISTMAS IS COMING! . { MOUNT JOY downs and kicked two extra the touch downs in the last to hit When points, while Arlan Mum- game on Brian Ney’s inter- som in ” cheerl ’ . LEGION mau, Jim Shrum, and Scott ception and Bill Lambert’s eth 7 Don’t wait to have your (2. E. of Mit. Joy off it. Jones scored one touch fumble recovery. 0. CHRISTMAS PHOTOS 230 By-Pass) down each. Two of the The players are looking People who are driving less these days should pay taken hk AXARAR Sat., Nov. 15 touch downs plus a two point conversion came on forward to a banquet to be held on December 2 at less for their insurance. BEN IANNONE TRIO passes from Quarter back, Hostetters. = °° 1 mms PORTRAITS xrrxuxy our specialty Sunday Dinners s anoonwerm | MYAA meets tomorrow night Photographic Supplies Reservation Ph. 898-8451 fait . i e Marietta Youth Ath- vember 13, at 7:30 p.m. One Complete Equipment Department letic Association will meet in Purpose of the session is the Doneg 3 the Marietta Community election. All members are ball te BISHOP S STU DIO AIA SCAR House on Thursday, No- urged to attend. Dallas 44 North Market Street kd MaRS away i 2 y or Elizabethtown, PA . FOGIE’'S CAFE i two lo: Phone 367-1322 TER uAIE JV booters lose to Hempfield The F- DRINKS = to the SANDWICHES 23 With only nine minutes J.V.'s, who were having a by a 3 Yi i EF Eat EL left in the game, Hempfield good year, lost their last were | Buy Only One broke up a scoreless game four soccer matches to finish | ~ . : Butz, | | | 20000000000000000000000C0000000000000T and went on to defeat the the season with six wins, r Musse More Muffler! Indians 3-0. The Donegal seven losses, and three ties. ALEX JUST the bac FREE REPLACEMENTS y y and de FOR LIFE OF CAR YOUNDT S MEAT MARKET . 4 74 E. Main Street Charle 119 E. Market St., Marietta - 426.1245 Tennises married 25 years Mount Joy, Pa. Mie’ (Labor not included) Opén Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. NE 9532212 ih > PHO ger WISSLER MOTORS Gary says: Stop in for the Mr. and Mrs. Richard place. ‘ Ness, f «BARGAIN OF THE WEEK”’ Tennis, Merritt Island, Flor- Mrs. Tennis was the Like a good —-——— Flanag Route 230 West ida, were honored recently former Ruthette Boose of neighbor, Shirem Mount Joy, Pa. with a surprise 25th wed- Marietta and Mr. Tennis ’ Rodney A FREE SMI LE ding anniversary buffet, was from Royalton. The Site Farm | cove Ober, : This special offer is given by their daughter couple was married October . Others P good forever Vicky Alkinson, of the same 21, 1950 in Marietta. TOMO PANY George Shi Homes Ofte o« Bloormmngion hee Daniel